Taurus's Horoscopes | Girl.com.au



Born between: April 20th - May 20th

Those with the Taurus sign are perfect partners in friendship and love as they're loving, loyal and understanding. However those born under the Taurus sign at times can be stubborn but always are patient and generous.

If something is bothering you, get to work around the house and apply some old fashioned elbowgrease. You'll be surprised how therapeutic 'Level One Activities' can be: scrubbing the bathtub, cleaning toilets, washing the dog - after that, gardening is pure nirvana! Try not to think too much today - you're better off doing things that take more brawn than brains and you'll feel elated, once you see what you have accomplished. Positive colours are cinnamon and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
With the New Moon in lovely Libra, it's time to get on with charming everyone at work. Michaelmas is a time for setting things straight, so start the lunar month right by organizing yourself and paying attention to those less-than-aesthetic hygiene matters. Why not set about beautifying and organising the workplace? You'll feel much better once you have a beauty regime lined up, so don't procrastinate this morning. More about Michaelmas. Auspicious colours are yellow ochre and warm russet. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
Today's focus places material goals and gains foremost in your mind. Inspired ideas on your part can get you started in the right direction and you'll have the energy to begin work on a creative project. Interactions of all kinds: romantic, social, business, or friendship, or even fleeting encounters with strangers, can put you in touch with the values and mores of your own generation, rather than what is currently fashionable. Auspicious colours are terracotta and pale jade. Lucky numbers are 15 and 25.
Creative, emotional energy returns as the Moon lights your fifth house of romance and creativity. Find the time to relax and have fun today, Bulls. Harriet Martineau once said 'Leisure, some degree of it, is necessary to the health of every man's spirit.' Include every woman's spirit as well and you have a prescription for success. Sensual colours are warm brown and cranberry. Lucky numbers are 5 and 16.
A new direction is needed, Taurus, as the Moon strides through your house of new beginnings. Take the time to analyse your responses to current problems. Are you responding positively or negatively? It's a matter of choice, because you have the ability to turn negative situations around. It could be a romantic weekend, too. Venus, your life-ruler is well-favoured now, so surf the cosmic wave and get on with it! Auspicious colours are carmine and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 22 and 25.
Your innermost feelings about your past and family are stirred as the Moon dances in your fourth house of home and family. This is a good time to take a walk down memory lane, dear Bulls. It would be ideal to have friends and family over for a meal. The sensual Bull is a great host, so plan to have company this weekend to celebrate Harvest Home. Venus moving through Scorpio is increasing your desire - and sweetening your mate.. Sensual colours are russet and purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.
The next three weeks warn of snafus at work and troubles with your health as Mercury turns retrograde in your sixth house. Bulls must pay attention to detail more than ever. Double-check everything and get second opinions as the Winged Messenger goes astray. This is not a good time to begin anything new, as misunderstandings and confusion reign, but it's a good period to finish old issues. Partnership issues and legal matters are in the air as Venus enters your seventh house. More on Mercury Retrograde! Diplomatic colours are dove grey and periwinkle blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
The Moon moves through emotional Cancer, urging you to open up. Expressing personal feeling does not always come easy to the Bull, who would often prefer to remain silent. Listening to music can help you loosen up and express your views. You may even find that a song says exactly what it is that you can't say yourself. Positive colours are sky blue and buttercup. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
A busy schedule dominates your day at the Equinox, Taurus. The workplace may be a hotbed of tension and frustration, so try to avoid needless conflict with co-workers. Steer clear of debates unless you are prepared to be at odds for some time to come. Decide what is truly important to you today, but don't let your ego be your guide! More on the Equinox. Communicative colours are ruby red and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 3 and 6.
Serious obstacles emerge this morning, with sudden shots from left field, but later in the day the clouds mysteriously clear away and things look much nicer. If you are doing the giving, you will be blessed by your actions. If someone else is lending you a hand, do a good turn for another the first chance you get. If everyone practised this form of showing gratitude, the world would be a better place in no time. Positive colours are golden topaz and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
The emotional Moon lights up your sign this morning, bringing out the best in you. Nurture those around you by lending your healing touch to loved ones. It feels wonderful to be not only needed but to be genuinely good at caring for others. Let your gentle light shine without apology. Later in the day, your thoughts turn to your finances and resources, but there is no clear solution at present. Try to avoid quarrelling over matters that don't really matter. Gentle colours are lilac and auburn. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
Sudden annoyances can come out of nowhere, but you will deal with them quite happily. The Moon sailing through Taurus makes it easier for you to stay on an even keel. People will notice your grace under pressure and ultimate serenity. After all, when all is said and done, it is good to be the Bull. Favourable colours are cinnabar and lilac. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
You may feel sluggish early in the day, but when the Moon enters your sign you will feel a surge of energy. This is not a bad evening for socializing as you will have a much better time than you expect. Don't pressure yourself and allow everything to happen naturally. Some good news is on the way and the potential for realising your dreams is almost unsurpassed. Your star is on the rise. Beneficial colours are blue sapphire and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
If you have overextended yourself in a heartfelt desire to save the world, dear Taurus, it's time to step back and focus on your own needs. Good fortune is working in your favour behind the scenes, so have faith that all will turn out well. Your imagination is full of magical power; dream your dreams and allow Spirit to work on you in your sleep. Auspicious colours are rose and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
You may be ready to take a break as the sensitive Moon moves through your twelfth house of secrets and solitude. This is the beginning of your lunar low cycle, so don't try to push yourself too hard - it's time to rest and recharge your spiritual batteries. Surround yourself with pleasant people and stick to places you feel safe and comfortable in. Protective colours are midnight blue and sunset orange. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
A gorgeous Full Moon in luscious Pisces turns the dial to romance. If you are married, don't miss this opportunity to show your mate that he or she is still your sweetheart. If you are single, it's the day to send signals out to a certain someone, though some unexpected results may pop up later. If you have children, spend quality time with them. Sensual colours are lilac and rose pink. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
A sleep in on Sunday morning is always satisfying for the sensual Bull. And with Venus and Mars snuggling warmly together, who knows what could be in store..? Excellent news is due later in the day from abroad, or perhaps regarding spiritual and cultural developments, so your higher mental faculties will spark up. You will be able to express yourself well in words and surprising discoveries in the local area could prove valuable. Favourable colours are spring green and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 9.
Your eleventh house of friends and associates is activated, setting a compassionate tone despite the awkward moments. Get out and burn off some energy in some sort of group or team effort. Your pals can offer blessed relief from the pressure you've been under lately, even if it is just in the form of laughter. Singles may find romance beginning to bloom among friends. Auspicious colours are moonstone and lavender. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
All eyes are on you, Taurus. Family, co-workers and members of the community seem to expect you to hold everything together, and for the most part you do. Are you under too much pressure? Relationships at work are quite a lot better and imaginative ideas can inspire your career prospects. Instead of becoming resentful, be proud that people believe in you. Advantageous colours are copper and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
Confusion about rules and regulations may arise, Bulls. The tendency is to hear only what you want to hear. This goes for both you and others, but it's important to try to see someone else's point of view. You can improve relationships with parents or authority figures if you apply compassion. A romantic frisson at work is in the stars. Use protection. Alluring colours are coppery red and gardenia. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
A delightful aspect between the Sun and Moon reinforces the beautiful Grand Trine aspect that will be smoothing your path for the rest of the year. Lovers and children may be a bit sniffy later, but overall, the vibe is just what the doctor ordered. Advantageous colours are pearly white and reddish gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Extravagant gestures may take you over the top, Taurus, but you'll feel the need to indulge in exotic pleasures. Move forward with your long term plans, as the aspects favour determination and structure. Don't be afraid to try new things, especially when you are with your favourite people; the cuisine or music from another country will appeal. Beneficial colours are translucent yellow and glittering emerald. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
Your ninth house of travel and the higher mind is stimulated, awakening creative and intuitive ideas as fortunate Jupiter goes direct in a beautiful aspect to Saturn. This is a very fortunate day for Taurus, when your talents are stimulated by a Grand Trine. The way other cultures work could hold the answer to a problem; what seems foreign to you may be the key to success. Fortunate colours are slate grey and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Money may be an issue as the Moon triggers tension today. If you have overspent lately you may be regretting it now. Sexual intrigues are under way. It's a fact that sometimes forbidden fruit seems sweeter than what is there on the table. Control the craving for what you don't have and be wary of those who are envious of you, especially among workmates. Favourable colours are ruby red and sable. Lucky numbers are 17 and 27.
Many Bulls will be feeling intense today, but if you find yourself feeling foul, don't take it out on a chicken, take time to balance and centre yourself. Make a list of things that you are thankful for and release any resentments you are carrying. Be careful tonight, as sudden aggression can come out of nowhere. Beneficial colours are red coral and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
With the growing pains our planet has been enduring recently. nothing is more important than the love in your life. Spend time with your loved ones as the Moon lingers in your seventh house of significant others. Have you been answering the wake-up call to take stock of your life and question your priorities? Legal issues are problematic, so give thanks for all you have. Beneficial colours are pale aqua and bright coral. Lucky numbers are 16 and 25.
It's a brilliant day for the Bulls, but overly sensitive feelings in close relationships lead to misunderstandings. Fortunate transactions fall into place, and remember to be patient with loved ones who may be under pressure at the moment. Make time for love and romance too... the more effort you put into your relationship with your partner, the more you will be rewarded. Fortunate colours are royal blue and rich brown. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
You are likely to save the day with your special brand of genius, Bulls, or at the very least you should have an exciting and creative afternoon. Your co-workers will appreciate your efforts, as well as your sense of humour. Some Bulls may even be up for a promotion soon. Health matters are also favoured... be sure to eat right and get adequate exercise. Speculative ventures are the go if you have laid the groundwork. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Favourable colours are navy blue and snow white. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
If you can take time out to spoil and pamper yourself, this is the perfect day. When was the last time you had a manicure or a massage? If you can't spend the money on a day at the spa, enlist a friend to join you in a mutual pampering session. Take the time to eat right and get the proper amount of rest if you want to feel and look your best. Beneficial colours are toasted almond and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 24.
With the focus well and truly on the workplace, why not harmonise your working environment? Colleagues or employees will appreciate your efforts and you'll find it easy to get your ideas across. It's the ideal time to improve the workplace by renovations, installing background music and adding plants or art work to cheer everyone up. And why not get yourself a beauty treatment? An office romance, or a social event with co-workers is in the wind. Personal renovation is definitely favoured! Positive colours are apricot and lime. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.

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