Brad Pitt - Ocean's 12

Brad Pitt - Ocean's 12


Brad Pitt/Oceans Twelve Interview by Paul Fischer in Palm Springs.

Brad Pitt is in good form as he jibes and jokes with the press whilepromoting Oceans Twelve, the anticipated heist sequel to the 2001 hitcomedy/thriller. While Jude Law may now have taken over as sexiest manalive, Pitt is unconcerned. "I think Matt was more shaken by it, as hecampaigned hard, put up a good fight, but I think if he keeps applyinghimself like he has been this year, we'll see some greatness from him thisyear. George and I started a class, as former sexiest men alive and we'reworking with the youngins and of course Jude's at the top of his classimmediately. It was obvious to us that he was a natural, so we had greathopes for that."

Pitt sets the tone and does so with tongue often implanted in cheek,especially when talking about the on-set camaraderie this time around. "I'dlike to call it work but it was pretty much automatic for us. First of all,there's a very low level of maturity amongst all the guys there so thathelps. We bonded very quickly, then we got the beautiful women to make uslook better but it's pretty automatic," comes Pitt's quick response, addingcomments about star Clooney's behaviour on set. "His prima Donna behaviourbecame a problem on this movie and he can paint it anyway he wants to but itwas a problem," now referring to Pitt's circulated memo, which indeed didmake the Italian press.

Asked if any pranks were played on new cast memberCatherine Zeta-Jones, Pitt offers a smile. "I think the biggest joke was onCatherine because she actually thought we were making a movie. Being thenew kid, nobody told her because she was up running lines and breaking downher character," he adds laughingly. But seriously, he says he wantedCatherine for the elegant female in this film for obvious reasons. "We werejust excited to get Catherine first of all because she brings this greatelegance to it and a lot of the film was going to be focused on her own andshe was going to have to carry that thing, so it would have to be someonewho could carry that kind of weight. The great thing about Catherine isthere is this great beauty and elegance but at the same time, she'll drinkany one of you under the table."

This time around, Oceans was shot in Europe, and Pitt says it is tough tocompare these European locales to Vegas. "Europe and Vegas are just theantithesis of each other as far as culture and lack of culture, I guess.Bright neon and everything new versus history and ancient-just the patina ofthe old cities lead to a completely different feel and I guess, a completelydifferent feel visually to the film, so, I really don't know how to describethem," says the actor.

Next up for Pitt, is Mr and Mrs Smith, and he says he hopes to do some moreproducing. Always a fierce critic of himself, he has reservations aboutwatching himself on screen, Oceans 12 included. "I'm critical, but I thinkit's a healthy criticism. What I could make better in the future, what did Imiss on that day maybe but also what works and it's a constant study in filmand acting. To answer your question seriously, it's just a constant studyand most of the time I find it's not a right answer, but just differentdirections that can all get you to the same end result in a way. But no, Idon't rush to see it when it's done. I'm pretty flexible with it."



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