Images's Horoscopes |



Born between:

Aries is always striving for more, but the Leo Moon commands you to party! Aries people love a challenge and are dynamic and creative with strong leadership qualities. However, you can be impatient and often have big egos, which can make others think you arrogant and over-bearing. When making your New Year's resolutions, you just need to be more receptive to others' ideas and opinions. Give thanks to the Universe for the many blessings that you have. Enjoy a great night! Auspicious colors are garnet and emerald. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Introspection is needed as you choose next year's path and bid the year farewell. The only boundaries are those you set yourself. Let someone else have their way, and surprise the daylights out of them: the paddock is big enough to accommodate others too. Bulls are tenacious and hard working, but stubbornness is your downfall. Make New Year's resolutions that are within your grasp and give thanks to the Universe for the many blessings that you have. Pleasure-loving Taurus can party hard tonight! Favorable colors are gold and rust. Lucky numbers are 15 and 27.
The Moon in Leo puts you in a great mood and gives you a positive outlook. As you bid the year farewell, take time to reflect on events and people that 2012 brought. Librans have a strong sense of justice, good taste and can always see another's point of view. On the downside you do procrastinate, and worry too much about what others think. Take this into account when making your New Year's Resolutions. Give thanks to the Universe for the many blessings that you have received and have a great party! Advantageous colors are pale gold and periwinkle. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
It may be hard to get attention today, but not tonight! Take time during the day for some serious soul searching and to review the highs and lows of the past year. The Twins are entertaining, witty and communicative, but tend to be flighty and crumble under pressure. Make new resolutions that you stand a good chance of sticking to: 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' Give thanks to the Universe for the many blessings that you have. Tonight you ARE the party!! Beneficial colors are sea green and rust red. Lucky numbers are 2 and 18.
It's time to review the events of the past year and make resolutions that are realistic. A Leo Moon should bring good times into your life, if only for a few days. This is a time to reunite with friends and rejuvenate your spirit. Connections happen naturally and nothing is too good for your guests. Cancerians are loyal, creative and home- loving but are often too emotional, which clouds your their judgement. Give thanks to the Universe for the many blessings that you have. Party hard! Fortunate colors are pink and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 24 and 33.
There's a fine line between healthy self-confidence and extreme egoism. Review the events and your reactions to them over the past year: could you have done things differently? The Lion is a fearsome, majestic creature and is a natural leader, but you can only be great if this is tempered with humility. Overconfidence may be your downfall. Think how unnecessary classic Greek tragedy would have been, if the hero or heroine had only heeded the chorus. Give thanks for the many blessings that you have. Now get out there and party!! Advantageous colors are pale gold and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 37.
You are entering a mysterious stage, thanks to the Moon in Leo. You may not mean every word you say, but your audience doesn't have to know this. Remember your human heritage, even as the stars rattle the cage of your animal instincts. Pick over the bones of the year and see if you could have done things differently. Virgo is communicative, orderly and intellectual but you can be hyper-critical. Make a resolution to be more tolerant and even though you love detail, try to see the bigger picture in future. Give thanks for the many blessings that you have. Have fun tonight! Auspicious colors are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 20 and 44.
Love of arts and leisure may carry you into the new year as if it were your own private kingdom. Your closest friends and neighbors are charmed and blessed by your presence. Scorpions are incisive, passionate and controlled, but they are inclined to be jealous and introverted sometimes. Resolve to work on these weaknesses in the new year. Give thanks to the Universe for the many blessings you have had showered on you. Enjoy a festive dinner or party tonight with loved ones. Auspicious colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Your expenses are covered, whether through your own good judgement or your host's generosity. Capricorn is hard working and loyal, but also very ambitious but remember: getting ahead isn't everything. As you say goodbye to 2012, think about the things you've done to get where you are now -- your sense of insecurity could cause you to do things you may regret later. Resolve to work on this weakness in the New Year. Give thanks to the Universe for the many blessings you have and have a fantastic time tonight! Advantageous colors are emerald green and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 10 and 19.
While it may be important to prove yourself to the people you care about, there's a fine line between fact and fiction, pleasure and pain. Criticism can be a good opportunity for reflection and change, as the old year dies and the new one is born. Charming, universally loved, strong willed and unconventional, your weakness lies in emotional detachment - you can fool most of the people most of the time, but you don't fool some of us....Give thanks to the Universe for your many blessings. Have a great year and a great night! Auspicious colors are sea green and moonlight yellow. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
Aren't you in the mood to be stubborn! As far as you're concerned, right and wrong are so inflexible. But Sagittarians are outgoing, have a great love of travel and adventure and a deep fascination for matters of the higher mind and spirituality. The flip side is that you can offer suffer from 'Foot In Mouth' syndrome, so next year, try to think a little before you speak. Give thanks to the Universe for your many blessings and have a wild time this evening! Fortunate colors are clear red and royal blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 26.
Why pretend to be something you really aren't? Pisceans are sympathetic, sociable, sensitive and artistic but they can be real martyrs when they put their mind to it. It's fun to be tragic and wounded, but it's wearing a bit thin on your long-suffering friends and relatives! Work on your shortcomings next year, because you have so much to offer the world. Give thanks to the Universe for the many blessings you have.It's an ideal New Year's Eve, so let your hair down! Favorable colors are gold and rust. Lucky numbers are 15 and 27.
The creative Moon in your houses of communication forms a beautiful aspect to independent Uranus, so don't be surprised if you find yourself in a delightful and unexpected situation. Don't waste your time trying to convince narrow-minded people of your point of view, and don't let others impose their personal beliefs on you unless you are really ready for a change. Enjoy the ambience. Creative colors are salmon pink and shimmering blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 48.
A clash of cultures is likely as the matriarchal Moon opposes aggressive Mars and the Sun meets dark Pluto in your house of communication. Take a deep breath and count to ten whether you are dealing with your children, neighbors, siblings, or your parents. Try to understand the other's point of view and avoid making any hasty decisions or speaking out in anger. Propitious colors are silvery grey and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 17 and 26.
Some sort of compromise is needed, as the sensitive Moon clashes with tender Venus and passionate Mars. Your past conditioning may be causing difficulty in your ability to relate to present situations. Take the time to analyze your negative and positive responses to current events. Propitious colors are pale green and pearly white. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
Tension of all kinds especially sexual, are very likely today. In fact, you may simply need sexual release as the sensitive Moon hits hard on Mars and Venus. You can use this energy positively, but you may need to jog a mile or two before it is manageable. Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself to keep breathing each step of the way. Positive colors are chrome red and bronze. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The dramatic Leo Moon is tailor-made for the Ram, so enjoy the romantic and creative energy. Anything you set out to do should turn out well, so go with the flow. If fear or insecurity is holding you back, you need to rise above self-doubt and use that authentic drive of yours. After all, it's almost the New Year! Fortunate colors are gold and red. Lucky numbers are 5 and 27.
A struggle for power and control might manifest itself today as the Sun and Pluto combine in your sign. Try to stay balanced and centered as your feelings move through extremes. It's intense, as you seek out the motivations and psychology of your ego drives. You are formidable if going after something and will resent those who have more power or control than you do. Empowering colors are jet black and crimson. Lucky numbers are 26 and 35.
Excitement is in the air as the romantic Moon and magnetic Uranus create heat today. Whether this manifests in a positive or negative way is entirely up to you. Channel some of this powerful energy into physical activity. Getting some fresh air and enjoying the beauty of nature will be very beneficial for you. Why not share a picnic with someone special? Fortunate colors are silver and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 30.
Today may be difficult, but it should also be exciting. You have many ideas you want to share, but should be careful how you express yourself. You are more likely to step on someone's toes if you talk about religion or politics, so approach these subjects carefully. You may as well have fun today and ignore the hassles, because tomorrow it is New Year's Eve! Excellent colors are turquoise and marigold. Lucky numbers are 18 and 27.
Home and family are disrupted by the clash of the Leo Moon with Warrior Mars in your sign. Many things become erratic, especially in partnership and marital matters, but luckily Uranus is supported, so new ways and methods can be found. Power issues may emerge from the shadows, but don't let your general health suffer as a result of emotional turmoil. Your inner strength will support you. Favorable colors are heather grey and pale magenta. Lucky numbers are 23 and 30.
Some of you may be dealing with personal upsets as the sensitive Moon clashes with Mars and Venus today. Try not to get into discussions about sex or politics, as they are likely to become arguments. Find a balance between giving and receiving in your life. One of the best ways to do this is through a loving relationship, but beware: the Sun and Pluto in your 7th house could set up passion, or a power struggle, or both. Passionate colors are crimson and purple sage. Lucky numbers are 17 and 42.
It's best to keep this day low key as the sensitive Moon and sharp-tongued Mercury are out of joint. You may suffer indigestion from emotional upsets, so watch what you eat and when you eat it. If you can, get plenty of rest today. A potent situation is in the wind, but as you are still in your lunar low cycle, do not attempt to start anything new. Conserve your energy for New Year's Eve. Beneficial colors are emerald green and antique silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
There is a connection between mind and body that cannot be denied, for if you do, sickness and disease are likely to follow. Listen carefully to what your body is telling you. You may find that you are fooling yourself about certain things. These things are true: fresh air and clean foods are good for you, while stress can make you ill. Relaxing colors are indigo and beige. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
Do you think you're up to the task that you've been assigned? With the Moon rolling through Cancer, you have a tendency to bite off more than you can chew. The chief element that stands between you and your goals is your conscience, which is a good thing. Don't be too eager to throw away that which isn't yours to sacrifice in the first place. Stick to what you know is right. Favorable colors are smooth grey and violet. Lucky numbers are 20 and 24.
Most of you are used to looking at things from your own perspective, but right now your experience doesn't translate well to another context. If you're wise, you'll stop doing all of the talking and start listening. A lot of damage can be avoided by the person who can see it coming and knows what to do about it. Put your ego aside and ask for help when you need it. Insisting that you know best is the worst thing you can do right now. Fortunate colors are light green and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 23 and 28.
Before you start blaming other people for your misfortune, consider the circumstances. Although the outcome wasn't what you wanted, there was probably no way to avoid it. Keep your own nose clean, in case some equally confused person accuses you. By tomorrow this will all seem like a bad dream and after all, it could be instant karma as a result of something you did yesterday... Advantageous colors are sky blue and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Thank your lucky stars and count your blessings: you have friends who are there for you in both good times and bad. The Cancer Moon shines on your dreams today. Thanks to your positive energy, you are able to realize anything you put your mind to. Take those souls with you who are too timid to do it for themselves. The evening hours favor group activities rather than solitude. Favorable colors are lilac and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 36.
You need every little advantage working in your favor right now. An opponent may reveal his or her intentions from the very first move, so use your foresight to cut them off at the pass. An exercise in caution will give your allies extra time to grasp and appreciate your strategy. Don't give in until you can smell victory. Perhaps the best thing you can gain today is wisdom. If playing chess, choose black. Fortunate colors are black and bronze. Lucky numbers are 20 and 38.
You are yearning for change and that is only normal at the end of the year, but try not to be too ambitious. Your strong desire could lead you astray. Lay low at the moment when unforeseen consequences start to erupt. Beware of unorthodox methods. Find time to relax, take a break and listen to what your inner voice is telling you. Others don't understand your methods, so why waste your time trying to explain yourself? Beneficial colors are midnight blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
Right now you resemble a colorful strutting peacock, an elegant ship with giant wind-filled sails. You're completely sure of yourself today and there's nothing wrong with that. A Cancer Moon gives you many reasons to be proud of yourself, but that doesn't give you the right to be egotistical! A compliment from the heart is worth a lot, especially when it's given, rather than received. Lucky colors are olive green and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 30 and 31.
Knowledge is just another tool: it isn't the actual goal in itself. Looking out for others is as important as watching out for yourself right now. Your legendary people skills are crucial, when the feelings of a loved one are involved. Be prepared to do a lot of explaining this evening if you want to restore harmony within the group. Favorable colors are lavender and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 24 and 37.
Today Cancerians prove the theory 'the only thing that stays the same is change'. You are ruled by the Moon, which accounts for your moods and fluctuating emotions. Enjoy the rollercoaster ride, and make the most of the gorgeous cosmic glow that surrounds you! Beneficial colors are apricot and autumn brown. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
You don't have to go along with anything that you think is wrong or makes you uncomfortable: you have the power to reverse the tide. Take every chance to put out instead of taking in: keep in mind that the more resources you consume, the less will be available for others. This is a good time to attempt to free yourself from the tyranny of a harsh inner life. There is indeed beauty in simplicity. Fortunate colors are lavender and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 24 and 37.
Trust others enough to let go. With the sensitive Moon in nurturing Cancer, all your old hang-ups should have virtually disappeared. Feel free to throw yourself into the arms of the world. No matter what kind of response you get, don't take no for an answer. You have every right to demand what you want, and every reason to expect that you'll get it. Warmth and desire color all your actions for the next day or so. Advantageous colors are steely grey and grass green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 49.
Having a good time is at the top of your list today. Ignorance is bliss: others can worry about what it all means, but most Sea Goats are happy to take things at face value at the moment. It's easy to trust the good intentions of people who've already proven themselves. Have fun with a situation that's obviously tailor-made for your amusement. It might all change tomorrow, but right now you shouldn't have too many worries. Auspicious colors are honey gold and eggshell white. Lucky numbers are 16 and 45.
The Twins have time limits placed on them while the Moon moves to the Full in Cancer. Instead of going for it all, you might have to settle for a little less. Who cares if it's perfect, just as long as it suits you? By striving for the average in some things, you give yourself room to excel in other things that really matter. Your critical eye could use a practical lens... Favorable colors are ruby red and blue sapphire. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
Although it's tempting to make a quick decision, it's in your best interest to think things through before taking any action. The forces of right and reason silence irrational distractions, as the Full Moon glows behind the scenes in sensitive Cancer. Try to make an effort to understand another point of view even if you're not going to adopt it. You can use all the allies you can get right now. Favorable colors are bright red and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
Even as the world changes around you, the essential things that matter stay the same. With the Full Moon in your fourth house it's time to make a new start, as though the old year has already dropped away! Your life is full of love, beauty and the overwhelming satisfaction that you're right here right now. Instead of being selective, why not include all of your friends in the festivities? Expressive colors are sapphire blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
As the Full Moon shines in romantic Cancer, this could be one of the most exciting days of the year. Make the most of the fun, but there's no need to fall for every line that's thrown into your pool, dear Fish. There will be many a broken heart tonight! Advantageous colors are aubergine and rich gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
Just in case you've been blind to recent changes, something taps you on the shoulder and opens your eyes. Now that you can see how beautiful the landscape is, it should be easy to proceed with the rest of the day. When the Full Moon is in Cancer, allies and partners are about to find out that there's a lot more to you than meets the eye. Administrators and attorneys can expect a great couple of days. Favorable colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
Today is your very own Full Moon for the year, but just because you think you know what's going on doesn't mean that you should act on it. Your emotions are running high, but this isn't a good time to get carried away. Appearances are everything for the next day or two. You can still look your best, even if you don't feel that way. Advantageous colors are blood red and silver. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
With the Full Moon in Cancer there's no time to waste. Take this opportunity to seize the day, set up shop and begin doing brisk business. Taureans are an an unpredictable force to anyone who doesn't have the pleasure of knowing the whole story. Although you have strong, inner resources, you need to use them wisely. Start out slowly, and build up speed as you go. Advantageous colors are maroon and gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
Some serious issues need tending to, and there's no use trying to pretend that they don't exist under the powerful Cancerian Moon. You know all too well what they are. If some of you didn't have to deal with that certain someone, you'd be having a great day. As it is, your interest is best served by taking the path that you'd normally avoid. Open your mind cautiously and wait until all the details have been disclosed to decide whether or not you believe what's been said. Advantageous colors are crimson and gold. Lucky numbers are 3 and 9.
Someone new is able to steer your life in a different direction, even though you might not be ready for it. No matter how prepared you think you are, a spontaneous event is sure to be a pleasant surprise. You better buckle yourself in because it could be a bumpy ride. If you have a decision to make, be sure to take all the options into careful consideration. The Full Moon urges you to learn something new tonight. Favorable colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
You might be tempted to go into a slump, but you should get a lift from the Cancer Full Moon. There's a lot to do, but plenty of time in which to do it. After all, it's the Holiday Season. No matter what kind of situation you find yourself in, try to keep an open mind. By seeing both sides of the argument, you'll be able to anticipate the next step. Beneficial colors are tan and maroon. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
All that studying you've been doing is about to pay off in a big way. As you relay what you know, others are impressed by your grasp of the facts. What's obvious to you looks like genius to others. Everything should run smoothly, as long as you stick to the basics and don't try anything exotic today. However, a reality check every so often is a good idea - after all, you don't need to be carried away by yourself! Beneficial colors are powder blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 12 and 24.
You have a one-track mind at the moment, but why ruin a casual situation by talking shop? If you need to socialize with co-workers, they may not want to talk business either. Put some of that admirable drive into having a good time. There'll be plenty of time to make business connections next week. For now, put on your party hat and smile. Advantageous colors are blossom pink and burnished gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
There's more than one voice in your head telling you what to do and decisions are hard to make with the Moon in scatty Gemini. More than ever, you understand those Zen riddles about inaction being your best course of action. Stay calm and trust your first instincts. Events have a way of sorting themselves out, no matter what you try to do. Just relax and make this easy on your system. Beneficial colors are bronze and cream. Lucky numbers are 33 and 34.
If you have a task to complete, don't expect any help. Make an effort to be independent until the human climate around you thaws a little more. With the restless Moon in Gemini most of the day, it's best to finish important work early, so that you can take it easy later when the Moon enters romantic Cancer. Inspiration has an easier time getting in the door when you're relaxed and your mind can run free. Fortunate colors are pearly grey and pale coral. Lucky numbers are 22 and 26.
Today impatience and unease give way to good, solid belief in your own worth. If others don't yet understand, that's fine with you. There'll be plenty of time to communicate your ideas over the next few days so work on them now and make your plans. Just because no one knows what you're up to at the moment doesn't mean that they won't catch up with you eventually! Fortunate colors are pearl grey and pale coral. Lucky numbers are 22 and 26.
While everyone else is running around like idiots, you are calmly and logically tackling the problem in hand. With the Moon in scatty Gemini, you have to be the one to hold things together. Of all the possible offers, yours is clearly the best. This is a great time to renew a relationship that has been languishing while you were taking care of business. Remember, a meaningful gift isn't necessarily an expensive one. Appropriate colors are pale aqua and carnation pink. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
It might have worked in the past, but a quick fix isn't going to do it this time. It's not a good time to take shortcuts and if you're shopping, avoid the cheapest options as they'll cause more headaches in the long run . In order to save money, you might want to consider changing a routine instead of replacing the hardware. Tonight's Cancerian Moon awakens an emotional closeness for the Goat. Auspicious colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 23 and 30.
Don't give up on things, even if they seem impossible. Some Scorpions have a green thumb, real or figurative and that lets you grow things under the strangest conditions. Your heart is big, but your views are practical. If you're not too busy living your life, consider writing your memoirs: it might be nice to have a few notes to look back on in case you want to repeat this performance next time around. Fortunate colors are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 23.
You know that you can put off your responsibilities for only so long. Instead of denying your limitations, try working around them. The more negativity you bring to the table, the more you are likely to take home with you. Fate still has its surprises in store, and if you're able to think positively, some of them will be good ones. Fortunate colors are golden amber and light teal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
Focus on the moment -- life is every fleeting second, not the future or the past. It's one of those wonderful days when you can get away with just about anything, but remember: there's always a karmic scorecard! Life is busy and unpredictable, and no one is going to hold you responsible for any major mix-ups. Aquarians are intrinsically honest, so even if you're naughty, you'll put things right in the end! Harmonious colors are spring green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.
Different people have different needs, don't they? It's important to keep in mind who you're dealing with. Brisk, impersonal transactions are useless when a loved one is involved. Some of you may be eager to move forward, but the Universe demands a heavy toll these days. Understanding your limitations makes it a lot easier. Use your skills to do whatever you can and leave the rest to fate. Favorable colors are white and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
Even though you crave security, you're sick of staying within boundaries that have been set by others and later today many Crabs will be breaking out of their shells. Don't be afraid to take chances: emotional gambles yield a far better return than you ever expected. It's time to think big and your goal for today is to create an environment in which everyone can thrive, and be treated fairly. Ideal colors are pink champagne and lilac. Lucky numbers are 13 and 26.
A sense of accomplishment is in the air, Gem, as the Moon remains in your sign for most of the day. It's never too late to fall in love, intellectually or emotionally. Pay close attention to the small details instead of focusing on the big picture. The timing of an event leads you to some unexpected hurdles. Nothing is perfect, but everything is positive. Work with what you already have rather than trying new techniques. Favorable colors are lavender and sea green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
After a lively morning, some Lions may begin to feel a bit lost, but if you take the time to look around, you'll see that there are signposts everywhere. Look for a shadowy, but influential figure from your past to enter your life again and remind you of the person you used to be. Light will find its way into the darkest corners. Beneficial colors are steely grey and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 24 and 32.
You're used to lending a helping hand, but it's time to forget about everyone else's problems for a day. Don't feel guilty about possessing skills that others only dream of having. As Mars enters Aquarius it's time for a new beginning, perhaps a new business venture or some physical goal. Put your plans in motion. Make sure your household insurance is up to date; check your home for possible fire hazards. Avoid falls, cuts, and other mishaps around the house, and go out of your way to avoid angry domestic scenes. Advantageous colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 26 and 35.
Not everything is as good as it looks and, upon closer inspection, it's a bit out of kilter. Finances enter the picture as Mars dives into Aquarius, so you might have to reassess your priorities in days ahead. You are excellent when it comes to hard work and your systematic approach to things should save the day. However, it's best if you're not the one in charge at the moment. Fortunate colors are olive green and indian yellow. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
Have you ever noticed that as one person leaves your life, another tends to enter? When this happens, it's the Universe's system of checks and balances at work. Savour the ebb and flow of human energy that is going on around you, as much as possible. Many Librans are ripe for an affair, romance or an active social period as passionate Mars heads into attractive Aquarius. Start a diary if you don't have one already, because you'll probably want to record this amazing time. Favorable colors are indian yellow and electric blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Pisceans just seem to "know" everything -- it's intuition, but that doesn't mean others feels as confident as you. There's no need to be condescending, for you can be so utterly charming when you want to be. Keep in mind that everyone has his or her own way of learning. It might be a good idea to write down instructions for those dummies who are having a tough time grasping your brilliant concepts! Intuitive colors are shimmering green and rustic yellow. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
Instead of focusing all your energy on yourself, it's time to pay attention to the other people in your life as Mars strides into Aquarius. Friends, organizations, and children, especially those who are not your own but for whom you may have responsibility take the focus. Lighten up and celebrate your accomplishments, rather than dwelling on your shortcomings. What really does make you happy? Go for it! Appropriate colors are pale tan and orange. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
Are you where you had hoped to be at this point? If not, why not? Time is moving a lot faster than you think. The unspoken -- if it's truly important -- should be written in stone somewhere before the end of the day. A practical approach may be boring, but it's the only way to get things done. If you're back at work, delegate as much as you can, but be sure the other person has adequate instructions before handing over. Lively colors are shocking pink and lime green. Lucky numbers are 26 and 41.
This is your chance to really do something because the Gemini Moon indicates that the follower can turn into a leader if the mood suits you. The only voices that you heed right now are those of ambition and adventure, and the only companions that you need are those who will gladly accompany you. Don't be afraid to cast off any baggage. Balanced colors are grapefruit and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 5 and 28.
Everything comes to you just a little bit easier as the Moon moves through Gemini. Much to your delight, it seems you're a celestial being today. You like your associates, although it's very hard for you not to feel superior to them. When it's time to perform, no one will be able to come up with the words to describe what you're doing, or how good you look while you're doing it! Auspicious colors are sea green and moonlight yellow. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
If you continue to be self-centered and introspective for much longer, others may start thinking of you as a one hit wonder. Wait until the eyes of the audience have been distracted, and then try out some new methods. Broaden your mind in whatever way possible. At the very least, you should be proud of yourself for having the guts to go ahead with a show that has received less than positive ratings. Fortunate colors are mahogany and russet. Lucky numbers are 28 and 37.
A common thread is woven throughout humanity, and you seem to have pulled the right string. Fellow travellers are united by politics, spirituality or a common goal. If you want to get the most out of this energy, be sure to keep an open mind. As Mars enters your sign, your energy is up and your personal magnetism is boosted. Get cracking Aquarius! Fortunate colors are bright red and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Have you been feeling bogged down lately? Some of your responsibilities seem to outweigh the rewards they bring. Remember that it's far better to care too much than not to care at all. Even if not much has been said lately, someone treasures you above all others. Savour the good moments and discard the dodgy ones whenever possible. You always have the option of filling your memory with treasures, rather than junk. Ideal colors are ruby red and pale purple. Lucky numbers are 23 and 27.
Relax: there aren't any big surprises headed your way at the moment. It's business as usual, or even better than usual, as Mars storms into Aquarius. A friend or partner has the ability to simplify things that you may have complicated on your own. Popular appeal will probably sway your decision in an obvious direction at some point. Keep in mind that giving in isn't the same as giving up. You are Lion enough to admit that maybe your idea or plan wasn't foolproof after all. Auspicious colors are periwinkle and rich red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Many of your strengths and virtues are on parade, and the people you're closest to couldn't be more proud of your accomplishments lately. After all this fanfare, it's time to verify your sterling reputation. Moderate behavior lets you see and hear a great deal which is very useful if you're planning on being part of a large gathering today. The more humble you are, the more charming you'll appear to be. Have a great day! Beneficial colors are burnt orange and navy. Lucky numbers are 17 and 29.
As the Moon makes its way into chatty Gemini, you can achieve a lot without putting in very much effort at all. Don't let anyone else steal your thunder. The stars have aligned to make sure that you are the one standing in the spotlight again and you should have a lovely, family-oriented day. If you are a perfectionist like most Capricorns, you'll have reason to be more than satisfied. Beneficial colors are ebony and wine red. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
The Moon is in your very own sign today, so roll on the festivities. Enjoy flitting about in true Geminian fashion and don't get too involved in family issues that could make you feel blue or disillusioned. It's the perfect day to go out of your way to make the day fun, and infect others with your sparkling personality! Don't be snowed under by serious stuff. Beneficial colors are sparkling orange and magenta. Lucky numbers are 8 and 14.
Tasteful, artistic Libra feels comfortable in the middle of all the action. That's a good thing, because under the Gemini Moon, that's where you'll be. Whether you're having friends and family over or going out, shut out all distractions and concentrate on having a great time. The stars indicate that you'll attract more attention than usual and you should revel in this special day. Others will have to understand that your own needs have to come first right now. Fortunate colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
Hesitation is for those with time on their hands, not for people like you who have places to go and people to see. A Gemini Moon brings a different perspective to everyone's eyes. Keeping this in mind, remember that your map of the world may be quite different from someone else's. This can be the most beautiful day of the year, but also the most stressful. When the extended family gets together it can be a pressure cooker, especially if you try to impose your opinions on them. Favorable colors are brick red and bronze. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Now that things have livened up a bit, you can take a look around and see what you've been missing. Whether you're having friends and family over or going out, shut out all distractions and concentrate on having a great time. Everyone will see how much fun you're having today, and most of them wish they were having half as good a time! Advantageous colors are red wine and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
The fun-loving Gemini Moon makes this a wonderful Christmas day for Aquarians. You'll find companionship and partnership, but keep your eyes wide open. Great art can emerge from happiness and misery, and family gatherings provide a wonderful canvas. Don't lose sight of the objective though: this is supposed to be a wonderful, laid back day and yes, you thoroughly deserve it! Auspicious colors are carnelian red and clotted cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Cancerians generally understand things better than the other signs and are very compassionate. Even if you are feeling rather overwhelmed by it all, change is waiting to enter and redecorate your life. You live for home and family, and today is always very special to the Crab. Open the door and let love and people flow into your home. Fortunate colors are avocado and light brown. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
Everything should be light and festive under a Geminian Moon, a big change from the stress of the past few days when the Christmas buildup became a little wearing. On this of all days, when your den may be overflowing with friends, family and festivity, you can't be a fighter and a lover even if you feel like shaking your mane. And remember, despite the festive urges, there's just no excuse to pig out! Fortunate colors are khaki and olive green. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
With the Moon in chatty Gemini, everyone feels the urge to circulate and exchange the news. Families get together to have fun and celebrate, even if they have not seen each other since last Christmas. Success is all in the timing on this festive day. You won't need time to yourself at all and you'll be so busy and involved that you will be brimming with joy. Auspicious colors are sapphire blue and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
All those hours you've been putting in are about to pay off, and it should be a wonderful day for you. Fishes love nothing better than swimming in a shoal and today is tailor-made for you. Everyone will appreciate your efforts and the rewards are immediate. You are sensitive, loyal and loving, so gather your friends and loved ones around you and just enjoy! Fortunate colors are red carnation and chrome yellow. Lucky numbers are 4 and 14.
Try not to get so caught up in the moment that you lose sight of the main issue. When the Moon is in Gemini it's easy to get excited and involved in something that isn't your business, particularly where your family's concerned. It's advisable to watch what you say as well as your behavior, because everyone else will be watching as well. Otherwise, it should be a lovely, joyful time. Advantageous colors are sky blue and pale yellow. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Crustaceans may be feeling a bit out of sorts as Venus gets cross with Jupiter. You're eager to contribute as always, but it's better to wait until you're asked first. Stick with things as long as you can, but walk away if you become unhappy. The most important thing isn't that you didn't succeed, but that you tried. Harmonious colors are amethyst and citrine. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
You've done your very best, but there are things that are just outside your control. It's not easy, but try to set aside your worries for Christmas. It's important to show your brighter side to those who need cheering up. Creative budgeting will allow you to have a good time this evening at the last minute shopping rush. Beneficial colors are dusty blue and soft coral. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Positive energy surrounds you. Look for some unconscious or hidden movement to turn on the lights when you least expect it. You've unknowingly fallen in step with a universal power and you probably feel better than you have in a long time. Remember the steps you took to feel better, so you can repeat them at will. Spend quiet moments being thankful for your good fortune. Inspiring colors are violet and rose. Lucky numbers are 28 and 30.
The negativity that has been following most of you for the last couple of days will be gone by the morning. Don't worry: your old strategy will still have some relevance when you come back to it. You may have been humbled, but dare to dream again. This time, include others who can relate to your experience. There's no reason not to accept the help that is being offered to you. After all, The Moon's in your sign tomorrow, so you can look forward to a gorgeous Christmas! Favorable colors are sapphire blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 28 and 37.
Why is it so important to follow the recipe, or to color within the lines? Let yourself wander off the beaten path for a change. Accept invitations and make connections wherever, and whenever possible. Social situations bring a myriad of possibilities, but make sure you know where the boundaries lie. Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest, but if you chart forbidden territory, you're strictly on your own! Advantageous colors are amethyst and apricot. Lucky numbers are 12 and 34.
Be a little more sensitive to the needs of others, as you're not the only one who's been going through something of a crisis lately. You always see the other's point of view in any contretemps, so some stories may make your own problems seem like a picnic. Some Librans may encounter stumbling blocks throughout the day, but keep in mind that you are only one tenant in the house of confusion! Better things await you tomorrow. Auspicious colors are berry red and cream. Lucky numbers are 28 and 32.
Have you been living beyond your means lately? Even the deepest pocket yields a fistful of lint if you dig too far down! Although it's hard to cut down on spending at this time of the year, consider taking some frugal economic measures as soon as possible. Have a garage sale or donate your cast-offs to charity in favor of a tax deduction, but don't get rid of anything that has sentimental value. It's still possible for everyone to benefit at Christmas, even if they have no one to care for them. Auspicious colors are carmine and ivory. Lucky numbers are 16 and 36.
You may think you're alone, but you're not. As the Moon spends another day in sensual Taurus, you can expect your home to be invaded by noisy people and other species. Tranquility is hard to find, and it's enough to drive you mad... An unpredictable situation, annoying as it is, teaches you something. Stay cool and consider your options. Appropriate colors are rich red and driven snow. Lucky numbers are 4 and 9.
The Moon spends time in your opposite sign today, bringing you a unique blend of intuition and willpower. This is a good time to use your charm and finesse, rather than more obvious tactics. After all, when you know exactly where to apply force, not much of it is required. This is your chance to motivate others by inspiring, rather than pushing them. If you've done your job correctly, you'll have all the respect you desire by the end of the day. Fortunate colors are tan and maroon. Lucky numbers are 17 and 20.
Don't rush into something that you aren't sure of. It's much better to take your time and do it right than to hurry things along and do them incorrectly. Bulls will enjoy a lazy period to begin with today, but will become more motivated as the day wears on. Trust the innocent Moon to sort things out in a way that's fair to everyone involved! Favorable colors are spring green and terracotta . Lucky numbers are 15 and 20.
Although it's tempting to do everything yourself, it's best not to. This is a time to delegate some of your responsibilities. Keep in mind that just because there's an opportunity on the table, that doesn't necessarily mean you have to take it. Learn how to refuse good offers without spoiling your future options. Prosperous colors are peach and rose. Lucky numbers are 33 and 34.
When the stakes are this high, your knowledgeable approach and easy command attract those who like an orderly world. Rightly so, my lord Lion. Others will recognize your natural leadership abilities. Concentrate on the tasks that are most important right now. As the day turns into night, your personal problems are sure to vanish, and the star of Christmas will shine down on you and all your pride! Fortunate colors are wine red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 9 and 27.
It's okay to have high expectations, but try to keep in mind that no one can be all things to all people. Find a way to recognize others for their strengths, and forgive them their weaknesses. Those Geminian idiosyncrasies must look like strange quirks from the outside as well! Fate ties up the loose ends towards the end of the day. Fortunate colors are electric blue and tan. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
Instead of retreating into your own little world, get out there and spread the love and joy to all those around you. Be sure to pay close attention to the things that make others truly happy -- often it can be the simplest of things. Cancer is the most caring sign in the Zodiac and you'll be in your element at the moment. You don't need to go overboard, though, and pick up everyone else's tab! Favorable colors are charcoal and silver. Lucky numbers are 35 and 44.
Of course the quality of your experiences is important, Rams, but what about finishing what you started? Short term and long term goals require vastly different approaches. You need to work on your patience and see things through. You'll be first in line at the sales after Christmas, so don't get carried away in the rush to prepare the perfect festivity. Keep control of your purse. Conservative colors are deep bronze and green olive. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
Something about your personality or appearance is drawing a lot of attention today, Leo. People insist on watching you. Why don't they mind their own business? Don't display your stubborn streak at a time when flexibility would be wiser. Be kind to those with long memories, especially if you think you might run into them again at some point in your life. If you can't think of anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Excellent colors are gold and plum. Lucky numbers are 30 and 32.
Self deception will be the main issue today. You may be judging your situation wrongly: don't hold back, say what you think diplomatically and without being hurtful. This should result in a positive mental outlook for you. Avoid conflict with older people and stick to the traditional methods. Competitive sports or a session at the gym will ease any stress or tension. Beneficial colors are banana yellow and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
Do not overspend on redecorating for Christmas, Archers. Someone you care about will be erratic and eager to pick a fight. Say as little as possible and concentrate on matters in hand. To move that great idea, you need to talk to the big spenders. Run the idea by them and see if you cannot get a backer and a partner for your concept. Favorable colors are apple green and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 29.
The rumor mill is especially active, and interesting tales are coming at you from all sides. Don't believe everything you hear: there are people who will start gossip to further their own aims and you don't want to help them unwittingly. Similarly, don't reveal too much of yourself to those who you don't know intimately -- keep your own counsel. Beneficial colors are mahogany and lilac. Lucky numbers are 30 and 36.
Focus on the goal, Aquarius, no matter what the distractions or irritations around you. Rely on your trademark cool and use your noggin. Think outside the square; visualization can change and shape your life. Trust your hunches and be ready to move on them. Intuitive colors are midnight blue and sunset orange. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
A situation involving a sibling, or neighbor that occurred earlier may resurface again today. Beware of a power struggle that you may be drawn into. On a brighter note, a happy development involving your home, family or a joint financial matter looks promising today, especially if you are making plans for extending your home or purchasing a new one. Positive colors are carnelian red and shimmering green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 10.
Scorpions may be caught up in confrontation and confusion as the Moon bops through Taurus, your house of partners -- and enemies. Is your mate a problem? Doing the same things over and over again? Pull yourself together. Whatever you do you'll need to concentrate. Some guests may drop in. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger... Propitious colors are crimson and ebony. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
You know what's right, so don't stand for anything that falls short of your expectations. Be precise in all you do, then you'll accomplish a lot today. You can be stubborn, but luckily for you, you're also engaging and playful and can get away with almost anything by using your natural charm! You usually get your own way, don't you? Favorable colors are rose pink and lilac. Lucky numbers are 3 and 5.
You can feel free to do almost anything with the Moon in your sign, dear Taurus, but it's important to keep that famous bull-headedness in check as Venus opposes Jupiter. Be cool, calm and sensible and you'll find that you end up with things done well and as you like it. Friends and lovers can depend on you for a good time, and colleagues know they can count on you to get the job done. Christmas is just around the corner, so remember to leave work behind at quitting time. Positive colors are shimmering blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 1 and 6.
Everything seems to be going your way, even if you're not aware of it. When the Moon is in Taurus, surprises tend to be delightful. Water signs are notoriously moody and people are more affected by your moods than you realize. Instead of taking your good fortune for granted, work out the reason for your happiness and you'll find that it has nothing to do with the material world. Wisdom is a priceless gift, because it never leaves you. Beneficial colors are powder blue and amber. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
Are you waiting for the right opportunity to say your piece? Well, wait no longer! Cooperation and communication blaze trails across your sky, allowing you to say almost anything to anyone without remorse or repercussions. If you could make this moment last, you'd probably never wish for anything else again! The sensual Taurus Moon seals your day with a kiss, so be open to the possibility. Inspiring colors are pale gold and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 37.
Resist the urge to stay in your own little corner of the room. There'll be plenty of time to spend on your own once this flurry of activity is over. Right now, it's time to make good connections, both professionally and socially. You're growing in ways that seemed impossible just a short time ago. As the feast progresses, have another helping - just make sure you save room for dessert! Auspicious colors are jet black and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 17 and 21.
You may talk all you want, but it's probable that your suggestions will have little or no effect on the people in charge. Although this may not be the day for it, you can always take your talents elsewhere. The most important rule of the day is to think before you speak because diplomacy is crucial when the Moon is moving into Taurus. If you think there's even a small chance of stepping on someone's toes, keep your comments to yourself. Auspicious colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Now that Solstice is over, many Cancerians can really use some down time. Whether you're between projects or physically depleted, a day of doing as little as possible is exactly what the doctor ordered. It's nice to feel needed, but the world can do without you for a little while. Treat yourself to something that you normally wouldn't splurge on. Instead of cooking dinner, order in. A good movie or book is all you really need to complete a restful evening. Favorable colors are electric blue and lime green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
It's not all plain sailing today, either. It's important to keep your eyes open to the negative possibilities of your actions now. Unfortunately, a mischievous Taurus Moon is eager to make a bigger mess than you bargained for, but a few wise decisions will enable you to save your dignity and sanity. As strange as the future may look, you still control your own little corner. Beneficial colors are sapphire blue and coral. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Try not to sell yourself short. Your effect on others is both subtle and steamy as the Moon moves into Taurus. Keep in mind that there's no reason to lay all of your cards on the table - you'll be able to do more with your wild, far-fetched ideas when people don't expect them. Feel free to brag about your past accomplishments, just in case your current intentions aren't bearing fruit.... Beneficial colors are heather grey and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 10 and 17.
You're a lot closer to accomplishing your goals than you think. As the Moon moves into Taurus, a last-minute idea saves your hide, making you look like a genius. Don't be surprised if you're placed into a leadership role at one point or another during the day. Your friends and co-workers may elect you to be the ringleader because of your proven track record. Enjoy the glory before its rightful owner returns to claim it! Beneficial colors are wine red and mink brown. Lucky numbers are 26 and 44.
As the Moon moves into Taurus, you'll be bringing everyone and everything together. Right now you're the great facilitator, matching people, projects and resources into a perfect whole. Keep in mind that what's obvious to you probably looks like pure genius to your friends and colleagues. Don't be afraid to take compliments when they're offered; they might not be handed out so readily next week. It's important to reach out now while you still have the touch. Positive colors are forest green and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
Most Capricorns are so charming these days that others are putty in their hands. People jostle to sit next to you, and every word you say is met with complete agreement. This is a great time to put some of your ideas into action. If you're looking for funding, applying for a loan or soliciting potential investors now is the time to do it. Before making the deal, however, keep in mind that you have the right to refuse and, indeed, the last word. Fortunate colors are ebony and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 18 and 21.
Some of you may have the power to gain access to even the most secret places and information today. As the old saying goes, you could sell ice water to the devil! At the moment, your success hinges not so much on quantity as it does on presentation. You probably won't be able to keep up this energy level for long, so it's a good time to start pacing yourself. Beneficial colors are powder blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
Today is an oasis amidst the craziness of Christmas. Clad in little more than your good reputation, try and collapse by a pool for a long drink if you're in a warm climate. Try to stay as calm and safe as you possibly can until you've had some time to rest your brain. Most of you still have a long way to go, but the last leg of the journey won't start for another day or so. Advantageous colors are clay red and spring green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Enjoyment is your number one priority today, Sagittarius, so get together with some of your favourite people. You'll have a glorious time! Why not meet up with someone special for a pre-Christmas celebration? Fantasy romance is definitely in the air. In fact, it's a fortunate and imaginative time, as Jupiter your life-ruler is in a generous mood. Just keep the drinking under control. Favorable colors are magenta and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 2 and 19.
If you're a typical Taurean you value both your emotional and physical security, and often tend to restrict your actions accordingly. But during the coming month you'll need to spread your wings more widely than usual, whether through mental or physical pursuits. It will do you good to be more adventurous for a change, and to embrace life in all its aspects. Beneficial colors are silvery blue and sunset orange. Lucky numbers are 9 and 44.
Love, laughter and entertainment are high on your agenda during the next four weeks, Virgo, as the Sun moves through Capricorn, your house of romance and creativity. It's a fantastic time to be your true self, without worrying that other people won't like you when you reveal who you truly are. One major benefit will be a freer expression of your creative talents, so don't be modest about them. Creative colors are amethyst and carmine. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
Close relationships sometimes cause problems for you, Gemini, perhaps because the level of intimacy involved makes you feel uncomfortable. Yet this is just what you should concentrate on over the next four weeks; so relax and let your guard down. It's safe to reveal your true self, warts and all. Feel free to let them do the same in return. Ideal colors are cornflower blue and mixed stripes. Lucky numbers are 8 and 26.
From today you'll enjoy being involved in local events and neighborhood activities. Keep in touch with what's going on around you, Scorp; you could meet some new faces. Now that's a good move if you've recently relocated to a new area and don't yet know many people. Well, if the stars have their way, you soon will! Beneficial colors are blackberry and cream. Lucky numbers are 3 and 21.
Although you've probably already mentally started the Christmas holidays, the coming four weeks will be a fantastic time to push ahead with your career and long-term plans. Start thinking carefully about what you want to achieve in 2013 and get into formulating a schedule. Write down your New Year's resolutions, and promise yourself that you'll stick to them. Fortunate colors are dark purple and pale pink. Lucky numbers are 10 and 32.
Although you're still feeling sociable and outgoing, the Solstice brings the need for a little time to yourself now and then. It's time to temper your busy social life with some precious moments of solitude. Make sure you do, as this need is something important and life-enhancing. It will certainly recharge your inner batteries, which might be a little run down. Empowering colors are emerald green and lapis lazuli. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
Although the emphasis on laughter and leisure will continue during the rest of the month, today you'll also have to pay attention to your working life. You might have to put in some extra hours in order to meet a deadline, or you could soon be given new responsibilities. If you're fed up with your current job, start considering your options. Excellent colors are lavender and plum. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
The next four weeks will place a delightful emphasis on your relationships. A wonderful encounter with someone special is in the wind, and there's even a chance you could embark on a new partnership. This is a time for teamwork rather than going it alone, even if it's only a temporary measure. Favorable colors are russet brown and golden ivory. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
Your self-confidence bubbles over as the Sun enters your sign at the Solstice, bringing a more positive and resilient atmosphere. This happy state of affairs will continue for the next four weeks, so personal magnetism is the name of the game. It's also a marvellous opportunity to get new projects off the ground, taking the initiative whenever possible. Think positive! And don't forget to write down your New Year's resolutions. Positive colors are dark grape and pale lilac. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Friendships are in the spotlight as the Solstice comes around, and they'll continue to light up your life over the next four weeks. This will be a marvellous opportunity to get together with long lost friends, so it's just the time for the party of the year! This is a very fortunate time for the Fish. It's your cue to focus on your hopes and dreams for the future. Beneficial colors are sable and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 11 and 37.
You've been quite a gadabout in recent weeks, but as the Sun enters Capricorn at the Solstice, you start to yearn for the comforts of home. You might even be tempted to cancel some forthcoming social events, so you can flop on your sofa and catch your breath. Sentimental thoughts could steal over you in coming weeks, making you think about some of the people you used to know and love. Fortunate colors are charcoal and mustard. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
Keep looking for the things that have been most elusive. If you find what you seek, it might be in your best interest to hide it for most of the day. Some others must disqualify themselves from the contest before you make your championship bid. Find a way to be inconspicuous, but keep your eyes wide open the whole time. Wearing a pair of dark sunglasses could work to your advantage. Fortunate colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 29 and 38.
Much to your relief, you heard it wrong the first time. Thanks to the cheeky Moon, miscommunications tend to work to your advantage. You'll probably find that the future looks rosy after all, today. Try to appreciate the people in your life for their help and support. The situation may change tomorrow, but right now you have everything you need, and more. Auspicious colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 19 and 39.
Take a good look around at all that has been given to you -- could you ask for anything more? You have everything that you need, but gifts should continue to pour in. Love, as necessary for you as breath, seems to goes to your head today. In spite of cosmic distractions, you still manage to get your earthly work done. Spend time with your partner and friends later tonight. Fortunate colors are navy blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 6 and 9.
Do you feel that you're living up to your full potential? As most of you are, you should take full advantage of what you have been given. You have the amazing capability to amuse and excel today. With the Moon in Aries, it's easy to talk others into anything. It's much harder for people to say 'No' to a person who knows how to use laughter! Advantageous colors are bright orange and lime green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 19.
Why be weighed down with things that don't concern you, Taurus? You may be feeling a little low in energy, but as Venus is boosted you should use every opportunity to raise your voice, not in anger, but in song. Would you really want to trade places with anyone? Beneficial colors are pale gold and cherry red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 37.
Your sense of timing is slightly off, but it isn't enough to ruin your day. Something that you yearned for and now have, has lost that magic glow. The longing is more exquisite than the object of your desire. You're a constantly evolving being with a taste for change and improvement and if others are uncomfortable with this, it's their problem. Pisceans know what they have to do, and have a plan in mind: stick to this path and everything will fall into place. Appropriate colors are bottle green and raw umber. Lucky numbers are 27 and 9.
If you want to participate in something exciting, you shouldn't have to look far to find an activity that suits you today. You're still in the loop, but now you no longer have to get your hands dirty. Your example attracts the loyalty and energy of willing volunteers wherever you go. After it's all over, make sure you take the time to step back to admire the machine that you've set in motion. Beneficial colors are bronze and cream. Lucky numbers are 33 and 34.
Not only are you sure you're right, you also have the evidence to back up your theory and anyone who challenges you over the next few days doesn't stand a chance. Try not to gloat too much over an easy victory, but it wasn't your doing... Your trust, support and reliability add momentum and energy to people and causes. If there was ever a time to accomplish your goals, this is definitely it! Surround yourself with wise people that can help you in your quest. Advantageous colors are navy blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 18 and 24.
The numbers are right in front of you, yet they don't add up, do they?. It's time to check and double check your finances. It's not entirely your fault: often things that appear to be crystal clear have murky depths. A casual, or overheard conversation can fill in the blanks. React calmly and with caution to a surprise this evening. Favorable colors are navy blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 21 and 41.
A moral debate could produce evidence that makes sense. You may have had to wait a long time to get the information you now hold in your hands, but it's worth it. Just because you're the last to know doesn't mean that you should be the last to act: 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step'. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do right now. Beneficial colors are mink brown and champagne. Lucky numbers are 36 and 45.
Positive energy surrounds you as the day begins and the Moon heads into your sign. As far as you're concerned, the world is really one big extended family. Right now you like everyone, even those that you haven't had the good fortune to meet. Forget about old grudges and enjoy the day to its fullest. Advantageous colors are cobalt blue and pewter. Lucky numbers are 32 and 39.
When you're a painter of sweeping murals, the big picture is all that matters. As far as some of you're concerned, the details are there for other people to worry about, not you. You'll prefer a symphony of people to a solo performance. Tonight you can look a million bucks without spending that much. It's all about attitude, and you have enough to make others believe whatever you want them to! Favorable colors are peach and sea green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 42.
You've found a way to keep it together when everyone around you is falling apart. A Pisces Moon encourages you to retreat into your inner peace when all else is bedlam. Let others be distracted by glitz and glitter - that's not for you. You have so much potential and this can be put into action later in the day. Stick to the tried and true - it's worked for you so many times. Fortunate colors are lavender and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 27 and 42.
As far as Lions are concerned, anything worth doing is worth doing correctly. Your strong, moral character is particularly evident today. Keep in mind that honor is a big part of courage, but luckily, the reinforcements that you requested arrive in the nick of time! As the Moon moves through Pisces, words that were once empty at have some meaning at last. This is a good time to say exactly what's on your mind. Beneficial colors are cream and olive green. Lucky numbers are 10 and 14.
As boring as it may seem, you're much better off sticking to the tried and true today. You're yearning for spontaneity, but the planets are inflexible..... sorry!. Bad behavior goes down well with you, but no one else is impressed. Plan your strategy, but think carefully before going to bed. You're itching to try something new and exciting, and your partner may be willing to go along with you, but you still have to wake up in the morning. Beneficial colors are copper and brick red. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
Even though you can probably figure everything out on your own, being independent is overrated at the moment. As much as you'd like to ditch others, you're all in it together this time. With a little patience brought on by the Pisces Moon, you can bring everyone else up to speed. Make sure that any new members of the team are fully briefed before they come aboard. Your leadership skills are honed and you're ready to take on the task at hand. Auspicious colors are tan and orange. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
A Pisces Moon sees your popularity growing, so that's a plus. Everyone knows your name, and it's associated with something good or cool. Be as clear, precise and prompt if your special brand of knowledge is required. Your personal magnetism is unbeatable at the moment and it's the perfect time to give a presentation or speech. If all goes well at work, you can expect a raise or an award. Ideal colors are avocado and aquamarine. Lucky numbers are 1 and 22.
People of all ages and both sexes can't help but gaze in your direction as you pass them by today. Most Crustaceans love being the center of attention, and right now this is a positive thing. Heads will turn, but gossip is rife and there are some around you who are envious. There's no need to try to mold yourself into someone else's idea of what you should be. Put on your own spectacular show by decorating your shell and being yourself. Good colors are chocolate brown and apricot. Lucky numbers are 25 and 36.
The Moon in Pisces encourages you to stop making such a valiant effort to please other people and make them like you. You are worthy, just as you are and it doesn't take much to make you look good right now. You don't have to hang out with other Sea Goats, but you're drawn to people with similar healthy self-images. Everything that comes your way over the course of the day feels like a reward. Be sure to drink in all of these rejuvenating waters before the stream runs dry. Favorable colors are cobalt blue and beige. Lucky numbers are 15 and 24.
You'd rather be at home, content to stay inside today away from crowds, but it's probably not going to happen. With the Moon in Pisces, your private world doesn't interface well with outside reality. A simple approach scores a lot more points today than one that's dreamy and esoteric. The time to dream is when you're asleep, not awake. Auspicious colors are mahogany and wine. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The Moon moves through Pisces, bringing amazing energy and optimism. You have the world at your feet but for some reason, you can't quite decide what to do next. It's great to be loved and to be admired, but then what? You'll have a hard time expressing your deepest thoughts in this festive season and you might like to be somewhere else, with different people. Change is in the wind. Beneficial colors are carnelian red and cream . Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
You're up for any type of an adventure right now, and that puts you at an advantage over those with closed minds; you could see things that you've never seen before. Who knows, maybe you'll even be the one to make change happen! When the Moon is in Pisces, you have the ability to change the way other people think about the world and as far as you're concerned, life is what you make it. Favorable colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Victory and success are in the stars, but watch the tone of your jokes. Even if they aren't directed toward a particular person, smart ass one-liners and sarcastic comments are sure to bring glares from the people in your general vicinity. Not everyone has your quirky sense of humor! Advantageous colors are true blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 6 and 23.
Archers often need time alone and others respect your need for solitude. As the Moon floats through Pisces, it's easy to get happily lost inside and never come out. Once you're ready, the external world holds endless riches for you. Some may spend time developing an artistic idea. You might not be ready to present it to the world yet, but you can prepare for its eventual unveiling. Fortunate colors are aqua and amber. Lucky numbers are 24 and 27.
Instead of asking other people for solutions, try looking inside and asking your inner voice for sound, practical advice. A certain amount of restlessness and lack of attention to detail in your actions may be the consequence of responding too much to the big picture. There's no need to worry about being inadequate or to second-guess yourself. Anything that's truly important will win through. Auspicious colors are blazing red and flame orange. Lucky numbers are 3 and 6.
You look amazing, but you know that anyway. However, your brain and not your butt is your sexiest feature right now, especially when someone gets you talking. The Moon moves into your seventh house which inspires you to start new things, but you probably won't see them through. There's too much going on in your life right now. Commit your goals, dreams and ideas to paper so that you don't forget about them. They'll always be there waiting for you. Advantageous colors are pearl white and pale pink. Lucky numbers are 9 and 33.
Despite what you thought yesterday, time is running out when it comes to personal deadlines. The world is hungry, impatient and watching the clock, but you've done it before, and you can do it again. Force yourself to concentrate on matters in hand and find a way to shut out all distractions. The answer, once you find it, will be your coup de grace. Until then, keep your head down and focus on the details that are most important. Favorable colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
The big picture can wait: today you need to take care of the details. The pesky Pisces Moon delights in throwing obstacles in your path and generally getting on your nerves. You have little time for pretentiousness, and those who should know better than to annoy you! Put off making any major decisions that could change your career or current domestic situation until tomorrow. Expressive colors are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
It isn't that you aren't satisfied with your current life, it's just that you're anxious for something new to happen. It's not your turn to be on stage yet, but your voice carries from the wings. Beware of stepping on other people's toes in order to get yourself into a better position. The person with whom you interfere may have a long and vindictive memory. Listen to your inner sense of right and wrong. Your intuition won't fail you when the Moon is in Pisces. Beneficial colors are blue grey and silver. Lucky numbers are 23 and 27.
If you think you're be able to hide your mood right now, you're wrong. As the Moon moves into Pisces, your ups and downs are reflected in the faces of others. At least you're not alone in your struggle. Start with the assignment that is most important and work your way down the list from there. Some of your personal matters will have to wait for another time. Fortunate colors are lavender and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
You may not be able to see the whole picture, but the Universe guides you so that you get little glimpses of it here and there. As the Moon makes its way into the sign of Pisces, light pierces the veil through many pinholes. Your brain is hard at work on several different levels. If you don't make any great leaps forward, it's because you're making progress in all directions. Don't worry, others don't expect any more than you're ready deliver. Favorable colors are navy and maroon. Lucky numbers are 9 and 12.
Every sign in the Zodiac gets a lecture, and now it's your turn! When you really think about it, what do you have to complain about? Even a pessimist like you has to admit that it rarely gets this good, and with the Moon headed your way, love scrawls her signature across the lives of many Pisceans today. It's always best to stay out of trouble, unless of course trouble is your idea of fun which it could well be. Take extra care today, because there is potential for an accident. Fortunate colors are liquid gold and cherry blossom. Lucky numbers are 7 and 37.
For most of you the truth suddenly comes into focus as the Moon makes its way through Pisces. Luckily, the forces of right and reason surround you now, silencing the irrational thoughts you've been dealing with lately. You don't always have to be right. Dominant Crabs are often tempered by their partners. It's necessary to understand other points of view, even if you have no intentions of adopting them. Fortunate colors are cerise and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
When you let your inner self peek out, it's a pleasure for all to behold. Your mind is brimming with enough ideas and thoughts to keep you busy for days. Let the money roll in! With the reflective Moon in Pisces, it's easy to do your work with half a mind while you dream about the future. Good things are on their way to your door. Fortunate colors are gold and russet. Lucky numbers are 15 and 27.
It's unwise to start anything new today: if you do, it's likely to run out of steam very quickly. With the Moon In Pisces, it's not a good time too be outspoken or bossy, because you just might meet a worthy opponent! You have a tendency to be sharp-tongued and critical of others at the moment, so make an extra effort to be considerate to people around you. The new moon tomorrow makes things unstable emotionally, so it's best to to take a light-hearted attitude to things in general, today. Fortunate colors are emerald green and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Things might seem a bit hopeless, but all is not lost. Something, whether it is a higher power or just plain commonsense, saves you from making a mistake. Mars urges you to charge ahead abandoning all strategies, but the Pisces Moon urges you to step back from the heat and drink some cool water. Nothing will be accomplished by rushing through the task at hand. Make a plan and follow it until you reach your goal. Auspicious colors are ruby red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 17 and 18.
The people you value most need some attention today. As the Moon makes its way through Aquarius, a once comfortable relationship could turn sour. Be warned: if you leave now, you'll be discarding something that you might eventually want back. When dealing with sensitive issues, avoid playing games or beating around the bush. The element of surprise is highly over-rated at the moment. Favorable colors are ruby red and violet. Lucky numbers are 29 and 38.
All the world loves a lover, but it will give you a wide berth when you're being a major grump. You can't expect people to be on side if you run around butting things all day! You may feel low at times, but keep your morale and your head high. If youÕre looking for love, this could be your lucky day: just keep an open mind while you search for the right partner. Advantageous colors are maroon and gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 10.
Those Lions who think that this round is over may be in for a shock. To set a new course, identify the real issues first. The Aquarius Moon heightens your psychic abilities and makes you passionate about your causes and your intimate relationships. Any financial problems should be resolved this evening. Favorable colors are heather grey and basic black. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
There may be obstacles in your way and you might be worried or unclear about what's going to happen next: you just have to accept whatever comes your way. You can't control every situation, and this is a life lesson for you. Information is at your fingertips today and could prove to be very important. Even if it appears to be a bad day, if you've learnt just one thing, it's a good, productive day! Auspicious colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 32 and 38.
If there's one warning sign you should heed today, it's 'Proceed With Caution.' It's extremely important for you to know your environment right now, even if you aren't directly responsible for what happens within it. Be alert to who's in the room when you're speaking, and make sure you choose your words carefully when discussing a tricky subject. The Aquarius Moon is itching to trigger somebody's aggressive behavior, and if you let that happen, you'll surely be caught in the middle. Advantageous colors are red wine and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
Are you up for a challenge? With or without your permission, a friend or partner may be changing things with a mad gleam in their eye! As the Moon strolls through Aquarius, new responsibilities are placed on you. You'll get back to the essentials once you've mastered this rhythm. Until you get the hang of it, however, it might be best to stay in the shadows, watching and learning. Fortunate colors are terra cotta and forest green. Lucky numbers are 34 and 35.
Everyone in the team needs to understand what's going on before you can go any further, but there's an easier way to convey things to them. Pisceans tend to depend on others for guidance and instruction, so don't bite off more than you can chew. Your best bet is to be simple and direct: bypass the hype and cut to the chase. Progress is progress and there's no stopping it. Expressive colors are carnelian and cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Many Crabs have chosen the place that they want to be in right now. Let everyone else rush around trying to accomplish last minute tasks, but you've made a vow to yourself to stay put. As the Moon spends another day in Aquarius, you're in no hurry for the next few days. If impatient friends can't be bothered with your dallying, let them go on without you. Favorable colors are cherry red and salmon pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
You're a real social butterfly when you put your mind to it, flitting from one party to the next. When you do something under the Aquarius Moon, you rarely do it halfway. Your intense passion is more than most people can handle right now, but don't let that stop you. Excellence surges around you in an unstoppable wave. The Universe encourages to be both a friend and a lover to that special person in your life. Fortunate colors are rose pink and coral. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Hopefully you have access to a reliable map, because the Aquarius Moon sets you on a treasure hunt. Don't second guess yourself: you won't know what you've been seeking until you collect all the pieces and the puzzle starts to take shape. Frustration is the fuel that you burn: maintaining a slow and steady pace will let you emerge as the winner. Appropriate colors are dusky pink and pale lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 39.
It's a slow start to the day and you may feel weighed down by responsibilities. Taureans know they should save for a rainy day and love the idea of getting a pension plan and retirement cottage lined up. Others may call you miserly, but like the squirrel in autumn, hoarding makes survival sense. However, it's the holiday season after all, so you can be a wee bit adventurous, financially! Beneficial colors are ruby red and apricot. Lucky numbers are 21 and 29.
A transformation is about to begin. Relax the wary stance you've held for the last couple of days, and remember that a smile works wonders. Welcome back to the human race, and don't drop out again any time soon. You should be able to tell by the looks on their faces that your friends and family members missed you while you were gone. Auspicious colors are lavender and rose. Lucky numbers are 33 and 37.
There's a certain charm in creating a system and sticking with it, as Venus dives into your house of work. Habit and tradition are comforting factors and give you a feeling of security. Nurture has a tendency to triumph over nature when you're facing something new or different. An office romance may be on your agenda. Beautifying the work place is high on the list. Problems you encounter today are just temporary and the less fuss you make, the sooner they'll go away. Lucky colors are forest green and autumn gold. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
Even if everyone else acts the fool, you aren't about to stoop to their level. As far you're concerned, extreme experiences are for immature people. As the world changes, keep things calm, centered and completely under control. Let others swim or sink beneath the weight of their own shortcomings, after all, everyone has their own karma to deal with, lovely Pisces. Today is about doing what's right for you. DonÕt wait for them to notice you (even though they may); take every opportunity you can to be in their direct line of vision! Advantageous colors are pure white and blush. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
The element of surprise definitely works to your advantage right now. Under an unconventional Aquarian Moon, youÕre the wild card in the deck. Whether you're drifting aimlessly or following a carefully- charted and clever course, few can guess your next move. Capitalize on your opportunities while they are still within your grasp. You'll get a good night's rest if you make sure that your head doesn't hit the pillow full of longing and regret. Beneficial colors are deep blue and burnished silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
As Venus enters your twelfth house, romance may have to be secretive in weeks ahead, or relegated to the world of fantasy and dreams. You may be more susceptible to false flattery or unworthy attentions. Love relationships from the past, especially those in which you suffered a loss, can intrude on the present in some way. The tendency to engage in self-pity is apt to be enhanced, though you can choose to ignore it by turning your attention to helping others less fortunate than yourself. Advantageous colors are amethyst purple and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 12.
As the Moon makes its way through Aquarius, emotions intensify for many Lions. The stakes are always changing in a volatile relationship, and this time it seems they're changing for the better. Much to your partner's delight, you're not afraid to express your feelings as Venus enters romantic Sagittarius. Imagination and artistic urges are stimulated, encouraging a phase of creativity, either on your own, or with a partner. Even if you're single, happy endings are possible. If you don't try, you'll never know what might have been. Favorable colors are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
People really want to hear what you have to say today, as Venus changes signs to Sagittarius, your house of sex, death and other people's money. You feel more intense with regard to social contacts as well as romance or sexual encounters, especially from the standpoint of the psychological motivations and behavior patterns involved. Auspicious colors are platinum and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
If you don't take care of yourself, no one else will. If you've built such a perfect world on your own, it's only fair that you get to enjoy it for a while. As Venus moves into adventurous Sagittarius, your new resolve makes you attractive to someone who hardly noticed you before. It's up to you whether you want to get to know them more intimately. Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated. Fortunate colors are lavender and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 24 and 37.
You may have had high hopes for a new project or relationship but when you take a closer look, it doesn't pan out. As the Moon rolls through detached Aquarius, commitments could result in disappointment. Feel free to take a trip, either physically or mentally, as long as you leave your expectations behind. You love order and harmony, your strength lies in acceptance of random things. Even you cannot dictate to the Universe!Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family will be high on your list of priorities. Advantageous colors are golden amber and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
Draw a breath of fresh air, or a bucketful of rain as one window closes and sweet Venus dances into your sign. The Zodiac is a busy place these days, and it just gave you a little extra quality time. It pays to make an effort to exert your personal influence. The charm of your personality, willingness to cooperate and sense of humor make a big difference. Take your time doing what you want to do: balance is being restored. Advantageous colors are spring green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
More money than usual is apt to be spent on social or cultural events as Venus enters your second house. You'll spend on your appearance or the attractiveness of your environment too.You are definitely in your element as the Aquarius Moon turns the world into a bright, upbeat place. Feel free to start trusting in human nature all over again. People who care for one another are way beyond the need to do hurtful things right now. Beneficial colors are mauve and teal. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
You should have little trouble gaining favors from others as Venus enters Sagittarius and the Moon dances in Aquarius. Pleasant relations with neighbors and people with whom you come in daily contact are favoured. If such contacts have been troubled in the past, this is a good time to improve them. Believe that you can make a difference, and you surely will. A positive attitude works wonders, especially when others are looking to you for advice or support. Auspicious colors are electric blue and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
It's time for to let go of the attitude as Venus swings into your house of partners. Things will run much more smoothly if you're willing to swallow your doubts and trust other people's efforts. If a joint venture is to go anywhere, everyone's strengths and weaknesses must be on the table. Be your charming self and raise the general morale. You should be able to talk your way around almost anything. Fortunate colors are peach and rose. Lucky numbers are 33 and 34.
Times may be trying but don't give up hope. Even if the possibilities seem to be hidden at the moment they're still within your grasp and you may stumble upon success quite accidentally. The Capricorn Moon is the bearer of good tidings today, so if you aren't happy with what's already on your plate, ask for a second helping! A positive attitude makes all the difference later in the day, when the Moon moves into Aquarius, promising a wonderful night's entertainment. Advantageous colors are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
For the busy, caring Piscean, sleeping late into the day is for people who don't have anything better to do. Even a vacation seems to be a working vacation. Sociable Fishes love inventing and controlling complex environments. If you were to go off and please yourself, you'd probably start yet another project. If you insist on being busy while everyone else is relaxing, focus on finishing one thing before you start another. Appropriate colors are eggshell blue and platinum. Lucky numbers are 12 and 30.
Naturally you want to keep relationships around you smooth and harmonious, but avoiding confrontations is not always wise. If you push issues under the carpet, they'll surface eventually. Deal with things now in a firm and tactful manner. Bulls crave stability and security, and are normally very careful with their finances, but beware: uncharacteristically, you may spend more than you can afford this month .... Favorable colors are navy blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 20 and 55.
Make your intentions clear, so that everyone knows where they stand. In fact, if you insist on using underhanded techniques, your machinations may cause the exact opposite of what you intended. The Capricorn Moon is a fickle ally, spreading your energy in several directions at once. Perhaps it's time to consider trying some different technique, at least until later tonight when the Lunar Light glides into gorgeous Aquarius, awakening romance and the urge to take chances. Favorable colors are sage green and desert pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 25.
Before you respond to a remark that seems out of line, someone out there is testing your character. Whether you pass or fail, you're sure to grow through the experience. As the Moon wends its way through Capricorn, it's time for you to free yourself from some long-held idea. Conditions are different now and you must find a way to act accordingly. The action is all around midnight, as the Moon hits your own sign, boosting your personal magnetism. Auspicious colors are bright orange and coral. Lucky numbers are 15 and 16.
Figure things out for yourself, instead of reading the instructions. You have high standards which is great, but be careful that you don't end up falling from the height of your expectations. Not everyone is as focused and determined as you, you know! The Moon moves into Aquarius tonight, so you need to slow down and assess each situation carefully, before acting. You need some quiet time tonight - try to get an early night with a good book and a mug of cocoa. Beneficial colors are charcoal and navy blue. Lucky numbers are 14 and 18.
At times like this, it's difficult to place everything neatly in a box, but then again, why would you want to? There's a definite place for rules, but they don't apply to the smile of a friend or the laughter of a child: try to be a bit more spontaneous. Your personal quest has put you out of touch for the past couple of days but it's time to catch up with the human race again. Lucky colors are green and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 10 and 19.
With the Moon in your sign early in the day, the people in your life are all coming and going at rapid speeds, filling your day with bits of news and abstract plans. Now that your senses are working overtime, you'd much rather see the movie than read the book. Tonight a relationship hits the easy groove of a common understanding. Conversation is easy when you pay attention to one another's body language. You my need to reassess your priorities and resist the urge to splurge after midnight. Advantageous colors are pearl white and sea green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 38.
Everything that was wrong with yesterday rights itself today. Even your self confidence gets a much needed boost, as the Moon makes its way through Capricorn. Not only do you know that you're a great person, but for once everybody agrees with you! You might as well save some time by skipping those daily affirmations - your actions definitely speak for themselves at the moment. You're conscious, in tune with the Universe and happy to be alive. Spend some time celebrating your zest for life tonight. Auspicious colors are green and red. Lucky numbers are 5 and 13.
Don't bite off more than you can chew at the moment. Let everyone else worry about the details and stick to the familiar, as the world around you grows more complex. If you seem to learn slowly, it's only because you're getting to grips with the subject. Simple things will take you a long way today. Focus on a flower in bloom, or a beautiful tree. Favorable colors are cinnabar and cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Magical moments in your life may be blinding you to what's really happening. The ambitious Moon concentrates all your energy in the moment, depleting your reserves. Maybe you'll deal with the bills when they come in later, but right now you aren't interested. After all, why spoil a good time by thinking about the consequences? It's okay to maintain the 'act now, think later' attitude for another day or so. Advantageous colors are pearl grey and pale coral. Lucky numbers are 22 and 26.
This is your lucky day! It took you a long time to figure it out, but now that all the details are in place you have the ability to turn straw into gold. If your co-workers haven't already nominated you for an award, maybe they should consider it! Good advice is there if you need it, but you're not obliged to take it. You love to think for yourself, which is how you got this far in the first place, isn't it? Beneficial colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Sometimes it isn't so much what you know, but who you know (or what you're willing to do to get what you need) that matters. Appearance and timing are your keys to success with the Moon in your sign. Genius is as much about intuition as it is about IQ. Know when to say yes or no, and try not to utter the word 'maybe' under any circumstances. Providential colors are pale green and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 29.
Your feelings are stronger than usual, and your views are more vehement. Make sure you don't do or say anything you may regret later. By all means though, defend yourself and make yourself heard. If you listen to what your co-workers are saying, they in turn will be more receptive to your thoughts and ideas. Fortunate colors are powder blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
If you have something important to get off your chest, this is the perfect day to do it. You can transform your verbal skills into a major force right under the Capricorn Moon, but make sure you define your limits before someone else does it for you. You may not know where you're headed this evening, but the journey is sure to be spectacular. Hop in the passenger's seat and let someone else drive for a change. Fortunate colors are garnet red and peridot green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 18.
If you want things to go your way, you must act fast. After a new start under yesterday's New Moon, it's important for you to find a way to stop the hole that's allowing your resources to drain away. Don't let a spot of bad luck get you down -- you're extremely resilient, as you know. There's no malice in a random event even though it causes some inconvenience. Do whatever is necessary to preserve your dignity, and colleagues and clients will continue to believe in you. Auspicious colors are bright red and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
You may wake to find that a wish is not only possible, but very likely. The Capricorn Moon enables you to mold reality into a convenient shape. This is a good time to assume leadership (if you haven't already!). Virgoans are particularly charming and can convince those around them that they are right - particularly co-workers. However, this doesn't give you the right to take advantage of people, and you need to watch this character trait. Stick to the truth at all times. Favorable colors are terracotta and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
You have the map in font of you, so it's up to you to decide where to go next. Be as adventurous as you can, as you chart a new course and take others along for the ride. Thanks to the acute Capricorn Moon, your grasp of the situation is better than usual. There's so much going on in your life that you could overlook the jobs that have to be done. Oh and by the way, don't forget your partner, or do so at your peril! Favorable colors are blueberry and avocado. Lucky numbers are 21 and 41.
A Capricorn Moon in your eighth house indicates that you Bulls are keen to see justice done. What you say is coming across as tolerant, well balanced and impartial, but Taureans are stubborn and won't budge on what they truly believe in. Interesting conversations with people on your wavelength are especially appealing, but go out of your way to avoid bores and irritating types. Beneficial colors are copper and brick red. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
If you feel as though you're losing control, you probably are! Scorpions are very determined and powerful people, but if there are no distractions this energy can turn in on itself, making you self-obsessed. Close friends and family can provide comfort at times like this, but they'll tell you the same thing. Get out and join a club, do charity work or just exercise, and life will improve radically! This malaise is just temporary. Favorable colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The question you'll find yourself asking most of the day is 'why me?' As much as you hope to avoid it, the dirty work will land on you. You can spend the day complaining about a problem, or taking care of it. When the Moon is in Capricorn, service with a smile is the only way to go. If you feel that you must complain to an authority figure, write a letter or fill out a report, rather than meeting face to face. Advantageous colors are jet black and indian yellow. Lucky numbers are 11 and 33.
There's so much going on that most of you can't figure out where to start and a Capricorn Moon tends to overwhelm the typical Geminian. If you're pinned down by everyone else's high expectations and you've lost your margin for wiggle room, do whatever is necessary to get the job done. Keep your ego in check and if you need some help, just ask. Advantageous colors are cobalt blue and pewter grey. Lucky numbers are 32 and 39.
Going with the flow may be challenging and exciting for many Lions today. As the Moon moves though Capricorn, your mood goes from tentative to definite. Whichever path you decide to take, you won't be going it alone. A friend or lover will guide you through any transits, celebrating or sympathizing with you as necessary. You're capable of great strength -- even more so than usual today. This is a great time to test your physical or emotional strength. Beneficial colors are blue and brown. Lucky numbers are 27 and 31.
Things have changed considerably since yesterday. Some of you have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in. You might want to consider redistributing your load and delegating for the time being. Caught up in work activities with typical single-mindedness, have you forgotten about happiness lately? Having the courage to ask for help when you really need it isn't a sign of weakness. Fortunate colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 14 and 28.
Today's New Moon could be a powerful one for the Fish. You may not appreciate the added responsibility, but look at the events of the next few weeks as being your opportunity to make change for the better. You'll be able to speak with great conviction, so live your truth for all the world to see. Fortunate colors are garnet red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 22.
The New Moon in Sagittarius places emphasis on money matters today. Try not to get into useless controversies over other people's assets; a good motto is 'I do not want what I have not got'. Good relationships can be damaged over money or ownership disputes; don't get involved unless these things are really worth fighting over. Beneficial colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 3.
This month's New Moon in your sign wakes you up and reminds you to live again! The new year has begun for you already, even though the rest of the world remains in the old. You can start to change your life now, but you have to decide just exactly what it is that you want. As creative Uranus turns direct in your house of romance, children and speculation with fortunate Jupiter hovering in your house of partners, you can create (or destroy!) just about anything. Ideal colors are sterling silver and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
You'll be feeling very much more like you as the adventurous New Moon awakens your third house of communication. With Venus your life-ruler in the final degrees of Scorpio before heading into your third house on the weekend, you need to complete any financial matters and make sure your priorities are in order. Favorable colors are butter yellow and mint green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
Your imagination is stimulated by the New Moon in your fifth house of romance and creativity, filling your mind with all kinds of wonderful ideas. Spending time with that special someone is rewarding now, as is time spent with children. Enjoy the youthful feeling that comes with this transit. No matter what your age, you can benefit from a little bit of fun and recreation. Creative colors are amethyst purple and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
The New Moon occurs in your sixth house of health and service, reminding you that it's time to pay attention to these matters. Now is the perfect time to start a healthy diet and exercise program; you may be able to avoid the weight gain that often comes with the holidays. Covering all your bases at work is also in order; the more organized and focused you can be, the more success you will have. Beneficial colors are cobalt blue and red tourmaline. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
You may feel as though you're stir crazy, as the Sagittarian New Moon appears in your ninth house of travel and adventure. If cold weather is keeping you from getting outside, you may need to bring the tropics indoors. If the heat is keeping you from getting outside, it's time to seek a retreat by water. Find a way to feed the Ram's desire for change. Fortunate colors are cobalt and tan. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
You may find more honesty is forthcoming in your dealings with others as the Sagittarius New Moon marks the beginning of a new era for you in relationships. Close relationships will be especially affected by this New Moon; expect change, intensity, and depth to increase in the coming days. With Mercury in your seventh house of partnerships, lawyers and legal matters come to the fore, along with debates, contract negotiations, alliances and joint ventures of any kind. Positive colors are burnt orange and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Changes in your home life may be underway as the New Moon activates Mercury in your fourth house of home and family. Harness this energy to make changes for the good. If you don't take a pro-active role, life is likely to enforce changes upon you. Don't let life happen to you -- make your life happen, and make it the best life it can be! Positive colors are aqua and blush. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
The New Moon in your twelfth house of secrets allows you remarkable insight into your soul. Dreams you have during this time may be disturbing, but don't let the content frighten you. Dream images are almost always symbolic... just because you dream something does not mean you wish it were true. Allow your dreams and fantasies to teach you more about yourself. Fortunate colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 19 and 21.
Today's New Moon could gain you friends in high places, so take the opportunity to mingle. Company luncheons, neighborhood meetings, church functions, and PTA gatherings are all fertile grounds for networking. Get out and make your presence felt, but choose your allies with care. Beneficial colors are sage green and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
The Sagittarius New Moon awakens your eighth house of sex, power and money today. It's time to close off old financial issues and make a brand new start. If you have been suffering from problems due to mistakes made in the past, your burden begins to lift, thank heavens. Next year will bring a whole new phase for the Bull. Favorable colors are chestnut brown and crimson. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
Don't waste this great opportunity: go out and make the most of some free time. Try and find something new or exciting to do with your partner. Rams love a challenge. You don't have to go hang gliding or canyoning, even a foreign movie or exotic food will fit the bill. Just go with the flow and take care not to ruin things by being too demanding. Auspicious colors are sage green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 24.
Sometimes you take things too seriously. When the Moon is in jaunty Sagittarius, even important negotiations have the air of a friendly conversation. Before you burst forth with all your great ideas, bear in mind that calm enthusiasm goes much further than quick bursts of excitement. Consider trading valuable ideas with someone who'll benefit from the exchange. There's always other possibilities to consider before making choices. Excellent colors are red and violet. Lucky numbers are 5 and 19.
You're feeling pretty sorry for yourself and persecuted as well, but sympathy must be earned. Try putting all that energy into something positive instead! Slow down and look at all the facts logically, before you do anything else. Romance is a strong possibility and just what you need to take you out of yourself. Plan an intimate dinner with your partner without distractions, followed by a bubble bath, scented candles and.... well, no-one could ever accuse you of lacking imagination! Fortunate colors are pale pink and pastel orange. Lucky numbers are 12 and 42.
With so many opportunities open to you, the trick is knowing which one to take and which one to leave alone. A racy Sagittarius Moon makes it even harder to pick the good ones from the bad. What looks like an act of malice is probably just a careless slip. Instead of being defensive, be the first to laugh at your own misunderstanding and others will laugh with you. Treat this as a lesson and move on -- there are plenty of wonderful things to do today. Providential colors are red tourmaline and rosemary. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
Who can you trust and who is just paying lip service? In a moment of clarity, the Sagittarius Moon shows you the faces of your real friends. Perhaps it's time to redirect your heroic efforts into a project with broader appeal and benefits. Keep in mind that a healthy community can help you in return, when you need it. No one's keeping score, but it's always good to clock up cosmic points. Fortunate colors are electric blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 31.
Don't expect an easy go of it with the Moon in Sagittarius and your house of secrets.Your ship rides low in the water, laden with unwanted (but expensive!) cargo. You may not have the authority to dump your load, although it would certainly feel great. Be sly and wise instead of explosive. You aren't going to get anywhere by being stubborn or belligerent, especially with authority figures. Favorable colors are golden amber and teal. Lucky numbers are 41 and 46.
Go with the flow today, because it's time to get into the swing of things! The Moon remains in the travel-happy, adventurous sign of Sagittarius for most of the day, so let your hair down and indulge in your dreams. It's a good time to make phone calls, make money and socialize - either for business or pleasure. You'll find most people you come into contact with are easygoing and open-minded. There won't be any shortage of friends, so make the most of it and enjoy your weekend! Fortunate colors are earth brown and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
Virgos never have to be alone - unless of course you want to be. A partnership is about to blossom, but your degree of success is closely tied to your self-image. It's time to put your best talents forward, even the hidden ones, beautiful Virgo! Fortunate colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
Try to stick to what you know: technology and humanitarian issues are tough nuts to crack under a Sagittarius Moon. As long as your mind is employed in solving problems, you're less available for more casual pleasures. When working with others, try to smile even if you're not interested in what they're saying. There won't be a test, but it would be beneficial if you retain the information anyway. Advantageous colors are pure white and true blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 23.
For most Crabs, reaching for the stars is a distinct possibility today. With the Moon in Sagittarius, guess who's first out of the starting gate? Your unique way of doing things is a pleasant surprise, for those jaded types who think they've seen it all. Although it's hard for Cancerians to receive compliments you'll be happy to accept them today, especially if they come from someone who means a lot to you. Don't be so bashful that you forget to say 'thank you' in return. Balancing colors are pale gold and royal blue. Lucky numbers are 30 and 39.
Things could become a little edgy at home as Mars is under pressure in your solar fourth house. There's a confrontation building up over home and family versus career and public image. Your legendary talent for conciliation should stand you in good stead, but do not allow yourself to be brow-beaten. Auspicious colors are stark black and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
Forget any problems you've been dealing with over the last few days for a little while. When the Moon is in your own sign, it's playtime for you. Look for fun activities that you can enjoy with your friends and family members. Art and romance are very much favoured today. When participating in group activities, it's easy to see that friendship and co-operation lies at the root of community activity. This is a chance to show your sincerity through responsible actions. Beneficial colors are saffron and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Taking care of personal business is important this morning, so organize yourself appropriately. With chatty Mercury moving into your third house of communication, it is a good time to make those phone calls you have been avoiding. Information and ideas are flowing. Your attention may also be taken up with cars or other vehicles, computers, or mechanical and electrical equipment for home or office. Lively colors are bright yellow and bondi blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
Pay attention to what you eat, and when you eat it today, as your health is often directly linked to your diet. Don't let the pressure of the season cause you to eat all the wrong things while you burn the candle at both ends; you could end up with indigestion or worse. Extra garlic and ginger will help your digestive system, so be sure to stock up at the market. Fortunate colors are ivory and rose. Lucky numbers are 27 and 32.
The Moon and Mercury enter Sagittarius, your house of romance and pleasure today, urging you to renew your sense of play. Creative writing or speaking projects may be part of the scenario, which is also a time of increased communication or travel with a romantic partner, children, or group. A vacation may include a guided tour, or feature educational experiences. Plans may involve entertainment projects, social events, children's activities, or speculative ventures. Favorable colors are old gold and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
You may dream about your parents or other authority figures during the early morning hours as the intuitive Moon moves through psychic Scorpio. If you have a hunch, go with it. Your powers of intuition are likely to be strong today, especially regarding your career, status, and family. Later in the day, your thoughts turn toward new friendships. Activities such as fund raising, membership drives, or newsletters may be on your agenda. Fortunate colors are tan and apricot. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
You may feel bored and you'll be itching to get out and about as the Moon and Mercury enter adventurous Sagittarius. Even if you don't have the freedom to indulge your whims, try some different food or maybe a foreign movie this evening. Studious Rams will enjoy reading history tonight: curling up with a good book in bed may be the beginning of a wonderful journey... Fortunate colors are apple green and silvery red. Lucky numbers are 30 and 37.
Mercury, your life-ruler, swings into your fourth house, urging you to tend to your personal environment. Bring home fresh flowers to brighten your kitchen, and light fragrant candles in your bedroom. Making your home a haven is the best way to utilize your private space. Real estate transactions, repairs to your home or property, family discussions or business transactions, and correspondence with or short trips to visit relatives are likely in weeks ahead. Fortunate colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 2 and 4.
The early morning is good for teamwork; problems from last week can be rectified with very little effort. First Mercury then later the Moon enter Sagittarius and your eighth house of sex, power and money, adding a bit of intensity to the day. Issues of power and control may crop up; don't be surprised if this energy continues for some weeks. You'll need to keep your emotions under control if you want to prevail. Beneficial colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 8 and 18.
One on one relationships come into focus as the Moon and Mercury enter your opposite sign of Sagittarius. Opposing forces bruise your ego, as ideas and opinions emerge that are incompatible. Why waste your efforts trying to get others to change their minds? If you are unable to find an agreeable or productive way to work with certain people, be content to work quietly on your own. Don't be surprised if you make some life-changing decisions during the next three weeks. Beneficial colors are blossom pink and spring green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The Moon and Mercury enter Sagittarius, your house of career and public standing, urging you to become more visible. Many Fish are reluctant to swim in the spotlight, but you may not have a choice after today. It's time to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. Prepare yourself for added responsibility and greater visibility. Take the time to organize and groom yourself for the changes coming your way. Positive colors are amethyst purple and golden ivory. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
The planets are lining up in your second house of personal finances, bringing money matters to a head. Many of you will be bringing in extra cash but it seems to fly out the window... be sure to save something for Christmas. If your budget's falling short for the holidays, try being creative. Remember, it's not how much you spend on a gift, it's the thought that counts! Prosperous colors are ivy green and copper. Lucky numbers are 21 and 22.
The morning hours are fine for getting projects and tasks completed so start the day off in high gear while you still have the energy. By evening, the Moon will join Mercury in your twelfth house of secrets and seclusion, urging you to slow down and recharge your spiritual batteries. You may become involved with information or activities that must be kept confidential, or it may simply be a matter of not being inclined to share your thoughts or ideas with others. Beneficial colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
You may wake up feeling a bit shaky, but by midday you should be ready to start reaching out. You are about to embark on a journey that could lead to a whole new you -- if this is what you want, get ready. Everyone's talking about you, but it's time to start talking to your loved ones again; clue them in to what has been going on in that pretty little head of yours. Excellent colors are chrome red and spanish leather. Lucky numbers are 1 and 28.
The emotional Moon enters mysterious Scorpio and your second house of personal finances today, urging you to scrutinize your bank balance. You'll need to pay attention to your money flow as the temptation to overspend is high. Alternately, you can be very resourceful and charitable now. Clean out your closet, attic, and garage and donate what you don't need to charity. Positive colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Variety is the spice of life so add some to yours today as the Moon passes through your ninth house of travel and adventure. Change your routine in some small way and you'll be surprised at what is possible. Simply watching a new television show can open new worlds to you. It is time to break out of your routine and explore all the world has to offer. Favorable colors are deep green and sunset orange. Lucky numbers are 27 and 37.
You may have mixed feelings about socializing today; the Sun continues to urge you to turn inward while the Moon pushes you to get out and mingle. Compromise by going out and then leaving the party early; you'll have a chance to make an appearance yet still get plenty of sleep tonight. People in authority should be well disposed towards you, so take advantage of the boss's good graces. Advantageous colors are jasper and emerald. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
The Moon enters Scorpio and your sixth house of health and service today, reminding you to get back to business. Housekeeping and other exercises in organization are necessary, so roll your sleeves up and get to work. A proper diet is recommended at this time, so avoid the pizza and beer dinner that can be so attractive. A brisk walk will improve your circulation and give you more energy this evening. Beneficial colors are cobalt blue and coppery tones. Lucky numbers are 14 and 18.
The Moon begins to pass through your twelfth house of secrets today, causing your thoughts to turn inward. Dreams you have at this time are quite revealing, so write down any you remember. The art of dream interpretation is something anyone can learn; the truth is, you are best suited for understanding your own dreams. The language of the unconscious mind is quite specific to your personal experiences; consider starting a dream journal. Fortunate colors are cobalt blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
You may feel a bit moody today, but try not to take it out on the ones you love. It's normal to feel somewhat edgy during this time in your lunar cycle; thoughts of death can disturb your normal disposition. Remember that there really is nothing to fear; the beauty of life is in simply living in the present and enjoying each day. Fortunate colors are indian red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
Spending quality time with your partner is a priority now; neglect could lead to a very nasty scene within the next two days. Some Bulls are presenting a lovely image to the public, but are hiding or ignoring serious difficulties at home. Spend time with your partner to avoid the inevitable explosion that comes with repression. You'll be glad you made the effort. Advantageous colors are pale aqua and soft rose. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Tension begins to build as the sensitive Moon enters your tenth house of career and status; many of you will find authority figures are bothersome. You won't be able to sweet talk your way out of a traffic ticket, even if your brother-in-law is on the police force. Try not to let the pressure of family and community get to you; you can only do so much today, so don't push yourself. Propitious colors are basic black and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
For better or worse, there's no place like home today. You may want to burn yours to the ground, but it's important to deal with difficulties within your family in a constructive way. Hopefully all is well, but if you find yourself or your loved ones speaking with resentment, it's time to talk about the things that have come between you. Healing colors are golden topaz and shimmering green. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
Your creative powers are given a boost as the Moon enters Scorpio and your fifth house of romance and creativity, so why not give free rein to your imagination? It should be easier to express your thoughts and feelings to your loved ones during this time frame and communication with children is also improved. Ask your inner child to come out to play and be renewed today. Fortunate colors are buttercup and lavender. Lucky numbers are 9 and 15.
The next two days find things going largely your way; don't be afraid to ask for what you want while the Moon passes through Scorpio. You can get your point across with emotional conviction, so let people know how you feel. You may be up against some opposition from your most significant other, but now is the time to work things through. Favorable colors are rich crimson and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
The Moon enters your third house of communication, urging you to express your feelings. Most of you have been thinking quite a bit lately, as cerebral Mercury moves into your sensitive fourth house tomorrow; now is the time to put your thoughts into words. If nervous tension has been building, it is imperative to work off steam. Go for a brisk walk in the fresh air this evening. Expressive colors are emerald green and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
The intuitive Moon and psychic Neptune blend well, so don't be surprised if you get a telepathic message today. This could even take the form of a song playing on the radio as the universe has many ways of expressing its wishes to us. An offhand remark someone makes could continue ringing in your ears, so pay attention to things you might normally ignore. Fortunate colors are aubergine and mahogany. Lucky numbers are 45 and 46.
The warmth created by the nurturing Moon continues today: don't allow doubts and insecurities ruin the rosy glow. There'll be plenty of time to look at love in the harsh light of day, but now is the time to wonder at the magic of love and affection. Creativity is sparked by this transit, so be ready for the muse when she comes upon you. Fortunate colors are amethyst purple and coral pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 33.
You may have a sense that guardian angels are watching over you today as the Moon moves through your twelfth house. There is much pleasure in solitude today, so don't force yourself to socialize. Those of you involved in secret relationships will find bliss behind closed doors; just remember that a relationship that cannot stand the light of day is both limited and limiting. Fortunate colors are sunset pink and lavender. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Excitement is likely thanks to a reactive Moon today and you may want to take refuge at work. Keep a clear head and you might be able to save the day; your special brand of diplomacy and tact are required. You may even find an unexpected raise or bonus coming your way... why not? After all, the hardworking Bull deserves it. Fortunate colors are sparkling green and silver. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
The pleasure of the holiday season is strong. Dinner at a new restaurant or with friends and family from out of town should bring comfort and joy; religion and ritual are also comforting and those of you who are celebrating at this time will find renewed faith. Matters regarding higher education get the green light: congratulations to those who graduate this month! Fortunate colors are aubergine and bronze. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
Many of you will be beautifying your homes in preparation for the holidays and a party at your place is sure to go well. Don't forget the fresh flowers and scented candles for atmosphere. Take pride in your home and your family by tending to their needs. Gather everyone together for a super thorough cleaning, followed by an ice cream sundae treat. Fortunate colors are clear blue and dove gray. Lucky numbers are 16 and 38.
If peace in your relationships is high on your list of personal wishes, you should get what you want. You'll have a special glow about you today. Inner beauty is true beauty, and yours is showing. Spend time with the ones you love and savor the joy. Fortunate colors are red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
All your hard work may finally be noticed, as the reflective Moon graces your tenth house of career and reputation and others would like to show you their appreciation. A raise or bonus is quite possible and comes at just the right time. Holiday cheer is evident among most of your co- workers so enjoy the friendly atmosphere in the office. Fortunate colors are saffron and gold. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
The influence of the adventurous Sun and the tender Moon combine to bring you comfort and joy today and some may even find a bonus in their paychecks. Even if you haven't got a lot of material possessions, you should feel pride in what you have and the life you live. Dignity and grace are things that everyone deserves; you have enough to share with others. Fortunate colors are army green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 20 and 24.
The emotional Moon and intuitive Neptune blend to create wonder in your life, and some Rams may even fall for an old flame again! This is fine if you're single, but it can create quite a problem if you're already spoken for. Be sure to let reason reign over your emotions if they threaten to get out of hand. This is an anything-can-happen sort of day, so enjoy the ride. Fortunate colors are sapphire blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
This is the perfect time to build bridges of communication between you and the most important people in your life. Just be sure to listen as much as you speak! You may find that an emotional breakthrough is at hand and that you may soon enjoy a level of closeness and intimacy you never knew was possible. Fortunate colors are lemon yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Your friendships appear to be tightly knit as the nurturing Moon moves through your eleventh house of friendships. This is a wonderful time to let your friends know how much they mean to you. The idealistic Archer may be feeling especially romantic and rosy now, even about the most mundane things. Enjoy the glow while it lasts! Fortunate colors are lemon yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 24 and 25.
Spend time with siblings and neighbors if you can today and find out what their hopes and dreams are for the coming year. Express your own desires to your friends and family, using them as a sounding board for your ideas. You'll have plenty of energy today, so spend it taking care of holiday preparations. Fortunate colors are golden amber and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
You and your partner should be on the same wavelength for the next two days, as the Moon stimulates your seventh house of marriage and partnerships. Business partners can be in tune, so schedule meetings and brain storming sessions for this afternoon. Express your willingness to meet your partner half way. Favorable colors are red coral and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Snug as a bug in a rug is how you might feel today as the hearth-loving Moon journeys through your fourth house of home and family. The influence of Venus helps to beautify your surroundings, so enjoy the atmosphere in your own private space. Fresh flowers and candles add a lot to the ambiance, so be sure to have plenty on hand. Soothe your soul and enjoy your home. Beautiful colors are pale green and salmon pink. Lucky numbers are 4 and 6.
The lines between friendship and romance may be blurry today as the tender Moon transits your eleventh house of friends and associates. Jupiter in Gemini adds a bit of fairy dust to the mix... you could be seeing someone in a new light during this time. It is said that love is a friendship that has caught fire; if this is the case for you, may you enjoy every minute of it. Fortunate colors are indian red and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
The next two days could be very romantic indeed as the cozy Moon shines in your fifth house of love and pleasure; allow yourself to love and be loved today. Love inspires you to be the best you can be; it need not force you to change because it motivates you to rise to your greatest heights. Children can also bring great joy during this tine frame, so be sure to connect with the young ones in your life. Romantic colors are warm gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 10.
Anything exotic should bring pleasure today as the Moon moves through your ninth house of adventure. Gifts that represent different cultures and countries will appeal to you; you might also consider borrowing a foreign tradition for the upcoming holidays. Internet connections are enjoyable, so catch up on your international email when you have a free moment. Excellent colors are peacock blue and rose red. Lucky numbers are 33 and 36.
Your taste for the good life could get out of hand as the tender Moon moves through indulgent Libra. You can enjoy the sweetness of life, but don't go overboard. Balance your diet and be sure to get plenty of exercise. Some of the most beautiful people in the world are born under the sign of the Bull, and you will be exuding that healthy, robust glow all day. Fortunate colors are ivory and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 33.
Your popularity is assured as the Moon moves through your sign; you'll be able to express yourself in a way that is especially pleasing. Relationships of all kinds are favored as you are in demand; ask for what you want today and you are likely to receive. The temptation to overindulge will be strong, so know when to say when. Favorable colors are carnation pink and white rose. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The sensitive Moon travels through your eighth house of power, sex and money today, giving you a wild edge. This is softened by the influence of Jupiter, which will help add tenderness to your intimate relationships. Spending one-on-one time with whom you hold most dear will benefit you greatly; this includes grandparents as well. Real relationships based on unblinking honesty are favored. Favorable colors are wine red and coffee brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
Stress may be building in your life at this time, so allow yourself plenty of time for relaxation. Don't be surprised if you have to work late into the night on a work-related project. The next two days will focus on your career and reputation, so it's a good idea to check and recheck those things that come under your personal responsibility. Supportive colors are garnet red and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
You'll want to be surrounded with beauty as the sensitive Moon transits your second house of personal finances. Buying something special for yourself is good medicine, so crack open your piggy bank and allow yourself a treat. Giving to others is also rewarding today. Don't forget to donate used or new toys to charitable organizations this holiday season. Favorable colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
Your lunar low cycle is underway, so stay in low gear today. There's no need to push yourself unduly -- just follow your own internal clock. It's time to recharge your spiritual batteries and prepare for a new cycle of strength. Take time to do the things that bring you back to your most peaceful self. Let go of old sorrows and prepare to begin a new cycle. Favorable colors are midnight blue and silvery aqua. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
It's okay to mix business and pleasure as the Moon passes from your eighth house of sex, power and money into your ninth house of travel and adventure. Many of you will feel upbeat and excited as the day goes on, even if you haven't got more than a fast food dinner to look forward to this evening. Life is good and you can be satisfied today. Prosperous colors are green and tan. Lucky numbers are 30 and 45.
You may feel torn by career and personal matters but try not to get into any futile arguments with your partner. There's bound to be plenty of stress at this time of year, but you still need to be supportive of your love. If someone's giving you a hard time about inconsequential matters, just smile, nod your head and ignore them! Beneficial colors are pale aqua and soft coral. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Express yourself while the Moon remains in your third house of communication; after today you may not feel like interacting with others as much. Now is the time to write letters and make phone calls, especially in preparation for the coming holidays. By this evening, you will be ready to relax in your favorite nook; it's time to settle down and recharge your emotional batteries. Beneficial colors are Pacific blue and army green. Lucky numbers are 41 and 48.
You need to tie up loose ends before the year is out, Cap. Aided by the lunar power in Libra tonight, you'll have more than enough energy and drive to get the job done; in fact, some of you might welcome the last minute pressure to achieve. Look for imaginative ways to finish the year with style. Move forward! Fortunate colors are charcoal gray and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 20 and 44.
Taking care of business should be your number one priority this morning, whether you need to bathe your pets, water the plants or tend to finances. Later, when the changing Moon enters lovely Libra and your seventh house of partnerships, grab your mate or best friend's hand and get some serious entertainment this evening! Favorable colors are pale beige and rich rose. Lucky numbers are 5 and 15.
You'll enjoy the pleasures of your own home today as the sentimental Moon completes her journey through your fourth house of home and family. Later today, as the Moon enters sociable Libra and your fifth house of romance and creativity, you will be ready for some fun. Why not meet some friends for dinner and a movie tonight? Enjoy fresh air and good company this evening. Enjoyable colors are jade green and dove gray. Lucky numbers are 23 and 29.
The swift Moon enters Libra and your third house of communication, giving you the urge to chat. It'll be hard to get any work done with so many phone calls and e-mail coming your way. Instead of getting stressed out, enjoy the festive atmosphere surrounding the end of the year. Forget all the world's troubles and just enjoy your friends, family, and co-workers. Communicative colors are canary yellow and azure blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
The comforting Moon continues to pass through your sign, giving you added energy. Lend your support to others as you navigate the day; your caring, nurturing side will be appreciated. Later this evening, count your blessings as the Moon enters Libra and your second house of personal finances. Don't be afraid to share what you have with others... it really is in giving that we receive. Fortunate colors are rich red and cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Friends may take up much of your time today, but you won't mind. The atmosphere should be pleasant for most of the day as the Moon completes her journey through your eleventh house of friends and associates. By this evening, you could be ready to curl up on the sofa with a good book. Turn in early to help your body deal with the stress of the coming holidays. Favorable colors are sparkling green and bronze. Lucky numbers are 24 and 43.
You may find yourself in the public eye more than you would like today as the Moon's presence in your mid-heaven puts your public life under the spotlight. Try to keep your thoughts to yourself, as people will be paying more attention to your responses than usual. Some of you may have to contend with an irritable boss, while others may find that superiors are more receptive under this lunar influence. Tonight's vibe is much less stressful and may open up avenues to the achievement of your dreams. Advantageous colors are heather gray and garnet red. Lucky numbers are 44 and 46.
Your mood may be quiet for most of the day, as the sensitive Moon passes through your twelfth house of solitude. Don't push yourself -- instead, follow your instincts as you navigate your day. Later this evening, you could have a burst of energy as the Moon enters charming Libra and your first house of personality; be yourself and you are likely to be the belle of the ball. Fortunate colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 33 and 39.
Today should be pleasant as the gentle Moon passes through your fifth house of romance and creativity; you'll be in good spirits when the Moon enters Libra and your sixth house of health and service late today. With a spring in your step and a sense of fun, you can whistle while you work and then enjoy a restful evening at home. Fortunate colors are golden amber and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 24.
Embark upon an inner journey as the subjective Moon activates the territory of your subconscious today. Don't try to socialize if you're not in the mood, as you are currently under the influence of your lunar low cycle. Intuition could be painfully strong during this time; you may find that you suddenly know things you would have preferred to stay ignorant of. Auspicious colors are sunset pink and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Some tension is possible as you deal with visitors from afar and spending time with in-laws may be taxing today. There's no way you can please everyone all the time, so stop trying! You are better off being honest rather than resenting others, so make a stand and draw the necessary lines. You will be respected for standing up for yourself... this is not the time to be a martyr! Favorable colors are golden amber and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
A clash of wills with a good friend or associate is likely, as the illogical Moon, fiery Sun and rebellious Uranus combine to add stress to your day. It's not a good idea to lend anyone money today: if you do, make sure the terms of repayment are clear. If you can afford to make a gift and feel the need to do so, go ahead. But remember: once it leaves your hands, you have no say how it should be spent.... Auspicious colors are aubergine and crimson. Lucky numbers are 27 and 36.
You may have some external obstacles to contend with, but you may be standing in your own way, especially if you're afraid to try something new. However, generous Jupiter remains on your side for several months to come, bringing old issues to an end and breaking new ground. Take a deep breath and move forward in faith. Fortunate colors are purple and aqua. Lucky numbers are 36 and 42.
The imaginative Moon fires your imagination, as the planets are livening up your sphere of romance and relationships with children should be good. Don't let the bizarre twists and turns of a dream disturb you. Beneficial colors are golden amber and purple amethyst. Lucky numbers are 18 and 24.
Carry yourself with grace as you remain visible in the public eye. Even if you love your family and social position dearly, there are times when social events force you to put on a smiling face that betrays your true feelings. Your renegade ruler Uranus might be urging you to rebel, but play the game conservatively if you want to succeed in the long term. Auspicious colors are emerald green and gold. Lucky numbers are 22 and 29.
It's very important to remain patient today; you may be very frustrated by life and tempted to take it out on others. You're made of sterner stuff than you might think. Take time out for yourself today; this will help you avoid an emotional meltdown. Enjoy time spent in nature to help you unwind. Healing colors are ocean blue and sea green. Lucky numbers are 24 and 39.
The urge to go on a spending spree is even stronger now, but try to keep it under control. Spending money impulsively will get you in deep trouble, so avoid increasing your debt. Be sure the things you buy are things you need and things you can afford. Besides, if you are patient, Santa Claus might just bring you what you really want this year. Beneficial colors are ivy green and copper. Lucky numbers are 20 and 24.
The emotional Moon and unpredictable Uranus blend to give you a bit of a stomach ache today; don't let outside pressure get to you. Unfortunately, much of the pressure you are experiencing may be internal, but with Jupiter in your sign, there's no real need to worry. Of course, if your instincts tell you not to do something, well, by all means, listen to your inner compass. Intuitive colors are pale lilac and cobalt blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 32.
Hold on to your hat, as Venus, the Moon and Mars are dancing. It's time for you to lighten the mood with your rich sense of humor. Romance is in the air for eligible Bulls, but it's best not to take yourself too seriously at this time. Chances are good you've had more than your share of responsibility lately, and could use the break. Fortunate colors are baby blue and powder pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
The sensitive Moon and unpredictable Uranus combine to create high energy today; focus on doing good deeds to avoid nervous tension. It will be all too easy to lose your temper today, especially with your friends and associates. They may not share the same vision as you, but this shouldn't stop you from pursuing your goals and dreams. Calming colors are clear blue and iridescent green. Lucky numbers are 13 and 24.
You may be involved in a stalemate concerning your personal affairs right now -- try not to let the frustration get you down. Today is about compromise; how well you compromise today will set the stage for the activity as tim goes on. If you are clear about your goals and intentions, you should be able to work things out in your career, your family, and your closest relationships. Positive colors are brick red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
If you can take the day off from work you might want to stay home and rest today; it's time to recharge your spiritual batteries. Sure, there's a lot of work left to be done, but there'll be time for that in a day or two. Right now, you need to pay attention to your inner needs. If you push yourself too hard, you will end up sick... and how can you be of use if you run yourself into the ground? Harmonious colors are lavender and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
The Moon lights up your tenth house of career and reputation today, urging you to tie up loose ends before the end of the year. No one feels like working now, especially with the underlying anxiety many have about the future. This is all the more reason to remained focused on the important tasks at hand, clearing the old from your desk to prepare for the new. Ambitious colors are emerald green and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 17 and 23.
Both your closest relationship and your personal spiritual development seem to be clamoring for your attention, adding stress to your life. You'll have to find a way to balance both as nebulous Neptune will continue to cloud your sign for several years to come. Although it would seem Neptune is too far away to affect your life, don't underestimate his power to change your life forever. Auspicious colors are Pacific blue and amethyst purple. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Friends can be a wonderful source of encouragement and support now, so take advantage of what they have to offer! It'll be hard to get much work done today, but there'll be plenty of time to catch up next week. Go ahead and take a leisurely approach to the day. Most Capricorns are so diligent and responsible that one day of taking it easy won't hurt a bit. Fortunate colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 6 and 14.
Meaningful coincidence or synchronicity may appear in your life as the Moon lights up your house of mysteries. Some may be a bit spooked by the odd activity, but rest assured this is simply the universe's way of communicating with you. You may or may not like what it has to say, but you should pay attention anyway. Humble yourself and learn all that you can. Intuitive colors are white jade and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
Your sixth house of health and service is activated by the Moon in Virgo today, so it's time to get back on that health regimen. Most Rams are too active to ever gain a great deal of weight, but it's still important to pay attention to good nutrition. Throw away any rich, fatty foods in your fridge or you'll find yourself indulging every day for the next week! Beneficial colors are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 14 and 32.
It should be easy to express your love as the sentimental Moon helps you to open up and come out of your shell. Even if you are very busy at work, you should find time to spend with your romantic interest or your children. Whether you express your love through words or actions today, the meaning will be quite clear. Remember, the little things really do matter in relationships. Beneficial colors are golden amber and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
It's an upbeat note as the inspirational Moon zips through your fifth house of romance and creativity. Spending time with children can be rewarding now, as can time spent with a romantic interest. Some of you will be planning a holiday engagement, so think about how you would like to announce the news. You have energy to spare! Auspicious colors are pale gold and lavender. Lucky numbers are 6 and 24.
Focusing on what needs to be done will help you make progress today. You should be moving along at a quick pace, tying up any loose ends that could trip you up later. This evening, take the time to review your finances from the past year. What did you spend your discretionary money on? What could you do next year to increase your income? It's time to formulate a plan. Fortunate colors are sage green and terra cotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 17.
Someone may think they know how to run your life better than you do... maybe they're right, but you should have the privilege of making your own mistakes. of course, once you have tripped over your own two feet, you'll need to take a good look at your shoelaces to see what went wrong. It's one thing to take a tumble, but if you don't learn from your mistakes you are doomed to repeat them. Favorable colors are sage green and dove gray. Lucky numbers are 29 and 36.
Work should be lighthearted and easy as the Moon glides through your eleventh house of friends and associates. Romance is aided by this transit, so be sure to make time for that special someone. The support and encouragement you get from your pals can truly inspire you now. Talk about the good times to come with those who share the path you are on now. Friendly colors are sparkling green and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 24 and 41.
The Moon lends you extra emotional strength today, helping you to clear up end-of-year obligations. You'll be in your element, organizing and analyzing the last tasks of 2012. People will be looking to you for leadership now. You should be up to the challenge and enjoying the spotlight. Relationship matters go well as you express yourself more freely. Move forward! Positive colors are brick red and cream. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
The tender Moon and surprising Uranus blend to create sparks in your closest relationships; you may be completely surprised by an unexpected gift. Hopefully, this will be a positive thing or the day could degenerate into an ugly scene. If you are disappointed, wait until an opportune time to say so. Then, be very clear about how you feel and why you feel that way. Advantageous colors are olive green and khaki. Lucky numbers are 30 and 39.
Some of you may be seriously considering changing your social status soon; remember that there'll be serious consequences and no turning back. Consider your motivations carefully before making any announcements. Even true love comes with a price to pay, and in your case it may be extraordinarily high. Go slow for best results. Advantageous colors are sapphire blue and hot pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
Almost anything can happen today as the moody Moon, Venus, Mercury and Uranus clash. Arguments may seem unavoidable, but you have the power to keep an unpleasant family member from ruining things. If someone is deliberately trying to bait you, foil their attempts by remaining calm and serene. That way, you're in control! Advantageous colors are sea green and ocean blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 25.
You may have quite a bit of work to do, but don't let that prevent you from bonding with your partner later this evening. It's time to review the past year together. What did you learn and what still confounds you? How can you improve your relationship in the coming year? Where would you like to be next December? Start working on your New Year's list now. Favorable colors are pale aqua and rose pink. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
You may have quite a bit of work to do, but satisfaction or success may come, but not without some difficulty. Problems or lack of co-operation connected with work, co-workers, household tasks, family- related activities, or social events may be annoying. The green-eyed monster of jealousy rears its ugly head, so don't let this take you over. Take time out for exercise and watch your diet. The Holiday Season is great for putting on weight! Fortunate colors are pale aqua and blossom pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Recharge your spiritual batteries while the Moon remains in your twelfth house of endings. It's time to slow down, so consider staying home tonight. Allow yourself some quiet time. Dreams you have this evening could be revealing, but don't let night visions frighten you! The images that you see in your sleep can help you understand your waking worries. Beneficial colors are pale violet and dark tan. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
It's a fine day for the Twins as the Moon in cheery Leo really boosts your creativity and communication. That phone will be running hot! Maybe you should nip out and get the latest gadget from a store or a show in your neighborhood. Get your gear in order now, because you'll be challenged in relationships over the next two days or so... try not to lose your cool. Advantageous colors are pale green and apricot. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
The Moon in your second house of personal finances urges you to take a look at your bank book. Get your payments ready to go out in the mail tomorrow... you don't want to pay any exorbitant late fees. You may forget if you don't do it now, so get it out of the way today. Prosperous colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
You should feel energized by the Moon in your first house of personality. You'll enjoy being in charge this evening, making sure that family dinners and other events go smoothly. After a relatively pleasant day with friends and family, it's time to get organized. Count your blessings as you look forward to a brand new year. Favorable colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
Don't let fears about an uncertain future keep you from making progress today; forge ahead with faith instead. Take some time to really analyze your fears and where they are coming from. you may find that you really have nothing to fear at all... you could be conditioned by past events to react to certain situations in a similar way. If you find yourself repeating a destructive pattern, step back and take time out, before moving forward again. Advantageous colors are basic black and silver. Lucky numbers are 26 and 31.
With the Moon transiting your eleventh house of friendship, your hopes and dreams need some attention. Sometimes the friends we choose can be like surrogate family; consider celebrating the season with the clan of your own choosing. A lighthearted mood improves the anxiety and tension associated with having stern Saturn in your sign for so long. Thank heavens, a shiny new year is just around the corner! Fortunate colors are sunset pink and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The Leo Moon continues to add sweetness to your life, so enjoy these moments of harmony and happiness. You may be feeling especially generous today but your wallet may not be able to provide the means for every gift you'd like to purchase. Be creative and find smaller, less expensive gifts that tell them you really thought about who they are, and what they like. Fortunate colors are pale gold and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 10 and 15.
Although the Sun is out of harmony with mighty Jupiter, you can still enjoy a day of good cheer. Sure, you may wish you were somewhere else, but you should still be able to find things to look forward to. Books and movies (even planes and ships!) that take you away to far-off places will be enjoyable. Let yourself dream of an exciting and adventurous future. Fortunate colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 10 and 16.
You are the center of attention and the star of the show today, but watch out for those who are jealous. Some people just can't stand to see others happy. Don't let killjoys get you down, instead, be especially warm and loving towards those who would spoil your fun. Enjoy your family, friends, children and all the wonderful people in your life, warts and all! Fortunate colors are brick red and pale champagne. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
It's time to balance your bank book and organize your finances if you would like to avoid debt in the coming year. Normally very prudent with your finances, some Crabs have been spending extra money in an effort to keep up with the Jones's. Fortunately, many of you have done well this year in your career, but you still need to keep an eye on your billfold. Fortunate colors are fern green and copper. Lucky numbers are 17 and 37.
With the sentimental Moon in sunny Leo and your eleventh house of friends and associates, you should enjoy the company of loved ones today. There may be some concern about overspending or overindulging in pleasures, but don't let the opinions of others worry you. By the same token, don't judge the way other people choose to spend their resources. Fortunate colors are army green and gold. Lucky numbers are 37 and 42.
It may be the the holiday season, but most of you are feeling more introspective than sociable now. You should remain backstage for today's activities; let someone else be the star of the show. Let your senses soak everything in today... allow sights, smells and sounds make an impression on you. Later, enjoy some quiet time by yourself. Fortunate colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Answers to your problems may come to you in a flash when you least expect them. At the same time, you may find yourself blurting out things you didn't really mean to say. If you are celebrating the holidays with your family soon, this could cause some hurt feelings. No matter how excited you are, go slow and think twice before speaking. Fortunate colors are butter yellow and Pacific blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
Practice creative visualization today, which will help turn what you imagine into reality. What you believe, as what you say, can eventually take shape. The power of words and thoughts is not to be underestimated, so be sure what you wish for is healthy and good. This is also a good day to write down your deepest thoughts in a journal. Why not catalogue a list of goals for next year? Fortunate colors are mahogany and bronze. Lucky numbers are 27 and 28.
The Moon moves through playful Leo and your fifth house of romance and creativity, putting you in a joyful mood. Today is filled with good cheer and it all begins with you! Rams should be feeling like spring lambs during this time! Express your joy and creativity, allowing your inner child to rule the day. Fortunate colors are golden amber and purple amethyst. Lucky numbers are 6 and 19.
The reflective Moon and generous Jupiter harmonize well, stimulating your dreams for the future. If you can imagine something you can become it, so don't let doubt and insecurity get you down. The power of positive thinking can be fully realized today. If you are travelling, you can thank your lucky stars. Thinking happy thoughts may sound trite, but it can really work for the mystical Fish. Just click your ruby slippers together and make a wish! Fortunate colors are royal blue and earthy brown. Lucky numbers are 22 and 33.
Superficial contact does not much appeal to you now as the depth of your relationships increase. Seek out those who help you get in touch with your inner self, increasing your ability to understand your life's meaning. Some may find that spirit guides are a good way to tap into this hidden wisdom; others will prefer self-help gurus and professional counselors. Whatever way you choose, don't neglect your deeper needs. Advantageous colors are cornflower blue and dove gray. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
Spend as much time as possible relaxing today; you'll be working hard enough come tomorrow. You need to recharge your spiritual batteries, so avoid social gatherings if you can. With only a few weeks left in the year, you'll need to get a lot of things done in a short time. Take a nap, or turn in early tonight to help you regain strength and energy. Fortunate colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
Business partnerships and significant relationships come under pressure today. Unpredictable influences rule the day, so stay on your toes. A competitor may be turning up the heat, so stay focused and ready to defend your ground. In matters of the heart, you will need to stay calm in the face of escalating emotions. Balance is the key word for the day. Fortunate colors are garnet red and gold. Lucky numbers are 26 and 35.
The receptive Moon enters your third house of communications tonight, opening the door for subconscious messages. You may know who's calling before the phone begins to ring; likewise, you may hear what is going to be said before the words have been spoken. Be sure to get a good night's sleep tonight, and pay attention to any dreams you might have. Favorable colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
You may be pleasantly surprised by gifts received from a loved one now; just the fact that someone has tried to please you in a personal way should lift your spirits. Unfortunately, a power struggle with someone who seems to want to control you may spoil this otherwise lovely day. Rise above the trouble graciously. You may need to humor someone for a few hours, but it will be worth avoiding an ugly scene. Favorable colors are wine red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 9 and 18.
The temperamental Moon spends part of the day in your twelfth house of solitude, making you less than sociable. However, by tonight, the Moon enters vibrant Leo and your first house of personality. Most Lions will be ready to roar with delight at the holiday festivities. You may be tempted to go overboard in food and drink... remember to safeguard your health. Positive colors are ruby red and marigold. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Be sure to take care of all your responsibilities today. Check your plants for water, your pets for fleas and make sure there are no bills you have forgotten to pay. Don't neglect your own health; be sure to floss your teeth and drink plenty of water. By evening you'll be ready to relax with your best friend, mate or partner this evening once you are sure everything is as it should be. Favorable colors are buttercup yellow and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 15.
After taking care of business this morning, you can relax and enjoy a lively evening. With the friendly Moon entering your ninth house of cultural experiences, you're more open to the traditions and celebrations that others observe. Dine on foods that are completely different from your usual fare, as a way to celebrate the holiday season with the rest of the planet. Adventurous colors are bright yellow and warm violet. Lucky numbers are 5 and 7.
Your energy should remain high and your outlook positive for most of the day as the Moon continues to hang out your sign. People are drawn to your nurturing and caring nature, so make yourself available to others. Later, the changing Moon activates your house of personal finances, reminding you to balance your budget and pay your bills. Fortunate colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 11 and 29.
If you don't slow down, you'll suffer burn out this afternoon. Sure, there are errands to run and phone calls to make, but if you don't decrease the pace, you might make a grave mistake. Try to quit work early if you can, and leave any unfinished business until tomorrow: you'll be much more effective after a good night's sleep. Favorable colors are celery green and charcoal gray. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
You may feel sluggish in the morning, but by afternoon you should be feeling spritely. December is a month for remembering joy, and for looking back on the blessings of the past. Browse through a catalogue, or visit a store that carries classic toys and remember the child within you! Favorable colors are warm peach and sunlit yellow. Lucky numbers are 24 and 33.
Today may be remarkably busy with no relief in sight. Tonight, the variable Moon enters your tenth house of career and status, placing pressure on you to perform. Your reactions will be noted very carefully... heaven forbid should someone unexpected show up or a tasteless gift be presented to you. Try to keep smiling through your tears. Things can only get better! Fortunate colors are ripe red and charcoal gray. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
You may have plenty of energy early in the day, but by nightfall you're ready to slow down. Don't push yourself tonight when the Moon enters your twelfth house of secrets and seclusion. Enjoy quiet times with your loved ones, indulging in simple pleasures. Be sure to get plenty of sleep to help ward off any viruses you may be exposed to now. Propitious colors are midnight blue and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
You should be more concerned about what you can do for others, rather than what they can do for you now. Service comes naturally to you as the Moon enters your sixth house. You may even forget about yourself completely as you rush to help others, but remember to take a break, or you could be accused of being a martyr. Fortunate colors are cobalt blue and snow white. Lucky numbers are 14 and 19.
You may have to take care of last minute business today, but once the Sun sets you can enjoy spending time with your friends. Count your blessings and enjoy the truly wonderful people in your life. It doesn't matter where you live or what your creed; this is a time for enjoying all that is positive in your life. Celebrate with love and laughter surrounded by those you care for. Communicative colors are sapphire blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
You'll enjoy staying close to home today, Rams. With the Moon in homeloving Cancer, home-based businesses and family matters are in the frame, but beware of ego-clashes as the Holiday Season hots up! This is a good time to get in touch with your parents, and even if you don't get along, you'll be glad you tried. Beneficial colors are emerald green and pearly white. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
Good fortune can be yours, Archers, so long as you have not thrown financial caution to the winds. Jupiter is under some cosmic pressure, so you will find that the Law of Karma is in effect. so be prepared to reap the good you have sown! Fortunate colors are blue sapphire and golden topaz. Lucky numbers are 30 and 44.
Many of you will want to reach deep into your pockets and give at this time; you will be doubly blessed by your generosity. It's always easier to appreciate what you have, when you help those who have less. There is always someone who has it better than you do and there is always someone who has it worse. Celebrate the season by giving. Favorable colors are sea green and bronze. Lucky numbers are 20 and 30.
As the Moon travels through emotional Cancer, don't hesitate to say 'I love you'. You may not mean to starve your loved ones of affection, so let the ones you love know it by your words. Sure, your actions already speak for you, but some people really need to hear it. Fortunate colors are pale yellow and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 32.
Cultural and religious benefits can be yours as the Moon activates structured Saturn today. Holiday travel is also favoured. Those of you who want to quit smoking can get off to a good start, so put down the cigarettes and replace them with a habit that will make you healthier, such as walking every evening. Beneficial colors are bright red and silver. Lucky numbers are 32 and 39.
Many of you will be tempted to go overboard if indulging in pleasures of the flesh; remember that you won't feel very good in the morning if you don't know when to say when. Sweet desserts and rich meats may go down nicely, but later on you could suffer from the revenge of your intestines. Go easy on the spirits or you might find yourself acting out of character. Beneficial colors are emerald green and red coral. Lucky numbers are 25 and 34.
Aim high, dear Scorpio. Despite difficult aspects to passionate Mars and obstructive Pluto, a sense of deep understanding can be yours if you're exploring higher learning. Matters of faith, philosophy, law, and publishing all are moving forward. If you are traveling, avoid stressful situations and dangerous encounters. Positive colors are maroon and tan. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
With the reflective Moon shining down from your mid-heaven, you should be highly visible today. Business and social gatherings go well although you may feel as though you're on display. Doing a good deed will not only make you feel good, but it will also make you look good while all eyes are upon you. Get out there and make a difference! Favorable colors are garnet red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.
Get back in touch with the spiritual... you may even wake up from a dream that was clearly psychic. Pay attention to your intuition and inner promptings as they may help you to succeed. This evening, enjoy a scented bath surrounded by candles. Beneficial colors are sunset pink and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
Express your affection to loved ones, especially any children in your life. Whether they are your children, your grandchildren, nieces, nephews, students or neighbors, give a little something to help the next generation grow in spirit. Good gifts are things that must be nurtured or created, like a flowering plant or an arts and crafts kit. Fortunate colors are lavender and pumpkin. Lucky numbers are 12 and 16.
You may be feeling especially generous with the Moon in your sign. If you haven't got cash to spare, consider giving your time and talent. Many of you are good with children, so consider baking cookies to send to a children's home or hospital. Let people know that you care in your own unique way. Generous colors are brick red and soft beige. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
It's a highly stressed day for Virgo, but at least the Moon in friendly Cancer is on your side! Children as well as romantic attachments are centers of intense interest and concern. Avoid a destructive tendency to manipulate and control, or to view them only as extensions of your own influence and identity. The positive approach to these relationships is to form more powerful bonds. Fortunate colors are chrysoprase and yellow sapphire. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.

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