Cancer's Horoscopes |



Born between: June 21st - July 22nd

Supportive and encouraging those born under the Cancer sign are lovers that strive in the home setting. Traditional in their beliefs they are often conservative although they value unaccompanied time, greatly.

This is a day when you can do no wrong. It will feel as though you're completely understood by friends and your partner. There's an almost telepathic connection. Auspicious colours are moonlight blue and golden wheat. Lucky numbers are 28 and 59.
Today the Moon aligns with Mars at a brilliant angle. You'll notice that the efforts you take to enhance your professional value are well received. Positive colours are navy and maroon. Lucky numbers are 10 and 5.
You may suddenly decide that your religion or a long held philosophy or belief no longer holds any truth for you. It will be an unexpected shift. Ideal colours are terracotta and jade. Lucky numbers are 16 and 13.
Today the Moon is in sensitive Pisces and will tour your ninth house of spirituality. You've got a strong faith in the good of humanity right now. Expansive colours are copper and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 26.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. Trust your instincts. Providential colours are grapefruit and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 18 and 62.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your twelfth house of all that is hidden. It's likely that you are going to be more introspective than normal with this position however others will assume you're hiding something. Alluring colours are dark green and mauve. Lucky numbers are 15 and 7.
Your actions might be a little bit too overbearing today. Keep this in mind when a power struggle over finances occurs since it's likely to get your temper flared up. Someone is testing your limits. Inspirational colours are silver and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 25 and 4.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will enter your twelfth house of all that's hidden. You may be thinking more about unrequited love than usual. You're hiding your talents now. Why? Beneficial colours are pale gold and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 9 and 70.
The Moon tours sober Capricorn today and will tone down your usually moody nature. In fact, you'll be able to see your partner's perspectives without your own emotionalism getting in the way. Fortuitous colours are ivory and fawn. Lucky numbers are 4 and 42.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You'll feel this most in communication matters. You can't say what you really want to. Ideal colours are peacock blue and coffee. Lucky numbers are 19 and 2.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, dances with Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Your spouse or a partner will hold the key. Auspicious colours are navy and tan. Lucky numbers are 22 and 71.
A nasty square between Venus and Neptune will make you only want to see the very best in a friend. Be aware of the potential for deception Cancer, despite your insistence that it cannot be. Alluring colours are silver and rose quartz. Lucky numbers are 14 and 59.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now, Cancer. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. Expect this in matters of the heart. Sexual secrets are revealed. Insightful colours are avocado and azure. Lucky numbers are 23 and 54.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect it from friends or a partner. Fortunate colours are blueberry and mango. Lucky numbers are 20 and 59.
You'll feel as though it's your responsibility to express yourself creatively in some way today. It's likely that a communication related project or one having to do with children will demand your attention. Auspicious colours are mauve and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 27 and 5.
You and a spouse might be wasting your emotions today squabbling over a home or family related matter that you both seemed to have blown out of proportion. Put things in perspective. Vibrant colours are fawn and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 37 and 72.
You'll have the inner resolve to take care of a family situation that involves money today with great bravado. Perhaps you'll take the lead in a real estate matter or organize a garage sale. Energising colours are dark green and sable. Lucky numbers are 9 and 47.
A square between the Sun and Neptune will give off vapours of confusion all around. In your case this will be most heavily felt in any type of financial situation you're tangled up in with a group or perhaps a friend. Ideal colours are brilliant white and bright red. Lucky numbers are 27 and 1.
You might say something you regret today. With the energy of Moon square Mercury affecting your third house of communication and twelfth house of secrets, it's quite possible that you could inadvertently reveal something better left unsaid. Auspicious colours are sapphire blue and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 51.
Today is a universally lucky day as Jupiter and the Sun embrace in a gorgeous link. You'll get the sense that a friend or your spouse will be instrumental in helping you achieve a personal goal. Beneficial colours are gunmetal grey and golden wheat. Lucky numbers are 23 and 57.
You will enjoy spending this special time in a group setting or amongst friends. Whether you're a mother or not, this atmosphere will enhance your sense of self-worth and make the day more enjoyable. Fortunate colours are tan and ivory. Lucky numbers are 5 and 43.
A conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your income sector and the area of your chart that rules personal worth will have you passionate about asserting your value to the world. You may be a little too aggressive about it. Expansive colours are magnolia and violet. Lucky numbers are 9 and 26.
Today Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters fiery Leo and your second house of income and values. You will notice an increase in expenses now so be aware of this as you move ahead with purchases for the next few weeks. Propitious colours are ochre and dark green. Lucky numbers are 35 and 37.
The opposition between the Moon and Pluto today brings an emotionally wrought power struggle for all of us in some way. For you this will be most felt in a close personal relationship. Examine your motives carefully. Favourable colours are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 16 and 59.
The jumpy square from the Moon to Uranus will have you feeling one way in the morning and an entirely different way by afternoon! You've got to get a better handle on your own opinions. They are way too flighty today. Upbeat colours are cerise and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 44.
This isn't best day to speak your mind. You'll feel a great deal of hesitation and an unwillingness to reveal your inner most thoughts and feelings thanks to a tense square from the Moon to Saturn. It'll pass. Ideal colours are plum and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 34 and 2.
There's a fantastic New Moon in the area of your chart that rules friendships as well as your most personal aspirations. You have a cosmic opportunity to make a dream come true. Don't doubt the support you have now from friends! Prosperous colours are nutmeg and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 2.
The alignment of the tender Moon with gracious Venus is a feel good day for all of us. You will be particularly fortunate when a friendship not only inspires you but makes you happier than you imagined possible. Love knows no limits. Auspicious colours are dark yellow and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 31 and 15.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You need to have a serious conversation with a sibling or cousin. Don't delay the inevitable any longer. Beneficial colours are cherry blossom and champagne. Lucky numbers are 4 and 14.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and begins a tour of your twelfth house. You will likely keep your thoughts to yourself more than usual. It's a good time to keep a diary and reflect. Inventive colours are pewter and pastel pink. Lucky numbers are 31 and 57.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. Everyone will experience a blast of luck from the universe. Yours will come through a message from a friend or spouse. Fortunate colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 37 and 20.

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