Dear Fiona,
I am a 15 year old girl in year 9 and I am in love with a boy who goes to my school. He is in year 11 and doesn't know I exist...well he does sort of, but I really am in love with him and I want him to feel the same about can I get him to look at me like that?
Signed, Lovesick

Hi Lovesick,
First and foremost, I'm sorry to tell you but if you try to interfere with another person's free will, you're breaking a very important Witches Law Do what you want but don't interfere with another's free will and your spell will backfire on you - either by drawing the guy to you but then you find out that he's horrible, or by pushing him even further away. Having said that I would like to suggest a spell that can make you more alluring to the object of your desire by increasing your sense of self worth.
DESIRE ME SPELLYou will need:
- seven rose petals
- seven chamomile buds
- a handful of verbena (herb)
- 1 red candle
In a mortar and pestle (you can get this herb grinding/mixing implement from department stores) grind the ingredients until they are well blended together. Store these in a glass container.
Every morning before you go to school (when you will see the boy you like) add half a teaspoon of the mixture to a teapot with one cup of hot (but not boiling water). Light the red candle as the mixture steeps, gaze at the candle flame and say:
Loveable loveable, such am I
by sun and sea, land and sky
the beauty of spirit resides in me
Goddess I declare So Mote It Be
Say this three times and then drink the tea feeling it infuse you with a sense of beauty and personal power. Within seven days you will be fighting off potential suitors and the year 11 boy may be one of them!