Capricorn's Horoscopes |



Born between: Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

Highly intelligent and organised, the Capricorn star sign often relates to characterises of perseverance and planning. Capricorns need to be careful to not take on too many of other people's problems on top of their own.

It's a five star day for international business or a creative adventure that requires travel. Take a gamble today because it's going to pay off. Fortuitous colours are peach and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 11 and 62.
Today you can expect action concerning family money issues. It is likely to be settled in a favourable way so if you've been waiting to hear about a real estate or inheritance matter, this might be the day. Fortunate colours are jade and cerulean blue. Lucky numbers are 21 and 7.
There could be some unexpected words that come out of your mouth now as the Moon aligns with surprise planet Uranus in your third house of communication. What you say will be anyone's guess.... Positive colours are saffron and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 21 and 57.
Today the Moon tours Pisces and the third house in your birth chart. This suggests emotional communication will be the hallmark of your day. You're able to express how you feel beautifully. Receptive colours are aquamarine and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 43.
Although Neptune turned retrograde yesterday with Mercury, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. Fabulous colours are charcoal and fire engine red. Lucky numbers are 9 and 54.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, turns retrograde in your sixth house of work and service. Don't be surprised when the boss demands you revise an important project. Take it in stride. Polarising colours are ivory and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 32 and 78.
This is a day when you want to chase financial possibilities. You're sensitive about security issues but at the same time, you're brave enough to take the driver's seat to prosperity. Courage pays off. Vibrant colours are azure and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 4 and 17.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters your sixth house of work and service. If you're single, a new office romance may begin. Either way, you'll love to work now more than ever! Receptive colours are lavender and aqua. Lucky numbers are 5 and 3.
Today the Moon is in your sign which makes you more emotionally aware than usual. It's a good time to reflect on how you truly feel about things before you make a decision. Auspicious colours are magenta and mango. Lucky numbers are 14 and 3.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You will feel trapped within your own ideologies today. It isn't pleasant. Beneficial colours are mustard and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 68.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, dances with Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Expect it in a communication project or contract negotiation. Favourable colours are mango and lilac. Lucky numbers are 16 and 58.
A nebulous square between Venus and Neptune can mean you are not seeing the finances of your romantic partner clearly. Demand the truth. Expressive colours are warm brown and apricot. Lucky numbers are 37 and 11.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. You might need to say goodbye to a friend. Fortunate colours are violet and magnolia. Lucky numbers are 25 and 9.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. You'll feel this in romance strongly. Ideal colours are vanilla and mauve. Lucky numbers are 25 and 42.
There's going to be some promising news concerning the stability of a legal or publishing matter today. Group involvement is the key to success - you can't do it alone. Fortunate colours are platinum and plum. Lucky numbers are 8 and 35.
You have an over-emotional day ahead, Capricorn and it will have to do with a professional matter. You want to strike a balance and co-operate but at the same time, the urge to be an individual is strong. It may create tension. Auspicious colours are autumn shades and lemon. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
It's going to be one of those days when you stand up to authority and assert your own autonomy. Thankfully, it'll work in your favour. Positive colours are marzipan and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 27 and 72.
There's an unpleasant square between the Sun and Neptune which will bring mist to the mind of everyone in some capacity. Don't make any important financial decisions today. Favourable colours are khaki and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 3 and 20.
You have so many opinions today about how the office should be run that you might seem somewhat militant about it. Co-workers won't like it one bit, so don't take this too far. Favourable colours are pineapple and coffee. Lucky numbers are 20 and 4.
The trine between the Sun and benefic Jupiter will provide a burst of luck for everyone today. You can expect yours to be in romance or risk taking. It's a great day to buy a raffle or lottery ticket! Fortunate colours are mango and cream. Lucky numbers are 10 and 16.
You have the best of both worlds this Mother's Day. Expect fun and time well spent with any children, while also revelling in the affections of a lover. You'll be in love with love! Fortunate colours are cherry blossom and apple green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 12.
Today there is an alignment of the Moon to Mars in your eighth house of other people's money. If you have been working on any type of real estate deal or dealing with family money through inheritance or settlement you can expect aggravation. Propitious colours are emerald and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 39 and 55.
Today Mars, the planet of action, enters fiery Leo and your eighth house of shared resources. Your partner may suddenly find an increase in expenses that he or she hadn't anticipated. You'll feel the crunch..... Empowering colours are raspberry and blackcurrant. Lucky numbers are 12 and 76.
Today there is a Moon-Pluto opposition that will send a cosmic vibe to everyone having to do with emotional manipulation. For you this will become dominant in a close relationship. Be aware. Polarising colours are maroon and chestnut. Lucky numbers are 39 and 70.
A harsh square between the Moon and Uranus will have your emotions spiralling out of control. In particular, you may feel more emotional than usual when other people give you messages or letters. Don't over-react to any correspondence. Harmonious colours are blueberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 11 and 28.
Today could be a day when your dreams of attaining something on the job are squelched. Realize this is only a temporary setback and don't blow it out of proportion. Vibrant colours are jade and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 26 and 7.
A New Moon in your fifth house of romance suggests vibrant opportunity for romance is coming your way if you're single. If attached, you may begin a new creative project. Positive colours are pale gold and russet. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
This is a sweet day for you in the romance department. Tender Moon aligns with Venus, the planet of love, in your fifth house of true love and sex. It'll be everything you hoped for and more. Insightful colours are mandarin and silver. Lucky numbers are 24 and 58.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You have an inflated idea of how a work project should be carried out. A co-worker might put you in your place. Favourable colours are cadmium red and cocoa. Lucky numbers are 1 and 30.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and begins a tour of your sixth house of work, health and service. This is a great time to learn something new about an area of health that interests you. Work is busy, busy. Expressive colours are magenta and caramel. Lucky numbers are 38 and 7.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three earth signs. This is a wonderful time for you to materialize a creative project. Expect help from a foreigner. Intuitive colours are caramel and jasmine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 38.

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