Leo's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

Expect to be in top form today when it comes to your reputation. It looks as though nothing can mar the steady and loyal characteristics you've managed to convey to higher ups. Fortunate colours are dark gold and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 8 and 26.
It's a great five star day! Mars is in your sign and will make a beautiful link to the Moon. You are in command and the best part is you know it. Prosperous colours are vanilla and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 7 and 3.
There's a Moon-Uranus conjunction today and this spells some frisky and unpredictable moods for you. It's possible that you will decide to pursue an unusual health practice, just for kicks. Expressive colours are apricot and bronze. Lucky numbers are 35 and 67.
Today the Moon tours your eighth house of shared resources. You have a sharp instinct for other people's problems and how to help them make the most of what belongs to them. Auspicious colours are ruby red and ginger. Lucky numbers are 22 and 73.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. Your partner will seem more elusive. Favourable colours are pea green and claret. Lucky numbers are 13 and 28.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your eleventh house of friends, groups and goals. It's possible that some old friends will resurface. Old dreams are revisited. Prosperous colours are hazelnut and mango. Lucky numbers are 3 and 20.
There could be a bit of aggravation between you and your spouse or partner today. You want to instigate this argument over some hurt feelings. Your partner might be a little too eager to fight back. Alluring colours are plum and spearmint. Lucky numbers are 1 and 42.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters the sign Gemini and begins a tour of your eleventh house of friends, groups and goals. You've got astounding energy now to enjoy a rich social life and attract what you need to make a dream come true. Bright colours are bronze and fuchsia. Lucky numbers are 6 and 11.
The Moon takes a serious turn in Capricorn today. She will glide through your sixth house of work, health and service so it's a great time to pay attention to any neglected health matters Positive colours are garnet and ginger. Lucky numbers are 22 and 50.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You'll feel this most in your inability to help a friend help himself now. Fortunate colours are peach and mauve. Lucky numbers are 24 and 77.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will send a wink to Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Business dealings go well. Romantic colours are strawberry and honey. Lucky numbers are 4 and 61.
A nasty square between Venus and Neptune has you wanting so badly to only see the best in things. However you are at risk for a massive deception now from a business partner. Grounding colours are bronze and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 17 and 35.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now, Leo. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. Expect this in a family matter. Inspirational colours are smoky quartz and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 9 and 15.
A great trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect it in your profession. You're noticed! Fortunate colours are navy and lemon. Lucky numbers are 38 and 3.
You'll make an important and practical decision today concerning family finances. Everyone in your clan will look to you as the authority now and you'll certainly deliver. Stable colours are dark yellow and crimson. Lucky numbers are 25 and 32.
You might get into trouble for talking too much on the job today. Be aware of the strong potential for gossip or conversation that isn't in your own best interests. Prosperous colours are caramel and coffee. Lucky numbers are 34 and 3.
There's no doubt about it - you've found your voice today. It's possible that there's been a subject you've avoided communicating about out of fear recently. No more! It all comes out. Fortunate colours are chocolate and ivory. Lucky numbers are 2 and 17.
The energy of the Sun square to Neptune makes for a day of confusion and befuddlement. In your case it's possible that you'll misunderstand the needs of an authority figure in your life. Question partnerships. Harmonious colours are amber and aqua. Lucky numbers are 16 and 35.
You'll find that friends or an organization you're affiliated with are stretching their budget a little too much. For some reason they ask you to pick up the slack. Don't fall for it! Ideal colours are midnight blue and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 30 and 2.
The trine between the Sun and Jupiter today makes for a lucky day all around. It is likely to give off some more specific fortunate energy for you in the areas of career and work. It's all good! Vibrant colours are pale gold and maroon. Lucky numbers are 5 and 19.
There is gorgeous energy this Mother's Day with the Moon in your sign! If you're a mother, expect to feel adored and appreciated. Even if you're not, this will be a day when you shine. Favourable colours are sage green and chestnut. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
A juicy conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your sign will have the world knowing you are passionate and intense today. You have a lot of emotion behind your ambitions and everyone will hear the lion roar! Beneficial colours are blueberry and jasmine. Lucky numbers are 2 and 75.
Today Mars, the planet of action and ambition, enters your sign. This is a once in two year glorious event so you must know how important it is! This is when you want to launch your most important new projects either career related or personal. You have boundless energy. Prosperous colours are parchment and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
You have an emotional leech on your hands today and it looks as if you're not quite sure how to deal with this one. On the one hand, you want to help this person but on the other, it's obvious that the more you give, the more they will want. Exercise your power. Calming colours are turquoise and ebony. Lucky numbers are 17 and 49.
This isn't the best day to make a financial decision - especially if it requires funding from an outside source. It seems as if you're itching to materialize a dream but you are better off waiting for a better day otherwise you may be disappointed. Fortunate colours are dusky pink and mushroom. Lucky numbers are 9 and 50.
A tense square from the Moon to Saturn might bring a bit of depressing news from a friend of yours today. This isn't going to be a light day, that's for sure. Prepare yourself. Inspirational colours are lavender and treacle. Lucky numbers are 34 and 11.
This New Moon falls in your tenth house of career, honours and fame today so be sure to use the power of this lunation to your best advantage. You have a once in a year opportunity to plant seeds with astounding growth potential in your profession. Go for it! Advantageous colours are amber and azure. Lucky numbers are 11 and 4.
This is going to be a fantastic career day for you so be sure to plan something important. Your public reputation is looking better than ever. Everyone seems to love you and the role you have professionally. You can do no wrong. Energising colours are dark gold and dark green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 20.
Today the planet of communication faces off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You will criticize your own thoughts and plans today at an excruciating level. Don't be so hard on yourself. Ideal colours are silvery grey and cadmium red. Lucky numbers are 2 and 35.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and tours your eleventh house of friends and groups. You will be so busy chatting and exchanging correspondence with pals, you might need a personal assistant! Fortunate colours are spring green and butterscotch. Lucky numbers are 1 and 77.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. Everyone will experience a dose of good luck in some area of life. Expect yours in your wallet. Auspicious colours are apple green and ginger. Lucky numbers are 24 and 35.

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