Dear Fiona,
There's this boy and he keeps appearing in my dreams and we always seem to end up dancing and kissing. Sometimes when I've woken up I feel like I've met him in reality. I've dubbed him 'Dream Boy' since in my dreams he never actually seemed to have a name. I was hoping you might know a spell that will actually get him to come to me if he really does exist?
Signed Dream Girl.

Hi Dream Girl,
If you are dreaming of him regularly he is probably on his way to you already! To speed up the process create the following amulet and keep it on you at all times to help him find you during waking hours as well as during sleep.
You will need:
- 1 handful of dried mugwort (herb aligned with the energy of dreams)
- 1 piece of smoky quartz crystal (for boy energy)
- 1 piece of rose quartz crystal (for girl energy)
- 1 red pouch of natural fabric (cotton, silk etc)
- 1 white candle
Place the herb and crystals into the pouch and seal closed. Each night before sleep, light the white candle; holding the pouch in both hands gaze at the flame as you say three times:
By the light of the moon
come to me
by the light of sun
know me
Snuff the candle flame and place the amulet under your pillow - upon waking keep it with you at all times to help him find you beyond the land of dreams.