Digimon Collection 4

Digimon Collection 4

Digimon Collection 4

Genre: Kids, Animation, Action
Rated: PG
Running Time: 264 minutes
The Battle with Belphemon!

Episode: 5-37 The Battle with Belphemon
Inspired by his anger toward Kurata, Keenan's DNA Charge allows Falcomon to digivole to his Mega level and become Ravemon. He suddenly has several different attacks to choose from. Using his Spiral Raven Claw, Bird King Sword and Blast Wing attacks, he is able to surprise Kurata. But it takes his Celestial Blade to finally do some damage.

Kurata becomes so incensed at being attacked that the Deadly Digimon Belphemon comes to the surface, and pushes Kurata's personality aside. Keenan and Ravemon absorb the force of one of Belphemon's attacks in order to shield Marcus and the digi-egg he is protecting. Marcus is deeply touched by his little friend's bravery.

The rest of the Data Squad members keep up the struggle against Belphemon, but to no use. Marcus speaks passionately to the digi-egg about their need to join the fight and suddenly the egg hatches and out pops Koromon!

Marcus doesn't recognise the baby Digimon and wipes away his tears as he realises this new incarnation will probably not remember him at all. But Koromon does remember Marcus and promptly digivolves into Agumon! The Ultiamte Team is back. Together the two do not hesitate to go where they are needed. They rush toward Belphemon.

To everyone's surprise, Kurata is still alive inside Belphemon! In order to gain even more power, Kurata has Belphemon absorb electricity from the city itself. Then Belphemon swallows a space oscillation device to open a space rift.

Thomas alerts everyone that this new rift means Kurata intends to blow up both human and digital worlds. Everything seems hopeless for the Data Squad. But Marcus gives an impassioned speech that rekindles the team's fighting spirit.

Marcus asks Shinegreymon to give him as much energy as he's got, but MirageGaogamon replies that his energy has always come from Marcus - not the other way around. Marcus suddenly realises that, in fact, their power has always come not from either of them individually but from the strength of their friendship. A light suddenly grows from Marcus- digivice Thomas tells Marcus to use that power! ShineGreymon digivoles to his Burst Mode!

This time, Shinegremon and Marcus are both in full control of their emotions and their powers. Using the Burst Mode, Shinegreymon can move even beyond the limitations of his Mega Level. Even Belphemon cannot defeat so much strength. He is finally defeated.

As Belphemon returns to his egg form, Kurata is set free. He explodes one last space oscillation device, and the entire sky becomes tears away revealing the Digital World. But this time, the results are far worse than Kurata anticipated. He immediately realises the horrible damage he has done- and screams for help!

Episode: 5-39 King Drasil?s Fatal Decision!
In order to convince Craniamon that Human beings are not worth saving, King Drasil tells him about the history between the Human World and the Digital World. He shows him how Humans are responsible for all the tragic events that have occurred. They are the ones who interfered with the Digital World and broke down the barriers between them. King Drasil's story is sad and disturbing. Craniamon is soon agreeing with him.

Marcus and the other Data Squad team members are still battling Kurata and Belphemon. They continue to try their hardest to protect the citizens of the Human World from a collision with the Digital World. But things are looking bleak.

King Drasil knows the two Worlds are going to collide. He decides that he must wipe out the Human World to avoid the collision of the two Worlds and save the Digital World from extinction.

When hope is all but lost, BanchoLeomon uses his essential DNA Charge to hold up the Digital World. He tells Marcus to find King Drasil and convince him to stop his attack before BanchoLeomon's life force fades out. BanchoLeomon turns himself to stone!

Marcus and the rest of the Data Squad throw caution to the wind. They prepare to return to the Digital World and show King Drasil the error of his ways - all they have to do is find him first!

Episode: 5-40 The Royal Knights Assemble!
Marcus and the rest of the Data Squad make their way back to the Digital World. They need to find King Drasil and convince him to stop the digital world and the human world from colliding.

A furious wind tosses them on the digital shoreline. To their surprise, they find Gotsumon there, reborn and without his old memories! Gotsumon agrees to lead them to King Drasil.

When they get to the Server Tree where King Drasil dwells, they are immediately attacked by Craniamon. Craniamon is a Royal Knight and his strength is enormous. His moves are so fast they aren't even visible to the naked eye. He tells the Data Squad he is sworn to protect King Drasil and will delete anyone who dares to approach his King.

Of course, this does nothing to deter Marcus! No matter how hard Craniamon strikes him, Marcus just gets back up and tries again. He is determined to meet the King and save both worlds from destruction.

Just as ShineGreymon begins to gain the upper hand against Craniamon, Gallantmon and the other Royal Knights suddenly descend from the sky and join the battle. Even in Burst Mode, ShineGreymon is no match for all of them at once.

King Drasil reveals himself! Marcus, still in fighting mode, throws a punch at the King, only to discover his true identity. King Drasil is his own father, Dr. Spencer Damon. But he is still bent on destroying the human world!

The rest of the Data Squad look on in horror. Is this really the end of all of them? Suddenly another Digimon swoops in from above. It's Kentaurosmon, another Royal Knight. But instead of joining against the Data Squad, he gathers them all up and flies away toward safety!

Episode: 5-41 Father and Son Destiny!
Thanks to Kentaurosmon's nick-of-time intervention, the DATS team arrive back in the human world. But saving the team came at a high price and Kentaurosmon has suffered serious injuries. The injuries cause him to digivolve back to his usual form. The team is shocked to discover that he is none other than Captain Sampson's Kudamon.

Marcus spends time with his mom and sister, trying to make sense of what has happened to his father. How has father become King Drasil and why doesn't he recognise Marcus anymore? Reassured by his family, he realises he is still his father's son and that he cannot turn his back on him.

Gallantmon soon arrives and launches his own attack on the human world. His strength makes short work of MirageGaogamon, Rosemon, Ravemon, RookChessmon, and BishopChessmon. Even armed with the Geo Grey Sword, ShineGreymon proves no match for the Royal Knight either.

Even badly injured, Kentaurosmon rises to the challenge to protect his friends and the human world. He courageously takes on Gallantmon, and freezes them both in battle.

Marcus decides go back to the Digital World alone to face his dad. The rest of the DATS team want to go with him, but understand this is one journey Marcus must take on his own.
Episode: 5-42 Thomas Bursts On The Scene!
Franz Nordstein, Thomas' father, ignores the ban on air travel and stubbornly insists on flying back to Austria with the ever sickly, Relena and her doctors in tow on his private jet. Of course, they are immediately attacked. Thomas shows up to save them but his father's arrogance opens up old memories and they quarrel.

Thomas' past is revealed to be full of rejection and pain. His mother was never welcomed into the family by the matriarch of the Nordstein family, Franz' mother. She made no attempt to hide her scorn for her and young Thomas, telling Thomas he would never really be part of the family. Franz never said a word in defense of his son or his son's mother.

But with Relena so sickly, it became clear that she would never be able to carry on the family name. So Thomas was a second option. Their dismissive treatment at the hands of their grandmother, bonded the two siblings.

Under attack by Loadknightmon, Thomas' dedication to his sister causes his father to regret his actions - and lack of action - in the past. MirageGaogomon digivolves to Burst Mode and spares the Nordstein family from further distress. Thomas leaves only after making sure his sister is fine.

Franz and Thomas are able to start to repair their relationship.

Episode: 5-43 Justice Equals Power!
Biyomon falls from the sky into the Damon backyard with numerous Baby and In-Training Digimon in tow. Kristy is thrilled to be reunited with Biyomon. But she immediately discovers that this new incarnation of Biyomon does not remember her at all.

Yoshi decides she will be in charge of the baby digimon and takes them all back to her house. Keenan agrees to help out in taking care of the unruly bunch. But things quickly deteriorate into an out of control digi-daycare!

In the middle of all of the domestic chaos, Leopardmon attacks the real world nearby the Damon house. , Under the orders of King Drasil, he must destroy the human world, no matter how many digimon are hurt in the process.

Rosemon and Ravemon do their best to stop the Royal Knight but they are no match for the powerful digimon. Biyomon suddenly remembers his relationship with Kristy and his promise to always protect her. He is able to digivolve into Garudamon!

Inspired by the appearance of Garudamon and Yoshi's determination to protect Marcus' home and family, Rosemon and Ravemon are re-energised. They both achieve the Burst Mode and defeat Leopardmon once and for all.

After the battle, Thomas suddenly shows up at the Marcus home. He can be part of the team again now that his own family is safe. With most of the Data Squad is together, they decide to go back to the Digital World to help out Marcus.

Episode: 5-44 Human Potential!
Marcus and Agumon return to the Digital World to have a serious discussion with King Drasil, aka Marcus' father. On their way to the Server Tree where the digimon king resides, Marcus and Agumon are intercepted by Craniamon.

The mega-level Royal Knight challenges Marcus to one last match, unleashing his new weapon, the Omni-Shield. He is certain of victory. Marcus tries to explain that he will never stop trying to reach King Drasil to save the human world. He will never loses hope! But after a series of desperate attempts, ShineGreymon cannot break through the shields' defenses. He and Marcus are overpowered by the unrelenting strength of Craniamon.

Just as Craniamon is about to deal the final blow, the other DATS members and their digimon intervene! They have come to save their friends and join in the fight.

In the end, Craniamon admits he has been bested, and allows them to enter the tree. He realises that human hope and potential is a powerful thing.

Episode: 5-45 A Family Quarrel
The DATS team climb up King Drasil's Server Tree, hoping to confront the king himself. But the tree has automatic defenses which include lethal crystals that repel and then copy the DATS digimon attacks!

Leaving the others behind, Marcus, Agumon, and Gotsumon confront King Drasil, aka Marcus' father.

Meanwhile, a changed Craniamon heads to the real world. He is immediately met by Biyomon who vows to defend the human world. But Craniamon easily gets past him. Inspired by his love for Kristy, Biyomon digivolves into Garudamon! What they don't understand yet is that Craniamon has traveled to the human world to help. He wants to save Bancholeomon and take over the burden of holding the digital world himself.

Marcus finally is face to face with his father, King Drasil. But a force field prevents him from getting very close. All his attacks are repelled with ease. Marcus decides he cannot win. He will give up.

But just as he is falling to an awful fate, Marcus hears his father's voice in his head, encouraging him to use the strength of the DNA charge. Marcus regroups and manages to reach Drasil. But his dad becomes furious! He tells Marcus he must be permanently deleted for his actions.

Suddenly, BanchoLeomon arrives and blasts away at King Drasil. He then reveals a cryptic message to Marcus. King Drasil is his father, and yet he isn't. Marcus' real father is BanchoLeomon!

Episode: 5-46 The Truth About BanchoLeomon!
Craniamon had freed BanchoLeomon and taken his place to hold the Digital World from falling onto the human world.

BanchoLeomon suddenly appears back in the digital world. He stops Marcus from getting closer to King Drasil and reveals a stunning truth. He has the life-force of Spencer Damon inside his body! Only Spencer's body was taken over by King Drasil.

Spencer Damon-BanchoLeomon tells the DATS team how they met while searching for King Drasil. Finally, Spencer Damon-BanchoLeomon holds King Drasil in place and asks Marcus to sacrifice him along with King Drasil to save the human world.

Marcus cannot believe what he is being asked to do. But he does it, believing it is the only way to defeat King Drasil.

However, the true form of King Drasil is not so easily destroyed. He returns to seek revenge!

Episode: 5-47 The Data Squad?s Final Battle!
After BanchoLeomon and Spencer's destruction, King Drasil changes its shape to a robotic form and heads to the human world to eliminate it.

The DATS team follows and engages it in a furious clash, but King Drasil easily overpowers them all - even when they are at their Burst Mode stages! Fueled by their strong bond to protect their loved ones, both human and digimon, the Data Squad raise their DNA Charge into the sky with a cry that is answered by the rest of the digimon on earth as well as the Royal Knights.

The Royal Knights can no longer ignore the fact that they do not agree with King Drasil's decision to destroy the human world. The courage and compassion of the Data Squad have changed their minds. They finally rebel against their king.

In a shocking twist, King Drasil discloses that it is 2-9000WZ, a personal computer built to observe the evolution of Digimon. This computer designs and controls all life forms in the Digital World at its will.

Due to an Error Code, 2-9000WZ understands that its experiments on Digimon and human interaction have failed. The software will be reinstalled and after rebooting the system, the program will restart - in a new virtual universe. 2-9000WZ is going to wipe out both the human and digital worlds!

Episode: 5-48 The Ultimate Farewell
Everyone in the world watches fearfully as the human world and the digital world come closer and closer to colliding. The DATS team appears exhausted and unable to prevent tragedy from happening. King Drasil, in its computer form known as 2-9000WZ, cannot understand why the Data Squad continues to fight when chances of victory are virtually zero percent.

Adults, children, and digimon planetwide invoke the light of their DNA charges to answer DATS' plea for help. When the hearts of all humans and digimon becoming one, Marcus & Agumon activate Burst Mode and are able to deal the decisive punch to destroy 2-9000WZ.

2-9000WZ concedes defeat, acknowledging that humans and digimon hold potential for growth as long as both stand together. The collision between both world's stops, and all DATS are reunited with their loved ones in celebration. Sarah, Marcus and Kristy are stunned when Spencer finally returns to them, a gift from King Drasil.

Despite their victory, the Ddgimon ask that they return to help rebuild the Digital World, before the Digital Gate is closed for an undetermined length of time. The news makes Marcus angry because he doesn't want Agumon to leave. Each of the DATS digimon spends their last day on Earth together with their human partners.

At the last possible moment, Marcus arrives in a rush telling Agumon he's coming with him to the Digital World! With Merucimon gone, there's no one there to keep the digimon in order. So Marcus and Agumon will be the new peacekeepers. Spencer whole-heartedly supports Marcus' decision.

Five years pass. Back in the human world, Kristy and Keenan attend middle school together. Thomas receives the Nobel Prize for curing Relena's illness. Yoshi, Megumi and Miki all work for Sashima in law enforcement. Yushima still enjoys fishing.

Digimon Collection 4
RRP: $24.95


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