Genre: Children, Animation
Rated: G
Running Time: 22 minutes
Heartlake City is a charming town built around a beautiful heart-shaped lake in the foothills of the Clearspring Mountains. An amazing place to live, there is always something cool happening in Heartlake City, which is home to best friends Olivia, Stephanie, Mia, Emma and Andrea.
Together, these five friends create the LEGO Friends Club, which allows them to get together and share secrets, organise parties and help the people of the city. Whether they are hanging out in the café, having barbeques in the backyard or going to the beauty parlour together, these five special friends have their own personality and different hobbies.
Mia loves animals, Emma lives for fashion, Andrea's going to be a star, Stephanie throws the best parties and Olivia keeps them all organised.
Special Features:
3 Lego® Friends Games: Beauty Salon, Dress Up and Café
Lego Friends: New Girl in Town
RRP: $14.95
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