May 21-27 marks Exercise Right Week, Exercise & Sports Science Australia's fifth consecutive annual campaign to educate, inform and inspire all Australians of the importance of exercise and the benefits that physical activity can have for their health, especially for those living with chronic conditions.
"Exercise Right Week aims to inspire those who don't currently exercise, or may be apprehensive to do so, to move more. The campaign also demonstrates to all Australians the importance of seeking the right exercise expert for their requirements, and in turn, raises awareness of our Accredited Exercise Physiologists, Accredited Exercise Scientists and Accredited Sports Scientists," explains Anita Hobson-Powell, ESSA Chief Executive Officer.
The week will see every day Australians share their exercise journeys and their Motivation to Move. One Australian who will share their journey is Pauline.
"I've always been outgoing, but I became very introverted – the chronic conditions affecting me physically we're affecting me mentally as well. There were more hard times than good times. I had to do something, I just didn't know what. When I started exercising, the things I was losing before I gained back, and more," she explains.
"I treasure the results I have had from perseverance. Anyone who's thinking about exercising, give it a chance, don't be afraid. Life is wonderful and I'm so grateful!"
Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Debbie Cooper adds that when Pauline came to her, she had several chronic conditions and was barely able to manage one minute on the cross trainer.
"Our goal is to achieve acts of daily living. A lot of people are in Pauline's situation, feeling socially isolated and living in a body that is a lot older than the age they actually are. When you see your client living independently and enjoying life, you know you have done your job."
A variety of inspirational everyday Australians are involved in Exercise Right Week this year, sharing their positive outcomes from including exercise prescription in their recovery from chronic conditions ranging from cancer to mental health. This includes a 33-year old breast cancer survivor, and a gentleman who suffered a brain injury from a motor vehicle accident, to name a few.
Exercise Right Week 2018 also sees members of Exercise & Sports Science Australia hold events and classes around the country throughout the course of the week. To see what's happening in your area this Exercise Right Week, click here.
Exercise Right Week 2018 launches on 21st May – to get involved visit the Exercise Right website.