Cancer's Horoscopes |



Born between: June 21st - July 22nd

Supportive and encouraging those born under the Cancer sign are lovers that strive in the home setting. Traditional in their beliefs they are often conservative although they value unaccompanied time, greatly.

Pay attention to your finances, especially if you've been pushing monetary matters to the back of your mind. Make sure that all your financial arrangements are running as smoothly as possible, and do something about it if they aren't. For instance, if you're fed up with the so-called service offered by your bank, you may decide that it's time to take your custom elsewhere. Powerful colors are peacock blue and ebony. Lucky numbers are 24 and 4.
If a relationship has been going through the doldrums lately, things seem worse than usual today. It is one of those days when you can't help taking a pessimistic view of whatever is bugging you, whether or not such a gloomy outlook is justified. If you're worried about driving a loved one away, they certainly won't want to be around you when you're pulling such a long face or being such a misery. Cheer up! Harmonious colors are russet and brass. Lucky numbers are 40 and 75.
This is a fantastic day for being spontaneous, especially if you're still feeling slightly rattled by what happened yesterday. So if someone suggests doing something on the spur of the moment, you'll be very tempted to say 'yes'. You might also be thrilled when you bump into the last person you were expecting to see. Revealing colors are khaki and dark red. Lucky numbers are 4 and 43.
You could be in for a surprise today, when you discover that a certain person means much more to you than you imagined. You may have to keep your feelings to yourself at this stage, perhaps because it wouldn't be appropriate to declare them or because you can't quite believe what's happening to you. Will this blow over or is it the start of something big? Bold colors are jet black and bright gold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Tread carefully if you're at work today because the atmosphere between you and colleagues or clients could be very highly charged. Maybe someone is taking things too seriously or they're getting bogged down in petty details that you think are a complete waste of time. Even though you may long to give them a piece of your mind it might be wiser to button your lip. Lucky colors are pale gold and plum. Lucky numbers are 24 and 7.
You have a strong sense of responsibility today, especially when thinking about loved ones. You want to make sure that they're OK, and will do what you can to protect and help them. However, you must realize that you can't interfere if someone doesn't want you to, and all you can do is to offer moral support, letting them know that you'll be there if they need you. Positive colors are ochre and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 6 and 13.
During the past couple of months you've had some uncomfortable scenes with a certain person about matters connected with health or work. Well, these problems raise their ugly heads again now, but this time you're offered the chance to lay them to rest once and for all. Nevertheless, you should be careful how you do this, because appearing to be dogmatic, intransigent or even a total bully will only make the situation worse than it already is. Healing colors are pure white and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 28 and 50.
If you're busy on some domestic improvements or planning a house move, things should go well today. Even if someone lets you down or things take longer than expected, it should work out well in the end. Some good financial news might come from an unlikely source, but you're ready for it! Beneficial colors are pale grey and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 19 and 31.
The day fires up with a flood of communication, so get your head into gear. The Virgo Moon makes you a stickler for detail and urges you to get your gadgets and gear into top order. Bear in mind that with Merc retro in your money house big spending could backfire, so stick to research and buy next month. Tonight you'll really come into your own if you let your imagination run riot because it will produce some inspired thoughts. Prosperous colors are navy and tan. Lucky numbers are 2 and 19.
Over the next four weeks your values will be even more important to you than usual. Experiences will remind you about some of your priorities in life, especially if you've had to neglect them recently. These values will encompass everything from what you spend your money on to your beliefs and the code by which you live your life. Favorable colors are tangerine and lilac. Lucky numbers are 9 and 4.
Someone close to you is talking a lot of sense, so it pays to listen. However, don't expect them to get carried away with enthusiasm because that isn't their style at the moment. You'll make steady progress if you're sorting out a neighborhood problem, provided you aren't too ambitious and don't ignore what's right in front of your eyes. Auspicious colors are silver and cherry blossom. Lucky numbers are 6 and 39.
It looks as though someone is planning a treat for you. If you're really lucky, it might turn out to be a surprise birthday party, in which case you'll have to pretend that you didn't know anything about it. Enjoyment is certainly on the cards, and you'll adore getting together with friends and close relatives. You should also receive a compliment that has you blushing like a beetroot. Fortunate colors are bright red and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
It's a New Moon in your sign, dear Crabs, and as you are ruled by the Moon, that means it's extra-special! The winds of change are sweeping through your life and the coming fortnight brings an excellent time to let them take effect. Be ready for a fantastic opportunity to take the initiative in some way, or to start something new. If you're bored with your appearance or image, think about how you can improve it. You'll be thrilled every time you look in the mirror! Fortunate colors are pastel blue and rose red. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
With the Moon in your sign, personal concerns have the greatest importance for you today. You'll try to steer the conversation round to yourself, whether you've got something important to say or you simply want to tell someone what you had for breakfast. That's fine if they're willing to listen, but don't drone on if they have things to tell you. Auspicious colors are moonlight white and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 15 and 23.
You're in rather a headstrong mood today, especially when it comes to your finances. You want everything to go your way and will get really annoyed if they don't. You'll also be impatient if you think you're getting sloppy service, perhaps because you have to wait ages in the queue at the bank, or because a shop assistant doesn't seem to know what they're doing. Positive colors are scarlet and agate. Lucky numbers are 26 and 12.
If you already suspect that someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes in a financial matter, proceed with caution today, because things could get even more confusing. This isn't the day to confront anyone because they will do their best to deflect your accusations by being snide or unpleasant. Instead, continue to gather your evidence and bide your time. Powerful colors are salmon pink and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
You may need to tighten your belt as Mercury turns retrograde in your second house of finances; funds may be held up and delayed until after Mercury turns direct again on August 8th. Have patience as business matters move slowly... look at this as a time to reconsider your values and priorities. In fact, this could be a blessing in disguise. Positive colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.
This is a good day for thinking about your priorities in life, and discussing them with someone who's interested in what you have to say. You could end up having a very satisfying discussion that helps you to make sense of your current ideas. If you applied for a grant or allowance recently, there should be some news about it now. Advantageous colors are peach and khaki. Lucky numbers are 9 and 39.
If you know what's good for you you'll avoid all financial matters today, because they show every sign of going wrong. That might be because you make silly mistakes or because someone is doing their best to trick you. Besides, you're in a very absent-minded mood and will struggle to concentrate on anything for long. Check out Friday 13! Creative colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 26 and 8.
This isn't a good day to start anything new, unless you don't mind when it all goes haywire. Instead, you should concentrate on projects that are already underway, especially if they concern your social life or a favourite hobby. For instance, if you arrange to see a friend today the meeting might not be a success or you may have to change your plans at the last minute. Liberating colors are strawberry and ultramarine. Lucky numbers are 4 and 32.
This is a wonderful day for concentrating on friendships because that's exactly what you're in the mood for. You might want to ring up a chum and find out how they are, send someone an email or arrange an impromptu get-together with some of your mates. You'll have great fun if you're taking part in a group activity, and you'll come out of it smelling of roses. Creative colors are brass and indigo. Lucky numbers are 16 and 8.

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