Emily Austin

At the age of twenty-one there are many things a young person can aspire to do, but twenty-one year old Emily Austin is going after what many people consider the "American Dream." To be a successful artist in the music business as a singer and songwriter. Some artist's who have played a major role in Emily's career are Sheryl Crow, Lita Ford, Joan Jett, Pat Benetar, Aerosmith, AC/DC, The Muffs, The Donnas, Sex Pistols, Guns N Roses, Ozzy Osbourne, Poison, Michelle Branch, Kelly Osbourne, Sum41 and non-singer but writer Diane Warren. This twenty-one year old aspiring artist has also been writing songs since she was fourteen in 1997.

  1. How did it feel to hear your songs on the airwaves?
    Since I'm still on my own I haven't had a song out yet. I'm hoping to have a song finished and ready to try to get on indie airwaves sometime early this next year if everything goes according to my plan. Just keeping my fingers crossed for now. So until then I'm just working on improving myself and writing tons of songs.

  2. Did you have any pre-convienced ideas about the music industry?
    I knew it was something I've loved since a young age (fourteen), so I wanted it so much. It was an obsession basically. I knew it was a lot of hard work and I wasn't perfect but I'm getting better I think since two years ago. Just growing as a person and an artist both vocally and with my writing.

  3. Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?
    Yes. I've been writing since I was fourteen. I just get inspired anyway. Something I hear in the radio or on a cd could inspire me. Usually with me a song just pops in my mind and I write all the words out. Let it just flow. And that's how I write my best stuff.

  4. What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?
    I love a lot of people. Mainly I listen to Joan Jett, Pat Benetar, Lita Ford, Ozzy Osbourne, Marylin Manson,Evanescence,The Donnas, Sheryl Crow, Christina Aguilera and just anybody. It really depends on my mood.

  5. What's next? Tour/Album/Single?
    I'm hoping later this season (next month or so) to put together a band and start putting my own songs together and rehearse them and a few cover songs and then later in the year or early next year get out and do a couple of gigs and then do a four song demo cd.

  6. Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?
    Oh, yes. A lot. I've had a lot of points where I thought I wouldn't make it, but then I remember how passionate I am for the business and how much I would love to be apart of it and how much I love to sing and write and it fires me up. I like to prove to people that I deserve a chance too.

  7. Do you prefer performing live or recording?
    I love everything about the business, but I think I like recording. It's a bit more personal and you can really let go in a room where it's just you and the music and the words of a song whether it be your own or someone else's that you connect to or just enjoy singing. I love that. Being able to put my feelings into a song.

  8. What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?
    Probably Hanson. When I started out at fourteen I was in a pop group with three friends and we were all Hanson fans, so we decided to start a group. It didn't go too far and I tried other groups with the same girls. I just worked really fast and they had other things in their lives and it just didn't work out I guess. But Hanson is a major part. I also admire just anybody really who has been successful in the business. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Marylin Manson, Ozzy Osbourne, Evanescence, and The Donnas.

  9. What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?
    Just everything really. Getting through it. Showing people I can make it if I try and work hard enough.

  10. What's a typical day like?
    It depends really. School is starting up soon so I'll have classes on Tuesday and Thursday's now. If it's on a Wednesday I go into my studio room and do some work on that and other days I spend just hanging out and sometimes I write. All depends. I'm also going to start working out again since I'm getting outta shape so that'll be playing into my schedule too.

  11. What has been your favorite part of becoming a music artist?
    Meeting new people and making friendships. That's been rewarding right there. It's hard to know who to trust though, but it's nice to have at least one person you can count on to be honest with you and who knows what you're going through.

  12. If you could collaborte with another artist, who would it be?
    I would love to do something with my friend Ashley (ashleymims.com). We've talked about doing a song together but so far we haven't really gotten past talking. But I would also love to do a song with either The Donnas or Kelly Osbourne for female and for male I'd love to work with Nick Carter or Bryan Adams. That'd be a dream come true!

  13. Are you single? What do you look for in a partner?
    I am single right now and not really looking for anybody. I like somebody who I can have fun with, talk to about things, always be there for me, likes some of the same things I do, and support of my music. If they don't like me for my music then that's fine. I'm cool with that. But I just want somebody really who I can just get a long with and who'll be honest and all that.

  14. Do you have a web site fans can visit?
    Yes I do. The URL is http://www.emilyaustinmusic.tk or http://www.emilymusicpage.cjb.net Sometimes those don't work for some reason and you can go to the long url at http://www.angelfire.com/indie/emilyutgirl/index.html and if that doesn't work on the end of the index.html just add the number two (index2.html) and it should work. If it's temporarliy unavailable that means that it's shut down cause a lot of people have visitied. It should be back up in an hour or so though.

  15. Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?
    1) Water 2) Bubble-gum 3) Honey BBQ wings 4) A trustworthy friend 5) A lover

  16. What message would you like to say to your fans?
    Thank you for all your support. It truly means a lot to me. I know I've been working on this since I was fourteen but hopefully everything will pay off. The business can take years for some people and other people shorter amounts of time. Looks like I'm in it for the long hawl but I really appreciate it!! Loads of love to you!

60 Second Quiz
  • Full Name: Emily Ann Austin
  • Nickname(s): Em, Emi, M&M, Popeye and Amy
  • Starsign: Cancer
  • Favorite Food: Chinese and mexican. I love spicy foods and KFC's honey bbq wings. I also love healthy foods like salads and strawberries. Eating healthy is also important to me.
  • Favorite Film: The Crow with Brandon Lee
  • Favorite Actor: Brandon Lee (RIP) and Tommy Lee Jones
  • Pet:I don't have any. I had a dog when I was younger but he's not of this plane anymore. *sniff*
  • Describe yourself in 3 words: Sensitive, Loyal, Trustworthy
  • Best Feature: I'm pretty loyal and trustworthy to people. I don't sugarcoat things no matter what somebody else says or does to me.
  • Worst Feature: My temper. I can be a total bi**h to someone if they really piss me off. Got my Dad's bad temper.
  • Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Anybody really. Sarah Gellar is my favorite actress so her, and then Christina Aguilera! If Brandon Lee was still alive I'd die to meet him (no pund intended)!
  • Hobbies/Intrests: Singing, songwriting, reading, movies, internet, bike riding, hanging with my family/friends, and collecting old 80s stuff since I'm an 80s kid.
  • First Job: I've never had to get a job. I do want one to have my own cash but in high school I was too busy.
  • Are you a Pub, Bar, or Club kind: I like music and seeing bands perform so probably a club.
  • What Can You Never Leave Home Without: Bubblegum
  • What is the first thing you think of when you first wakeup: "More sleep!!"

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