Sagittarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Often bitten by the travel bug those born under the Sagittarius sign are independent and always have a optimistic stance on life. However they need to be patient to not expect miracles while chasing their next positive outcome.

Rain, hail or shine, this is the kind of day for flying kites. Imagine that it is you soaring above the clouds as you guide your kite through the air; imagine what sort of freedom you would have if you could fly! While you are at it, don't be afraid to dream of a better future for yourself. Get outside and do something exhilarating, even if it is just taking a walk down a garden path. More about Michaelmas. Soaring colours are violet and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
Today's Michaelmas New Moon encourages you to make new friends. It's a time of beginnings, and with your eleventh house of associates and shared goals activated, it is time to reach out! Networking can be very fruitful during the next few days, so go for it! Excellent colours are translucent amber and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
The Moon and Pluto clash today, bringing certain relationships to critical mass. Most Archers will find today's events strenuous and somewhat distasteful. Intensity is not your favourite entree, especially when served by an emotional partner. Valuable ideas are in the ether, so be creative! It's time to make a new start, which will be the ideal way to approach tomorrow's New Moon. Calming colours are pastel green and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
The Virgo Moon in your mid-heaven turns the spotlight onto your role in the community. Long-term changes are under way and ultimately these can be for the best, if you are willing to give up outmoded ways of thinking and acting. Be sure to tend to your responsibilities before you relax this evening. Leave nothing to chance. Archers seeking some fun tonight will meet good fortune. Auspicious colours are silvery pink and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
It's a perfect day to transform your way of thinking, Archers. Don't waste time trying to convince narrow-minded people of your point of view, just go with the flow and enjoy the insights. Your needs have little to do with anyone else, even your family or others close to you. Old stuff that has been resurfacing recently needs to be dealt with, so deal with it! Favourable colours are burgundy and orange. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
With the Moon in your ninth house of philosophy, travel and adventure, you'll be ready to try something new. You may need to ask directions if you are driving to an unknown destination. A detailed map will be invaluable today, so keep one handy. Avoid discussions about beliefs during the next two days, as they are likely to get out of hand. Have a get-together to celebrate Harvest Home. Adventurous colours are electric blue and neon red. Lucky numbers are 21 and 9.
Mercury turns retrograde in your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes, Archers. The next three weeks may find you committing quite a few slips of the tongue, so practice keeping your mouth shut wherever you can. The stars advise that when you spend more time listening than speaking, you will soon know which friends are true blue and which friends are fair weather. If you are contemplating a secret romance, be sure to take even more care to button the lip. More on Mercury Retrograde! Propitious colours are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
It is easy to get caught up in the material world and not see the value of a more spiritual approach, Archers. Your emotions are at odds with your higher intentions now and the urge to withdraw becomes even stronger when Venus slips into Scorpio tonight. Sexual intrigue is in the stars. If you feel you are losing your connection to the Infinite, spend time in quiet meditation. Positive colours are lime green and auburn. Lucky numbers are 8 and 12.
The emotional Moon moves into your eighth house of sex, money and power, increasing the intensity at the Equinox. Friends will be supportive, but the next two days may find power struggles erupting, so proceed with caution. If you find yourself trying to control a situation, remember that your reactions are going to have more impact than your actions. Cautious colours are rose and peppermint. Lucky numbers are 11 and 22.
After a less than logical morning, the cosmic waves bring a lovely mood that enhances your relationship with your partner, or spouse. Lunch for two at a quaint ethnic restaurant may provide just the right atmosphere and opportunity for romance to revive. Spend the afternoon with friends, as it will be full of love, pleasure and convivial delights. Mellow colours are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 7 and 11.
Take time to connect with your best friend or partner as the Moon slips into your seventh house of partnerships. He or she really can't read your mind and will benefit from more direct communication with you. This is a great day to relax together, so consider a picnic or barbecue if the weather allows. Beneficial colours are purple sage and lime green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
Excellent financial developments connected with your career and public image are in store, Archers, but your busy schedule may be placing too much stress on your health. Slow down and take time out for a mental break today. If you insist on being in a hurry you may find yourself in a minor accident or worse. It is especially important to eat your meals in a calm, relaxing environment. Nothing is more important than your health. Excellent colours are cobalt blue and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
Be sure to keep up your good habits as the Moon enters your sixth house of health and service today. Many Archers are going through a time of change, making it especially important that you take care of your health. Eat a balanced diet of healthy, whole foods, get plenty of fresh air, and make time for stress relieving exercise. The environment is edgy at work, but financial benefit is in the wind. Auspicious colours are royal purple and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 6 and 22.
Planetary forces combine to create high-voltage energy today, giving you the courage and strength to tackle whatever comes your way. A dynamic Aries Moon motivates powerful Pluto in your sign, so overcoming obstacles is the name of the game. You will feel incredibly intuitive regarding friends, especially in the neighbourhood, so don't be surprised if you know who's calling before you pick up the phone. Romantic delights await you tonight. Intuitive colours are ivory and bronze. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
Increased energy bubbles up as the responsive Moon activates your fifth house of romance, blending well with nuclear-powered Pluto in your sign. Although you should not take chances with money, you feel strangely renewed and ready for a second round in those challenges you have been facing lately. It seems that the stress of your personal difficulties is propelling you forward and impelling you to greater heights. Advantageous colours are cobalt blue and basic black. Lucky numbers are 2 and 5.
Today's Full Moon may bring your private life into the public eye, so you need to be discreet in order to avoid embarrassment. Many of you are dealing with a personal crisis, so keep your cool. With Pluto under pressure in your sign, you need to resolve the profound changes that have been approaching culmination. Consult your favourite astrologer for more information. Supportive colours are pale grey and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
Some people will br grumpy today, Archers, but the stars are smiling on you. Family affairs will prosper, but don't take on any more responsibility just yet. You can sense a good deal of pressure on that career vs domestic axis, although this will ease later in the week. You have had some issues to deal with, but the pattern is now back on track, so prepare for joyous times ahead. Auspicious colours are reddish brown and emerald. Lucky numbers are 11 and 4.
You may find yourself quietly concerned about personal matters today, Archers. Don't hold your emotions in; have a talk with someone about your current problems. This is not the time to confront, instead, seek out the counsel of an objective party. You would also be well advised to run off the stress with friends in the afternoon and invite them home for a get together this evening. Lively colours are cobalt blue and lime green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 11.
A lunch date with a neighbor or sibling may yield surprising information. A friend has some valuable news. Archers who are single and looking for romance may find it among business associates, but a workplace flirtation may be getting too hot to handle. Try to keep your cool when others are over-reacting. Beneficial colours are rose pink and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 11 and 3.
Today may be difficult, but it should also be exciting. You have many ideas you want to share, but just be careful how you express yourself. You are more likely to step on someone's toes if you talk about religion or politics, so approach these subjects carefully. You can have fun with a friend tonight, as sexy Venus and passionate Mars join forces in your house of hopes and wishes. Alluring colours are warm gold and brilliant blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
The Moon forms a deep relationship with your life-ruler Jupiter in your house of finances and values. There are other favourable aspects regarding money, so enjoy the ambience and keep your ear to the ground. Good news is in the frame, especially if you are connected with education, travel, or matters of the higher mind. Favourable colours are green garnet and deep grey. Lucky numbers are 18 and 27.
Pluto is an outer planet that has primarily generational effects, but this heavy hitter has been retrograde in your sign for quite a while now. Today, his return to direct motion gives you more confidence in yourself in coming weeks and will show that you have outgrown a few old attitudes. It's a very good day to rearrange your budget Auspicious colours are royal blue and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The Capricorn Moon prancing through your second house of personal finances helps you to be more business-minded. It is the ideal time to make or implement strategies for your finances as expansive Jupiter your life-ruler boosts ever-practical Saturn. It may be harder than usual to say 'no' to the chocolate bars your friends' children are hawking for school fund-raisers! Excellent colours are royal blue and parchment. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Emotions you have suppressed may rise to the surface today, Archers. This can be a good thing of course, as building pressure must be released. However, it may be best to spend time alone so that you can sort out your feelings without hurting anyone. Calming colours are blue satin and rose quartz. Lucky numbers are 2 and 22.
Take what others say in your stride as the cosmos gets a little testy today. It may be necessary to bite your tongue around authority figures and in work environments as your career and reputation may be damaged by what you say or by what others say about you. In fact, you may want to consider a little subtle brown-nosing! Advantageous colours are cherry blossom and blanched almond. Lucky numbers are 11 and 1.
Thoughts and dreams you have now may be disturbing - remember that your unconscious mind speaks in symbols. Write down the details you remember and consult a dream dictionary or dream interpreter for greater understanding. Do something nice for a complete stranger. Fortunate colours are cobalt blue and dove grey. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
The Sun and Moon are both beaming on Jupiter, your planetary ruler, Archers. It's one of the best days of the year for you, despite some misgivings you may have regarding what's going on out of sight. Romantic or secret assignations are favoured, but get out and enjoy the ambience, as something good is due for you. Positive colours are cobalt blue and white gold. Lucky numbers are 10 and 2.
This is a wonderful day for a midweek break... why not meet your friends for lunch? So often we take our pals for granted and then before you know it, so much time has gone by that we feel awkward making the call. Go ahead and reach out to your friends and let them know how much you really do appreciate them. Don't worry, your reliability is appreciated by those in charge. Beneficial colours are carmine and silver. Lucky numbers are 15 and 22.
Good times are likely as the planets harmonize well today. You can be the life of the party if you choose to socialize, so why not get out with your friends this evening? Your sense of humour is razor sharp and you will have your associates rolling on the floor with laughter. Spending time with your siblings or neighbours is also favoured. Fortunate colours are electric blue and copper. Lucky numbers are 11 and 45.
Your personal aspirations and happiness are in the frame today, Sagittarius. The role you play in the lives of others, as spouse, child, parent, friend, lover, or associate is a central issue. It's time to promote harmony and encourage co-operation as you act in concert with them. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. For the eligible Archer, a friend or associate may seem ever so attractive. Alluring colours are red coral and lavender. Lucky numbers are 11 and 12.

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