Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

This is a great time to take a behind the scenes role in a family matter, or delve into the psychological underpinnings of a relative. Your insight is highly tuned at the moment and you won't come on too strong. Harmonious colours are ebony and tan. Lucky numbers are 6 and 47.
It's a grand day to re-connect with your spouse or partner. A fabulous link between Mars and the Moon supports enthusiastic expression of emotions and ardent love making. Sensual colours are blackberry and russet. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
An unstable connection between the Moon and Uranus today in your second house of income brings some unexpected financial news. It could go either way. Propitious colours are black satin and lilac. Lucky numbers are 13 and 29.
The Moon tumbles into Pisces and becomes hypnotized with issues pertaining to self-worth and money. You are too emotionally insecure to make financial decisions today, Aquarius. Put them off until tomorrow. Beneficial colours are apple green and mango. Lucky numbers are 15 and 4.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers, rather than to the external world. You're more in tune with yourself than ever. Fortunate colours are garnet and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 61 and 29.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, turns retrograde in the area of your chart that rules romance: an old flame might resurface. It should be fun! Romantic colours are white lace and dark purple. Lucky numbers are 50 and 64.
You and a spouse or partner are in for a rough day ahead and the potential for disagreements and nasty words are strong. Just be sure it's really worth fighting for... Peaceful colours are strawberry and water melon. Lucky numbers are 12 and 31.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters fellow Air sign Gemini and begins a tour of your fifth house of romance. It could be time for new love. Opportunity will strike! Expressive colours are dark gold and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
The Moon in Capricorn tours your twelfth house of all that's hidden now. You are somewhat guarded today when it comes to expressing your feelings in the open, however, your mood is going to be very obvious nonetheless. Auspicious colours are pastel pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 31 and 13.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You've been feeling a little trapped in the romance department. Today you feel downright suffocated! Ideal colours are dark yellow and oyster. Lucky numbers are 2 and 33.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will send a wink to Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. It's likely to be a financial windfall or an announcement of a new asset coming your way. Uplifting colours are ebony and banana yellow. Lucky numbers are 40 and 69.
A nebulous square from Venus to Neptune has you very befuddled at the moment about a family situation. You don't know your place in it at all and may feel a little spaced out and lost. Favourable colours are lemon and sage green. Lucky numbers are 18 and 74.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. Your professional direction is looked at with new eyes. Harmonious colours are aqua and mulberry. Lucky numbers are 39 and 56.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. You'll feel this when an ailing relative receives some much needed reprieve. Opportune colours are coffee and silver. Lucky numbers are 37 and 67.
You have a sound business sense today. It's a great time to seal a crucial business deal or schedule a meeting with the boss or a potential venture capitalist. Inspirational colours are chestnut and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 27 and 54.
You have an over-emotional day ahead. The sacrifices you might be asked to make today are going to trouble you because it might be at the expense of your freedom. Fortunate colours are cadmium red and champagne. Lucky numbers are 11 and 30.
You have all the support you need right now from a spouse or partner with a strong conviction you hold. Although he or she might not agree with your opinions, the sustenance is there. Powerful colours are burnt orange and cream. Lucky numbers are 40 and 71.
The tense square between the Sun and Neptune is a bewildering type of cosmic energy that will cause everyone a bit of confusion. In your case this will manifest in your personal role in your home. Where do you stand? Prosperous colours are ginger and dark green. Lucky numbers are 19 and 70.
The square between the Moon and Mercury creates an atmosphere where you talk too much about your emotions. You might reveal intimate details of your psyche today that you regret sharing by tomorrow. Beneficial colours are navy and ochre. Lucky numbers are 4 and 31.
The trine from the Sun to Jupiter today is a fortunate time for all. Expect your gifts to come from relatives. A sick person you love could now be healed. Favourable colours are burgundy and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
You have plenty of love today from family members if you're a mum. Even if you're not, this will be a time of overindulgence with family so expect to eat, drink and be merry. Fortunate colours are lemon and cherry pink. Lucky numbers are 13 and 17.
Today there is a conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your seventh house of partnerships. This could be a volatile and emotional day where you end up arguing with your spouse or close partner. You feel touchy. Prosperous colours are apricot and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 34 and 2.
Today Mars, the planet of action, enters Leo and your seventh house of relationships. This will bring a lot of activity between you and a spouse or partner. Channel it into as much physical release as you can. Beneficial colours are platinum and dark green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 42.
Today there is a Moon-Pluto opposition that will affect everyone on the planet in a dynamic way. Power struggles are likely to be peppered with heavy emotions and possible manipulation. For you this will be most apparent in the workplace. Alluring colours are honeycomb and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 74 and 6.
Today there is a challenging square from the Moon to Uranus which suggests a lack of security with finances that gets you emotionally charged. You might be tempted to take a risk with money that isn't a sound idea. Grounding colours are dark gold and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 12 and 6.
Today there is a harsh square between the Moon and Saturn which suggests a serious attitude between you and a lover. You might not be able to easily express how you feel. This could be misinterpreted as a lack of interest. Uplifting colours are silver and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 1 and 69.
Today there is a New Moon in your fourth house of home and family. Expect some news from relatives and a possible new baby announcement from someone. Moving plans may begin in earnest. Favourable colours are cinnamon and magnolia. Lucky numbers are 14 and 63.
This is a peaceful day for you where you'll feel a strong nesting instinct and desire to be at home. It's a great day to have family over for a special dinner. Fortuitous colours are dusky rose and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 20 and 39.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You may receive an after death communication that you cannot help but question or fear. It's real. Fortunate colours are lavender and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 71.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and begins a tour of your fifth house of true love and creative self expression. If you are a writer, this is the best time to begin a heartfelt project. Love letters never sounded so good. Ideal colours are fawn and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 10 and 45.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. If you've been waiting on a loan or news from a financial institution, positive information is on the horizon. Beneficial colours are amethyst and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 13 and 5.

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