Hi Fiona,
I've been interested in Wicca for about a year now, and I've researched a lot on it, at various Internet sites, etc. But I'm confused about when it is that you're actually classified as being Wiccan? Is believing you are, enough?
Signed Witch-in-training.
Dear Witch-in-training,
I discuss this at length in all my books, but in "Life's A Witch" I really focus on younger peoples concern about "When do they know they are REALLY a Witch?" As far as I'm concerned, if you find nature sacred, acknowledge a Goddess as well as a God, and are drawn to the rituals and spell casting of Witchcraft then you are a Witch. But this is like saying that you are drawn to playing the guitar so you pick it up and start learning and you call yourself a musician - but how good a musician are you? Practice will make you an adept musician, much like practice will make you an adept Witch.
You ask specifically when can you be 'classified as being Wiccan?' - Wicca is one of the paths of Witchcraft - much like if you are Christian you could be Catholic or Church of England etc. There are different paths of Witchcraft -for example, Hermetic, Alchemic and Wiccan, and if you're Wiccan you may be Alexandrian, Gardnerian, Dianic, Solitary, etc etc.
If you have honest intent and feel deep inside that you are a Witch - then you are and it's up to you to become the best Witch you can be.