Ebb & Flo Stick with Me

Ebb & Flo Stick with Me

Ebb and Flo is a unique animation style of 2D cross-fade capturing the charming quality of the original book illustrations.

An inseparable pair who share a captivating friendship, Flo is a lively 5-year-old girl and quietly protective of Ebb, her portly and grumpy dog. They live on a boat with Flo's mum and life is never dull. Ebb's happiest times are those spent with Flo in their rowing boat and Ebb sitting in her favourite spot up at the front, watching the world go by.

Ebb doesn't like change of any kind and when new things happen, like Bird's arrival; it takes her a while to get used to them. Only then can she learn to like them.

Ebb adores Flo. And Flo can't remember life without Ebb; it's as if she's always been there.

Episode Listing
Ebb's New Friend
Ebb's Paw
Stick With Me
Flotsam and Jetsam
Ebb and the Greedy Gulls
Ebb's Birthday
Ebb the Brave
Ebb and the Bike
Ebb's Rival
Ebb and the Baby Seal
Ebb the Salty Sea Dog
Ebb's New Toy
Ebb The Guard Dog

Rated: G
Duration: 63 mins.
RRP: $19.95

Available through www.abcshop.com.au


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