Sagittarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Often bitten by the travel bug those born under the Sagittarius sign are independent and always have a optimistic stance on life. However they need to be patient to not expect miracles while chasing their next positive outcome.

If there has been a misunderstanding between you and a certain person recently, it's important that you sort it out. At least start to talk about it rather than pretend that it hasn't happened. You might also have to reach a decision about a child's education or their current situation. Weigh up all the pros and cons before coming to any irrevocable conclusions. Fortunate colors are onyx and amber. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
The financial outlook isn't as rosy as you would like, and it's getting you down. Maybe you're depressed from having to scrimp and scrape until the next infusion of cash, or you're worried that you're going to have to bail out your other half because they're broke. Try not to let your imagination work overtime so you end up picturing the worst. Things may not be nearly as bad as they seem at the moment. Fortunate colors are olive and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 19 and 7.
You make a point of getting on well with whoever happens to be around today, even if they aren't one of your favorites. It's a particularly good day for talking to people you respect and admire, and you could glean some valuable information from them in the course of your conversation. You're happy to learn from their wisdom right now. Auspicious colors are navy and lemon. Lucky numbers are 6 and 74.
The past few days haven't exactly been all plain sailing, and by today you're longing for some calmer waters. Well, you can do a lot to create a more peaceful atmosphere by being open-minded about the current situation and not leaping to hasty or ill-judged conclusions. You'll also enjoy visiting somewhere for the first time. Favorable colors are amethyst and banana. Lucky numbers are 27 and 58.
It's a difficult day and you need to take things slowly. Your emotions are in a turbulent and intense state, especially if you're grappling with feelings that you've tried unsuccessfully to push to the back of your mind. It's important that you admit to yourself what's going on, otherwise you'll be caught in the grip of emotions that are crying out to be acknowledged. Inspirational colors are jet black and sparkling gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 26.
Someone is in a volatile mood today and they're likely to fly off the handle if they think they're being attacked. They might be easily offended, so you feel that even the most innocent conversation could descend into a giant huff at any moment. They obviously have something on their mind and ideally they should get it out into the open, even if this isn't a very pleasant prospect. Beneficial colors are aubergine and peach. Lucky numbers are 18 and 13.
Emotional matters are rather fraught this Sunday and could easily lead to a lot of ill feeling if you can't control your behavior. You might blurt out something that's designed to be hurtful, or dredge up an old score that provokes a nasty scene. If you or your partner is feeling resentful, you need to thrash out the problem now rather than let it fester any longer. Ideal colors are persimmon and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 12 and 41.
The pressure has been on but today the cosmos lightens up, turning its energies in your favor. A power struggle emerges over money and something disruptive comes out of the blue from a friend or associate, but fortunate Jupiter receives a benefic aspect from the Moon and communicative Mercury. So good news regarding a partnership, or marriage, with the chance of attaining your heart's desires. However, as Mercury is retrograde, be sure to examine the offer with care. Auspicious colors are dark blue and rich gold. Lucky numbers are 36 and 69.
Show your empathy for someone, Sagittarius. They'll be really grateful, especially if they're feeling out on a limb today You could become interested in a humanitarian or philanthropic project and want to give it your support, or you might do your bit to help a local venture become a success. If you can spare the time you'll love a trip to the cinema or theatre. Positive colors are tangerine and silver. Lucky numbers are 14 and 73.
Be open to lots of opportunities during the coming four weeks, Archers. Make your life as exciting and enterprising as possible. In fact, with the Sun in fiery Leo, you'll be in your element, which will be even better if you're about to take off on holiday! You're in a more fortunate position now than usual, but don't take this for granted because Mercury is retrograde and you still need to make an effort if you're to make the most of the luck swirling about you. Fortunate colors are burgundy and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 10.
Your partner needs plenty of attention, but unfortunately you may not be able to spare as much time as you'd like. Although this isn't your fault, your love may not think so and could get in quite a paddy about it. Do your best to comfort them because what they really want now is your affection and the reassurance of your love. A big hug might do the trick. Beneficial colors are violet and copper. Lucky numbers are 37 and 10.
You're a real pleasure-seeker today and won't be happy if you have to give all that up in favor of work. However, it's the sort of positive mood in which you'll do your best to get a good deal of enjoyment out of any situation. You'll introduce a cheerful atmosphere if you're at work. And once you're let off the leash for the day there'll be no stopping you! Favorable colors are dark pink and pale blue. Lucky numbers are 34 and 35.
Once the New Moon releases your tongue, you'll have a lot to say for yourself, especially if you're involved in a philosophical or moral discussion. You'll enjoy debating everyone's opinions and arriving at some form of consensus. If you're taking part in a political or ethical campaign, enjoy spreading the word in some way, but don't ram your opinions down someone's throat if they aren't interested. Positive colors are pineapple and apricot. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
You're in quite a proprietorial mood today, so take things carefully. If you aren't fully aware of your feelings, you could soon become possessive or jealous, especially if you're already in a vulnerable emotional state. You could also get very het up about any topic that means a lot to you, and it might quickly start to feel like a life and death issue. Beneficial colors are old gold and royal blue. Lucky numbers are 17 and 27.
This is a wonderful day for getting together with friends or your other half. You'll get a great deal from their company and will want to let them know how much they mean to you. If you've recently met someone nice and would like to get to know them better, this is a great opportunity to break the ice. Maybe you should invite them out for a drink. Sociable colors are oyster and ivory. Lucky numbers are 5 and 8.
You have a very high opinion of a certain someone today and you don't want anything to spoil it. Is your rosy view of them justified or are you being slightly idealistic? It's certainly a wonderful day for escaping from reality, preferably in the company of someone special, but make sure you come back down to earth again soon. Powerful colors are salmon and mulberry. Lucky numbers are 32 and 19.
Mercury turns retrograde in your ninth house of travel and adventure today, slowing down your pace for the next three weeks. Travel is not what it used to be, now that we have entered a new age of *increased security*, but of course, this is for our benefit. Haha. Those of you involved in higher education, publishing, religion or other cultural pursuits may be frustrated by red tape... just take a deep breath and have patience. Fortunate colors are cobalt blue and brushed silver. Lucky numbers are 9 and 24.
If you aren't careful you'll be dragged into a battle of wills today, and it will be difficult to extricate yourself. For instance, you could get embroiled in a pointless argument with a partner in which neither of you is willing to back down, so you end up with a stalemate. Alternatively, one of you seems keen to boss the other one around and tell them what to do, which won't go down well. Advantageous colors are platinum and claret. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.
It's important to get your facts straight today, otherwise you could unwittingly mislead someone or send them on a wild goose-chase. Rather than relying on your memory when discussing certain facts, it would be far better to check that you know what you're talking about first. Be especially careful about this if you're travelling, in case you make a mistake about the time of a bus or train. Check out Friday 13! Advantageous colors are azure and orange. Lucky numbers are 22 and 3.
Try to go over existing projects rather than start anything new today, especially if you're at work. It isn't a good day for getting anything new off the ground because it could soon be beset by all sorts of snags and problems. If you've got a medical appointment you'd better take a good book with you because there could easily be a delay before you're seen. Patience! Positive colors are toffee and almond. Lucky numbers are 10 and 16.
You're in a very sociable mood and you'll really enjoy talking to whoever happens to be around. You're interested in knowing what makes people tick at the moment, so you might ask some probing questions yet you'll manage to avoid sounding as though you're giving them the third degree. This is also a good day for getting in touch with people who live overseas. Creative colors are pineapple and pink. Lucky numbers are 27 and 9.

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