Chevalier Scarlet Skies Interview

Chevalier Scarlet Skies Interview

The vibrant red colour 'scarlet' is often associated with courage, passion and joy. So is Chevalier.

Rising Melbourne singer/songwriter Chevalier (aka Chelsea Donoghue) unveils her powerful and eloquent vocal delivery on her new single 'Scarlet Skies'.

Premiering on PILERATS, "Scarlet Skies is a deeper introduction to the rising musician who's just beginning to find her footings in the intricacies of playful pop music, showcasing the vocal she's become recognised for over the years and placing it on feature display above a shimmering production that amplifies it like it needs to."

Chevalier has spent the past five years touring both locally and internationally – as back- up singer and vocal coach to good friend RUEL.

She says about her connection to RUEL, "I first met Ruel and his family when he was 12 and remember thinking he had the most incredible voice. I started working with him on his vocals, then soon after when the touring began, I started doing BVs for him and tutored him for his schoolwork also. I've felt like part of the VanDijk family ever since! It's been a crazy and incredibly rewarding 5 years watching everything grow so exponentially."

Describing the writing process of 'Scarlet Skies', Chevalier says "My producer Allan McConnell sent through a rough idea of what ended up being the song and I just vibed with it straight away. I remember first listening to it on my balcony in Fitzroy and the sky was a vibrant array of pink and red. I had just got back from a big tour with Ruel so I popped open a bottle of red, sat back in my egg chair and put the beat on loop. All the lyrics and melodies came out within about 30 minutes, it kind of felt like I was dreaming."

'Scarlet Skies' is also accompanied by a video, which was shot on the Great Ocean Road seaside town of Anglesea. It was directed by "Dream Team" of Georgia Grant and Jenny Cahir and produced by Darren Collinson.

Chevalier'S emotional lyrics and soulful vocal delivery invoke names such as Jazmine Sullivan, Solange and Nai Palm as some of her musical influences.

However her biggest influence was her nana - Bette Chevalier. Bette would come to every ballet concert, singing competition and piano competition with flowers for the young Chevalier.

Bette passed away while she was on tour in Europe with RUEL, her last wish was for Chevalier to finish the tour and keep performing. After the RUEL tour wound up, she came home and decided to put her own music out to the world in memory of her darling nana Bette Chevalier.

Her nana would be so proud of her granddaughter, not only is Chevalier an internationally touring musician, a powerful vocalist and talented songwriter, she is also in her final year of studying law.

Interview with Chevalier

Question: How would you describe your music?

Chelsea Donoghue: In broad terms I guess I'd say it's soulful r&b inspired pop music. My music is driven by vocal exploration, so whilst there's a common thread, all of my songs are quite different from each other.

Question: Can you tell us about Scarlet Skies?

Chelsea Donoghue: Scarlet Skies is my second single. I wrote it when I'd just got home from a big tour with Ruel, I was pretty exhausted but the lyrics and melodies came together quite quickly. The song is more abstract and loose compared to others I've written, but I kinda like that about it. It draws on themes of lust, passion, intimacy, and the exciting energy two people can create.

Question: What inspired Scarlet Skies?

Chelsea Donoghue: It was literally the sky that inspired the song. I was on my balcony in Fitzroy at the time and had a beat Allan McConnell made for me on loop. I was so absorbed in the amazing pink/red/orange sunset, thoughts and ideas just started flowing. I started thinking about what those colours reminded me of and that's how the song came about.

Question: Is there a particular message you hope listeners take from your music?

Chelsea Donoghue: I hope it encourages my listeners to be expressive and confident. Music is a form of communication, and I think it's important we are all confident in communicating what we want and how we feel, which is essentially what I'm doing in my music, though it took me a long time to build the confidence to put it out in the world. I get some really sweet messages from fans who say my music has helped them in different ways, so to be able to empower people like that is really special.

Question: How did your Nana, Bette Chevalier influence your music?

Chelsea Donoghue: Whilst my Nana did not have a musical bone in her body, she LOVED the arts and always encouraged and supported me big time. I don't think she ever missed a performance of mine; she was always, there. She taught me commitment and resilience, which I think are probably two of the biggest assets to have as a musician/performer.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Chelsea Donoghue: I think performing! I love the visual and theatrical elements that can be incorporated into a live show. It's also a way more inclusive and energetic way of experiencing the music, which I really thrive off.

Question: If you could have anyone, in the world, attend a show, who would it be?

Chelsea Donoghue: This is a tricky one because if I said my biggest music idol ever, I would be so nervous that I'd probably be sick. It would have to be someone who I can have a laugh with and feel chill around, so probably Lewis Capaldi; he's a great songwriter, great voice, hilarious, seems like a lovely lad.

Question: Can you tell us about your experience traveling with world with Ruel as his vocal coach?

Chelsea Donoghue: Pretty surreal to be honest... like, working with him back when no one really knew who he was, to now when it's like next level stardom stuff, it's just mind blowing, but also understandable because he's insanely talented and very hard working. I feel very privileged to be a part of his story and share so many crazy moments with him. It's been a real blessing and such a life changing experience.

Question: What motivates you most when writing music?

Chelsea Donoghue: I think it's the power music has to make people feel something. To be able to make something from scratch and for it to actually have an impact on someone else's life is pretty huge to me. Obviously I enjoy singing and writing, and that's a motivation in itself, but the bigger picture effect is the big motivation for me.

Question: Which music/artists are you currently listening to?

Chelsea Donoghue: At the moment I'm actually listening to a lot of No Doubt and old school Gwen Stefani, I love her music and whole vibe so much. Also very into Jazmine Sullivan and Emily King at the moment; very cool stuff.

Question: What or who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Chelsea Donoghue: I've always had a natural desire to get into music. I've definitely been inspired by my mum and aunty from young age; they're great singers and performers, so I've been lucky to have them show me the ropes. My best friend Nate Flagrant has also been a big inspiration and he's taught me so much about the industry.

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Chelsea Donoghue: Dreaming big here, but I'd love to collaborate with Daniel Johns. I love his song writing and voice; I think he's such a genius.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Chelsea Donoghue: Wake up and do some mindfulness, take my dog for a walk, listen to new music/write/rehearse, go to law school, go home to teach singing, study, study, study and then, sleep.

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Chelsea Donoghue: It's super liberating to have work out that's mine! I love working for other artists, but there's something really rewarding about having my own music out. I have a lot to say and share, I just feel privileged that I have a following of people who wanna listen.

Question: What's next, for you?

Chelsea Donoghue: What's next is a whole lot of writing and hopefully graduation of law school! It'll be a jam-packed year, but I'm ready to work hard and keep the Chevalier tunes coming.

Question: Can you share your socials?

Chelsea Donoghue: @thisischevalier

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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