Taurus's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: April 20th - May 20th

Those with the Taurus sign are perfect partners in friendship and love as they're loving, loyal and understanding. However those born under the Taurus sign at times can be stubborn but always are patient and generous.

This is the best day of the week. The Moon is in your sign making you more aware of your emotional well being. Gorgeous links from the Moon to both Pluto and Saturn today will help you create more structure in the expression of your ideals and beliefs. A good day for romance! Inspirational colours are coffee and russet. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
The family situation that exploded earlier in the week can now be resolved. If you're able to confront your personal fears about this situation it will make it easier for you to move on. Fortunate colours are cherry blossom and apple green. Lucky numbers are 39 and 20.
Expect the unexpected from a female friend today. News about a sudden change in her life may spark the desire for you to re-evaluate your own routine. Is it time for a change? Inspirational colours are chocolate and caramel. Lucky numbers are 8 and 54.
The Moon is touring your eleventh house of friendships and goals now. It's a good time to plan a party or social gathering. You'll use your imagination and want to be with your more creative or intuitive pals. Positive colours are cocoa and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 6 and 50.
Although Neptune and Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, you probably didn't notice it. Over the next several months you can expect to look within for answers rather than to the external world. You're rethinking career aspirations now. Expressive colours are blackberry and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 31 and 60.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in your second house of income. It's possible that you might experience a delay in a financial settlement or in a promised salary increase. Fortunate colours are cerise and ivory. Lucky numbers are 32 and 41.
A family explosion may cause a great distraction in your professional world. Angry feelings from a family member are quite intense at the moment. It might be a good day to leave the office alone and tend to this relative. Polarising colours are plum and copper. Lucky numbers are 32 and 71.
Today Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters the sign Gemini and will begin a tour of your second house of finances. Expect money to come your way! Advantageous colours are chocolate and magenta. Lucky numbers are 35 and 44.
A sober Moon in Capricorn will have everyone in a more conservative mood. You'll be attentive to your spiritual pursuits and your commitment to them. Beneficial colours are salmon and cream. Lucky numbers are 22 and 49.
Today there is a harsh square between the Sun and Saturn which makes you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You'll feel this most in your values clashing with your ability to express yourself freely. Energising colours are mango and plum. Lucky numbers are 12 and 73.
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, winks at Uranus, the planet of unexpected events today. A sudden stroke of luck is yours and one of your dreams may come true! Auspicious colours are raspberry and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 22 and 52.
You don't know where you stand today. A nasty square from Venus in your sign now to Neptune, the planet of confusion, has you unsure of your next move. Still, you're hopeful. Receptive colours are hazelnut and saffron. Lucky numbers are 14 and 78.
You've got a relationship issue coming to a close now. Perhaps a divorce or breakup is finalized. You will be emotional but now the healing will begin in earnest. Favourable colours are silver and amber. Lucky numbers are 7 and 36.
An excellent trine between the two great benefics, Venus and Jupiter, is sure to bring a fantastic blessing your way today. Expect it in a legal matter. You will prevail! Prosperous colours are rich brown and lavender. Lucky numbers are 29 and 12.
The sextile from the Moon to Saturn will only help prove to a partner or spouse the depth of your loyalty. Your love is steady and you face your commitments with firm patience. Expansive colours are cobalt blue and persimmon. Lucky numbers are 31 and 12.
The Moon makes a square to Jupiter today. This isn't necessarily a negative aspect, but it is one where limits aren't known. You might overdo your emotional enthusiasm in a work related project. Inventive colours are marzipan and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
You'll be a pillar of support for a relative with a health issue today. He or she will know that you can be counted on for assistance as well as motivation. Fortunate colours are vanilla and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 26 and 72.
The square between the Sun in your sign and Neptune will create a strong identity crisis for you today, Taurus. It will focus on a career matter. You're not sure where you stand. Harmonious colours are aqua and ginger. Lucky numbers are 36 and 15.
Today's square between the Moon and chatty Mercury might have you talking too much about your innermost feelings. It's a good idea to edit yourself a bit lest a lover run for the hills. You'll be very open about those insecurity issues. Expressive colours are silver and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 34 and 2.
The Sun makes a beautiful trine to Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance today. Everyone will receive a beam of happiness through this extraordinary aspect. You might get beneficial news from a foreigner. Auspicious colours are parchment and magenta. Lucky numbers are 23 and 62.
You'll feel the love today for sure. Expect breakfast in bed and a leisurely day when the kids volunteer to take care of all the details around the house. You might even get an expensive gift for your own mother. Ideal colours are pearl and caramel. Lucky numbers are 23 and 24.
Today things get personal at home. One of your relatives may really strike a nerve with you and you can expect an ugly confrontation that may lead to tears of anger. Try your best to keep calm and regain perspective on the situation. Grounding colours are burnt orange and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 32 and 62.
Today Mars, the planet of action and energy, enters your fourth house of home and family. It's a time when there could be more aggravation around family related matters than usual. Try to channel this into a home renovation project so things don't get too chaotic. Communicative colours are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 35 and 72.
An opposition between the Moon and wilful Pluto spells emotional manipulation at its finest. Whether you are the giver or taker remains to be seen. You can be sure power struggles will ensue in a legal or contract matter. Hold your ground. Inventive colours are magenta and silver. Lucky numbers are 40 and 67.
Emotions could run wild today thanks to a square from the Moon to surprise a minute Uranus. It will affect you most strongly in the pursuit of a personal goal. You're not sure if you're coming or going as plans may suddenly change leaving you feeling a bit shaky. Fortunate colours are peacock blue and grapefruit. Lucky numbers are 1 and 45.
You're pretty serious today about imparting values on your children or a child in your life. You have an attitude of responsibility and duty when it comes to doing the right thing and you can expect a youngster attached to you to learn a very important lesson. Favourable colours are kiwifruit and sunshine yellow. Lucky numbers are 32 and 58.
It's your once in a year birthday New Moon Taurus, so be sure to make it extra special. A New Moon in your sign promises a time when you will be rewarded for planting seeds of new beginning directly related to your own personal development. It's time to shine! Prosperous colours are magnolia and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 29 and 16.
You're feeling quite peachy today with the Moon and Venus aligned brilliantly in your sign. You've got a notion that everything will be okay and no matter what, you will be safe and sound. This is a very important feeling for you to have since you're so security driven. Beneficial colours are passionfruit and marigold. Lucky numbers are 25 and 63.
Today the planet of communication will face off with Saturn, the planet of limitation and delay. A disappointment in the way a lover handles money could have you feeling a bit insecure. Iron out the details. Expressive colours are pistachio and aqua. Lucky numbers are 4 and 27.
Today Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Gemini and begins a tour of your second house of income. Your ability to make financial decisions is stronger than ever. Fortunate colours are mandarin and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 22 and 73.
Today there is a rare and fortunate trine between planets in all three Earth signs. Material and physical joy is easily experienced. You will be lucky in love. Polarising colours are platinum and green olive. Lucky numbers are 8 and 32.

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