Safari-Pinned-Tab.Svg's Horoscopes |



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Spending time at home with the family should be very enjoyable, Crabs. In fact, with the Moon sailing through Libra, having people over for dinner this evening is just what the doctor ordered. People will enjoy your company, and you will excel at playing host or hostess. Sociable colours are foxglove and silver. Lucky numbers are 4 and 23.
If something is bothering you, get to work around the house and apply some old fashioned elbowgrease. You'll be surprised how therapeutic 'Level One Activities' can be: scrubbing the bathtub, cleaning toilets, washing the dog - after that, gardening is pure nirvana! Try not to think too much today - you're better off doing things that take more brawn than brains and you'll feel elated, once you see what you have accomplished. Positive colours are cinnamon and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
The Moon moves through your fifth house of romance, making you ever so attractive. It will be easier to attract the opposite sex, especially in the workplace. That will ease your frustration! Career concerns may be consuming you, but you really shouldn't worry - things will ease up soon. Positive colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 14 and 15.
The public eye turns to you today, dear Goats, so put on your sharpest outfit. You have the potential to be very successful in the coming weeks, but is there someone working against you behind the scenes? Watch what you say and who you say it to. Be silent if you are less than sure of your ground. Advantageous colours are charcoal and bronze. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
As the Sun and Moon dance in sociable Libra, you'll find yourself quite focused on local issues and neighbourhood affairs. You'll take more of an interest in communicating with siblings and you might hear from someone close, as the phones will be running hot. You may even take a leadership role in local politics. Advantageous colours are ivory and golden sand. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
Creativity and imagination are heightened, so allow for a flight of fancy. Spending time teaching your children about different cultures around the world will benefit you as well as them, so make time for the little darlings. If you don't have children, enjoy activities that make you feel like one again. Creative colours are cobalt and saffron. Lucky numbers are 9 and 21.
This evening is perfect for a quiet dinner for two and a night of love, so find out what your nearest and dearest is up to. It is important to set some time aside each week to share your experiences, and it is especially important to spend time really listening to what your partner has to say. Excellent colours are silver and apricot. Lucky numbers are 16 and 25.
A quiet mood may descend upon you as the planetary forces activate your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. Some very interesting information may come to light. Avoid the negativity of others, though, as it's time to rest, relax, and heal from the bumps and bruises of the past month. Venus in your sign inclines you to romantic fantasies. Erotic colours are vivid red and deepest purple. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
A lighter mood descends as the Moon joins with Mercury, your life-ruler. It's just the day to enjoy a movie or other relaxing form of entertainment. After a long day of taking care of business you will need a good laugh, so why not rent your favourite comedy? Whether you prefer the classic Monty Python or the outrageous genre of Dodgeball, it's time to laugh your troubles away. Enjoyable colours are aqua and tan. Lucky numbers are 22 and 30.
Dreams can tell you a lot about your inner motivations, dear Pisces. You don't have to agree with Freud to know that sex is a basic drive that motivates much of our activity. Spend time analyzing and meditating on the impressions your dreams leave you with today. You might find in them a key to improving your life. Certainly you'll put your fantasies to the test tonight. Dream on... Dreamy colours are pale amber and pastel mauve. Lucky numbers are 8 and 11.
Rain, hail or shine, this is the kind of day for flying kites. Imagine that it is you soaring above the clouds as you guide your kite through the air; imagine what sort of freedom you would have if you could fly! While you are at it, don't be afraid to dream of a better future for yourself. Get outside and do something exhilarating, even if it is just taking a walk down a garden path. More about Michaelmas. Soaring colours are violet and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
With the Sun and Moon in your sign, you'll be the centre of attention today. Your ability to communicate is matched only by your creative imagination. This is your time to shine, dear Libra, so make the most of the opportunity. Beneficial colours are ivory and carmine. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
The New Moon activates your seventh house of marriage and partnerships this Michaelmas, urging you to make a new start in your closest relationships. Trouble may be brewing as your will is at odds with someone you love; try to work out a compromise before sparks fly. Spending quality time with your partner will help you to strengthen your relationship. You are a natural leader, so show it. More about Michaelmas. Fortunate colours are ivory and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
With the New Moon activating your emotional fourth house, you may need to seek some inner space rather than external excitement. It will be all too easy to get into a disagreement with your mate, best friend or partner, though your sexual drives are sparking now that Venus is in Scorpio. Michaelmas traditionally opens a new set of books, so spend time relaxing at home, making plans for the weekend action. More about Michaelmas. Auspicious colours are pearly grey and pale blue. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Today's Michaelmas New Moon encourages you to make new friends. It's a time of beginnings, and with your eleventh house of associates and shared goals activated, it is time to reach out! Networking can be very fruitful during the next few days, so go for it! Excellent colours are translucent amber and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
With the New Moon in lovely Libra, it's time to get on with charming everyone at work. Michaelmas is a time for setting things straight, so start the lunar month right by organizing yourself and paying attention to those less-than-aesthetic hygiene matters. Why not set about beautifying and organising the workplace? You'll feel much better once you have a beauty regime lined up, so don't procrastinate this morning. More about Michaelmas. Auspicious colours are yellow ochre and warm russet. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
The New Moon at Michaelmas reminds you to practice moderation, even when you are tempted to overindulge and overspend. Resist impulse- buys and wait until next month to make significant purchases, as Mercury is retrograde. You are likely to end up with a credit card hangover if you aren't careful. If you must indulge in a personal luxury, make it something you can easily afford. More about Michaelmas. Positive colours are purple sage and orchid. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
Today's Michaelmas Moon activates your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to reflect on the events of the past year. With your next birthday just around the corner, it's time to step back and see how far you have come and where you would like to be this time next year. Consider consulting your favourite astrologer. More about Michaelmas. Beneficial colours are carmine and slate. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
Today's New Moon should give you an opportunity for a new start in your career, reputation or relationship with authority figures. We all must make peace with the world if we are going to be free to advance, so let go of any anger you may be carrying and pledge to turn over a new leaf. In fact, Michaelmas is a traditional time for beginning anew. There is much you can accomplish so don't hold back! More about Michaelmas. Auspicious colours are cobalt blue and charcoal. Lucky number is 10.
This Michaelmas New Moon gives you a chance to make a fresh start in your life, so you may want to consider consulting your favourite astrologer as your personal new year gets under way. The way you present yourself and how others see you is the focus of this lunation, so be prepared to tackle issues head on. Be open to change and growth in your relationships, but beware of delusion and deception today. After all, it's Monday! More about Michaelmas. Favourable colours are rose quartz and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
Pay attention to your siblings and neighbours as the New Moon at Michaelmas activates your third house of communication and community; this is your chance to improve these relationships. Don't expect progress to be without challenge as the Sun and Moon spar off with nebulous Neptune, showing that deception and delusion are rife. Working with others will require an extra measure of patience, tact and discipline. More about Michaelmas. Beneficial colours are blue sapphire and mellow gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
The New Moon at Michaelmas activates your house of cultural, religious and philosophic beliefs, turning your thoughts towards worthy goals. Many Sea-Goats are seeking to move forward in their personal lives, but first you must decide the path you want to take. There are many options to consider, so think them over carefully. More about Michaelmas. Auspicious colours are amethyst and jade. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
Passion between you and a colleague may erupt today as the New Moon at Michaelmas triggers fireworks in your life. Whether this sparks friendly competition or just a tumble between the sheets depends on your state of mind. If you are aware of today's creative energy, you can use it to create fun and excitement rather than disagreements. More about Michaelmas. Flirty colours are turquoise and blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
The mysteries of life may be on your mind as the Michaelmas Moon activates your eighth house of sex, money and power. This is a good day to review what is truly important to you as well as what is important to the people you love most. You will find that there is plenty of room for both intimacy and individuality as long as respect remains on the top of your list. More about Michaelmas. Positive colours are sea green and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 8 and 11.
Don't be afraid to communicate your thoughts, dear Aquarius, as the muse visits you. Your ideas should be imaginative and vivid, so that is a plus! However, romance will be fantasy-driven and edgy, but children will be inclined to be stroppy. Long term plans should be put into motion at tomorrow's New Moon in your house of friends, hopes and wishes. Expressive colours are electric blue and sparkling silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
The Moon and Pluto clash today, bringing certain relationships to critical mass. Most Archers will find today's events strenuous and somewhat distasteful. Intensity is not your favourite entree, especially when served by an emotional partner. Valuable ideas are in the ether, so be creative! It's time to make a new start, which will be the ideal way to approach tomorrow's New Moon. Calming colours are pastel green and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
Your imagination is taking you to wonderful places today, Lions. Beneficial changes and new attachments should prove favourable for you. Family relationships improve, especially with your partner, and you could be brought in on a Grand Plan by a sibling or neighbour. You can expand your consciousness and move to a higher level under this influence.. Beneficial colours are golden topaz and silvery mauve. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
Librans may feel torn between family responsibilities and career ambitions at this time and if so, you need to find a compromise. You could be tempted to blow up at troublesome types this morning, but don't waste your energy on petty matters. Imaginative ideas will come forward later and tomorrow's New Moon is more favourable. Beneficial colours are amber and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Take the time to express yourself to your loved ones today, Aries. Being more open will help bring you closer, as will taking the time to really listen to what your partner has to say. The cosmos is feeling quite imaginative today, so why not put your thoughts and feelings down in writing, or on video, as creative expression is favoured. Expressive colours are amber and indigo. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
Some of you may be feeling quite generous, while others could be the recipients of special gifts. Keep in mind that what you give or receive need not have any material value whatsoever. A spiritual gift of time or talent is often priceless, so consider this when looking for the perfect present. Positive colours are indigo and parchment. Lucky numbers are 11 and 4.
You may feel torn between your personal life and career; it seems no matter what you do, you can't make anyone happy. Don't let the stress eat you alive... take a deep breath and tell everyone that they will just have to wait in line. Just do your best and remember to take care of yourself - you won't be of any use if you run yourself down. Beneficial colours are dove grey and lavender. Lucky numbers are 16 and 20.
It's an imaginative sort of day for you, Virgo. Mercury, your life-ruler, forms a beautiful aspect with dreamy Neptune in your sixth house of work and health, so you may receive something of an epiphany that turns around the way you think about things. Your intellect is sharper than usual with the Moon in your sign, so get your plans together for the new start that you know you need. Auspicious colours are emerald and violet. Lucky numbers are 15 and 22.
Today's focus places material goals and gains foremost in your mind. Inspired ideas on your part can get you started in the right direction and you'll have the energy to begin work on a creative project. Interactions of all kinds: romantic, social, business, or friendship, or even fleeting encounters with strangers, can put you in touch with the values and mores of your own generation, rather than what is currently fashionable. Auspicious colours are terracotta and pale jade. Lucky numbers are 15 and 25.
Be prepared for anything, especially with your finances. Hopefully today's surprises will be of the pleasant kind, or at least the sort that turn out best in the long run. Valuable information will arrive, perhaps from a hidden source. Use caution when you're out having a good time; you may be fortunate this evening, but you don't want to press your luck under the current aspects. Positive colours are mint green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Your appetite may increase, dear Cancer. Keep your desires under control so you don't regret anything in the morning. A shopping spree or eating binge may threaten to get out of hand, so step back and ask yourself whether you really need something or if you are truly hungry. Religious messages, or spiritual communications, even occult experiences are there for some. Favourable colours are pale blue and sunset orange. Lucky numbers are 32 and 26.
A fantasy of love fires you up today, Gemini, but jealousy and deliberate obstruction can be infuriating. Entertain someone special at home and play your cards right. This could lead to a wonderful beginning that could lead who knows where... Fortunate colours are pale violet and red rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
The Moon activates your second house of personal finances, forming a beautiful aspect with expansive Jupiter, but conjunct restrictive Saturn, so you need to be more resourceful. It would be wise to delay instant gratification and put away your credit cards for a while; many Lions have been blissfully overspending on pleasures. A feeling of guilt may overwhelm you, if your spending becomes excessive. Practical colours are forest green and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 2 and 36.
The friendly Moon moving through your eleventh house sets a pleasant mood for the day. Romance is not out of the question, as your personal appeal is quite powerful, although it may seem you are too busy for such diversions. Allow time for rest and recreation, getting fresh air and exercise if possible. Anything you do with a group will be rewarding, especially singles, who may meet someone special. Beneficial colours are basic black and royal amethyst. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
As the Moon enters meticulous Virgo and your sixth house of work and health, you need to take a moment to streamline your tasks and organize yourself. Career benefits are there for the taking, Rams, but cleanliness is truly next to godliness in many ways and you'll feel better once you have done a bit of housekeeping. Eating properly and exercising regularly will boost your mental and physical energy, so get it together this weekend. Beneficial colours are arctic white and royal blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
There may be conflict between you and someone else over money matters, but try not to let things get out of hand. Financial deals may have hidden excesses, gotchas that eventually cause them to collapse under their own weight. Be sure to have permission before helping yourself to someone else's resources! You can make progress in business, but not without a little bloodshed. Positive colours are mahogany and aqua. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
The Virgo Moon in your mid-heaven turns the spotlight onto your role in the community. Long-term changes are under way and ultimately these can be for the best, if you are willing to give up outmoded ways of thinking and acting. Be sure to tend to your responsibilities before you relax this evening. Leave nothing to chance. Archers seeking some fun tonight will meet good fortune. Auspicious colours are silvery pink and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
Change is in the wind as the New Moon approaches. If you feel antsy, it may mean you need to rethink your old routine. Travel, higher education, and the study of religion and philosophy are all favoured now. You may have some inner fears holding you back, but if you look more closely you will realize that there really is nothing to be afraid of. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
It is time to reach out and touch someone over the telephone line or through the Internet. The dutiful Moon in your third house of communications urges you to contact all those you have neglected lately. Siblings may need to share their worries with you or, conversely, you may need to seek advice from those who know you best. Positive colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
Your dreams could be trying to tell you something, as the Virgo Moon activates your secretive subconscious. If you have a hard time understanding the language of your sleeping mind, why not write down the details you can remember? It's a good day for getting along with family and if you have been considering making a new start on something dear to your heart, today's the day. Favourable colours are emerald and peach. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
Creative, emotional energy returns as the Moon lights your fifth house of romance and creativity. Find the time to relax and have fun today, Bulls. Harriet Martineau once said 'Leisure, some degree of it, is necessary to the health of every man's spirit.' Include every woman's spirit as well and you have a prescription for success. Sensual colours are warm brown and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 5 and 16.
A quiet mood descends as the changing Moon awakens your fourth house of home and family. Looking inward for answers will be fruitful today; only you really know the whys and wherefores of your personal motivations. It's head versus heart, but spending a peaceful afternoon at home can help you restore equilibrium to your soul. Positive colours are platinum and emerald. Lucky numbers are 4 and 23.
Hold your head high as the Virgo Moon encourages you to tap into your wealth of emotional strength. You can succeed at anything you choose today; even a speculative venture might prove quite profitable. Children seem more enjoyable than usual and a fantasy romance with a father-figure will have a delightful appeal to a certain section of the Virgo stratum. Enjoy the evening! Excellent colours are foxglove and silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
What you want and what your partner wants may seem to be poles apart, but the final resolution will work out well. Compromise, however, is the only way to avoid an argument for now, so be prepared to initiate an agreeable solution. If your mate or partner is overly optimistic, you can afford to wait it out. Family decisions regarding insurances, inheritance, or joint ventures will work out well if based on solid, traditional foundations. Check the small print. Beneficial colours are rose quartz and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
It's best to keep this day low key, Virgo. You could suffer indigestion from emotional upsets, so watch what you eat and when you eat. If you can, get plenty of rest today and do not attempt to start new projects. Conserve your energy for tomorrow, when the Moon springs into your Sign. Conservative colours are copper and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 12 and 16.
Sexual, intellectual and emotional attraction is strong as witty Mercury and sexy Venus come together and Pluto the transformer is activated by the fiery Leo Moon. Hey, it's the ideal night to party for the raging Rams! Your natural magnetism seems to attract those with power or status, who will help you to achieve your aims. Flirtatious colours are bright red and indigo. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
A clash of cultures could blow up today, Scorp. Take a deep breath and count to ten, whether you are dealing with figures in the public eye, at work, or with family. It is important to try to understand the other's point of view. Avoid making any hasty decisions or speaking out in anger. Use charm to resolve a problem, as Venus is in your sign and miracles can happen. Beneficial colours are golden topaz and dusky pink. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Now that the Moon is in your eleventh house, you should be feeling fine and friendly. Even if you are shy, it's worth making an overture of friendship; why not reach out to someone who seems alone? You could find a wonderful new friend in someone who is strongly influenced by the Sun, or who has Leo in their personality. Fortunate colours are pastel yellow and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 11 and 19.
You may be under a great deal of stress with the Moon in your opposite Sign. You just can't please anyone at the moment, so stop trying to please everyone. Your partner and your career hold the most sway with you now, so try to reach a compromise between them. If that doesn't work, just tell the world to take a hike. Favourable colours are yellow sapphire and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 16 and 25.
A new direction is needed, Taurus, as the Moon strides through your house of new beginnings. Take the time to analyse your responses to current problems. Are you responding positively or negatively? It's a matter of choice, because you have the ability to turn negative situations around. It could be a romantic weekend, too. Venus, your life-ruler is well-favoured now, so surf the cosmic wave and get on with it! Auspicious colours are carmine and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 22 and 25.
There is a connection between mind and body that cannot be denied, for if you do, sickness and disease are likely to follow. Listen carefully to what your body is telling you and then compare it to what you perceive with your mind. You may find that you are fooling yourself. These things are true: fresh air and clean foods are good for you, while stress can make you ill. Healing colours are almond and bronze. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
It's a perfect day to transform your way of thinking, Archers. Don't waste time trying to convince narrow-minded people of your point of view, just go with the flow and enjoy the insights. Your needs have little to do with anyone else, even your family or others close to you. Old stuff that has been resurfacing recently needs to be dealt with, so deal with it! Favourable colours are burgundy and orange. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
A struggle for power and control might manifest itself today, perhaps with some hidden opposition revealing itself. Try to stay balanced and centred. You may need to keep your own counsel for a few hours. If you feel the need to discuss your current situation with someone, choose your most trusted confidante. Chances are good that by tomorrow everything will look different. Advantageous colours are emerald and red coral. Lucky numbers are 17 and 21.
Your charms are on fire, Lions, and your house of romance is getting kind of fogged up as the cosmos ignites fissionable Pluto in sexy Sagittarius and luscious Venus in steamy Scorpio. It's a fabulous night for a party, especially in your area. Why not invite some friends and neighbours over. Who knows what might develop..? Erotic colours are royal purple and green jade. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Crustaceans may be dealing with personal upsets as the sensitive Moon and expansive Jupiter clash today. Avoid discussions about sex or politics, as they are likely to raise hackles. Instead, find a balance between giving and receiving in your life. One of the best ways to do this is through a loving relationship, so spend time with your love. Single Cancerians will find love if they are looking. Loving colours are deep green and translucent amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 29.
It's time to open the lines of communication, Gemini, so make an effort to mend fences. Let warm and supportive relationships with siblings help you make the most of this day; it's all about love and friendship anyway. You may be busier than usual, but make time to contact those you care about. Communicative colours are orange and beige. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
With the Moon in your ninth house of philosophy, travel and adventure, you'll be ready to try something new. You may need to ask directions if you are driving to an unknown destination. A detailed map will be invaluable today, so keep one handy. Avoid discussions about beliefs during the next two days, as they are likely to get out of hand. Have a get-together to celebrate Harvest Home. Adventurous colours are electric blue and neon red. Lucky numbers are 21 and 9.
The Moon lights up your first house of personality, helping you shine like the star you are. Your magnetism will be magnificent, so enjoy the effect you have on your adoring public. Emotions will be lively, so it might be wise to resist the temptation to flaunt your advantages, or rub people's noses in it. Why not have a party to celebrate Harvest Home? Fortunate colours are jade and topaz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
With the Moon in Leo, your eleventh house of friends and cherished dreams, you won't be in the mood for business matters. The atmosphere is a bit tetchy, so get your finances in order, then the next two days should be fine for socializing. Why not plan to meet friends after work tomorrow night to celebrate Harvest Home? Fortunate colours are emerald and peach. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
Planetary factors may cause you to be unrealistic today, so don't let your ideals cloud the facts. Your associates may be able to assist you in your personal ambitions, but collective goals are more likely to be successful at this time. If you are able to compromise, you can have the best of both worlds and a win-win situation. It's a great night for a get-together at the local to celebrate Harvest Home. Enjoyable colours are jade green and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The Moon and Pluto combine to bring obstruction and annoyance, but don't let little things make you angry as there is much to enjoy. Passionate attraction will be there for Rams on the make. If you have children, spend real quality time with them now. There is much you can teach and much you can learn simply by engaging in play, such as celebrating Harvest Home. Flirty colours are old gold and fiery red. Lucky numbers are 14 and 18.
With Venus in Scorpio your magnetic vibes are doubled! Try to listen with your heart and not just with your mind. Some confusion may exist, so make the effort to clear up any misunderstandings, particularly in your public image. Unexpected surprises are never nice, especially when there is a whiff of deception in the wind. Try making a corn dolly to celebrate Harvest Home. Advantageous colours are carmine and mink. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The mysterious Moon moves in your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to spend quiet moments alone. This is the beginning of your low lunar cycle, so plan to recharge your spiritual batteries. Surround yourself with people and things in places that are soothing to your soul. Avoid stressful situations and unpleasant, egotistical types. Set up a few sheaves - and celebrate Harvest Home. Grounding colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 2.
Many Fishies will find they have been given a gift of healing, which can be used to help others. If you have been surrounding yourself with positive waves, this can be a powerful time for you, so why not use it to celebrate Harvest Home? Spiritual and karmic matters come to the forefront as you overcome the opposition - and the internal blocks. If you have not been taking good care of yourself, you need to do so now. Ardent strangers may pursue. Favourable colours are azure and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 9.
Your innermost feelings about your past and family are stirred as the Moon dances in your fourth house of home and family. This is a good time to take a walk down memory lane, dear Bulls. It would be ideal to have friends and family over for a meal. The sensual Bull is a great host, so plan to have company this weekend to celebrate Harvest Home. Venus moving through Scorpio is increasing your desire - and sweetening your mate.. Sensual colours are russet and purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.
It's time to tend to your personal finances as the Moon enters your second house of money. It may seem as though money is slipping through your fingers as Neptune makes a slow trek through your eighth house of corporate finances. Some Crabs may be struggling to finance independent business efforts, while others may need to look more closely at shared accounts. Romantic potential is high, so make the most of it to celebrate Harvest Home. Alluring colours are deep green and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 5.
This can seem a very intuitive day as your psychic faculties are activated, but beware of delusion. Neptune and the Moon are at odds, so a glimpse of the future may be deceptive. In personal relationships, allow a spirit of generosity and compassion to dominate. You can reach new heights in love with just a little patience and understanding. Why not spread some cheer by passing around corn dollies to celebrate Harvest Home? Beneficial colours are green tourmaline and gleaming obsidian. Lucky numbers are 14 and 26.
Be careful not to overextend yourself, Aquarius. You may be tempted to make promises you cannot keep. Try to plan your day realistically, guarding against over-scheduling. If you try to please everyone you will end up pleasing no one. Find a way to please yourself that might be agreeable to others. Spend the evening with your partner, or closest buddy and plot to conquer the world together. It's a great night to celebrate Harvest Home. Pleasing colours are peacock blue and rich rose. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
Tricky Mercury slides into retro mode in your fifth house of romance for the next three weeks, Gemini. Love is more than blind, it's clumsy under this influence! It's also time to pay more attention to your children (if you have any) and to get in touch with your own inner child. While typically a time of frustration, Mercury Retrograde periods can also be opportunities to reflect and analyse current situations. Take a deep breath and use this to your advantage, especially in the work environment. More on Mercury Retrograde! Favourable colours are pale mauve and deep green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
Mercury turns retrograde in your tenth house of career and status, slowing down your progress on the job. Be sure to take notes and document everything, as misunderstandings and confusion reign. Stay as organized as possible while the trickster does his best to trip you up... by the time it is all over, you will have come out on top. Friends will be supportive as Venus enters Scorpio, and you may even find that a friendship deepens into love. More on Mercury Retrograde! Auspicious colours are blue sapphire and bright yellow. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
You may need to tighten your belt as Mercury turns retrograde in your second house of finances; funds will be held up and delayed until Mercury turns direct again on October 15th. Have patience as business matters move slowly... look at this as a time to reconsider your values and priorities. In fact, this could be a blessing in disguise, as with Venus moving into Scorpio, you won't have to go far to find love and feasting! More on Mercury Retrograde! Auspicious colours are bright stripes and pastel shades. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
As the Winged Messenger begins the backstairs tango in your seventh house of partnerships today, your closest relationships come under scrutiny. Be sure to listen carefully to what your mate or partner is saying during the next three weeks, and perhaps even more carefully to what he or she is not saying. Venus cruising into Scorpio points especially to joint funds and investments, not to mention your intimate relations. More on Mercury Retrograde! Beneficial colours are steely blue and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
Expect business transactions and communications to slow down during the next three weeks; while Mercury is retro in your sign, confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to make expensive purchases, so put your plans on hold. You will probably seek to rearrange your priorities and rethink your values, as Venus in Scorpio gives you the urge to splurge. More on Mercury Retrograde! Practical colours are silvery grey and purple sage. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
The Trickster Mercury turns retrograde in your eighth house of other people's money, creating possible trouble for you during the next three weeks. Travel could be problematic, so make sure you have plenty of time to get where you need to go. Matters of inheritance and insurance are delayed, so have patience. Just remember that this too shall pass! A delicious foreigner will be tempted to pursue you and, with gorgeous Venus in sexy Scorpio, you will get on well with all things ethnic and unusual. More on Mercury Retrograde! Fortunate colours are burgundy and bronze. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
Mercury turns retrograde in your third house of communication, making it difficult to express yourself clearly. Misunderstandings and confusion could frustrate your attempts to achieve your goals, so slow down and read the fine line very carefully. This is a good time to notice what is not being said. Body language and other forms of non-verbal communication are important too. News may be delayed and clashes with females at home are in the wind. More on Mercury Retrograde! Beneficial colours are sage green and dark red. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
The next three weeks warn of snafus at work and troubles with your health as Mercury turns retrograde in your sixth house. Bulls must pay attention to detail more than ever. Double-check everything and get second opinions as the Winged Messenger goes astray. This is not a good time to begin anything new, as misunderstandings and confusion reign, but it's a good period to finish old issues. Partnership issues and legal matters are in the air as Venus enters your seventh house. More on Mercury Retrograde! Diplomatic colours are dove grey and periwinkle blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
The good news is that Venus enters your sign today, increasing your joy and boosting your personal magnetism. Unfortunately, everything seems to slow down as Mercury turns retrograde later in the day. Take a few deep breaths and try not to get frustrated; the next three weeks may find you struggling to express yourself. At least you will have plenty of time to formulate just exactly what it is you want to say! Be patient with your loved ones as they cannot read your mind. More on Mercury Retrograde! Beneficial colours are ripe red and pastel yellow. Lucky numbers are 1 and 21.
Mercury turns retrograde in your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes, Archers. The next three weeks may find you committing quite a few slips of the tongue, so practice keeping your mouth shut wherever you can. The stars advise that when you spend more time listening than speaking, you will soon know which friends are true blue and which friends are fair weather. If you are contemplating a secret romance, be sure to take even more care to button the lip. More on Mercury Retrograde! Propitious colours are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
Mercury turns tail in Libra, your fourth house of new beginnings. Real estate transactions, repairs or other matters related to your home or property, family discussions, family business transactions, and correspondence with or short trips to visit relatives will all be affected by bad timing. It's a good time to complete old projects, but wait for a few weeks before you start anything new. Venus enters Scorpio at the same time, so your sexual life (if you have one!) is looking great! More on Mercury Retrograde! Favourable colours are coppery red and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Mercury the Messenger turns retrograde in your ninth house of travel and adventure today, slowing your pace for the next three weeks. News from abroad may be delayed or lost. Publishing projects may have to be temporarily shelved. Those of you involved in higher education may be frustrated by red tape... just take a deep breath and have patience. Career benefits are in store, as Venus entering Scorpio will cause the higher-ups to gaze benevolently upon you. More on Mercury Retrograde! Advantageous colours are rose quartz and amber. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Clever Mercury and assertive Mars combine well today, making this a good time to express yourself. Let those who are closest to you know what you are thinking and feeling. Believe it or not, they are truly interested. Just talking about things helps you find solutions to your most pressing problems, but keep your temper. A little tiff can be the prelude to a marvellous session of love, as Venus enters Scorpio in the wee hours. Sensual colours are carmine and emerald. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Take stock of your resources and see to the maintenance of your possessions as the Moon encourages good stewardship during this time frame. The better care you take of what you have, the longer they will last. Some Twins may need to apply this idea to their closest relationships as well! It's important not to take anyone or anything for granted. Advantageous colours are terracotta and red coral. Lucky numbers are 14 and 12.
Sea-Goats, single or attached, will be moved as Venus slinks into Scorpio, but you may still have some difficulty in expressing your emotions. What seems like rejection may not be, or what may actually be rejection can work to your advantage. What seems most attractive may turn out the least desirable. Be willing to give something of equal value in return, or else you may get nothing at all, or a poor imitation of what you wanted. Fortunate colours are charcoal and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 16.
Is this the dark before the dawn? Don't worry, the mysterious Moon is moving through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to spend more time alone. It may not be the best night to socialize, even if you are invited. Instead, seek out gentle people and quiet places and take your time. Favourable colours are lavender and apple green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 23.
Enjoy a cultural exchange with friends, Scorp. Whether you try a new cuisine or take in a foreign movie, explore the world around you. Trying new things keeps you interested in life, so if you have been feeling dull and lifeless, this may be just the medicine you need. Best of all, if you are with friends, you can have a shared adventure! And romance is pulsing tonight, as Venus moves into your sign. A friend may desire to become more. Ooh. Alluring colours are amber and cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
A romantic interlude is definitely in the stars, as the tender Moon moves through your fifth house of romance and creativity and Venus slips into sexy Scorpio on the late late show. Enjoy a playful mood, saving serious matters for another day. Spend time with the children in your life and be sure to get in touch with the child inside. Artistic endeavours benefit from these transits, so let your ideas flow. Alluring colours are shimmering green and delicate rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
The Moon moves through emotional Cancer, urging you to open up. Expressing personal feeling does not always come easy to the Bull, who would often prefer to remain silent. Listening to music can help you loosen up and express your views. You may even find that a song says exactly what it is that you can't say yourself. Positive colours are sky blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
Teamwork is favoured with the Moon in your eleventh house of group goals and ideals, but heart seems to be working against head. Be sure to listen to what everyone has to say about a community project - and get everything clear. Many ideas have merit, so take the time to think over all the potentials. It may be time to lend a sympathetic ear to a friend in need. Remember, sometimes just listening is all that is necessary. Positive colours are bright stripes and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 11 and 27.
The pressure on you to perform is high today, whether you are a CEO or a volunteer in your community. You should be able to charm everyone despite the tension. However, do guard against drinking too much alcohol when mixing business with pleasure. It will be too easy to let down your guard and say the wrong things if you are not careful. Calming colours are steely grey and red garnet. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
Pay attention to quality and detail as you complete your tasks, dear Water-Bearer. Everything from the food you serve and eat, to the way you file your papers can have meaning. Communication, especially with those of another race or culture, seems difficult and things may take a surprising turn with finances. You are entering a period when your personal charm will win victories in your career, so it should turn out well. Why not reorganize your desk for better efficiency? Auspicious colours are carmine and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 10 and 2.
It is easy to get caught up in the material world and not see the value of a more spiritual approach, Archers. Your emotions are at odds with your higher intentions now and the urge to withdraw becomes even stronger when Venus slips into Scorpio tonight. Sexual intrigue is in the stars. If you feel you are losing your connection to the Infinite, spend time in quiet meditation. Positive colours are lime green and auburn. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
Your public life may be at odds with your private concerns today, so keep your worries under wraps. It seems people want to know all about you and will broadcast any information given to them. Avoid telling your co-workers or neighbours about your family affairs unless you want to be the subject of the day. Beneficial colours are mother of pearl and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 22 and 7.
The Sun enters charming Libra to increase your blessings, and the Equinox can be a time of prosperity for the versatile Twins. Good fortune may not come in the form of cold hard cash, but if you're resourceful you should have everything you need when you need it in the days to come. Romantic energies are flowing, so be open to the possibilities. More on the Equinox. Romantic colours are purple sage and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 2 and 5.
Friendships and finances are focus at the Equinox, as the Moon enters caring Cancer, your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes. It's a good time to touch base with friends, old and new, so make plans for a lunch or dinner date. However, don't try to mix business and pleasure, for well-meaning friends may promise more than they can deliver. More on the Equinox. Positive colours are warm yellow and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
A busy schedule dominates your day at the Equinox, Taurus. The workplace may be a hotbed of tension and frustration, so try to avoid needless conflict with co-workers. Steer clear of debates unless you are prepared to be at odds for some time to come. Decide what is truly important to you today, but don't let your ego be your guide! More on the Equinox. Communicative colours are ruby red and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 3 and 6.
The Moon enters romantic Cancer, as the Sun awakens the Equinox, making tonight a romantic prelude for a steamy phase that starts late tomorrow, when Venus slinks into stunning Scorpio. Enjoy the Equinox by indulging in a favourite restaurant or by ordering take-out... don't cook unless you derive lots of pleasure from creating in the kitchen. It's time to have some fun! More on the Equinox. Fortunate colours are steely blue and bright cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
The emotional Moon moves into your eighth house of sex, money and power, increasing the intensity at the Equinox. Friends will be supportive, but the next two days may find power struggles erupting, so proceed with caution. If you find yourself trying to control a situation, remember that your reactions are going to have more impact than your actions. Cautious colours are rose and peppermint. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
Take care not to overindulge in rich foods at the Equinox, Scorp. The Moon moves into impressionable Cancer, making you yearn for travel and adventure, so don't mistake feelings of frustration and boredom for feelings of hunger. Feed your mind and soul before you overfeed your body. The perfect solution is to go to the library and check out a book on a subject that has always fascinated you. Happy reading! More on the Equinox. Adventurous colours are dark tan and carmine. Lucky numbers are 26 and 33.
You are gifted with incredible presence as the Moon cruises into your first house of personality. You positively glow with lunar energy at the Equinox, so make the most of this time to shine. A challenge at work can be turned around in your favour. People will be more willing to hear your side of the story, so don't be afraid to express yourself honestly. More on the Equinox. Intuitive colours are pale silver and brushed copper. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
A sense of peace descends at the Equinox, Leo. You may hear from siblings or neighbours, but your home can be a haven if you let it, so take comfort under your own roof. Surround yourself with beauty by bringing fresh flowers inside. Scented candles, soft music and fresh foods can also help you to relax and prepare for the next cycle. It's a time to go within. More on the Equinox. Peaceful colours are golden topaz and coppery hues. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
The Moon dives into your home and family sector at the Equinox, urging you to spend some time with your clan. If you're considering working from home, remember that work is work, no matter where you do it. Use your intuitive abilities, increase your spiritual awareness, investigate dreams and the occult - and carry out as much of your physical work as possible behind the scenes. More on the Equinox. Beneficial colours are dove grey and sea green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.
Make time to connect with your partners today, Cap, as they need your attention as the Moon enters your seventh house, crossing purposes with the Sun at the Equinox. Don't let your personal issues stand in the way of a truly supportive relationship, especially with regard to your career concerns. Be there for others and they will be there when you need them. If you go out tonight, you will enjoy being seen in public. More on the Equinox. Beneficial colours are smoky slate and rich rose. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
You won't be any good to others if you don't take care of yourself, Aquarius, so make sure you are getting the rest, exercise and nutrition you need. It's the Equinox, when health comes into focus; remember that breaking bad habits is always easier if you begin good habits at the same time. Do something positive for yourself today! More on the Equinox. Positive colours are cobalt blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
Pleasure is yours at the Equinox, dear Libra. You are at your charming and attractive best, and that is unbeatable! If you are trying to get the attention of a certain someone, now is the time to send out the signal. Even if you are stuck working in the office all day, find a way to get out and enjoy the good things in life. Happy Birthday Libra! It's the Equinox. Auspicious colours are sunny citrine and rose quartz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Your hard work may be about to pay off, dear Gemini. Your good reputation has been hard won and it's time to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Despite crossed swords in the morning, even those who are usually jealous seem happy for you later in the day. This is your opportunity to turn enemies into friends, as the universe turns the tide in your favour. Advantageous colours are pale violet and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 1 and 14.
Obstructive tendencies emerge from those who should know better, as deep stuff is dredged up and confronted. The past is better left to its own devices, rather than raking over old coals. Fortunately, the jealousy and financial issues quickly recede into the background and tonight can be a beautifully cultured and even romantic evening, so long as you can forgive and forget. Positive colours are carmine and silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Make the time and effort to love yourself, my lovely Cancerians. Spend time relaxing and taking care of your own personal needs. You can't be any good to others if you haven't been good to yourself, so allow plenty of time to just be. Don't push yourself today, especially early on when it seems as though the sky is falling. Things improve later in the day, when the Moon forms beautiful aspects to the planets. Beneficial colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
Serious obstacles emerge this morning, with sudden shots from left field, but later in the day the clouds mysteriously clear away and things look much nicer. If you are doing the giving, you will be blessed by your actions. If someone else is lending you a hand, do a good turn for another the first chance you get. If everyone practised this form of showing gratitude, the world would be a better place in no time. Positive colours are golden topaz and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
Although the morning is somewhat strained, the afternoon brightens up considerably. Teamwork in your community will be fun and spending time with your neighbours or your siblings will be productive. It will be easier to get along with everyone then as positive energy is high. Advantageous colours are ruby red and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
The Moon lights up your eighth house of sex, power and money today, focusing your attention on the mysteries of life and death. Some Scorpions may find their psychic faculties are stimulated as the Moon blends with mystical Neptune and bounces electric Uranus. If you find you are receiving unwanted psychic impressions, use prayer and meditation as a way to ground yourself more securely. Fortunate colours are pale aqua and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
Career issues may dwell on your mind early on, dear Virgo. The problem of how to match your responsibilities with a healthy home life lies at the heart of the matter. Be thorough, if you want to succeed. Direct confrontation, deliberate action and keen observation are your best strategies. Do not reveal plans, or betray a confidence. Matters magically clear later in the day as the cosmos turns nicely in your favour. Communicative colours are lilac and blue slate. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
After a less than logical morning, the cosmic waves bring a lovely mood that enhances your relationship with your partner, or spouse. Lunch for two at a quaint ethnic restaurant may provide just the right atmosphere and opportunity for romance to revive. Spend the afternoon with friends, as it will be full of love, pleasure and convivial delights. Mellow colours are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
There may be some serious misunderstandings at home this morning, so don't be surprised if you have to make several attempts before you have everything in order. Don't allow emotional upsets to affect your life. If you've had a fight, wait at least thirty minutes before getting behind the wheel of a car. The cosmos swings into your favour in the afternoon and the mood improves noticeably. Beneficial colours are butterscotch and clear blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
You may want to take the day off for pleasure, but with the Moon squaring off with dutiful Saturn, you need to work first and play later. As the day draws on, your imagination teems with creative ideas. Put them into writing, or down on disc. Children will respond to your loving touch, and will value your opinion. For romantic Aquarians, the night is filled with promise. Delightful colours are dusky rose and lilac. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
The Moon in your fourth house of home and family clashes with stern Saturn in your seventh house of partners and opponents, reminding you of who you are and where you came from. The changes Saturn brings are most likely positive, but they may seem painful at first, and your spouse will feel it most. Growth and maturity always require sacrifice. The evening brings more pleasant thoughts and communications, especially regarding inheritances, shared funds, joint ventures and the like. Spiritually aware Fish may receive an epiphany. Positive colours are smoky quartz and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 4 and 8.
Emotions well up, perhaps connected with family and forebears, and you may struggle to keep an even keel early on. Nevertheless, delightful energies emerge later, especially connected with career and your public face. Why not spend the afternoon with some colleagues from work, perhaps enjoying a cultural exhibition, concert or even a spiritual gathering. Much good will come of it. Advantageous colours are cobalt and cream. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Getting to know your neighbours will be enjoyable today, dear Fish. It's always good to know who the barracudas and dolphins are around you! Your siblings and other close relatives would probably like to hear from you as well, so pick up the phone or send an email. Later, when the Moon enters your fourth house of home and family, relax in your own personal environment. Beneficial colours are peacock blue and salmon pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
Be ready for a shakeup as cosmic forces clash; those with children need to keep a close eye on them today. Hidden expenses may begin to show up in your budget, so take a look at where your money is going. You can have a good time today, but be sure to use reasonable caution and be on the lookout for accidents waiting to happen. Positive colours are red coral and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 10 and 6.
Take pride in who you are and how the world sees you today. Sure, you aren't perfect, but no one else is either! Keep out of trouble by reflecting on the good that you have done and imagining all the good you can still do. It's an ideal day to spend with the parent who has influenced you the most throughout your lifetime. The atmosphere picks up this evening, so get down and boogie at the local. Fortunate colours are emerald and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 23 and 36.
Take time to connect with your best friend or partner as the Moon slips into your seventh house of partnerships. He or she really can't read your mind and will benefit from more direct communication with you. This is a great day to relax together, so consider a picnic or barbecue if the weather allows. Beneficial colours are purple sage and lime green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
Excitement is in the air, Libra. Whether this manifests in a positive or negative way is entirely up to you. Be sure to control the urge to splurge. Channel some of this powerful energy into physical activity. Getting fresh air and enjoying the beauty of nature will be very beneficial for you. Why not share a picnic with someone special? Favourable colours are red coral and emerald. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Your imagination has been working overtime and you may wake up with an inspired idea or concept, but now is not the time to act on it. You are still in your lunar low cycle, so go slow and keep a low profile. Stress may cause you to catch a cold more easily than usual, so avoid those who are sniffling and sneezing. A breakthrough is likely later in the day when the Moon enters Gemini, so have patience. Edgy romance is in the pipeline, but don't bite off more than you can chew. Inspirational colours are amethyst and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
After a dreamy and possibly psychic night, it feels as though life is all work and no play. Sadly, the planets insist you put business before pleasure today, but everything comes and goes in cycles. Today could be very hectic and busy, so take a few deep breaths and pace yourself; by this evening, you should be feeling rather better. Stay well away from confrontational situations. Go for a brisk walk to help you release stress. Positive colours are fern green and pale amber. Lucky numbers are 16 and 24.
The Moon clashes with Mars, Mercury and Venus, making this a potentially stressful and even confusing day. Someone you care about could be struggling with depression, so try to be patient. Your calm and steady presence will be soothing. You don't really have to say anything... just be there. If you are struggling emotionally, take time out for a walk in nature. Healing colours are lilac and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
The changing Moon enters your ninth house of travel, education and adventure, giving you the urge to explore. Unfortunately, obligations may keep you from being able to go off on a whim, but you can still explore the world through books, movies and websites. Open your mind to the world around you and enjoy some of the different flavours it has to offer. Adventurous colours are alizarin purple and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 26 and 32.
The emotional Moon lights up your sign this morning, bringing out the best in you. Nurture those around you by lending your healing touch to loved ones. It feels wonderful to be not only needed but to be genuinely good at caring for others. Let your gentle light shine without apology. Later in the day, your thoughts turn to your finances and resources, but there is no clear solution at present. Try to avoid quarrelling over matters that don't really matter. Gentle colours are lilac and auburn. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
A dream you have during the wee small hours of the morning may link you directly to the collective unconscious. Don't be surprised if you experience a sense of deja vu later in the day. It's harder than usual to get along with friends, as you seem to be out of sorts. Maybe someone is jealous. Avoid those who have the flu or other highly communicable illnesses as you enter your lunar low cycle. Intuitive colours are sea green and mauve. Lucky numbers are 11 and 4.
Don't be surprised if there is some excitement, as this is an 'anything can happen' day. Go-go with the flow. Good things materialize out of nowhere, but obstacles can crop up just as suddenly. Let your intuition guide you and you will know exactly what to do. Romance could be quirky fun. Fortunate colours are silver and purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
The Moon and Jupiter are forming a cosmic embrace today, Cap. Since fortunate Jupiter is ambling through your sign, this should prove to be excellent! Bright ideas are in the wind, but if you are involved in a subtle power struggle, you need to strive for balance. Remember that your reputation and integrity are just as important as the outcome. Auspicious colours are silver and black. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
The outlook for work is excellent, so don't let a personal disagreement between you and a friend or associate ruin your day. It may be hard to bite your tongue when someone says something you consider shocking, but it's better to express yourself after you have had a chance to calm down. Concentrate on the bigger picture and aim for those positive longer-term outcomes. Positive colours are pale rose and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
Sudden annoyances can come out of nowhere, but you will deal with them quite happily. The Moon sailing through Taurus makes it easier for you to stay on an even keel. People will notice your grace under pressure and ultimate serenity. After all, when all is said and done, it is good to be the Bull. Favourable colours are cinnabar and lilac. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
Emotional energy is high as the Sun and Moon harmonize and you should be able to handle anything that comes your way today. Don't be afraid to deal with hard issues; you'll have the courage and understanding you need to face deeply personal and possibly controversial issues. Just remember that struggle makes growth possible. Favourable colours are moonstone and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Spending time with your partner will help mend any rifts between you. Taking time to understand your own motivations in relationships as well as your partner's will be time well spent. Restructuring relationships is favoured by the beautiful aspect between the Sun and Moon and it will also help you attain your goals with the aid of friends, spouse and partners of all shades. Beneficial colours are lilac and peach. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
With the public Moon moving through your tenth house of career and reputation, you are likely to be very visible today. Your emotional level is high and your intuition right on target. It's an excellent time to start artistic and other creative activities, get moving with domestic projects, and take care of anything related to children, women, or a new venture. Disappointments that do occur under this influence are apt to have a way of eventually working out to your advantage. Fortunate colours are gold and silver. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
Practice moderation on this day when you might be tempted to overspend and overindulge. The Scales are always happiest when in balance, so avoid going too far in any direction. A sixth sense about children and relationships may be strong now. Pay attention to your intuition but wait before initiating any new projects. Beneficial colours are chocolate brown and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 8.
As the Moon enters sensual Taurus, your associations take on a more emotional edge. One of your co-workers may need you now, so go ahead and lend a shoulder to cry on. Don't allow yourself to get embroiled in someone else's drama, however. You may be sympathetic, but you know when to steer clear of trouble. It's a fabulous night for a fancy dress party, so be sure to make whoopee with buddies in your neighbourhood tonight. Excellent colours are rose quartz and caramel. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
Excellent financial developments connected with your career and public image are in store, Archers, but your busy schedule may be placing too much stress on your health. Slow down and take time out for a mental break today. If you insist on being in a hurry you may find yourself in a minor accident or worse. It is especially important to eat your meals in a calm, relaxing environment. Nothing is more important than your health. Excellent colours are cobalt blue and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
Your idealistic view of home life and the reality of your domestic situation may be poles apart, but that shouldn't stop you from trying to create a wonderful atmosphere. Aquarians love creating their own living space, particularly if it's light and airy and the rooms naturally flow into each other and incorporate the outdoors. It may take some effort to bring order out of chaos, but you can do it! Expressive colours are pale violet and translucent amber. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
Are you running here, there and everywhere, dear Pisces? There are deceptive patterns at work, but you should have all the energy you need and then some. As the Sun and Moon charm us with their cosmic minuet, it's a wonderful day to touch base with friends, neighbours and siblings. If you can make the time, why not meet your partner, or a favourite companion for lunch in a local bistro? Auspicious colours are rose pink and cream. Lucky numbers are 7 and 3.
Challenges seem almost insurmountable, dear Gemini, but you truly are capable enough to meet them. Don't allow fear to stop you from aiming high. Control a tendency to be your own worst enemy and ignore sniping from the wings. It is often difficult for the Twins to focus on one thing, so take a cue from your steady Taurus friends. Dig your heels in and plan to stay put! Ideal colours are green jade and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
You feel a strange urge to penetrate the unknown, dear Libra. Borrowings may become an issue, but something hidden may break out in time to save the day. The psychic nature awakened by the Moon may have many Librans experiencing ESP. Why not talk about your experiences with others, especially those you are closest to? You may be surprised to find out that almost everyone has been feeling more cosmic these days. Intuitive colours are amber and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
You may feel sluggish early in the day, but when the Moon enters your sign you will feel a surge of energy. This is not a bad evening for socializing as you will have a much better time than you expect. Don't pressure yourself and allow everything to happen naturally. Some good news is on the way and the potential for realising your dreams is almost unsurpassed. Your star is on the rise. Beneficial colours are blue sapphire and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Today is a very fortunate day, as glorious Jupiter in your sign and Saturn, your life-ruler, are switched on by the Taurus Moon. It's playtime for the Goat, so plan to enjoy an evening of love and laughter. Of course, you will need to keep within a reasonable budget, but there is no reason why you should not enjoy some of the fruits of your labor. Even if all you do is order a pizza and rent a movie, it is time for a much needed treat. Excellent colours are lilac and translucent amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
You may feel like curling up with a good book on your favourite couch today, because cosy and comfy is just what the doctor ordered. Unfortunately, duty may call as the Moon moves through your fourth house of home and family. Try not to argue with family members over petty matters and strive to see the love and beauty in little things. Ideal colours are red coral and slate grey. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.
Career and work are favoured today and long-distance communicating will be enjoyable, dear Lions. Your ideas and projects will go well. Have you thought of joining a discussion board on the Internet for your fav. subjects? Whether business or birdwatching, art or coin collecting, you are sure to learn a great deal! Fortunate colours are citrine and purple. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
The moody Moon moves into your seventh house of significant others, bringing tension to the surface. Control jealousy and stay out of power tussles. Financial changes have been hard to handle, but today brings some relief, as friends come to the party and you can see your way more clearly. You can achieve a lot today, in both short and long term arenas. Advantageous colours are antique silver and basic black. Lucky numbers are 7 and 3.
As the Moon moves into Taurus, some lively action is stimulated, especially regarding the way you deal with unexpected slings and arrows. Jupiter in your mid-heaven gets some fine support, showing that you should get some financial luck today and that the bigwigs will be impressed with your vitality and aplomb. Favourable colours are red garnet and purple sage. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
With the Moon activating your third house of communication, your creativity is high. You will be truly articulate and able to express yourself well in words. Your life-ruler, Jupiter, is awakened by the Moon in your house of friends, hopes and wishes, suggesting that big ideas will pay off for you. Pressure you may have been enduring from partners will lighten up today too, so get your heads together and make long term plans to take full advantage of the energy. Advantageous colours are spring green and almond blossom. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
The reflective Moon moves through your twelfth house of secrets today, urging you to spend time in solitude. During the next two and a half days you will experience the moods of your lunar low cycle, which may cause you to feel rather unlike yourself. Use this opportunity to evaluate the thoughts and feelings you have experienced during the past month. Reflective colours are purple iris and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
Be sure to keep up your good habits as the Moon enters your sixth house of health and service today. Many Archers are going through a time of change, making it especially important that you take care of your health. Eat a balanced diet of healthy, whole foods, get plenty of fresh air, and make time for stress relieving exercise. The environment is edgy at work, but financial benefit is in the wind. Auspicious colours are royal purple and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 6 and 22.
As the Moon enters Taurus, your interest in travel and adventure perks up, along with a renewed interest in matters cultural. Explore your options! You can plan a trip to an exotic locale, enrol in an interesting course, or take on anything that expands your horizons. Break out of those old routines and set out on an adventure. Adventurous colours are shimmering blue and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Spending time with your friends should be rewarding today, Cancer. Your closest partners, whether in love or business will be very positive today, full of good ideas that will help you achieve your aims. It's a good day all round, despite the ups and downs, as the potential for your goals working out through the expression of your talents in cooperation with friends and loved ones is excellent. Positive colours are cobalt blue and pearly white. Lucky numbers are 11 and 7.
Tonight will be sparkling with love and romance, so get out and mingle. New people you meet now will have quite an impact on your hopes and dreams, especially if connected with religion, personal development, or creative arts, such as the movies. Look for those who display optimism, generosity and faith for best results. Avoid those who are most obviously on power trips or display an unhealthy drive for control and power. Foreign affairs will ignite your imagination. Adventurous colours are turquoise and ivory. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
This day seems tailormade for the Ram, so enjoy the romantic and creative energy. Your imagination is fired up, and any opposition you experience will engage you even more deeply in the contest. Focus your energy and attention on matters connected with the higher mind, education, cultural interaction and travel, as you will overcome blocks in these fields. Fortunate colours are pale gold and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
Time spent improving your health is a good investment today, Scorp. Taking a hands-on approach to your personal health care is better than leaving your wellbeing in the hands of disinterested professionals. The more you learn about preventing illness and maintaining good health, the better able you will be to take control of your own energies. Be sure to eat right and get plenty of sleep while the Moon is activating your sixth house of health and service. Healing colours are silvery blue and navy. Lucky numbers are 6 and 28.
Planetary forces combine to create high-voltage energy today, giving you the courage and strength to tackle whatever comes your way. A dynamic Aries Moon motivates powerful Pluto in your sign, so overcoming obstacles is the name of the game. You will feel incredibly intuitive regarding friends, especially in the neighbourhood, so don't be surprised if you know who's calling before you pick up the phone. Romantic delights await you tonight. Intuitive colours are ivory and bronze. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
The urge to dominate your family members is strong today, Cap. Even though you're sure it is in their best interests, they are hardly likely to lie down and roll over. Capricorn is a natural leader, but there's no point in forcing others to follow. Express your thoughts and ideas with a touch of humour and you are more likely to get people to accept them. Inspiring colours are carmine and obsidian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 4.
Some Virgins may hit the financial jackpot as the responsive Moon activates your eighth house of sex, money and power. If not the financial jackpot, then perhaps a sexual smorgasbord awaits you this evening. Be open to the bounty of the universe, which can be yours if you proceed in faith and without fear. Alluring colours are carmine and copper. Lucky numbers are 1 and 8.
It's an upbeat mood as the Moon sails through Aries and your ninth house of travel and adventure. There is so much to look forward to that there is no sense in crying over the past; consider this your chance to start over. Opportunities in love are just around the corner, so if you are single, get out and socialize. Someone you meet could turn out to be very special. Beneficial colours are red and tan. Lucky numbers are 14 and 9.
You're a powerhouse at work as the Moon and Pluto blend well, my lovely Fish. If you have been frustrated or angry recently, channel the excess energy into achieving your goals. Even if you are between jobs, you can use today's aspects to get ahead in life, for it will be a lot easier to understand that living well really is the best revenge. Go get 'em! Advantageous colours are burgundy and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 10 and 2.
If you have overextended yourself in a heartfelt desire to save the world, dear Taurus, it's time to step back and focus on your own needs. Good fortune is working in your favour behind the scenes, so have faith that all will turn out well. Your imagination is full of magical power; dream your dreams and allow Spirit to work on you in your sleep. Auspicious colours are rose and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
It's a mixed and varied day, but your efforts are well-appreciated, Cancer. Don't give up even if you don't feel you are making much progress. You are likely to be recognized for your attention to duty and the fine job you do, so be patient. Friends and associates can be at cross-purposes, so if you're feeling stressed out, take a brisk walk this evening. Release your energy creatively and positively. Things are beginning to slot into place. Auspicious colours are emerald and orchid. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
With the expressive Moon and critical Mercury in challenging aspect, you may have to bite your tongue today. What you say can, and will, be used against you. To avoid bad gossip karma, resist joining the sharks at the water cooler. It's a delicious time for romance with a fascinating foreigner who is irresistibly drawn to you, so act out your fantasies tonight. That's much better karma! Alluring colours are shimmering blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
You'll feel strangely in tune with your significant other as the Moon jives through your seventh house of marriage and partnership. A dreamy, fantasy-laden atmosphere surrounds you, so let your imagination run riot! Good things come from being open and honest, but this is all about mystery and desire, so play your part and live the dream. Favourable colours are pink carnation and yellow rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 7.
The Moon glows in Aries, energising and liberating those latent energies, Rams. Sexual energy reaches a peak during the next two days, so get your act together. If you're married, make time for your spouse and if you're single, this may be the best time of the month to make a play for someone you are interested in! Auspicious colours are bright red and translucent amber. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
You may be ready to take a break as the sensitive Moon moves through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. This is the beginning of your lunar low cycle, so don't try to push yourself too hard - it's time to rest and recharge your spiritual batteries. Surround yourself with pleasant people and stick to places you feel safe and comfortable in. Protective colours are midnight blue and sunset orange. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
Resist the urge to splurge today, dear Pisces, as Jupiter your life-ruler is facing off with the fiery Aries Moon in your money house. Other people's children may prove expensive and hard to handle, but keep a healthy balance between career and family, as you need to make time for both in your life. Lively colours are shimmering blue and stormy grey. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Your natural optimism returns as the Moon cruises through bold Aries, your ninth house of travel and adventure. The next two days or so are perfect for trying new things and seeing new places. If you have been stuck in a rut, now is the time to break free. Your faith can be renewed as you see wonder in the world around you. Adventurous colours are blue sapphire and sunset orange. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
You have the opportunity to go deeper and deeper with those closest to you, as the Moon activates your eighth house of intimacy. Have you and your partner ever discussed your most personal beliefs? Considering that these beliefs have a tendency to change as we learn and grow, it may be time for an update. Beneficial colours are dark blue and crisp white. Lucky numbers are 26 and 42.
The Moon in Aries is generally beneficial for you, dear Gemini, for it awakens friendship and aspirations. However, it's a bit bumpy today, so you might be feeling a little miffed, but tomorrow is another day. Stay out of financial trouble and if anyone makes you an offer that seems to good to be true, it probably is. Beneficial colours are smoky grey and pale blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
An Aries Moon awakens your seventh house of partnerships, turning your attention to your closest. Spending time with your dearest friend or partner is favoured, as there could be some stress regarding career and public image issues vs what you need at home. Making togetherness a priority will improve your relationship. Even business partnerships will benefit from sharing and relaxing together. Positive colours are yellow sapphire and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
If you have been overindulging, why not take in health food for both mind and body? The Moon in your sixth house of work and health, reminds you of all those little things you may have forgotten to take care of. Whether flossing your teeth or filling out an expense report, it's time to attend to all the details. Appropriate colours are silvery blue and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 14 and 33.
Increased energy bubbles up as the responsive Moon activates your fifth house of romance, blending well with nuclear-powered Pluto in your sign. Although you should not take chances with money, you feel strangely renewed and ready for a second round in those challenges you have been facing lately. It seems that the stress of your personal difficulties is propelling you forward and impelling you to greater heights. Advantageous colours are cobalt blue and basic black. Lucky numbers are 2 and 5.
Home and family occupy your mind as the nurturing Moon enters your fourth house, dear Capricorn. Past conditioning from your childhood may be making itself felt now, but you should be able to recognize whether or not these behaviours are productive. Sometimes you are given to inappropriate, knee-jerk reactions, so don't let ego get in the way of cordial relationships in the domicile. Grounding colours are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
The Moon in assertive Aries brightens up your tenth house of career and status, renewing your drive to get ahead in life. During the next two days, try to find a healthy balance between your ambitions and your family life. You may even be able to find a way to spend more time at home and make money at the same time. Ambitious colours are heather grey and forest green. Lucky numbers are 10 and 28.
That phone is ringing off the hook as the Moon dials up your third house of communication, Water-Bearers. Your friends have a lot to say, but most of it is gossip, adding to the stress. Try to settle in to a good routine and focus on the outcomes, rather than the ephemera. Don't become distracted by trivia. Leave that till tomorrow..! Steady colours are deep purple and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 11 and 3.
Health issues are likely to surface under the Pisces Full Moon, so if you haven't been taking proper care of yourself, don't be surprised if you're feeling less than bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Relationships at work will also be under strain. Take what happens during the next twenty four hours as your wake-up call to pay more attention to your health and the environment you work in. Positive colours are emerald and apricot. Lucky numbers are 3 and 6.
Resources come into focus under the Pisces Full Moon. This may lead to a power struggle of some sort, but it's time to put all your cards on the table. Be honest with yourself and then be honest with others. Many of you will begin to reap the rewards of all your hard work now. Advantageous colours are laurel green and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 2 and 17.
Personal differences rise to the surface, but this can be a good thing under today's Full Moon in supportive Pisces. If you and your associates can keep an open mind, all parties involved can learn and grow. Avoid people who are only interested in making you see their point of view. In the same way, do not try to force your beliefs or opinions on anyone. Fortunate colours are deep blue and red garnet. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
The Full Moon in sensitive Pisces may force you to speak up, even if that is the last thing you feel like doing. It may be a matter of 'speak now or forever hold your peace' so don't be shy. Crabs who were born in the late 60's may feel this transit very acutely as natal Pluto will be activated. If you feel you are becoming overwhelmed or need guidance, consider consulting your favourite astrologer. Beneficial colours are indigo and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
A gorgeous Full Moon in luscious Pisces turns the dial to romance. If you are married, don't miss this opportunity to show your mate that he or she is still your sweetheart. If you are single, it's the day to send signals out to a certain someone, though some unexpected results may pop up later. If you have children, spend quality time with them. Sensual colours are lilac and rose pink. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
The Full Moon in your sign brings significant relationships into focus, dear Pisces. This is a good time to listen to your best friend or partner, as he or she may be more willing to open up to you. Healing and growth can come through these shared moments. Do not be afraid to make yourself vulnerable to the ones you love. It is in this that you have strength. Beneficial colours are ruby red and navy blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
The Full Moon in Pisces, your opposite sign, places your most significant relationships in the spotlight. Find a balance between your needs and the needs of your best friend or partner if you want to continue to grow together. Don't let the pressures of the outside world keep you from putting the effort into your closest relationships and making the changes that are necessary. Positive colours are pale aqua and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
A romantic Full Moon in charming Pisces draws out your secrets and will boost your magnetic powers of attraction. A friend or associate might have high standards, but will readily fall into your sensual snare. Don't let your finances fall into disarray, as some obstruction is likely to arise in this area, especially if you feel the urge to gamble. Rethink your priorities. Alluring colours are deep red and shimmering green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
Your health, or lack of it, comes to light with today's Full Moon. Take a good look at your daily routines and how they are impacting upon you. Sudden surprises come from left field and the stress many Rams are under is enough to give anyone an ulcer. Slow down and try to listen to what your body is telling you. Beneficial colours are sunset orange and navy blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 9.
Today's Full Moon urges you to face those personal feelings you've been trying to ignore. You can distract yourself with all the friends and fun you want, but something still seems to be bothering you. Take time to really think about who you are, what you want out of life and where you seem to be headed. Spend some time with your parents, as it's good to keep the family ties active. Positive colours are deep purple and sea green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
Today's Full Moon in Pisces activates the energy in your eighth house of other people's money and the mysteries of life, including or course, sex. Pay attention to your gut instincts as your mind weighs up these matters. If you are involved in a power struggle, step back today before you get in too deep. Often the best way to win is simply not to play the game. Fortunate colours are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
Today's Full Moon may bring your private life into the public eye, so you need to be discreet in order to avoid embarrassment. Many of you are dealing with a personal crisis, so keep your cool. With Pluto under pressure in your sign, you need to resolve the profound changes that have been approaching culmination. Consult your favourite astrologer for more information. Supportive colours are pale grey and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
It's a lazy, luscious morning as Venus and Mars snuggle up. Plenty of communication may be expected as the day draws on, but don't reveal too many details about your personal business, for not everyone is your friend. If you must bare your soul, do it with someone you can trust completely. You be inspired to find better ways to get the message across in the wee hours. Creative colours are blue sapphire and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 12 and 7.
A sleep in on Sunday morning is always satisfying for the sensual Bull. And with Venus and Mars snuggling warmly together, who knows what could be in store..? Excellent news is due later in the day from abroad, or perhaps regarding spiritual and cultural developments, so your higher mental faculties will spark up. You will be able to express yourself well in words and surprising discoveries in the local area could prove valuable. Favourable colours are spring green and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
Secret pleasure fills the atmosphere as the planets of love get together in your house of hidden things. It's just the right day to enjoy a lazy morning, but be ready for some off the wall communication later. Romantic energies pull you forward. Secret messages of love may come to you tonight. Alluring colours are deep green and reddish bronze. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
After a luxurious lie-in, Lions may experience a bit of a financial blip. Family matters may feel rather restrictive, but if you are concerned about insurances or inheritances, or putting Gran in a nursing home, wait for another day. You will find the right way to express yourself later in the day. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and pewter. Lucky numbers are 22 and 47.
Some people will br grumpy today, Archers, but the stars are smiling on you. Family affairs will prosper, but don't take on any more responsibility just yet. You can sense a good deal of pressure on that career vs domestic axis, although this will ease later in the week. You have had some issues to deal with, but the pattern is now back on track, so prepare for joyous times ahead. Auspicious colours are reddish brown and emerald. Lucky numbers are 11 and 4.
It's a beautiful day to enjoy with your love, Cancer. As tomorrow's Full Moon in Pisces approaches, why not spend time exploring the exotic tastes, fashions and music of other cultures? You might even feel inspired to investigate unusual or unfamiliar spiritual and cultural practices. Meditation and Yoga or Tai Chi can be good for body and soul. Beneficial colours are pale violet and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 18 and 27.
With the Moon opposing Saturn from your seventh house of open combat, you may hurt someone's feelings if you aren't careful. Everyone seems to be getting on your nerves on this edgy day, so try to step back and be more objective. If things get heated, go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air. There is nothing wrong with walking away from an argument, because you will find your voice later tonight. Propitious colours are moonstone and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 2 and 7.
You are feeling fine, but there's tension in the air, Libra. Be diplomatic around your neighbours, siblings and co-workers. There is no sense in getting upset over trivial matters, so bite your tongue and carry on with whatever work you have today. You may be tempted to give someone a piece of your mind, but the best strategy may simply be silence. Words of love will come tonight. Beneficial colours are golden topaz and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Your closest relationships may prove to be challenging as planets create stress in your angular houses... this is a time of great growth for you but it may simply feel like a headache and a hassle. Be open to messages the Universe is trying to send you... it may be time for you to make some important changes. Just remember that the inner changes you make are the ones that will make the biggest difference. Favourable colours are sky blue and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
The Moon in your sign dances with mighty Jupiter, your life-ruler, boosting your prospects and expanding emotional connections with friends and associates. There may be some opposition from older people, or a dominating partner, but you will find ways to take advantage of the powerful energy flowing for you. Spiritual growth, personal development and religious understanding is favoured and you will find words to express your new knowledge of life's mysteries later tonight. Advantageous colours are creamy white and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 11 and 10.
It's a mixed day for the Goat, so watch your step, as accidents can happen with the careless Moon opposing stern Saturn in your ninth house of travel. It may be because you are unfamiliar with the territory, or just because someone else isn't paying attention. Anyway, stay on your toes. You should nevertheless get some good news, either from a family member or a neighbour and spiritual or religious events in your area should be uplifting and beneficial. Positive colours are old gold and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 10.
The cosmic pressure is on as the Moon opposes Saturn, so if you are having money troubles, stay well clear of family members, especially females, who urge you to spend! Look over your budget, your values and your priorities. If they are compatible and complementary, everything should be falling into place nicely. If not, it may be time to face reality. Good news should come overnight regarding foreign investments or matters of taste, culture, or religion. Favourable colours are forest green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 17 and 21.
As the Moon enters Pisces, your tenth house of career and status, the emphasis turns to your public responsibilities. You'll need to find a healthy balance if you want to stay sane today, so listen to your heart as well as your mind. Compassion for others may be the key to your success - don't ignore your feelings in favour of your intellect. Fortunate colours are cobalt and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 10 and 17.
Sudden upsets early are swept aside as the Moon enters mystic Pisces, your eighth house of mysteries, sex and other people's money. Pay attention to any strong feelings you have now, as they are likely to be on target. During the next two days your intuition increases and you may notice your dreams intensifying. Keep a pen and notepad by your bed to write down details you remember upon awakening. Intuitive colours are aubergine and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 8 and 18.
As the Moon enters luscious Pisces and your fifth house of pleasure, Scorpions everywhere will enjoy an evening of fun, laughter and maybe some sexy time. Sit under the stars and enjoy your favourite music, but if you can't get outdoors, be sure to bring herbs and flowers indoors to set a more tropical mood. What you want may not be exactly what you need, but you can overcome all the obstacles if you put your heart into it. Playful colours are reddish gold and green jade. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
After a day or two's focus on you, you, you, the Moon blows into your second house of personal finances today. You feel strongly about the things you value, causing you to bristle at the thoughtlessness of others. If you are feeling vulnerable or insecure, try throwing yourself wholeheartedly into your work. You can accomplish a great deal. An emotional aura this evening can mask a rebuild of your mental attitude. Favourable colours are graphite and bloodstone. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
The financial blues fade and the pace of life picks up as the Moon enters your third house of communications today. It seems as though the phone won't stop ringing, so find a comfortable pace for yourself and refuse to be overwhelmed... Let the machine pick up calls; delegate minor tasks and responsibilities, and enjoy some social ambience. Sociable colours are pastel yellow and red garnet. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
You may be feeling a little let down after last night's experiences, but healing moments can be found during this hectic day. Take time out to smell the roses, for the Moon now enters your sixth house of health and service. There is a lot of work to accomplish, but you won't be much use to anyone if you run yourself into the ground. Take time to enjoy your meals and chew your food thoroughly. Make time for a stroll in the park with your loved one this evening. Positive colours are ivory and pink. Lucky numbers are 15 and 19.
Your eleventh house of friends and associates is activated, setting a compassionate tone despite the awkward moments. Get out and burn off some energy in some sort of group or team effort. Your pals can offer blessed relief from the pressure you've been under lately, even if it is just in the form of laughter. Singles may find romance beginning to bloom among friends. Auspicious colours are moonstone and lavender. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
You may find yourself quietly concerned about personal matters today, Archers. Don't hold your emotions in; have a talk with someone about your current problems. This is not the time to confront, instead, seek out the counsel of an objective party. You would also be well advised to run off the stress with friends in the afternoon and invite them home for a get together this evening. Lively colours are cobalt blue and lime green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 11.
It's time to try something new, dear Crabs. Emotional blocks are scattered in your path today, so even if all you do is order something you haven't tried yet from your favourite restaurant, you need to expand your horizons. Cancer often takes comfort in the tried- and-true, but there is a part of you that longs for the excitement of change. Adventurous colours are yellow sapphire and deep emerald. Lucky numbers are 4 and 9.
While the ups and downs of work and health occupy your attention early, the Moon enters your seventh house of partnerships later, urging you to make time for tender moments. After all, your best friend or partner has the most invested in you. Why not see to it that he or she gets rich returns? Say I love you in your own special and unique way... Just make sure your message comes through loud and clear, as miscommunication is in the air. Nurturing colours are sage green and peach. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Some bolshy opposition from close quarters turns to an amorous mood early on, dear Pisces. This always good and as the the Lunar focus lights up your sign, folks will pick up on your fabulous feisty flavour. It's time to assert yourself and get on with things you are often too shy to attempt. Beneficial colours are dusky rose and pastel purple. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
The morning is sweet, but you'll long for quiet moments later as the Moon slips into your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. Jealousy and distrust raise their knotty little noggins. This marks the beginning of your monthly lunar low cycle, making it a good time to review the events of the past month. Seek peaceful places and supportive people, as your energy level is lower than usual. Rams on the party prowl might get more than they bargained for. Subdued colours are lavender and sea green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
You may suddenly know the answer to a question that has been nagging you lately as the planets give rise to insight. The urge to give away all your possessions and live as a monk may cross your mind, but if you have been denying yourself pleasure for too long you may have the desire to swim in a sea of gratification. Revealing colours are silver and green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
A lunch date with a neighbor or sibling may yield surprising information. A friend has some valuable news. Archers who are single and looking for romance may find it among business associates, but a workplace flirtation may be getting too hot to handle. Try to keep your cool when others are over-reacting. Beneficial colours are rose pink and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 11 and 3.
The Moon in your sign serves a beautiful aspect to Mars, Mercury and Venus in your house of the higher mind. Travel, publishing and personal growth are in the wind and you will either send or receive valuable information. Though you might not be feeling entirely at ease with yourself, the upsets are most likely financial, so it's not a deep restructuring. Friendships are subject to a blockage or two, but it's your internal spirit that is blossoming. Favourable colours are aquamarine and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
Mercury, Venus and Mars give you a dazzling edge today, so express yourself with your own brand of creative genius. Love and children are especially favoured. Many Librans are enduring the sweet suffering of forbidden love, as the Sun and Saturn hide in your twelfth house of secret matters, but don't let that keep you from having a good time. Your audience is waiting... don't hide backstage! Advantageous colours are pale blue and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
It's a fabulous day for the Ram, with all manner of enjoyments and communications that will help you attain your hopes. Pleasant surprises are heading your way during the next twenty four hours too. This is a great time to be with your favourite buddies: friendships are becoming more important to you, so make time for new friends as well as old ones. Auspicious colours are bright red and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
Some upsets and struggles occur as Sun and Moon clash with Uranus of the shaker hood, but don't let ego-conflict stir up needless trouble. The Moon in your house of partners is dancing with joy, so use this energy in a productive and stimulating way. Working with your mate on a project that is important to both of would be ideal. Fantasies are stimulated tonight, so be stripped and cleaned for action. Positive colours are rose quartz and lemon yellow. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
Your startling talents are bursting out all over today, so don't be afraid to share your ideas... Could it be that the time has finally come for what you have in mind? Obstructive forces can be overcome under today's expressive aspects. If you don't get the opportunity to share your thoughts (who... you?), people will be sure to share theirs with you! Brilliant ideas will pop into your dimension tonight and a fantasy-filled adventure is on its way. Excellent colours are bright red and creamy yellow. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Unusual dreams hold the key to problems you have been having lately, dear Scorpio. Perhaps you should share the images you remember with someone who can be objective. Time resting at home is well spent today, but don't be surprised if frequent disruptions keep you from relaxing completely. Don't worry if your energy is low now... by tomorrow, you will be impossible to hold back! Fortunate colours are carmine and pearl. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
Dreams you have now are prophetic, but deciphering their cryptic messages will be a challenge. This will help you tap into the collective unconscious. You may not know what is going on in your own life, but you just might have the answers someone else is seeking. Be a messenger if you feel moved to do so. Inspirational colours are deep rose and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 8.
Good fortune is heading your way as the Moon shines her light in some financial crannies. It looks like your efforts are paying off, both materially and spiritually. Your natural inclination to serve and support others has given you a solid reputation. You may not be the flashiest sign of the Zodiac, but you are one of the most caring and dependable. Positive colours are dove grey and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
All eyes are on you, Taurus. Family, co-workers and members of the community seem to expect you to hold everything together, and for the most part you do. Are you under too much pressure? Relationships at work are quite a lot better and imaginative ideas can inspire your career prospects. Instead of becoming resentful, be proud that people believe in you. Advantageous colours are copper and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
Enjoy your friends and be successful in business, but the key is to keep them separate today. Most people will be in a good mood, but you might be more inclined to look beneath the surface of the emails, love letters or text messages that seem to be burning up the airwaves. Romantic relationships may be under pressure, so keep your guard against needless power struggles. Favourable colours are shell pink and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 4 and 8.
The Moon entering Aquarius, your fourth house of home and family, urges you to enjoy the comforts of home. There may be some personal difficulties to work through in a significant relationship, but caring love can help you begin the process. Romance enters the picture late at night, so be ready for a secret visitation. Oooh. Why not enhance your environment with sensual music, fresh flowers, and scented candles..? Sensual colours are shimmering green and carmine. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
Today may be difficult, but it should also be exciting. You have many ideas you want to share, but just be careful how you express yourself. You are more likely to step on someone's toes if you talk about religion or politics, so approach these subjects carefully. You can have fun with a friend tonight, as sexy Venus and passionate Mars join forces in your house of hopes and wishes. Alluring colours are warm gold and brilliant blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
The Moon activates your eleventh house of friendships, urging you to connect with others. Let your hair down with your favourite people and allow love and laughter to heal wounds from the past. After all, it is the love in your life that really matters and, tonight, love can be set on fire. Beneficial colours are bright red and yellow ochre. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Your natural healing abilities are quite apparent, thanks to the Moon in unconventional Aquarius. This is also a good time to recharge your spiritual batteries, especially if you expect to be helping others in the coming days. After all, you can't be much good to those in need if you have run yourself into the ground. Healing colours are opal and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
Enjoy what quiet and solitude you can find as the reflective Moon moves into your twelfth house of secrets. Now is the time to recharge your spiritual batteries, so focus on activities that help restore your soul. It's a tense day, especially with partners and competitors, but ideal to investigate the hidden mysteries of life, including simmering sex. Avoid people who drain you of emotional energy, especially anyone who seems to be a psychic vampire. Positive colours are lavender and pearl. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
Mars embracing Venus in Libra and the combination of mysterious Neptune and the sensitive Moon in your fifth house will rekindle romance in your life. Whatever happens, today won't be boring. Those of you with children might want to keep an extra close eye on them; they could be prone to accidents and mishaps now. Alluring colours are cherry red and bronze. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
As the magnetic Moon cruises into your first house of personality, you should be irresistible indeed. Even if you are feeling slightly confused and vulnerable, others will notice there is something special about you. This is a wonderful time to express your thoughts and feelings to the important people in your life. Relax and be your unique self, as a romantic connection with an intriguing stranger, maybe an artist, a foreigner or an academic, can be made tonight. Appealing colours are blue sapphire and wild strawberry. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Confusion about rules and regulations may arise, Bulls. The tendency is to hear only what you want to hear. This goes for both you and others, but it's important to try to see someone else's point of view. You can improve relationships with parents or authority figures if you apply compassion. A romantic frisson at work is in the stars. Use protection. Alluring colours are coppery red and gardenia. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
Let the power of forgiveness and unconditional love work magic, Lions. When love is a two way street, sacrifices are made joyfully. Or you could view today as a blip on the horizon of the weekend, which will be much more you. Nurturing colours are pale aqua and silver. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
The sensitive Moon clashes with disruptive Uranus today, making some of your feelings uncomfortably intense. Desire may make its burning touch felt as you struggle with what you can and cannot have. Take a deep breath and allow this energy to pass. For some, a romantic connection can be made with the boss! Every one of you can benefit by improving your image at work, or in public activities. Beneficial colours are amethyst and silver. Lucky numbers are 10 and 3.
Other people's issues seem to dominate the scene, as everything seems somewhat disjointed and tetchy. You, the Moon-ruled, may or may not be at peace with the great cycle of life. Maybe it is time to review your beliefs and the feelings they are based upon. Witness the glory of the sunrise, flowers in bloom, children at play, old folks reminiscing and the serenity of the sunset for your answers. Conciliatory colours are heather and marigold. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
Disruptive energies make life harder than it should be, but the resilient twins will make up for it by receiving grand inspirations about unusual experiences in places afar. Travel and romance may be on your mind... why not get lost in a good movie or book tonight if you can't hop on a plane to Paris? If someone far away is on your mind, it's time to pick up the phone or send a message. Calming colours are sea green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 9 and 15.
Financial improvements are in the wind as the Moon blends with the Sun and with Jupiter. Your ideas may conflict with the established way of thinking, but now is the time to put your plans into action, Gemini. Get cracking and build your future. Advantageous colours are cobalt and amber. Lucky numbers are 8 and 4.
The Moon forms a deep relationship with your life-ruler Jupiter in your house of finances and values. There are other favourable aspects regarding money, so enjoy the ambience and keep your ear to the ground. Good news is in the frame, especially if you are connected with education, travel, or matters of the higher mind. Favourable colours are green garnet and deep grey. Lucky numbers are 18 and 27.
It's exciting and varied for the Scorpion today, as Sun and Moon dance their stately dance for you and your friends. The urge to shop, especially for communication equipment, phones and computers is quite strong, but yummy fashion items will be found in the local mall. Enjoy! Exciting colours are carmine and apricot. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
With the Moon shaking up your sixth house of health and service in a good aspect with the glorious Sun, your relationships with co- workers and employees will improve. Any behind-the-scenes tomfoolery is likely to come to light, for which you will be thankful, especially if concealed hostility, corruption or treachery can be resolved. Spend time with your mate tonight. Fortunate colours are golden topaz and silver. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
The Sun and Moon are enjoying a glorious dance that will help fulfil your hopes and dreams. Partners are fun now, and friends will be quite lively and happy to be with you. Fortunate events and contacts can also benefit you financially, not that that is usually on your mind. Enjoyable colours are lilac and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
The combination of the shining Sun and the creative Moon in your fifth house of pleasure and creativity could rekindle romance in your life. Exciting things are promised, but don't start anything you aren't prepared to finish. Jealousy may raise its ugly head, but children in your life will be a joy. Auspicious colours are sky blue and mandarin. Lucky numbers are 14 and 18.
The Moon makes a beautiful aspect to the Sun today, urging you to connect with others at work and in the public sphere. Surprising inspiration may come from left field, but as the day draws on, tensions arise, so hit the sack early. Beneficial colours are electric blue and basic black. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
The warmhearted Moon in your fourth house of home and family tells us it is time to enjoy the comforts of home. Harmony will be quite easy to attain. There may be some personal difficulties to work through with an older family member, but unconditional love can help you begin the process. Fill your environment with pleasant music, fresh flowers, and scented candles. Comforting colours are pastel yellow and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
A delightful aspect between the Sun and Moon reinforces the beautiful Grand Trine aspect that will be smoothing your path for the rest of the year. Lovers and children may be a bit sniffy later, but overall, the vibe is just what the doctor ordered. Advantageous colours are pearly white and reddish gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
The Moon meets Jupiter in your seventh house, energizing your partnership relations. Dealings with educational interests, publishing and travel are favoured, as it creative writing and other forms of communication. It's a fortunate day, when your heart and soul are in harmony, so grab the bull by the horns. Creative colours are burgundy and bronze. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
With the magnificent Moon and expansive Jupiter joining forces in your first house of personality, you should be a force to be reckoned with. Romantic passions may be awakened by a slinky stranger, or perhaps an arty type, but be careful not to awaken jealousy in the wee, wee hours, because the energy turns a little edgier as the night goes on. Fortunate colours are blue sapphire and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Enjoy whatever quiet and solitude you can find while the reflective Moon cruises through your twelfth house of secrets. Career benefits are there, but really it is time to recharge your spiritual batteries. Focus on those activities that help restore your soul. Curl up with a book, or share the evening with someone whose company you enjoy. Mellow colours are amethyst and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The pressure releases on your friendships and associations and in coming weeks you will be able to clear out some of the baggage that has been cluttering up your machine. Things are looking up, but don't push yourself too hard; you need to recharge your spiritual batteries. You may be on the verge of a spiritual breakthrough, so allow yourself to float over the obstructions and become a new you. Empowering colours are midnight blue and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
Extravagant gestures may take you over the top, Taurus, but you'll feel the need to indulge in exotic pleasures. Move forward with your long term plans, as the aspects favour determination and structure. Don't be afraid to try new things, especially when you are with your favourite people; the cuisine or music from another country will appeal. Beneficial colours are translucent yellow and glittering emerald. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
The Moon in your fifth house in conjunction with fortunate Jupiter inspires you and makes it a delightful day. Romance is highlighted this evening, so get a baby-sitter if you need one and enjoy an evening for two. If you are single, you will enjoy being surrounded by your favourite playmates. Gambling may attract, but if you hit a big one, take the money and run. Favourable colours are plum blossom and rich burgundy. Lucky numbers are 5 and 22.
The Moon in conjunction with expansive Jupiter stimulates your eleventh house of friends and associates, encouraging you to start a creative think-tank among your peers. You may come up with some excellent ideas to improve the world around you, so don't be afraid to brainstorm collectively. Pluto turns direct in your mid-heaven, releasing obstacles in your career and public image. Your ideals and standards are high, so put them to good use. Expressive colours are emerald and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
Extra energy and magnetism can be yours as the Lunar Light dances with jolly Jupiter in your sign.You can be popular today without even trying, so enjoy it! After all, you have more than proven your abilities and integrity. Future plans can be seen to be well thought out and based on a firm foundation. The stars suggest they are destined to succeed. Advantageous colours are bluish white and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
Pluto, the dark transformer, returns to direct motion through the zodiac in your second house, inclining you to rediscover or rethink your personal value system and priorities in life. You'll need to clean up what has been hanging around in your life, as the coming weeks need a new direction. Siblings or neighbours may bring fortunate news. Beneficial colours are indigo and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
Pluto is an outer planet that has primarily generational effects, but this heavy hitter has been retrograde in your sign for quite a while now. Today, his return to direct motion gives you more confidence in yourself in coming weeks and will show that you have outgrown a few old attitudes. It's a very good day to rearrange your budget Auspicious colours are royal blue and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Hard work brings rewards to industrious Rams, so get those plans into action! Why not go out with a group for lunch or dinner? Spend some time getting to know the people you work with and you'll find that the effort you make is well worth it. Travel and educational plans are under consideration, but be ready for some heated discussions, where disagreements between partners regarding work commitments emerge. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and red coral. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
It's time to explore your spiritual depths as the Moon awakens the energy in your psychic houses and dark Pluto turns direct after months of his retro phase. Your creative fires may also be stirred as Venus invigorates your fifth house of pleasure. This could be a very interesting evening to go on a date or experiment sexually with your partner. Intimacy increases and relationships become stronger. How much of a risk will you take? Positive colours are dark wine and gleaming silver. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
Transformative Pluto halts and turns direct in your house of romance, children and speculation today, Lions. This tells us that in coming weeks you will need to complete important issues that have been hanging around for too long. Things are confusing later in the day, so best to keep your head down and work on long term plans. Friends may give misleading advice. Positive colours are salmon and aqua. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
After a day dedicated to taking care of business, you might feel that popularity is a double-edged sword so take care. There are those who smile and show you a friendly face but secretly are jealous of you... guard against false friends and flatterers. This is a good time to go out and be seen, but be sure to mind your manners. People are watching and taking notes. Auspicious colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
Be aware of the needs of others and stay out of arguments over fashion, relationships or home decor. This evening is good for spending time and connecting with the important people in your life, so be open to love. If you are willing to bare your soul, you will find that greater intimacy follows. Don't be afraid to go deep! Ideal colours are azure and white jade. Lucky numbers are 7 and 4.
Although the Moon is in circumspect Capricorn and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, this inward-looking house is energised today by a fabulous trine aspect between Saturn your life-ruler and expansive Jupiter. Ambitious or extended projects connected with government, big companies, or institutions such as hospitals, prisons and universities are favoured. This is, however, the beginning of your low lunar cycle, so make plenty of time for rest and meditation. Favourable colours are emerald and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 12 and 26.
The Capricorn Moon prancing through your second house of personal finances helps you to be more business-minded. It is the ideal time to make or implement strategies for your finances as expansive Jupiter your life-ruler boosts ever-practical Saturn. It may be harder than usual to say 'no' to the chocolate bars your friends' children are hawking for school fund-raisers! Excellent colours are royal blue and parchment. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
With the Moon moving into your fourth house of home and family, you'll be ready for a quiet retreat. Avoid crowded places and unpleasant people in favour of environments and companions that make you feel cosy and warm. Your home can truly be your castle and on this fortunate day you should share the joy. It will be easy to create the perfect mood this evening. Beneficial colours are pale blue and translucent amber. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
Fortunate energies coalesce today as Jupiter, Lord of the Gods and Saturn, his grumpy old dad, cooperate nicely, just as Jupiter returns to direct motion after months of restrictive retrograde. You can expect a great leap forward in your work and career. Your public image and your health should also improve as time goes on. Dynamic colours are bright red and pale purple. Lucky numbers are 7 and 6.
The Moon moving into your eighth house of mystery turns your thoughts towards all that is deep and thrilling. Issues of power and control may come up as the authoritarian nature of the Capricorn Moon is felt; this may be very exciting for some yet disturbing to others. Sexual attraction and desire is very strong. Excellent colours are bright red and pastel shades. Lucky numbers are 14 and 16.
It will be hard to shut you up as the Moon moves into Capricorn and your third house of communication! You won't be afraid to say what you think, especially on matters on which you have thought long and hard. On this fortunate day you will be able to gather a great deal of support to your side. Friends, siblings and neighbours play a part, and bright ideas for background research or confidential matters can be put into play today. Auspicious colours are carmine and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
Jupiter dances with Saturn in your sign as the Moon activates your fifth house of pleasure, making you feel frisky and tempting you to relax your strict schedule. It's a fabulously fortunate day, but there's no need to run yourself into the ground. You know, it has been proven that pleasure is a nutrient necessary for spiritual and emotional health. Focus on love, laughter and life. Bright ideas for moneymaking are energised today. Energising colours are vermilion and cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
The stars foretell a kinder, friendlier period ahead for you as Jupiter your life-ruler forms a fabulous link with structuring Saturn and the Moon activates your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes. Surround yourself with mature types that you can depend on. Sure, they may not be as fun as your wilder friends, but they have more appreciation for your gifts of magic and imagination. In fact, these are the people who are likely to support you in your creative endeavours, so don't neglect your old pals. Auspicious colours are shimmering blue and basic black. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
Your ninth house of travel and the higher mind is stimulated, awakening creative and intuitive ideas as fortunate Jupiter goes direct in a beautiful aspect to Saturn. This is a very fortunate day for Taurus, when your talents are stimulated by a Grand Trine. The way other cultures work could hold the answer to a problem; what seems foreign to you may be the key to success. Fortunate colours are slate grey and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
It's a truly blessed day for the Crab, as expansive Jupiter and structured Saturn join forces for you. This favours all partnership connections, especially those in the local area. Travel, education, legal matters and family connections are working well, but be sensitive to your partner's feelings. This extends to business partners and best friends as well. Stop worrying about what you want to say and pay attention to what others have to say. This can help you get ahead in many ways. Auspicious colours are yellow sapphire and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
The Moon dancing into Capricorn marks the beginning of your lunar high cycle. Jupiter, Lord of the Gods and Saturn, your life-ruler, combine to gift you with great strides ahead. You will have more emotional energy as the Moon and Jupiter lend you extra strength; just be careful not to come on too strong to those who do not know you well. While you should have extra charm and charisma, some may be feel somewhat inhibited by your powerful ways. Ambitious colours are obsidian and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
The Moon moves into responsible Capricorn and your sixth house of health and service, reminding you to honour your obligations and duties. Don't ignore your health as you see to the wellbeing of others; you won't do anyone much good if you are falling apart physically. Make time for plenty of exercise, fresh air and healthy foods. Finances are favoured too. Advantageous colours are navy blue and snowy white. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
Disagreements are likely between you and your associates and even your best friends may be at odds with you today. The best way to avoid unnecessary arguments is to keep your opinions to yourself. Unless it is a matter of life and death or involves the welfare of a child, keep your personal viewpoints private. Propitious colours are apricot and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
Much will be said today, but will you regret any of it? With the emotional Moon in your communication sector and Mars battling Jupiter, you may find yourself engaged in constant discourse, or conflict over what you want vs what you need. Someone may be set on convincing you of something you simply cannot accept. It's time to bite your tongue, no matter how badly you would like to lash out! It's a bad day to move house. Conciliatory colours are red coral and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
Relationship concerns are likely to push themselves forward today. Chances are you want your freedom and someone else wants you to commit - or else. This applies to business relationships and friendships as well. Faith and honesty are imperative if you want to move forward in your closest connections. Express yourself fully. Beneficial colours are pale yellow and dark grey. Lucky numbers are 7 and 5.
Romance and passion could be uncomfortably strong for the often detached Water-Bearer today, but don't be surprised to find yourself joining in the drama! You could be overtaken by your needs and desires and those of your friends. Disruptive secrets may emerge, so do what you know you must to retain your personal integrity. Beneficial colours are antique silver and royal amethyst. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
It will be easier to make progress during the day as the Moon moves through goal-oriented Sagittarius. Your health can improve as the Moon urges you to take care of yourself; this is a good day to start a diet or exercise routine. You'll have the energy you need to get a great deal of work accomplished and then some! Avoid conflict with partners. Advantageous colours are red and green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.
Money may be an issue as the Moon triggers tension today. If you have overspent lately you may be regretting it now. Sexual intrigues are under way. It's a fact that sometimes forbidden fruit seems sweeter than what is there on the table. Control the craving for what you don't have and be wary of those who are envious of you, especially among workmates. Favourable colours are ruby red and sable. Lucky numbers are 17 and 27.
When I fight authority, authority always wins... John Cougar Mellencamp's 'Authority Song' might be on your mind today. Born under the sign of Capricorn, the Cosmic Authority, he truly understands the frustration you are going through today. Jupiter your traditional ruler is in Capricorn and under stress from the wild warrior Mars. As much as you would love to let your hair down and be your free-spirited self, you probably won't get the opportunity. Providential colours are green satin and sweet magnolia. Lucky numbers are 11 and 25.
Overcome your fears by facing them squarely today, dear Capricorn. As the Moon squares Saturn and Mars raises Cain, it's definitely time to 'let go and let God' in certain situations. You may even find that by releasing your fears you are better able to accomplish your goals... the fear of being inferior may be holding you back. Intuition is not to be trusted, so take accurate notes and communicate with care. Conservative colours are red garnet and basalt. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Emotions you have suppressed may rise to the surface today, Archers. This can be a good thing of course, as building pressure must be released. However, it may be best to spend time alone so that you can sort out your feelings without hurting anyone. Calming colours are blue satin and rose quartz. Lucky numbers are 2 and 22.
You may feel as though you are being torn apart, as conflict arises over money and what you consider truly worthwhile. It is important for you to find balance today. Many Virgoans will prefer the rewards of public life to the tensions of their private ventures today. Keep an open mind, a positive attitude and a generous heart at all times, even in the face of sudden attacks. Favourable colours are pewter and bronze. Lucky numbers are 22 and 26.
Creative energy is high, so put it to good use now. It may be hard for you to sit in an office all day, so try to get outside for a while. You will find that it is easier to think and to solve your problems when you are out in the great wide open. Find a quiet park bench or a peaceful atrium to get your creative juices flowing. Interfering people can really get your goat. Sexual passion can create a splash tonight. Advantageous colours are white and purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 21.
The intuitive Moon and the shining Sun create potentially difficult encounters today and Rams may be dealing with someone who disagrees strongly with their personal beliefs and ideas. Warrior Mars is also in aggressive mode, so go ahead and speak up for yourself, but avoid getting into ideological battles. Walk away from people who believe that their way is the only way. Propitious colours are blue sapphire and red coral. Lucky numbers are 27 and 16.
After taking care of business this morning, you are likely to feel more talkative and open. As the Moon cruises into happy-go-lucky Sagittarius and your third house of communication, it'll be easier to express yourself. You may have some serious subjects to discuss; pay attention to what others have to say for important clues. Expressive colours are purple sage and lemongrass. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
You might feel a little blue and sluggish during the first part of the day, but cheer up! The Moon moves into optimistic Sagittarius, your fifth house of pleasure today, giving you a reason to smile again. In fact, the next two days or so are likely to be very romantic and pleasing, so prepare for love and laughter. Excellent colours are royal purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
Take what others say in your stride as the cosmos gets a little testy today. It may be necessary to bite your tongue around authority figures and in work environments as your career and reputation may be damaged by what you say or by what others say about you. In fact, you may want to consider a little subtle brown-nosing! Advantageous colours are cherry blossom and blanched almond. Lucky numbers are 11 and 1.
Headaches and indigestion are likely today, especially if you are travelling. In-laws, long distance communication, education and religion are all likely to create upsets as Mars moves in on unpredictable Uranus. If you can, incorporate Yoga and meditation into your routine. You need to remain both balanced and flexible as the day unfolds. Partners may be a little unpredictable today. Positive colours are indigo and cream. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
Try to stay focused as the Moon moves through your financial sector today. The more organized you can be with your budget, the more you can save for the future. Of course, you'll need to set aside some money each week to spend on pleasure, otherwise, what is all this hard work for? Find a satisfactory balance. Exciting attractions could appear tonight. Flirtatious colours are bright red and indigo. Lucky numbers are 2 and 5.
As the adventurous Moon leaps into goal-oriented Sagittarius, your ninth house of travel and adventure, you are more aware of how much cultural, educational and religious factors have the power to change your life. Some Rams may be reconsidering entering the publishing or teaching fields, or taking that long-awaited journey to foreign parts. Party in an ethnic quarter tonight, but beware, violence could erupt without warning. Adventurous colours are deep crimson and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
Slow down as the Moon enters Sagittarius, your astrological zone of home and family. You could be dealing with strong emotions related to your past or relatives, so be sure to get plenty of sleep and keep yourself centred. You can only avoid unpleasant interactions by tending to your personal needs first. Domestic colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
With the Sagittarian Moon activating your mid-heaven, the house of career and reputation, it's time for you to focus on climbing the status ladder. There's a lot to be done and you are the perfect person to do it. You never shy away from a challenge and that is what you are going to get during the next two days or so, so be sure to get plenty of rest so you can meet them head on! Ambitious colours are yellow sapphire and creamy linen. Lucky numbers are 10 and 12.
Many Bulls will be feeling intense today, but if you find yourself feeling foul, don't take it out on a chicken, take time to balance and centre yourself. Make a list of things that you are thankful for and release any resentments you are carrying. Be careful tonight, as sudden aggression can come out of nowhere. Beneficial colours are red coral and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
Be careful on this day of discordant energies. It will be all too easy to get in an argument about what is on the surface and what is underneath, so don't go there if you want to avoid a fight. If someone tries to convince you that they are right and you are wrong, simply walk away. You may be tempted to overspend in an effort to keep up with the spending habits of your friends, but true friends don't need you to spend money in order to like you. Propitious colours are silver and lilac. Lucky number is 12.
You may be dealing with a crisis at work, so keep your cool today. It's important to pace yourself and stay calm, especially if driving. It may be satisfying to tell a co-worker or a customer off, but you will be the one to pay in the end. Go for a brisk walk to take the edge off, followed by a warm relaxing bath in the evening. Calming colours are teal and lilac. Lucky numbers are 22 and 17.
A lighthearted mood rules the day as the Moon moves into the good ship Sagittarius, your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes. This is a great time to meet good friends for lunch and brainstorm, as creative ideas abound. In fact, you may have so many interesting thoughts in your mind that it could be hard to fall asleep tonight. Fortunate colours are charcoal and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 33.
Take comfort in the simple pleasures of life today. The cosmos urges us to appreciate each other, no matter what our religion or politics are. Practice random acts of beauty and kindness and don't get too touchy, no matter how much they bug you. Propitious colours are apricot and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
The moody Moon clashes with every kid on the cosmic block, so the potential for emotional fireworks is high. Don't let your ego get in the way of real relating. Make your priority to understand and not to be understood. Entertain at home tonight, as hitting the streets could be risky. Diplomatic colours are red coral and emerald. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.
Cosmic collisions bring tense emotions to the surface. You need to relax if you want to stay balanced... don't try to do too much in one day. Take some time out to count your blessings and maybe realign your priorities. If it's hard to go to sleep this evening, try a bath infused with lavender and peppermint oils. Protective colours are mint green and lavender. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.
Thoughts and dreams you have now may be disturbing - remember that your unconscious mind speaks in symbols. Write down the details you remember and consult a dream dictionary or dream interpreter for greater understanding. Do something nice for a complete stranger. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Your natural understanding in matters of life, death and rebirth can be used in healing practices, so use your power wisely. This is a good day to express yourself and to share your wisdom. Don't hide your light - shine it brightly for everyone to see and practice random acts of kindness. Favourable colours are carnelian and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
Vague fears and confusion are likely and most people will be feeling out of sorts. As much as Capricorn enjoys concrete ideas, you may have to accept the nebulous and abstract today. The world is full of wonderful things and humans, as well as negative ones - try to remain positive. Positive colours are bright yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
Peace is hard to find, and some people seem to prefer war. Let peace begin with you today. Your patience may be tested by the folly and selfishness, even the deception of others. If someone wants to start a fight, just say 'Be blessed, my friend' and walk away. And mean it. Positive colours are glistening silver and corn bread. Lucky numbers are 18 and 28.
The Moon slithers through your eighth house of sex, death and rebirth, encouraging you to reflect on the meaning of life. Have you been answering the wake up call to take stock of your life and question your priorities? Today, give thanks for all you have, and do what you can to help others. Positive colours are amethyst and ivory. Lucky numbers are 8 and 27.
Think about what you really need to do in order to grow spiritually, rather than what you merely want. Hurricanes stir the waters and the cost of oil is awfully high these days, but if you pour the oil of your compassion onto the troubled waters of those around you, you will be blessed many times over. Do at least one thing nice for another being today. Beneficial colours are pale green and purple. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
This is a time to count your blessings, dear Gemini. The emotional Moon and just about every other cosmic factor are at odds, so you're frustrated with work, travel and health issues. Take a few moments to rest, meditate and envision a more peaceful and compassionate future. Be sure you keep that sharp tongue in its holster, for although you might feel like giving it, no-one likes to receive a tongue-lashing. Soothing colours are pale blue and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 14 and 22.
With the growing pains our planet has been enduring recently. nothing is more important than the love in your life. Spend time with your loved ones as the Moon lingers in your seventh house of significant others. Have you been answering the wake-up call to take stock of your life and question your priorities? Legal issues are problematic, so give thanks for all you have. Beneficial colours are pale aqua and bright coral. Lucky numbers are 16 and 25.
Arguments can pop up without warning today. Ugh. You may need to bite your tongue and employ patience if the stupidity of some people gets on your nerves. Make time for exercise and meditation around midday, to avoid becoming over-stimulated. Reflect on your blessings in life and remember to have compassion for others, no matter how annoying they are. Beneficial colours are burgundy and cream. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
Your financial sector is activated, so it's a good time to take care of personal business. Some Librans have been enjoying remarkably good fortune lately, but that doesn't mean you don't have to plan for the future! Take the time to organize and budget your finances. If you are resourceful, you can enjoy the good life and save for a rainy day at the same time. Good luck surrounds the family too. Advantageous colours are terracotta and forest green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
A fortunate vibration follows you around today, Virgo. You're even more articulate than usual and can express yourself well in words. It's a very lucky day, especially for romance, children, or any type of speculative investment. Siblings or neighbours may drop by bearing good news. In any case you will be feeling quite creative and the phone is likely to be busy all day. Fortunate colours are lilac and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
If you find yourself turning inward, it's because the Moon is navigating her way through secretive Scorpio, your fourth house of home and family. It is a good day to take care of your personal business, especially anything that includes your partner. Finances get a boost, but be careful not to respond to your mate as though he or she were no more than an echo of the past. Live in the now. Fortunate colours are gold and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
A fabulous day for the Fish! Jupiter, your traditional life-ruler is basking in the glow of both the Sun and Moon, so the cosmic energies are helping you. Your partner, mate or spouse will also be receiving beautiful energies, so the two of you can conquer the world together. A brilliant inspiration, even a stroke of genius, may come over you tonight! Expansive colours are royal blue and shining silver. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
The Sun and Moon are both beaming on Jupiter, your planetary ruler, Archers. It's one of the best days of the year for you, despite some misgivings you may have regarding what's going on out of sight. Romantic or secret assignations are favoured, but get out and enjoy the ambience, as something good is due for you. Positive colours are cobalt blue and white gold. Lucky numbers are 10 and 2.
The Moon in your sign makes you feel ever so powerful, Scorp. A fortunate connection with friends in the neighbourhood can see you doing very well. This is a time when you can find that doors you thought were closed will open for you, allowing you to achieve undreamt of heights! Empowering colours are deep red and translucent citrine. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
As much as you would rather just have fun, many Aquarians will have responsibility today. As the Moon lights up your tenth house of career and status, you'll need to focus on the job at hand. Government contracts are favoured and financial issues can ease, especially if connected with big institutions. Although you are inclined to grow rapidly, a little discipline and a pinch of sacrifice will let you meet your obligations. Favourable colours are shimmering blue and pewter. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The Moon moves through Scorpio, turning up the heat in your eighth house of sex, money and power, which can be a minefield, but other aspects show that it's a generally fortunate day. Your career is highly favoured, and friends will be very much on your side. You might even get a bonus! Fortunate colours are tangerine and green garnet. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
An excellent energy boosts your mental state, increasing your supply of spiritual essence, and it is possible that career benefits will flow. Success comes to you in any dealings with overseas connections, or with those of another race or culture to your own. Let the world know what you know, for you can make giant strides towards the fulfilment of your hopes and wishes, as friends and associates are willing to help. Even the in-laws are on your side. Advantageous colours are crimson and black. Lucky numbers are 1 and 11.
It's a brilliant day for the Bulls, but overly sensitive feelings in close relationships lead to misunderstandings. Fortunate transactions fall into place, and remember to be patient with loved ones who may be under pressure at the moment. Make time for love and romance too... the more effort you put into your relationship with your partner, the more you will be rewarded. Fortunate colours are royal blue and rich brown. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
It's a great day to take on a new project, but also to take up a new health regimen. The Sun and Jupiter are beaming at each other, as the Moon enters your house of health and service. Don't let yourself get run down, or you won't be any use to yourself or anyone else. Travel and investment are favoured and there could be a surprising benefit via the career environment. Beneficial colours are bright stripes and lilac. Lucky numbers are 4 and 8.
The alluring Moon in your fifth house of romance and creativity signals playtime for the serious Crab. Most of you have been consumed with meeting responsibilities and expanding horizons at the same time, but it's time to have fun and relax. In fact, it's a lucky day all round, so a small flutter might actually pay off. Family members and partners are favoured. Cancerians who venture on a romantic date may find the evening erupting in unexpected passion. Alluring colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 5 and 7.
This is a wonderful day for a midweek break... why not meet your friends for lunch? So often we take our pals for granted and then before you know it, so much time has gone by that we feel awkward making the call. Go ahead and reach out to your friends and let them know how much you really do appreciate them. Don't worry, your reliability is appreciated by those in charge. Beneficial colours are carmine and silver. Lucky numbers are 15 and 22.
Today has the potential to be ultra-romantic and exciting as the planets harmonize in your houses of love, friendship and creativity. If you are going out this evening, you are sure to have a good time. It's a good day to make progress on creative projects. You'll have the energy and imagination you need to make a strong impression on people in high places. Support will come from older people, especially family members. Alluring colours are coppery gold and sunny yellow. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Your intuition may be sharper than usual, Scorp. If you feel you may be in danger, don't take any chances. Often your sixth sense will process information that slips by your conscious mind, so trust your gut and your heart today. Support comes from older friends and from structuring your goals. Intuitive colours are fern green and lilac. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
Balance can be restored in your relationships, Rams, as the Moon cruises through your partnership zone. Listen to what your partner has to say and then, after careful consideration, express your opinions. It really is better to understand your partner's meaning, because clarity is often lost when strong emotions are involved. Structuring your routines pays off at work. Beneficial colours are warm peach and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
This is the perfect day to try new things as wise Mercury and the shining Sun blend well with your planetary rulers. You are likely to feel popular and in demand too. People from different backgrounds can teach you a great deal about world culture, so pay attention to your global network. More than any other sign, the Water-Bearer realizes we are all part of one Cosmic family. Auspicious colours are emerald and apricot. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
The deep connection you have with your family of choice or family of birth will be strongly felt today. Telepathic communication is not uncommon while psychic Neptune passes through your eighth house of sex, money and power... the mysteries of life are more apt than ever to enter your level of consciousness. Do not let guilt trips and power struggles damage family relationships. Be strong in any local controversies. Auspicious colours are sage green and sandy beige. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
Some Virgins may enjoy a small financial windfall on this 'show me the money' kind of day and your hard work is likely to pay off both spiritually and financially. You may be feeling kind and generous as well at the moment, so don't deny your impulse to share and help others. This comes from a deep place within you and will bless you in the long run. Fortunate colours are purple sage and light tan. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
The Moon in Libra awakens financial obligations and an interest in such mysteries as where does the money come from, how do I get some and what is the relationship between sex and death... Gosh. A power struggle with someone over financial matters may be reaching a peak, so hold your ground for best results. Later in the evening you will experience a wonderful urge towards exploring intimacy with your partner. Don't be afraid to open up about things you normally keep to yourself. Excellent colours are mahogany and cobalt. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
You are likely to save the day with your special brand of genius, Bulls, or at the very least you should have an exciting and creative afternoon. Your co-workers will appreciate your efforts, as well as your sense of humour. Some Bulls may even be up for a promotion soon. Health matters are also favoured... be sure to eat right and get adequate exercise. Speculative ventures are the go if you have laid the groundwork. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Favourable colours are navy blue and snow white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
Today may seem unusually fast-paced as the Moon and Mercury react to nebulous Neptune and unpredictable Uranus. If someone asks you for a favour, make your immediate response non-committal and then think carefully before you say yes. If you overburden yourself you may end up injuring yourself or making frustrating mistakes. By this evening you will be ready for a well- deserved rest. Best results will come from sleeping on it. Fortunate colours are old gold and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Good old social networking will help you make progress in business. Ideas that promote the collective good will be well received, so if you have an idea for improving procedure at your place of work, it's time to speak up. Those of you involved in the technical fields will find this is a great time to advance your career. Travel is favoured and past connections will be useful, especially if overseas or to do with cultural pursuits. Advantageous colours are basic black and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
You can have quite an impact on those around you today. Express yourself and your ideas; people are ready to hear what you have to say. Personal matters should go well now while the Moon cruises through your sign. Fresh flowers, scented candles, and other beautiful things will set a peaceful mood at home and lift your spirits. Expressive colours are goldenrod and blush. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
Even if they say 'you can't go home again', the Crab will always try. The hearth-loving Moon enters your fourth house of home and family, urging you to seek peace and harmony under your own roof. An uncanny connection may exist between you and your family members now. You may know what a loved one is experiencing even though you are miles apart. Auspicious colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 2 and 15.
The sensitive Moon in your seventh house of partnerships reminds you that the Golden Rule is necessary for healthy relationships. Partnerships of all kinds will benefit from consideration and cooperation. Tonight is potentially romantic, so make plans for two. Rams who are in love should go all out with flowers, wine and candlelight. Favourable colours are sage green and desert pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
You may feel you are working day and night, but you'll hit paydirt soon. With magical Neptune in your second house of finances, you should take advantage of your opportunities as they come. Going out with business partners or clients this evening should be both enjoyable and fruitful. Advantageous colours are earthy brown and forest green. Lucky numbers are 6 and 8.
Good times are likely as the planets harmonize well today. You can be the life of the party if you choose to socialize, so why not get out with your friends this evening? Your sense of humour is razor sharp and you will have your associates rolling on the floor with laughter. Spending time with your siblings or neighbours is also favoured. Fortunate colours are electric blue and copper. Lucky numbers are 11 and 45.
Quiet moments will be your happiest as the Moon drifts through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. It will be easier to stay home than to go out this evening; avoid crowded places and unpleasant people if possible. Your psychic abilities increase during the next twenty-four hours. Pay attention to your intuition and hunches today. Beneficial colours are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 7 and 12.
Setting your sights on far horizons will cheer you now. There is so much waiting for you out there that it may be hard to choose your next goal. Finding a way to express yourself more fully is something that all Water Bearers should consider. After all, this is the dawning of your age, so make the most of it. Consider signing up for courses that will teach you about other people and customs. Adventurous colours are chocolate brown and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 10 and 33.
If you can take time out to spoil and pamper yourself, this is the perfect day. When was the last time you had a manicure or a massage? If you can't spend the money on a day at the spa, enlist a friend to join you in a mutual pampering session. Take the time to eat right and get the proper amount of rest if you want to feel and look your best. Beneficial colours are toasted almond and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 24.
Words of love flow easily while the Moon passes through relationship oriented Libra and your third house of communication. Unpredictable Uranus and intelligent Mercury add excitement to the day, encouraging thoughtful and romantic surprises from your mate. Spending time with neighbours and siblings should also be rewarding. Try not to let career concerns ruin what should otherwise be a warm and friendly day. Romantic colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 32.
Enjoy good times with friends as the Moon in your sign harmonizes well with the other heavenly bodies; tonight is your night for fun and romance! Many Librans have something to celebrate, so plan an elegant and sumptuous dinner. Have someone else do the dishes while you enjoy some of the fruits of your labour. Alluring colours are sparkling silver and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 19 and 24.
The Moon activates your second house of personal finances, placing emphasis on your material resources and values. This is a good time to balance your budget and to take care of the things you own... whether you choose to take your car in for a tune up or polish your silver, be responsible and conscientious with your belongings. Advantageous colours are emerald green and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
The luminous Moon lights up your fifth house of pleasure and romance, lifting your spirits and making the day pleasant in general. Happy dreams of a shining future may distract you during much of the day; this is fine unless you have a lot of work to do. If you can whistle while you work and take frequent breaks to stretch your legs and breathe fresh air, the day will fly by. Fortunate colours are bright gold and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 33 and 43.
Today's psychic and electric aspects could have the Fish feeling very slinky; you'll be able to charm everyone you meet with your mystical ways. Pay attention to your gut feelings and intuitive promptings; your heart is more likely to be correct than your intellect today. If you are going out this evening, be sure to park in well lit areas and travel with a buddy. Insightful colours are mellow wine and old gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
You are sure to be busier than usual today, Lions, and it will be such fun! Business projects (especially sales), contacts with siblings, correspondence, educational meetings, neighbourhood activities, errands, or travel are all in the mix. Information and ideas are flowing. Cars and other vehicles, computers, or mechanical and electrical equipment occupy your mind, but relationships will be on your phone and IM. Keep a sense of humour, as the airwaves will be buzzing. Lively colours are grassy green and lemon yellow. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
Entertaining at home and encouraging family gatherings are high on your list of priorities. Venus favours redecorating or enhancing the physical appearance of your home; perhaps adding books, music, or art to improve the quality, as well as the looks of Castle Crab. Harmonious relationships between family members will blossom under this influence. Real estate negotiations, legal matters connected with family business, or parental artistic triumphs are also stimulated. Beneficial colours are pale green and coppery tones. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
The tempo of your inner spiritual values and motivations quickens, Scorpio. These subconscious values and tendencies underpin the affairs and people in your life. You are especially sensitive and take relationships very seriously. You can express your feelings today, so any hidden issues that arise are probably due to someone else's behaviour. It looks as though you'll have to work hard to get to the root of the problem. Advantageous colours are carmine and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.
With the focus well and truly on the workplace, why not harmonise your working environment? Colleagues or employees will appreciate your efforts and you'll find it easy to get your ideas across. It's the ideal time to improve the workplace by renovations, installing background music and adding plants or art work to cheer everyone up. And why not get yourself a beauty treatment? An office romance, or a social event with co-workers is in the wind. Personal renovation is definitely favoured! Positive colours are apricot and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
Extraordinary changes might intrude on your life in coming weeks, my lovely Fish, but you can depend on your inner strength to cope with the challenge. Your inner strength comes from the inclusion of others in any plan you make for yourself. Joint income and social status, whether through marriage or business partnership, are likely to surface. Sexual encounters are fascinating from the standpoint of the psychological motivation and behaviour patterns involved. Positive colours are sea green and violet. Lucky numbers are 8 and 17.
Your personal magnetism is expanding dear Libra! The charm of your personality, willingness to cooperate and sense of humour are working well for you. Your ability to communicate receives a planetary boost and you will be able to express yourself well, whether in words, in artistic creations, or through the natural beauty and charm for which you are renowned. Creative colours are silky cream and glittering emerald. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
Partnerships are heavily emphasized today, Rams. The focus turns to those with whom you are already allied, but new partnerships and joint ventures are in the wings. Resolve any disagreements. Legal matters, contract negotiations, public relations, competitors and various cooperative circumstances occupy your mind. Favourable colours are parchment and silver. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Your light is shining in the public sphere today. A public forum of some kind would be just the thing to express your ideas, or share your knowledge and skills. Why not write a letter to a newspaper, make a speech, or even start a blog? Authority figures will be on your side, but this does not mean you should avoid your responsibilities, especially regarding government papers and regulations. Beneficial colour is royal blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
Your personal aspirations and happiness are in the frame today, Sagittarius. The role you play in the lives of others, as spouse, child, parent, friend, lover, or associate is a central issue. It's time to promote harmony and encourage co-operation as you act in concert with them. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. For the eligible Archer, a friend or associate may seem ever so attractive. Alluring colours are red coral and lavender. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.
Most of the paper work, writing, meetings, and discussions seem to involve finances. Transacting business, increasing income, conserving monetary assets, monitoring expenditures, and comparison shopping should be on your agenda, as your tastes and financial standing are enhanced. Something will probably make you discuss, or perhaps even defend or reassess your priorities and values, in the nicest possible way. Favourable colours are foxglove and tan. Lucky numbers are 23 and 36.
Your thoughts and communications turn to long distance travel, international business, or diplomatic endeavours now. Correspondence or discussions regarding a second marriage, in-laws, or a relative's health or job are in the wind. Cultural events, court decisions, education and training, foreign languages, religious or political interests, publishing, promotions, or advertising will feature in coming weeks. Favourable colours are smoky blue and green garnet. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.

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