Five Flavoursome Foods To Keep Colds Away

Five Flavoursome Foods To Keep Colds Away

Five Flavoursome Foods To Keep Colds Away


As the temperatures begin to lower and Australians layer up, it's clear that winter is about to set its cold mitts on us.  With over 200 different viruses responsible for infecting us with a cold every year[1], it can be difficult to avoid falling victim to its nastiness.


According to Sheila Zhou, expert Scientist at USANA, leading producer of high quality supplements, "The key to staying healthy during the winter months largely lies in the foods that we eat. There are a number of foods full of rich vitamins and minerals that actively fight the symptoms of viruses and promote a healthy immune system, plus they are delicious so they're guaranteed to liven up those cold nights."


Ms. Zhou shares five foods that will help you keep the common cold at bay this year: 


1.       Honey. There's a reason Winnie the Pooh loves this sweet treat so much! Research has found that honey is much more than just a sweet treat prized by hungry bears. Honey is not only great for the skin; it is also full of a special protein called defensin. This protein actively breaks down bacteria and strengthens the body[2], so whether it's on porridge or in your tea, make sure you use honey to sweeten up your winter. 


2.       Salmon. From the depths of the ocean to the bench of the kitchen, salmon is full of beneficial omega 3 essential fatty acids. These oils have been found to reduce the production of prostaglandins 2-series, compounds in the body that can worsen inflammation[3]. Salmon is also a major source of Vitamin D, which promotes the activation of cells within the body that maintain the immune system. 


3.       Dark Chocolate. A pesky cough is one of the most persistent and annoying things about developing a cold. While it may seem like an unlikely saviour, the regular consumption of dark chocolate may help alleviate these symptoms. Research has shown that Theobromine, a derivative of cocoa, reduces the intensity and length of coughing[4]. So whether it is melted in a fondue or baked in a cake, unsweetened dark chocolate lets you indulge while staying healthy during the cooler months. 

4.       Citrus fruits. Oranges, lemons, or mandarins, all citrus fruits are important sources of Vitamin C, which is vital in maintaining strong bones, muscles and blood vessels. Vitamin C is also a key ingredient in supporting a healthy immune system which means your body is able to eliminate the threat of a virus before it strikes. 


5.       Chicken Soup. No matter how hard you try, sometimes it's impossible to beat a classic. Chicken soup is often the first port of call Australians turn to when they start experiencing signs of a cold. However, chicken soup is also a beneficial meal for people who want to make sure they escape the clutches of a pesky cold. These hearty meals are full of fluids that keep you hydrated and prevent the more severe symptoms of a cold from developing[5].

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