Dr. Michael Flood is a White Ribbon Ambassador and well-respected Australian expert on gender and sexuality studies from Wollongong University.
Question: Can you talk about what White Ribbon does?
Dr. Michael Flood: White Ribbon is a campaign to encourage men to play a positive role in ending men's violence against women. White Ribbon encourages men to wear the White Ribbon on November 25th to show their concern about men's violence against women and to take action in their everyday lives to help prevent and reduce men's violence against women.
In Australia the White Ribbon campaign involves a school education program and workplace programs as well as working with sporting groups and local community organisations.
For more information about White Ribbon visit www.whiteribbon.com.au
Question: Why does White Ribbon focus solely on men?
Dr. Michael Flood: Because so much violence prevention has focused on what women can do to avoid being insulted and lower the risks they face and that is only part of the solution. Another part of the solution is for the majority of men, who don't use violence, speaking up and challenging their mates when they make violence-supporting comments. White Ribbon encourages men to offer support to women who are living with violence and of course encourages them to look at their own lives and make sure they're not using violence, themselves.
White Ribbon focuses on the positive role that men can play because that is a key part to make change.
Question: Can you talk about the celebrities that backed the 2011 White Ribbon Day?
Dr. Michael Flood: If you go to the White Ribbon website www.whiteribbon.com.au you can get a good sense of the variety of high profile men such as Andrew O'Keefe, Hamish and Andy, Kevin Rudd and a whole bunch of other media celebrities, politicians, sports players and so on.