Sagittarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Often bitten by the travel bug those born under the Sagittarius sign are independent and always have a optimistic stance on life. However they need to be patient to not expect miracles while chasing their next positive outcome.

This could be the day you've been waiting for when it comes to stellar career news. A grand trine in Earth signs connects your money, work and honours areas in your birth chart. Reward and success is yours. Opportune colours are persimmon and jade. Lucky numbers are 22 and 15.
It's a great day for planning a trip with a romantic partner. There's strong sexual energy that makes you want to experience all types of adventures together. Enjoy! Auspicious colours are buttercup yellow and apple green. Lucky numbers are 20 and 8.
The Moon is conjunct with jumpy Uranus today in your family and home sector. The urge to break up something in your home is strong since a changeable mood aches for a new atmosphere. Ideal colours are aqua and plum. Lucky numbers are 13 and 41.
Today the Moon tours sensitive Pisces and your fourth house of home and family. The nesting instinct is strong now and it's a great day to spend quality time at home with relatives. Favourable colours are hazelnut and cadmium red. Lucky numbers are 40 and 9.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. Your mind is more concerned with spiritual matters. Fortunate colours are gunmetal grey and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 11 and 34.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships. You might go back to old negotiations with a spouse or business partner. It's a bad time to get married or sign contracts. Auspicious colours are jade and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 30 and 73.
You have a lot of opinions today, haven't you Sagittarius? The only problem lies in the fact that you seem to believe your word is law and don't care about anyone else's feelings concerning the matter. Favourable colours are jet black and primrose yellow. Lucky numbers are 29 and 10.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters the Gemini and begins a tour of your seventh house of committed partnerships. There's never been a better time to be in love! Harmonious colours are turquoise and maroon. Lucky numbers are 17 and 12.
Today's Moon in Capricorn will tour your second house of finances and self worth. This will stabilize your mood in terms of these areas and you'll work in a conscientious way to improve things. Ideal colours are marmalade and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 13 and 6.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You'll feel this from an authority figure and nothing you do seems good enough. Beneficial colours are charcoal and magenta. Lucky numbers are 28 and 19.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will send a wink to Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Expect it in family finances. Positive colours are dark gold and jet black. Lucky numbers are 2 and 19.
You have a lot on your mind that you'd like to express to office management or co-workers. Keep in mind however that today, despite your idealistic outlook, you may get more than one confused response. Auspicious colours are sienna and cerise. Lucky numbers are 10 and 6.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. You've got to address your fears head on. Expansive colours are cherry blossom and apple green. Lucky numbers are 36 and 15.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. New job opportunities represent financial growth. Favourable colours are lavender and khaki. Lucky numbers are 12 and 61.
You have great skills when it comes to looking behind the scenes and in unexpected places for the structure required in a career situation. You'll bring stability to the table. Prosperous colours are moonstone and aqua. Lucky numbers are 1 and 54.
You have the tendency to be over-generous with a friend today when it comes to money. Realize what you're doing before it's too late! Fortunate colours are ginger and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 1 and 74.
You've got a great day to plan a trip with friends or lead a new humanitarian project. You'll want to be the frontrunner in whatever you do today since there's strong passion behind your feelings. Beneficial colours are tan and spring green. Lucky numbers are 15 and 40.
You'll certainly feel the fog surrounding today's cosmic weather. The Sun square Neptune will bring mass confusion with a work related project. You don't understand the details. Auspicious colours are mandarin and coffee. Lucky numbers are 16 and 57.
Your spouse or partner is running off at the mouth a little too much for comfort today. It seems the opinions about how you should run your career are strong and somewhat unwelcome. Polarising colours are mulberry and dark green. Lucky numbers are 16 and 77.
There's a gorgeous trine between the Sun and Jupiter today which will bring some luck to everyone. In your case, expect the good fortune to happen with a possible new job opportunity that leads to better financial prospects. Positive colours are cerulean blue and cocoa. Lucky numbers are 34 and 72.
You've got all the ingredients of a busy day ahead. You'll want to spend some time indulging in a personal adventure but it's likely that prior commitments will get in the way. Make the best of it. Ideal colours are pineapple and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 14 and 7.
There is a deeply felt conviction or belief that you want to share with others. This is a sensitive topic and you are passionate about your views. It may have to do with religion or a legal matter. Favourable colours are banana yellow and scarlet. Lucky numbers are 35 and 70.
Today Mars, the planet of action and assertion, is in the fiery sign of Leo and enters your ninth house of spirituality and the higher mind. You may have opinions and ethics that are very strong now Sagittarius, but take care not to over-assert them at the expense of listening to others. Auspicious colours are ultramarine and plum. Lucky numbers are 11 and 8.
Today's Moon-Pluto opposition is going to spell emotionally charged power struggles for everyone. In your chart this will most likely manifest in a financial matter. Receptive colours are pale gold and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 38 and 1.
The square between the Moon and Uranus today might have you a little antsy when it comes to your family life and obligations. You don't want to be tied down and might go to great lengths to avoid certain relatives. Communicative colours are warm brown and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 28 and 3.
A square between the Moon and Saturn will have you feeling pretty responsible and serious today when it comes to matters between you and a business partner. You want to be the one in charge and won't settle for less. Fortunate colours are tangerine and lime. Lucky numbers are 4 and 30.
There's a New Moon in the area of your chart that rules work and service today. This suggests that new work opportunities are coming your way. If you're thinking about a new job, this is the time to circulate your resume. Beneficial colours are dark purple and dark yellow. Lucky numbers are 29 and 50.
This will be one of those days when you'll attend to all of your tasks in a state of relaxation. The very thought of completing what you need to will give off vibes of love and harmony. It's all so sweet. Inventive colours are silver and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 7 and 71.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. Your diligent and responsible work will not go unnoticed by authority. You may however, still need to listen to constructive criticism. Auspicious colours are bronze and pearl. Lucky numbers are 3 and 26.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and your seventh house of partnerships. Your spouse or partner is going to want to have more conversations that revolve around your commitment to the relationship. Ideal colours are teal blue and salmon. Lucky numbers are 16 and 51.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. This will benefit you in the most auspicious material way possible - a financial reward. Favourable colours are coffee and vanilla. Lucky numbers are 3 and 22.

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