Capricorn's Horoscopes |



Born between: Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

Highly intelligent and organised, the Capricorn star sign often relates to characterises of perseverance and planning. Capricorns need to be careful to not take on too many of other people's problems on top of their own.

The public eye turns to you today, dear Goats, so put on your sharpest outfit. You have the potential to be very successful in the coming weeks, but is there someone working against you behind the scenes? Watch what you say and who you say it to. Be silent if you are less than sure of your ground. Advantageous colours are charcoal and bronze. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
Today's New Moon should give you an opportunity for a new start in your career, reputation or relationship with authority figures. We all must make peace with the world if we are going to be free to advance, so let go of any anger you may be carrying and pledge to turn over a new leaf. In fact, Michaelmas is a traditional time for beginning anew. There is much you can accomplish so don't hold back! More about Michaelmas. Auspicious colours are cobalt blue and charcoal. Lucky number is 10.
Be prepared for anything, especially with your finances. Hopefully today's surprises will be of the pleasant kind, or at least the sort that turn out best in the long run. Valuable information will arrive, perhaps from a hidden source. Use caution when you're out having a good time; you may be fortunate this evening, but you don't want to press your luck under the current aspects. Positive colours are mint green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Change is in the wind as the New Moon approaches. If you feel antsy, it may mean you need to rethink your old routine. Travel, higher education, and the study of religion and philosophy are all favoured now. You may have some inner fears holding you back, but if you look more closely you will realize that there really is nothing to be afraid of. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
A struggle for power and control might manifest itself today, perhaps with some hidden opposition revealing itself. Try to stay balanced and centred. You may need to keep your own counsel for a few hours. If you feel the need to discuss your current situation with someone, choose your most trusted confidante. Chances are good that by tomorrow everything will look different. Advantageous colours are emerald and red coral. Lucky numbers are 17 and 21.
This can seem a very intuitive day as your psychic faculties are activated, but beware of delusion. Neptune and the Moon are at odds, so a glimpse of the future may be deceptive. In personal relationships, allow a spirit of generosity and compassion to dominate. You can reach new heights in love with just a little patience and understanding. Why not spread some cheer by passing around corn dollies to celebrate Harvest Home? Beneficial colours are green tourmaline and gleaming obsidian. Lucky numbers are 14 and 26.
Mercury turns retrograde in your tenth house of career and status, slowing down your progress on the job. Be sure to take notes and document everything, as misunderstandings and confusion reign. Stay as organized as possible while the trickster does his best to trip you up... by the time it is all over, you will have come out on top. Friends will be supportive as Venus enters Scorpio, and you may even find that a friendship deepens into love. More on Mercury Retrograde! Auspicious colours are blue sapphire and bright yellow. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
Sea-Goats, single or attached, will be moved as Venus slinks into Scorpio, but you may still have some difficulty in expressing your emotions. What seems like rejection may not be, or what may actually be rejection can work to your advantage. What seems most attractive may turn out the least desirable. Be willing to give something of equal value in return, or else you may get nothing at all, or a poor imitation of what you wanted. Fortunate colours are charcoal and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 16.
Make time to connect with your partners today, Cap, as they need your attention as the Moon enters your seventh house, crossing purposes with the Sun at the Equinox. Don't let your personal issues stand in the way of a truly supportive relationship, especially with regard to your career concerns. Be there for others and they will be there when you need them. If you go out tonight, you will enjoy being seen in public. More on the Equinox. Beneficial colours are smoky slate and rich rose. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
Emotions well up, perhaps connected with family and forebears, and you may struggle to keep an even keel early on. Nevertheless, delightful energies emerge later, especially connected with career and your public face. Why not spend the afternoon with some colleagues from work, perhaps enjoying a cultural exhibition, concert or even a spiritual gathering. Much good will come of it. Advantageous colours are cobalt and cream. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Be ready for a shakeup as cosmic forces clash; those with children need to keep a close eye on them today. Hidden expenses may begin to show up in your budget, so take a look at where your money is going. You can have a good time today, but be sure to use reasonable caution and be on the lookout for accidents waiting to happen. Positive colours are red coral and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 10 and 6.
The Moon and Jupiter are forming a cosmic embrace today, Cap. Since fortunate Jupiter is ambling through your sign, this should prove to be excellent! Bright ideas are in the wind, but if you are involved in a subtle power struggle, you need to strive for balance. Remember that your reputation and integrity are just as important as the outcome. Auspicious colours are silver and black. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
Today is a very fortunate day, as glorious Jupiter in your sign and Saturn, your life-ruler, are switched on by the Taurus Moon. It's playtime for the Goat, so plan to enjoy an evening of love and laughter. Of course, you will need to keep within a reasonable budget, but there is no reason why you should not enjoy some of the fruits of your labor. Even if all you do is order a pizza and rent a movie, it is time for a much needed treat. Excellent colours are lilac and translucent amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
The urge to dominate your family members is strong today, Cap. Even though you're sure it is in their best interests, they are hardly likely to lie down and roll over. Capricorn is a natural leader, but there's no point in forcing others to follow. Express your thoughts and ideas with a touch of humour and you are more likely to get people to accept them. Inspiring colours are carmine and obsidian. Lucky numbers are 12 and 4.
Home and family occupy your mind as the nurturing Moon enters your fourth house, dear Capricorn. Past conditioning from your childhood may be making itself felt now, but you should be able to recognize whether or not these behaviours are productive. Sometimes you are given to inappropriate, knee-jerk reactions, so don't let ego get in the way of cordial relationships in the domicile. Grounding colours are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
Personal differences rise to the surface, but this can be a good thing under today's Full Moon in supportive Pisces. If you and your associates can keep an open mind, all parties involved can learn and grow. Avoid people who are only interested in making you see their point of view. In the same way, do not try to force your beliefs or opinions on anyone. Fortunate colours are deep blue and red garnet. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
It's a mixed day for the Goat, so watch your step, as accidents can happen with the careless Moon opposing stern Saturn in your ninth house of travel. It may be because you are unfamiliar with the territory, or just because someone else isn't paying attention. Anyway, stay on your toes. You should nevertheless get some good news, either from a family member or a neighbour and spiritual or religious events in your area should be uplifting and beneficial. Positive colours are old gold and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 10.
The financial blues fade and the pace of life picks up as the Moon enters your third house of communications today. It seems as though the phone won't stop ringing, so find a comfortable pace for yourself and refuse to be overwhelmed... Let the machine pick up calls; delegate minor tasks and responsibilities, and enjoy some social ambience. Sociable colours are pastel yellow and red garnet. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
You may suddenly know the answer to a question that has been nagging you lately as the planets give rise to insight. The urge to give away all your possessions and live as a monk may cross your mind, but if you have been denying yourself pleasure for too long you may have the desire to swim in a sea of gratification. Revealing colours are silver and green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
The sensitive Moon clashes with disruptive Uranus today, making some of your feelings uncomfortably intense. Desire may make its burning touch felt as you struggle with what you can and cannot have. Take a deep breath and allow this energy to pass. For some, a romantic connection can be made with the boss! Every one of you can benefit by improving your image at work, or in public activities. Beneficial colours are amethyst and silver. Lucky numbers are 10 and 3.
With the magnificent Moon and expansive Jupiter joining forces in your first house of personality, you should be a force to be reckoned with. Romantic passions may be awakened by a slinky stranger, or perhaps an arty type, but be careful not to awaken jealousy in the wee, wee hours, because the energy turns a little edgier as the night goes on. Fortunate colours are blue sapphire and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Extra energy and magnetism can be yours as the Lunar Light dances with jolly Jupiter in your sign.You can be popular today without even trying, so enjoy it! After all, you have more than proven your abilities and integrity. Future plans can be seen to be well thought out and based on a firm foundation. The stars suggest they are destined to succeed. Advantageous colours are bluish white and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
The Moon dancing into Capricorn marks the beginning of your lunar high cycle. Jupiter, Lord of the Gods and Saturn, your life-ruler, combine to gift you with great strides ahead. You will have more emotional energy as the Moon and Jupiter lend you extra strength; just be careful not to come on too strong to those who do not know you well. While you should have extra charm and charisma, some may be feel somewhat inhibited by your powerful ways. Ambitious colours are obsidian and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Overcome your fears by facing them squarely today, dear Capricorn. As the Moon squares Saturn and Mars raises Cain, it's definitely time to 'let go and let God' in certain situations. You may even find that by releasing your fears you are better able to accomplish your goals... the fear of being inferior may be holding you back. Intuition is not to be trusted, so take accurate notes and communicate with care. Conservative colours are red garnet and basalt. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Be careful on this day of discordant energies. It will be all too easy to get in an argument about what is on the surface and what is underneath, so don't go there if you want to avoid a fight. If someone tries to convince you that they are right and you are wrong, simply walk away. You may be tempted to overspend in an effort to keep up with the spending habits of your friends, but true friends don't need you to spend money in order to like you. Propitious colours are silver and lilac. Lucky number is 12.
Vague fears and confusion are likely and most people will be feeling out of sorts. As much as Capricorn enjoys concrete ideas, you may have to accept the nebulous and abstract today. The world is full of wonderful things and humans, as well as negative ones - try to remain positive. Positive colours are bright yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
An excellent energy boosts your mental state, increasing your supply of spiritual essence, and it is possible that career benefits will flow. Success comes to you in any dealings with overseas connections, or with those of another race or culture to your own. Let the world know what you know, for you can make giant strides towards the fulfilment of your hopes and wishes, as friends and associates are willing to help. Even the in-laws are on your side. Advantageous colours are crimson and black. Lucky numbers are 1 and 11.
Good old social networking will help you make progress in business. Ideas that promote the collective good will be well received, so if you have an idea for improving procedure at your place of work, it's time to speak up. Those of you involved in the technical fields will find this is a great time to advance your career. Travel is favoured and past connections will be useful, especially if overseas or to do with cultural pursuits. Advantageous colours are basic black and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
You may feel you are working day and night, but you'll hit paydirt soon. With magical Neptune in your second house of finances, you should take advantage of your opportunities as they come. Going out with business partners or clients this evening should be both enjoyable and fruitful. Advantageous colours are earthy brown and forest green. Lucky numbers are 6 and 8.
Your light is shining in the public sphere today. A public forum of some kind would be just the thing to express your ideas, or share your knowledge and skills. Why not write a letter to a newspaper, make a speech, or even start a blog? Authority figures will be on your side, but this does not mean you should avoid your responsibilities, especially regarding government papers and regulations. Beneficial colour is royal blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.

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