Libra's Horoscopes |



Born between: Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd

Convincing and charming are the best characteristics of someone born under the Libra star sign. When they overcome shyness those with the Libra sign are great debaters who will always share credit for their wins.

The Moon in Leo puts you in a great mood and gives you a positive outlook. As you bid the year farewell, take time to reflect on events and people that 2012 brought. Librans have a strong sense of justice, good taste and can always see another's point of view. On the downside you do procrastinate, and worry too much about what others think. Take this into account when making your New Year's Resolutions. Give thanks to the Universe for the many blessings that you have received and have a great party! Advantageous colors are pale gold and periwinkle. Lucky numbers are 6 and 15.
Excitement is in the air as the romantic Moon and magnetic Uranus create heat today. Whether this manifests in a positive or negative way is entirely up to you. Channel some of this powerful energy into physical activity. Getting some fresh air and enjoying the beauty of nature will be very beneficial for you. Why not share a picnic with someone special? Fortunate colors are silver and cream. Lucky numbers are 13 and 30.
Do you think you're up to the task that you've been assigned? With the Moon rolling through Cancer, you have a tendency to bite off more than you can chew. The chief element that stands between you and your goals is your conscience, which is a good thing. Don't be too eager to throw away that which isn't yours to sacrifice in the first place. Stick to what you know is right. Favorable colors are smooth grey and violet. Lucky numbers are 20 and 24.
Someone new is able to steer your life in a different direction, even though you might not be ready for it. No matter how prepared you think you are, a spontaneous event is sure to be a pleasant surprise. You better buckle yourself in because it could be a bumpy ride. If you have a decision to make, be sure to take all the options into careful consideration. The Full Moon urges you to learn something new tonight. Favorable colors are pale green and oyster. Lucky numbers are 4 and 10.
You know that you can put off your responsibilities for only so long. Instead of denying your limitations, try working around them. The more negativity you bring to the table, the more you are likely to take home with you. Fate still has its surprises in store, and if you're able to think positively, some of them will be good ones. Fortunate colors are golden amber and light teal. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
Have you ever noticed that as one person leaves your life, another tends to enter? When this happens, it's the Universe's system of checks and balances at work. Savour the ebb and flow of human energy that is going on around you, as much as possible. Many Librans are ripe for an affair, romance or an active social period as passionate Mars heads into attractive Aquarius. Start a diary if you don't have one already, because you'll probably want to record this amazing time. Favorable colors are indian yellow and electric blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 14.
Tasteful, artistic Libra feels comfortable in the middle of all the action. That's a good thing, because under the Gemini Moon, that's where you'll be. Whether you're having friends and family over or going out, shut out all distractions and concentrate on having a great time. The stars indicate that you'll attract more attention than usual and you should revel in this special day. Others will have to understand that your own needs have to come first right now. Fortunate colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
Be a little more sensitive to the needs of others, as you're not the only one who's been going through something of a crisis lately. You always see the other's point of view in any contretemps, so some stories may make your own problems seem like a picnic. Some Librans may encounter stumbling blocks throughout the day, but keep in mind that you are only one tenant in the house of confusion! Better things await you tomorrow. Auspicious colors are berry red and cream. Lucky numbers are 28 and 32.
Self deception will be the main issue today. You may be judging your situation wrongly: don't hold back, say what you think diplomatically and without being hurtful. This should result in a positive mental outlook for you. Avoid conflict with older people and stick to the traditional methods. Competitive sports or a session at the gym will ease any stress or tension. Beneficial colors are banana yellow and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
As the Moon moves into Taurus, you'll be bringing everyone and everything together. Right now you're the great facilitator, matching people, projects and resources into a perfect whole. Keep in mind that what's obvious to you probably looks like pure genius to your friends and colleagues. Don't be afraid to take compliments when they're offered; they might not be handed out so readily next week. It's important to reach out now while you still have the touch. Positive colors are forest green and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 11 and 21.
You've been quite a gadabout in recent weeks, but as the Sun enters Capricorn at the Solstice, you start to yearn for the comforts of home. You might even be tempted to cancel some forthcoming social events, so you can flop on your sofa and catch your breath. Sentimental thoughts could steal over you in coming weeks, making you think about some of the people you used to know and love. Fortunate colors are charcoal and mustard. Lucky numbers are 4 and 22.
Much to your relief, you heard it wrong the first time. Thanks to the cheeky Moon, miscommunications tend to work to your advantage. You'll probably find that the future looks rosy after all, today. Try to appreciate the people in your life for their help and support. The situation may change tomorrow, but right now you have everything you need, and more. Auspicious colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 19 and 39.
You're up for any type of an adventure right now, and that puts you at an advantage over those with closed minds; you could see things that you've never seen before. Who knows, maybe you'll even be the one to make change happen! When the Moon is in Pisces, you have the ability to change the way other people think about the world and as far as you're concerned, life is what you make it. Favorable colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
If you think you're be able to hide your mood right now, you're wrong. As the Moon moves into Pisces, your ups and downs are reflected in the faces of others. At least you're not alone in your struggle. Start with the assignment that is most important and work your way down the list from there. Some of your personal matters will have to wait for another time. Fortunate colors are lavender and sunset pink. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
The people you value most need some attention today. As the Moon makes its way through Aquarius, a once comfortable relationship could turn sour. Be warned: if you leave now, you'll be discarding something that you might eventually want back. When dealing with sensitive issues, avoid playing games or beating around the bush. The element of surprise is highly over-rated at the moment. Favorable colors are ruby red and violet. Lucky numbers are 29 and 38.
You should have little trouble gaining favors from others as Venus enters Sagittarius and the Moon dances in Aquarius. Pleasant relations with neighbors and people with whom you come in daily contact are favoured. If such contacts have been troubled in the past, this is a good time to improve them. Believe that you can make a difference, and you surely will. A positive attitude works wonders, especially when others are looking to you for advice or support. Auspicious colors are electric blue and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 16 and 19.
Times may be trying but don't give up hope. Even if the possibilities seem to be hidden at the moment they're still within your grasp and you may stumble upon success quite accidentally. The Capricorn Moon is the bearer of good tidings today, so if you aren't happy with what's already on your plate, ask for a second helping! A positive attitude makes all the difference later in the day, when the Moon moves into Aquarius, promising a wonderful night's entertainment. Advantageous colors are lavender and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
If you have something important to get off your chest, this is the perfect day to do it. You can transform your verbal skills into a major force right under the Capricorn Moon, but make sure you define your limits before someone else does it for you. You may not know where you're headed this evening, but the journey is sure to be spectacular. Hop in the passenger's seat and let someone else drive for a change. Fortunate colors are garnet red and peridot green. Lucky numbers are 7 and 18.
You'll be feeling very much more like you as the adventurous New Moon awakens your third house of communication. With Venus your life-ruler in the final degrees of Scorpio before heading into your third house on the weekend, you need to complete any financial matters and make sure your priorities are in order. Favorable colors are butter yellow and mint green. Lucky numbers are 3 and 11.
Things could become a little edgy at home as Mars is under pressure in your solar fourth house. There's a confrontation building up over home and family versus career and public image. Your legendary talent for conciliation should stand you in good stead, but do not allow yourself to be brow-beaten. Auspicious colors are stark black and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9.
Taking care of personal business is important this morning, so organize yourself appropriately. With chatty Mercury moving into your third house of communication, it is a good time to make those phone calls you have been avoiding. Information and ideas are flowing. Your attention may also be taken up with cars or other vehicles, computers, or mechanical and electrical equipment for home or office. Lively colors are bright yellow and bondi blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 23.
The emotional Moon enters mysterious Scorpio and your second house of personal finances today, urging you to scrutinize your bank balance. You'll need to pay attention to your money flow as the temptation to overspend is high. Alternately, you can be very resourceful and charitable now. Clean out your closet, attic, and garage and donate what you don't need to charity. Positive colors are sage green and desert sand. Lucky numbers are 2 and 11.
If peace in your relationships is high on your list of personal wishes, you should get what you want. You'll have a special glow about you today. Inner beauty is true beauty, and yours is showing. Spend time with the ones you love and savor the joy. Fortunate colors are red and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
Your popularity is assured as the Moon moves through your sign; you'll be able to express yourself in a way that is especially pleasing. Relationships of all kinds are favored as you are in demand; ask for what you want today and you are likely to receive. The temptation to overindulge will be strong, so know when to say when. Favorable colors are carnation pink and white rose. Lucky numbers are 19 and 28.
Your mood may be quiet for most of the day, as the sensitive Moon passes through your twelfth house of solitude. Don't push yourself -- instead, follow your instincts as you navigate your day. Later this evening, you could have a burst of energy as the Moon enters charming Libra and your first house of personality; be yourself and you are likely to be the belle of the ball. Fortunate colors are midnight blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 33 and 39.
The urge to go on a spending spree is even stronger now, but try to keep it under control. Spending money impulsively will get you in deep trouble, so avoid increasing your debt. Be sure the things you buy are things you need and things you can afford. Besides, if you are patient, Santa Claus might just bring you what you really want this year. Beneficial colors are ivy green and copper. Lucky numbers are 20 and 24.
If you can take the day off from work you might want to stay home and rest today; it's time to recharge your spiritual batteries. Sure, there's a lot of work left to be done, but there'll be time for that in a day or two. Right now, you need to pay attention to your inner needs. If you push yourself too hard, you will end up sick... and how can you be of use if you run yourself into the ground? Harmonious colors are lavender and pale aqua. Lucky numbers are 21 and 30.
With the Moon transiting your eleventh house of friendship, your hopes and dreams need some attention. Sometimes the friends we choose can be like surrogate family; consider celebrating the season with the clan of your own choosing. A lighthearted mood improves the anxiety and tension associated with having stern Saturn in your sign for so long. Thank heavens, a shiny new year is just around the corner! Fortunate colors are sunset pink and silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 12.
With the sentimental Moon in sunny Leo and your eleventh house of friends and associates, you should enjoy the company of loved ones today. There may be some concern about overspending or overindulging in pleasures, but don't let the opinions of others worry you. By the same token, don't judge the way other people choose to spend their resources. Fortunate colors are army green and gold. Lucky numbers are 37 and 42.
You may have to take care of last minute business today, but once the Sun sets you can enjoy spending time with your friends. Count your blessings and enjoy the truly wonderful people in your life. It doesn't matter where you live or what your creed; this is a time for enjoying all that is positive in your life. Celebrate with love and laughter surrounded by those you care for. Communicative colors are sapphire blue and golden amber. Lucky numbers are 26 and 27.
With the reflective Moon shining down from your mid-heaven, you should be highly visible today. Business and social gatherings go well although you may feel as though you're on display. Doing a good deed will not only make you feel good, but it will also make you look good while all eyes are upon you. Get out there and make a difference! Favorable colors are garnet red and ebony. Lucky numbers are 17 and 19.

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