Pisces's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: February 20th - March 20th

Pisces can be very shy people who take time to adapt but once they do Piscean makes a valuable friend as they're helpful, unselfish and trustworthy; however they need to be careful to not be too generous or be taken advantage of in all aspects of life.

This is a stellar day for you in the communications department Pisces, despite Mercury going retrograde. Friends and your spouse or partner will value every thought that comes from your lovely creative brain. Dynamic colours are bright red and bright purple. Lucky numbers are 17 and 15.
A fantastic link today between the Moon and Mars brings assertive action and feeling to your daily tasks. You feel passionate about your work and your worth in this world. Inspirational colours are champagne and lime. Lucky numbers are 5 and 58.
The Moon in your sign aligns with unsteady Uranus today. The mood you'll be in now is anyone's guess! It will have its ups and downs, so be ready for an emotional rollercoaster day. Fortunate colours are pewter and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 28 and 3.
The Moon glides into your sign today, making you acutely aware of your emotions. A sensitive sign to begin with, now you'll be more in touch with your feelings than usual. A good day for soul care. Upbeat colours are cobalt blue and blackcurrant. Lucky numbers are 20 and 22.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers, rather than to the external world. Pay attention to your dreams. Beneficial colours are tangerine and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in the area of your chart that rules home and family. There's a great deal of family miscommunication now: speak clearly, but remember to listen. Peaceful colours are pastel pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 30 and 26.
You have an angry and bolshy attitude regarding a service you're being asked to perform today. If you can, just grin and bear it since you can never be sure when you'll need some help of your own.... Auspicious colours are silver and autumn shades. Lucky numbers are 7 and 51.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Gemini and tours your fourth house of home and family. It's an excellent time to consider a move or home renovation. Interaction with relatives is more harmonious now. Strong colours are black and lavender. Lucky numbers are 12 and 2.
The Moon tours Capricorn now and will pass through your eleventh house of friends, groups and goals. Your emotional nature is tied to the needs of a friend now. Your sense of security relies heavily upon your personal ambitions. Fortunate colours are ebony and ivory. Lucky numbers are 20 and 67.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. Family obligations and a nagging spouse or partner may only add to these feelings of inadequacy you harbour. Advantageous colours are ruby red and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 18 and 58.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, winks at Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. You may find it through a friend. Networking pays off now! Ideal colours are dusky rose and sage green. Lucky numbers are 39 and 67.
There's a harsh square between Venus and Neptune today that makes the world a bit fuzzier for all of us. In your case you might become a hopeless idealist in trying to help ease the suffering of a sibling or neighbor. Beneficial colours are burgundy and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 8 and 3.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now, Pisces. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. You may discard an outworn belief system. Vibrant colours are dark grape and champagne. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
An excellent trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. You'll be rewarded for any type of public communication you perform now. A group presentation is favoured. Favourable colours are pale gold and mushroom. Lucky numbers are 18 and 35.
A spouse or partner will help you keep your feet on the ground today. Accept the wise counsel he or she has to offer and know it's given with your best good in mind. Creative colours are navy and pastel pink. Lucky numbers are 36 and 43.
There's way too much enthusiasm regarding a personal goal at the moment. It's always good to think positive however you need to back up thoughts with deliberate intentions. Fortunate colours are avocado and peach. Lucky numbers are 21 and 17.
This is a great day to use your willpower to your advantage in a health matter. The connection between your emotions and your physical well being are strong. You feel a strong desire to make changes. Liberating colours are russet and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 26 and 55.
There's a harsh square between the Sun and Neptune today which will confuse all of us in some way. Expect your befuddlement to happen every time you open your mouth. You're misunderstood. Ideal colours are cerulean blue and mango. Lucky numbers are 33 and 8.
There's a tense square between the Moon and Mercury today which will affect your ability to be rational in a family matter. You're too busy feeling to think straight. Auspicious colours are aquamarine and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 31 and 45.
There's a trine between the Sun and benefic Jupiter which presents an opportunity for all of us in some way. Your luck will come in communication. It's a great time to give a speech or begin a writing project. Fortunate colours are charcoal and magenta. Lucky numbers are 31 and 18.
You have plenty of errands to run this Mother's Day but you won't seem to mind all that much. Expect a short trip either in your honour or to honour your own mother. Loving colours are strawberry and cream. Lucky numbers are 27 and 46.
Today there is a conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your sixth house of work and health. Be aware that overworking yourself today could be detrimental to your health. Take it easy! Grounding colours are cherry and vanilla. Lucky numbers are 29 and 40.
Today Mars, the planet of energy and action, enters Leo and your sixth house of work and service. Expect some annoyance to be par for the course on the job. Co-workers want to instigate and all you want to do is get things done. Favourable colours are azure and taupe. Lucky numbers are 10 and 3.
Today there is a Moon-Pluto opposition that will cause a great deal of emotional manipulation and struggle for everyone. In your case it will likely manifest between friends, or with a child or lover. Favourable colours are passionfruit and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 43.
There is a nasty square between the Moon and Uranus today which will make your emotions seem like they're on a roller coaster ride. This will be most apparent in your domestic life. Relatives will notice the instability. Fortunate colours are persimmon and cinnamon. Lucky numbers are 18 and 35.
A jittery square between the Moon and Saturn is going to inhibit the easy expression of your emotions. You feel insecure and unworthy when it comes to a personal relationship. Don't allow yourself this pessimistic outlook for too long. Ideal colours are dark green and lavender. Lucky numbers are 8 and 33.
Today there is a New Moon in your third house of communication. Expect new writing or learning projects to surface. You may travel or buy a new car. News from siblings is imminent. Ideal colours are pistachio and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 35 and 25.
Today there is a Moon-Venus conjunction in your third house of communication. This will express itself in the form of harmonious thoughts and ideas easily voiced. Everyone loves the way you approach conversation today. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 26 and 6.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You might question your intelligence when a family member seems more confident about the subject matter. Auspicious colours are jade and ochre. Lucky numbers are 31 and 29.
Today Mercury enters Gemini and your fourth house of home and family. Expect a busy social time with relatives and plenty of family gatherings. Delightful colours are cocoa and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 29 and 39.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. You will enjoy some luck in close relationships. Beneficial colours are vermilion and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 33 and 18.

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