Virgo's Horoscopes |



Born between: August 23rd - Sep 22nd

Dedicated and accomplished are the best ways to describe a Virgo as they have profound morals and are often initiative. However those born under the Virgo star sign need to take extra care to control their temper and be patient.

A lighter mood descends as the Moon joins with Mercury, your life-ruler. It's just the day to enjoy a movie or other relaxing form of entertainment. After a long day of taking care of business you will need a good laugh, so why not rent your favourite comedy? Whether you prefer the classic Monty Python or the outrageous genre of Dodgeball, it's time to laugh your troubles away. Enjoyable colours are aqua and tan. Lucky numbers are 22 and 30.
The New Moon at Michaelmas reminds you to practice moderation, even when you are tempted to overindulge and overspend. Resist impulse- buys and wait until next month to make significant purchases, as Mercury is retrograde. You are likely to end up with a credit card hangover if you aren't careful. If you must indulge in a personal luxury, make it something you can easily afford. More about Michaelmas. Positive colours are purple sage and orchid. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
It's an imaginative sort of day for you, Virgo. Mercury, your life-ruler, forms a beautiful aspect with dreamy Neptune in your sixth house of work and health, so you may receive something of an epiphany that turns around the way you think about things. Your intellect is sharper than usual with the Moon in your sign, so get your plans together for the new start that you know you need. Auspicious colours are emerald and violet. Lucky numbers are 15 and 22.
Hold your head high as the Virgo Moon encourages you to tap into your wealth of emotional strength. You can succeed at anything you choose today; even a speculative venture might prove quite profitable. Children seem more enjoyable than usual and a fantasy romance with a father-figure will have a delightful appeal to a certain section of the Virgo stratum. Enjoy the evening! Excellent colours are foxglove and silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
It's best to keep this day low key, Virgo. You could suffer indigestion from emotional upsets, so watch what you eat and when you eat. If you can, get plenty of rest today and do not attempt to start new projects. Conserve your energy for tomorrow, when the Moon springs into your Sign. Conservative colours are copper and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 12 and 16.
The mysterious Moon moves in your twelfth house of secrets and solitude, urging you to spend quiet moments alone. This is the beginning of your low lunar cycle, so plan to recharge your spiritual batteries. Surround yourself with people and things in places that are soothing to your soul. Avoid stressful situations and unpleasant, egotistical types. Set up a few sheaves - and celebrate Harvest Home. Grounding colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 2.
You may need to tighten your belt as Mercury turns retrograde in your second house of finances; funds will be held up and delayed until Mercury turns direct again on October 15th. Have patience as business matters move slowly... look at this as a time to reconsider your values and priorities. In fact, this could be a blessing in disguise, as with Venus moving into Scorpio, you won't have to go far to find love and feasting! More on Mercury Retrograde! Auspicious colours are bright stripes and pastel shades. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
Teamwork is favoured with the Moon in your eleventh house of group goals and ideals, but heart seems to be working against head. Be sure to listen to what everyone has to say about a community project - and get everything clear. Many ideas have merit, so take the time to think over all the potentials. It may be time to lend a sympathetic ear to a friend in need. Remember, sometimes just listening is all that is necessary. Positive colours are bright stripes and foxglove. Lucky numbers are 11 and 27.
Friendships and finances are focus at the Equinox, as the Moon enters caring Cancer, your eleventh house of friends, hopes and wishes. It's a good time to touch base with friends, old and new, so make plans for a lunch or dinner date. However, don't try to mix business and pleasure, for well-meaning friends may promise more than they can deliver. More on the Equinox. Positive colours are warm yellow and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
Career issues may dwell on your mind early on, dear Virgo. The problem of how to match your responsibilities with a healthy home life lies at the heart of the matter. Be thorough, if you want to succeed. Direct confrontation, deliberate action and keen observation are your best strategies. Do not reveal plans, or betray a confidence. Matters magically clear later in the day as the cosmos turns nicely in your favour. Communicative colours are lilac and blue slate. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The changing Moon enters your ninth house of travel, education and adventure, giving you the urge to explore. Unfortunately, obligations may keep you from being able to go off on a whim, but you can still explore the world through books, movies and websites. Open your mind to the world around you and enjoy some of the different flavours it has to offer. Adventurous colours are alizarin purple and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 26 and 32.
Emotional energy is high as the Sun and Moon harmonize and you should be able to handle anything that comes your way today. Don't be afraid to deal with hard issues; you'll have the courage and understanding you need to face deeply personal and possibly controversial issues. Just remember that struggle makes growth possible. Favourable colours are moonstone and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 1 and 9.
As the Moon enters Taurus, your interest in travel and adventure perks up, along with a renewed interest in matters cultural. Explore your options! You can plan a trip to an exotic locale, enrol in an interesting course, or take on anything that expands your horizons. Break out of those old routines and set out on an adventure. Adventurous colours are shimmering blue and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
Some Virgins may hit the financial jackpot as the responsive Moon activates your eighth house of sex, money and power. If not the financial jackpot, then perhaps a sexual smorgasbord awaits you this evening. Be open to the bounty of the universe, which can be yours if you proceed in faith and without fear. Alluring colours are carmine and copper. Lucky numbers are 1 and 8.
You have the opportunity to go deeper and deeper with those closest to you, as the Moon activates your eighth house of intimacy. Have you and your partner ever discussed your most personal beliefs? Considering that these beliefs have a tendency to change as we learn and grow, it may be time for an update. Beneficial colours are dark blue and crisp white. Lucky numbers are 26 and 42.
The Full Moon in Pisces, your opposite sign, places your most significant relationships in the spotlight. Find a balance between your needs and the needs of your best friend or partner if you want to continue to grow together. Don't let the pressures of the outside world keep you from putting the effort into your closest relationships and making the changes that are necessary. Positive colours are pale aqua and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
With the Moon opposing Saturn from your seventh house of open combat, you may hurt someone's feelings if you aren't careful. Everyone seems to be getting on your nerves on this edgy day, so try to step back and be more objective. If things get heated, go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air. There is nothing wrong with walking away from an argument, because you will find your voice later tonight. Propitious colours are moonstone and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 2 and 7.
While the ups and downs of work and health occupy your attention early, the Moon enters your seventh house of partnerships later, urging you to make time for tender moments. After all, your best friend or partner has the most invested in you. Why not see to it that he or she gets rich returns? Say I love you in your own special and unique way... Just make sure your message comes through loud and clear, as miscommunication is in the air. Nurturing colours are sage green and peach. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Good fortune is heading your way as the Moon shines her light in some financial crannies. It looks like your efforts are paying off, both materially and spiritually. Your natural inclination to serve and support others has given you a solid reputation. You may not be the flashiest sign of the Zodiac, but you are one of the most caring and dependable. Positive colours are dove grey and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
Your natural healing abilities are quite apparent, thanks to the Moon in unconventional Aquarius. This is also a good time to recharge your spiritual batteries, especially if you expect to be helping others in the coming days. After all, you can't be much good to those in need if you have run yourself into the ground. Healing colours are opal and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 6 and 7.
The combination of the shining Sun and the creative Moon in your fifth house of pleasure and creativity could rekindle romance in your life. Exciting things are promised, but don't start anything you aren't prepared to finish. Jealousy may raise its ugly head, but children in your life will be a joy. Auspicious colours are sky blue and mandarin. Lucky numbers are 14 and 18.
The Moon in your fifth house in conjunction with fortunate Jupiter inspires you and makes it a delightful day. Romance is highlighted this evening, so get a baby-sitter if you need one and enjoy an evening for two. If you are single, you will enjoy being surrounded by your favourite playmates. Gambling may attract, but if you hit a big one, take the money and run. Favourable colours are plum blossom and rich burgundy. Lucky numbers are 5 and 22.
Jupiter dances with Saturn in your sign as the Moon activates your fifth house of pleasure, making you feel frisky and tempting you to relax your strict schedule. It's a fabulously fortunate day, but there's no need to run yourself into the ground. You know, it has been proven that pleasure is a nutrient necessary for spiritual and emotional health. Focus on love, laughter and life. Bright ideas for moneymaking are energised today. Energising colours are vermilion and cinnabar. Lucky numbers are 1 and 5.
You may feel as though you are being torn apart, as conflict arises over money and what you consider truly worthwhile. It is important for you to find balance today. Many Virgoans will prefer the rewards of public life to the tensions of their private ventures today. Keep an open mind, a positive attitude and a generous heart at all times, even in the face of sudden attacks. Favourable colours are pewter and bronze. Lucky numbers are 22 and 26.
Slow down as the Moon enters Sagittarius, your astrological zone of home and family. You could be dealing with strong emotions related to your past or relatives, so be sure to get plenty of sleep and keep yourself centred. You can only avoid unpleasant interactions by tending to your personal needs first. Domestic colours are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
Arguments can pop up without warning today. Ugh. You may need to bite your tongue and employ patience if the stupidity of some people gets on your nerves. Make time for exercise and meditation around midday, to avoid becoming over-stimulated. Reflect on your blessings in life and remember to have compassion for others, no matter how annoying they are. Beneficial colours are burgundy and cream. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
A fortunate vibration follows you around today, Virgo. You're even more articulate than usual and can express yourself well in words. It's a very lucky day, especially for romance, children, or any type of speculative investment. Siblings or neighbours may drop by bearing good news. In any case you will be feeling quite creative and the phone is likely to be busy all day. Fortunate colours are lilac and moonstone. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
Some Virgins may enjoy a small financial windfall on this 'show me the money' kind of day and your hard work is likely to pay off both spiritually and financially. You may be feeling kind and generous as well at the moment, so don't deny your impulse to share and help others. This comes from a deep place within you and will bless you in the long run. Fortunate colours are purple sage and light tan. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
The Moon activates your second house of personal finances, placing emphasis on your material resources and values. This is a good time to balance your budget and to take care of the things you own... whether you choose to take your car in for a tune up or polish your silver, be responsible and conscientious with your belongings. Advantageous colours are emerald green and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
Most of the paper work, writing, meetings, and discussions seem to involve finances. Transacting business, increasing income, conserving monetary assets, monitoring expenditures, and comparison shopping should be on your agenda, as your tastes and financial standing are enhanced. Something will probably make you discuss, or perhaps even defend or reassess your priorities and values, in the nicest possible way. Favourable colours are foxglove and tan. Lucky numbers are 23 and 36.

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