The Saddle Club Interview
Back in the Saddle DVD and Horseback Riders DVD
Genre: Family, Drama, Horses, Girls.
Rated: G
RRP: $19.99
The Saddle Club is back! Join Carole, Lisa and Stevie and their beloved horses, Prancer, Starlight and Belle, for exciting high stakes adventures, loads of fun and brand new songs.
There are new faces at Pine Hollow too including little Melanie's new friend Jess, an electronics whiz kid, Simon, and a mysterious new girl who doesn't seem to be what she says she is - and if things ever start to seem a little quiet you can trust nasty Veronica to cause as much trouble as possible. Oh, and there's a miniature donkey who is very appropriately named "Trouble"!
There's action a plenty throughout these 2 wonderful DVD's so pull on your boots and joddhies and join the gang on everybody's favourite kids' show, The Saddle Club.
The Saddle Club- Best Friends CD
RRP: $19.99
The Saddle Club are back with a brand new cast and a brand new album full of great pop songs. Featuring seven songs from Series 3 and another five especially recorded for this album, Best Friends is sure to keep every girl dancing in front of the mirror and singing into her hairbrush.
Includes: "These Girls" Veronica's "It's My Life" and the rollicking "Horseback Riders" as well as a rocking new version of everyone's favourite Saddle Club song, "Hello World".
As a special bonus, Karaoke versions of every song on the album are included.
Interview with The Saddle Club
Lauren Dixon plays Stevie Lake in The Saddle Club
When you first began your part in The Saddle Club did you think the show would have the success it does today?
Lauren Dixon: I had some idea of what I was getting into because of the amazing effect the last two series had. Plus, my friends all knew the show and were very supportive.
How does it feel to watch you when you are on TV and DVD?
Lauren Dixon: It honestly feels like I'm watching home movies. Everyone else watching is worrying about getting Veronica out of the mud; and I'm thinking "Haha, I remember when she got out and had to be hosed off" it just brings so many wonderful memories back.
What is your favourite part about The Saddle Club?
Lauren Dixon: My favourite part of The Saddle Club is when we get to leave Pine Hollow and film in different locations. As a foreigner to Australia, it was great to see so many beautiful places and animals.
How close are you three girls?
Lauren Dixon: We're pretty close, we don't see each other outside of Saddle Club stuff because we live far away; but when we are together; we have a great time of it.
How easy or difficult is it to work with horses, whilst filming?
Lauren Dixon: Sometimes it's easy if the horse is in a good mood, but most of the time it's difficult to get them to stand in just the right place, or rear at just the right time. They may be movie stars, but they're still horses.
Did you have an interest with horses before you began filming The Saddle Club?
Lauren Dixon: I had been riding about two years previous to Saddle Club. And my favourite movie used to be the animated film "Spirit" I was just getting to a higher level when the role of Stevie came up.
Does being around horses so often make you a better rider?
Lauren Dixon: I think so. You can't help but pick up on techniques to make you more confident, and communicate better with your horse.

What do you friends and family think about you being a star on a well-known TV show?
Lauren Dixon: My friends and family all knew me before the show, so then nothing changed, they were just really proud of me. I have a great group of friends at home, and a very supportive family.
Do kids recognise you, from the show, when you go out in public?
Lauren Dixon: Sometimes I am recognised, though it is a very rare occasion. I'm usually noticed while on tour with the other girls, and all three of us are walking around town together. Between Ariel's (Lisa's) ridiculously long hair, and Victoria's (Carole's) afro, it's kind of hard to miss us.
Do you have songs from The Saddle Club stuck in your head all day, even when you are not on set?
Lauren Dixon: Oh yes. I certainly do. They are the catchiest songs ever written. It's actually quite dangerous to sing them; because you sing along once; and it's stuck there for a week. But, I still love them, they are pretty awesome.
What is your favourite thing to do when you are not on the set filming?
Lauren Dixon: My favourite thing to do when I'm not filming is to go to school. Seriously. I love being able to see all my friends and catch up in any work that I've missed. It may sound nerdy to some people, but I love to be with my friends.
Is it difficult to film and continue your school work at the same time?
Lauren Dixon: It is quite difficult at times, but it's worth it to keep going. I'd have a lot of trouble if I had to choose between acting and school.
Ariel Kaplan plays Lisa Atwood in The Saddle ClubWhen you first began your part in The Saddle Club did you think the show would have the success it does today?
Ariel Kaplan: When I first began Saddle Club I had absolutely no idea it would have the success it does today. I had obviously watched previous seasons and seen how popular they were, but I never realised how huge the fan base was all over the world! It's pretty amazing the amount of countries the show is played in, it's truly an honour to be a part of it.
How does it feel to watch you when you are on TV and DVD?
Ariel Kaplan: It feels extremely weird and exciting! I never imagined, in my wildest dreams that I would be a featured role on TV or a DVD, so every time I see it, I still freak out a little bit. It definitely takes a little time to get used to.
What is your favourite part about The Saddle Club?
Ariel Kaplan: I cannot think about any series that would be as fun to work on as The Saddle Club. I mean, how many girls my age are lucky enough to get up, ride horses and hang out with their best friends all day, so it's really hard to choose a favourite part. It would probably have to be the friendships I've gained, not only with the cast & crew but also with the beautiful horses. I have met some of my best friends thanks to the show.
How close are you three girls?
Ariel Kaplan: We are extremely close! I guess that's what happens when you spend over 9 months together 24/7. We literally became like sisters, we know everything about each other and have been through so much together.
How easy or difficult is it to work with horses, whilst filming?
Ariel Kaplan: It definitely wasn't easy, but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world! They are animals, which means that they were temperamental and we had to be careful and conscious of them a lot of the time, but they made my experience on Saddle Club, one of the best of my entire life. I would never have discovered my passion for horses if it wasn't for the show and it certainly helped that they were some of the most well trained horses I've ever seenJ.
Did you have an interest with horses before you began filming The Saddle Club?
Ariel Kaplan: To be honest, I had always loved animals, horses and dogs in particular, but I'd never had the opportunity to ride a horse. As soon as I got the role, I automatically became more interested and began looking them up on the internet and learning as much as possible. Within days of being on set with the amazing horses, I was already obsessed and horse-crazy! Now, I am lucky enough to ride every week and it truthfully is the highlight of my week.
Does being around horses so often make you a better rider?
Ariel Kaplan: Absolutely! Just like anything "practice makes perfect" and the more time you're around horses and observing their movements, the more comfortable you become which makes you a confident and better rider. They are very intelligent animals and they can feel when you are nervous or relaxed around them, so in order to be a great rider you have to spend plenty of time around horses.
What do you friends and family think about you being a star on a well-known TV show?
Ariel Kaplan: My friends and family are all extremely supportive. My entire family is involved in the performing industry; they know all about it and even got the opportunity to visit me on set a couple of times, which was pretty cool! Everyone has been so interested and curious about me being a part of the series, which means it was really exciting once it came on TV for all of them to see what I had been up to and working on for such a long time.
Do kids recognise you, from the show, when you go out in public?
Ariel Kaplan: Kids tend to recognise me when I'm with other members of the cast. For example, when Carole, Stevie and I are together, we get noticed quite a lot and I still haven't got used to it! It's incredible to meet fans from all over the world who have such a huge amount of passion for Saddle Club and they are always very gracious, kind and friendly towards us. They are the best!
Do you have songs from The Saddle Club stuck in your head all day, even when you are not on set?
Ariel Kaplan: YES! Every day when I get home from performances, I am constantly singing "Hello World" or "Horseback Riders" and if I'm not, one of my family members definitely will be haha! They are such catchy, fun songs that it's impossible not to enjoy them and sing them all day long.
What is your favourite thing to do when you are not on the set filming?
Ariel Kaplan: When I'm not on set filming I have a few different hobbies and things I like to do. I love singing, dancing, shopping, taking photos, watching movies, writing music, reading, eating and of course hanging out with my friends and having slumber parties!
Is it difficult to film and continue your school work at the same time?
Ariel Kaplan: It can get very difficult at times, but I am fortunate enough to be involved in a form of schooling called Distance Education, which means I don't actually attend school, instead I get my work sent to me and once I've completed it, I send it back on its due date to my teachers. It's a very hard concept to explain, but I love it and it suits my crazy, hectic and busy lifestyle perfectly.
Victoria Campbell plays Carole Hanson in The Saddle ClubWhen you first began your part in The Saddle Club did you think the show would have the success it does today?
Victoria Campbell: Well, I knew that the first and second series was pretty big but I didn't really know what to expect with series three.
How does it feel to watch you when you are on TV and DVD?
Victoria Campbell: At first it was weird, but I kinda got used to it
What is your favourite part about The Saddle Club?
Victoria Campbell: Getting to hang out with the other girls and the horses of course. That rhymes hahaha
How close are you three girls?
Victoria Campbell e: We don't get much chance to see each other, since we live on opposite sides of the world and Lauren and I live on opposite sides of Canada, but it's always exciting when we get the chance to get together.
How easy or difficult is it to work with horses, whilst filming?
Victoria Campbell: Of course it has its difficult times but we had the best horse trainer, who trained the horses and really trained us as well.
Did you have an interest with horses before you began filming The Saddle Club?
Victoria Campbell: I have always loved horses but The Saddle Club really gave me the opportunity to get better and be more comfortable with horses.
Does being around horses so often make you a better rider?
Victoria Campbell: As I said before we had the best horse trainer so that was a help. Also the harder you work at it the better you get.
What do you friends and family think about you being a star on a well-known TV show?
Victoria Campbell: I think that my friends and family are proud of me, but to them I think I am pretty much the same.
Do kids recognise you, from the show, when you go out in public?
Victoria Campbell: When it is all three of us we do. I have been recognized a few times by myself at home in Vancouver. We also get a lot of kids who are afraid to talk to us. I don't know why, we don't bite. J
Do you have songs from The Saddle Club stuck in your head all day, even when you are not on set?
Victoria Campbell: Yes I do all the time. I bet my friends and family get so annoyed to hear me singing The Saddle Club songs all day long every day 24/7
What is your favourite thing to do when you are not on the set filming?
Victoria Campbell: I love to hang out with the other girls any time I can. I love spending time with my pet bunny (the cutest rabbit in the whole world, lol). I LOVE shopping, sports, horse riding and many many many more things
Is it difficult to film and continue your school work at the same time?
Victoria Campbell: I am actually home schooled so I can bring my school with me. If I am busy during the day I can do school sometimes at night and just juggle it to my schedule.