Scorpio's Horoscopes |



Born between: Oct 23rd - Nov 21st

Scorpios are emotional and passionate which ensures they have strong relationships. They are often confident and determined; yet, their emotional and secretive nature can cause them to be jealous and misunderstood.

Today is a great day to move forward in negotiating a plan to make a personal goal reality. Expect loyal and steadfast support from your spouse or partner. Positive colours are navy and beige. Lucky numbers are 20 and 43.
Today there's a great line up for Mars at the top of your chart connected to the Moon in your work sector. It's a banner career day where you can move mountains. You're in charge! Auspicious colours are persimmon and apple green. Lucky numbers are 50 and 2.
There could be some moody outbursts from children in your life today. They need your attention and you should get to the bottom of this situation rather quickly. It's a cry for help. Fortunate colours are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 13 and 36.
Today the Moon glides into Pisces and illuminates your fifth house of true love, creativity and children. It's a great date night - use your imagination and plan something extraordinary! Beneficial colours are claret and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 22 and 10.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. The solution to a family problem lies inside your soul. Expansive colours are plum and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 19 and 48.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters its retrograde phase and affects you most strongly in your eighth house of shared resources. If you were waiting on news concerning a financial venture where you require another person's capital, plan to wait some more. Beneficial colours are spearmint and crimson. Lucky numbers are 25 and 2.
There could be a conflict today with an authority figure. You're not likely to take too kindly to their orders and there's a tendency to lash out on your part. Liberating colours are brass and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 35 and 44.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Gemini and tours your eighth house of sex and intimacy. Your erotic life is explored with greater depth now. Inspirational colours are butterscotch and plum. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
The Moon in Capricorn will tour your third house of communication today. This brings a responsible mood and mindset in terms of your thoughts and how you express yourself to others. Communicative colours are cherry blossom and lilac. Lucky numbers are 6 and 74.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You will feel this strongly when it comes to your place in a group. Prosperous colours are pewter and maroon. Lucky numbers are 25 and 16.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, winks at Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours. Expect it in your communications and a creative project. Expansive colours are apple green and pearl. Lucky numbers are 28 and 2.
A troublesome square between Venus and Neptune can deceive you into believing everything is wonderful when it really isn't. You might feel this strongly with a relative or spouse. Dig deeper. Ideal colours are russet and jade. Lucky numbers are 25 and 60.
Your shadow will need to be confronted now. Whatever you've tried to bury is sure to come out, no matter how hard you try to keep it contained. This Full Moon is in your sign making you painfully aware of what you need to let go of. Vibrant colours are ivory and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 4 and 67.
A gorgeous trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect it in negotiations with a business partner or important client. Favourable colours are pistachio and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 51.
You'll be the support system that keeps it all together in a group situation or with a close friend's personal dilemma today. You're solid as a rock. Polarising colours are sage and fudge. Lucky numbers are 5 and 32.
You have to know when to listen instead of speaking today. You're running your mouth off about this and that and will likely miss an important piece of information because of it. Beneficial colours are rich purple and emerald. Lucky numbers are 8 and 45.
You have a stellar opportunity to show what you're really made of today in a career situation. Impress the boss and make the right move - it's easier than you think! Harmonious colours are buttercup yellow and avocado. Lucky numbers are 40 and 67.
There's a fog in the cosmic sky thanks to a square between the Sun and Neptune. It will affect you in a domestic matter. You're not seeing things clearly. Favourable colours are nutmeg and sage green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 46.
You might not want to believe everything a friend tells you today. It's not that he or she wants to tell you a blatant lie. Rather, it seems there might be an exaggeration of the truth. Beneficial colours are burgundy and sepia. Lucky numbers are 39 and 54.
A gorgeous trine between the Sun and Jupiter will present a cosmic gift to all. Yours will involve a sibling or an important communication/contract. Dynamic colours are platinum and bronze. Lucky numbers are 38 and 64.
You might not appreciate the fact that your spouse or partner wants to spend so much time working today. Make it clear that this is a special day and you want to have him or her fully involved in the festivities. Insightful colours are grapefruit and peach. Lucky numbers are 31 and 15.
Today's conjunction between the Moon and Mars in your career sector has you more passionate than ever about your professional goals. It's your time to get out there and claim your own success! Fortunate colours are mango and mulberry. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
Today Mars, the planet of energy and action, enters fiery Leo and will begin a tour of your tenth house of career and honours. This is the time when you want to launch that new business or forge ahead with aggressive career plans. Favourable colours are smoky quartz and pastel pink. Lucky numbers are 27 and 12.
Today's opposition between the Moon and Pluto will result in an emotionally charged day of will power extremism for all of us. In your reality it will play out in a mind over matter type of way. Positive colours are ginger and salmon. Lucky numbers are 28 and 9.
Today's energy will have your emotions in several different places all at once! Matters of the heart or a creative project that requires some soul searching are particularly important. Ideal colours are fawn and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 40 and 74.
Today's square between the Moon and Saturn is a difficult one. Friends and money are not going to mix well so be sure to keep the two entities separate. Auspicious colours are saffron and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 20 and 75.
This New Moon in your relationship sector will have wedding bells ringing if you're dating someone and you know in your heart it's time to take the next step. If you're married you continue to be in paradise. Polarising colours are kiwifruit and ginger. Lucky numbers are 7 and 70.
There is peace and harmony in your romantic life today. Your spouse is more in love with you than ever. True intimacy is a gift - enjoy every moment. Vibrant colours are bright red and sunshine yellow. Lucky numbers are 10 and 10.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. You and a friend will have difficult time thinking in the same direction. It could cause conflict. Positive colours are copper and dark green. Lucky numbers are 14 and 50.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, will enter your eighth house of shared resources. You might hear news about an inheritance or discuss financial planning with your accountant or financial adviser. Expressive colours are foxglove and treacle. Lucky numbers are 6 and 55.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. You will feel the most luck in close relationships and everyone treats you like a precious gem. Fortunate colours are blackberry and plum. Lucky numbers are 1 and 25.

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