Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

Creativity and imagination are heightened, so allow for a flight of fancy. Spending time teaching your children about different cultures around the world will benefit you as well as them, so make time for the little darlings. If you don't have children, enjoy activities that make you feel like one again. Creative colours are cobalt and saffron. Lucky numbers are 9 and 21.
The New Moon at Michaelmas activates your house of cultural, religious and philosophic beliefs, turning your thoughts towards worthy goals. Many Sea-Goats are seeking to move forward in their personal lives, but first you must decide the path you want to take. There are many options to consider, so think them over carefully. More about Michaelmas. Auspicious colours are amethyst and jade. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
Don't be afraid to communicate your thoughts, dear Aquarius, as the muse visits you. Your ideas should be imaginative and vivid, so that is a plus! However, romance will be fantasy-driven and edgy, but children will be inclined to be stroppy. Long term plans should be put into motion at tomorrow's New Moon in your house of friends, hopes and wishes. Expressive colours are electric blue and sparkling silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
There may be conflict between you and someone else over money matters, but try not to let things get out of hand. Financial deals may have hidden excesses, gotchas that eventually cause them to collapse under their own weight. Be sure to have permission before helping yourself to someone else's resources! You can make progress in business, but not without a little bloodshed. Positive colours are mahogany and aqua. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
You may be under a great deal of stress with the Moon in your opposite Sign. You just can't please anyone at the moment, so stop trying to please everyone. Your partner and your career hold the most sway with you now, so try to reach a compromise between them. If that doesn't work, just tell the world to take a hike. Favourable colours are yellow sapphire and vermilion. Lucky numbers are 16 and 25.
Be careful not to overextend yourself, Aquarius. You may be tempted to make promises you cannot keep. Try to plan your day realistically, guarding against over-scheduling. If you try to please everyone you will end up pleasing no one. Find a way to please yourself that might be agreeable to others. Spend the evening with your partner, or closest buddy and plot to conquer the world together. It's a great night to celebrate Harvest Home. Pleasing colours are peacock blue and rich rose. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
Mercury the Messenger turns retrograde in your ninth house of travel and adventure today, slowing your pace for the next three weeks. News from abroad may be delayed or lost. Publishing projects may have to be temporarily shelved. Those of you involved in higher education may be frustrated by red tape... just take a deep breath and have patience. Career benefits are in store, as Venus entering Scorpio will cause the higher-ups to gaze benevolently upon you. More on Mercury Retrograde! Advantageous colours are rose quartz and amber. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Pay attention to quality and detail as you complete your tasks, dear Water-Bearer. Everything from the food you serve and eat, to the way you file your papers can have meaning. Communication, especially with those of another race or culture, seems difficult and things may take a surprising turn with finances. You are entering a period when your personal charm will win victories in your career, so it should turn out well. Why not reorganize your desk for better efficiency? Auspicious colours are carmine and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 10 and 2.
You won't be any good to others if you don't take care of yourself, Aquarius, so make sure you are getting the rest, exercise and nutrition you need. It's the Equinox, when health comes into focus; remember that breaking bad habits is always easier if you begin good habits at the same time. Do something positive for yourself today! More on the Equinox. Positive colours are cobalt blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
You may want to take the day off for pleasure, but with the Moon squaring off with dutiful Saturn, you need to work first and play later. As the day draws on, your imagination teems with creative ideas. Put them into writing, or down on disc. Children will respond to your loving touch, and will value your opinion. For romantic Aquarians, the night is filled with promise. Delightful colours are dusky rose and lilac. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Don't be surprised if there is some excitement, as this is an 'anything can happen' day. Go-go with the flow. Good things materialize out of nowhere, but obstacles can crop up just as suddenly. Let your intuition guide you and you will know exactly what to do. Romance could be quirky fun. Fortunate colours are silver and purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
Your idealistic view of home life and the reality of your domestic situation may be poles apart, but that shouldn't stop you from trying to create a wonderful atmosphere. Aquarians love creating their own living space, particularly if it's light and airy and the rooms naturally flow into each other and incorporate the outdoors. It may take some effort to bring order out of chaos, but you can do it! Expressive colours are pale violet and translucent amber. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
You may feel like curling up with a good book on your favourite couch today, because cosy and comfy is just what the doctor ordered. Unfortunately, duty may call as the Moon moves through your fourth house of home and family. Try not to argue with family members over petty matters and strive to see the love and beauty in little things. Ideal colours are red coral and slate grey. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.
With the expressive Moon and critical Mercury in challenging aspect, you may have to bite your tongue today. What you say can, and will, be used against you. To avoid bad gossip karma, resist joining the sharks at the water cooler. It's a delicious time for romance with a fascinating foreigner who is irresistibly drawn to you, so act out your fantasies tonight. That's much better karma! Alluring colours are shimmering blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
That phone is ringing off the hook as the Moon dials up your third house of communication, Water-Bearers. Your friends have a lot to say, but most of it is gossip, adding to the stress. Try to settle in to a good routine and focus on the outcomes, rather than the ephemera. Don't become distracted by trivia. Leave that till tomorrow..! Steady colours are deep purple and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 11 and 3.
Resources come into focus under the Pisces Full Moon. This may lead to a power struggle of some sort, but it's time to put all your cards on the table. Be honest with yourself and then be honest with others. Many of you will begin to reap the rewards of all your hard work now. Advantageous colours are laurel green and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 2 and 17.
The cosmic pressure is on as the Moon opposes Saturn, so if you are having money troubles, stay well clear of family members, especially females, who urge you to spend! Look over your budget, your values and your priorities. If they are compatible and complementary, everything should be falling into place nicely. If not, it may be time to face reality. Good news should come overnight regarding foreign investments or matters of taste, culture, or religion. Favourable colours are forest green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 17 and 21.
After a day or two's focus on you, you, you, the Moon blows into your second house of personal finances today. You feel strongly about the things you value, causing you to bristle at the thoughtlessness of others. If you are feeling vulnerable or insecure, try throwing yourself wholeheartedly into your work. You can accomplish a great deal. An emotional aura this evening can mask a rebuild of your mental attitude. Favourable colours are graphite and bloodstone. Lucky numbers are 2 and 26.
The Moon in your sign serves a beautiful aspect to Mars, Mercury and Venus in your house of the higher mind. Travel, publishing and personal growth are in the wind and you will either send or receive valuable information. Though you might not be feeling entirely at ease with yourself, the upsets are most likely financial, so it's not a deep restructuring. Friendships are subject to a blockage or two, but it's your internal spirit that is blossoming. Favourable colours are aquamarine and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
As the magnetic Moon cruises into your first house of personality, you should be irresistible indeed. Even if you are feeling slightly confused and vulnerable, others will notice there is something special about you. This is a wonderful time to express your thoughts and feelings to the important people in your life. Relax and be your unique self, as a romantic connection with an intriguing stranger, maybe an artist, a foreigner or an academic, can be made tonight. Appealing colours are blue sapphire and wild strawberry. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Enjoy whatever quiet and solitude you can find while the reflective Moon cruises through your twelfth house of secrets. Career benefits are there, but really it is time to recharge your spiritual batteries. Focus on those activities that help restore your soul. Curl up with a book, or share the evening with someone whose company you enjoy. Mellow colours are amethyst and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The pressure releases on your friendships and associations and in coming weeks you will be able to clear out some of the baggage that has been cluttering up your machine. Things are looking up, but don't push yourself too hard; you need to recharge your spiritual batteries. You may be on the verge of a spiritual breakthrough, so allow yourself to float over the obstructions and become a new you. Empowering colours are midnight blue and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
Although the Moon is in circumspect Capricorn and your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, this inward-looking house is energised today by a fabulous trine aspect between Saturn your life-ruler and expansive Jupiter. Ambitious or extended projects connected with government, big companies, or institutions such as hospitals, prisons and universities are favoured. This is, however, the beginning of your low lunar cycle, so make plenty of time for rest and meditation. Favourable colours are emerald and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 12 and 26.
Romance and passion could be uncomfortably strong for the often detached Water-Bearer today, but don't be surprised to find yourself joining in the drama! You could be overtaken by your needs and desires and those of your friends. Disruptive secrets may emerge, so do what you know you must to retain your personal integrity. Beneficial colours are antique silver and royal amethyst. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
A lighthearted mood rules the day as the Moon moves into the good ship Sagittarius, your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes. This is a great time to meet good friends for lunch and brainstorm, as creative ideas abound. In fact, you may have so many interesting thoughts in your mind that it could be hard to fall asleep tonight. Fortunate colours are charcoal and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 33.
Peace is hard to find, and some people seem to prefer war. Let peace begin with you today. Your patience may be tested by the folly and selfishness, even the deception of others. If someone wants to start a fight, just say 'Be blessed, my friend' and walk away. And mean it. Positive colours are glistening silver and corn bread. Lucky numbers are 18 and 28.
As much as you would rather just have fun, many Aquarians will have responsibility today. As the Moon lights up your tenth house of career and status, you'll need to focus on the job at hand. Government contracts are favoured and financial issues can ease, especially if connected with big institutions. Although you are inclined to grow rapidly, a little discipline and a pinch of sacrifice will let you meet your obligations. Favourable colours are shimmering blue and pewter. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
This is the perfect day to try new things as wise Mercury and the shining Sun blend well with your planetary rulers. You are likely to feel popular and in demand too. People from different backgrounds can teach you a great deal about world culture, so pay attention to your global network. More than any other sign, the Water-Bearer realizes we are all part of one Cosmic family. Auspicious colours are emerald and apricot. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Setting your sights on far horizons will cheer you now. There is so much waiting for you out there that it may be hard to choose your next goal. Finding a way to express yourself more fully is something that all Water Bearers should consider. After all, this is the dawning of your age, so make the most of it. Consider signing up for courses that will teach you about other people and customs. Adventurous colours are chocolate brown and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 10 and 33.
Your thoughts and communications turn to long distance travel, international business, or diplomatic endeavours now. Correspondence or discussions regarding a second marriage, in-laws, or a relative's health or job are in the wind. Cultural events, court decisions, education and training, foreign languages, religious or political interests, publishing, promotions, or advertising will feature in coming weeks. Favourable colours are smoky blue and green garnet. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.

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