Gemini's Horoscopes |



Born between: May 21st - June 20th

Adaptability is a Gemini's greatest strength which has positives for the workplace. Whilst their affection and imagination provides more great qualities; the negative of a Gemini is that they can be pessimism however they thrive on others optimistic nature.

The Moon moves through your fifth house of romance, making you ever so attractive. It will be easier to attract the opposite sex, especially in the workplace. That will ease your frustration! Career concerns may be consuming you, but you really shouldn't worry - things will ease up soon. Positive colours are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 14 and 15.
Passion between you and a colleague may erupt today as the New Moon at Michaelmas triggers fireworks in your life. Whether this sparks friendly competition or just a tumble between the sheets depends on your state of mind. If you are aware of today's creative energy, you can use it to create fun and excitement rather than disagreements. More about Michaelmas. Flirty colours are turquoise and blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
A fantasy of love fires you up today, Gemini, but jealousy and deliberate obstruction can be infuriating. Entertain someone special at home and play your cards right. This could lead to a wonderful beginning that could lead who knows where... Fortunate colours are pale violet and red rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
A quiet mood descends as the changing Moon awakens your fourth house of home and family. Looking inward for answers will be fruitful today; only you really know the whys and wherefores of your personal motivations. It's head versus heart, but spending a peaceful afternoon at home can help you restore equilibrium to your soul. Positive colours are platinum and emerald. Lucky numbers are 4 and 23.
It's time to open the lines of communication, Gemini, so make an effort to mend fences. Let warm and supportive relationships with siblings help you make the most of this day; it's all about love and friendship anyway. You may be busier than usual, but make time to contact those you care about. Communicative colours are orange and beige. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
Planetary factors may cause you to be unrealistic today, so don't let your ideals cloud the facts. Your associates may be able to assist you in your personal ambitions, but collective goals are more likely to be successful at this time. If you are able to compromise, you can have the best of both worlds and a win-win situation. It's a great night for a get-together at the local to celebrate Harvest Home. Enjoyable colours are jade green and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Tricky Mercury slides into retro mode in your fifth house of romance for the next three weeks, Gemini. Love is more than blind, it's clumsy under this influence! It's also time to pay more attention to your children (if you have any) and to get in touch with your own inner child. While typically a time of frustration, Mercury Retrograde periods can also be opportunities to reflect and analyse current situations. Take a deep breath and use this to your advantage, especially in the work environment. More on Mercury Retrograde! Favourable colours are pale mauve and deep green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
Take stock of your resources and see to the maintenance of your possessions as the Moon encourages good stewardship during this time frame. The better care you take of what you have, the longer they will last. Some Twins may need to apply this idea to their closest relationships as well! It's important not to take anyone or anything for granted. Advantageous colours are terracotta and red coral. Lucky numbers are 14 and 12.
The Sun enters charming Libra to increase your blessings, and the Equinox can be a time of prosperity for the versatile Twins. Good fortune may not come in the form of cold hard cash, but if you're resourceful you should have everything you need when you need it in the days to come. Romantic energies are flowing, so be open to the possibilities. More on the Equinox. Romantic colours are purple sage and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 2 and 5.
Your hard work may be about to pay off, dear Gemini. Your good reputation has been hard won and it's time to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Despite crossed swords in the morning, even those who are usually jealous seem happy for you later in the day. This is your opportunity to turn enemies into friends, as the universe turns the tide in your favour. Advantageous colours are pale violet and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 1 and 14.
Your imagination has been working overtime and you may wake up with an inspired idea or concept, but now is not the time to act on it. You are still in your lunar low cycle, so go slow and keep a low profile. Stress may cause you to catch a cold more easily than usual, so avoid those who are sniffling and sneezing. A breakthrough is likely later in the day when the Moon enters Gemini, so have patience. Edgy romance is in the pipeline, but don't bite off more than you can chew. Inspirational colours are amethyst and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
Challenges seem almost insurmountable, dear Gemini, but you truly are capable enough to meet them. Don't allow fear to stop you from aiming high. Control a tendency to be your own worst enemy and ignore sniping from the wings. It is often difficult for the Twins to focus on one thing, so take a cue from your steady Taurus friends. Dig your heels in and plan to stay put! Ideal colours are green jade and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
The reflective Moon moves through your twelfth house of secrets today, urging you to spend time in solitude. During the next two and a half days you will experience the moods of your lunar low cycle, which may cause you to feel rather unlike yourself. Use this opportunity to evaluate the thoughts and feelings you have experienced during the past month. Reflective colours are purple iris and silvery green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
Tonight will be sparkling with love and romance, so get out and mingle. New people you meet now will have quite an impact on your hopes and dreams, especially if connected with religion, personal development, or creative arts, such as the movies. Look for those who display optimism, generosity and faith for best results. Avoid those who are most obviously on power trips or display an unhealthy drive for control and power. Foreign affairs will ignite your imagination. Adventurous colours are turquoise and ivory. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
The Moon in Aries is generally beneficial for you, dear Gemini, for it awakens friendship and aspirations. However, it's a bit bumpy today, so you might be feeling a little miffed, but tomorrow is another day. Stay out of financial trouble and if anyone makes you an offer that seems to good to be true, it probably is. Beneficial colours are smoky grey and pale blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
Today's Full Moon urges you to face those personal feelings you've been trying to ignore. You can distract yourself with all the friends and fun you want, but something still seems to be bothering you. Take time to really think about who you are, what you want out of life and where you seem to be headed. Spend some time with your parents, as it's good to keep the family ties active. Positive colours are deep purple and sea green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
Your closest relationships may prove to be challenging as planets create stress in your angular houses... this is a time of great growth for you but it may simply feel like a headache and a hassle. Be open to messages the Universe is trying to send you... it may be time for you to make some important changes. Just remember that the inner changes you make are the ones that will make the biggest difference. Favourable colours are sky blue and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 17.
As the Moon enters Pisces, your tenth house of career and status, the emphasis turns to your public responsibilities. You'll need to find a healthy balance if you want to stay sane today, so listen to your heart as well as your mind. Compassion for others may be the key to your success - don't ignore your feelings in favour of your intellect. Fortunate colours are cobalt and carnelian. Lucky numbers are 10 and 17.
Your startling talents are bursting out all over today, so don't be afraid to share your ideas... Could it be that the time has finally come for what you have in mind? Obstructive forces can be overcome under today's expressive aspects. If you don't get the opportunity to share your thoughts (who... you?), people will be sure to share theirs with you! Brilliant ideas will pop into your dimension tonight and a fantasy-filled adventure is on its way. Excellent colours are bright red and creamy yellow. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Disruptive energies make life harder than it should be, but the resilient twins will make up for it by receiving grand inspirations about unusual experiences in places afar. Travel and romance may be on your mind... why not get lost in a good movie or book tonight if you can't hop on a plane to Paris? If someone far away is on your mind, it's time to pick up the phone or send a message. Calming colours are sea green and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 9 and 15.
Financial improvements are in the wind as the Moon blends with the Sun and with Jupiter. Your ideas may conflict with the established way of thinking, but now is the time to put your plans into action, Gemini. Get cracking and build your future. Advantageous colours are cobalt and amber. Lucky numbers are 8 and 4.
It's time to explore your spiritual depths as the Moon awakens the energy in your psychic houses and dark Pluto turns direct after months of his retro phase. Your creative fires may also be stirred as Venus invigorates your fifth house of pleasure. This could be a very interesting evening to go on a date or experiment sexually with your partner. Intimacy increases and relationships become stronger. How much of a risk will you take? Positive colours are dark wine and gleaming silver. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
The Moon moving into your eighth house of mystery turns your thoughts towards all that is deep and thrilling. Issues of power and control may come up as the authoritarian nature of the Capricorn Moon is felt; this may be very exciting for some yet disturbing to others. Sexual attraction and desire is very strong. Excellent colours are bright red and pastel shades. Lucky numbers are 14 and 16.
Relationship concerns are likely to push themselves forward today. Chances are you want your freedom and someone else wants you to commit - or else. This applies to business relationships and friendships as well. Faith and honesty are imperative if you want to move forward in your closest connections. Express yourself fully. Beneficial colours are pale yellow and dark grey. Lucky numbers are 7 and 5.
Headaches and indigestion are likely today, especially if you are travelling. In-laws, long distance communication, education and religion are all likely to create upsets as Mars moves in on unpredictable Uranus. If you can, incorporate Yoga and meditation into your routine. You need to remain both balanced and flexible as the day unfolds. Partners may be a little unpredictable today. Positive colours are indigo and cream. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
This is a time to count your blessings, dear Gemini. The emotional Moon and just about every other cosmic factor are at odds, so you're frustrated with work, travel and health issues. Take a few moments to rest, meditate and envision a more peaceful and compassionate future. Be sure you keep that sharp tongue in its holster, for although you might feel like giving it, no-one likes to receive a tongue-lashing. Soothing colours are pale blue and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 14 and 22.
It's a great day to take on a new project, but also to take up a new health regimen. The Sun and Jupiter are beaming at each other, as the Moon enters your house of health and service. Don't let yourself get run down, or you won't be any use to yourself or anyone else. Travel and investment are favoured and there could be a surprising benefit via the career environment. Beneficial colours are bright stripes and lilac. Lucky numbers are 4 and 8.
Today has the potential to be ultra-romantic and exciting as the planets harmonize in your houses of love, friendship and creativity. If you are going out this evening, you are sure to have a good time. It's a good day to make progress on creative projects. You'll have the energy and imagination you need to make a strong impression on people in high places. Support will come from older people, especially family members. Alluring colours are coppery gold and sunny yellow. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
The luminous Moon lights up your fifth house of pleasure and romance, lifting your spirits and making the day pleasant in general. Happy dreams of a shining future may distract you during much of the day; this is fine unless you have a lot of work to do. If you can whistle while you work and take frequent breaks to stretch your legs and breathe fresh air, the day will fly by. Fortunate colours are bright gold and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 33 and 43.

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