Beauty Doc

Home-made skincare

I love experimenting with making my own skincare. I don't have many pimples, but my nose and forehead get very oily by the end of the day. Can you suggestions any aromatherapy oils that I can use for my oily skin.


Hi Hippie-chick

Beauty Doc tip:

Use 100% pure essential oils when making your own skincare. Do not apply oils directly onto your skin - always mix into a carrier oil for massage or add a few drops in a steam bath for facials. The exceptions are Tea Tree or Lavender, which you can dab directly onto pimples to speed up healing.

Beauty Watch features an article this month on making your own natural skincare for oily skin using aromatherapy oils.

Depending on how oily your skin is, try a mix of one or two of the essential oils in with a base oil, and massage gently into your skin. Aromatherapy massage, with one or a few of the oils for oily skin, will help to eliminate toxins and stimulate blood circulation. Always work gently and do not pull or stretch your skin.

For maximum benefit, use under a natural clay mask, or alternatively, add tea tree to a steam bath or hot compress to allow the oils to work into your pores as they open from the gentle heat. Make sure the water is not overly hot, as you do not want to burn your skin, just gently soften it to maximise your aromatherapy massage!
An easy make-your-own clay mask could contain the following:
2 Tablespoons of Green clay (for its deep cleansing properties)
2 drops of lemon oil
2 drops of geranium
2 drops of lavender
1 teaspoon of natural yoghurt
1 teaspoon of honey
water (around 1 teaspoon, but sufficient to make smooth, creamy mixture)
*You can experiment with different oils and find which works best for your skin.

Oily skin is a wonderful asset in the long run, as oily skins tend to age less quickly than dry and normal skins, because as oil flow decreases with time, oilier skins tend not to be as prone to premature ageing. Look after your oily skin, and make sure you are drinking enough pure water to prevent your skin from becoming dehydrated, because even oily skins can suffer dehydration. Beautiful skin takes a holistic approach of diet (and yes, greasy foods and food rich in saturated fats can effect an oily skin), exercise, stress management, and a little effort on your part by using appropriate skincare to help maintain the fine balance of moisture and oil levels.

For more information on oily skin - skincare and makeup, click here MAQ.COM.

*If you only have the odd spot dampen a cotton tip with some tea tree oil and dab onto each spot - the antibacterial and antiseptic properties minimise infection, and help the spot to heal faster.

Bella *}{*
Let your natural beauty shine!!


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