Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

You have all the material security you need right now. The Universe truly does provide what you need, precisely at the moments you need it. Fortunate colours are chocolate and lemon. Lucky numbers are 14 and 36.
You have a great day of social energy ahead. Make time for an important meeting, since it spells auspicious things for you in terms of client relations. Beneficial colours are sable and lavender. Lucky numbers are 30 and 3.
This could be a day of unexpected emotional outbursts from co- workers or employees. It's possible that someone may decide to quit out of the blue. Auspicious colours are golden honey and pearl. Lucky numbers are 11 and 44.
The Moon glides into your sixth house of work and service today. It's possible that you will be a bit of a workaholic and take on a lot more than usual for your personality. Positive colours are dark gold and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 13 and 10.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. It's time to listen to your heart. Favourable colours are ruby red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 21 and 10.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your 9th house of spirituality and long distance travel. You may go back to old philosophies. It's a bad time to plan a trip. Polarising colours are ginger and jade. Lucky numbers are 2 and 46.
There could be a quarrel amongst friends and lovers today. All is not fair in love and war and you are the last person who is comfortable around such hostility. Thankfully, it won't last too long. Expressive colours are violet and lemon. Lucky numbers are 12 and 53.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Gemini and will tour your ninth house of the higher mind. It's a great time to take a new class and broaden your intellectual horizons. Beneficial colours are ginger and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 77.
There's a a sombre mood when you think about a family situation now. You want to take command of it all yet there seems to be rules that are out of your control that you must follow. Sensitive colours are jade and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 37 and 71.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You want to travel but it's simply not an option at the moment. It's all so frustrating. Auspicious colours are pastel pink and brass. Lucky numbers are 2 and 38.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, winks at Uranus, the planet of unexpected events, today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Expect it to happen in a family matter or with a relative's health. Prosperous colours are silver and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 16 and 70.
A troublesome square between Venus and Neptune has you walking around with your eyes wide shut. In matters of the heart, this could be particularly brutal since you only see what you want to. Expansive colours are violet and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 33 and 45.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now, Libra. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. Expect this in a financial matter. You may lose an asset. Inspirational colours are brilliant white and magenta. Lucky numbers are 25 and 51.
A good trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect to feel triumph in a real estate or business matter. Fortunate colours are burnt orange and avocado. Lucky numbers are 30 and 6.
You'll want to spend some time alone today in order to assess your budget. This will be a good experience for you since you'll discover you're more resourceful than you thought. Expressive colours are khaki and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 50.
You might want to step away from a family situation today since you're likely to become over-emotional about it. There's not much you can do to change things at the moment, so just accept tit. Advantageous colours are lapis lazuli and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 29 and 12.
You have a great ability to lead in a group setting today. Friends will look to you as the one who knows where everyone else needs to be. You're the pioneer. Dynamic colours are passionfruit and silver. Lucky numbers are 47 and 1.
The square between the Sun and Neptune today brings about a sense of confusion for all of us. In your case the clouds will be most apparent in a romantic matter. Take off the rose coloured glasses! Positive colours are caramel and holly red. Lucky numbers are 2 and 63.
The unpleasant square between the Moon and Mercury today will make you a little bit too eager to learn about some topic that might be better off unexplored. Be careful. Communicative colours are cherry and dark green. Lucky numbers are 27 and 76.
This is a universally lucky day with the Sun making a glorious trine to benefic Jupiter. In your case, expect the good fortune to come from another person's financial resources. Lucky indeed! Ideal colours are strawberry and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 16 and 52.
You have a social day indeed ahead. The Moon in spotlight- loving Leo will pass through your eleventh house of groups and friends and there'll be plenty of female company to celebrate Mother's Day. Enjoy! Providential colours are cinnamon and jade. Lucky numbers are 40 and 4.
There is a conjunction today between the Moon and Mars in your eleventh house of friendships and dreams. The sensitive steam you have inside of you is dominating and you may be bold or too forthright in the expression of your emotions. Auspicious colours are avocado and plum. Lucky numbers are 35 and 51.
Today Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters fiery Leo and tours your eleventh house. There may be a flurry of arguments between you and friends or the abrupt and reckless pursuit of a dream. Opportune colours are teal blue and jasmine. Lucky numbers are 3 and 22.
Today's opposition between the Moon and Pluto has you involved in an emotionally drenching struggle at home or with your career. Your reputation is at stake. If you've been honourable in the past you've got nothing to worry about. Favourable colours are aquamarine and marigold. Lucky numbers are 27 and 67.
A square between the Moon and Uranus will send a bolt of unexpected emotions your way today. You might have to contend with an adjustment at work or with a legal matter. Expect the unexpected. Fortunate colours are dark yellow and copper. Lucky numbers are 5 and 43.
An unfortunate square between the Moon and Saturn will feel like a large brick on top of your soul. It's a depressing day and you may feel it more than most. The Sun will come out tomorrow. Ideal colours are chocolate and violet. Lucky numbers are 3 and 72.
The New Moon in the area of your chart that rules other people's money will bring a new opportunity for a fresh start in finances. Expect large financial institutions or venture capital to play a part in the days' events. Prosperous colours are mandarin and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 3 and 29.
This will be a fortunate day for you in terms of finances. Other people's money is the central theme and you may receive a nice inheritance or settlement. This is what you need to restore peace. Alluring colours are bronze and cerulean blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 71.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. This will actually affect you if you had travel plans. It might be rather unpleasant so leave plenty of extra time. Beneficial colours are mustard and pastel pink. Lucky numbers are 28 and 30.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your ninth house of the higher mind. This is an excellent time to pursue any publishing ventures or international communications. Expansive colours are raspberry and azure. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. If you use your compassionate energy to help another person today, it will surely come back to you in spades. Fortunate colours are burgundy and navy. Lucky numbers are 4 and 56.

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