Sagittarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Often bitten by the travel bug those born under the Sagittarius sign are independent and always have a optimistic stance on life. However they need to be patient to not expect miracles while chasing their next positive outcome.

You're in a strange mood, Sagittarius. You're feeling impatient and cross, and nothing is quite right. You're also being rather contrary, making you determined to do the opposite of what's expected of you. Try to sort out the problem sooner rather than later, then do something energetic and therapeutic so you can burn off your nervous energy. Then you're all set for a great New Year's Eve! Sociable colours are ivory and apricot. Lucky numbers are 32 and 55.
If you're wondering whether to be sociable or to have the day off, you'll be missing out on lots of fun if you keep yourself to yourself. You're in one of those sparkling and witty moods that wins you lots of admirers and boosts your ego no end. You'll be especially happy to get together with friends or to take part in a group event that introduces you to some kindred spirits. Exciting colours are irridescent green and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 38 and 3.
It's difficult to keep your mind on what you're doing today because it keeps wandering off in all directions. There won't be much you can do about this except to be aware of it, and preferably to postpone doing anything very complicated or important until you're less distracted and absent-minded. Unfortunately, you won't get very far with it at the moment. Auspicious colours are butterscotch and lime. Lucky numbers are 10 and 31.
All communications go wonderfully well today. You manage to say the right thing to the right person at the right time, and to keep off any topics that have the potential to cause upset or embarrassment. Brilliant! If you're going to a social event you'll be one of the stars of the show and might even carry home the phone number of someone who'd like to see you again. Fortuitous colours are dusky rose and shimmering blue. Lucky numbers are 40 and 24.
After all the excitement of the past few days you're longing for the chance to put your feet up and take life easy for a while. Ideally, you should bury your nose in a good book and be left alone until you resurface for a food transfusion. But you'll also enjoy chatting to someone you know very well and for whom you don't have to make a big effort, such as a close relative. Prosperous colours are charcoal and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 6 and 16.
Today's Full Moon carries a rather unseasonal message because it's telling you to pay attention to your finances over the next two weeks. If you already know that you've overspent this month, you won't need to be told that a few economies are just around the corner. You may also have to make some adjustments to an intimate relationship so it can move into another phase. Favourable colours are olive and bronze. Lucky numbers are 14 and 51.
You receive a massive injection of energy and vitality from today, making you very dynamic in the weeks ahead. And it's just what you need to make it a terrific day. Ideally, you should introduce a little excitement into the proceedings, such as an unexpected treat. Or maybe someone will do this for you? Prosperous colours are dark red and holly green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
Once again, your nerves are getting the better of you. There will be some fraught moments unless you can control your temper and not get drawn into verbal fisticuffs at the drop of a paper hat. It won't help if a partner is feeling neglected as that will give you something else to worry about. You need to relax and start enjoying yourself! Energising colours are white and caramel. Lucky numbers are 15 and 68.
Slow down! You're trying to do too much and it's driving you - and everyone else - up the wall. What's more, if you're in too much of a hurry you'll start to become accident-prone and that will make you even more het up. Try to take any setbacks or domestic mishaps in your stride, otherwise you'll end the day feeling like a nervous wreck. Beneficial colours are passionfruit and peach. Lucky numbers are 31 and 41.
Be careful about what you eat and drink today. Your body is in a very sensitive state, so you'd be well advised to steer clear of anything that might upset you or to which you're sometimes allergic. You should also try to avoid anyone who's a one-man germ factory, in case they generously pass on a few bugs to you. Right now, you could do without such things. Ideal colours are spring green and silver. Lucky numbers are 19 and 6.
Enjoyment is your number one priority today, especially if that means getting together with some of your favourite people. You'll have a glorious time! Maybe you could meet up with someone special for a pre- Christmas celebration, or perhaps you're getting ready for a big party and already have high hopes about how it will turn out. Sociable colours are bright pink and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 26 and 52.
Communications start to return to normal from today, so there's less likelihood of things going wrong. However, you may have to do some troubleshooting in order to get everything back on track. If you wrote to someone and are surprised that they haven't replied, check that they got your missive in the first place. You may find that it got lost in transit. Fortunate colours are nutmeg and aqua. Lucky numbers are 18 and 19.
A loved one is very hard to handle today because they're acting on whims and allowing their erratic emotions to get the better of them. If you don't know anyone who fits this description, maybe that's because you're the one who's causing such chaos. There could be a big argument about one person's desire to follow tradition and another one's need to break out of what they see as a rut. Favourable colours are teal blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 8 and 69.
Once again, the domestic atmosphere isn't exactly peaceful. Someone is still all worked up, and you may have come out in sympathy by now. Try to discuss things with as much objectivity as you can muster, otherwise the conversation will soon disintegrate into a bad-tempered spat or a slanging match in which you try to catch one another out. Even so, it's important to clear the air. Prosperous colours are purple and silver. Lucky numbers are 5 and 61.
A loved one gets hold of the wrong end of the stick today, causing endless hassle and fuss. They're likely to get upset in the process, so you have to calm them down, and that could lead to a squabble. You may also have to cope with discord when discussing family matters, with certain people getting bogged down in daft details that you think have nothing to do with the main issue. Powerful colours are coffee and magenta. Lucky numbers are 20 and 17.
You show a very soft side to your personality during the next few weeks, which will increase your popularity still further. You'll take a lot of trouble to get on well with people, and you'll also have plenty of charm. If you usually suffer from that classic Sagittarian problem of foot-in-mouth disease, you'll be mercifully free of it now and may even have moments of stunning diplomacy. Favourable colours are spearmint and russet. Lucky numbers are 10 and 37.
It's time to assess your Christmas preparations. Have you written and posted all your cards? If not, get cracking now while you're in the mood to get them all out of the way. You'll also enjoy a quick trip around the shops to see what's on offer and tick off a few more items on that long list of yours. If you're stuck for a present for someone, maybe you could find a book that they'd like. Auspicious colours are teal blue and primrose yellow. Lucky numbers are 75 and 28.
A little tact goes a long way today, enabling you to navigate your way through what has the potential to be a tricky situation. Luckily, things will work out well and you'll be pleased with the way you handled everything. If you're talking to a neighbour or close relative, beware of raising their hopes about something if you already know that it won't be happening. Fortunate colours are topaz and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 12 and 65.
This is turning out to be quite a month, because today you're given the opportunity to make a personal transformation. Don't be afraid to rid yourself of some aspect of your personality or life that has outlived its usefulness, and to embrace something more positive for the future. You don't know what you can do until you try, so give it your best shot and see what happens. Inspirational colours are fawn and ochre. Lucky numbers are 11 and 55.
Today's New Moon is the perfect opportunity for you to embark on a fresh chapter in your life during the next two weeks. This could be anything, from moving house to falling in love, changing jobs to beginning a new health regime. A change of image could also be in the offing now, especially if you want to be a big hit throughout the festivities. Ideal colours are violet and copper. Lucky numbers are 22 and 40.
If you've barely made a dent in your Christmas shopping, enjoy making up for lost time now. Just point yourself in the direction of the shops and see what happens! However, to avoid spending more money than you can comfortably afford to part with, it would be a good idea to work out a strict budget first or only to take the cash you want to spend. Otherwise, you know what will happen. Practical colours are mulberry and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 28 and 44.
You're much more voluble and articulate today, so you might want to have another go at telling someone what's bugging you at the moment. However, don't get so carried away that you end up dominating the conversation, especially if it's obvious that this person also has things that they need to talk about. Give them a chance to have their say. Auspicious colours are chocolate and blue green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 34.
Moodiness is never far away today, making you over-react to problems and giving you a tendency to take out your feelings on your nearest and dearest. If someone asks you what's really wrong, you'll struggle to explain and may even have to give up because you can't put it into words. It's like an itch that you can't scratch, and you don't know where it stems from or what it means. Advantageous colours are dark yellow and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 33 and 6.
You'll enjoy livening up your home in some way today. You might decide to experiment in the kitchen and cook something that you've never tried before, or invite someone round on the spur of the moment. Alternatively, matters might be taken out of your hands when a secret comes to light or a loved one's actions take you by surprise. Receptive colours are silver and navy. Lucky numbers are 34 and 11.
Watch out. Your mind is working overtime in full analytical mode, but you may be leaping to unfounded conclusions and reading too much into situations. The result of all this is that you might start to suspect someone's honesty or loyalty, and wonder what exactly they're up to. Don't accuse them of anything awful just yet because it may turn out that you were totally wrong about them. Revealing colours are dark gold and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 34 and 38.
Make the most of today's practical mood, especially if you're hoping to get through plenty of work. The best way to do this is to organize your time as efficiently as possible, and also to make sure that you have plenty of short breaks so you can recharge your batteries and then start work again feeling fresh and invigorated. Someone whose opinion you respect could give you some valuable advice. Auspicious colours are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 72 and 19.
You're in the mood to make a few plans today, especially if you can look forward to them with great pleasure. Maybe you could arrange a social event for later in the month, or start planning what to do during your Christmas holidays. You'll blossom in the company of friends and other people who are on the same wavelength as you. Fortunate colours are ginger and mulberry. Lucky numbers are 33 and 21.
You still prefer to be in a world of your own, in which nothing nasty is happening, but at least you're feeling a little more realistic than you were yesterday. It's a super day for visiting somewhere that's beautiful, peaceful or relaxing, or for going to the cinema or an art gallery. But it will be difficult to get up the energy for any prolonged Christmas shopping. Opportunistic colours are dark red and navy. Lucky numbers are 18 and 59.
You're in a super sensitive mood today so you need to choose the company you keep very carefully. You're also showing distinct tendencies to only believe what you want to believe and to disregard the rest, even if something is so obvious that it's staring you in the face. Right now, you want to bury your head in the sand and avoid anything unpleasant, but you'll have to face it sooner or later. The more you resist doing this now, the more difficult things may be further down the line. Sensitive colours are peach and ivory. Lucky numbers are 15 and 29.
Your Sagittarian optimism reasserts itself today, and about time too! You're feeling so much more cheerful and happy that it almost seems like a miracle. You're also longing to throw yourself into the festive preparations with a glad heart, especially if you've barely even thought about them up until now. Suddenly, you're aware of the date and of the need to get moving, and it feels like an exciting challenge. Fortunate colours are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 64.
You're in rather a downbeat mood and need cheering up. Unfortunately, that may not happen, possibly because you have a tendency to make heavy weather of everything at the moment. Money problems are particularly difficult to deal with right now because you can't help panicking and worrying about them, which prevents you taking the best course of action to solve them. Never mind, this miserable mood will soon pass. Fortuitous colours are bronze and avocado. Lucky numbers are 1 and 49.
During the next three weeks you'll encounter some very irritating phases in which communications are upside down. It might be difficult to make yourself understood so that crossed wires are more than likely, your phone or computer could go on the blink or you may have to deal with lots of trivial but irritating problems. Just do the best you can, and be prepared! Beneficial colours are lilac and dark red. Lucky numbers are 18 and 1.
Your faith in a certain person is renewed now, as once again you discover plenty in them to admire, cherish and love. All the same, you must try to keep at least one foot on the ground otherwise you'll view this person in such an idealistic light that you'll inevitably be disappointed later on when you realize they aren't so perfect after all. So do your best to remember that they're just as human as you and me. Favourable colours are apple green and lemon. Lucky numbers are 16 and 37.
You have a fantastic eye for detail today, But you have to use it wisely, otherwise you'll offend people by being too probing or suspicious. They'll wonder what you think they're up to, even if you're really only asking them a perfectly harmless question. Do your best to keep a sense of perspective and not to let things get blown out of proportion in your mind. Powerful colours are persimmon and black. Lucky numbers are 15 and 24.
You're keen to make the most of whatever is happening to you at the moment, and to look on the bright side whenever possible. This positive attitude will help to cheer up everyone else as well, so you'll be very popular. Seize the chance to do some socializing, whether it's a very modest gathering or you're going to the party of the decade. Either way, you'll shine. Inspirational colours are onyx and sepia. Lucky numbers are 1 and 58.
Today's Full Moon is shining its intense light on your relationships, and encouraging you to give them plenty of thought during the next two weeks. If a partnership isn't working, is that because you need to bring it to an end or is it simply going through a rough patch? Problems may feel like crises now, but don't make that an excuse for rushing into irrevocable or drastic action. Liberating colours are avocado and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 18 and 26.
You're dragging yourself around like a sadsack, so do yourself a favour and have as many breathers as possible. However, doing this may induce a strong sense of guilt, perhaps because you're entertaining unrealistic ideas about what you should be able to accomplish now. Beware of acting like a doormat or martyr in a bid to get other people's sympathy because it probably won't work. Ideal colours are ivory and mulberry. Lucky numbers are 11 and 10.
It won't take much to make you feel trapped and suffocated this Wednesday, particularly if you're with someone who clings to convention or the status quo because they're so scared of change. Maybe you're terrified that you have more in common with this person that you like to think? You'll certainly want to prove how go-ahead you can be, even though it will send this person into a flat spin. Favourable colours are magenta and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 19 and 66.
You'll love getting out and about as much as possible today, especially if you can take a favourite person along for the ride. It's one of your chatty days, and you'll adore catching up on all the news with a loved one. This is also a good day for being with children because you'll all have a great time together, and you'll enjoy thinking up fun things for them to do. Fortunate colours are pineapple and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 31 and 58.
If you're currently involved in a secret or very private relationship, it will be highlighted during the next three weeks. You might spend more time together or enjoy a greater emotional intimacy than usual. But you're unlikely to want to talk about it to all and sundry! You could also become involved in a charity or good cause now, and want to donate some time or money to it because it strikes a chord in you. Romantic colours are bright green and cream. Lucky numbers are 39 and 50.
Your mind is as sharp as a razor and extremely incisive today. You're able to look beyond the superficial to what's really going on, particularly when it comes to analysing your own actions and motives. You're in no mood to fool yourself, nor to baulk at thinking about unpleasant or troubling situations if that's what's required of you. Auspicious colours are peacock blue and iridescent orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 57.
There's rather a miserable atmosphere between you and a certain person today, or so it seems to you. The fact is that you're taking a very pessimistic view of this relationship and are putting the worst possible interpretation on any sign of trouble. There could also be disappointment when a forthcoming social event has to be scaled down because it looks like being too expensive. Favourable colours are brilliant white and bright red. Lucky numbers are 37 and 61.
You have a good idea of what is and isn't possible right now, and you're in no danger of kidding yourself about any of it. You're seeing things through very practical and pragmatic eyes. It's an especially good day to focus on joint and financial matters, such as a pension plan, insurance policy or a long-term savings scheme. Fortunate colours are burgundy and jade. Lucky numbers are 23 and 29.
You're feeling a strong affinity with some of the people in your life, and it's almost as though you know what they're going to say before they open their mouths. You'll have a great time if you're with people who are sympathetic and friendly, but you'll soon feel uncomfortable if you're with anyone who has a negative impact on you. Try to get away from them as soon as possible. Beneficial colours are dark pink and bronze. Lucky numbers are 9 and 62.
Your Angel is Raphael, Sagittarius, who watches over all your strengths and weaknesses, and the Angel that rules your sign is Adnachiel. Don't hesitate to call on either of your Angels if you need to, as they work hand in hand with the Stars. You're annoyed about something but for some reason it's difficult to express your feelings. Maybe the situation isn't appropriate or the timing isn't right. However, although you may think that you're hiding your anger well, it's highly likely that it's leaking out in all directions so everyone knows exactly how you're feeling. It might have been better to say something after all. Dynamic colours are copper and silver. Lucky numbers are 4 and 54.
Concentrate on at least one thing that makes you feel good today. It could be anything, according to the amount of time in your schedule and the amount of money in your pocket. Treat yourself to a favourite glossy magazine to read in your lunchhour, talk to someone who cheers you up or spend some precious time alone. Favourable colours are pink carnation and golden pineapple. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
There's a lot going on under the surface today, especially when you're with friends. You may not immediately be aware of all the undercurrents that are flowing between you, but once you start to tune into them you'll realize that you're very sensitive to other people's emotions and thoughts. You may even alter your conversation accordingly, in order to protect their feelings. Beneficial colours are pearl and chestnut. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
This is one of those days when you're reluctant to draw breath because you've got so much to talk about. You have some interesting things to say, but remember to stop talking and let someone else get a word in. Take a breath break, or everyone else might start yawning. Lively colours are orange and lemon. Lucky numbers are 9 and 35.
You're craving a little fantasy. It's the perfect time to spend the afternoon at the cinema, or to bury your nose in a mind-expanding book. You might even be inspired to create your own masterpiece! Your thoughts are ranging far and wide right now, and they could lead to some experiences of telepathy or ESP. Insightful colours are teal and purple. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
How much time do you spend alone? If you have a very busy life or live with other people, your privacy is a very precious commodity that you can rarely enjoy as much as you'd like. Change this situation during the coming fortnight by creating more time for yourself, even if that means getting up before everyone else each morning. Creative colours are amber and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 22 and 31.
Your imagination is easily engaged now, whether by something you read, hear or see. For instance, you might become fascinated by an idea that drops into your mind now, or decide that you want to know more about something that crops up in a conversation. If you're currently involved in some form of study or academic work, you'll really enjoy yourself today. Beneficial colours are red carnation and navy blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 26.
If you've been worried by difficulties that have existed between you and a friend recently, you'll feel confident enough to talk about them today. Encourage your friend to discuss what's been happening, so that together you can find a solution. The whole process may be a lot simpler and less painful than you dared to hope. What a relief! Healing colours are almond and navy. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
You'll have some interesting conversations today and you'll learn a lot from them. Maybe this is a good opportunity to get in touch with friends that you haven't heard from lately. Have a good old gossip on the phone or arrange to meet up with them in the near future. You'll also enjoy relaxing with a favourite hobby. Fortunate colours are grey and indigo. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
You're viewing the world through a rosy haze, and you want to stay in this idealistic bubble for as long as possible. Reality? You have little use for it right now, particularly when it concerns your personal relationships. As a result, you're trying hard to see the good in people and to ignore the bad. Are you deliberately turning a blind eye to something that could soon cause problems for you? Auspicious colours are cobalt blue and pale grey. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
It's a difficult day because certain people seem to have set themselves against you. Are they blocking your plans deliberately, or simply failing to understand what you want to do? How annoying to explain everything to them all over again. This is bound to cause frustration, but all you can do is to keep plodding on. Fortunate colours are beige and rich green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
A loved one has some revolutionary or shocking things to say today, so prepare yourself. They're in a rebellious mood and, to make matters worse, their mouth is working much faster than their brain. Actually, there's every chance that you're the one who's raising eyebrows and causing a stir. Ask yourself what you're trying to achieve. Calming colours are hyacinth and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 12.
You're in the mood for a party, so how about celebrating? Buy some goodies, invite some friends round and do your best to ensure that everyone has a wonderful time. You have a strong need for pleasure today, and also a great capacity for spreading happiness among the people you're with. This will be one of the highlights of November, so enjoy it! Beautiful colours are tangerine and ivory. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
You'll be really chatty and outgoing throughout the rest of 2004, and you'll jump at the chance to talk about whatever seems important to you at the time. You'll also be very subjective, so there may be phases when you're oblivious to the fact that other people aren't nearly as interested in what you're saying as you are. Whoops! Liberating colours are champagne and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 4 and 11.
You're feeling rather remote and distant from everyone else today, making it difficult to connect emotionally. Maybe you're separated physically, and it makes you feel rather lonely. Perhaps you can't break through what seems to be an invisible barrier between you. Try not to fret unless this is part of a much bigger problem. Even then, there is little you can do about it right now. Propitious colours are aubergine and jade. Lucky numbers are 13 and 11.
Take things slowly today and think them over carefully before taking any action or making any decisions. Right now you are very aware of the importance of what you're doing and you won't want to make any mistakes. Find the time to assess your financial situation and to check that everything is ticking over nicely. Advantageous colours are amethyst and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
If you don't agree with someone, you'll manage to say so without treading on their toes or making a big fuss. So this is a brilliant day for taking part in a discussion because you'll have no qualms about saying what you think. It's also a good opportunity to sort out a mix-up with a friend. Bold colours are violet and ebony. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
Thank goodness it's a much more peaceful and relaxing day, especially if you can put the chores to one side and concentrate on unwinding instead. You'll be drawn to places that are very beautiful or have a slightly mysterious quality, such as a spectacular piece of countryside or an ancient sacred site. It will also feel good to be near water, whether it's a vast sea or a tiny pond. Favourable colours are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 16 and 42.
Nothing goes according to plan today and you may as well resign yourself to that fact. The more you try to control chaotic situations, the more difficult they'll become. You may also have to cope with a loved one who is being uppity, eccentric or contrary. And once again, the more you try to make them behave, the keener they will be to do the exact opposite. Don't worry, this disruptive phase won't last long. Beneficial colours are spearmint and taupe. Lucky numbers are 5 and 42.
Friends are always important to you but they'll play an even more significant role in your life during the next four weeks. They might bring you opportunities that you would never have found by yourself, or simply remind you of how popular you are. There's even a chance that what is currently a friendship could soon develop decidedly romantic overtones. Stable colours are burgundy and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 15 and 44.
It's time to pay attention to your health. The coming fortnight is your cue to consider your current well-being and decide whether it needs some improvement. If you're hoping to lose weight before the Christmas party season gets underway, then start today. Or maybe you'll finally manage to kick that bad habit, such as smoking or being a couch potato. Ideal colours are gold and platinum. Lucky numbers are 22 and 3.
It's a fantastic day for taking charge of situations and people, provided that you don't let the power go to your head. For instance, it's great for taking the helm in a group venture because you'll have a good idea of what needs to be done and who is best suited to do it. You might also want to set a friend straight about something. But don't be bossy or insist that you get your own way! Auspicious colours are tangerine and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 28 and 62.
You can make good use of your money this Tuesday. This might mean investing some spare cash in an item that will grow in value over the years, or bring you lots of pleasure. It could involve putting some cash into a building society or deposit account. Right now you have a good idea of how much you can afford to put aside, and you'll be pleased with your prudence. Ideal colours are magenta and lavender. Lucky numbers are 18 and 4.
It's easy to get on well with everyone today, and you'll be especially successful with people who are older or more powerful than you. This means it's a good day for chatting to a boss or making contact with an elderly relative. The only fly in the ointment will come if you're desperately trying, and failing, to juggle the demands of home with those of work or other commitments. Favourable colours are avocado and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 6 and 31.
An old problem rears its ugly head again today. It needs to be sorted out quickly before it causes resentment or pent-up fury. If you find that you're seething about something that belongs to your past, examine it carefully to find out why you're still so angry about it. Is it part of a pattern that you keep repeating? If so, you need to think carefully about what's going on and why. Propitious colours are mulberry and golden ash. Lucky numbers are 16 and 7.
If you want to do yourself a favour, get together with some of your nearest and dearest. However, you might want to avoid anyone who's very noisy or too much like hard work because you simply won't have the stamina for them at the moment. Instead, choose companions who are sensitive, affectionate and who don't need to be endlessly entertained. Inspirational colours are fawn and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 16.
This is a good day for sorting out minor problems and fixing anything that's about to go on the blink. Perhaps it's about time you took your car in for a service, or had that irritating little rattle checked out by the garage in case it's an indication that something serious is going wrong. If you own a computer, tidy up some of its files or run a program that checks it for bugs, viruses and other problems. Fortunate colours are silvery blue and spring green. Lucky numbers are 15 and 8.
It's very tempting to be drawn into gossip and innuendo, and you'll probably enjoy it at the time, but later on it will leave a nasty taste in your mouth. You may also be worried that you've betrayed someone's secret or have dropped so many heavy hints about it that everyone has now put two and two together. So try to stay silent about anything really important! Ideal colours are champagne and dark grey. Lucky numbers are 6 and 60.
Someone is exercising their power in a very unsubtle way today. They may think they're being discreet about it, but it's a very different story as far as you're concerned. Maybe they're offering you something of value, such as a career break, but you can bet that it comes at a high price. They want in return something that you may not be willing to give. Be careful! Favourable colours are dark pink and violet. Lucky numbers are 18 and 70.
Is money burning a hole in your pocket? It certainly looks that way, whether you have a mini spending spree in some of your favourite shops or have an extravagant outing with a friend. If you're searching for a present for someone, you'll be overcome with generosity and could easily spend a lot more money than you intended. Beneficial colours are turquoise and jade. Lucky numbers are 22 and 57.
There's no danger of you having the Monday blues because you're in such an upbeat and positive mood. You also have the happy knack of being able to bring out the best in everyone, and might even be successful with someone who's usually a pain in the neck. You'll be happiest when you're with people you consider to be kindred spirits. Prosperous colours are dusky pink and apricot. Lucky numbers are 18 and 10.
Keep your ears pinned back and you might hear some very interesting information about someone. This could be a facet of their character that you'd never glimpsed before but which is currently very evident, or it might be some fascinating gossip. If you're having a tidy-up at home, you could find all sorts of treasures that you'd stashed away and then forgotten about. Favourable colours are grape and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 31 and 66.
You'll value having some peace and quiet today, so you can mull things over in private without anyone breathing down your neck. Your thoughts are almost bound to turn to very personal and emotional topics, especially if you normally shove such things to the back of your mind because they make you feel so uncomfortable. You're better able to face up to them right now. Prosperous colours are midnight blue and copper. Lucky numbers are 33 and 28.
It's nothing to worry about but there will definitely be times between now and early November when you'll prefer to keep quiet rather than speak out. Maybe you'll be silenced by shyness or timidity, or you'll realize that discretion is definitely the better part of valour for the time being. However, there may be occasions when you'll have to force yourself to speak up, either for your own sake or that of someone else. Ideal colours are persimmon and azure. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
Today's eclipsed New Moon will have a dynamic effect on friendships during the next couple of weeks. You might meet a new friend who will brighten up your life no end, or who will introduce you to a wealth of interesting ideas. This will also be the ideal opportunity to put your heart and soul into a plan for the future, and to turn it into solid reality. Favourable colours are platinum and pale green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 7.
Take care, Sagittarius. Although you may believe that you're taking a very practical and sensible view of things today, it's far more likely that you're either erring on the side of caution or telling yourself that you're doomed to failure. You're also very concerned about not looking like a fool or appearing to be a nitwit, and are worried about what friends and loved ones think of you. Advantageous colours are cream and maroon. Lucky numbers are 5 and 17.
You're full of commonsense today, so put it to good use. It's a really good opportunity to sort out any financial or bureaucratic hiccups that have been a thorn in your side recently. With a little luck, you might be able to solve them entirely now so you don't have to worry about them any longer. You're also hot stuff when it comes to taking charge of other people. Auspicious colours are mother of pearl and dark green. Lucky numbers are 35 and 58.
A certain person is a rather tough customer this Monday, especially if they're in a position of power or authority over you. They might be a stickler for doing things a particular way, or demand that you obey their rules even if you don't agree with them. Try not to make this disagreement personal, nor to let it continue for any longer than necessary, so you can avoid lurking resentment. Ideal colours are cherry pink and moonlight blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
It's very important for you to bask in other people's appreciation today. If you've done something well, you'll want to be praised for it and you won't be very pleased if all your efforts are taken for granted. In fact, you might make a bit of a fuss about it! Maybe this is entirely justified, but don't spoil your argument by getting over-emotional and irrational. Beneficial colours are lemon and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 21 and 40.
You'll enjoy giving your brain some exercise today, especially if you're busy with some sort of intellectual pursuit. You won't be satisfied with glib or superficial answers because right now you want to dig deep to get at the truth. If you're involved in a discussion, you'll ask some searching questions and will demand that other people prove their points well. Dynamic colours are peacock blue and shimmering green. Lucky numbers are 37 and 33.
Broaden your mental and emotional horizons today by getting in touch with people who always make you laugh and who help you to keep an open mind. It will definitely do you good to get together with some kindred spirits. Alternatively, you might prefer to read an inspiring book or listen to a tape that always helps you to put things in perspective. Stable colours are charcoal and avocado. Lucky numbers are 25 and 76.
Sort out your finances today, especially if you have to pay bills or query an anomaly in your bank or credit card statement. You're in rather a sober mood, and this will quickly descend into doom and gloom if things don't go your way or you're feeling the pinch financially. Do your best to avoid sinking into a slough of despond over minor problems. They aren't worth it. Favourable colours are sunflower yellow and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 19 and 27.
A loved one is feeling very independent and sure of themselves, and it's making them headstrong and possibly even insensitive. They have a powerful desire for freedom right now, and want to kick against any conventions or tenets that they find constricting or old-fashioned. The trouble is that they don't care how they go about it, or who they hurt in the process. Auspicious colours are dusky pink and jade. Lucky numbers are 11 and 65.
You're in a much more conciliatory and easy-going mood today, which is just as well. At least it means you're able to apologize for any lapses in your behaviour yesterday. This is a super day for tuning into the emotions of the people around you, so you instinctively know what to say and do for the best. You may even feel quite psychic at times. Fortunate colours are silvery grey and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 15 and 24.
You're facing a clash with your partner today, in which neither of you wants to back down and let the other one win. Unfortunately, it seems that any sort of compromise is completely out of the question at the moment, but try not to get drawn into an extreme viewpoint in which you're the goodie and the other person is the baddie. It's probably six of one and half a dozen of the other! Favourable colours are aqua and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 29 and 16.
During the next three weeks you'll find it easy to get on well with the people you respect and admire. You'll also manage to hit it off with older friends and relatives, and also with your superiors at work. The simple fact is that a little charm goes a long way now, so don't be scared to smile and be pleasant at every opportunity. This will help to create a harmonious atmosphere and make life enjoyable for everyone. Ideal colours are navy and shimmering gold. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
You have no desire to do any hard work today, which is fine if you don't have to, but not such good news if you're facing a pile of chores or you've got to go to work. It will be tempting to get away with doing as little as possible, and that's fine if it won't get you into trouble. But try not to be slipshod or lazy if this will arouse the wrath or indignation of people who have a lot of power over you. Relaxing colours are mauve and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 4 and 13.
Take it easy today otherwise you'll soon start to feel under the weather. Maybe something is bothering you, in which case it will nag away at you until you can do something about it. You might also be concerned about the welfare of a certain someone, especially if they're reluctant to say what's wrong. Your overactive imagination will quickly fill in the gaps and create quite a drama. Beneficial colours are crimson and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 8 and 27.
You've been in a very buoyant mood recently but you come down to earth with a bang today. What's wrong? You're feeling rather fragile emotionally, and are likely to put the worst possible interpretation on any problems with loved ones. You'll tell yourself that they've gone off you, found someone else or simply think you're boring. It's much more likely that they've got other things to do right now but that they love you just as much as ever. Feeling any better? Fortunate colours are shimmering gold and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 10 and 66.
You're full of big ideas and you can't wait to tell everyone all about them, whether they want to listen or not. Right now you're absolutely bursting with enthusiasm and optimism, so you may be tempted to make promises that seem entirely possible at the moment but which may turn out to be impossible to fulfil in the long run. Fortunate colours are amber and jade. Lucky numbers are 9 and 45.
A special relationship needs a helping hand during the next two weeks. Maybe you've got to have a quiet word with this person so you can sort out a minor niggle or reach a better understanding with them. Alternatively, the coming fortnight may mark a watershed in your relationship as it moves from one stage to another. Dynamic colours are dark red and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 28 and 14.
This is a great day to have the courage of your convictions and push ahead with your aspirations for the future. Right now you believe in them completely and won't allow yourself to be deterred by anyone who doesn't share your enthusiasm. It's also brilliant for holding your own in a group of strangers or for breaking the ice with someone. Adventurous colours are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 60.
You've definitely got your head screwed on the right way today, which is just what you need if you're reviewing your progress so far in your career and then deciding what to do next. It will help to talk to someone who has the experience and intelligence to understand what you're going through and possibly give you some helpful pointers. Propitious colours are mother of pearl and dark green. Lucky numbers are 14 and 54.
Part of the backdrop of your life changes from today, and during the next year it will emphasize your hopes and dreams for the future. What seems like nothing more than a pipe dream at the moment could become glorious reality between now and October 2005. Friends will also play a big role in your life, bringing you lots of laughter and happiness. Uplifting colours are blueberry and caramel. Lucky numbers are 34 and 5.
A little magic takes place today, when you reach an important turning point in your life and take the right road for you. You may not be aware of this at the time, but later on you'll look back and marvel that some inner instinct pointed you in the right direction. You will also get a lot of meaning and comfort now from a spiritual, mystical or religious experience. Bold colours are bright red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 25 and 37.
Throw yourself into your social life today because it's exactly what you're in the mood for. You need to put your ambitions on the back burner for a day and relax a little instead. It's a great opportunity to widen your social horizons by joining a new club or organization, because you never know who you might meet as a result. Prosperous colours are teal blue and pearl. Lucky numbers are 5 and 10.
Someone seems determined to tell you what to think today. They're busy pushing their opinions down your throat, whether you want to hear them or not, and then they expect you to swallow them wholesale. But you aren't going to, are you? There may be a lot of commonsense in what this person is telling you but right now you aren't interested in listening to any of it. Don't be too stubborn about this or you'll miss some pearls of wisdom. Receptive colours are dusky pink and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 33.
You're in a very expansive and optimistic mood today, especially when you consider your current prospects and chances of success. Even though it might seem as though everything is in the bag, some details still need attention and you don't want to trip yourself up by being complacent, lazy or over-confident. Nevertheless, you're capable of great things right now. Prosperous colours are snow white and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 5 and 51.
You aren't being nearly as objective as you'd like to think today, so bear that in mind if you start to attract lots of trouble and strife. You may be acting in a very defensive or aggressive way, even if you aren't aware of it, or you might take a very self-centred view of a current difficulty. Luckily this mood won't last long but you should try to control it in the meantime. Creative colours are spring green and warm brown. Lucky numbers are 18 and 41.
You've been working very hard during the past few days and now you need a break. Although you'll be reluctant to come to a full stop, nevertheless you'll be much more impressive in the days ahead if you can recharge your batteries at some point today. It may also help to have an in-depth chat with someone who has your best interests at heart. Soothing colours are primrose and lavender. Lucky numbers are 13 and 14.
This going to be a really successful day, especially if you're able to pace yourself and exert exactly the right amount of effort for each task. Once again you're very effective and capable, which will impress everyone around you. You will also get a very good idea of what is and isn't possible, so there will be no risk of wasting your time on impossible goals. Positive colours are peach and avocado. Lucky numbers are 19 and 27.
You're feeling purposeful and businesslike, and you don't want to muck about or waste time. Instead, you'll want to organize your day in the most efficient way possible, so you don't have to backtrack or do anything twice. Ideally, you should work by yourself now because you'll appreciate a little peace and quiet. You need to be able to think without being interrupted. Dynamic colours are ochre and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 34 and 5.
You'll enjoy chatting to other people today, especially if you're talking to some kindred spirits. The conversation could soon turn to topics that have particular significance for you, and you'll want everyone to agree with what you're saying. Don't be offended or upset if they have their own opinions. Instead, listen to what they say because you could learn something important. Auspicious colours are champagne and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 29 and 15.
If you like the idea of making your mark on the world, start as you mean today. You have the requisite energy and stamina, and your confidence is boosted by your recent achievements. However, try to guard against a tendency to be impatient if you don't get instant results, or if other people aren't nearly as excited about your plans as you are. Fortunate colours are gold and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 20 and 71.
Today's New Moon will affect your long-term goals during the coming fortnight, giving them fresh impetus and energy. This will be the perfect time to launch a new venture that's designed to put your name on the map. It will also be a great opportunity to take any action that will enhance your job prospects or increase your reputation. Creative colours are caramel and violet. Lucky numbers are 15 and 78.
Chaos! Everything seems to be up in the air so you don't know whether you're coming or going. Plans may have to be changed at the last minute, calling for an adaptable attitude that doesn't come easily at the moment. Be careful if you're in the middle of a property deal or home improvement project because accidents and silly mistakes are more than likely right now. Fortunate colours are kiwifruit and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 33 and 27.
If you're currently proposing any sort of change in your life, someone will try to stop you today. Maybe they feel threatened by what you're proposing because it goes against everything they're used to, or they're worried that you'll show them up in some way. Should you cave in or stick to your guns? Only you will know the answer, but a little flexibility would help enormously. Stabilising colours are purple and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 65.
It's best not to believe everything you hear today, because someone could easily get their facts muddled. There's also a chance that they may be carried away by the emotional power of what they're saying, and end up placing undue emphasis on some things, and ignoring others completely. A good attempt at propaganda - try not to fall for it. Stable colours are beige and hazelnut. Lucky numbers are 25 and 43.
You could easily be drawn into a major personality clash today, involving some form of power struggle or battle of wills. It won't be pleasant, but you'll soon realize that you can't let this person walk all over you now - otherwise they'll do it again any time they want. However, you will have to know when to step back from making the situation completely intractable. Empowering colours are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 14 and 6.
Come to grips with bureaucratic and financial matters today, especially if you want to sort them out once and for all. You shouldn't have too much trouble about this because you'll manage to speak to people who are helpful and intelligent. If you haven't talked to an older friend or relative recently, make contact with them now so you can find out how they are. Favourable colours are green and black. Lucky numbers are 14 and 67.
If you're thinking of doing some shopping today, don't be surprised if you bring home all sorts of items that you weren't expecting to buy. If you're in the supermarket, you'll be attracted by some unusual food or alcohol. This could turn out to be a very happy discovery or a ghastly mistake, but at least you'll have satisfied your current craving for domestic adventure. Positive colours are apricot and ebony. Lucky numbers are 16 and 23.
Someone is too big for their boots today - busy boasting about their achievements or blowing their own trumpet. Although this may be rather irritating they don't mean any harm by it. Don't be drawn into a competitive conversation in which you vie with each other to see who's the most successful, or who has the most money. Calming colours are aqua and peach. Lucky numbers are 3 and 18.
Things are a bit dicey with a certain person today. Maybe they're in a strop about something and determined to take it out on you, or perhaps the boot's on the other foot and you're the one who's on the warpath. You obviously need to clear the air as quickly as possible, but don't look on this as an excuse to let rip about things that don't really matter or which will hurt someone's feelings. Soothing colours are amethyst and champagne. Lucky numbers are 33 and 66.
If you're having a get together you want everyone to have a good time, and you pull out all the stops to make sure it happens. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, you'll tell yourself that it's all in a good cause - and so be it. If you're doing the catering yourself, you'll provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colours are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 63.
Do your best to keep track of your belongings today, otherwise you could waste a lot of time hunting for them. For instance, you might lose your doorkeys and spend ages searching for them, only to discover that they were in your pocket all the time. The reason for this? You're feeling absent-minded and over-emotional, so there's plenty to distract you from your mundane activities. Opportune colours are pale green and shimmering silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 15.
This is one of those enjoyable days when everything seems to go right. People are cooperative, colleagues are friendly and even bosses are considerate. You'll have plenty to smile about if you're participating in a discussion or meeting, because you'll find it easy to get your point across. You'll also do well if you're attending a job interview or salary review. Ambitious colours are gold and purple. Lucky numbers are 9 and 62.
You're determined to enjoy yourself as much as possible today and it looks as though you'll succeed. It's likely you'll have something to celebrate when you hear good news about a future job prospect.or a long- term ambition. Love could also be in the air between you and someone who's influential, highly regarded and possibly even rich. Uplifting colours are caramel and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 21 and 73.
You're very eager to show a certain person that you're on their side right now, especially if you think they're being treated unfairly for some reason. You might want to give them your emotional support or encourage them yet again to tell you all about it. They'll appreciate knowing that they have your backing. Beneficial colours are smoky quartz and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 29 and 66.
What is normally a close relationship, feels unhappy and out of your grasp today. Whether you are separated physically or emotionally, it feels as though there's a huge gulf between you. It's putting you on the defensive and you may even toy with the idea of ending the relationship rather than cope with this rift. But don't throw in the towel just yet, because things could soon get back on track or you may realize that they weren't nearly as bad as you feared.
If a family matter has been worrying you recently, try to sort it out during the coming fortnight. And if it would be impossible to fix it that quickly, at least you can make a start. This will also be a very good opportunity to come to terms with a poignant episode from your past that still has the power to upset you. Take it gently, and seek professional help if you think it's necessary.
A loved one is blowing hot and cold, so you don't know where you stand with them. One minute you're in favour and the next you're in trouble. Try not to take this personally because it isn't really directed at you. Instead, it's saying a great deal about the erratic and quicksilver state of this person's emotions. Maybe you should ask them what's wrong?
You need to slow down! You've been working at full tilt recently but today you realize that you can't keep this up for much longer without a break. Try to do as little as possible as often as possible, especially if this means relaxing with your feet up and forgetting about all the chores that are waiting for you. It will also be easy to unwind if you're in or near water.
Don't take your eye off the ball if you're working on something fiddly or complex today because that's when mistakes could happen. You'll kick yourself if you mess up something through a momentary lapse of concentration. Ideally, you should double-check anything important to make sure that you've done it properly and haven't overlooked a vital element.
You're in a dynamic and go-getting mood today, and you won't want to feel that the grass is growing under your feet. Far from it! You'll be a real live wire if you're busy at work, and you'll attract some admiring glances from people who are very impressed by your energy and enthusiasm. If you've been thinking about applying for promotion you may decide to go ahead now.
If travel arrangements have recently become snaggled, now is the perfect time to sort things out. In the meantime, you may have changed your mind about some aspects of your plans, such as deciding to use a different airline or visit another destination. You may even decide that you're thankful for the delays!
Keep an eye open for anyone who's struggling at the moment and could do with a helping hand. This might be a neighbour who's having a bad time and who would appreciate it if you could do their shopping for them, or a close relative who's feeling lonely and would be thrilled if you gave them a ring. Do this with a glad heart and a big smile, so they needn't worry about being a nuisance.
This is a great day for talking to someone who has the sort of wisdom, experience and knowledge that you really admire. This might be your boss, some other authority figure, an older relative, or anyone else who you feel is your mentor. They could give you some helpful hints, point you in the right direction or simply listen as you pour your heart out.
You've been doing a lot of hard work recently, and you may have started to despair that you'd ever get anywhere with it. Well, don't worry because your ship could come in during the next four weeks. That's if you've done your job properly, of course. If you've been getting by with the minimum effort and covering up all your careless mistakes, you could soon be found out. But if you've done your very best, you'll have nothing to worry about.
If this is a free day, try to get away from it all for a short while. You might decide to jump in the car, or on the train, and have a mystery tour. It will certainly go you a lot of good to get out and about, and preferably to visit somewhere for the first time. If it's steeped in history or culture, then so much the better.
A conversation with a friend is really interesting today. You'll enjoy talking about things in depth, and you may even learn new things about one another. Grab the chance to clear up any difficulties with someone before they get any worse, even if this means giving them your abject apologies. Right now you'd rather speak from the heart than say something insincere.
It's difficult to keep track of what you're doing today because your thoughts are flying in all directions. At times it will be almost impossible to concentrate for long, which is bad news if you're supposed to be doing something that's very detailed or complicated. Ideally, you should postpone it until another day when you're able to do it, and yourself, justice.
Kick up your heels and cut loose today, even if it makes you unpopular. You're gripped by such a strong desire for independence, you don't care how you achieve it. Hang on.... you don't really want to spoil everything that you've worked for with headstrong displays of temperament do you? Find another way.
You're very sure about what you're doing today, which gives you an air of efficiency and competence. This is just what you need if you're hoping to impress a boss with your prowess or self-confidence. It's an excellent day for making your money work for you, perhaps by sinking it in a rock-solid investment or putting it into a venture that will boost your reputation. But don't take unnecessary risks with it.
Opportunities abound during the next two weeks, so make the most of them. Don't be too complacent about your chances of success because things won't automatically land in your lap without any effort on your part. Being prepared to take the initiative or venture down a new path every now and then will be a very wise move.
The best way to get someone on your side is to talk to them. Draw them out of their shell, so you get a better idea of who they are and what they like. This will be good advice whether you're chatting to an older relative at home or trying to keep on the right side of a boss at work. It's also a good day for discussing your goals with someone who knows you very well.
You have a strong need to be in the limelight today. It's not that you necessarily want to occupy centre-stage all day long, but you definitely want to be noticed. Actually, if you do find that you've been sidelined or ignored, you'll manage to come up with some strategy or other that draws attention to you, even if you're not aware that you're doing it.
A loved one keeps you on your toes today. It's good fun and you'll enjoy not knowing what they're going to do next. They might make a suggestion that you have to think twice about before admitting that it's a good idea, or do something on the spur of the moment that completely brightens up your day. You might also have an unexpected but delightful visitor.
You're capable of making some very creative and exciting changes to your life today, Archers. How exhilarating to realize that you have much more control over your destiny than you might have imagined! Try to work with people rather than against them, and choose options that are for the good of everyone concerned and not just you.
Are you battling with red tape at the moment, Sagittarius? Slice your way through it today by being direct and to the point. Get on the phone to someone who can help, or see them in person, and start negotiating. Treat them as a fellow human being rather than the enemy, and you'll see a big difference in their attitude towards you.
Between now and late September you'll feel a strong urge to push ahead with your goals and ambitions. There will be phases when this seems extremely urgent and you'll be reluctant to waste valuable time. Although you'll be able to achieve a tremendous amount, you'll be most successful if you know when to pace yourself. Avoid making management feel that you're after their job and snapping at their heels.
A certain person has an awfully high opinion of themselves today. You'll know this by the way they talk down to you or give you instructions that are an insult to your intelligence. Probably the best way to respond is to rise above it all and pretend that you haven't noticed. If you're determined to stand up for yourself then so be it, but don't get caught up in such minor complaints that you sound petty and small-minded.
This is a great day for being with people you admire and respect. You might even pick their brains about something if you think it's appropriate, but don't take advantage of their good nature. There could be some good news about your job prospects or someone might offer to pull a few strings on your behalf.
Explore your emotions in depth during the next four weeks, because this will be a marvellous opportunity to discover how you're feeling about certain things and people. You should also be prepared to be much more passionate and intense with loved ones than usual, because you'll get back what you give out and it will be thrilling.
You're capable of making some profound and long-lasting changes to your life today. You'll be especially effective when it comes to improving your job prospects or focusing on your long-term goals. However, it's important that you know when to hold back and when to move forward, and also that you get some influential people on your side, rather than set them against you.
You're in a much more upbeat mood than you've been during the past few days and you're ready to get the most out of life once more. In fact, this looks like being one of the most enjoyable days of the entire month so put as much effort into it as possible. It's terrific for getting out and about, and preferably for visiting somewhere that captures your imagination.
You're still feeling churned up and vulnerable, but try not to over-react to any problems that you face today. You might feel unloved because a special person can't spare you the time you crave, or you could get in a tizz about a minor domestic problem that looms large in your life at the moment. You feel as though it's the end of the world but this phase won't last long.
Long-buried emotions could come back to haunt you today, leaving you in a tetchy and tense mood. You might find that you're worrying about something that happened such a long time ago that you couldn't do anything to change it now even if you wanted to. What's really bothering you and how can you fix it? Try to be objective and constructive, and don't brood.
You are likely to be caught up in details and forget to keep an eye on the bigger picture today. This means you start to fret about things that don't really matter while possibly ignoring something that's much more pressing. If you're trying to get on with your work now, you may have to cope with lots of tiresome or trivial interruptions. Perhaps you could shut yourself away from everyone else for a while?
Your thought processes are operating much faster than normal, making it difficult to keep track of your ideas. No sooner has one thought occurred to you than it's followed by another, and you'll probably end up forgetting most of them. This will make you seem absent-minded and distracted, so it will help to jot down whatever it is that you have to accomplish before it slips your mind.
If there has been a misunderstanding between you and a certain person recently, it's important that you sort it out during the coming fortnight. At least start to talk about it rather than pretend that it hasn't happened. You might also have to reach a decision about a child's education or their current situation. Weigh up all the pros and cons before coming to any irrevocable conclusions. Fortunate colours are onyx and amber. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
The financial outlook isn't as rosy as you would like, and it's getting you down. Maybe you're depressed from having to scrimp and scrape until the next infusion of cash, or you're worried that you're going to have to bail out your other half because they're broke. Try not to let your imagination work overtime so you end up picturing the worst. Things may not be nearly as bad as they seem at the moment. Fortunate colours are olive and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 19 and 7.
You make a point of getting on well with whoever happens to be around today, even if they aren't one of your favourites. It's a particularly good day for talking to people you respect and admire, and you could glean some valuable information from them in the course of your conversation. You're happy to learn from their wisdom right now. Auspicious colours are navy and lemon. Lucky numbers are 6 and 74.
It's a difficult day and you need to take things slowly. Your emotions are in a turbulent and intense state, especially if you're grappling with feelings that you've tried unsuccessfully to push to the back of your mind. It's important that you admit to yourself what's going on, otherwise you'll be caught in the grip of emotions that are crying out to be acknowledged. Inspirational colours are jet black and sparkling gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 26.
The past few days haven't exactly been all plain sailing, and by today you're longing for some calmer waters. Well, you can do a lot to create a more peaceful atmosphere by being open-minded about the current situation and not leaping to hasty or ill-judged conclusions. You'll also enjoy visiting somewhere for the first time. Favourable colours are amethyst and banana. Lucky numbers are 27 and 58.
Someone is in a volatile mood today and they're likely to fly off the handle if they think they're being attacked. They might be easily offended, so you feel that even the most innocent conversation could descend into a giant huff at any moment. They obviously have something on their mind and ideally they should get it out into the open, even if this isn't a very pleasant prospect. Beneficial colours are aubergine and peach. Lucky numbers are 18 and 13.
Emotional matters are rather fraught this Sunday and could easily lead to a lot of ill feeling if you can't control your behaviour. You might blurt out something that's designed to be hurtful, or dredge up an old score that provokes a nasty scene. If you or your partner is feeling resentful, you need to thrash out the problem now rather than let it fester any longer. Ideal colours are persimmon and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
You're feeling rather low today, and it won't take much for things to get you down. It certainly won't help that a loved one is being critical or emotionally remote, and you'll feel very hard-done by. The best way to handle this is probably to make yourself scarce until they're in a more generous mood, but also to acknowledge that there may be some truth in what they're saying. Auspicious colours are chocolate brown and rich gold. Lucky numbers are 36 and 69.
Show your empathy for someone today. They'll be really grateful, especially if they're feeling out on a limb at the moment. You could become interested in a humanitarian or philanthropic project and want to give it your support, or you might do your bit to help a local venture become a success. If you can spare the time you'll love a trip to the cinema or theatre. Positive colours are tangerine and silver. Lucky numbers are 14 and 73.
You'll be open to lots of different opportunities during the coming four weeks, and will want to make your life as exciting and enterprising as possible. In fact, you'll really feel in your element, and this will be even better if you're about to take off on holiday because you'll adore the chance to do some travelling. You're in a more fortunate position now than usual, but don't take this for granted because you still need to make an effort if you're to make the most of the luck swirling about you at the moment. Fortunate colours are burgundy and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 10.
Your partner needs plenty of attention, and unfortunately you may not be able to spare as much time as they'd like. Although this isn't your fault, they may not think so and could get in quite a paddy about it. Do your best to comfort them because what they really want now is your affection and the reassurance of your love, so a big hug might do the trick. Adventurous colours are violet and copper. Lucky numbers are 37 and 10.
You're a real pleasure seeker today and you won't be happy if you have to give all that up in favour of work. However, you're in the sort of positive mood in which you'll do your best to get plenty of enjoyment out of any situation. So you'll introduce a cheerful atmosphere if you're at work. And once you're let off the leash for the day there'll be no stopping you! Favourable colours are dark pink and pale blue. Lucky numbers are 34 and 35.
This is a wonderful day for getting together with friends or your other half. You'll get a great deal from their company and will want to let them know how much they mean to you. If you've recently met someone nice and would like to get to know them better, this is a great opportunity to break the ice. Maybe you should invite them out for a drink. Inspirational colours are oyster and ivory. Lucky numbers are 17 and 50.
There's nothing you like better today than relaxing with the Sunday papers or a pile of magazines and then reading them from cover to cover. You'll enjoy absorbing plenty of facts and figures, and may even decide that you want to know much more about a particular topic. Well, there's no time like the present! Soothing colours are mother of pearl and silvery pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 51.
You have a lot to say for yourself today, especially if you're involved in a philosophical or moral discussion. You'll enjoy debating everyone's opinions and arriving at some form of consensus. If you're taking part in a political or ethical campaign, you'll enjoy spreading the word in some way, but don't ram your opinions down someone's throat if they aren't interested. Beneficial colours are pineapple and rose pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 59.
You have a very high opinion of a certain someone today and you don't want anything to spoil it. Is your rosy view of them justified or are you being slightly idealistic? It's certainly a wonderful day for escaping from reality, preferably in the company of someone special, but make sure you come back down to earth again soon. Powerful colours are salmon and mulberry. Lucky numbers are 32 and 19.
Vary your routine as much as possible today, otherwise you're in danger of getting bored and fed up. Do things in a different order from usual or abandon your usual Thursday schedule and give yourself a mini holiday. If you're thinking about ways of brightening up your home or garden, you'll have some clever ideas. But will the rest of the family agree? Creative colours are mahogany and olive. Lucky numbers are 23 and 27.
If you aren't careful you'll be dragged into a battle of wills today, and it will be difficult to extricate yourself. For instance, you could get embroiled in a pointless argument with a partner in which neither of you is willing to back down, so you end up with a stalemate. Alternatively, one of you seems keen to boss the other one around and tell them what to do, which won't go down well. Advantageous colours are platinum and claret. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.
It's important to get your facts straight today, otherwise you could unwittingly mislead someone or send them on a wild goose-chase. Rather than relying on your memory when discussing certain facts, it would be far better to check that you know what you're talking about first. Be especially careful about this if you're travelling, in case you make a mistake about the time of a bus or train. Advantageous colours are azure and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 3.
Try to go over existing projects rather than start anything new today, especially if you're at work. It isn't a good day for getting anything new off the ground because it could soon be beset by all sorts of snags and problems. If you've got a medical appointment you'd better take a good book with you because there could easily be a delay before you're seen. Patience! Positive colours are toffee and almond. Lucky numbers are 10 and 16.
You're in a very sociable mood and you'll really enjoy talking to whoever happens to be around. You're interested in knowing what makes people tick at the moment, so you might ask some probing questions yet you'll manage to avoid sounding as though you're giving them the third degree. This is also a good day for getting in touch with people who live overseas. Creative colours are pineapple and pink. Lucky numbers are 27 and 9.
Do your best to keep an open mind and to avoid nurturing any preconceived ideas today. This is particularly important if you're talking to someone who comes from a different background to yours or whose philosophy of life takes a bit of getting used to. A wide-ranging discussion will help both of you to understand the other one's point of view, even if you don't agree with it. Advantageous colours are marzipan and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
If someone is feeling jealous or possessive, you'll know all about it today because they won't be able to hide their emotions. They might even treat you to a big scene, full of melodrama and designed to make you racked with guilt. Will it work? It's much more likely to make you furious and determined to prove that you aren't a piece of their property. Empowering colours are purple and gold. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
You don't have a great deal of energy today so you need to pace yourself, especially if you're doing things that require emotional stamina. You'll soon feel drained and despondent if a close relationship is showing signs of strain, and you'll also have a tendency to read more into the situation that it really deserves. So if you hit a snag with someone you'll imagine it's a total disaster. Advantageous colours are cream and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 38 and 9.
Loved ones are hard to handle today. There's a lot of pent-up tension and resentment in the air, and it seems to permeate everything. As a result, even the simplest conversation could turn into a highly- charged dispute, or someone might make some loaded comments that are intended to make you feel uncomfortable. Accept your role in all this angst, then do something about it. Dynamic colours are aubergine and brass. Lucky numbers are 14 and 11.
It's a lovely day for being with some of your nearest and dearest. Even if you normally feel rather embarrassed about showing affection, you won't have the same self-conscious reservations this Tuesday and will take pleasure in letting others know how much they mean to you. You'll also make progress if you're currently trying to improve your home. Expressive colours are vermilion and agate. Lucky numbers are 12 and 9.
Make the most of today's go-ahead mood, especially if you want to make progress in your career or an official financial matter. You're able to look on the bright side, which will be helpful if you have to keep persisting in something until you get it right or until people give you the assistance that you need. Beneficial colours are violet and cream. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
If you're a typical Sagittarian you have an very enquiring mind and you'll be filled with even more curiosity than usual during the next three weeks. This will be a terrific opportunity to add to your store of knowledge, whether through further education or something much less formal. It will be an exciting experience and you'll want it to continue for some time to come. Harmonious colours are cinnamon and lemon. Lucky numbers are 19 and 10.
Take care because you're in rather a nitpicking mood. You might waste a lot of time and effort on silly details that are really just a distraction from the main issue. There could also be some disagreement between you and a partner in which you manage to get more and more annoyed with each other, particularly if money comes into the equation. You won't sort this out until you've both calmed down. Advantageous colours are marzipan and plum. Lucky numbers are 26 and 13.
Today's Full Moon is urging you to do something constructive about the current state of your finances. That might mean cutting back on expenses until your bank balance is looking more healthy or investing some spare cash so it can grow into a nice nest-egg. If you're always trying to find the time for everything you're expected to do, you may also want to scale down your commitments and concentrate on those that seem most important to you. Beneficial colours are blackberry and rich ochre. Lucky numbers are 22 and 12.
You can't help but approach life from a rather intense angle today, so everything you do is invested with more importance than usual. This means you could easily get in a stew about things you'd normally take in your stride. Try not to overreact to everything that happens otherwise you'll end up feeling totally exhausted and overwrought. Favourable colours are grapefruit and mahogany. Lucky numbers are 7 and 4.
Relationships are intense and highly-charged today, and you feel a great deal of love and affection towards the special people in your life. However, if you can't express this you'll feel cheated, and this frustration needs an outlet for all that pent-up emotion. Put it to constructive use, rather than waste it on a hissy fit or jealous tantrum. Beneficial colours are caramel and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
If you have your eye on someone and can't get them out of your mind, try to engineer a meeting today. You'll have a fascinating conversation that will draw you closer together and you'll also get a better idea of how the land lies between you. If you're with a friend or partner, you might end up talking about something that's normally taboo or off-limits. Ideal colours are navy and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 21 and 60.
There are some interesting developments on the home front today as a loved one is likely to make a surprise announcement. An unexpected visitor is also in the Stars. If you're currently moving house, you should suddenly discover a place that's perfect for you. The more open- minded you are now, the better your experiences will be. Fortunate colours are sage green and salmon pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 19.
You're thinking along very analytical lines today, and you want to deal with facts, not fantasies. This makes you appear quite uncompromising and no-nonsense, but you feel it's the best approach to take. However, you'll have to be much more sensitive when talking about someone's deep emotions or any other subject that calls for a delicate approach. Expressive colours are electric blue and electric pink. Lucky numbers are 33 and 6.
Try to get together with your loved ones today. You long for some undemanding company now - you're feeling sociable, but you don't want to have to make too much of an effort. You're very sensitive to the atmosphere around you, so choose your companions carefully and avoid anyone depressing or nasty. Lucky colours are lemon and violet. Lucky numbers are 26 and 75.
It's a great day for discussing financial matters and making plans, especially if you want your money to work for you. Read the financial pages in your newspaper or talk to an expert, so that you have some idea of what you're doing. If you're in the market for an investment, make sure that you know all the facts, and don't be seduced by promises of big rewards. Opportune colours are lapis lazuli and burnished bronze. Lucky numbers are 15 and 51.
You've have your eye on the main game now, and you won't want to settle for anything less. You have a tremendous amount of faith in your own abilities today, which will help to spur you on to a successful conclusion. However, you'll soon get fed up if you aren't given the opportunities you need to shine and, dare I say it, show off a little. You need your share of the limelight! Expressive colours are lilac and silver. Lucky numbers are 33 and 11.
In true Sagittarian style, you rise to any challenge that comes your way during the next few weeks. Actually, you won't only rise to it but you'll positively jump at it! This will make you want to tackle projects and opportunities that might normally seem too much for you, but right now you're determined to give them your best shot. All the same, you must stop short of doing anything that's downright foolish or dangerous. Auspicious colours are coffee and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 14 and 7.
If you've been struggling to solve a problem for ages and are getting quite fed up with it, try looking at it from a different angle. If you're lucky, light will soon dawn and you'll come up with a brilliant solution. You'll also be very inventive if you're involved in some sort of think tank, so don't be shy about saying what you think or sticking your neck out. It could be the best thing you do all day! Suitable colours are mustard yellow and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 3 and 74.
The coming four weeks are a great opportunity to look deeper into the structure and dynamics of your relationships and to work out what's going on between you and the people concerned. A little self-analysis will give you plenty of insight into your own motives, so don't be afraid to explore your emotions in a lot of detail even if you don't like what you find. Auspicious colours are dusky pink and obsidian. Lucky numbers are 31 and 15.
Your partner is up in arms about something today, so watch out. Maybe they've discovered how much money you spent yesterday and they're annoyed about it! There's also a whiff of jealousy in the air- they're feeling angry about what they see as a threat to their personal property. If this is directed at you, you'll voice your objections very loudly too. Fortunate colours are amber and platinum. Lucky numbers are 2 and 70.
A friend is in a very generous mood and they're spreading largesse in all directions. They might treat you to a drink or a meal, or suggest something even more enticing. You're also feeling pretty extravagant now, whether or not you can afford it. Be careful if you're supposed to be counting pennies, because you will spend a lot of money in the pursuit of pleasure. Harmonious colours are olive and ginger. Lucky numbers are 31 and 6.
Someone has a lot to say for themselves today and they'll expect you to listen. The trouble is that your interest may start to flag after a while if they turn this into a monologue rather than a conversation. Do your best to get a word in edgeways every now and then! If you haven't spoken to a friend in a while, send them a letter or give them a ring. Empowering colours are plum and champagne. Lucky numbers are 7 and 51.
Today's New Moon highlights your relationships during the coming fortnight. This is very good news if you're hoping to get over the current difficulties that have sprung up between you and your love, and reach a new level of understanding with one another. There's also a good chance that someone new might enter your life between now and early July. Exciting! Positive colours are hazelnut and khaki. Lucky numbers are 28 and 63.
Relationships aren't exactly easy-peasy at the moment, but at least you get a breather today. The atmosphere between you and a certain person is much lighter than it's been lately, and you'll manage to enjoy one another's company. Do something nice, such as going out for a meal or sharing a bottle of wine at home. Creative colours are pale gold and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 71 and 36.
Conversations have a penetrating and investigative quality to them today, and you're determined to get to the bottom of any unsolved business that is currently bothering you. However, you should know when to ask pertinent questions and when to understand that certain things are none of your business and you have no right to ask about them. Uplifting colours are aqua and daffodil yellow. Lucky numbers are 33 and 54.
You're in a businesslike and practical mood, so it's a good day for getting down to the chores. You'll enjoy getting them out of the way, yet you won't want to cut corners or do them halfheartedly. It's also a great opportunity to sort out any snags in a financial matter or to chase up any money that's owed to you. Beneficial colours are azure and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
Your imagination is working well now, particularly when it comes to thinking about your relationships. You hit on the perfect solution to a current problem, and your instincts guide you in the right direction. It's a good day for acting on your hunches, provided that you don't confuse them with wishful thinking. Fortunate colours are amethyst and oyster grey. Lucky numbers are 1 and 53.
A little diplomacy works wonders today. In fact, you'll be amazed by what can be achieved when you moderate the tone of your voice and choose your words carefully. Maybe you should try this more often, especially if you suffer from the classic Sagittarian tendency to put both feet in it. But today you're the soul of tact and charm, and it feels fantastic. Favourable colours are aqua and taupe. Lucky numbers are 5 and 47.
You're facing some tough decisions and difficult moments where certain people are concerned, and unfortunately, you get another taste of all this today. Someone may be absolutely determined to stand in the way of change, especially if they feel threatened or excluded by it. You long to steamroller your way through their opposition but this will only make things worse. Harmonious colours are pistachio and maroon. Lucky numbers are 36 and 48.
Someone is thinking big but they could easily allow their ideas to get out of proportion so they end up talking about things that are entirely out of the question, or too ambitious. Yet, you shouldn't discount everything they say, because there are some great ideas if you can only work out what to do with them. Bold colours are blackberry and silver. Lucky numbers are 18 and 76.
Certain people around you are doing and saying things that leave you speechless. They seem to take perverse delight in stirring up trouble and flying in the face of convention; and the greater your reaction the more you'll encourage them to further outrages. Your best bet is to play dumb and not react, because then they may calm down and talk more sensibly. Ideal colours are mango and navy. Lucky numbers are 8 and 28.
There's a tremendous amount of harmony flowing between you and a special someone today, and it feels wonderful. You're both going out of your way to keep the other one happy, and to make allowances for each other when necessary. You'll do whatever you can to avoid any sort of unpleasantness, and you may put up with the kind of behaviour that you wouldn't normally tolerate. Read about today's historic Transit of Venus. Auspicious colours are chocolate brown and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 9 and 31.
You're going through a very communicative phase now, and this is another good day for making contacts. You have plenty of charm at the moment - it would be a shame not to make the most of it. It's an especially good day for talking to neighbours and other people you see on a regular basis, or getting involved in a local event or activity. Beneficial colours are sunflower yellow and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 73.
Discussions go really well today, and you'll be able to cover a lot of ground in a short space of time. However, don't expect to tackle anything too deep, because you'll be sidetracked by the latest gossip or something that is actually quite trivial. Never mind - it all helps to establish a greater rapport with the people in your life. Uplifting colours are silvery blue and peach. Lucky numbers are 12 and 61.
Be prepared to put some real effort into the people you care about during the next couple of weeks, if you want to find out what makes them tick, and improve your relationship with them. This will be a good opportunity to discuss things in detail, so get ready to put your cards on the table where necessary. You want to talk, but make sure you do plenty of listening as well, Sagittarius. Auspicious colours are deep gold and russet. Lucky numbers are 5 and 36.
You're in the mood to spend today, especially on the spur of the moment. Be careful if you can't afford to make any impulse purchases, because a lack of cash won't stop you! If you do decide to splash out on something, you may be disappointed when you get it home and you might even decide to take it back. Favourable colours are crimson and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 3 and 35.
Relationships go through testing times from today, and events may force you to reassess the state of a partnership. You may even decide that you need to make some major adjustments if things are to carry on as you would like. During the coming fortnight this may feel like a crisis, but that doesn't mean you should abandon all hope or throw out the baby with the bathwater. Opportune colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 14.
You're feeling ultra optimistic today, which is great for summoning up the necessary energy to do what has to be done. But don't let it go to your head and convince you that you're capable of performing miracles. If you aren't behaving in this way you'll have to cope with someone who has a swollen head and thinks they're the cat's whiskers. Fortunate colours are pineapple and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 17 and 49.
You're in a highly emotional state today and are very keen on getting whatever you want. But be careful, because what you want may not be what others are after. Don't be tempted to insist that you get your own way or that you are somehow a special case. Work in harmony with loved ones, and all will be well. Beneficial colours are pale pink and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 8 and 70.
Togetherness is the key to your happiness both at home and at work. But you should be feeling upbeat now, maybe even too much so. If you are normally prone to timidity, expansive influences boost you up very happily. But if you are normally a touch arrogant then they could send you off thinking that you are Superman or Superwoman. Appropriate colours are nutmeg and teal. Lucky numbers are 23 and 19.
Are you planning in secret how to get your own way? You will not be inclined to forgive and forget if anyone lets you down at the moment, whether financially or emotionally. On the social scene you seem rather sentimental, or too sugary sweet on the surface. Be more honest about your real feelings, which is more your style. Propitious colours are amber and laurel. Lucky numbers are 14 and 33.
Group energy is favoured today, Sagittarius. Even though you are an individualist, you can expect lots of support and might just pick up some helpful hints. And you do need to get as many good suggestions as you can to be able to plan for the month ahead. You'll feel more settled if you have a game plan and loved ones will pitch in if you ask them nicely. Balancing colours are red carnation and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 39 and 14.
Your intuition is working well, so trust your instincts. Just don't try to make cash decisions or add up the budget, since your concentration will wander. This is a passive not an active time. Try not to overspend on luxury items, compensating for what you feel you lack elsewhere. But, ooh, they do make you feel good. Beneficial colours are apricot and mauve. Lucky numbers are 9 and 8.
Conflicts and disagreements can be surprisingly useful. They will bring hidden tensions out into the open, so you can clear them out of the way. Don't be too uncompromising, or uncooperative at home or with loved ones, though you do hate being tied down. Be reasonable, not too extreme. Adventurous colours are strawberry and squash. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
It's a very mental day, bringing the urge to communicate on a much broader scale. Messages from abroad or from a distance away may be important for your future. Loftier subjects, whether philosophy, education or politics, occupy your mind. It's a fine time for personal enlightenment and development, whether through yoga, psychological understanding, even astrology. Familiar things have to take a back seat. Advantageous colours are claret ash and white satin. Lucky numbers are 7 and 13.
Channel your energy into rather narrow tasks. Focus your concentration and motivation in a self-disciplined way, then you can sort out those detailed tasks. But be careful as you go, since you might just trip over your feet or be slightly accident-prone. Joint finances may be tighter now, or your partner's cash situation is such that they cannot be as generous as they once were. Auspicious colours are american oak and dark basalt. Lucky numbers are 18 and 43.
The planets bring a wonderful sense of confidence and optimism now, Archers. You are feeling good about yourself and about what you are saying to other people. Look ahead, there's a rosy glow on the horizon. Anything you turn your hand to should work well, though the more effort you put in the higher your rewards will be. Recognition and praise will be wonderful for your ego. But avoid a tendency towards carelessness. Ideal colours are carmine and citrine. Lucky numbers are 11 and 8.
Passions could rage within you and no one else would ever know. This is a time when you receive insight that make you think about the deeper mysteries of life - what life is actually all about and how you can transform it. Find some time for yourself to understand what is going on and how you can make sense of it, then you can scamper back to normality again. Favourable colours are pale pink and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 4 and 39.
This is a time of successful and positive activity, but you may be too impulsive, cut corners and not pay enough attention to detail. Your enthusiasm is highly infectious, so everyone will be pulling together. In your personal life, your need to be in charge could lead to disagreements, though you don't want to bring confrontations out into the open. Ideal colours are cinnamon and dark yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 60.
Mercury, planet of communication, is now in a positive and pleasant aspect to Uranus. Consequently, you want fun and a little bit of excitement in whatever form, particularly intellectual stimulation. You don't want to be around dreary people and you are slowly finding that there is a slow, but complete transformation of your personality, identity and image. This can be one of the most useful influences you will ever have, though it is not always easy. Auspicious colours are jade and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
You find yourself more sensitive to the needs of others at this time and will be able to help them. At work just now you much prefer to work in a one-to-one partnership than on your own or with a team. Jupiter is bringing you luck and you should see some of your ambitions coming to fruition. You desire social status so you'll be more conventional than usual, but watch a tendency to be too fussy and finicky. Dynamic colours are terracotta and dark red. Lucky numbers are 5 and 64.
The New Moon creates circumstances that are right to re- organise some of your working methods. If you can tap into your strong self-discipline, you will clear up problems before they happen. The home you want now is much more individually tailored to meet your highly personal needs. Uranus, planet of innovation is in your area, which rules home and family matters, so you are aiming for an unusual domestic setting without too many ties or rules and regulations. Favourable colours are strawberry and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 1 and 57.
It's important that you don't let other people demand too much of you, but if you are putting out it's obviously a good idea to look after your body. See what you need to do to give it a bit of a boost. Everyday relationships with friends, neighbours, siblings and workmates will not be straightforward. You mean to be kind, but somehow crossed lines and lost messages mean you're not making yourself clear. Appropriate colours are daffodil yellow and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 14 and 29.
With Venus retro in your seventh house, this is going to be a very lively, stimulating time and you want to walk on the wild side. You know you need to shift certain elements of your emotional or domestic life to make way for more fulfilment in future. If a long running relationship seems to be falling apart, it doesn't mean it will disappear forever. There will come a time when you can re-establish it on a more mature footing. Beneficial colours are jet black and snow white. Lucky numbers are 4 and 35. Read more on Venus Retrograde.
You notice differences and distinctions that others usually regard as much too trivial to bother about. But it does mean you spot what they overlook and that can be very useful. Try not to be too possessive. Maybe you do feel like clinging a little more than usual, but it would not be wise. Find your entertainment and enjoyment without pinning your companions down, or they may want to skip off elsewhere. Fortunate colours are sable and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 16 and 51.
You have a more practical approach than usual, an appetite for detail and oodles of common sense. But you see the flaws and inadequacies in work situations at the moment. You loathe muddle, chaos or sloppiness and will not be backward in saying so. Colleagues may be quailing a little when you come by, since you are so observant. Let them know your intentions are basically goodhearted behind your rather clinical approach. Expressive colours are lavender and sandstone. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
Where money and joint finances are concerned, you make more in partnership with others so try hard to co-operate. It won't always be easy, since you know you can't get all your own way. Both sides have to give way to find a fairer deal. Luckily you should be socially on top form and feeling popular. Out at parties, you'll say just what others want to hear, though it may not always be what you think or feel. Harmonious colours are laurel and gunmetal. Lucky numbers are 21 and 27.
Since you are working hard, you need to look after yourself physically. Treat your body well and you will be fit to crack on through the chores that are piling up. You are in the midst of a long phase of examining yourself and your life as never before. Through certain pressures and tension you can develop a depth of self understanding and grow as a human being in ways you could not have imagined. Confident colours are kiwifruit and fiery red. Lucky numbers are 28 and 11.
Life may seem a little slow going for you just now, with a lot of aggravation behind the scenes. But the main thing to remember is that this is a time of major change in your life. The harder you struggle, the greater your rewards will be in the future. You have a lot of energy for improving your surroundings or life situations. Move cautiously and try using tact to achieve the best results. Auspicious colours are carnelian and graphite. Lucky numbers are 13 and 50.
Let's not be too sugary sweet on the surface, Archers. It's not your style. Be more honest about your real inner feelings. Seek beauty or luxury at home, where your appetite may be more tempted than usual. If your words are spilling out all over the place, other people may miss out on the sense. Stand back and try to come to a few conclusions before you leap back out again. Auspicious colours are marmalade and silver brocade. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Any sort of group exercise would suit you now, Sagittarius, as you cruise through good feelings and some self-indulgence. But it's important not to be pushed around. If you compromise for the sake of fitting in, you'll get cross because you've not been true to yourself. Expressing your feelings is less of a problem than usual. Watch you're not speaking for the effect on others, rather than the actual content. Appropriate colours are blue sapphire and red coral. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
You feel dramatic, colourful, flamboyant, and make great efforts to ensure you have an appreciative audience. On the other hand the Sun has two weeks to go in your house of work and health, so you must knuckle down dutifully to do as much as possible. You need to be fitter, so review your physical lifestyle, and see whether you could improve your diet, take more exercise or rest. Opportune colours are buckwheat and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 27 and 43.
The comforting Moon is in your house of personal finances, so to be happy to have your money in order and the budget balanced. Emotional security will come from material security. But what you really want are luxuries, and presents... Are you too attached to the good things? Perhaps its time to give yourself a treat. It can make you a touch possessive, so you have to look more laid back than you will feel. Auspicious colours are peach and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 25.
You are intensely involved in your intimate relationships until the end of June. It may feel like a struggle and you could be intensely frustrated at points because of slow progress and other people's obstinacy. But you need to aim for greater security, emotional and financial. Reach compromise agreements which are fair to all concerned. Anyone who tries to double-cross or let you down will not be forgiven in a hurry. Auspicious colours are charcoal grey and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 6 and 37.
Your reputation is important to you now and you want to be respected. Everyone recognises that you are straightforward in your intentions, but in your heart of hearts you know you need to change certain aspects of your emotional or domestic life. Clear the way for what will bring more fulfilment in the future. If some long-running relationships seem to be separating temporarily, it doesn't mean they'll disappear forever. Auspicious colours are dark purple and antique gold. Lucky numbers are 14 and 73.
Don't get panicky because everything is not going to plan. The planetary influences for a short while aren't good at boosting your ego. They will slow you down, but this could be to your advantage. Just go with the flow. You may find it difficult to communicate clearly with others, so double-check all travel arrangements and any kind of detailed instructions. And make sure the advice you are getting is reliable. Favourable colours are apple blossom and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 68 and 13.
There are times when you are happy to give to others, but also times when you feel deprived because no one is giving back. Feeling resentful only makes you feel worse, and companions won't appreciate your help if it seems forced. Give yourself the odd treat to boost your spirits and try to keep an open mind. If you can be tolerant and open to feedback, you will progress faster. Favourable colours are azure and ginger. Lucky numbers are 29 and 9.
You're dashing around, trying to sort out what other people think about this or that, but at the end of it all you reach your own conclusions and decide where you are going to commit your energy in the future. Try to listen to feedback since companions may have the wrong end of the stick. Indeed you may find it tricky to keep in focus yourself. Leave major situations until you are clearer. Ideal colours are navy and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 47.
You may be feeling a little bit stuck where one relationship is concerned, or insecure. It's just a passing cloud, so give yourself a shake and be more positive. Looking on the worst side of any situation will always throw up flaws and inadequacies. You are coming across as a strong personality, but secretive and unfathomable as well. No one quite knows what makes you tick, including yourself. Don't make close companions feel excluded or shut out. Auspicious colours are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 78 and 4.
Your relationships at work or out in the community will prosper well. Your ambition is flowing smoothly, not just now but for months to come. Good at inspiring enthusiasm in others, you're a great motivator, though you sometimes think you can perform miracles. But today you'll sense you've reached a sensible balance where cash is concerned and joint responsibilities. The flavour of the day is share, care, relate and cooperate. Appropriate colours are cream and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 6 and 29.
Try to write a poem or a love letter, or maybe even paint a picture. You'll find it easier to express words and feelings in a way that has nothing to do with logic. Bring a little beauty or romance into your day and share around your good feelings. And make the effort to go on a short trip, since it could bring you happiness. Everyone will notice your presence for the next few days as you will be putting on quite a show of wit. Harmonious colours are antique gold and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 27 and 46.
Authority figures or people who order you around are not going to be popular with you at the moment. If you can avoid really falling out with them, then you will find that everything does feel a little bit more entertaining than usual. It's important that you put yourself in a situation where you are free to go off and do something new and more exciting than usual. What you need to aim for is a real creative change. Fortunate colours are emerald and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 53 and 28.
You are feeling generous and want to be around people who are feeling as good as yourself. So you will be doing whatever it is you can do to make sure other people's confidence is being lifted. You're not going to expect someone else to do all the hard work and will be happy and able to do it all yourself. Right now you are very aware of your own good fortune and want to share it with others. Propitious colours are walnut brown and cream. Lucky numbers are 14 and 20.
You want to communicate on a much broader scale and there could be messages from afar or from overseas. You're thinking about loftier subjects such as philosophy, education or politics. Maybe you're feeling resentful because you are not given all the appreciation you might like, or you feel unrewarded. But at the end of the day you will be better pleased doing a good job for its own sake, rather than gaining success and glory in the world. Beneficial colours are mango and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 19.
You won't take your emotional life lightly today or be able to laugh things off. Intensity is what you crave and deep passion. You'll either be on people or off them. It's love or loathing, nothing wishy washy in between. This isn't the day to fly solo or do things entirely on your own. You've really got to push yourself to make new agreements with close partners where money or emotional matters are concerned. It may take a compromise all round, but it will be worth it. Adventurous colours are plum and champagne. Lucky numbers are 31 and 30.
You feel a little jittery or uptight, but it's because everything is beginning to shift for you. You want to sort one situation out in a sensible way now and are taking constructive steps to find out what you need to know. Maybe there has been some kind of a mystery that you want to get to the bottom of, or you want to get below the surface layer of reality. You are likely to find long-term answers if you persist. Vibrant colours are charcoal grey and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 5 and 78.
There is the danger of a pretty ruthless power play going on around you now, but you can be a really steady rock for others to respect and appreciate. Be open to your own vulnerability and listen to feedback which will be constructive. You do have an understanding that life should be give and take. So don't be scared that if you give others knowledge about yourself they will then be able to control you. Auspicious colours are pale pink and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 37 and 18.
You may be finding close relationships both at work and at home more heated than usual as your partner will be fiery tempered and rather irritable. You may also be snapping and sniping too: try to stand back and be less edgy. You will try to keep companions at arm's length, since you are playing your cards close to your chest and don't want to be manipulated. But if you act like this, you may come across as slightly controlling. Beneficial colours are terracotta and lime. Lucky numbers are 10 and 51.
Success should be coming your way more easily than usual at the moment. Praise and a growing appreciation of your talents will have you beaming with pleasure, and a certain amount of relief. You won't be able to sit still in your normal routines and you certainly don't want to do the same boring old things. So you're whizzing around in a slightly startling kind of way. This is good for you and also for everyone else because it keeps them on the edge of their seats. Harmonious colours are avocado and copper. Lucky numbers are 70 and 77.
Find time for the finer things of life and listen to music when you can, or look at art. Aim for activities that are going to be peaceful, pleasant and wind you down, then you will leap much more enthusiastically back into the fray. Just remember to stand up for yourself. You're determined to keep relationships around you smooth and harmonious, but turning somersaults just to keep the peace isn't always wise. Be firm but tactful if the need arises. Propitious colours are silver and lavender. Lucky numbers are 22 and 7.
Keeping up your stamina is crucial now, since you are being landed with a good many chores. Watch your diet, not in the sense of eating less but maybe more sensibly, and give yourself things that are going to be of positive benefit rather than lower your energy further. You'll be skipping around looking for entertaining conversations, wanting to swap new ideas and be off doing anything that is not routine. Balanced colours are dusky rose and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 14 and 30.
If you've been stuck out of sight recently, today's Eclipse brings a real chance to get your glad rags on and kick up your heels. Even if you have been socialising more than usual recently, you want to keep that rolling for months and months to come. Though over coming weeks you will be practical as well, keen to get details in the right place. It's less about getting praise, but more on being helpful and serving others. Appropriate colours are mulberry and hazel. Lucky numbers are 13 and 71.
You have a lot of energy for improving life situations at the moment, but move cautiously and try tact for best results. You are very motivated to improve almost everything around you. Relationships with women, no matter what gender you are, will be good at this time. You want to show yourself in a positive way and come across as protective and nurturing. If you take care of others, then they are much more likely to respond in like manner. Auspicious colours are squash and flame. Lucky numbers are 31 and 26.
Too many ideas are chasing round inside your head and you are at risk of getting in a muddle. You have got to have some kind of structure to what you are saying, otherwise you will not communicate clearly. And you may be ignoring certain details in your determination to see the broad sweep at the moment. But because of your carefulness and long term vision, your plans will pan out. Just make sure that you keep your feet on the ground. Beneficial colours are amber and dark green. Lucky numbers are 35 and 8.
You are throwing yourself into romantic encounters with a good deal of gusto, but watch out for a tendency in yourself to over-control companions or your environment. If you are acting like this, it can lead to resentment and very tense confrontations in your relationships. If you learn to let go and welcome new experiences, you'll find that you are coping with a wide variety of situations in new and helpful ways. Favoured colours are teal blue and khaki. Lucky numbers are 2 and 15.
When you get the chance to have a private moment, you can think about personal matters that have been tucked into the background. Let things come to the surface, you can really sort them out. A blast of fresh air is needed, since it will blow out the cobwebs. Thanks to Uranus, your moods are erratic and unpredictable, and you will not sit still for long. Attractive colours are mixed stripes and green grape. Lucky numbers are 52 and 42.
There may not be much commonsense, but there is a nice, outgoing feeling around. Just watch that lack of discipline because you basically can't be bothered with hard work just now. Your heart is definitely in the right place, so you will iron out difficulties, soothing ruffled feathers and generally putting your best diplomatic foot forward. Charm is your greatest asset. Auspicious colours are hyacinth and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 58 and 61.
Don't cut corners or go round things. Sometimes you can deceive yourself into thinking that it's just as well to avoid confrontations, but if you do anything in a vague kind of way, it often comes out rather awkwardly. Neptune has a curious habit of bringing secrets to light at quite the wrong moment and in quite the wrong way. It's hard to put into words exactly what you think or to communicate clearly with others. Favourable colours are magenta and mustard. Lucky numbers are 22 and 67.
Take a more practical approach to work than usual. Develop an appetite for detail and lots of common sense. You can see the flaws and inadequacies in work situations. You loathe muddle, chaos or sloppiness and will not be backward in saying so. Companions may quail when you come around, since you are so observant. Let them know that behind your clinical approach your intentions are good-hearted. Harmonious colours are parchment and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 6 and 27.
This is not a frivolous day. Think things through deeply and get right down below the surface. You will get a stronger meaning out of life and find new answers. Still, you are a real party animal at the moment. You want to be spontaneous and won't be able to settle down to dull chores or follow orders easily. Let your exuberance have as much play as possible. Balancing colours are laurel and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 42 and 53.
You must get to the bottom of it now. You are bored with the superficial and want to get at the essentials in almost every area of your life. At times you find it difficult to be diplomatic or co- operative, but your passionate approach will appeal to those of a similar persuasion. You could be feeling blocked and stuck, so to lighten up and keep your sense of humour handy. Serious colours are cherry and caramel. Lucky numbers are 33 and 62.
Venus is on a gritty aspect to Uranus, which can be disruptive. Uranus is a roller-coaster, switch-on-switch-off, to do with your affections, with indulgences and extravagances. Are you spending money like mad, then suddenly wishing you hadn't bothered? That's Uranus-Venus. You are in love with love and putting out highly attractive vibes. Not only is that special person more romantic, you're in demand on the social scene. Attractive colours are lavender and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 51 and 58.
Socially you are in top form, charming the birds off the trees and feeling extremely popular. Saying what you think will please, rather than what you think or feel, will seem a touch insincere, though you are well intentioned. If you feel you are losing certain aspects of an old emotional way of life, think positively. What will replace it could be sparkling, stimulating and much more alive. Adventurous colours are plum and chrysoprase. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
You may feel a little bit discouraged now, but there's really no need for it, my dear Sagittarius. Don't assume that being left to your own devices is a bad thing, or a sign that you are unlovable. Treat it as a blessing in disguise, to give yourself a little bit of space. The more effort you put in the higher your rewards will be. Recognition and praise will be wonderful for your ego. Auspicious colours are snow white and black onyx. Lucky numbers are 19 and 47.
Feeling strong and vigorous? Your morale is high, so your physical energy will follow suit. Push your visions forward, but if you have a financial plan, be sure you are not relying too heavily on someone else's generosity... or expecting miracles! Curb the inclination to spend like mad. Don't project your anger onto others and make yourself feel badly done by. Stand up for yourself, take control. Attractive colours are ivory and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 10 and 13.
You need the freedom of a network of friends, and the adoration of close partners. Fitting in with the crowd can have its compensations, since you have many more people around. But then you lose the rewards of being the sole focus of attention. Today's Full Moon is a time to be surrounded by companions, the more the merrier. If you are part of a group then you'll get lots of support and helpful hints. Appropriate colours are pastel hues and bright lemon. Lucky numbers are 18 and 11.
You feel closer to other people, as idealism and compassion are being given a boost. You need to think through where you're going and how you're going to get there. It's hard to pin down or bring out into the open what has gone wrong. There seems to be crossed lines or unclear communications. This makes your everyday routines or work encounters feel confused, but relax, this is only a temporary phase. Balanced colours are cinnamon and jasper. Lucky numbers are 32 and 38.
You seem to be popular with everyone, so make the most of the good times and have fun. It will boost your morale, self-esteem and status. Thanks to Pluto, changes happening in your life will bring a slow but complete transformation of your sense of personal identity. This can be one of the most useful influences you ever have, though it is not always easy. Bold colours are rouge and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 46 and 34.
Life is never perfect, Sagittarius. Sometimes we fail to accomplish all we set out to do. The Moon is the nurturing, mothering force, and stimulating your mid-heaven now it is nudging you into being more protective at work or out in the community. The more you give, the more everyone will think you are absolutely marvellous. Subtle colours are obsidian and olive. Lucky numbers are 73 and 14.
Don't get bogged down in trivia, dear Archers, as you must endure more detail and specialized information than usual. Your mind is sharp and you are re-organising your working life. Fitness, diet and health matters also take your interest. Put your mind at rest about certain questions by consulting a trusted adviser. Favourable colours are bronze and gunmetal. Lucky numbers are 41 and 14.
Nothing will daunt your lively spirit, Sagittarius, for you are even more dramatic and fun-loving than usual. Children bring you a great deal of pleasure and you will thoroughly enjoy playing their games. Mars attracts highly energetic companions. You'll inspire each other and you will achieve a great deal in joint efforts, if you can stop arguing between yourselves. Inspired colours are quicksilver and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 29 and 17.
If you are being critical rather than forgiving with loved ones, try to say what you want without sounding too sharp. Your detachment can have its useful side, since you can pick out what is worth saving and what is not. Be warned, though. If you push it too far, you will only cause problems. Everyone will notice you over the next few days. You'll put on quite a show of wit and will find a ready audience. Positive colours are pastel hues and american oak. Lucky numbers are 60 and 72.
Events make you think about the deeper mysteries of life, what life is actually all about and how you can transform it. Stand steady for a while, in order to understand what is going on and how you can make sense of it. Then you can scamper back to normality again. You will be more conventional than usual, but don't be too fussy about everything being done to the letter of the law. Fortunate colours are terra cotta and indigo. Lucky numbers are 39 and 15.
Things don't run as fast as you'd expect. How frustrating! Not only are you impatient, you also don't really want to compromise. So just accept that you don't have to be adaptable all the time. You're feeling insecure as you sense that what you have hung onto for security in the past is now disappearing. There may be changes that cause you to question many of your old beliefs. But this is not necessarily bad. Beneficial colours are bloodstone and green tartan. Lucky numbers are 66 and 14.
If you leap into situations without having thought them through, then things won't work well. Try and settle to some restraints, but make some changes as steadily as you can. Pluto warns that you are in the midst of a long phase of examining yourself and your life as never before. Through certain pressures and tensions you are coming to grow as a human being in ways you could not have imagined. Practical colours are amethyst and jade. Lucky numbers are 60 and 24.
What is happening may seem negative, but it need not necessarily be bad. Archers just have to get into hard-working gear. Sadly, you can't leave all the chores to someone else. You do not find it easy at the moment to get close in intimate situations, since you are holding part of yourself in reserve and can feel rather mistrustful. You are wary of changing, yet clearly you need to try. Fortunate colours are scarlet and sepia. Lucky numbers are 46 and 73.
With Warrior Mars stomping through Gemini, your house of partnership, you will find close relationships both at work and at home more heated than usual. Partners will be fiery-tempered and rather irritable, but you may also find yourself snapping and sniping. It might be wise to throw your energy into co-operative ventures. If you pull together you can achieve a great deal more than you would solo, and it will also avoid those eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations, which waste good energy. Beneficial colours are red coral and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
Examine everything in microscopic detail, but make no judgements before you have all the information at your fingertips. You have insight into your own psychology and into the motivations of those around you. Try not to look at everyone as if they were separate from you, since you may come across as rather controlling. Tread gently explaining what you know, as you'll arouse hostility if you tell the brutal truth. Appropriate colours are blush and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 9 and 7.
Don't let other people demand too much of you. If you are giving out a great deal, then it would obviously be a bright idea to look after your body. See what you need to do to give it a bit of a boost. Freedom is what you really want, away from old restrictive situations and ties. Your emotional life may be in a state of upheaval, for you are abandoning much that was inhibiting you in the past. Courageous colours are carnelian and jasper. Lucky numbers are 62 and 19.
Your emotions are more fickle than usual, Archers. If you are feeling impressionable, even dependent and rather sentimental, try not to be too possessive. Maybe you do feel like clinging on to your loved ones a little more than usual, but that would not turn out to be a wise move. Have your entertainment and enjoyment without pinning close mates down. Otherwise you could find that they want to skip off elsewhere. Favourable colours are heather and golden wattle. Lucky numbers are 56 and 44.
The Equinox sees a New Moon in Aries, so allow a new facet of your personality shine out without apology or self-consciousness. Most of us hide away parts of ourselves we think others might not like or approve. Throw away your inhibitions and just express who you are and what you feel. The right people will respond very positively. OK so close buddies may seem more fiery and rather outspoken, but if you can go with them rather than squabbling, you'll achieve much. Auspicious colours are royal blue and bright red. Lucky numbers are 5 and 36.
Be in love with life, Sagittarius. In some ways you feel like a child at heart - spontaneous, colourful and unselfconscious when it comes to enjoying yourself. You are wearing your heart on your sleeve, and very upfront about what (or who) you fancy. Mercury in flowing aspect to Neptune makes it a day to pen a love letter, even read poetry. Forget the accounts, or the other unpleasant sides of reality. It's a New Moon at the Equinox, so prepare for a fabulous year ahead! Expressive colours are jasmine and amber. Lucky numbers are 3 and 75. Read more on the Equinox!
Sometimes you put people on pedestals and then they let you down. But they always were what they were. Sometimes people do deliberately pull the wool over your eyes. Decisions may not be easy to make at the moment. You are probably very imaginative and not overly concerned with practical facts and figures just now. Try to write down your conclusions before you leap into conversations. It will help clear your mind. Effective colours are malachite and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 25 and 28.
Get cracking and don't let yourself be distracted. High energy influences give you that added extra zest which will make it all happen. Whatever has been stuck can now be shifted! Every detail does not need to be in the right place, so you can ease up and accept imperfections, both your own and others. You will achieve a good deal of fine quality work. Take pride in a job well done. Determined colours are electric blue and ginger. Lucky numbers are 36 and 19.
Your lucky touch is working well, but you are likely to be extravagant and indulgent. Gosh! You spend it as fast as you make it, don't you! But ain't that fun.. Your reputation is important to you and you want to be respected and admired, though you might need to keep a little humility handy now and then. Everyone recognises that you are straightforward and trustworthy in your intentions, but a little caution will bring even more success your way. Favourable colours are scarlet and hyacinth. Lucky numbers are 11 and 64.
You yearn to feel rooted, and to be in a familiar place with the ones who help you feel relaxed. You have a chance to work out how to improve your intimate surroundings. We all want a beautiful home with an atmosphere of elegance and comfort. Put some energy into health, diet and boosting your stamina. You will throw yourself energetically into getting organised, and getting things right. Fortunate colours are fire engine red and golden hessonite. Lucky numbers are 5 and 33.
Don't run yourself or your talents down but try to be fair- minded, both about your own achievements and those of others. Remember that you've got a sense of humour as well as a sense of what's wrong with life. You can get companions to listen respectfully to what you have to say, but you need to prepare the ground in advance by softening them up. Hmmm. You'll succeed remarkably well. Appropriate colours are charcoal and warm red. Lucky numbers are 36 and 45.
Sort out your priorities and decide what really is of value to you. With the Moon in your house of finance, you might be tempted to think that money is the only thing that matters. But there are other things, which hold every bit as much interest for you, and can lift your spirits when you are feeling low. There is plenty of fun and laughter to be had, so tune in and enjoy a great time. Amusing colours are lemon and claret. Lucky numbers are 64 and 16.
Look for reassuring companions who will give you a little more help and support than usual and be an anchor for you. Avoid overreacting, as the Moon flirting with dark Pluto has a habit of magnifying small situations and turning them into dramas. If you are too secretive, or let loved ones feel shut out, they will not respond well. Beneficial colours are cinnabar and peppermint. Lucky numbers are 48 and 33.
As the Moon swaggers into Sagittarius, your personal magnetism gets a boost. It may not be obvious, but you will soon be aware that you have made strides. Positive changes will emerge in your immediate environment. You can give yourself a quiet pat on the back, because it will be largely due to your efforts. Fortunate colours are celadon and purple sage. Lucky numbers are 48 and 30.
This is a time to communicate with dignity and restraint. Older people will appreciate your straightforward kindness and concern for their practical needs. The answers to problems may be slow in coming, but rest assured, perseverance will pay off. Avoid conflict in the evening, especially over money. Propitious colours are taupe and rye bread. Lucky numbers are 17 and 23.
If you're around others too much you'll end up being subjected to their demands, so you might as well give yourself permission to go off and take some time for reflection. You'll be surprised in the quiet moments how inspiration suddenly hits you about things that seemed to have no answer. Maybe you are too detached about your feelings. If you can let go, you could find deeper connections and more fulfilling relationships. Fortunate colours are chrysoprase and violet. Lucky numbers are 4 and 9.
Look for new experiences - anything that's original, experimental and a little bit inspired. Try something artistic too. You like rather intriguing decor at the moment, which can be very modern or slightly eccentric. All this is due to the influence of state-of-the-art Uranus which is affecting your domestic conditions. It gives you a totally new perspective on what you want from your home and family life. Expressive colours are mulberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 38 and 6.
Archers today are vigorous, full of energy, bounce, and strong opinions. Get the right balance. You've got confidence in what you're doing and what you believe in, but don't push it too far and end up in disagreements. Everything is under the microscope today with Pluto around. Don't get suspicious and don't make judgments before you have all the information at your fingertips. Control the temptation to be over-forceful. Appropriate colours are emerald and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
Your love life may be suffering, because you are wary of getting into the depths of your feelings. What is holding you back from real relating? With Mercury in Pisces you will have a more imaginative way of thinking and speaking than usual. This can be useful, since you are absorbing a good deal of information from your surroundings, almost without noticing. Advantageous colours are black basalt and golden hessonite. Lucky numbers are 5 and 7.
You have been keeping out of sight in recent days, but now you have a yen for more attention and prominence at work and in your social activities. You will have to find a better balance between your head and your heart. Success in the outer world will not be fulfilling unless you have a settled emotional base. But equally you cannot find all your satisfaction in your intimate environment, so seek out a balanced solution. Ideal colours are alizarin purple and sassafras. Lucky numbers are 1 and 26.
You throw your emotional needs into work and can be a little stand-offish. Others find you reserved, but do not always realise quite how shy or even pre-occupied you really are. Getting out of bed may be more difficult than usual, since you want to pamper yourself. Your lazy streak will be more obvious than usual, which if you are normally too active, will be no bad thing. Favourable colours are malachite and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 44 and 13.
You are full of bright ideas, chattering away exuberantly, determined to get your views across. Try to listen as well, if you can manage it, since communication should be a two-way process. You could pick up useful feedback. Write down a few bullet points before you start and that way you will not be distracted from your main points. Avoid the tendency to spend too much money, or think you are right about absolutely everything. Amusing colours are cinnamon and old gold. Lucky numbers are 4 and 76.
With Venus in your fifth house of romance, you are finding what your heart desires. You want things really passionately now and have no intention of going without. Heart-centred and rather flamboyant, you will cast your spell over everyone you meet. Stay true to your great enthusiasm and sparkling personality. Wide open spaces are a must, since you do not appreciate being fenced in. Propitious colours are primrose and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 34 and 6.
Your critical faculties are well-honed, which is valuable in checking accuracy, but can lead to strained relationships at work. You never feel anyone else does things as well as you, so there can be noisy arguments at times. Work relationship should nevertheless be prospering, partly because you realise it's important to adopt an easygoing manner. Good at inspiring enthusiasm in others, you are a great motivator, leading others to success. Fortunate colours are peridot and citrine. Lucky numbers are 7 and 68.
New compromises and agreements arise with close partners, perhaps over joint finances or your intimate emotional life. Perhaps only minor adjustments are needed, but if you can make the effort it will put everything on a more solid footing. The Moon is in easy aspect to Uranus, making your moods lively and unpredictable, and you will not sit still for long. Entertaining conversations are the flavour of the day. Appropriate colours are pistachio and bone. Lucky numbers are 48 and 57.
Powerful encounters mark the early part of the day as the Moon clashes with Pluto in your solar seventh house. There's passion of one kind or another with partners, friends or close associates. You may come to an impasse or make a new beginning. Do something special with your loved ones to bring new possibilities and patterns into your lives on this, the extra day of the year! Uplifting colours are golden peach and plum. Lucky numbers are 28 and 30.
The Moon tangos through Gemini and your solar seventh house, calling your attention to the needs of partners and close associates. Be communicative and cooperative: treat everything as a joint effort and make sure you discuss plans or ideas before you put them into action. Listen to the other side of every story. Your partner is likely to have information that you need to hear. Romantic colours are cornflower blue and daisy yellow. Lucky numbers are 9 and 22.
There's a glitch in discussions or a hitch regarding plans or schedules today. This may arise unexpectedly, necessitating further consideration. Be flexible and ride around any obstacles - the trick is not to get flustered. The problem will pass as suddenly as it came. Someone has a bright idea regarding your home. Unusual communications may come from, or to, a family member. Serene colours are dark amethyst and silky grey. Lucky numbers are 9 and 13.
Mercury the Messenger moves through Pisces and your solar fourth house, travelling there over the next four weeks. You may be involved in discussion about your home; there are changes afoot regarding either your physical property or the people who inhabit it. You'll need to discuss all the options before the right one becomes clear. Old matters may be rehashed.... Communicative colours are sepia and off white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 28.
The Moon moves through Taurus and your solar sixth house so it will be back to the simple routines of the day. Try and maintain a good balance between work and health. Some exercise and good eating will help to round out a busy day. You may begin to feel a little tired or under par as The day wears on so give yourself some time for relaxation. Express yourself creatively and watch out for health problems. Benign colours are powder blue and velvet blue. Lucky number is 27.
Warrior Mars and mystic Neptune play merry hell with the Lunar Nodes today, so be careful of breakdowns especially where vehicles or appliances are concerned. Communication and travel schedules may be interrupted or subject to delays. If you're dependent on overseas connections, there are likely to be problems. This configuration indicates a break or change with a cycle of communication and the rhythm of the day may be erratic. Protective colours are maroon and yellow ochre. Lucky numbers are 5 and 28.
Tension is building in the work place as Warrior Mars clashes with mystic Neptune. Travel, communications and schedules are all put under pressure. You may be doing more but seeming to get less done and co-workers are not in a very cooperative mood. Try and put your frustration to one side and let things sort themselves out. Don't exercise too hard. Be careful if you're around water or chemicals today. Earthy colours are ginger and lemon. Lucky numbers are 15 and 38.
With today's shifting influences, you may start proceedings in a relaxed manner, letting things take care of themselves. However, as time marches on, you go from taking it easy into a stronger working focus. Little jobs and the attention to detail they demand will become important. Health matters may be a concern so try to slot in some exercise and a good, nutritious meal. Grounding colours are sunflower yellow and jet black. Lucky numbers are 23 and 35.
As the Moon and Jupiter clash with powerful Pluto, there will be differences of opinion or beliefs and you could find yourself at loggerheads with friends or associates. Test the waters to see how serious the situation is. It's actually wiser to step back from any conflict today. You might use what happens to ask yourself where you're really going in your life. Friends and money don't mix well: don't lend money if you can possibly help it. Admirable colours are carnelian and citrine. Lucky numbers are 15 and 24.
The Moon comes to the New in Pisces and your solar fourth house, conjoining with revolutionary Uranus. This next period may bring sudden or dramatic developments with home life or emotional life - there may be a positive outcome or a reversal of conditions. There certainly will be excitement! The home will not be a place of peaceful bliss just for the moment but it will settle in time. Expansive colours are brick red and bottle green. Lucky number is 4.
The Sun moves into Pisces and your solar fourth house, travelling there over the next four weeks. For many centaurs, there are changes with regard to domestic and emotional conditions on the cards in the next few years and this period could bring them to the forefront. Navigate whatever new course opens up for you. When opportunity knocks, accept the changes that come with it. Intuitive colours are dusty brown and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 3 and 25.
The Moon dances through Aquarius and your solar third house, asking you to be on your mettle with all communications. Be the one that comes up with the bright idea, the one that suggests a new or unusual approach. The company of good friends will be important to you today, simply because you may need to use them as a sounding board. You may receive a communication from an unexpected source or travel unexpectedly. Invigorating colours are blossom pink and apple. Lucky numbers are 8 and 13.
You're coming to some kind of change in status or position with regard to your finances and you should be looking to secure a long term change. Changes with regard to work or professional matters are pointing you in a new or different direction and there could be dealings with people of status or authority that have some bearing on this situation. Be organized, clear and precise with all things financial. Secure colours are caramel and lime. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
The Moon moves through Capricorn and your solar second house today so money matters will be on your mind. This is a time to do your budget and check your personal spending. Rein it in if you find you're living with the extravagance for which your sign is known. Organize your money along clear and practical lines and you will benefit in the long term. Look at a savings plan. Providential colours are tangerine and soft pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 28.
The Moon and Pluto meet in your sign today, so you could find yourself feeling intense or obsessive about things. Just remember to lighten up. Conflict is on the cards but this can be resolved by negotiation rather than by forcing the issue. Give partners and close associates special attention, but also some leeway - you're a bit overwhelming at the moment! Relaxing colours are wild mint and orange. Lucky numbers are 27 and 38.
After a day or two in the doldrums, you'll be bubbling with enthusiasm as Lady Moon soars through your sign. It's Valentine's Day, after all... Some of you may like to look after yourselves or even indulge a bit. Others may give time to children or family. Whatever you do, try to make sure that it's fun for all concerned. This could also be a good time to catch up on some sleep. If you want a lazy day, that can work too. Fun colours are bottle green and ginger. Lucky numbers are 6 and 28.
It's time to muster all your resources and energies and push through to the next level. The harmony between Mars and Saturn will support your efforts. If you need to dig deeper into shared resources or your credit facilities, now's the time to do so. With careful planning and perhaps family support, you can consolidate and somehow find greater security. This is a calculation not a risk though. Prudent colours are lemon yellow and leaf green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 39.
Lady Moon moves through Scorpio and your solar twelfth house, testing warrior Mars as she does so. Take refuge from the stress or inconvenience of things going wrong. Work may be trying because of mistakes or through difficulties with co-workers and health may be a problem. Rest if you need to. Be careful of work related accidents. Protective colours are purple and pearl. Lucky numbers are 12 and 15.
Lady Moon continues her sojourn in Libra and your solar eleventh house today, urging you to find the cooperative spirit and work in with the interests of friends and associates. The shared aim or goal will find you at your best and benefit you most in the long run. You may meet unusual or interesting people, especially women. Flow along with them and their ideas and see what you can learn. Favourable colours are autumn gold and garnet. Lucky numbers are 24 and 39.
Lady Moon glides through Libra and your solar eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes. Seek out friends and companions today, especially those whose advice you can rely on or trust. You may be considering weighty matters about your direction or what you really want. There may be an important change coming up that you need to evaluate. Experienced people have something to offer. Harmonious colours are amber and silver. Lucky numbers are 27 and 39.
Venus the goddess dances into Aries and your solar fifth house today, cruising there over the next four weeks. Romance and recreation call, so make sure you take time out to enjoy yourself. Work on creative projects, but don't fight with co-workers. Mars and Mercury clash so communications and daily routines could be subject to change or disruption. Don't act in haste. Travel with care. Calming colours are peach and lavender. Lucky numbers are 14 and 29.
The marvellous Moon meets expansive Jupiter in your solar tenth house today, testing Pluto in your sign. If eruptions over your responsibilities or your dealings with authorities emerge, be sure to keep a cool head and negotiate any difficult situations rather than flying off the handle. It's time for major decisions with regard to career matters or your general role in things. Admirable colours are burnt sienna and clay red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 23.
Mercury the messenger moves into Aquarius and your solar third house today, brightening up the picture as far as ideas and communications are concerned. Excitement and sudden shifts of thinking arise as you encounter ideas from those around you. Extra travel is on the agenda and for some, there will be contact with siblings. A new plan begins to form. Beneficial colours are sunflower and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 27 and 41.
The bold Moon comes to the Full in Leo and your solar ninth house, testing the Sun and mystic Neptune, bringing revelations change the course of routines. Communications could be tricky or confusing, so watch that you mean what you say and understand what is being said. Take care while travelling. For some, there may be inspiration. For others, uncertainty. Tread carefully. Prudent colours are chartreuse and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 24 and 27.
The Sun clashes with the Lunar Nodes, bringing be upsets or interruptions to daily routines through unexpected developments. There could be a surprise turn of events or a change of circumstance that catches you off guard or causes you to make adjustments. Some may encounter someone who has a disturbing or unusual effect. Others may be listless or out of sorts. Work around problems. Serene colours are tangerine and pale orange. Lucky numbers are 5 and 26.
Financial matters may be on your mind as gorgeous Moon sails through Cancer and your solar eighth house. If you're tempted to push the envelope of your spending, resist. It will be all too easy to go over the top. There may be complex financial dealings involving older people, estate matters or those in authority. Understand what's going on and then negotiate a position for yourself. Practical colours are shocking pink and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 19.
Warrior Mars moves into Taurus and your solar sixth house of work and health, stirring up action there over the next six weeks. Get down to the nitty-gritty of work and attend to details. Complete the straightforward tasks, but watch health matters or work-related safety. Take care with sharp edges and wear necessary headgear. It's the ideal time for a new regime of exercise or activity. Earthy colours are terracotta and olive. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
The Sun and Neptune meet in Aquarius and your solar third house today, so expect an interesting or unusual encounter. Explore what this opens up. Communications may move or stimulate you. If you feel uncertain about what you're trying to do or say, seek some upliftment through the ideas or views of friends or associates. Radiant colours are almond and wine red. Lucky numbers are 12 and 37.
The lively Moon is in Gemini and your solar seventh house, clashing with Pluto in your sign. Expect an intense exchange of views or feelings with partners or close associates today. For some, the intensity of feeling will lead to a passionate encounter. For others, there could be a fireworks display. Make sure you work your way through any issues that occur. Serene colours are violet and crimson. Lucky numbers are 36 and 39.
Use your spare time for socializing and building new relationships and contacts, as an ability to charm others makes you popular. There is no doubt that you believe in yourself, but sometimes you take on more than you can honestly cope with. Just sit back today and let nature and the stars take their course. Fortunate colours are hazelnut and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 2 and 60.
This is not a day to make hasty decisions. An unexpected expense will make you edgy and even bad tempered. Put in your maximum effort, as rewards are much closer than you might imagine. Your family and your career are both competing for your attention at the moment, adding pressure to the mix. Beneficial colours are dark gold and silver. Lucky numbers are 5 and 33.
Nothing is impossible as long as you have the will to overcome it. A financial windfall is a distinct possibility later in the day. A new look, new outfit, even a new friends is the order of the day - it's time your image had an overhaul. You will be extremely attractive to the opposite sex. Harmonious colours are aqua and peach. Lucky numbers are 9 and 45.
Tempers will fray if you are too pushy at work or at home. Try to understand the needs of others before you make any major decisions. An evening spent with friends will be pleasant but watch out, for excessive eating and drinking will upset your tum tomorrow morning. Favourable colours are pale gold and lilac. Lucky numbers are 16 and 71.
Today you can pick up additional responsibility that will lead to higher wages and a better position in the long term. Try not to spend too much time and money on your friends today, even if you feel you should. Stick to your plans even though you may be tempted to change mid- stream. Auspicious colours are bright red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 6 and 47.
You will gain valuable knowledge if you spend time in the company of experienced people. You'll be very popular today and will easily attract members of the opposite sex. Your mood is much lighter and sweeter today and that is part of your attraction. Communicative energies are very strong at the moment so make the most of it. Favourable colours are ochre and crimson. Lucky numbers are 1 and 25.
Your home will be the focal point of social activity today, particularly for relatives. Is that good or bad? It is a day for gifts - either they will be given to you or you will give in kind. A female friend proves to be supportive and caring. It's a good time to implement new ventures and plans. Children could be a bit of a disappointment in one way or another. Lucky colours are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 3 and 19.
People around you are highly demanding today, but just try and roll with the punches. Don't promise more than you can deliver, and don't stress yourself to the point of exhaustion. Arguments are likely if you don't watch what you say, particularly at home. Fortunate colours are deep purple and smoky pink. Lucky numbers are 19 and 40.
Someone is jealous of you and is trying to block your unique and original ideas. You love travel but at the moment you have particularly itchy feet - even a short trip will be better than nothing. People around you are willing to see your point of view, especially if you are diplomatic. Favourable colours are dark yellow and pale grey. Lucky numbers are 15 and 31.
Unexpected problems at work will be extremely frustrating, so be prepared to deal with incompetent procedures and people. You are also likely to misplace something important, which will only increase your blood pressure. Try to take things in your stride and take comfort in the knowledge that tomorrow will be better. Auspicious colours are peacock blue and bronze. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
Your enthusiasm is high today so get out there and make things happen. You can make a huge contribution to the team at work as your sincerity wins people over - it also won't hurt your career prospects.... All manner of communication is excellent today and romance could turn quite serious. Beneficial colours are navy and bright red. Lucky numbers are 21 and 76.
Your mind, body and spirit are all in sync today, so make the most of it. Romance is not particularly exciting at the moment, unfortunately, especially if there is work on your mind. Be your original self in any presentations at work. A business trip will be highly beneficial. Fortunate colours are tan and beige. Lucky numbers are 15 and 64.
People will listen to what you have to say and take your advice to heart. If things have been a bit muddied lately, they will start to fall into perspective now and you can identify individual goals. Your social life may be seriously interrupted, for someone from your past may unexpectedly contact you later in the day. Beneficial colours are apricot and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 28.
This is a day when lot of responsibilities will be placed on your shoulders. Don't be misled by the exaggerated talk and inflated ideas of others, Archers. If you feel tired during the day, delegate some chores and skive off as much as you can. Thanks to the stars, you are probably feeling a bit moody and under the weather, but this phase will soon pass. Advantageous colours are ivory and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 25.
The focus is still on the home and any projects that you initiate today will go very well indeed. You aren't feeling particularly sociable at the moment which is a pity, because you could meet some important people if you socialise tonight. You'd really rather have a long, hot bath and watch a good movie. Auspicious colours are cream and avocado green. Lucky numbers are 18 and 27.
If you are too generous with your time and money others will take advantage of you today - try to find a balance. You are feeling rather disoriented and disconnected, so the desire to indulge in naughty things will be strong. Try to maintain control. Favourable colours are platinum and ginger. Lucky numbers are 1 and 70.
A close friend may use emotional blackmail to get their own way, so beware. Although there are plenty of hours in the day, you have the feeling you are just treading water. Perhaps your mind is on other things. You and your mate are feeling broody rather than romantic, so a shopping trip this evening for things for the home is very much on the cards. Fortunate colours are brilliant white and copper. Lucky numbers are 14 and 38.
Keep working on your new projects and remember that most people will not have the vision that you possess today. You can really get somewhere with some of your most keenly desired hopes and misunderstandings with those you love will get resolved. Auspicious colours are chestnut and pale blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 53.
Pressure at work and home incline you to be rather short-tempered today. Arguments could develop, but don't jump to conclusions till you have all the facts. Your hard work and the sincere efforts that you put in today will bring the results and rewards that you deserve. Beneficial colours are silvery blue and russet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 49.
The spotlight is on you, Sagittarius, as the Moon cruises through your mid-heaven, the house of career and public image. Fortunate Jupiter your life-ruler is dancing in the mid-heaven too, so the gods are on your side. With dark Pluto prowling through your sign, the emphasis is on doing things your way, for you can make a difference. Lucky colours are lavender and violet. Lucky numbers are 13 and 54.
An important meeting or engagement is likely to be cancelled or fail to generate the result you had hoped for. However, your partner is cooperative, warm and loving, while romance is definitely on the cards for single Archers. Creature comforts are a priority for you at the moment and will be for the next few weeks. If you've been neglecting your family lately, now is the time to make up for lost time. Beneficial colours are azure and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 12 and 42.
It's a good day to get all your correspondence in order, but don't believe everything you hear. Avoid giving important and confidential work to your co-workers if you are working. Money flows from unexpected sources, but you are full of emotion and ready to change the world. Beneficial colours are cream and dark green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 14.
Greed is not good, but there are times in life when you need to take care of yourself first, or you are no good to others. You should go out today and sell your abilities to people who are ready to pay you handsomely for your efforts, because they are certainly out there. There is a new romance in the stars for some Archers. Auspicious colours are neon green and electric blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 29.
Don't force your opinion on others - to avoid conflict you should listen to what others have to say before putting your twopence worth in. Health problems are just around the corner, therefore make exercise a part of your daily routine and take a good, long look at your diet. Prevention is better than cure, after all. Lucky colours are sable and silvery pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 52.
A sudden change in circumstances leads you in a new direction today, especially with regard to shared financial commitments. The Full Moon gives quite a sense of being pulled and pushed, as someone you consider wise seems to be off the beam about your circumstances, talents and goals. Only you know what is truly right for you. Fortunate colours are baby blue and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 7 and 44.
You can expect problems at home today if you don't spend time with family members, Sagittarius. Your involvement in voluntary work will bring some brownie points, but there could be financial fallout from past speculation and you may be in over your head. If possible, consolidate your debts and talk to a financial adviser. Auspicious colours are terracotta and spring green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 45.
You will gather important information if you talk to people with experience, so don't be afraid to ask for advice. Family responsibilities are mounting, which is added pressure you don't need. Social functions and events will be stressful and tiring, so plan a quiet night with a warm, scented bath and a good book or movie. Beneficial colours are ice blue and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 5 and 63.
Your communication skills are at an all time high now. If you're working today, you should listen to other viewpoints before you make any important decisions. The outcome should be favourable, especially for matters connected with your career. A female colleague will be highly supportive and help you finish any outstanding tasks. Favourable colours are mustard yellow and oyster. Lucky numbers are 22 and 73.
Your ability to express yourself in a colourful way will win points and popularity today, Sagittarius. It's time to save now and avoid overspending - cut up your credit cards if you have to. Travel plans may be postponed due to the adverse health condition of your partner. Fortunate colours are navy and hazel. Lucky numbers are 19 and 36.
The connections you build today will lead you to a better professional position and your partner will be enthusiastic about your new plans and ventures. Travelling will be highly educational. Do something energetic and exciting in the evening. Beneficial colours are pineapple and kiwi fruit. Lucky numbers are 10 and 64.
Friends will be more supportive than you expect, Archers, and a meeting with an influential person could bring valuable new ideas and plans. If you are travelling today, your journey will be hectic and tiring, but produce good results. Auspicious colours are blueberry and shimmering orange. Lucky numbers are 20 and 57.

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