Remember last month we talked about the 7's Theory, well now that you're at Sixes and Sevens with that, let's look at your birthdate and how it equates to your past, present and future and what areas and star signs you need to work with.
Let's say your birth date was on the 14th of February 1972. We would work out your past, present and future as follows:
D.O.B. = 14-02-1972 = 1+4+2+1+9+7+2=26 = 2+6=8
Your star sign for 14/02/72 is AQUARIUS = THE PAST
On 14-02-2000 which adds up thus 1+4+2+2=9 indicates that you need to look at the star sign which is on the 14th day of the 9th month (September), which is Virgo. So for the Year 2000 through to 14/2/2001, you should have been working on aspects of this star sign, such as Virgo behavioural patterns, health and people you know who fall under this star sign. This is the area you would work on for the present.
On 14-02-2001 which adds up to 1+4+2+2+1=10 (your next birthday) indicates the star sign for the 14-10-2001 (October) which translates to the Libra star sign. So in the Year 2001, you need to work around this star sign, it's aspects and people. It follows then that your past is the year you were born, your present is the year you are working in and the future is the year of your next birthday.
Good Luck with your future....
We look forward to presenting you with more spiritual things of interest in the coming months. We send our loving thoughts out to you all.
May you find your Guardian Angel, try to love all things and peace be with you....
- Mal & Judy Palmer