Yo Gabba Gabba!
The hottest TV show now has the coolest toys
Are your kids mad for Muno? Passionate about Plex? Batty for Brobee? Now you can get the whole gang, and do your very own dancey dance all day long!
Go one-on-one flower picking with Foofa, have a party in your tummy with Brobee, or gojumping with Toodee. Just don't forget to say the magic words...YO GABBA GABBA!From the hit TV show comes the new range of Yo Gabba Gabba! toys. The cool andfunky toys mirror the show?s hip, fresh style and offer kids new and original ways to interactwith the Yo Gabba Gabba! gang.

Yo Gabba Gabba! Silly Heads - RRP$24.99
Each character is a wiggling, giggling, shaking, silly Yo GabbaGabba! ball of fun! Featuring Muno, Toodee, Brobee andFoofa, just tap them on the bottom and they come to life withtheir own voice, song and silly wiggles. Collect them all!

Yo Gabba Gabba! Groovin? Guitar - RRP$39.99
Jam with the Gabba gang with your own Muno Groovin?Guitar. Kids will have a great time rockin? out to their favYo Gabba Gabba! tunes. Little rock stars can play 10different tunes and make fun sounds with the whammy bar.Choose songs from each of the Yo Gabba Gabba!characters on the guitar neck and use Muno?s eye to ?strum?along to the songs.

Yo Gabba Gabba! Plush Pals - RRP$12.99
Grab hold of these sweet, soft beanbag plushiesand give them a big Yo Gabba Gabba! hug.Featuring Muno, Toodee, Brobee, Foofa and Plex,each cute character measures approximately15 - 20cm in height.

Yo Gabba Gabba! Drivin? Friends - RRP$14.99
Yo Gabba Gabba! goes mobile with funky fun vehicles. Have hoursof fun playing with the gang, each with their own distinctive vehicle,which hitch together to create your own unique Yo Gabba Gabba!train. Brobee, Muno, Plex and Toodee available.

Yo Gabba Gabba! Gab & Sing Plush - RRP$36.99
"There's a party in my tummy...so yummy!" Squeeze his hand and Gab 'n' SingBrobee talks and sings! Take him home for some yummy-in-my-tummy, funnyfunfun! Each soft and cuddly Yo Gabba Gabba! character stands at 28cmsand features one song clip and three voice clips. Available in Brobee, Toodeeand Muno. Just say the magic words ....
Yo Gabba Gabba! toys will be available from all major retailers and independent toystores from March 2009. For customer enquiries or more stockist information pleasecontact Funtastic?s free-call Customer Care Line on 1800 244 543.
About Yo Gabba Gabba!
Yo Gabba Gabba! is a sing-along, dance-along, magazine show for21st century preschoolers and parents, with a unique blend of loveablecharacters, original tunes from hip hop to electronic beats, real kids,quirky animation and extraordinarily catchy songs.
The live action music series airing on ABC1, ABC2 and Nick Jnr starshost DJ Lance Rock, who brings to life four friendly monsters and arobot, in a colourful land of music and laughter. The charactersphysically engage preschoolers with interactive play and encouragethem to get up and dance. Featuring an eclectic mix of music genresincluding pop, 80s, electronic, new wave, British invasion, hip hop andmore, the show offers strong appeal to kids and parents alike.
Joining the Yo Gabba Gabba! gang is an impressive line-up of musical, sporting and celebritytalent in every episode - guest stars include Jack Black, Elijah Wood, Supernova, Sean Kingston,Tony Hawk, MGMT, The Ting Tings, The Shins, The Salteens, Laila Ali, Cornelius and regulars BizMarkie, with his beatboxing segment ?Biz?s Beat of the Day?, and Mark Mothersbaugh (Devo) withhis recurring ?Mark?s Magic Pictures? drawing segment.
Sydney15 May & 16 May
Sydney Olympic Park
Sports Centre
Ticketek - 132 849
22 May & 23 May
Brisbane Convention &
Exhibition Centre
Ticketek - 132 849
29 May & 30 May
Palais Theatre
St Kilda
Ticketmaster - 136 100
AND, stay tuned for news of a funky clothing range, new DVD, books and more! Don?t forget to catchYo Gabba Gabba! on TV - ABC1, ABC2 and Nick Jnr.