Gemini's Horoscopes |



Born between: May 21st - June 20th

Adaptability is a Gemini's greatest strength which has positives for the workplace. Whilst their affection and imagination provides more great qualities; the negative of a Gemini is that they can be pessimism however they thrive on others optimistic nature.

Certain situations aren't nearly as cut and dried as you might like to think. So do your best not to fall into the trap of thinking that a delicate problem is easy to solve and getting angry when people fail to tackle it in the way you suggest. You may even have to eat your words at some point, which will give you mental indigestion. Prosperous colors are ebony and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 9 and 59.
It's difficult to keep things in perspective today because they tend to overwhelm or depress you. This is especially true when it comes to your finances. Whether the situation is really as dire as it appears is neither here nor there as far as you're concerned. Even so, try not to lose sleep over it. Opportune colors are mauve and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 13 and 5.
Turn your attention to your finances today, especially if you want to check that a project hasn't gone over-budget or you're currently devising a new fiscal strategy. If you're waiting for a payment, it's a good opportunity to chase it up, but you'll make more progress if you're polite and considerate than if you're heavy-handed or threatening. Fortunate colors are onyx and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 16 and 70.
There's a very entertaining atmosphere between you and a certain someone today, and the verbal repartee will keep you on your toes. There might also be some flirting going on, although only you will know whether it's just a bit of fun or something more serious. If you're hoping that you-know-who fancies you, make a strong but subtle play for them now. Inspirational colors are deep purple and cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 66.
Your feelings are close to the surface today so forget about playing your cards close to your chest or keeping someone guessing. You're beaming out signals loud and clear! Although this is great for telling someone how you're feeling, it could tip you over into a rather emotional outburst that you'll regret once you've simmered down. Revealing colors are silvery blue and dusky pink. Lucky numbers are 17 and 78.
Take a look around your work surroundings today and think about how you can improve them. Even a jam jar of flowers would make a difference but you could be inspired to do a lot more than that. If you work from home, this is a super chance to make yourself more comfortable or more efficient. You could also be tempted to buy some new office equipment. Uplifting colors are strawberry and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 3 and 63.
You've been involved in some tough emotional encounters since the start of June and today some of these problems come round again. You may have to sort out a relationship difficulty once and for all, or you could realize that you've got to lay a ghost to rest. You might also hear from someone who belongs in your past and who should be sent straight back there. Prosperous colors are lemon and peach. Lucky numbers are 11 and 36.
Romance is never far away today, much to your delight, as your personal magnetism is high. Your love might pay you some wonderful compliments or sweep you off your feet, or you could indulge yourself by watching your favourite film star in one of your favourite films. This is a great day for being with friends or family and simply enjoying each another's company. Fortunate developments are due, so keep your eyes open. Excellent colors are orange and purple. Lucky numbers are 5 and 10.
It's Monday, so it's not easy to get out of bed in the morning when the comforts of home seem so inviting! It's so easy to float off into a world of your own today, especially if you're dreaming of a certain person or they're holding your hand. Bliss! Although you're normally quite a realist, you're feeling much more idealistic right now and won't want to hear or see anything unpleasant, disturbing or scary. Make the most of the cosmic bliss tonight. Powerful colors are slate grey and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 40 and 75.
The glorious Sun dances into fiery Leo today, so during the next four weeks it will be well worth thinking about the ways in which you communicate. Do you sometimes find you've given the wrong impression or wound people up? If you'd like to change this, consider how you might be able to manage it. But don't get fixated on it, because there are so many occasions in which you're charming, eloquent and ideal company. Communicative colors are jade and bronze. Lucky numbers are 37 and 42.
If a family member is feeling rather sentimental and tearful today, they need a little tender loving care to get back on track. Even if you've heard it all a million times before, you'll be doing this person a kindness if you listen to them wandering down memory lane or indulging in other forms of nostalgia. What will it cost you to listen? Beneficial colors are claret and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 29 and 44.
If you've been enjoying carrying out some home improvements recently, this is another day for splashing out and letting rip. Watch out if you're going near the shops because it will be incredibly tempting to forget about your budget and splurge on anything you fancy. You'll be drawn to luxurious objects, but unfortunately they usually come with a hefty price tag. Since Mercury is retrograde, watch out that what you love today you might want to give back in a few weeks! Excellent colors are azure and indigo. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Some of your relationships haven't exactly been plain sailing lately, but after today's New Moon you get the chance to talk about what's happening. In fact, some of your conversations could be highly productive and searching, so you're left in no doubt about where you stand financially. If you're currently trying to get to the bottom of a mystery, you should be able to crack it now. Communicative colors are ginger and violet. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
You'll be happiest today if you can concentrate on the activities and people that you truly value. For instance, you might want to see someone who always makes you feel glad to be alive, or you could find the time for a favourite hobby. It's a good day to go shopping but you'll be more concerned with getting good quality than with how much something costs. Fortunate colors are golden yellow and creamy ivory. Lucky numbers are 20 and 43.
No sooner does an idea pop into your head today than it lands on the tip of your tongue. Now, this might be marvellous, especially if your intuition is helping you find exactly the right words at the right time. But if you start to get irritable or flustered you may find that you're dropping clangers, or being far too blunt. Harmonious colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
Steer well clear of anyone who makes a habit of subtly putting you down or pointing out your faults because they'll be even more adept at it than usual today. But you must also do your best to be aware of the messages you're sending out because you may have a tendency to make people feel guilty about something or to play the martyr, even if you don't realize you're doing it. Inspirational colors are silvery brown and olive. Lucky numbers are 20 and 51.
Mercury, your life-ruler, turns retrograde in your third house of communication, making it unusually difficult to express yourself clearly over the next three weeks. Misunderstandings and confusion could frustrate your attempts to achieve your goals, so slow down and read the fine print very carefully. This is also the time to notice what is not being said... Pay attention to body language and other forms of non-verbal communication. Favorable colors are pale violet and old gold. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
The current emphasis is on communications and you really excel at them today. You know exactly what to say and when to say it, so make the most of this silver-tongued phase while it lasts. Take full advantage of it by writing letters, sending emails or getting involved in negotiations or discussions. Alternatively, simply enjoy nattering to whoever is around. Auspicious colors are russet and dark yellow. Lucky numbers are 18 and 78.
A certain someone may sound plausible but believe them at your peril. They may simply have got their facts wrong, even though they think they're telling you truth, but there's a strong chance that they're perfectly well aware that they're spinning you a line. If you're out and about, keep a beady eye on your belongings in case something gets mislaid or is pinched. Check out Friday 13! Expressive colors are pineapple and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 70.
Honesty is your best policy today, and if you try to cover something up you'll only come unstuck sooner or later. Sitting on the fence could also lead to misunderstandings, so it would be better to say what you think than try to fudge the issue. If you're involved in a charity or good cause, this isn't a good day to launch a new project because it will encounter endless hassles. Empowering colors are peacock blue and pale green. Lucky numbers are 6 and 56.
Do you have a nasty suspicion that you went over the top yesterday? Then make amends now, while you're feeling so articulate and diplomatic. If you can't talk your way out of trouble then start apologizing profusely n but make sure you mean it. You'll enjoy getting some fresh air at some point, especially if you can go for a walk in some beautiful surroundings. Empowering colors are tartan and brass. Lucky numbers are 11 and 13.

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