Thanks to Buena Vista Home Entertainment and the release of 'My Scene Goes Hollywood' DVD here is your chance to win Nolee My Scene Doll who compes complete with glam clothes and accessories all ready for her Hollywood premiere plus a copy of My Scene Goes to Hollywood, plus runners up DVDs.
MY SCENE GOES HOLLYWOOD based on Mattel's successful My SceneTM toy line, which features Barbie and friends Madison, Chelsea, Nolee and Delancey. The My Scene fashionista friends have become a favourite among the older girl age group (eight to 10-year-olds). The brand continues to gain momentum this year as one of the freshest and most popular faces on the celebrity circuit, Lindsay Lohan, hits the scene with her very own My Scene Lindsay Lohan doll.It's "Lights! Camera! Fashion! In MY SCENE GOES HOLLYWOOD as conversations about friends, fashion, and shopping are briefly interrupted when the My SceneTM girls stumble upon a big Hollywood production in New York City - and get cast as extras in the film! Sure they look totally amazing, but things really heat up when MadisonTM gets picked from the crowd to fill in for one of the actresses. Now she's in the spotlight with a hot Hollywood 'It' boy and a big mega-movie star - will fame go to her head? Or will she see through all the glitz and glamour and remember who her best friends really are? Join the My SceneTM girls on the red carpet for ultra fabulous fun, sweet styles, and behind-the-scenes thrills in MY SCENE GOES HOLLYWOODTM.