Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

With the Sun and Moon in your sign, you'll be the centre of attention today. Your ability to communicate is matched only by your creative imagination. This is your time to shine, dear Libra, so make the most of the opportunity. Beneficial colours are ivory and carmine. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
This Michaelmas New Moon gives you a chance to make a fresh start in your life, so you may want to consider consulting your favourite astrologer as your personal new year gets under way. The way you present yourself and how others see you is the focus of this lunation, so be prepared to tackle issues head on. Be open to change and growth in your relationships, but beware of delusion and deception today. After all, it's Monday! More about Michaelmas. Favourable colours are rose quartz and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
Librans may feel torn between family responsibilities and career ambitions at this time and if so, you need to find a compromise. You could be tempted to blow up at troublesome types this morning, but don't waste your energy on petty matters. Imaginative ideas will come forward later and tomorrow's New Moon is more favourable. Beneficial colours are amber and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Your dreams could be trying to tell you something, as the Virgo Moon activates your secretive subconscious. If you have a hard time understanding the language of your sleeping mind, why not write down the details you can remember? It's a good day for getting along with family and if you have been considering making a new start on something dear to your heart, today's the day. Favourable colours are emerald and peach. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
Now that the Moon is in your eleventh house, you should be feeling fine and friendly. Even if you are shy, it's worth making an overture of friendship; why not reach out to someone who seems alone? You could find a wonderful new friend in someone who is strongly influenced by the Sun, or who has Leo in their personality. Fortunate colours are pastel yellow and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 11 and 19.
With the Moon in Leo, your eleventh house of friends and cherished dreams, you won't be in the mood for business matters. The atmosphere is a bit tetchy, so get your finances in order, then the next two days should be fine for socializing. Why not plan to meet friends after work tomorrow night to celebrate Harvest Home? Fortunate colours are emerald and peach. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
Expect business transactions and communications to slow down during the next three weeks; while Mercury is retro in your sign, confusion and frustration reign. This is not a good time to make expensive purchases, so put your plans on hold. You will probably seek to rearrange your priorities and rethink your values, as Venus in Scorpio gives you the urge to splurge. More on Mercury Retrograde! Practical colours are silvery grey and purple sage. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
The pressure on you to perform is high today, whether you are a CEO or a volunteer in your community. You should be able to charm everyone despite the tension. However, do guard against drinking too much alcohol when mixing business with pleasure. It will be too easy to let down your guard and say the wrong things if you are not careful. Calming colours are steely grey and red garnet. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
Pleasure is yours at the Equinox, dear Libra. You are at your charming and attractive best, and that is unbeatable! If you are trying to get the attention of a certain someone, now is the time to send out the signal. Even if you are stuck working in the office all day, find a way to get out and enjoy the good things in life. Happy Birthday Libra! It's the Equinox. Auspicious colours are sunny citrine and rose quartz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Obstructive tendencies emerge from those who should know better, as deep stuff is dredged up and confronted. The past is better left to its own devices, rather than raking over old coals. Fortunately, the jealousy and financial issues quickly recede into the background and tonight can be a beautifully cultured and even romantic evening, so long as you can forgive and forget. Positive colours are carmine and silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
Excitement is in the air, Libra. Whether this manifests in a positive or negative way is entirely up to you. Be sure to control the urge to splurge. Channel some of this powerful energy into physical activity. Getting fresh air and enjoying the beauty of nature will be very beneficial for you. Why not share a picnic with someone special? Favourable colours are red coral and emerald. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Practice moderation on this day when you might be tempted to overspend and overindulge. The Scales are always happiest when in balance, so avoid going too far in any direction. A sixth sense about children and relationships may be strong now. Pay attention to your intuition but wait before initiating any new projects. Beneficial colours are chocolate brown and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 8.
You feel a strange urge to penetrate the unknown, dear Libra. Borrowings may become an issue, but something hidden may break out in time to save the day. The psychic nature awakened by the Moon may have many Librans experiencing ESP. Why not talk about your experiences with others, especially those you are closest to? You may be surprised to find out that almost everyone has been feeling more cosmic these days. Intuitive colours are amber and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
You'll feel strangely in tune with your significant other as the Moon jives through your seventh house of marriage and partnership. A dreamy, fantasy-laden atmosphere surrounds you, so let your imagination run riot! Good things come from being open and honest, but this is all about mystery and desire, so play your part and live the dream. Favourable colours are pink carnation and yellow rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 7.
An Aries Moon awakens your seventh house of partnerships, turning your attention to your closest. Spending time with your dearest friend or partner is favoured, as there could be some stress regarding career and public image issues vs what you need at home. Making togetherness a priority will improve your relationship. Even business partnerships will benefit from sharing and relaxing together. Positive colours are yellow sapphire and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 7 and 10.
Health issues are likely to surface under the Pisces Full Moon, so if you haven't been taking proper care of yourself, don't be surprised if you're feeling less than bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Relationships at work will also be under strain. Take what happens during the next twenty four hours as your wake-up call to pay more attention to your health and the environment you work in. Positive colours are emerald and apricot. Lucky numbers are 3 and 6.
You are feeling fine, but there's tension in the air, Libra. Be diplomatic around your neighbours, siblings and co-workers. There is no sense in getting upset over trivial matters, so bite your tongue and carry on with whatever work you have today. You may be tempted to give someone a piece of your mind, but the best strategy may simply be silence. Words of love will come tonight. Beneficial colours are golden topaz and pale violet. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
You may be feeling a little let down after last night's experiences, but healing moments can be found during this hectic day. Take time out to smell the roses, for the Moon now enters your sixth house of health and service. There is a lot of work to accomplish, but you won't be much use to anyone if you run yourself into the ground. Take time to enjoy your meals and chew your food thoroughly. Make time for a stroll in the park with your loved one this evening. Positive colours are ivory and pink. Lucky numbers are 15 and 19.
Mercury, Venus and Mars give you a dazzling edge today, so express yourself with your own brand of creative genius. Love and children are especially favoured. Many Librans are enduring the sweet suffering of forbidden love, as the Sun and Saturn hide in your twelfth house of secret matters, but don't let that keep you from having a good time. Your audience is waiting... don't hide backstage! Advantageous colours are pale blue and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Mars embracing Venus in Libra and the combination of mysterious Neptune and the sensitive Moon in your fifth house will rekindle romance in your life. Whatever happens, today won't be boring. Those of you with children might want to keep an extra close eye on them; they could be prone to accidents and mishaps now. Alluring colours are cherry red and bronze. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The warmhearted Moon in your fourth house of home and family tells us it is time to enjoy the comforts of home. Harmony will be quite easy to attain. There may be some personal difficulties to work through with an older family member, but unconditional love can help you begin the process. Fill your environment with pleasant music, fresh flowers, and scented candles. Comforting colours are pastel yellow and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
After a day dedicated to taking care of business, you might feel that popularity is a double-edged sword so take care. There are those who smile and show you a friendly face but secretly are jealous of you... guard against false friends and flatterers. This is a good time to go out and be seen, but be sure to mind your manners. People are watching and taking notes. Auspicious colours are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
With the Moon moving into your fourth house of home and family, you'll be ready for a quiet retreat. Avoid crowded places and unpleasant people in favour of environments and companions that make you feel cosy and warm. Your home can truly be your castle and on this fortunate day you should share the joy. It will be easy to create the perfect mood this evening. Beneficial colours are pale blue and translucent amber. Lucky numbers are 4 and 12.
Much will be said today, but will you regret any of it? With the emotional Moon in your communication sector and Mars battling Jupiter, you may find yourself engaged in constant discourse, or conflict over what you want vs what you need. Someone may be set on convincing you of something you simply cannot accept. It's time to bite your tongue, no matter how badly you would like to lash out! It's a bad day to move house. Conciliatory colours are red coral and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
After taking care of business this morning, you are likely to feel more talkative and open. As the Moon cruises into happy-go-lucky Sagittarius and your third house of communication, it'll be easier to express yourself. You may have some serious subjects to discuss; pay attention to what others have to say for important clues. Expressive colours are purple sage and lemongrass. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Cosmic collisions bring tense emotions to the surface. You need to relax if you want to stay balanced... don't try to do too much in one day. Take some time out to count your blessings and maybe realign your priorities. If it's hard to go to sleep this evening, try a bath infused with lavender and peppermint oils. Protective colours are mint green and lavender. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.
Your financial sector is activated, so it's a good time to take care of personal business. Some Librans have been enjoying remarkably good fortune lately, but that doesn't mean you don't have to plan for the future! Take the time to organize and budget your finances. If you are resourceful, you can enjoy the good life and save for a rainy day at the same time. Good luck surrounds the family too. Advantageous colours are terracotta and forest green. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
You can have quite an impact on those around you today. Express yourself and your ideas; people are ready to hear what you have to say. Personal matters should go well now while the Moon cruises through your sign. Fresh flowers, scented candles, and other beautiful things will set a peaceful mood at home and lift your spirits. Expressive colours are goldenrod and blush. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
Enjoy good times with friends as the Moon in your sign harmonizes well with the other heavenly bodies; tonight is your night for fun and romance! Many Librans have something to celebrate, so plan an elegant and sumptuous dinner. Have someone else do the dishes while you enjoy some of the fruits of your labour. Alluring colours are sparkling silver and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 19 and 24.
Your personal magnetism is expanding dear Libra! The charm of your personality, willingness to cooperate and sense of humour are working well for you. Your ability to communicate receives a planetary boost and you will be able to express yourself well, whether in words, in artistic creations, or through the natural beauty and charm for which you are renowned. Creative colours are silky cream and glittering emerald. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.

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