Images's Horoscopes |



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The energy of the day all points to steady increases in security. You'll find this most predominantly in your home and family situation. You're finally back in control. Fortunate colours are strawberry and peach. Lucky numbers are 25 and 77.
This is a great time to take a behind the scenes role in a family matter, or delve into the psychological underpinnings of a relative. Your insight is highly tuned at the moment and you won't come on too strong. Harmonious colours are ebony and tan. Lucky numbers are 6 and 47.
Today is a great day to move forward in negotiating a plan to make a personal goal reality. Expect loyal and steadfast support from your spouse or partner. Positive colours are navy and beige. Lucky numbers are 20 and 43.
Expect to be in top form today when it comes to your reputation. It looks as though nothing can mar the steady and loyal characteristics you've managed to convey to higher ups. Fortunate colours are dark gold and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 8 and 26.
This is a stellar day for you in the communications department Pisces, despite Mercury going retrograde. Friends and your spouse or partner will value every thought that comes from your lovely creative brain. Dynamic colours are bright red and bright purple. Lucky numbers are 17 and 15.
You have all the material security you need right now. The Universe truly does provide what you need, precisely at the moments you need it. Fortunate colours are chocolate and lemon. Lucky numbers are 14 and 36.
This could be the day you've been waiting for when it comes to stellar career news. A grand trine in Earth signs connects your money, work and honours areas in your birth chart. Reward and success is yours. Opportune colours are persimmon and jade. Lucky numbers are 22 and 15.
It's a five star day for international business or a creative adventure that requires travel. Take a gamble today because it's going to pay off. Fortuitous colours are peach and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 11 and 62.
There's a great day ahead, Virgo. In fact, it might be your best day this week for a romantic interlude with someone special. Take a risk in love. Vibrant colours are mandarin and silver. Lucky numbers are 24 and 47.
This is the best day of the week. The Moon is in your sign making you more aware of your emotional well being. Gorgeous links from the Moon to both Pluto and Saturn today will help you create more structure in the expression of your ideals and beliefs. A good day for romance! Inspirational colours are coffee and russet. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
Today is a five star career day for you! Practical considerations are going to blend easily with your mood. There's no trouble using your instincts as a gauge to guide you towards professional transformation. Auspicious colours are sky blue and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 4 and 15.
This is a day when you can do no wrong. It will feel as though you're completely understood by friends and your partner. There's an almost telepathic connection. Auspicious colours are moonlight blue and golden wheat. Lucky numbers are 28 and 59.
This should be your best day of the week! The Moon is now in your sign and will embrace Mars, your ruler, in a very good trine. This is when you want to express yourself to a romantic partner. Make the first move! Ideal colours are hazelnut and cerulean blue. Lucky numbers are 18 and 55.
It's a grand day to re-connect with your spouse or partner. A fabulous link between Mars and the Moon supports enthusiastic expression of emotions and ardent love making. Sensual colours are blackberry and russet. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
You have a great day of social energy ahead. Make time for an important meeting, since it spells auspicious things for you in terms of client relations. Beneficial colours are sable and lavender. Lucky numbers are 30 and 3.
A great trine today between the Moon and Mars is likely to give you a boost in communicating your desires to groups or in a meeting. Your words pack a punch. Stabilising colours are violet and apricot. Lucky numbers are 20 and 38.
Today you can expect action concerning family money issues. It is likely to be settled in a favourable way so if you've been waiting to hear about a real estate or inheritance matter, this might be the day. Fortunate colours are jade and cerulean blue. Lucky numbers are 21 and 7.
This is a powerful day to hone in on your more intuitive side with phenomenal results. There's super energy behind your more hidden assets. Use it or lose it. Energising colours are amethyst and dark red. Lucky numbers are 1 and 69.
Today there's a great line up for Mars at the top of your chart connected to the Moon in your work sector. It's a banner career day where you can move mountains. You're in charge! Auspicious colours are persimmon and apple green. Lucky numbers are 50 and 2.
A fantastic link today between the Moon and Mars brings assertive action and feeling to your daily tasks. You feel passionate about your work and your worth in this world. Inspirational colours are champagne and lime. Lucky numbers are 5 and 58.
Today the Moon aligns with Mars at a brilliant angle. You'll notice that the efforts you take to enhance your professional value are well received. Positive colours are navy and maroon. Lucky numbers are 10 and 5.
It's a great five star day! Mars is in your sign and will make a beautiful link to the Moon. You are in command and the best part is you know it. Prosperous colours are vanilla and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 7 and 3.
The family situation that exploded earlier in the week can now be resolved. If you're able to confront your personal fears about this situation it will make it easier for you to move on. Fortunate colours are cherry blossom and apple green. Lucky numbers are 39 and 20.
It's a great day for planning a trip with a romantic partner. There's strong sexual energy that makes you want to experience all types of adventures together. Enjoy! Auspicious colours are buttercup yellow and apple green. Lucky numbers are 20 and 8.
The Moon in your sign aligns with unsteady Uranus today. The mood you'll be in now is anyone's guess! It will have its ups and downs, so be ready for an emotional rollercoaster day. Fortunate colours are pewter and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 28 and 3.
You may suddenly decide that your religion or a long held philosophy or belief no longer holds any truth for you. It will be an unexpected shift. Ideal colours are terracotta and jade. Lucky numbers are 16 and 13.
There's a Moon-Uranus conjunction today and this spells some frisky and unpredictable moods for you. It's possible that you will decide to pursue an unusual health practice, just for kicks. Expressive colours are apricot and bronze. Lucky numbers are 35 and 67.
There could be some moody outbursts from children in your life today. They need your attention and you should get to the bottom of this situation rather quickly. It's a cry for help. Fortunate colours are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 13 and 36.
An unstable connection between the Moon and Uranus today in your second house of income brings some unexpected financial news. It could go either way. Propitious colours are black satin and lilac. Lucky numbers are 13 and 29.
The Moon is conjunct with jumpy Uranus today in your family and home sector. The urge to break up something in your home is strong since a changeable mood aches for a new atmosphere. Ideal colours are aqua and plum. Lucky numbers are 13 and 41.
This is a moody day for a business partner or romantic partner. Be sure to understand the reasons behind an apparent erratic outburst before you take it so personally. Prosperous colours are dark purple and lavender. Lucky numbers are 30 and 51.
You may suddenly need to help an ailing relative or friend. This person might not like taking assistance and revolt against your kindness. Do the right thing anyway. Beneficial colours are holly red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 19 and 76.
Expect the unexpected from a female friend today. News about a sudden change in her life may spark the desire for you to re-evaluate your own routine. Is it time for a change? Inspirational colours are chocolate and caramel. Lucky numbers are 8 and 54.
Emotions may fly on the job today. You're not exactly going to be cool and steady with the Moon conjunct jumpy Uranus at the top of your chart. Don't jump to conclusions - you're hypersensitive. Diplomatic colours are sable and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 17 and 40.
There could be some unexpected words that come out of your mouth now as the Moon aligns with surprise planet Uranus in your third house of communication. What you say will be anyone's guess.... Positive colours are saffron and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 21 and 57.
This could be a day of unexpected emotional outbursts from co- workers or employees. It's possible that someone may decide to quit out of the blue. Auspicious colours are golden honey and pearl. Lucky numbers are 11 and 44.
Today the Moon tours sensitive Pisces and your fourth house of home and family. The nesting instinct is strong now and it's a great day to spend quality time at home with relatives. Favourable colours are hazelnut and cadmium red. Lucky numbers are 40 and 9.
Today the Moon tours Pisces and the third house in your birth chart. This suggests emotional communication will be the hallmark of your day. You're able to express how you feel beautifully. Receptive colours are aquamarine and copper. Lucky numbers are 16 and 43.
Today the Moon tours your eighth house of shared resources. You have a sharp instinct for other people's problems and how to help them make the most of what belongs to them. Auspicious colours are ruby red and ginger. Lucky numbers are 22 and 73.
Today the Moon glides into Pisces and illuminates your fifth house of true love, creativity and children. It's a great date night - use your imagination and plan something extraordinary! Beneficial colours are claret and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 22 and 10.
Today the Moon is in sensitive Pisces and will tour your ninth house of spirituality. You've got a strong faith in the good of humanity right now. Expansive colours are copper and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 26.
The Moon is touring your tenth house of fame and honours today. This gives you an opportunity to be in the public eye in some way. Use the energy to your best advantage. Expansive colours are kiwifruit and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 34 and 66.
The Moon glides into your sixth house of work and service today. It's possible that you will be a bit of a workaholic and take on a lot more than usual for your personality. Positive colours are dark gold and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 13 and 10.
Your focus is on relationships today, Virgo as the Moon passes through your seventh house of committed partnerships. It's likely that understanding your spouse or partner's feelings is more important to you now. Ideal colours are chocolate and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 40 and 61.
You might prefer to remain in your own little fantasy world today. With a Pisces Moon touring your house of secrets and isolation, you're a bit more emotionally vulnerable than usual. It's a good day to meditate. Auspicious colours are spearmint and ginger. Lucky numbers are 6 and 1.
The Moon tumbles into Pisces and becomes hypnotized with issues pertaining to self-worth and money. You are too emotionally insecure to make financial decisions today, Aquarius. Put them off until tomorrow. Beneficial colours are apple green and mango. Lucky numbers are 15 and 4.
The Moon glides into your sign today, making you acutely aware of your emotions. A sensitive sign to begin with, now you'll be more in touch with your feelings than usual. A good day for soul care. Upbeat colours are cobalt blue and blackcurrant. Lucky numbers are 20 and 22.
The Moon is touring your eleventh house of friendships and goals now. It's a good time to plan a party or social gathering. You'll use your imagination and want to be with your more creative or intuitive pals. Positive colours are cocoa and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 6 and 50.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. Your mind is more concerned with spiritual matters. Fortunate colours are gunmetal grey and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 11 and 34.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. It's time to listen to your heart. Favourable colours are ruby red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 21 and 10.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. Your partner will seem more elusive. Favourable colours are pea green and claret. Lucky numbers are 13 and 28.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers, rather than to the external world. Pay attention to your dreams. Beneficial colours are tangerine and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. You're rethinking career aspirations now. Expressive colours are blackberry and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 31 and 60.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. Opportune colours are ochre and raven black. Lucky numbers are 31 and 43.
Although Neptune turned retrograde yesterday with Mercury, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. Fabulous colours are charcoal and fire engine red. Lucky numbers are 9 and 54.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. Trust your instincts. Providential colours are grapefruit and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 18 and 62.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. The solution to a family problem lies inside your soul. Expansive colours are plum and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 19 and 48.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. You may be more interested in alternative health practices. Fortuitous colours are taupe and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 24 and 43.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers, rather than to the external world. You're more in tune with yourself than ever. Fortunate colours are garnet and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 61 and 29.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. Dreams are internalized. Fortunate colours are claret and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 24 and 7.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, turns retrograde in the area of your chart that rules romance: an old flame might resurface. It should be fun! Romantic colours are white lace and dark purple. Lucky numbers are 50 and 64.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters its retrograde phase and affects you most strongly in your eighth house of shared resources. If you were waiting on news concerning a financial venture where you require another person's capital, plan to wait some more. Beneficial colours are spearmint and crimson. Lucky numbers are 25 and 2.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your eleventh house of friends, groups and goals. It's possible that some old friends will resurface. Old dreams are revisited. Prosperous colours are hazelnut and mango. Lucky numbers are 3 and 20.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in the area of your chart that rules home and family. There's a great deal of family miscommunication now: speak clearly, but remember to listen. Peaceful colours are pastel pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 30 and 26.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your tenth house of fame and honours. It's likely that you will experience heavy delays in your career developments over the next three weeks. Receptive colours are ivory and crimson. Lucky numbers are 16 and 74.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your 9th house of spirituality and long distance travel. You may go back to old philosophies. It's a bad time to plan a trip. Polarising colours are ginger and jade. Lucky numbers are 2 and 46.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your twelfth house of all that is hidden. It's likely that you are going to be more introspective than normal with this position however others will assume you're hiding something. Alluring colours are dark green and mauve. Lucky numbers are 15 and 7.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your sign. This is a double whammy, since you're ruled by this planet and it's giving you a direct hit. Don't make any important moves now. Favourable colours are black olive and green olive. Lucky numbers are 34 and 12.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, turns retrograde in your sixth house of work and service. Don't be surprised when the boss demands you revise an important project. Take it in stride. Polarising colours are ivory and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 32 and 78.
Today Mercury, the planet ruling communication, turns retrograde in this sector, wreaking havoc everywhere. Don't sign anything, or begin new projects now. You'll only experience frustration. Harmonious colours are honeycomb and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 72.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your second house of income. It's possible that you might experience a delay in a financial settlement or in a promised salary increase. Fortunate colours are cerise and ivory. Lucky numbers are 32 and 41.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships. You might go back to old negotiations with a spouse or business partner. It's a bad time to get married or sign contracts. Auspicious colours are jade and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 30 and 73.
Your mood is very likely to affect your health today so be careful how you internalize angry feelings. The best thing you can do is find a physical outlet for this upset the universe has thrown your way. Polarising colours are strawberry and sapphire. Lucky numbers are 19 and 22.
There could be a bit of aggravation between you and your spouse or partner today. You want to instigate this argument over some hurt feelings. Your partner might be a little too eager to fight back. Alluring colours are plum and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 1 and 42.
You and a spouse or partner are in for a rough day ahead and the potential for disagreements and nasty words are strong. Just be sure it's really worth fighting for... Peaceful colours are strawberry and water melon. Lucky numbers are 12 and 31.
You have a lot of opinions today, haven't you Sagittarius? The only problem lies in the fact that you seem to believe your word is law and don't care about anyone else's feelings concerning the matter. Favourable colours are jet black and primrose yellow. Lucky numbers are 29 and 10.
This is a day when you want to chase financial possibilities. You're sensitive about security issues but at the same time, you're brave enough to take the driver's seat to prosperity. Courage pays off. Vibrant colours are azure and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 4 and 17.
There could be a quarrel amongst friends and lovers today. All is not fair in love and war and you are the last person who is comfortable around such hostility. Thankfully, it won't last too long. Expressive colours are violet and lemon. Lucky numbers are 12 and 53.
Your actions might be a little bit too overbearing today. Keep this in mind when a power struggle over finances occurs since it's likely to get your temper flared up. Someone is testing your limits. Inspirational colours are silver and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 25 and 4.
Be aware how confrontational your words could be today. It's easy for others to perceive you as ramming your beliefs down their throats. Easy does it! Positive colours are indigo and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 16 and 24.
A family explosion may cause a great distraction in your professional world. Angry feelings from a family member are quite intense at the moment. It might be a good day to leave the office alone and tend to this relative. Polarising colours are plum and copper. Lucky numbers are 32 and 71.
Your enthusiasm in a new creative project may not fare well in the eyes of a friend. His or her mood is somewhat combative in your latest attempt to express yourself. Go figure. Advantageous colours are ruby red and white quartz. Lucky numbers are 16 and 25.
You have an angry and bolshy attitude regarding a service you're being asked to perform today. If you can, just grin and bear it since you can never be sure when you'll need some help of your own.... Auspicious colours are silver and autumn shades. Lucky numbers are 7 and 51.
There could be a conflict today with an authority figure. You're not likely to take too kindly to their orders and there's a tendency to lash out on your part. Liberating colours are brass and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 35 and 44.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters your sixth house of work and service. If you're single, a new office romance may begin. Either way, you'll love to work now more than ever! Receptive colours are lavender and aqua. Lucky numbers are 5 and 3.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will enter your twelfth house of all that's hidden. You may be thinking more about unrequited love than usual. You're hiding your talents now. Why? Beneficial colours are pale gold and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 9 and 70.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Gemini and tours your fourth house of home and family. It's an excellent time to consider a move or home renovation. Interaction with relatives is more harmonious now. Strong colours are black and lavender. Lucky numbers are 12 and 2.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters the area of your chart that has to do with career and honours. You'll charm your way back into public favour now. A real politician! Alluring colours are spring green and fudge. Lucky numbers are 21 and 2.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters the sign Gemini and begins a tour of your eleventh house of friends, groups and goals. You've got astounding energy now to enjoy a rich social life and attract what you need to make a dream come true. Bright colours are bronze and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 6 and 11.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters your sign. This brings you fantastic powers of attraction and personal magnetism. Go after who and what you want! Auspicious colours are teal blue and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 26 and 9.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Gemini and will begin a tour of your third house of communication. Your words will flow effortlessly now. Favourable colours are silver and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 12 and 20.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters the sign Gemini and will begin a tour of your second house of finances. Expect money to come your way! Advantageous colours are chocolate and magenta. Lucky numbers are 35 and 44.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters the Gemini and begins a tour of your seventh house of committed partnerships. There's never been a better time to be in love! Harmonious colours are turquoise and maroon. Lucky numbers are 17 and 12.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Gemini and tours your eighth house of sex and intimacy. Your erotic life is explored with greater depth now. Inspirational colours are butterscotch and plum. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Gemini and will tour your ninth house of the higher mind. It's a great time to take a new class and broaden your intellectual horizons. Beneficial colours are ginger and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 77.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters fellow Air sign Gemini and begins a tour of your fifth house of romance. It could be time for new love. Opportunity will strike! Expressive colours are dark gold and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 8 and 36.
The Moon tours the sober sign of Capricorn today and this is not exactly a comfortable place for the Moon to be since she is so emotional and Capricorn is more rigid. You have potential to be in the public eye nevertheless. Auspicious colours are bronze and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 34 and 17.
The Moon tours Capricorn today and will pass through your fifth house of true love and creative self expression. You are intensely serious about these matters now. It's business before pleasure. Emotional colours are copper and magenta. Lucky numbers are 24 and 10.
Today's Moon in Capricorn will tour your second house of finances and self worth. This will stabilize your mood in terms of these areas and you'll work in a conscientious way to improve things. Ideal colours are marmalade and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 13 and 6.
There's a a sombre mood when you think about a family situation now. You want to take command of it all yet there seems to be rules that are out of your control that you must follow. Sensitive colours are jade and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 37 and 71.
The Moon takes a serious turn in Capricorn today. She will glide through your sixth house of work, health and service so it's a great time to pay attention to any neglected health matters Positive colours are garnet and ginger. Lucky numbers are 22 and 50.
Today the Moon is in your sign which makes you more emotionally aware than usual. It's a good time to reflect on how you truly feel about things before you make a decision. Auspicious colours are magenta and mango. Lucky numbers are 14 and 3.
The Moon tours Capricorn today and her emotions will be inhibited. You will be able to move forward with greater discipline in a financial matter involving other people's resources. Fortunate colours are burgundy and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 32 and 24.
The Moon tours Capricorn now and will pass through your eleventh house of friends, groups and goals. Your emotional nature is tied to the needs of a friend now. Your sense of security relies heavily upon your personal ambitions. Fortunate colours are ebony and ivory. Lucky numbers are 20 and 67.
The Moon tours sober Capricorn today and will tone down your usually moody nature. In fact, you'll be able to see your partner's perspectives without your own emotionalism getting in the way. Fortuitous colours are ivory and fawn. Lucky numbers are 4 and 42.
The Moon in Capricorn tours your twelfth house of all that's hidden now. You are somewhat guarded today when it comes to expressing your feelings in the open, however, your mood is going to be very obvious nonetheless. Auspicious colours are pastel pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 31 and 13.
The Moon in Capricorn will tour your third house of communication today. This brings a responsible mood and mindset in terms of your thoughts and how you express yourself to others. Communicative colours are cherry blossom and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 74.
A sober Moon in Capricorn will have everyone in a more conservative mood. You'll be attentive to your spiritual pursuits and your commitment to them. Beneficial colours are salmon and cream. Lucky numbers are 22 and 49.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You will feel trapped within your own ideologies today. It isn't pleasant. Beneficial colours are mustard and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 68.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You'll feel this from an authority figure and nothing you do seems good enough. Beneficial colours are charcoal and magenta. Lucky numbers are 28 and 19.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. Family obligations and a nagging spouse or partner may only add to these feelings of inadequacy you harbour. Advantageous colours are ruby red and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 18 and 58.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You want to travel but it's simply not an option at the moment. It's all so frustrating. Auspicious colours are pastel pink and brass. Lucky numbers are 2 and 38.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You feel as though you've reached a glass ceiling in terms of your profession. It hurts. Sensitive colours are aubergine and ivory. Lucky numbers are 32 and 58.
An unpleasant square between the Sun and Saturn today is likely to make you painfully aware of your own limits in a certain area of your world. Expect to feel it in communications. You've got a lot of work ahead. Ideal colours are tangerine and lavender. Lucky numbers are 20 and 14.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You'll feel this most in your values clashing with your ability to express yourself freely. Energising colours are mango and plum. Lucky numbers are 12 and 73.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You'll feel this most in family matters. There's only so much you can do. Beneficial colours are cream and cocoa. Lucky numbers are 45 and 16.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You will feel this strongly when it comes to your place in a group. Prosperous colours are pewter and maroon. Lucky numbers are 25 and 16.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You'll feel this most in your inability to help a friend help himself now. Fortunate colours are peach and mauve. Lucky numbers are 24 and 77.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You've been feeling a little trapped in the romance department. Today you feel downright suffocated! Ideal colours are dark yellow and oyster. Lucky numbers are 2 and 33.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You'll feel this most in communication matters. You can't say what you really want to. Ideal colours are peacock blue and coffee. Lucky numbers are 19 and 2.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, winks at Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. You may find it through a friend. Networking pays off now! Ideal colours are dusky rose and sage green. Lucky numbers are 39 and 67.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, winks at Uranus, the planet of unexpected events, today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Expect it to happen in a family matter or with a relative's health. Prosperous colours are silver and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 16 and 70.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, dances with Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Expect it in a communication project or contract negotiation. Favourable colours are mango and lilac. Lucky numbers are 16 and 58.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, tangos with Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. This will have to do with romantic matters. You're free to love. Opportune colours are russet and avocado. Lucky numbers are 24 and 78.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, winks at Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours and it'll be felt in your career. Kudos! Liberating colours are cherry pink and violet. Lucky numbers are 28 and 57.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, winks at Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours and one of your dreams may come true! Auspicious colours are raspberry and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 22 and 52.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will send a wink to Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Expect it in family finances. Positive colours are dark gold and jet black. Lucky numbers are 2 and 19.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, dances with Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours in terms of how you use your imagination in career matters. Fortuitous colours are ruby red and oyster. Lucky numbers are 24 and 66.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will send a wink to Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. It's likely to be a financial windfall or an announcement of a new asset coming your way. Uplifting colours are ebony and banana yellow. Lucky numbers are 40 and 69.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will send a wink to Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Business dealings go well. Romantic colours are strawberry and honey. Lucky numbers are 4 and 61.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, winks at Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Expect it in your communications and a creative project. Expansive colours are apple green and pearl. Lucky numbers are 28 and 2.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, dances with Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Your spouse or a partner will hold the key. Auspicious colours are navy and tan. Lucky numbers are 22 and 71.
A troubling square between Venus and Neptune has you wanting to see only the best in a situation that has to do with work or health. You are ignoring the truth however. Propitious colours are violet and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 4 and 28.
A nasty square between Venus and Neptune has you wanting so badly to only see the best in things. However you are at risk for a massive deception now from a business partner. Grounding colours are bronze and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 17 and 35.
You have a lot on your mind that you'd like to express to office management or co-workers. Keep in mind however that today, despite your idealistic outlook, you may get more than one confused response. Auspicious colours are sienna and cerise. Lucky numbers are 10 and 6.
A nebulous square between Venus and Neptune can mean you are not seeing the finances of your romantic partner clearly. Demand the truth. Expressive colours are warm brown and apricot. Lucky numbers are 37 and 11.
A troublesome square between Venus and Neptune has you walking around with your eyes wide shut. In matters of the heart, this could be particularly brutal since you only see what you want to. Expansive colours are violet and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 33 and 45.
A nasty square between Venus and Neptune will make you only want to see the very best in a friend. Be aware of the potential for deception Cancer, despite your insistence that it cannot be. Alluring colours are silver and rose quartz. Lucky numbers are 14 and 59.
You might be taken for a ride today by a friend or group you are affiliated with. Under no circumstances should you involve yourself financially in any way. Fortunate colours are aquamarine and platinum. Lucky numbers are 13 and 8.
A nebulous square from Venus to Neptune has you very befuddled at the moment about a family situation. You don't know your place in it at all and may feel a little spaced out and lost. Favourable colours are lemon and sage green. Lucky numbers are 18 and 74.
Your highest aspirations and visions seem practical to you, but there's something you refuse to see. Take a step back and clear the fog. Fortunate colours are dark green and russet. Lucky numbers are 37 and 2.
You don't know where you stand today. A nasty square from Venus in your sign now to Neptune, the planet of confusion, has you unsure of your next move. Still, you're hopeful. Receptive colours are hazelnut and saffron. Lucky numbers are 14 and 78.
There's a harsh square between Venus and Neptune today that makes the world a bit fuzzier for all of us. In your case you might become a hopeless idealist in trying to help ease the suffering of a sibling or neighbor. Beneficial colours are burgundy and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 8 and 3.
A troublesome square between Venus and Neptune can deceive you into believing everything is wonderful when it really isn't. You might feel this strongly with a relative or spouse. Dig deeper. Ideal colours are russet and jade. Lucky numbers are 25 and 60.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. This Full Moon is in your sign making you painfully aware of what you need to let go of. Vibrant colours are ivory and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 4 and 67.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now, Leo. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. Expect this in a family matter. Inspirational colours are smoky quartz and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 9 and 15.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now, Libra. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. Expect this in a financial matter. You may lose an asset. Inspirational colours are brilliant white and magenta. Lucky numbers are 25 and 51.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. You've got to address your fears head on. Expansive colours are cherry blossom and apple green. Lucky numbers are 36 and 15.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now, Pisces. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. You may discard an outworn belief system. Vibrant colours are dark grape and champagne. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
You've got a relationship issue coming to a close now. Perhaps a divorce or breakup is finalized. You will be emotional but now the healing will begin in earnest. Favourable colours are silver and amber. Lucky numbers are 7 and 36.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. You may receive a financial settlement. Providential colours are cinnamon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 23 and 60.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. You might need to say goodbye to a friend. Fortunate colours are violet and magnolia. Lucky numbers are 25 and 9.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now, Gemini. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. Expect this most in a business matter and with co-workers. Receptive colours are navy and magnolia. Lucky numbers are 34 and 5.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now, Cancer. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. Expect this in matters of the heart. Sexual secrets are revealed. Insightful colours are avocado and azure. Lucky numbers are 23 and 54.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. Your professional direction is looked at with new eyes. Harmonious colours are aqua and mulberry. Lucky numbers are 39 and 56.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. Expect this in a communication matter. Contracts are completed. Auspicious colours are jade and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 28 and 70.
A great trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect it in your profession. You're noticed! Fortunate colours are navy and lemon. Lucky numbers are 38 and 3.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. You'll feel this in romance strongly. Ideal colours are vanilla and mauve. Lucky numbers are 25 and 42.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect it from friends or a partner. Fortunate colours are blueberry and mango. Lucky numbers are 20 and 59.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect it in a career and financial reward. Powerful colours are sapphire blue and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 5.
An excellent trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. You'll be rewarded for any type of public communication you perform now. A group presentation is favoured. Favourable colours are pale gold and mushroom. Lucky numbers are 18 and 35.
An excellent trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect it in a legal matter. You will prevail! Prosperous colours are rich brown and lavender. Lucky numbers are 29 and 12.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect it in a behind the scenes way. Guardian angels are helping you now. Propitious colours are brilliant white and jet black. Lucky numbers are 24 and 29.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. You'll feel this when an ailing relative receives some much needed reprieve. Opportune colours are coffee and silver. Lucky numbers are 37 and 67.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect it in negotiations with a business partner or important client. Favourable colours are pistachio and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 51.
A good trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect to feel triumph in a real estate or business matter. Fortunate colours are burnt orange and avocado. Lucky numbers are 30 and 6.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect to have a magnificent day with your children. Favourable colours are rich purple and apple green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 50.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. New job opportunities represent financial growth. Favourable colours are lavender and khaki. Lucky numbers are 12 and 61.
You'll feel extra competent today when it comes to handling s financial crisis that requires an enormous amount of detail to sort through. Lucky for you, the stars are on your side to get the job done. Favourable colours are spring green and fawn. Lucky numbers are 21 and 19.
The sextile from the Moon to Saturn will only help prove to a partner or spouse the depth of your loyalty. Your love is steady and you face your commitments with firm patience. Expansive colours are cobalt blue and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 31 and 12.
You'll make an important and practical decision today concerning family finances. Everyone in your clan will look to you as the authority now and you'll certainly deliver. Stable colours are dark yellow and crimson. Lucky numbers are 25 and 32.
It's a fabulous night for a party tonight, Virgo. Throw off those blues and get into the swing of things. Saturn in your sign has been truly bugging you, especially for Virgos born in August, but tonight has very exciting potential. Dynamic colours are bright red and champagne. Lucky numbers are 8 and 50.
A spouse or partner will help you keep your feet on the ground today. Accept the wise counsel he or she has to offer and know it's given with your best good in mind. Creative colours are navy and pastel pink. Lucky numbers are 36 and 43.
You have a sound business sense today. It's a great time to seal a crucial business deal or schedule a meeting with the boss or a potential venture capitalist. Inspirational colours are chestnut and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 27 and 54.
You'll feel as though it's your responsibility to express yourself creatively in some way today. It's likely that a communication related project or one having to do with children will demand your attention. Auspicious colours are mauve and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 27 and 5.
You have a knack for handling details in a home related matter today. It's possible that your physical home needs some attention - a leaky faucet or broken something or other. You'll take care of it. Fortunate colours are aquamarine and ochre. Lucky numbers are 9 and 62.
You'll want to spend some time alone today in order to assess your budget. This will be a good experience for you since you'll discover you're more resourceful than you thought. Expressive colours are khaki and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 50.
You'll be the support system that keeps it all together in a group situation or with a close friend's personal dilemma today. You're solid as a rock. Polarising colours are sage and fudge. Lucky numbers are 5 and 32.
You have great skills when it comes to looking behind the scenes and in unexpected places for the structure required in a career situation. You'll bring stability to the table. Prosperous colours are moonstone and aqua. Lucky numbers are 1 and 54.
There's going to be some promising news concerning the stability of a legal or publishing matter today. Group involvement is the key to success - you can't do it alone. Fortunate colours are platinum and plum. Lucky numbers are 8 and 35.
You have the tendency to be over-generous with a friend today when it comes to money. Realize what you're doing before it's too late! Fortunate colours are ginger and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 1 and 74.
You have an over-emotional day ahead. The sacrifices you might be asked to make today are going to trouble you because it might be at the expense of your freedom. Fortunate colours are cadmium red and champagne. Lucky numbers are 11 and 30.
You have an over-emotional day ahead, Capricorn and it will have to do with a professional matter. You want to strike a balance and co-operate but at the same time, the urge to be an individual is strong. It may create tension. Auspicious colours are autumn shades and lemon. Lucky numbers are 5 and 44.
You and a spouse might be wasting your emotions today squabbling over a home or family related matter that you both seemed to have blown out of proportion. Put things in perspective. Vibrant colours are fawn and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 37 and 72.
The Moon makes a square to Jupiter today. This isn't necessarily a negative aspect, but it is one where limits aren't known. You might overdo your emotional enthusiasm in a work related project. Inventive colours are marzipan and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
There's way too much enthusiasm regarding a personal goal at the moment. It's always good to think positive however you need to back up thoughts with deliberate intentions. Fortunate colours are avocado and peach. Lucky numbers are 21 and 17.
Saturn in your sign has been slowing you down in many ways. This is to help you crystallize your very identity. Today you'll have an opportunity to verbalize how much you've already learned. Fortunate colours are smoky quartz and peach. Lucky numbers are 26 and 42.
You have to know when to listen instead of speaking today. You're running your mouth off about this and that and will likely miss an important piece of information because of it. Beneficial colours are rich purple and emerald. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
It's likely that the support you feel from a partner is being given too freely, without regard for what you can actually accomplish. You wonder if it's disingenuous. Ideal colours are rich purple and azure. Lucky numbers are 30 and 65.
The potential for you to be a little bit too much in the financial business of a lover or new suitor is very high today. Know your place. Ideal colours are caramel and aqua. Lucky numbers are 10 and 26.
You might want to step away from a family situation today since you're likely to become over-emotional about it. There's not much you can do to change things at the moment, so just accept tit. Advantageous colours are lapis lazuli and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 29 and 12.
You might get into trouble for talking too much on the job today. Be aware of the strong potential for gossip or conversation that isn't in your own best interests. Prosperous colours are caramel and coffee. Lucky numbers are 34 and 3.
You've got a great day to plan a trip with friends or lead a new humanitarian project. You'll want to be the frontrunner in whatever you do today since there's strong passion behind your feelings. Beneficial colours are tan and spring green. Lucky numbers are 15 and 40.
The Moon forms a wonderful sextile to Mars bringing sensitive enthusiasm to your romantic life. It will be a banner day for love, sex and all the trimmings! Expansive colours are aqua and mango. Lucky numbers are 16 and 32.
This is a great day to use your willpower to your advantage in a health matter. The connection between your emotions and your physical well being are strong. You feel a strong desire to make changes. Liberating colours are russet and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 26 and 55.
You have a great ability to lead in a group setting today. Friends will look to you as the one who knows where everyone else needs to be. You're the pioneer. Dynamic colours are passionfruit and silver. Lucky numbers are 47 and 1.
It's going to be one of those days when you stand up to authority and assert your own autonomy. Thankfully, it'll work in your favour. Positive colours are marzipan and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 27 and 72.
You'll be a pillar of support for a relative with a health issue today. He or she will know that you can be counted on for assistance as well as motivation. Fortunate colours are vanilla and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 26 and 72.
You'll have the inner resolve to take care of a family situation that involves money today with great bravado. Perhaps you'll take the lead in a real estate matter or organize a garage sale. Energising colours are dark green and sable. Lucky numbers are 9 and 47.
You'll be able to declare your love for someone special with unbridled enthusiasm and courage. In fact, you might be the first one to say it, much to your lover's delight. Intuitive colours are silvery grey and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 17 and 35.
You have all the support you need right now from a spouse or partner with a strong conviction you hold. Although he or she might not agree with your opinions, the sustenance is there. Powerful colours are burnt orange and cream. Lucky numbers are 40 and 71.
You've got nerve! Of course everyone will see it as a positive quality today as the Moon makes a gorgeous sextile to our warrior planet Mars. It'll manifest strongly in a financial decision. Beneficial colours are silver and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 37 and 12.
You have a stellar opportunity to show what you're really made of today in a career situation. Impress the boss and make the right move - it's easier than you think! Harmonious colours are buttercup yellow and avocado. Lucky numbers are 40 and 67.
There's no doubt about it - you've found your voice today. It's possible that there's been a subject you've avoided communicating about out of fear recently. No more! It all comes out. Fortunate colours are chocolate and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 17.
A square between the Sun and Neptune will give off vapours of confusion all around. In your case this will be most heavily felt in any type of financial situation you're tangled up in with a group or perhaps a friend. Ideal colours are brilliant white and bright red. Lucky numbers are 27 and 1.
The energy of the Sun square to Neptune makes for a day of confusion and befuddlement. In your case it's possible that you'll misunderstand the needs of an authority figure in your life. Question partnerships. Harmonious colours are amber and aqua. Lucky numbers are 16 and 35.
The Sun is in an unfortunate square to Neptune, the planet of confusion and illusion. You might experience some type of fraudulent behaviour from a group or organization involving money. Stimulating colours are marigold and violet. Lucky numbers are 33 and 71.
The square between the Sun and Neptune today brings about a sense of confusion for all of us. In your case the clouds will be most apparent in a romantic matter. Take off the rose coloured glasses! Positive colours are caramel and holly red. Lucky numbers are 2 and 63.
You'll certainly feel the fog surrounding today's cosmic weather. The Sun square Neptune will bring mass confusion with a work related project. You don't understand the details. Auspicious colours are mandarin and coffee. Lucky numbers are 16 and 57.
There's an unpleasant square between the Sun and Neptune which will bring mist to the mind of everyone in some capacity. Don't make any important financial decisions today. Favourable colours are khaki and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 3 and 20.
There's a harsh square between the Sun and Neptune today which will confuse all of us in some way. Expect your befuddlement to happen every time you open your mouth. You're misunderstood. Ideal colours are cerulean blue and mango. Lucky numbers are 33 and 8.
There's a tense square between the Sun and Neptune today which will create an atmosphere of bewilderment for all of us. In your case, it will likely manifest strongly in an inability to tend to life's details with efficiency. Prosperous colours are brass and bronze. Lucky numbers are 25 and 53.
The square between the Sun in your sign and Neptune will create a strong identity crisis for you today, Taurus. It will focus on a career matter. You're not sure where you stand. Harmonious colours are aqua and ginger. Lucky numbers are 36 and 15.
The Sun is in a harsh aspect to Neptune today which will bring a day of confusion and possible deception for all. You'll feel it most strong in any type of interaction with foreigners or with the legal system. Harmonious colours are turquoise and peach. Lucky numbers are 1 and 55.
There's a fog in the cosmic sky thanks to a square between the Sun and Neptune. It will affect you in a domestic matter. You're not seeing things clearly. Favourable colours are nutmeg and sage green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 46.
The tense square between the Sun and Neptune is a bewildering type of cosmic energy that will cause everyone a bit of confusion. In your case this will manifest in your personal role in your home. Where do you stand? Prosperous colours are ginger and dark green. Lucky numbers are 19 and 70.
There's a tense square between the Moon and Mercury today which will affect your ability to be rational in a family matter. You're too busy feeling to think straight. Auspicious colours are aquamarine and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 31 and 45.
The Moon creates an unpleasant square to Mercury today and you are likely become emotionally charged when you speak about work related matters. Be extra careful how you come across to co workers. Inventive colours are chocolate and cream. Lucky numbers are 22 and 67.
You might say something you regret today. With the energy of Moon square Mercury affecting your third house of communication and twelfth house of secrets, it's quite possible that you could inadvertently reveal something better left unsaid. Auspicious colours are sapphire blue and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 51.
There's every possibility that you are talking yourself up a bit too much to the boss today. Your emotions aren't exactly subdued and this may be seen as unprofessional. Know your place. Favourable colours are coffee and russet. Lucky numbers are 27 and 33.
You might not want to believe everything a friend tells you today. It's not that he or she wants to tell you a blatant lie. Rather, it seems there might be an exaggeration of the truth. Beneficial colours are burgundy and sepia. Lucky numbers are 39 and 54.
Today's square between the Moon and chatty Mercury might have you talking too much about your innermost feelings. It's a good idea to edit yourself a bit lest a lover run for the hills. You'll be very open about those insecurity issues. Expressive colours are silver and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 34 and 2.
Your spouse or partner is running off at the mouth a little too much for comfort today. It seems the opinions about how you should run your career are strong and somewhat unwelcome. Polarising colours are mulberry and dark green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 77.
The Moon is in a tense aspect to Mercury today, which will have you brimming with emotional ardour over a family matter. Be careful how you talk to relatives since you may say something today that you'll regret tomorrow. Auspicious colours are spring green and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 33 and 8.
The unpleasant square between the Moon and Mercury today will make you a little bit too eager to learn about some topic that might be better off unexplored. Be careful. Communicative colours are cherry and dark green. Lucky numbers are 27 and 76.
The square between the Moon and Mercury creates an atmosphere where you talk too much about your emotions. You might reveal intimate details of your psyche today that you regret sharing by tomorrow. Beneficial colours are navy and ochre. Lucky numbers are 4 and 31.
You'll find that friends or an organization you're affiliated with are stretching their budget a little too much. For some reason they ask you to pick up the slack. Don't fall for it! Ideal colours are midnight blue and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 30 and 2.
You have so many opinions today about how the office should be run that you might seem somewhat militant about it. Co-workers won't like it one bit, so don't take this too far. Favourable colours are pineapple and coffee. Lucky numbers are 20 and 4.
The Sun makes a beautiful trine to Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance today. Everyone will receive a beam of happiness through this extraordinary aspect. For you it will have to do with a career and financial issue. Favourable colours are peach and hazelnut. Lucky numbers are 29 and 53.
This is a universally lucky day with the Sun making a glorious trine to benefic Jupiter. In your case, expect the good fortune to come from another person's financial resources. Lucky indeed! Ideal colours are strawberry and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 16 and 52.
The Sun aligns with Jupiter today in a universally lucky day. In your case, it will be felt strongly in your romantic life. If you're single this could be the day you meet someone extra special. Receptive colours are caramel and amber. Lucky numbers are 31 and 41.
The trine from the Sun to Jupiter today is a fortunate time for all. Expect your gifts to come from relatives. A sick person you love could now be healed. Favourable colours are burgundy and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
The trine between the Sun and Jupiter today makes for a lucky day all around. It is likely to give off some more specific fortunate energy for you in the areas of career and work. It's all good! Vibrant colours are pale gold and maroon. Lucky numbers are 5 and 19.
There's a trine between the Sun and benefic Jupiter which presents an opportunity for all of us in some way. Your luck will come in communication. It's a great time to give a speech or begin a writing project. Fortunate colours are charcoal and magenta. Lucky numbers are 31 and 18.
The trine between the Sun and benefic Jupiter will provide a burst of luck for everyone today. You can expect yours to be in romance or risk taking. It's a great day to buy a raffle or lottery ticket! Fortunate colours are mango and cream. Lucky numbers are 10 and 16.
The Sun makes a beautiful trine to Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance today. Everyone will receive a beam of happiness through this extraordinary aspect. You could receive some unexpected news about a joint financial venture. Inspirational colours are blueberry and avocado. Lucky numbers are 8 and 69.
There's a gorgeous trine between the Sun and Jupiter today which will bring some luck to everyone. In your case, expect the good fortune to happen with a possible new job opportunity that leads to better financial prospects. Positive colours are cerulean blue and cocoa. Lucky numbers are 34 and 72.
The Sun makes a beautiful trine to Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance today. Everyone will receive a beam of happiness through this extraordinary aspect. You might get beneficial news from a foreigner. Auspicious colours are parchment and magenta. Lucky numbers are 23 and 62.
A gorgeous trine between the Sun and Jupiter will present a cosmic gift to all. Yours will involve a sibling or an important communication/contract. Dynamic colours are platinum and bronze. Lucky numbers are 38 and 64.
Today is a universally lucky day as Jupiter and the Sun embrace in a gorgeous link. You'll get the sense that a friend or your spouse will be instrumental in helping you achieve a personal goal. Beneficial colours are gunmetal grey and golden wheat. Lucky numbers are 23 and 57.
You have plenty of love today from family members if you're a mum. Even if you're not, this will be a time of overindulgence with family so expect to eat, drink and be merry. Fortunate colours are lemon and cherry pink. Lucky numbers are 13 and 17.
There is gorgeous energy this Mother's Day with the Moon in your sign! If you're a mother, expect to feel adored and appreciated. Even if you're not, this will be a day when you shine. Favourable colours are sage green and chestnut. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
You might not appreciate the fact that your spouse or partner wants to spend so much time working today. Make it clear that this is a special day and you want to have him or her fully involved in the festivities. Insightful colours are grapefruit and peach. Lucky numbers are 31 and 15.
You'll have an extra social Mother's Day that could include a short road trip either for pleasure or to visit relatives. Either way, be sure to schedule some alone time since you'll value some quiet despite all the company. Prosperous colours are golden honey and cadmium red. Lucky numbers are 1 and 24.
It's going to be an extra special Mother's Day for you since the Moon in Leo will be touring your fifth house of children and romance today. Expect to be showered with more gifts than you can handle if you're a mother. If you're not then you should still be surrounded by children. Opportune colours are blueberry and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 36 and 10.
You've got all the ingredients of a busy day ahead. You'll want to spend some time indulging in a personal adventure but it's likely that prior commitments will get in the way. Make the best of it. Ideal colours are pineapple and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 14 and 7.
You have plenty of errands to run this Mother's Day but you won't seem to mind all that much. Expect a short trip either in your honour or to honour your own mother. Loving colours are strawberry and cream. Lucky numbers are 27 and 46.
You have the best of both worlds this Mother's Day. Expect fun and time well spent with any children, while also revelling in the affections of a lover. You'll be in love with love! Fortunate colours are cherry blossom and apple green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 12.
You'll feel the love today for sure. Expect breakfast in bed and a leisurely day when the kids volunteer to take care of all the details around the house. You might even get an expensive gift for your own mother. Ideal colours are pearl and caramel. Lucky numbers are 23 and 24.
You will enjoy spending this special time in a group setting or amongst friends. Whether you're a mother or not, this atmosphere will enhance your sense of self-worth and make the day more enjoyable. Fortunate colours are tan and ivory. Lucky numbers are 5 and 43.
You have a social day indeed ahead. The Moon in spotlight- loving Leo will pass through your eleventh house of groups and friends and there'll be plenty of female company to celebrate Mother's Day. Enjoy! Providential colours are cinnamon and jade. Lucky numbers are 40 and 4.
You might be doing a bit of travel for this Mother's Day. It would be fantastic if you could make a travel dream come true for your own mother as well. Just do it! Empowering colours are platinum and claret. Lucky numbers are 26 and 37.
There is a deeply felt conviction or belief that you want to share with others. This is a sensitive topic and you are passionate about your views. It may have to do with religion or a legal matter. Favourable colours are banana yellow and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 35 and 70.
Today's conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your career sector has you more passionate than ever about your professional goals. It's your time to get out there and claim your own success! Fortunate colours are mango and mulberry. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
Today there is an alignment of the Moon to Mars in your eighth house of other people's money. If you have been working on any type of real estate deal or dealing with family money through inheritance or settlement you can expect aggravation. Propitious colours are emerald and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 39 and 55.
You will feel a strong emotional connection to a child, creative project or lover today. In fact, your passions are running quite deep with the Moon next to fiery Mars. If there is a child in your life, you may fiercely protect him or her in some way. Fortuitous colours are turquoise and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 26 and 67.
Today the Moon aligns with Mars in a brilliant conjunction which should serve up a passionate bit of communication for you. You may declare your feelings for someone in a bold way. There is an impetuous and somewhat reckless streak to your messages. Bold colours are persimmon and platinum. Lucky numbers are 7 and 58.
Today there is a conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your seventh house of partnerships. This could be a volatile and emotional day where you end up arguing with your spouse or close partner. You feel touchy. Prosperous colours are apricot and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 34 and 2.
Today's conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your twelfth house might be a particularly emotional day for you. It seems as though you are frustrated over something you cannot yet reveal. Perhaps you are not even conscious of what makes you angry. Harmonious colours are apricot and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 11 and 43.
Today things get personal at home. One of your relatives may really strike a nerve with you and you can expect an ugly confrontation that may lead to tears of anger. Try your best to keep calm and regain perspective on the situation. Grounding colours are burnt orange and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 32 and 62.
A conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your income sector and the area of your chart that rules personal worth will have you passionate about asserting your value to the world. You may be a little too aggressive about it. Expansive colours are magnolia and violet. Lucky numbers are 9 and 26.
A juicy conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your sign will have the world knowing you are passionate and intense today. You have a lot of emotion behind your ambitions and everyone will hear the lion roar! Beneficial colours are blueberry and jasmine. Lucky numbers are 2 and 75.
There is a conjunction today between the Moon and Mars in your eleventh house of friendships and dreams. The sensitive steam you have inside of you is dominating and you may be bold or too forthright in the expression of your emotions. Auspicious colours are avocado and plum. Lucky numbers are 35 and 51.
Today there is a conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your sixth house of work and health. Be aware that overworking yourself today could be detrimental to your health. Take it easy! Grounding colours are cherry and vanilla. Lucky numbers are 29 and 40.
Today Mars, the planet of action and assertion, is in the fiery sign of Leo and enters your ninth house of spirituality and the higher mind. You may have opinions and ethics that are very strong now Sagittarius, but take care not to over-assert them at the expense of listening to others. Auspicious colours are ultramarine and plum. Lucky numbers are 11 and 8.
Today Mars, the planet of action and ambition, enters Leo and begins a tour of your twelfth house. This is a time when you will seem to lose your fight but what's really happening is that you're conserving energy. Bigger things are coming. Fortunate colours are jade and mushroom. Lucky numbers are 15 and 51.
Today Mars, the planet of action and energy, enters your fourth house of home and family. It's a time when there could be more aggravation around family related matters than usual. Try to channel this into a home renovation project so things don't get too chaotic. Communicative colours are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 35 and 72.
Today Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters fiery Leo and your second house of income and values. You will notice an increase in expenses now so be aware of this as you move ahead with purchases for the next few weeks. Propitious colours are ochre and dark green. Lucky numbers are 35 and 37.
Today Mars, the planet of action and energy, enters fiery Leo and your third house of communication. This is the best time to assert your voice and ideas, Gemini. You'll have no fear and little reserve when it comes to self expression. Beneficial colours are sepia and lilac. Lucky numbers are 7 and 33.
Today Mars, the planet of energy and ambition, dances into Leo and your fifth house of love, sex and creativity. You've got a cosmic green light for a tasty sexual adventure. Now is the time to unleash your inner child and launch a creative project. Expressive colours are pastel pink and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 5 and 16.
Today Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters fiery Leo and tours your eleventh house. There may be a flurry of arguments between you and friends or the abrupt and reckless pursuit of a dream. Opportune colours are teal blue and jasmine. Lucky numbers are 3 and 22.
Today Mars, the planet of action, enters Leo and your seventh house of relationships. This will bring a lot of activity between you and a spouse or partner. Channel it into as much physical release as you can. Beneficial colours are platinum and dark green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 42.
Today Mars, the planet of energy and action, enters fiery Leo and will begin a tour of your tenth house of career and honours. This is the time when you want to launch that new business or forge ahead with aggressive career plans. Favourable colours are smoky quartz and pastel pink. Lucky numbers are 27 and 12.
Today Mars, the planet of action and ambition, enters your sign. This is a once in two year glorious event so you must know how important it is! This is when you want to launch your most important new projects either career related or personal. You have boundless energy. Prosperous colours are parchment and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Today Mars, the planet of action, enters fiery Leo and your eighth house of shared resources. Your partner may suddenly find an increase in expenses that he or she hadn't anticipated. You'll feel the crunch..... Empowering colours are raspberry and blackcurrant. Lucky numbers are 12 and 76.
Today Mars, the planet of energy and action, enters Leo and your sixth house of work and service. Expect some annoyance to be par for the course on the job. Co-workers want to instigate and all you want to do is get things done. Favourable colours are azure and taupe. Lucky numbers are 10 and 3.
Today's opposition between the Moon and Pluto will engage everyone in an emotional struggle somehow. For you it will happen in matters of the heart. Pick your battles. Beneficial colours are warm brown and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 30 and 1.
You have an emotional leech on your hands today and it looks as if you're not quite sure how to deal with this one. On the one hand, you want to help this person but on the other, it's obvious that the more you give, the more they will want. Exercise your power. Calming colours are turquoise and ebony. Lucky numbers are 17 and 49.
The opposition between the Moon and Pluto today suggests an emotional power struggle or possible manipulation by you towards someone else. You may also be the victim of such deceit. It will come out visibly in a family situation. Ideal colours are strawberry and dark green. Lucky numbers are 26 and 50.
Today there is a Moon-Pluto opposition that will cause a great deal of emotional manipulation and struggle for everyone. In your case it will likely manifest between friends, or with a child or lover. Favourable colours are passionfruit and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 43.
An opposition between the Moon and wilful Pluto spells emotional manipulation at its finest. Whether you are the giver or taker remains to be seen. You can be sure power struggles will ensue in a legal or contract matter. Hold your ground. Inventive colours are magenta and silver. Lucky numbers are 40 and 67.
Today's opposition between the Moon and Pluto has you involved in an emotionally drenching struggle at home or with your career. Your reputation is at stake. If you've been honourable in the past you've got nothing to worry about. Favourable colours are aquamarine and marigold. Lucky numbers are 27 and 67.
Today's Moon-Pluto opposition is going to spell emotionally charged power struggles for everyone. In your chart this will most likely manifest in a financial matter. Receptive colours are pale gold and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 38 and 1.
The opposition between the Moon and Pluto today brings an emotionally wrought power struggle for all of us in some way. For you this will be most felt in a close personal relationship. Examine your motives carefully. Favourable colours are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 16 and 59.
Today there is a Moon-Pluto opposition that will send a cosmic vibe to everyone having to do with emotional manipulation. For you this will become dominant in a close relationship. Be aware. Polarising colours are maroon and chestnut. Lucky numbers are 39 and 70.
An opposition between the Moon and Pluto today ensures an emotional power struggle for all of us in some way. For you it will be specifically related to finances. Are you being taken advantage of or are you the one pulling some deceptive strings? Favourable colours are mango and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 34 and 2.
Today's opposition between the Moon and Pluto will result in an emotionally charged day of will power extremism for all of us. In your reality it will play out in a mind over matter type of way. Positive colours are ginger and salmon. Lucky numbers are 28 and 9.
Today there is a Moon-Pluto opposition that will affect everyone on the planet in a dynamic way. Power struggles are likely to be peppered with heavy emotions and possible manipulation. For you this will be most apparent in the workplace. Alluring colours are honeycomb and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 74 and 6.
The jumpy square from the Moon to Uranus will have you feeling one way in the morning and an entirely different way by afternoon! You've got to get a better handle on your own opinions. They are way too flighty today. Upbeat colours are cerise and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 44.
There is the potential for a rift between you and a spouse or close partner today. What's worse is that the energy indicates this fight of yours is going to take place in public view. Be careful how you proceed. Auspicious colours are copper and black olive. Lucky numbers are 6 and 49.
You might decide to run your mouth off in the wrong direction today. A square from the Moon to Uranus promises unexpected display of feelings. Since your communication sector is involved, you are more likely to voice your sensitivity very loudly. Harmonious colours are ultramarine and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 36 and 58.
There is a nasty square between the Moon and Uranus today which will make your emotions seem like they're on a roller coaster ride. This will be most apparent in your domestic life. Relatives will notice the instability. Fortunate colours are persimmon and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 18 and 35.
You might be a little too emotionally jumpy on the job today, so try your best to remain cautious when you interact with the boss or another authority figure. He or she may interpret your mood as quite erratic and detrimental to the company. Fortuitous colours are jasmine and violet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 49.
Emotions could run wild today thanks to a square from the Moon to surprise a minute Uranus. It will affect you most strongly in the pursuit of a personal goal. You're not sure if you're coming or going as plans may suddenly change leaving you feeling a bit shaky. Fortunate colours are peacock blue and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 1 and 45.
A square between the Moon and Uranus will send a bolt of unexpected emotions your way today. You might have to contend with an adjustment at work or with a legal matter. Expect the unexpected. Fortunate colours are dark yellow and copper. Lucky numbers are 5 and 43.
Today's energy will have your emotions in several different places all at once! Matters of the heart or a creative project that requires some soul searching are particularly important. Ideal colours are fawn and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 40 and 74.
The square between the Moon and Uranus today might have you a little antsy when it comes to your family life and obligations. You don't want to be tied down and might go to great lengths to avoid certain relatives. Communicative colours are warm brown and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 28 and 3.
A harsh square between the Moon and Uranus will have your emotions spiralling out of control. In particular, you may feel more emotional than usual when other people give you messages or letters. Don't over-react to any correspondence. Harmonious colours are blueberry and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 11 and 28.
This isn't the best day to make a financial decision - especially if it requires funding from an outside source. It seems as if you're itching to materialize a dream but you are better off waiting for a better day otherwise you may be disappointed. Fortunate colours are dusky pink and mushroom. Lucky numbers are 9 and 50.
Today there is a challenging square from the Moon to Uranus which suggests a lack of security with finances that gets you emotionally charged. You might be tempted to take a risk with money that isn't a sound idea. Grounding colours are dark gold and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 12 and 6.
Today's nasty square between the Moon and Saturn could bring a conflict with you and an authority figure. Neither one of you is considering the other person's feelings. Prosperous colours are hazelnut and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 29.
An unfortunate square between the Moon and Saturn will feel like a large brick on top of your soul. It's a depressing day and you may feel it more than most. The Sun will come out tomorrow. Ideal colours are chocolate and violet. Lucky numbers are 3 and 72.
Today could be a day when your dreams of attaining something on the job are squelched. Realize this is only a temporary setback and don't blow it out of proportion. Vibrant colours are jade and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 26 and 7.
A square between the Moon and Saturn will have you feeling pretty responsible and serious today when it comes to matters between you and a business partner. You want to be the one in charge and won't settle for less. Fortunate colours are tangerine and lime. Lucky numbers are 4 and 30.
A jittery square between the Moon and Saturn is going to inhibit the easy expression of your emotions. You feel insecure and unworthy when it comes to a personal relationship. Don't allow yourself this pessimistic outlook for too long. Ideal colours are dark green and lavender. Lucky numbers are 8 and 33.
This isn't best day to speak your mind. You'll feel a great deal of hesitation and an unwillingness to reveal your inner most thoughts and feelings thanks to a tense square from the Moon to Saturn. It'll pass. Ideal colours are plum and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 34 and 2.
Today's square between the Moon and Saturn is a difficult one. Friends and money are not going to mix well so be sure to keep the two entities separate. Auspicious colours are saffron and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 20 and 75.
Today's square from the Moon to Saturn might have you feeling a little bit restricted in terms of communicating your feelings on the job. You're not happy about a task that you've been given but you're not expressing this to the proper authority. Fortunate colours are silver and apricot. Lucky numbers are 40 and 61.
You're pretty serious today about imparting values on your children or a child in your life. You have an attitude of responsibility and duty when it comes to doing the right thing and you can expect a youngster attached to you to learn a very important lesson. Favourable colours are kiwifruit and sunshine yellow. Lucky numbers are 32 and 58.
A tense square from the Moon to Saturn might bring a bit of depressing news from a friend of yours today. This isn't going to be a light day, that's for sure. Prepare yourself. Inspirational colours are lavender and treacle. Lucky numbers are 34 and 11.
Today there is a harsh square between the Moon and Saturn which suggests a serious attitude between you and a lover. You might not be able to easily express how you feel. This could be misinterpreted as a lack of interest. Uplifting colours are silver and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 1 and 69.
You have a depressing day on your hands as the Moon is in your sign and square Saturn, the planet of limitation and restriction. This weight is heaviest around your home and family life and domestic woes conspire to keep you down. Prosperous colours are cinnamon and silver. Lucky numbers are 10 and 20.
Today there is a New Moon in your fourth house of home and family. Expect some news from relatives and a possible new baby announcement from someone. Moving plans may begin in earnest. Favourable colours are cinnamon and magnolia. Lucky numbers are 14 and 63.
This New Moon falls in your tenth house of career, honours and fame today so be sure to use the power of this lunation to your best advantage. You have a once in a year opportunity to plant seeds with astounding growth potential in your profession. Go for it! Advantageous colours are amber and azure. Lucky numbers are 11 and 4.
A New Moon in your fifth house of romance suggests vibrant opportunity for romance is coming your way if you're single. If attached, you may begin a new creative project. Positive colours are pale gold and russet. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Today there is a New Moon in your third house of communication. Expect new writing or learning projects to surface. You may travel or buy a new car. News from siblings is imminent. Ideal colours are pistachio and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 35 and 25.
There's a fantastic New Moon in the area of your chart that rules friendships as well as your most personal aspirations. You have a cosmic opportunity to make a dream come true. Don't doubt the support you have now from friends! Prosperous colours are nutmeg and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 2.
The New Moon in the area of your chart that rules other people's money will bring a new opportunity for a fresh start in finances. Expect large financial institutions or venture capital to play a part in the days' events. Prosperous colours are mandarin and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 3 and 29.
This New Moon in your ninth house of the higher mind and spirituality could have you deciding to go back to school or questioning your faith. The questions will be interesting but finding the answers will be an even better journey. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 31 and 44.
A shiny New Moon in your second house of income, self worth and talents promises new money making opportunities will come your way. Don't hesitate to market one of your talents or abilities. Ask for what you're worth. Inspirational colours are bright orange and blackcurrant. Lucky numbers are 27 and 46.
A brilliant New Moon in your twelfth house wants you to know it's time to let go of whatever psychological baggage is holding you back. You're almost ready to embrace the world in a whole new way but it's important to 'let go' of some unfinished business first. Fortunate colours are cerulean blue and mushroom. Lucky numbers are 2 and 46.
There's a New Moon in the area of your chart that rules work and service today. This suggests that new work opportunities are coming your way. If you're thinking about a new job, this is the time to circulate your resume. Beneficial colours are dark purple and dark yellow. Lucky numbers are 29 and 50.
This New Moon in your relationship sector will have wedding bells ringing if you're dating someone and you know in your heart it's time to take the next step. If you're married you continue to be in paradise. Polarising colours are kiwifruit and ginger. Lucky numbers are 7 and 70.
It's your once in a year birthday New Moon Taurus, so be sure to make it extra special. A New Moon in your sign promises a time when you will be rewarded for planting seeds of new beginning directly related to your own personal development. It's time to shine! Prosperous colours are magnolia and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 29 and 16.
This will be a fortunate day for you in terms of finances. Other people's money is the central theme and you may receive a nice inheritance or settlement. This is what you need to restore peace. Alluring colours are bronze and cerulean blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 71.
The alignment of the tender Moon with gracious Venus is a feel good day for all of us. You will be particularly fortunate when a friendship not only inspires you but makes you happier than you imagined possible. Love knows no limits. Auspicious colours are dark yellow and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 31 and 15.
This will be one of those days when you'll attend to all of your tasks in a state of relaxation. The very thought of completing what you need to will give off vibes of love and harmony. It's all so sweet. Inventive colours are silver and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 7 and 71.
You're feeling quite peachy today with the Moon and Venus aligned brilliantly in your sign. You've got a notion that everything will be okay and no matter what, you will be safe and sound. This is a very important feeling for you to have since you're so security driven. Beneficial colours are passionfruit and marigold. Lucky numbers are 25 and 63.
This is a peaceful day for you where you'll feel a strong nesting instinct and desire to be at home. It's a great day to have family over for a special dinner. Fortuitous colours are dusky rose and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 20 and 39.
This is a fantastic day to stay home and reflect on your inner world and imagination. A lovely link up with the Moon and Venus in your twelfth house of all that is hidden suggests you'll be most at peace in your own company. Security and love begins with the self. Opportune colours are fudge and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 6 and 11.
Today there is a Moon-Venus conjunction in your third house of communication. This will express itself in the form of harmonious thoughts and ideas easily voiced. Everyone loves the way you approach conversation today. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 6.
There is peace and harmony in your romantic life today. Your spouse is more in love with you than ever. True intimacy is a gift - enjoy every moment. Vibrant colours are bright red and sunshine yellow. Lucky numbers are 10 and 10.
This is a sweet day for you in the romance department. Tender Moon aligns with Venus, the planet of love, in your fifth house of true love and sex. It'll be everything you hoped for and more. Insightful colours are mandarin and silver. Lucky numbers are 24 and 58.
This is going to be a fantastic career day for you so be sure to plan something important. Your public reputation is looking better than ever. Everyone seems to love you and the role you have professionally. You can do no wrong. Energising colours are dark gold and dark green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 20.
You'll feel an extra vibe of harmony from the universe as the Moon embraces Venus today in the area of your chart that rules income, self worth and your talents. A boost in finances from someone you love will provide extra security. Ideal colours are navy and lemon. Lucky numbers are 34 and 76.
It's a fortunate day for travel. If you're thinking of planning a trip, now is the time. If you're involved in a legal dispute, resolution is pending. Beneficial colours are persimmon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 8 and 71.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You have to make it clear to a relative who the real authority regarding a specific family matter is. Inspirational colours are sunflower yellow and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 39 and 50.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You may receive an after death communication that you cannot help but question or fear. It's real. Fortunate colours are lavender and navy. Lucky numbers are 12 and 71.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You have an inflated idea of how a work project should be carried out. A co-worker might put you in your place. Favourable colours are cadmium red and cocoa. Lucky numbers are 1 and 30.
Today the planet of communication faces off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You will criticize your own thoughts and plans today at an excruciating level. Don't be so hard on yourself. Ideal colours are silvery grey and cadmium red. Lucky numbers are 2 and 35.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. A disappointment in the way a lover handles money could have you feeling a bit insecure. Iron out the details. Expressive colours are pistachio and aqua. Lucky numbers are 4 and 27.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You and a friend will have difficult time thinking in the same direction. It could cause conflict. Positive colours are copper and dark green. Lucky numbers are 14 and 50.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. Your diligent and responsible work will not go unnoticed by authority. You may however, still need to listen to constructive criticism. Auspicious colours are bronze and pearl. Lucky numbers are 3 and 26.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. There is something you want to talk about at the office and yet every time you approach this subject you feel inhibited. Co-workers will sense your hesitancy and might read it as you being cold. Expansive colours are lilac and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 26 and 45.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You don't like answering to authority since you tend to believe you should be the one always running things. Today, you have no choice. Auspicious colours are plum and peach. Lucky numbers are 16 and 1.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. This will actually affect you if you had travel plans. It might be rather unpleasant so leave plenty of extra time. Beneficial colours are mustard and pastel pink. Lucky numbers are 28 and 30.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You need to have a serious conversation with a sibling or cousin. Don't delay the inevitable any longer. Beneficial colours are cherry blossom and champagne. Lucky numbers are 4 and 14.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You might question your intelligence when a family member seems more confident about the subject matter. Auspicious colours are jade and ochre. Lucky numbers are 31 and 29.
Today Mercury enters Gemini and your fourth house of home and family. Expect a busy social time with relatives and plenty of family gatherings. Delightful colours are cocoa and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 29 and 39.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini, the sign it naturally rules. You have an outstanding edge now on any writing, speaking or teaching projects. It's a good time to schedule a short trip too. Fortunate colours are cherry pink and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 29 and 77.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and begins a tour of your second house of income. Your ability to make financial decisions is stronger than ever. Fortunate colours are mandarin and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 22 and 73.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and begins a tour of your twelfth house. You will likely keep your thoughts to yourself more than usual. It's a good time to keep a diary and reflect. Inventive colours are pewter and pastel pink. Lucky numbers are 31 and 57.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and begins a tour of your sixth house of work, health and service. This is a great time to learn something new about an area of health that interests you. Work is busy, busy. Expressive colours are magenta and caramel. Lucky numbers are 38 and 7.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and begins a tour of your fifth house of true love and creative self expression. If you are a writer, this is the best time to begin a heartfelt project. Love letters never sounded so good. Ideal colours are fawn and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 10 and 45.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and tours your eleventh house of friends and groups. You will be so busy chatting and exchanging correspondence with pals, you might need a personal assistant! Fortunate colours are spring green and butterscotch. Lucky numbers are 1 and 77.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication and your ruler, enters your sign. You have a triple dose of supercharged mental agility now, Gemini! This is your time to nail that major writing, speaking or teaching project. Auspicious colours are ginger and dark green. Lucky numbers are 19 and 34.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and your seventh house of partnerships. Your spouse or partner is going to want to have more conversations that revolve around your commitment to the relationship. Ideal colours are teal blue and salmon. Lucky numbers are 16 and 51.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your ninth house of the higher mind. This is an excellent time to pursue any publishing ventures or international communications. Expansive colours are raspberry and azure. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and begins a tour of your tenth house of career and honour. This is an opportune time for any business in sales or communications. Providential colours are taupe and azure. Lucky numbers are 37 and 73.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, will enter your eighth house of shared resources. You might hear news about an inheritance or discuss financial planning with your accountant or financial adviser. Expressive colours are foxglove and treacle. Lucky numbers are 6 and 55.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. You will feel the most luck in close relationships and everyone treats you like a precious gem. Fortunate colours are blackberry and plum. Lucky numbers are 1 and 25.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three earth signs. You'll have a lucky day in romantic matters as well as any international dealings you may encounter. Beneficial colours are platinum and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 6 and 22.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. Expect your family life to be fortunate and blessed today. You're in for a gift. Grounding colours are almond and crimson. Lucky numbers are 27 and 13.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. This will benefit you in the most auspicious material way possible - a financial reward. Favourable colours are coffee and vanilla. Lucky numbers are 3 and 22.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three earth signs. This is a wonderful time for you to materialize a creative project. Expect help from a foreigner. Intuitive colours are caramel and jasmine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 38.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. Material and physical joy come easily now. For you it will centre on career matters. All good things are coming. Propitious colours are copper and avocado. Lucky numbers are 17 and 62.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. Material and physical joy is easily experienced. You will be lucky in love. Polarising colours are platinum and green olive. Lucky numbers are 8 and 32.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. Everyone will experience a blast of luck from the universe. Yours will come through a message from a friend or spouse. Fortunate colours are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 37 and 20.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. Everyone will experience a dose of good luck in some area of life. Expect yours in your wallet. Auspicious colours are apple green and ginger. Lucky numbers are 24 and 35.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. If you use your compassionate energy to help another person today, it will surely come back to you in spades. Fortunate colours are burgundy and navy. Lucky numbers are 4 and 56.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. If you've been waiting on a loan or news from a financial institution, positive information is on the horizon. Beneficial colours are amethyst and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 13 and 5.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. You will enjoy some luck in close relationships. Beneficial colours are vermilion and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 33 and 18.

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