Leo's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

As the Sun and Moon dance in sociable Libra, you'll find yourself quite focused on local issues and neighbourhood affairs. You'll take more of an interest in communicating with siblings and you might hear from someone close, as the phones will be running hot. You may even take a leadership role in local politics. Advantageous colours are ivory and golden sand. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
Pay attention to your siblings and neighbours as the New Moon at Michaelmas activates your third house of communication and community; this is your chance to improve these relationships. Don't expect progress to be without challenge as the Sun and Moon spar off with nebulous Neptune, showing that deception and delusion are rife. Working with others will require an extra measure of patience, tact and discipline. More about Michaelmas. Beneficial colours are blue sapphire and mellow gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
Your imagination is taking you to wonderful places today, Lions. Beneficial changes and new attachments should prove favourable for you. Family relationships improve, especially with your partner, and you could be brought in on a Grand Plan by a sibling or neighbour. You can expand your consciousness and move to a higher level under this influence.. Beneficial colours are golden topaz and silvery mauve. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
The Moon activates your second house of personal finances, forming a beautiful aspect with expansive Jupiter, but conjunct restrictive Saturn, so you need to be more resourceful. It would be wise to delay instant gratification and put away your credit cards for a while; many Lions have been blissfully overspending on pleasures. A feeling of guilt may overwhelm you, if your spending becomes excessive. Practical colours are forest green and dusky rose. Lucky numbers are 2 and 36.
Your charms are on fire, Lions, and your house of romance is getting kind of fogged up as the cosmos ignites fissionable Pluto in sexy Sagittarius and luscious Venus in steamy Scorpio. It's a fabulous night for a party, especially in your area. Why not invite some friends and neighbours over. Who knows what might develop..? Erotic colours are royal purple and green jade. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
The Moon lights up your first house of personality, helping you shine like the star you are. Your magnetism will be magnificent, so enjoy the effect you have on your adoring public. Emotions will be lively, so it might be wise to resist the temptation to flaunt your advantages, or rub people's noses in it. Why not have a party to celebrate Harvest Home? Fortunate colours are jade and topaz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Mercury turns retrograde in your third house of communication, making it difficult to express yourself clearly. Misunderstandings and confusion could frustrate your attempts to achieve your goals, so slow down and read the fine line very carefully. This is a good time to notice what is not being said. Body language and other forms of non-verbal communication are important too. News may be delayed and clashes with females at home are in the wind. More on Mercury Retrograde! Beneficial colours are sage green and dark red. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
Is this the dark before the dawn? Don't worry, the mysterious Moon is moving through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to spend more time alone. It may not be the best night to socialize, even if you are invited. Instead, seek out gentle people and quiet places and take your time. Favourable colours are lavender and apple green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 23.
A sense of peace descends at the Equinox, Leo. You may hear from siblings or neighbours, but your home can be a haven if you let it, so take comfort under your own roof. Surround yourself with beauty by bringing fresh flowers inside. Scented candles, soft music and fresh foods can also help you to relax and prepare for the next cycle. It's a time to go within. More on the Equinox. Peaceful colours are golden topaz and coppery hues. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
Although the morning is somewhat strained, the afternoon brightens up considerably. Teamwork in your community will be fun and spending time with your neighbours or your siblings will be productive. It will be easier to get along with everyone then as positive energy is high. Advantageous colours are ruby red and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
Take pride in who you are and how the world sees you today. Sure, you aren't perfect, but no one else is either! Keep out of trouble by reflecting on the good that you have done and imagining all the good you can still do. It's an ideal day to spend with the parent who has influenced you the most throughout your lifetime. The atmosphere picks up this evening, so get down and boogie at the local. Fortunate colours are emerald and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 23 and 36.
With the public Moon moving through your tenth house of career and reputation, you are likely to be very visible today. Your emotional level is high and your intuition right on target. It's an excellent time to start artistic and other creative activities, get moving with domestic projects, and take care of anything related to children, women, or a new venture. Disappointments that do occur under this influence are apt to have a way of eventually working out to your advantage. Fortunate colours are gold and silver. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
Career and work are favoured today and long-distance communicating will be enjoyable, dear Lions. Your ideas and projects will go well. Have you thought of joining a discussion board on the Internet for your fav. subjects? Whether business or birdwatching, art or coin collecting, you are sure to learn a great deal! Fortunate colours are citrine and purple. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
It's an upbeat mood as the Moon sails through Aries and your ninth house of travel and adventure. There is so much to look forward to that there is no sense in crying over the past; consider this your chance to start over. Opportunities in love are just around the corner, so if you are single, get out and socialize. Someone you meet could turn out to be very special. Beneficial colours are red and tan. Lucky numbers are 14 and 9.
Your natural optimism returns as the Moon cruises through bold Aries, your ninth house of travel and adventure. The next two days or so are perfect for trying new things and seeing new places. If you have been stuck in a rut, now is the time to break free. Your faith can be renewed as you see wonder in the world around you. Adventurous colours are blue sapphire and sunset orange. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
Today's Full Moon in Pisces activates the energy in your eighth house of other people's money and the mysteries of life, including or course, sex. Pay attention to your gut instincts as your mind weighs up these matters. If you are involved in a power struggle, step back today before you get in too deep. Often the best way to win is simply not to play the game. Fortunate colours are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
After a luxurious lie-in, Lions may experience a bit of a financial blip. Family matters may feel rather restrictive, but if you are concerned about insurances or inheritances, or putting Gran in a nursing home, wait for another day. You will find the right way to express yourself later in the day. Favourable colours are cobalt blue and pewter. Lucky numbers are 22 and 47.
Sudden upsets early are swept aside as the Moon enters mystic Pisces, your eighth house of mysteries, sex and other people's money. Pay attention to any strong feelings you have now, as they are likely to be on target. During the next two days your intuition increases and you may notice your dreams intensifying. Keep a pen and notepad by your bed to write down details you remember upon awakening. Intuitive colours are aubergine and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 8 and 18.
Some upsets and struggles occur as Sun and Moon clash with Uranus of the shaker hood, but don't let ego-conflict stir up needless trouble. The Moon in your house of partners is dancing with joy, so use this energy in a productive and stimulating way. Working with your mate on a project that is important to both of would be ideal. Fantasies are stimulated tonight, so be stripped and cleaned for action. Positive colours are rose quartz and lemon yellow. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
Let the power of forgiveness and unconditional love work magic, Lions. When love is a two way street, sacrifices are made joyfully. Or you could view today as a blip on the horizon of the weekend, which will be much more you. Nurturing colours are pale aqua and silver. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
With the Moon shaking up your sixth house of health and service in a good aspect with the glorious Sun, your relationships with co- workers and employees will improve. Any behind-the-scenes tomfoolery is likely to come to light, for which you will be thankful, especially if concealed hostility, corruption or treachery can be resolved. Spend time with your mate tonight. Fortunate colours are golden topaz and silver. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
Transformative Pluto halts and turns direct in your house of romance, children and speculation today, Lions. This tells us that in coming weeks you will need to complete important issues that have been hanging around for too long. Things are confusing later in the day, so best to keep your head down and work on long term plans. Friends may give misleading advice. Positive colours are salmon and aqua. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
The Moon moves into responsible Capricorn and your sixth house of health and service, reminding you to honour your obligations and duties. Don't ignore your health as you see to the wellbeing of others; you won't do anyone much good if you are falling apart physically. Make time for plenty of exercise, fresh air and healthy foods. Finances are favoured too. Advantageous colours are navy blue and snowy white. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
Creative energy is high, so put it to good use now. It may be hard for you to sit in an office all day, so try to get outside for a while. You will find that it is easier to think and to solve your problems when you are out in the great wide open. Find a quiet park bench or a peaceful atrium to get your creative juices flowing. Interfering people can really get your goat. Sexual passion can create a splash tonight. Advantageous colours are white and purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 21.
You might feel a little blue and sluggish during the first part of the day, but cheer up! The Moon moves into optimistic Sagittarius, your fifth house of pleasure today, giving you a reason to smile again. In fact, the next two days or so are likely to be very romantic and pleasing, so prepare for love and laughter. Excellent colours are royal purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
The moody Moon clashes with every kid on the cosmic block, so the potential for emotional fireworks is high. Don't let your ego get in the way of real relating. Make your priority to understand and not to be understood. Entertain at home tonight, as hitting the streets could be risky. Diplomatic colours are red coral and emerald. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.
If you find yourself turning inward, it's because the Moon is navigating her way through secretive Scorpio, your fourth house of home and family. It is a good day to take care of your personal business, especially anything that includes your partner. Finances get a boost, but be careful not to respond to your mate as though he or she were no more than an echo of the past. Live in the now. Fortunate colours are gold and silver. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
Today may seem unusually fast-paced as the Moon and Mercury react to nebulous Neptune and unpredictable Uranus. If someone asks you for a favour, make your immediate response non-committal and then think carefully before you say yes. If you overburden yourself you may end up injuring yourself or making frustrating mistakes. By this evening you will be ready for a well- deserved rest. Best results will come from sleeping on it. Fortunate colours are old gold and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Words of love flow easily while the Moon passes through relationship oriented Libra and your third house of communication. Unpredictable Uranus and intelligent Mercury add excitement to the day, encouraging thoughtful and romantic surprises from your mate. Spending time with neighbours and siblings should also be rewarding. Try not to let career concerns ruin what should otherwise be a warm and friendly day. Romantic colours are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 32.
You are sure to be busier than usual today, Lions, and it will be such fun! Business projects (especially sales), contacts with siblings, correspondence, educational meetings, neighbourhood activities, errands, or travel are all in the mix. Information and ideas are flowing. Cars and other vehicles, computers, or mechanical and electrical equipment occupy your mind, but relationships will be on your phone and IM. Keep a sense of humour, as the airwaves will be buzzing. Lively colours are grassy green and lemon yellow. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.

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