Safari-Pinned-Tab.Svg's Horoscopes |



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Today's Full Moon will give you plenty of food for thought during the next two weeks. You might have to revise your opinion of a local issue or a neighborhood problem, or you could have complicated discussions with a member of the family. This will also be a good opportunity to write letters or e-mails that are long overdue. Beneficial colors are sage green and treacle. Lucky numbers are 10 and 17.
Your relationships come under the spotlight today, and you'll have to pay extra attention to them during the next two weeks as well. If life with a certain person has been tricky recently then matters are about to reach crisis point, leaving you with no option but to take action. You must be decisive but don't over-react or issue ultimatums that are unrealistic or unfair. Ideal colors are deep purple and cherry blossom. Lucky numbers are 24 and 56.
A close relationship needs careful thought during the next two weeks. Maybe things have reached a rather sticky patch and you've got to consider your next move carefully. If your relationship has become bogged down with control issues and battles for power, you'll have to decide whether you want it to continue. Maybe you should discuss it with the person concerned. Fortunate colors are copper and olive. Lucky numbers are 1 and 74.
The coming fortnight is an excellent opportunity to get your money matters in order, and to pay particular attention to your everyday finances. For instance, you should go through bank and credit card statements in case they contain mistakes, and also pay any overdue bills before they lead to trouble. If you've been overspending this will be a good chance to cut back on your outgoings. Stabilizing colors are burnt orange and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 17 and 49.
A special relationship needs a helping hand during the next two weeks. Maybe you've got to have a quiet word with this person so you can sort out a minor niggle or reach a better understanding with them. Alternatively, the coming fortnight may mark a watershed in your relationship as it moves from one stage to another. Dynamic colors are dark red and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 28 and 14.
Today's Full Moon has a huge impact on you, encouraging you to cut out the dead wood from your life to make way for some fresh growth. This might mean sorting through your wardrobe, severing yourself from an unhelpful connection or bringing the curtain down on a chapter of your life. But whether it's major or minor, do it with conviction and courage. Favorable colors are copper and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 13 and 34.
Today's Full Moon highlights friendships, hopes and dreams, and any problems in these areas. For instance, you might realize that your relationship with a pal is languishing for lack of attention, making you want to make amends by spending more time together. Or you may decide that a cherished plan needs a careful rethink. Inspiring colors are shell pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 5 and 27.
What's worrying you? Come on, you know that something is, and you aren't going to feel better until you've taken some concrete action. The more you dither or push it to the back of your mind, the more it will haunt you and drain your energy. So take a deep breath, stare it straight in the face and do whatever will alleviate the problem and make life easier for you. Favorable colors are brilliant white and russet. Lucky numbers are 30 and 53.
The more convinced you are about the truth of something, the more you'll resist anyone changing your mind about it during the next two weeks. Yet it's important that you're open-minded and receptive to a variety of ideas, especially if you're wrestling with a difficult decision. Be prepared to listen and learn, and possibly even to admit that you don't have all the answers. Receptive colors are pistachio and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
Today's Full Moon encourages you to think carefully about your responsibilities over the next two weeks. You need to include your domestic duties as well as those you encounter in the outside world. Are you able to balance everything, or does it feel like a precarious juggling act in which you're in danger of dropping the ball? Start to make any adjustments that you think are necessary. Beneficial colors are burgundy and lilac. Lucky numbers are 4 and 63.
Pay attention to your health during the coming fortnight, especially if that means having some symptoms investigated by your doctor or giving up a habit that doesn't do you any good. It will also be a good opportunity to draw the line under any difficulties that you've been having with a colleague or customer, even if you have to be the one who makes the first move. Fortunate colors are russet and coffee. Lucky numbers are 22 and 50.
How are your career plans and long-term goals coming along? If they've been sidelined recently then it's time to do something about it. On the other hand, if you're feeling totally bogged down by your current responsibilities or workload to the detriment of your home life, then you need to redress the balance and to do so as quickly as possible. Beneficial colors are taupe and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 14 and 48.
It's a super day for making some big plans, although they probably aren't yet ready to see the light of day. Maybe you haven't got everything in place yet or this simply isn't a favorable time to get your ideas off the ground. Do your best to be realistic about their chances of success, because it's one thing to push yourself further than usual and quite another to be totally unrealistic. Beneficial colors are mother of pearl and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 34 and 12.
This is an absolutely brilliant day for spending large amounts of money - provided you have the funds, of course! Mind you, you'll still happily splash around your cash even if you can't afford it, because you're driven by a wild impulse to spend. Try to exercise some caution, even though this seems very boring at the time, otherwise you could land yourself in hot water. Fortunate colors are brass and walnut brown. Lucky numbers are 9 and 59.
You're full of optimism and enthusiasm today, which propels you forward at the rate of knots. You may be in such a hurry to achieve things that you end up slowing yourself down because your hands can't operate as quickly as your brain. Big ideas that come to you now seem irresistible and some of them will be strokes of genius, but you must resist the urge to rush in where angels fear to tread. Being impulsive is one thing, being foolish quite another. Opportune colors are blossom and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 10 and 27.
A certain person is brimming with good ideas today, and they know it. They could easily get carried away with enthusiasm, and you'll probably be swept along with them. However, try to keep at least one foot on terra firma, to avoid getting caught up in projects that have more to do with hot air and inflated ideas than reality. It's great to dream but don't indulge in total fantasies. Empowering colors are silver and dusky pink. Lucky numbers are 6 and 41.
Your tongue could run away with you today, so you end up making promises you can't keep or exaggerating wildly about something. You'll probably get on your soap box and try to convert everyone to your way of thinking, especially if you think you're in the right morally or ethically. Try to tone all this down, otherwise you'll waste a marvellous opportunity to use your brain and come up with some fantastic ideas. Fortunate colors are violet and lemon. Lucky numbers are 2 and 36.
You're rather outspoken this Wednesday, as you're tending to open your mouth and say the first thing that comes into your head. This could lead to some tricky moments if you get excited or het up, as you'll then have an unerring ability to say the wrong thing. Try to curb your worst excesses and, if in doubt, keep quiet! Diplomatic colors are turquoise and peach. Lucky numbers are 2 and 62.
You're in danger of opening your mouth and saying far more than you intended. That's because you'll soon get carried away by enthusiasm or emotion, and then say the first thing that comes into your head. Be very careful when you're with people who are easily offended or who could make life difficult for you if you step out of line. You don't want to blot your copybook with them. Favorable colors are ivory and crushed strawberry. Lucky numbers are 36 and 38.
Busy, busy, busy! You're rushing around so much today, and at such speed, that you'll probably meet yourself coming through a doorway. Right now you need to be as active as possible, both mentally and physically. In fact, you're at your most Geminian today because you need to have your fingers in lots of pies and you'll relish the chance to show how versatile and inventive you can be. Dynamic colors are aubergine and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 18 and 13.
You're thinking and talking big today, and you don't want to put any limit on your imagination. That's perfect if you're normally rather hidebound and reserved, because you'll benefit from pushing yourself further than normal. But if you already have a tendency to hatch overblown or overambitious plans, you might get really carried away now and develop strategies that haven't a hope of ever seeing the light of day. So know your limitations and then you'll do really well. Soothing colors are peach and navy. Lucky numbers are 6 and 35.
You're full of big ideas and you can't wait to tell everyone all about them, whether they want to listen or not. Right now you're absolutely bursting with enthusiasm and optimism, so you may be tempted to make promises that seem entirely possible at the moment but which may turn out to be impossible to fulfil in the long run. Fortunate colors are amber and jade. Lucky numbers are 9 and 45.
The sky's the limit as far as you're concerned today. You're full of optimism and bravado, and you've got a lot to prove. This is a day when you can achieve a tremendous amount if you're sensible, but if you're foolish you'll fall flat on your face. Try to stop yourself making promises you can't keep, doing things that are beyond your scope, and saying things that you don't mean, and all will be well. Bold colors are bright red and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 51.
This is a fantastic day in which all your energies are being channeled towards your home and family. You believe that you're capable of achieving almost anything right now, and you might even be able to pull a couple of rabbits out of hats if necessary. Although it's exhilarating to be so far-sighted and optimistic, it would be a shame to waste your efforts on projects that are way beyond your time, scope or pocket. Stick to what you know you can do, and then marvel at the results. Harmonious colors are spring green and silver. Lucky numbers are 19 and 58.
Friends make interesting company now and will give you plenty to think about. One might make some suggestions that seem rather daring or outrageous, but which definitely appeal to you. Well, maybe you should give them a try and see what happens next? If you can find the time, you'll enjoy taking part in a group activity or getting to grips with a favourite hobby. Liberating colors are silvery blue and silvery pink. Lucky numbers are 5 and 30.
Money, or the lack of it, is putting a crimp in your day. Maybe you've just received a hefty bill or a depressing bank statement, and you're feeling flattened and miserable as a result. Or perhaps you're realizing that an enjoyable trip or social event will have to be curtailed or even cancelled because it's going to cost too much money. Things seem bleak at the moment but they're unlikely to be as grim as you think, so take heart. Healing colors are pistachio and aqua. Lucky numbers are 31 and 57.
Family life is quite exciting, as someone could drop a bombshell or pass on the sort of gossip that leaves you with your mouth hanging open. You could also have an unexpected visitor or have to change your plans at the eleventh hour. Don't worry because you'll be able to take all this in your stride and enjoy yourself at the same time. Fortunate colors are snow white and smoky amethyst. Lucky numbers are 12 and 28.
It isn't an easy day because you feel distanced from partners and loved ones. Maybe you're separated by a physical gulf or an emotional one, but either way it's making you miserable and sorry for yourself. Do something therapeutic otherwise you really will start to mope, and then you'll imagine that things are far worse than they actually are. Uplifting colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 2.
If you're feeling rather fragile, you are likely to put the worst possible interpretation on any problems with loved ones. You'll tell yourself that they've gone off you, found someone else or simply think you're boring. It's much more likely that they've got other things to do right now but that they love you just as much as ever. Feeling any better? Fortunate colors are shimmering gold and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 10 and 66.
It feels as though the wind has gone out of your sails, and you aren't nearly so sure of yourself as you were yesterday. The situation may be worsened by someone who wants you to err on the side of caution because they don't want to see you come a cropper. Alternatively, they may feel threatened by the progress you're making and want to stop you in your tracks. Auspicious colors are amethyst and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 28 and 45.
Be spontaneous! Life doesn't run entirely to plan today and the best way to cope is to go with the flow. Don't be surprised if arrangements are changed or people alter their minds about what they want to do. If you're doing some travelling you could have an enjoyable and unexpected encounter, such as discovering you're sharing a train carriage with an old friend. Favorable colors are silver and black. Lucky numbers are 40 and 31.
Working relationships are sweet today, with everyone being co- operative and friendly. It will be a pleasure to work with certain people, or you might have a wonderful exchange with a satisfied customer. If you've been waiting for news of a bonus or pay rise, your patience could be rewarded soon. Sociable colors are spring green and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 32 and 30.
If you're in a downbeat and unhappy mood, it's probably made worse by the difficulties you appear to be facing. Although you may not believe it right now, you're making mountains out of molehills and most of your problems aren't nearly as grim as they seem. Try to take a more positive approach before you get bitten by the black dog. Empowering colors are raspberry and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 3 and 15.
Ideally, you should give yourself a change of scenery today. It's exactly what you're in the mood for, and you'll relish the chance of a brief breather. You might even be inspired to arrange a longer break in the near future, such as a holiday or a weekend trip to somewhere you've always wanted to visit. It will feel great to have something that you can look forward to. Adventurous colors are lime green and electric blue. Lucky numbers are 18 and 45.
Someone will put a big restriction in your day, if you let them. They might be dragging their feet about something, much to your disappointment, or they could be in a pessimistic mood that turns out to be infectious. Try not to let all this rub off on you otherwise you'll soon feel miserable yourself. Avoid brooding about episodes from the past that you couldn't change even if you wanted to. Soothing colors are lemon and aqua. Lucky numbers are 28 and 54.
Be warned that if you ask someone's advice about money today you'll get a disappointing reply. That might be because this person is talking sense and you need to listen to them. But unfortunately it's just as likely to be because they've developed a case of sour grapes that makes them want to pour cold water on your ideas and bring you down to their miserable level. Neither situation will be easy to deal with. Ideal colors are silvery blue and tomato red. Lucky numbers are 22 and 24.
You have no qualms about saying what you think today. Quite the reverse, in fact, and you may be so eager to put across your point of view that you pay little thought to how it comes across. As a result you may sound rather glib or unfeeling, or it may seem that you're taking a superficial view of a tricky situation. So speak up but don't put both feet in it. Inspiring colors are coffee and ivory. Lucky numbers are 34 and 29.
This is a great day to have the courage of your convictions and push ahead with your aspirations for the future. Don't allow yourself to be deterred by anyone who doesn't share your enthusiasm. It's also brilliant for holding your own in a group of strangers or for breaking the ice with someone. Adventurous colors are burgundy and silver. Lucky numbers are 12 and 60.
You're a real live wire today, with abundant energy and joie de vivre. There may even be times when you'll find it hard to sit still, and you'll certainly be happiest if you can keep on the go as much as possible. You're feeling competitive, making you want to thrash your opponent if you're taking part in a sporty or athletic activity. But don't go overboard and injure yourself. Uplifting colors are golden yellow and jade. Lucky numbers are 9 and 19.
You're blessed with abundant energy and vitality today, which is fabulous. You don't want to sit still and you're hatching some ambitious plans about what you're going to achieve in the course of the day. That's terrific, but do your best to pace yourself otherwise you'll run out of steam halfway through a difficult project or, even worse, end up pulling a muscle. So be sensible! Ideal colors are emerald green and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 20 and 41.
You're ready to throw yourself head first into your work today. You may even do this in quite a headstrong and reckless way, with little thought for the consequences. However, it would be much better to think things through first, because that will save time later on when you have to extricate yourself from a difficult situation or backtrack over something you promised but have now had second thoughts about. Whoops! Stabilizing colors are copper and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 33 and 67.
You have an enormous amount of emotional and physical resilience today, and it would be a shame to waste them. You might be inspired to get out the paintbrush at home or do some DIY, or to sort out some old belongings even though this will bring a tear to your eye. This is also a day for defending your beliefs and standing up for yourself. Prosperous colors are banana and crimson. Lucky numbers are 24 and 40.
If you're bouncing around full of energy, find as many outlets for it as possible. You won't be happy if you're cooped up in one place for too long and you might even get rather irritable. Daredevil activities seem very attractive right now but don't be too reckless, especially if cars or heights are involved. You must accept your limitations otherwise you'll be in trouble. Calming colors are sienna and platinum. Lucky numbers are 28 and 44.
Steady! You're in an extremely bold and resourceful mood, and you want to throw yourself head-first into anything that takes your fancy. This might be a good thing if you're usually very meek or it could be a disaster if you tend to be reckless. Above all, don't do anything foolish or dangerous, even if it seems like a good idea at the time. Bold colors are bright red and dark purple. Lucky numbers are 34 and 4.
The events that are taking place at the moment are exciting and energizing, and they'll give a boost to your self-esteem. However, it's very important that you operate within your limitations today, even though this may seem like a boring cop-out. If you over-estimate your abilities you're liable to fall flat on your face, and that won't do your ego any favors at all. Positive colors are silvery grey and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 28 and 38.
Turn your attention to your finances because this is a brilliant day for boosting your income through some clever moves. You might decide to invest some spare cash for a rainy day, or you could strike lucky when a windfall lands at your feet. You're feeling slightly daring, but don't let this turn to recklessness because then you'll take gambles that you can't afford to lose. Revealing colors are pineapple and copper. Lucky numbers are 34 and 47.
This is a day for sticking to your guns, especially when it comes to your beliefs and priorities in life. You might have to defend some of your philosophies or put them to the test in some way. If you've been talking about going on the holiday of a lifetime, especially if it's to an exotic destination, you'll be very tempted to put your money where your mouth is now. Favorable colors are silver and lilac. Lucky numbers are 18 and 20.
You're very busy behind the scenes today but for some reason you won't want everyone to know what's going on. Maybe you're involved in something that's supposed to be a secret for the time being, or you're simply feeling modest and don't want to advertise your activities to all and sundry. If you get annoyed, it may be very difficult to express your feelings. Fortunate colors are avocado and caramel. Lucky numbers are 14 and 2.
You're talking a lot of sense today, particularly when it comes to discussions with loved ones. You're taking a very practical approach, without losing either your sense of fun or your sense of humor. It's an especially good day for taking part in a discussion or serious conversation in which you're prepared to speak from the heart and say what you think. Prosperous colors are avocado and banana. Lucky numbers are 13 and 71.
The emphasis is on your personal life at the moment and it increases still further from today. You'll feel almost invincible at times, and will be determined to make your mark whenever possible. This will be great for pushing yourself further than usual, but make sure you know when to hold back or bide your time. Empowering colors are ivy green and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 12 and 5.
You've definitely got your head screwed on the right way today, which is just what you need if you're reviewing your progress so far in your career and then deciding what to do next. It will help to talk to someone who has the experience and intelligence to understand what you're going through and possibly give you some helpful pointers. Propitious colors are mother of pearl and dark green. Lucky numbers are 14 and 54.
Put the day to good use and make the most of the time that's available. Although you won't want to work right round the clock, you'll still enjoy spending a few hours on activities that you consider to be important or urgent. A conversation with a colleague or relative will help you to sort out certain problems and work out where you stand. Harmonious colors are terracotta and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 3 and 19.
You're at your brainy best today, thinking along very intelligent and rational lines. It's great for doing some troubleshooting or brainstorming. It's an especially good day for devising plans for the future or thinking about how you can turn a cherished wish into reality. You could surprise yourself, yet you won't indulge in flights of fancy. Adventurous colors are bright red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 70 and 52.
Don't be surprised if someone asks you for advice today. They'll have realized that you're in a very practical and rational frame of mind, and that you're brimming with commonsense right now. Whether you're solving someone else's problems or tackling your own, you'll take a logical approach and will weigh up all the pros and cons before reaching a decision. Steady colors are oyster and lavender. Lucky numbers are 36 and 61.
It will be almost impossible to stop you saying whatever is on your mind during the next few weeks, because you'll have such a burning desire to get certain things off your chest. This is perfect for having the courage of your convictions, but take care that you don't become strident or bombastic in the process. You will also have to respect other people's right to disagree with you. Peaceful colors are mango and avocado. Lucky numbers are 16 and 70.
This is a fantastic day for putting your thoughts into words or getting them down on paper. Your ideas are well organized, you're thinking clearly and you know what you want to say. It's great for having an important conversation with a loved one, in which you're both able to put across your point of view and reach some sort of compromise as a result. Expressive colors are kiwifruit and ginger. Lucky numbers are 15 and 32.
Your brain is working like a well-oiled piece of machinery today, and it's a pleasure to use it because the results will be so worthwhile. You might decide to pit your wits against the crossword, get involved in a pithy discussion with someone or write those letters you've been putting off recently. It's also a good day to map out the foundations of a new project. Dynamic colors are jade and lilac. Lucky numbers are 32 and 55.
You've got your head screwed on the right way, making it the perfect time for thinking about practical and financial matters. Right now you'd rather take a sober and careful approach to things, rather than do anything foolish, and that will turn out to be a very sensible strategy. It may not be terribly exciting but it will bring the sort of results you're looking for. Revealing colors are pumpkin and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 26 and 8.
Give your brain a good workout today, especially by getting involved in a lively discussion or debate. Intellectual topics will see you shine, so you'll enjoy reading the meatier sections or watching a thought-provoking TV program. You may even want to follow up something that grabs your interest. Propitious colors are pistachio and ginger. Lucky numbers are 4 and 61.
This is an excellent day for catching up on paperwork and other official documents because you'll find it easy to concentrate on whatever needs to be done. You'll also manage to assess your current position in a very logical way, so you're able to deal with the facts of the matter even if you aren't exactly overjoyed about them. Stabilizing colors are blackberry and lilac. Lucky numbers are 8 and 27.
There will be times when it seems as though someone is looking after you, even if you can't see them. Is this your guardian angel? You'll feel protected and safe, but don't use this as an excuse to do anything foolhardy or underhand, especially if large sums of money are at stake. You can't afford to take too many risks. Revealing colors are caramel and cream. Lucky numbers are 5 and 37.
Pay more attention to your health and general well-being. You might decide to increase the amount of exercise you take every day, or adopt a health regime that's designed to lead to the birth of a brand-new you. Try to avoid too much rich food because it won't agree with you. Bold colors are buttercup yellow and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 16 and 8.
Part of the backdrop of your life changes today, as a friendship begins to expand and improve. Over the next year you'll see some of your relationships growing, leading to greater understanding between you. This will also be a very good time to concentrate on teamwork rather than going it alone all the time, particularly if you want to make some money. Expressive colors are apricot and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 20 and 23.
Love will play a bigger part in your life and you'll have plenty of opportunities in which to shine. This will be no time to hide your creative gifts or indulge in false modesty, because this is when you can reveal fresh talents and abilities with a strong sense of pride and enjoyment. Auspicious colors are peach and aqua. Lucky numbers are 12 and 71.
Part of the backdrop of your life changes and your domestic world will blossom and expand in many different ways. This might lead to a change of residence, someone new being welcomed into the family or an increased enjoyment in the company of your nearest and dearest. You'll have a lot to look forward to! Harmonious colors are peach blossom and dark orange. Lucky numbers are 18 and 26.
The emphasis in your life shifts from money to the way you communicate with others. This will be a wonderful opportunity to spend more time with the people you see on a day-to-day basis, and to really enjoy the connections you establish with one another along the way. Communicative colors are amethyst and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 34 and 11.
You might have more money, or want to invest it wisely. Your values will also flourish now, and you might discover an emotional or spiritual element to life that you've never noticed before. Try to set aside more time for the people and activities that make your world go round because you'll get a lot out of them. Creative colors are ginger and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 34 and 10.
A surge of optimism and enthusiasm sweeps through your life, filling you with increased vitality and dynamism. This will help you to get many new schemes off the ground and it will also give you more confidence in your everyday life. In fact, your world is going to expand in many different ways. Beneficial colors are violet and apricot. Lucky numbers are 33 and 27.
Part of the backdrop of your life changes from today, and during the next year it will emphasize your hopes and dreams for the future. What seems like nothing more than a pipe dream at the moment could become a glorious reality. Friends will also play a big role in your life, bringing you lots of laughter and happiness. Uplifting colors are blueberry and caramel. Lucky numbers are 34 and 5.
You're going places, Capricorn! Your ambitions are starting to receive a shot in the arm, filling you with ideas and the determination to succeed. You may even decide to aim very high indeed and to set your sights on targets that you would normally consider to be way beyond you. Right now, however, you're eager to give them your best shot. Liberating colors are blue and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 4 and 71.
The cosmos brings you all sorts of good fortune and opportunities. Your only problem will be spotting such goodies when they come along and knowing what to do with them. Be prepared to take risks, to accept the challenges that come along and to take a philosophical approach to whatever life brings you. The coming year will be quite an eye-opener! Fortunate colors are dusky rose and peach. Lucky numbers are 33 and 37.
A close relationship will blossom in all sorts of enriching and rewarding ways. There could also be more money on the horizon, whether your own earning power is increased or you benefit from the largesse of some of the people in your life. Fortunate colors are lilac and silver. Lucky numbers are 9 and 52.
You really shine in social settings today because you're so chatty and friendly to everyone you meet. You might even make a new chum in the process, so don't be shy about talking to people you hardly know. This is also a good day for visiting people who live a short distance away. You'll enjoy the journey as well as the visit itself. Uplifting colors are ruby red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 40 and 68.
This is one of those delightful days where you get on well with everyone - as easy as falling off a log. You're at your most charming and outgoing right now, so don't be surprised if you have everybody eating out of your hand. Who can blame them when you're in this sort of mood? The positive reaction you get from everyone will do wonders for your self-confidence, especially if a certain someone only has eyes for you. It's great! Beneficial colors are charcoal grey and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 12 and 19.
Your social life promises to bring you all sorts of good things today, including a great big helping of love. A special person might make your day by making a huge fuss of you or buying you a present, or you could have a fantastic time with some of your favourite people. It's also a good day for giving full rein to some of your creative abilities. Inspirational colors are cornflower blue and lemon. Lucky numbers are 14 and 58.
You're really starting to feel the urge to go exploring, and before you know it you could be buying a guide book to a country you've always wanted to visit or buying an airline ticket. Alternatively, you might be inspired to enroll in a class or course that will increase your education and also your understanding of the world. Favorable colors are nutmeg and olive. Lucky numbers are 3 and 2.
Everyone is being remarkably easy-going today, including you. As a result, relationships are as sweet as pie. Make the most of this by getting in touch with people who aren't exactly your first choice of companion on a desert island, especially if you need to talk to them. You have a pretty good chance of getting through a conversation with them without it ending in tears, and that's not something to be sniffed at. Ideal colors are platinum and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 34 and 73.
Everything goes really well today. Workmates are helpful, superiors are encouraging, and you're pleased with what you manage to achieve. If you've been plucking up the courage to ask about a pay rise or promotion, this is a good day to mention it. It's also a good day for applying for jobs that will allow you to make the best use of your talents. Fortunate colors are spring green and plum. Lucky numbers are 27 and 72.
You'll bask in home comforts today, especially if you can enjoy them while having a little time to yourself. If you live with other people, maybe you could engineer it so you're left at home while everyone else goes out, or perhaps you'll just have to tell them that you need some peace and quiet for a while. It will also do you good to relax in or near water. Calming colors are salmon and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 10 and 33.
You'll get a real sense of satisfaction from doing things to the best of your ability today. And you won't care if anyone is looking over your shoulder because you're working so well anyway. Even so, this is a great day for working in conjunction with other people and for pulling your weight. Ambitious colors are bright gold and bright purple. Lucky numbers are 35 and 60.
This is a terrific day for getting on with the job in hand, whatever that might be. You're in an efficient and businesslike frame of mind, and this will come across loud and clear to anyone who happens to be around you. You'll shine if you're taking part in a meeting or interview, and you might also get the chance to boost your reputation as a result of the way you deal with others. Inspirational colors are silver and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 28 and 5.
The atmosphere has improved dramatically, thank goodness, and today you're in a very sunny and triumphant mood. You're keen to make the best of any situation in which you find yourself, and everyone around you will enjoy your optimism and bright outlook. It's a day for having fun, especially if that means venturing fairly far afield or visiting somewhere for the first time. Inspirational colors are salmon and charcoal colors. Lucky numbers are 6 and 31.
Throw yourself into your social life today because it's exactly what you're in the mood for. You need to put your ambitions on the back burner for a day and relax a little instead. It's a great opportunity to widen your social horizons by joining a new club or organization, because you never know who you might meet as a result. Prosperous colors are teal blue and pearl. Lucky numbers are 5 and 10.
Take a look around your home today and try to view it with as dispassionate an eye as possible. Is it neat and tidy? Does it look as though it's been hit by a whirlwind? And how about the fixtures and fittings? If you've been promising yourself for ages that you'll change the kitchen, update the bathroom or revamp the garden, you might decide to get cracking now. Harmonious colors are pistachio and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 31 and 56.
If a new relationship gets off the ground now it will be very intense and powerful, almost as though you're connected by a strong magnetic attraction. Before too long, you'll also realize that you were fated to meet for some reason, and that you'll both get a tremendous amount out of being together. This applies whether you're lovers, friends, colleagues or family. Empowering colors are Bright red and dark grey. Lucky numbers are 19 and 51.
Hmm, strange things are going on with colleagues today. Someone is being remarkably friendly and helpful, but you might be wondering if they've got a secret agenda. What do they want from you in return? Is it your body, your money or your undying gratitude? Be wary about taking favors from people who might try to use them against you later on. It's not worth it! Empowering colors are deep purple and antique gold. Lucky numbers are 7 and 75.
If you make a real effort to understand someone and get to know them better now, your relationship will take a giant step forward. This will be true whether you're neighbors, members of the same family, lovers or friends, and you'll benefit in many different ways as a result. But you must be prepared to be honest and open about your thoughts and feelings. No hedging your bets! Romantic colors are oyster and pearl. Lucky numbers are 6 and 18.
There's a very powerful rapport between you and a friend, neighbor or close relative today. You might have a very important or significant conversation, or realize that you understand one another a lot more than you first thought. If you belong to a group or society and you're hoping to introduce some changes to it, this is an excellent day to set the ball rolling. Harmonious colors are shell pink and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 3 and 55.
Business relationships are much more even-tempered than usual. Today you could even suggest some major changes to your relationship with a certain person and find that they agree with you. Wonders will never cease! If you're a single Arien you might meet someone who has a devastating effect on you. You'll feel that life will never be the same again. Ideal colors are banana and magenta. Lucky numbers are 36 and 51.
This is another day for concentrating on the current domestic stalemate. Play your cards right and it could start to shift now. Be prepared to talk about your feelings in depth, and to create an atmosphere in which it's safe for loved ones to do the same. It's obvious that there's much more involved here than the practicalities and this is a chance to get right down to the nub of the problem. It could mark a turning point. Uplifting colors are violet and aqua. Lucky numbers are 2 and 6.
If a new relationship gets off the ground today it will be very significant in your life, and you may even wonder whether you were fated to meet. It seems quite likely, since it will change your life in some way. This is also a good day to bolster existing alliances, and to let certain people know how much they mean to you. You can't take them for granted at the moment, and nor do you want to. Harmonious colors are burnt orange and buttercup yellow. Lucky numbers are 26 and 19.
There's an intense and powerful atmosphere between you and a certain someone today, and it has quite an impact on you. If you meet them for the first time now it will be difficult to get them out of your mind, and this might even be the start of a profound relationship. An existing relationship will also fare well, particularly if you're both prepared to make changes that will help to improve it in some way. Ideal colors are mother of pearl and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 63.
It's time to introduce some creative and positive changes into some of your emotional relationships. For instance, you might realize that you need to take a different tack with a relative in order to improve the atmosphere between you, or you could reach an important turning point with your lover. The key to this is to behave in ways that will enhance the situation and benefit both of you, rather than simply to go for the option that works solely for you. Expressive colors are hazelnut and apple green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 36.
A close relationship will have a powerful effect on you now. You'll really enjoy being together, and you'll manage to create an intense rapport between the two of you. Your relationship might even reach an important turning point. It might move from lust to love, or you may establish a new intimacy with one another that has more to do with trust than sex. Uplifting colors are terracotta and avocado. Lucky numbers are 18 and 52.
Love has a life-enhancing effect today so don't underestimate its power. If you meet someone for the first time now you'll be completely bowled over by them and they'll have a tremendous impact on you. An existing relationship will also blossom, helped by your determination to increase the intimacy between you. You may also make a momentous decision about your joint future. Passionate colors are bright red and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 20 and 73.
A little magic takes place today, when you reach an important turning point in your life and take the right road for you. You may not be aware of this at the time, but later on you'll look back and marvel that some inner instinct pointed you in the right direction. You will also get a lot of meaning and comfort now from a spiritual, mystical or religious experience. Bold colors are bright red and jet black. Lucky numbers are 25 and 37.
Home is where your heart is if you're a typical Cancerian, and during the coming month it will be where you're happiest. You may even be reluctant to stray too far from familiar haunts, or will choose to stay at home sometimes rather than go out. If you haven't seen some members of the clan for a while you could be inspired to organize a reunion. Comforting colors are violet and silver. Lucky numbers are 33 and 49.
Tread carefully if you're thinking of buying something today, because you could be given a very heavy sales pitch or feel obliged to buy what's on offer even if you don't really want it. You should also be careful when talking about your values or priorities, because you might subconsciously imply that your opinions are the only ones that count. Favorable colors are moonlight blue and mango. Lucky numbers are 36 and 40.
From today, you start to set your sights on getting some concrete achievements under your belt. You've been dreaming about, and planning, your future and now you're ready to turn those hopes into reality. You'll also be blessed with increased self-confidence during the next four weeks, which will help you to make your mark on the world. Go for it, Capricorn! Advantageous colors are silvery blue and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 26 and 18.
A certain person is eaten up with curiosity that could quickly turn to suspicion, making them grill you with all sorts of searching questions. It's as though they've already convinced themselves that you're guilty of something and they're now looking for the proof. This is bound to put you on the defensive but it would be better for you to ask them what they're playing at. Bold colors are dark gold and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 14 and 72.
You've been eager to enjoy yourself as much as possible during the past four weeks but from today the emphasis shifts to your work and obligations. So you must now be prepared to reduce the amount of time you spend playing and increase the amount of work you do. If you know that you need to make adjustments to your working life, start as you mean to go on. Advantageous colors are teal blue and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 36 and 8.
Someone seems determined to tell you what to think today. They're busy pushing their opinions down your throat, whether you want to hear them or not, and then they expect you to swallow them wholesale. But you aren't going to, are you? There may be a lot of commonsense in what this person is telling you but right now you aren't interested in listening to any of it. Don't be too stubborn about this or you'll miss some pearls of wisdom. Receptive colors are dusky pink and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 23 and 33.
This is the start of a long phase in which communications will be emphasized. This means everything from the way you put across your ideas to your use of computers and telephones. During the coming four weeks you'll enjoy making contact with close relatives and neighbors, especially if this gives you the chance to offer an olive branch or two. Peaceful colors are peach and ivory. Lucky numbers are 38 and 9.
If you're a typical Arien you have a tendency to put your own needs first and to consider everyone else's second. That's just the way you're built. However, during the next four weeks you'll have a much greater awareness than usual of the importance of considering other people's feelings and desires, and at times you'll realize that these must take precedence over your own. Fortunate colors are dark gold and aqua. Lucky numbers are 8 and 75.
Your levels of confidence, energy and initiative start to rise today, and you'll really shine during the coming four weeks. You've taken a back seat in so many ways recently, but now you're ready to claim your place in the world again and to shine whenever possible. So work out what you want to achieve and then get cracking on it. Dynamic colors are silver and gold. Lucky numbers are 37 and 6.
If the domestic clashes you've faced recently are still rife, it's time to do something about them today. You certainly can't carry on like this for much longer because it's an enormous strain and it's hanging over your head like the Sword of Damocles. So what should you do for the best? Start by talking things through but allowing each person to have their say without interruption. And be prepared to negotiate. Calming colors are beige and silver. Lucky numbers are 8 and 48.
You have a strong desire to get to the truth today, which means you'll dig away at the facts until you find what you're looking for. This will make you extremely persistent, possibly even to the point of rudeness if you end up cross-examining someone or demanding that they give you the answers you're looking for. Auspicious colors are violet and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 16 and 31.
Your horizons start to widen from today, and some very interesting avenues will open up during the next four weeks. The more adventurous and enterprising you can be, the greater the rewards and the sense of excitement that comes from breaking new ground. This will also be a marvellous phase for taking off on your travels, whether you do this mentally or physically. Empowering colors are burgundy and apricot. Lucky numbers are 29 and 9.
Life looks pretty good from where you're standing today. You're more than prepared to take the rough with the smooth, but right now you have so much to be thankful for that you hardly notice any rough bits. This positive approach will win you many fans, and it will also help to attract some positive experiences in your direction. Ambitious colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 24 and 5.
If you're currently making some domestic plans, you'll get so carried away today that it will be a struggle to keep your feet on the ground. Instead, you'll indulge in all sorts of wonderful flights of fancy, and dismiss current difficulties with an airy wave of your hand. You can be very imaginative today, Gemini, but don't lose all sense of reality in the process! Ideal colors are tan and moonlight blue. Lucky numbers are 6 and 36.
You're feeling very expansive and confident, which makes you eager to get started on some exciting new projects. You feel able to take on much greater tasks than usual and you'll relish the challenge that they offer you, but make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew and end up with egg all over your face. Ideal colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 1 and 8.
The financial picture is looking quite rosy today, but don't let this go to your wallet so you rush out to spend the money before you've got it. But nevertheless you could hear some good news now about your finances, or have a lucky break in which you're the recipient of someone's generosity. This is also a super day for being demonstrative and affectionate. Ideal colors are avocado and mango. Lucky numbers are 15 and 71.
What a great day! You could be on the receiving end of a giant slice of good luck, but don't just sit around waiting for it to land in your lap or you'll be disappointed. You'll have to make your own luck by taking an active part in situations, keeping an open mind and being as adaptable as possible. Do all this, and something really good will happen to you. Expressive colors are peacock blue and ivory. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
You're so full of optimism today that you could probably bottle it, if you could only figure out a way to do it. Mind you, you're in the sort of mood where anything is possible. You have very high hopes right now, but try not to get carried away and waste your time on projects that are obviously pie in the sky or far too ambitious even for you. You need to introduce a little realism! Empowering colors are ruby red and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 51.
You're in a very expansive and optimistic mood today, especially when you consider your current prospects and chances of success. Even though it might seem as though everything is in the bag, some details still need attention and you don't want to trip yourself up by being complacent, lazy or over-confident. Nevertheless, you're capable of great things right now. Prosperous colors are snow white and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 5 and 51.
Do you believe in guardian angels? Whether you do or not, it seems that someone or something is looking out for you right now. You might have a lucky escape from a difficult situation, or an opportunity could land in your lap without any effort on your part. Do your best to appreciate your good fortune, rather than to think it means that you're bulletproof. Favorable colors are aqua and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 9 and 70.
Once again you're in shopping mode and you'll jump at the chance to spend some big bucks, whether or not you've got them. This urge to splurge will soon be moderated but in the meantime you might decide to go for broke, so be careful. Nevertheless, you could make some very lucky purchases now if you keep your wits about you, but do watch the expense of it all. Beneficial colors are cornflower blue and silver. Lucky numbers are 5 and 10.
A relationship goes through a renaissance today, and becomes even better than ever. You might spend all your time chortling with laughter, or discover that you have even more in common than you first thought. If you meet someone new now, they'll have an uplifting and exuberant impact on your life. Uplifting colors are shell pink and shimmering blue. Lucky numbers are 33 and 62.
A friend could open doors for you today that would have remained shut without their influence. They might introduce you to someone who'll turn out to be a very useful contact, or they could help you to convert a pipe dream into a great big triumph. As a bonus, this person will cheer you up, boost your faith in human nature and make you grateful to know them. Favorable colors are aubergine and silvery grey. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
You're in a marvelously expansive and happy mood today, and you want everyone around you to share your current sense of bonhomie. You can't help viewing life from a highly optimistic angle. It looks as though this will be completely justified when it comes to your love life, because someone special is going to make your day, if not your week, or even your entire month if you're really lucky. Favorable colors are cinnamon and crimson. Lucky numbers are 16 and 11.
Someone is in a picky and pedantic mood. They're prepared to argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin if needs be, and will demand that you back up all your arguments with facts while probably airily making all sorts of sweeping statements themselves. Will it annoy you? You bet it will, but it simply isn't worth getting in a stew about it. Fortunate colors are turquoise and apricot. Lucky numbers are 28 and 30.
It's one of those delightful days in which you feel in love with life. Everyone is being cheerful and positive, loved ones are a joy to be around, and you're smiling your head off. If you haven't got much to look forward to at the moment, consider arranging a short break or a weekend away. The prospect of some travel will really appeal to you. Auspicious colors are burgundy and lilac. Lucky numbers are 30 and 41.
Someone's favourite occupation today seems to be splitting hairs, and they're doing it with great precision. So much precision, in fact, that your face is rigid with suppressed yawns and you'll soon want to scream. However, the sad fact is that you may be equally pedantic and nit-picking right now, even if you don't realize it, particularly when it comes to red tape. Bold colors are burgundy and lilac. Lucky numbers are 2 and 39.
You'll get a lot of satisfaction from a job well done today, so you'll want to put your heart and soul into everything you do. Mind you, the fact that an influential person is watching may have something to do with it! You long to impress them with your prowess and talents, perhaps because you crave their praise or because you secretly find them very attractive. Propitious colors are claret and mauve. Lucky numbers are 20 and 45.
The more agitated you become today, the more likely you are to blurt things out in the heat of the moment that would have been better left unsaid. This could be anything from a piece of gossip that you were trying not to spread, to a sarcastic comment that really hits home. Don't be too embarrassed to apologize the moment you realize what you've done. Subtle colors are ice blue and lavender. Lucky numbers are 22 and 48.
It would be a shame to neglect your social life because it will be so enjoyable. If you can't manage to go out on the town, at least try to get together with a friend for a cup of coffee or a drink. Or maybe you could persuade your partner to take you out? If you're going to a club or organization that you belong to, you could make a new contact. Dynamic colors are hot pink and electric blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 38.
You're blessed with considerable tact and charm today, especially when talking to some of your favourite people. You might have a delicious but harmless flirtation with a friend or enjoy a wonderfully soppy encounter with your one true love. This is also the perfect day for going to the cinema or theatre, or visiting an art gallery or museum. Romantic colors are shell pink and dark green. Lucky numbers are 12 and 52.
You aren't being nearly as objective as you'd like to think today, so bear that in mind if you start to attract lots of trouble and strife. You may be acting in a very defensive or aggressive way, even if you aren't aware of it, or you might take a very self-centered view of a current difficulty. Luckily this mood won't last long but you should try to control it in the meantime. Creative colors are spring green and warm brown. Lucky numbers are 18 and 41.
Guess-who isn't exactly the most pleasant companion today. They're in a bad mood and they're coming out with some cutting comments that immediately put you on the defensive. Before you lay all the blame for this at their feet, consider how you may be contributing to the situation. Perhaps you're being sulky, provocative or equally sarcastic? Fortunate colors are silvery grey and claret. Lucky numbers are 9 and 74.
During the past few days you've managed to say exactly the right thing at the right time, which makes what happens today even more frustrating than it would be normally. Instead of being able to choose your words carefully, you're suddenly struggling to keep out of verbal trouble, particularly if someone close to your heart upsets you or makes you feel threatened. You'll say something sharp or unfortunate without even being aware of what you're doing. Soothing colors are apricot and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 15 and 76.
The better you know someone, the more likely you are to feel irritated with them today. Their funny little habits may leave you totally cold, or you might want to scream if they start retelling a story that you've already heard a million times. Do you have a genuine grievance with this person that needs to be aired, or are you simply feeling exasperated by them? Soothing colors are shell pink and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 12 and 1.
The more details you have to keep track of today, the more likely you are to end up going round in circles. That's because you'll soon get into a muddle, with pieces of paper flying around in all directions. Do yourself a favor and work systematically, starting with whatever is most urgent. You should also give yourself frequent breaks so your mind remains fresh and fully active. Auspicious colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 29 and 52.
You've been in quite a serious mood during the past couple of days but today you need a little light relief, and social settings are the best way to find it. If you don't have anything planned, remedy that immediately by getting on the phone to a friend or arranging to do something with the rest of the family. Even going out for a drink or a walk will make you feel better. Harmonious colors are avocado and hazelnut. Lucky numbers are 17 and 31.
This is a super day for taking care of the domestic chores because you'll get a certain sense of satisfaction from them. You'll also enjoy ministering to your nearest and dearest, perhaps by feeding them within an inch of their lives or making their surroundings as cosy and safe as possible. You might also consider making some improvements to your home. Powerful colors are buttercup yellow and dark brown. Lucky numbers are 24 and 33.
Have a look around your home today and see if you can think of any ways to improve it. Maybe all it needs is a good clean, or perhaps you'll realize that it's about time you got out the paint pots and gave it a facelift. If you work from home, this is a good opportunity to improve your surroundings in some way, even if that simply means making them more neat and tidy. Healing colors are plum and cream. Lucky numbers are 18 and 54.
Have a think about your values in life. Are you able to honor them in your day-to-day life or do you have to make certain compromises in order to make a living? For instance, you might be a vegetarian who has to work in a burger bar. Are you happy with the way things are? If not, it's time to consider what you're going to do about it. Adventurous colors are ebony and ivory. Lucky numbers are 1 and 71.
It's a great day for being with people who are on the same wavelength as you because you'll have a really good time with them. You might decide to go out on a jaunt with some friends, especially if you're visiting somewhere historical or spiritual, or you could take part in a group activity in which you all share a particular goal. Whatever you do will be fun. Ideal colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 7 and 73.
Set aside the time to look over the minutiae of your life today, such as checking that you're up to date with the bills or that you've got everything you need for work. You're organized and sensible today, and it will give you pleasure to know that everything is ticking over nicely. If necessary, get your partner or colleague to help out with anything difficult or fiddly. Fortunate colors are rust red and cream. Lucky numbers are 40 and 69.
If you want to ask someone for their advice, tackle them now. They'll do their best to tell you what they think in a fair and honest way, without being ridiculously optimistic or hopelessly pessimistic. If you're at work, you'll do an excellent job and will manage to keep your head admirably if a mini crisis develops or you're in a terrible hurry. Expressive colors are coffee and cream. Lucky numbers are 32 and 51.
If you haven't heard from a friend or relative who lives a long way away, or even overseas, this is a good day for making contact with them again. They'll be thrilled to hear from you, and they might even be so chuffed that they invite you to visit them. If you can spare the time you'll enjoy a jaunt to a place that you've never seen before, especially if it's steeped in atmosphere. Favorable colors are spearmint green and ochre. Lucky numbers are 17 and 63.
If things have been a bit dicey with a close relative or neighbor recently, this is a good opportunity to extend an olive branch and get things back on track. The very fact that you're big enough to make the first move will probably shame the other person into being friendly again, and what a relief that will be! Beneficial colors are jade and oyster. Lucky numbers are 5 and 2.
This is the perfect day to spend with friends because you'll all have a great time. You'll also take comfort from one another's friendship and moral support. Even a short encounter with a chum will be better than nothing now, and will keep you smiling. At some point, have a think about a plan for the future and decide whether it's still on course. Fortunate colors are violet and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 10 and 53.
Once again you're very diplomatic and tactful today, and you'll be able to win people over to your side or get them to understand what you're talking about. If you've got to break the ice with someone, you'll manage to do it now and, with luck, the temperature between you will quickly become warmer. If it doesn't, it's unlikely to be through any fault of your own. Dynamic colors are bright red and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 68.
You've been working very hard during the past few days and now you need a break. Although you'll be reluctant to come to a full stop, nevertheless you'll be much more impressive in the days ahead if you can recharge your batteries at some point today. It may also help to have an in-depth chat with someone who has your best interests at heart. Soothing colors are primrose and lavender. Lucky numbers are 13 and 14.
Your heart is definitely ruling your head, putting you in a very romantic and receptive mood. This is wonderful if you've retreated into a world of your own with your beloved because you'll have a fabulous time. But it isn't such good news if you're with someone who has a history of twisting you round their little finger because they're likely to do so again today. Romantic colors are gossamer pink and peach. Lucky numbers are 7 and 34.
A certain person is being very idealistic today, because they've set their sights on something or someone that is virtually unattainable. If you try to tell them this they won't listen or they'll accuse you of being a spoilsport, so you may have to reconcile yourself to watching them break their heart and then helping them to pick up the pieces. Healing colors are amber and silver. Lucky numbers are 28 and 11.
Be very careful regarding matters of the heart today. You can be idealistic at the best of times and right now you've definitely got stars in your eyes. This means you might persuade yourself that someone is nuts about you when they don't really care about you one way or the other. But if you're with someone who truly loves you, you'll have a very heady and romantic experience. Favorable colors are ice blue and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 39 and 52.
Watch out if you're going shopping today because it will be horribly easy to convince yourself that you can afford all sorts of things when you can't. You aren't very realistic or practical right now, and it's no use pretending otherwise because that could lead to problems. For instance, this is not the day to make a big decision about a property or official matter. Bide your time. Soothing colors are ice blue and peach. Lucky numbers are 3 and 15.
Take care today because a certain relationship could be very deceptive. You might be kidding yourself about the dynamics that are operating between you and a certain person, perhaps telling yourself that everything is great when you know deep down that it's anything but. If a new partnership starts today it will be very idealistic and romantic, and may not have much to do with reality. Auspicious colors are mango and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 22 and 73.
Deception is in the air today, so be careful. Someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes or perhaps you're capable of doing it to yourself. Your behavior is in marked contrast to yesterday, because you're now in a world of your own and when faced with any unpleasant facts will want to bury your head in the sand and completely ignore them. But is that sensible? Auspicious colors are mother of pearl and golden honey. Lucky numbers are 14 and 8.
Adopt a 'can do' approach whenever possible today because it will make a huge difference to the outcome of whatever you tackle. Believing in yourself is half the battle right now, and it will fill you with the confidence you need to succeed. If you've got to stand your ground with someone, do it now while you're quietly determined and self-assured. Soothing colors are turquoise and ivory. Lucky numbers are 17 and 45.
In complete contrast to yesterday's realism, you've suddenly switched to being highly idealistic and romantic. You're only prepared to see what you want to see and to hear what you want to hear, especially when it comes to friends and loved ones. That's okay if they've got nothing to hide but it will lead to heartache if you're turning a blind eye to someone's glaring faults or their outright lies. Beneficial colors are bright yellow and burnt orange. Lucky numbers are 33 and 8.
It's very difficult to see what's really going on today because your vision is clouded by idealistic yearnings. Unfortunately, this means you're showing a tendency to kid yourself about something or to allow others to pull the wool over your eyes. Be very careful about this because it means someone could easily take advantage of you, or that you're ignoring a glaring problem. Liberating colors are chocolate and sky blue. Lucky numbers are 12 and 61.
If you're wandering around in a fog today, it's making it almost impossible to see what's right in front of your eyes. This is especially true when it comes to your relationship with certain people in your life, because right now you're busy ignoring some unpleasant facts that are staring you in the face. OK, ignore them today if you must, but you'll have to acknowledge them soon. Beneficial colors are ebony and honeycomb. Lucky numbers are 16 and 42.
This going to be a really successful day, especially if you're able to pace yourself and exert exactly the right amount of effort for each task. Once again you're very effective and capable, which will impress everyone around you. You will also get a very good idea of what is and isn't possible, so there will be no risk of wasting your time on impossible goals. Positive colors are peach and avocado. Lucky numbers are 19 and 27.
You're in a very dreamy and idealistic mood today, and your feet will barely touch the ground. If you're involved with someone then you'll only want to see the good in them, even if it's completely overshadowed by their faults. If a new relationship begins now it will always have strong overtones of fantasy and romance, making it hard to see what's really going on between you. Dreamy colors are violet and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 38.
You're blessed with masses of commonsense today so it's ideal for looking over current plans and projects, and making sure that they've been organized as efficiently as possible. If they contain any snags you'll stand a good chance of spotting them, and also of knowing what to do about them. It may help to put your ideas down on paper so you can refer back to them later on. Prosperous colors are smoky quartz and bright purple. Lucky numbers are 3 and 67.
How is your new fiscal strategy going? Are you managing to keep down your expenses and make every penny count? At some point today find the time to assess your progress so far, and see if there is room for any further improvements. You're in a very realistic frame of mind, and won't commit yourself to any strategies that you know you can't manage but nor will you make excuses for yourself if you haven't done as well as expected. Prosperous colors are dark gold and lilac. Lucky numbers are 37 and 61.
No one can pull the wool over your eyes today because you're being so realistic and down to earth. It's a particularly good day for making plans because you can see both the pros and cons, and will make your decisions accordingly. You'll also be able to make steady progress if you're involved in a house purchase or property deal. Creative colors are mother of pearl and nutmeg. Lucky numbers are 10 and 63.
You're at your most efficient and practical this Friday, and you're working to the best of your abilities. Your brain is ticking over nicely and you're making good use of your time. It's an excellent day for doing some long-range planning because you know your limitations and will happily work within them. Auspicious colors are peach and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 32 and 56.
This is a good day for sorting out any situations that are threatening to wreak havoc or grind to a halt. You're brimming with commonsense right now and it shows! You'll want to do whatever is the most sensible and practical option, and this will involve talking to other people to find out what's going on. Make sure you've got all the facts straight first. Beneficial colors are cherry blossom and dark grey. Lucky numbers are 33 and 2.
Your powers of concentration are really good today, so don't let them go to waste. You'll manage to screen out any distractions and focus on whatever is important. However, it will definitely help to have frequent breaks so you can avoid getting burnt out or bored. You also need to keep your blood circulating! A friend makes your day by being a staunch supporter of you. Ideal colors are platinum and jet black. Lucky numbers are 40 and 32.
A strong current of realism is running through you, enabling you to face up to whatever is happening in your life at the moment and decide what you're going to do about it. It may help to discuss things with someone whose opinions you value, although you'll be just as happy to thrash things out by yourself. Either way, you'll get a real sense of satisfaction from the day's events. Strong colors are dark red and navy. Lucky numbers are 13 and 47.
You're feeling purposeful and businesslike, and you don't want to muck about or waste time. Instead, you'll want to organize your day in the most efficient way possible, so you don't have to backtrack or do anything twice. Ideally, you should work by yourself now because you'll appreciate a little peace and quiet. You need to be able to think without being interrupted. Dynamic colors are ochre and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 34 and 5.
Any form of teamwork will go well today. You're in a generous mood and will happily give credit where credit's due, so if someone else has worked wonders you'll be the first one to congratulate them. Equally, if you're in the limelight you won't want to brag about it. You'll also do well if you're taking part in a brainstorming session because you'll have some very constructive ideas. Fortunate colors are cherry blossom and peach. Lucky numbers are 1 and 61.
You're highly efficient and organized today, which is great news if you're at work because you'll be quietly proud of everything that you're able to achieve. If you're in a position of responsibility, you'll inspire everyone with confidence in your abilities, and you'll be able to handle problems without getting into a state or giving way to a sense of panic. You'll be as cool as a cucumber, in fact! Favorable colors are blueberry and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 11 and 5.
A loved one is a towering support today, much to your delight. It's obvious that they're behind you all the way, and you're really grateful to them for their help. So why not say so? This is also a marvellous day for building bridges with someone if you've fallen out with them recently, and to start to repair your relationship piece by piece. Uplifting colors are cream and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 44.
You're blessed with a lot of commonsense today, so turn it to your advantage. It's an excellent opportunity to do some financial planning or lay down the foundations of a money-making scheme that will grow in time. Right now you aren't interested in anything that's risky or dodgy and it wouldn't go well even if you tried it, but you'll succeed with solid, sensible schemes. Beneficial colors are dark green and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 21 and 60.
Family matters haven't exactly been a barrel of laughs lately but today's New Moon is offering you the chance to set the record straight, put the past behind you and do your best to spread the spirit of peace and forgiveness. Yes, this may well be a poignant and heart-searching time but do you really want to cope with this hot-house atmosphere of resentment any longer? Positive colors are copper and violet. Lucky numbers are 10 and 73.
The next two weeks are a super opportunity for mixing with people who share some of your interests or beliefs. This might mean seeing friends, joining a club or society, or lending your support to a humanitarian campaign that you truly believe in. If you can spare the time, you should also focus on some of your cherished dreams and see if you can turn them into reality. Uplifting colors are platinum and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 23 and 60.
Today's New Moon will affect your long-term goals during the coming fortnight, giving them fresh impetus and energy. This will be the perfect time to launch a new venture that's designed to put your name on the map. It will also be a great opportunity to take any action that will enhance your job prospects or increase your reputation. Creative colors are caramel and violet. Lucky numbers are 15 and 78.
If you've fallen out with someone recently or the atmosphere has been slightly cool between you, today's New Moon is encouraging you to do something about it during the rest of the month. Rather than wait for the other person to make the first move, it will be far better if you do it. But if you say sorry, make sure that you sound as though you mean it. Uplifting colors are ivory and lilac. Lucky numbers are 4 and 58.
Today's New Moon will bring good news about loved ones during the next two weeks. You could hear about the imminent arrival of a baby, receive an invitation to a party or wedding, or have some other reason for breaking open the champagne and getting out your best clothes. If a love affair gets off the ground now it will make your heart sing with happiness. Aaaah! Fortunate colors are dark gold and rich purple. Lucky numbers are 15 and 67.
Life has brought you plenty of adventure during the past couple of months, but have you embraced it with open arms, or nervously stepped to one side for fear of getting too involved in it all? If you've avoided the challenges and opportunities that have come your way, today's New Moon gives you one last chance to take advantage of them or to forever kick yourself. Dynamic colors are bright red and iridescent purple. Lucky numbers are 20 and 41.
Your partnerships get a shot in the arm from today, and this happy state will continue for the next two weeks. This might be your cue to salvage a relationship that's in trouble at the moment by adopting a different strategy, or by leveling with the person concerned about your feelings for them. Miracles might happen, as a result of your actions. Calming colors are crimson and jade. Lucky numbers are 30 and 8.
If you're planning on making a major purchase try and do it during the coming fortnight, as it will benefit from the influence of today's New Moon. Even so, you should still consider whether you can afford it before you put your money down, and you should also do some research first to make sure you're getting a good deal. Uplifting colors are peach blossom and dark blue. Lucky numbers are 20 and 5.
During the coming fortnight you'll really benefit from spending time alone, especially if you're mulling things over and looking deeply into your life. You might even become interested in some form of meditation that helps you to do this, or you could be drawn to a contemplative religion that seems to offer you the peace and support that you crave at the moment. Fortunate colors are mahogany and sable. Lucky numbers are 17 and 27.
Today's New Moon encourages you to open up your life to new experiences, ideas and encounters. And the sooner you start, the better. So think about what you can do, even if you start small and work up to something bigger over time. Something that might appeal now is a change of appearance, so how about buying yourself some flattering new clothes. Auspicious colors are mahogany and terracotta. Lucky numbers are 35 and 71.
How are you feeling? Today's New Moon is a good opportunity to review the state of your health and make any improvements that you think are necessary. If you haven't been near your dentist in ages, arrange a check-up now while it's fresh in your mind. You might also decide to alter your diet in some way or cut out foods that don't really agree with you. Favorable colors are olive and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 1 and 72.
It's a super day for dreaming up ways to invest money in your home and family. If you can't spare much cash you might buy a bunch of flowers for one of the rooms or hunt out some bargains in your local market. If you can afford more than that you might want to consider buying some new soft furnishings or some beautiful artifacts. Auspicious colors are navy and purple. Lucky numbers are 31 and 28.
A great wave of sentiment washes over you this Thursday, making you highly emotional and tuned into your surroundings. Your antennae are working overtime, enabling you to pick up undercurrents and intuitively know what's going on with the people around you. Trust your instincts because they'll guide you in the right direction. Ideal colors are raspberry and mauve. Lucky numbers are 9 and 51.
You're offering service with a smile today, whether you're at work or at home. You're in a very co-operative and helpful mood, so if someone needs a volunteer you'll be the first person to put up your hand. If you're looking for a new job you could hear about something that sounds right up your street now, but check that the working conditions are OK before taking things further. Beneficial colors are terracotta and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 2 and 50.
Follow your hunches today because they're working well. However, you need to tread a fine line between acknowledging your intuition and indulging in any wishful thinking that might be going through your mind. In other words, resist the temptation to kid yourself about things that you know deep down will never happen in a million trillion years. Adventurous colors are dark pink and jet black. Lucky numbers are 33 and 6.
If you're at work someone will be very kind to you. For instance, a colleague might look out for you in some way or a customer could show how much they appreciate all your efforts. If you're expected to be ruthless or tough today, it will be a struggle to pull this off because your instincts are telling you to be considerate and placatory. You want to be nice, not nasty! Revealing colors are taupe and oak. Lucky numbers are 24 and 36.
You're feeling rather sentimental and emotional today, and things will touch you deeply. You might even feel quite tearful at some point, and it would certainly be good to get your feelings out into the open. You'll welcome the chance to confide in someone you trust, or you may be the one who's listening to a certain person's secrets. Expressive colors are oyster and topaz. Lucky numbers are 25 and 21.
You're in need of some escapism today. Lose yourself in a favourite book, watch an engrossing film or take yourself off to some beautiful surroundings so you drink in the atmosphere. Speaking of drink, you should avoid the temptation to sink too much alcohol now. You'll end up regretting it, although it might seem like a good idea at the time. Dreamy colors are gossamer pink and shimmering pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 3.
A heart to heart with a loved one works out really well today, provided you're both prepared to say what you think while still considering the other one's feelings. If you're involved in the early stages of a romantic relationship, this will be a delightful day in which you edge closer together, whether physically, emotionally or both. Auspicious colors are onyx and apricot. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
You'll enjoy chatting to other people today, especially if you're talking to some kindred spirits. The conversation could soon turn to topics that have particular significance for you, and you'll want everyone to agree with what you're saying. Don't be offended or upset if they have their own opinions. Instead, listen to what they say because you could learn something important. Auspicious colors are champagne and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 29 and 15.
Any group activity goes well now because you make a big effort to get on well with the people you meet there. They may not exactly be your bosom buddies but nevertheless you'll make an effort to take them as you find them and to accept them on their own terms. After all, you hope they'll do the same for you. Dynamic colors are blueberry and primrose. Lucky numbers are 38 and 77.
This is a perfect day for getting involved in creative and imaginative projects because you'll throw yourself into them heart and soul. But it won't be nearly so good if you're supposed to be concentrating on something that requires an eye for detail because your mind will keep drifting off into more interesting trains of thought, making you lose track of what you're doing. Dynamic colors are fire engine red and charcoal grey. Lucky numbers are 1 and 7.
Someone who is very special to you is rather domineering or overwhelming at the moment. You love them but you can't help wishing they'd tone down their personality for a short while because they're showing a tendency to go over the top. All the same, you won't want to dampen their high spirits or spoil their day. Ideal colors are lemon and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 23 and 26.
If you like the idea of making your mark on the world, you have the energy and stamina, and your confidence is boosted by recent achievements. However, try to guard against a tendency to be impatient if you don't get instant results, or if other people aren't nearly as excited about your plans as you are. Fortunate colors are gold and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 20 and 21.
You're in an enthusiastic mood and ready to do something exciting. So what is it going to be? Ideally, it should be something that takes you out of yourself and introduces you to new experiences and ideas. You might even decide to do something that feels quite reckless and daring, or which will certainly set tongues wagging. Soaring colors are sky blue and mauve. Lucky numbers are 1 and 55.
Someone is in a tearing hurry, dear Cancer. Are you genuinely doing your best to keep pace or are you secretly trying to get under their skin? If you're the person with one eye on the clock, don't waste valuable energy by getting into a flap because that will be a sure-fire way to turn into a butterfingers. Favorable colors are cream and moonlight blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 6.
Your mind is working well at a subliminal level, Aquarius and this will come out on the weekend. Why not set about structuring your plans, especially where money is involved? You can take giant strides if you are properly prepared. Expressive colors are dark blue and apricot. Lucky numbers are 9 and 28.
Go carefully when handling partners today because you're feeling rather impatient and hasty. You could easily get off side by provoking them in some way. You might also have a showdown with someone who's been irritating you recently and who is long overdue for a piece of your mind. Put your tin hat on! Fortunate colors are butterscotch and salmon. Lucky numbers are 7 and 22.
Channel energy into your priorities in life today, Leo. You're in an assertive mood, so will have no qualms about making your mark on the world or putting someone in their place if you think they deserve it. Don't go overboard and crush them completely, or you'll be forced to reassess what is really in your interests. Positive colors are silvery grey and antique gold. Lucky numbers are 2 and 9.
Is something bugging you? Maybe you're trying not to hurt someone's feelings by getting angry, or you're feeling guilty about finding fault with a current situation. This may be very commendable but you still need to find a constructive outlet for your pent-up emotions, otherwise they're likely to fester and nag away at you. Positive colors are ivory and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 42.
It's great that you have so much energy but try not to fritter it away in tasks that aren't really important while avoiding those that are. You should also try to resist the temptation to cut corners in order to save time. It's no good doing something quickly and then having to redo it because you were too sloppy first time round. Inspirational colors are apricot and cherry. Lucky numbers are 7 and 68.
Turn your energy to productive and constructive ends, such as having a blitz on the housework or garden. This will help you to avoid getting irritable and argumentative, which is more than likely if you spend the day in sedentary or boring pursuits. Beneficial colors are spring green and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 4 and 37.
This is an excellent day for standing up for yourself and defending your ideas. Say what you think, but try not to get so het up that you antagonize others or come across as a bit of a bully. You may have to pull your punches a little, but that will be better than going in with all guns blazing. Fortunate colors are grey and jade. Lucky numbers are 23 and 68.
Start as you mean to go on, Virgo. You have the necessary confidence, energy and initiative. It's also a good chance to speak up for yourself or to show someone that you've got what it takes. Do your best to get plenty of exercise, otherwise you might become rather restless or bored. Favorable colors are dark red and cream. Lucky numbers are 1 and 3.
Someone is in an outspoken and controversial mood today, and they're looking for a reaction from you. Change in the status of joint income and property, payment or collection of debts, and other financial obligations is favoured. Reversals may be expected, but they reflect gain as well as loss. Fortunate colors are bright red and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8.
Someone who normally commands your respect has been behaving very strangely, but the nature of things here is change and freedom, so let each other and spread your wings and fly. When you each have room to march to your own drum, youÕll find yourself side by side when the music is right, which is the time you will want to be there. Advantageous colors are marzipan and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 34 and 59.
Someone close to you isn't making much sense today. In fact, you may feel the need to become more independent of family ties and responsibilities. Do your best to climb the hurdles. Circumstances may cause you to extend your family circle to include non-relatives. Fortunate colors are crimson and yellow ochre. Lucky numbers are 15 and 33.
You're speaking and thinking much more rapidly than usual, Pisces. This could be really exciting, with lots of original and innovative ideas rushing through your mind. However, remember not to be too blunt for comfort. Give yourself enough time to think things through before blurting them out, or expect to see some shocked faces! Creative colors are autumn brown and summer yellow. Lucky numbers are 11 and 40.
On several occasions recently you've had cause to doubt the sanity of a certain someone who's behaving so eccentrically, and today you can only marvel at their erratic and contrary goings-on. There is some potential for becoming involved in secret societies or dealing with the confidential matters of a friend. It would not be unusual if you were to develop interest in the occult, interpretation of dreams, the subconscious mind, and psychic energy. Empowering colors are mulberry and jade. Lucky numbers are 12 and 22.
You will seek greater independence of thought and self-expression as Venus aspects Uranus. New ideas and information flow through your mind. It's the ideal time to develop new skills in order to keep pace with new information and communications that you use in your work or for other reasons. Sudden affection from your love is in the frame. Empowering colors are oyster and gold. Lucky numbers are 7 and 20.
It's hard to keep track of your thoughts. This will be especially difficult if you're at work because you'll be absent-minded and easily distracted. If necessary, write down your ideas as they come to you or make a list of everything that you really must do today. An unusual romantic offer may come your way, or good news of some other kind. Favorable colors are gold and pewter. Lucky numbers are 5 and 9.
DonÕt wait for others to notice you (even though they may); take every opportunity you can to be in their direct line of vision: ÒIf you have it, flaunt it Ó. Under this influence you can be successful in activities that involve antiques, history, and technology. Try to be flexible if you hear things that you find shocking, and don't rise to the bait. Empowering colors are dark green and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 13 and 22.
You don't have much patience today, especially if you're at work, but don't throw in the towel when things get tough. You are likely to be more concerned with personal aspirations and happiness and the social aspects of romance may also be on your agenda. Joining organizations and participation in group activities can be very rewarding. Soothing colors are ochre and dark green. Lucky numbers are 11 and 7.
Machines and appliances are likely to play up today, probably just when you need them most. For instance, your computer might go on the blink, your printer might run out of ink or the phone could go wonky. Favorable career developments may be triggered by the actions of those around you, new people you meet, or situations you never expected to encounter. Prosperous colors are dark gold and bronze. Lucky numbers are 24 and 53.
Everything seems to be up in the air so you don't know whether you're coming or going. Plans may have to be changed at the last minute, calling for an adaptable attitude. Be careful if you're in the middle of a property deal or home improvement project because accidents and silly mistakes are more than likely right now. Court decisions tend to have unexpected or unusual outcomes or be reversed in your favor. Fortunate colors are kiwifruit and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 33 and 27.
You're prone to doing things on the spur of the moment today, especially when it comes to spending money. Those impulse buys may seem like a good idea at the time but you could soon change your mind once you get them home. You may suddenly begin or end (as the case may be) travel abroad or dealing with those of another race or culture. Your ideas and methods may suddenly become more independent or avant garde. Empowering colors are indigo and silver. Lucky numbers are 9 and 39.
The atmosphere at Castle Bull is much more to your liking today, so be sure to bring home some sumptuous refreshments and enjoy life's little luxuries. The Moon and Venus are on your side, so settle in for a surprisingly enjoyable time. Enjoyable colors are emerald green and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 22 and 27.
Circumstances are making you aware of changes that you need to put in place your life, yet for various reasons it's hard to put them into action. If you're feeling scared by the prospect of making these important transformations, take them one step at a time and see how you go. The Moon and Venus are set to brighten your day and will bring a creative or even romantic opportunity. Fortunate colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 5 and 6.
Changes are in the wind, arousing a considerable amount of opposition. If you want to make some improvements to the financial area of your life, a certain person may confront you head-on. Are they over- reacting or are you being too demanding and draconian? Use your charm and all will be well. Favorable colors are silvery grey and ruby red. Lucky numbers are 31 and 67.
It's difficult to make changes in your life right now, but it's not a matter of life or death. If someone close is digging in and refusing to accept what you're proposing, use your charm. You catch flies with honey, not vinegar! Adventurous colors are peacock blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 21 and 32.
Profound and far-reaching changes have been dogging your footsteps, so you need to make some sweeping changes to your life. You won't find this easy and you'll also have to cope with opposition from certain quarters, but you know what you must do, so get on with it. Creative energies are favorable. Fortunate colors are crimson and pineapple. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4.
Do yourself a favor and keep away from contentious topics of conversation today. That might be anything from religion to politics, with plenty of other potential pitfalls in between. You'll soon find that you're up to your ears in a dispute with someone, and the atmosphere will become unpleasant and intimidating. Better to stick to easy subjects such as the weather. Creative colors are bright yellow and midnight blue. Lucky numbers are 24 and 15.
If the issue is who's in control, don't make your displeasure obvious. Perhaps your relationship is going through major changes that are having a stressful impact on you. Financial pressures begin to ease, so look for the deeper motivations. Fortunate colors are mango and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 7 and 8.
Stick to your guns, Leo. With the Moon and Venus dancing in your sign, your charm will be at the max! If you know that a relationship needs a rethink, it's a good time to face up to the truth. Something surprising is in the wind. Beneficial colors are ultramarine and sable. Lucky numbers are 1 and 12.
If you're currently proposing any sort of change in your life, someone may feel threatened by what you're proposing because it goes against everything they're used to. Your ability to paint a rosy picture of the way things are meant to be is boosted, and valuable overseas connections are in the frame. Should you stick to your guns? Only you will know the answer, but a little flexibility would help. Beneficial colors are purple and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
You have the ability to create positive and long-lasting changes in your life today, so make it happen. A situation isn't very positive or it's outlived its usefulness, but the cosmos wants you to be happy. Remember, certain people want to preserve the status quo, but what do your dreams say?. Beneficial colors are peacock blue and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 11 and 44.
Your need to call the shots may cause problems with loved ones or colleagues. Be especially careful of any possessive tendencies that steal over you now, and fight the urge to justify them or to fuel them with anxieties about what certain people might be up to when your back is turned. The best thing is to use your charm to get ahead in your career or with influential people, especially women. Ambitious colors are dusky pink and azure blue. Lucky numbers are 10 and 21.
You may meet a deal of resistance from people who are opposed to the changes you're suggesting at the moment. Look for the hidden clues in these relationships and beware of getting so firmly entrenched in your position that you turn a deaf ear to everyone else. Keep a sense of perspective. Fortunate colors are almond blossom and honey. Lucky numbers are 6 and 37.
You long to do the right thing dear Virgo, and that might mean bending over backwards to help others at considerable inconvenience to yourself. Ask yourself why you're doing this. Is it because of a genuine desire to help, because you want to be seen to be a nice person or because you hope to gain something by it? There's a lot to think about. Expressive colors are persimmon and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 45 and 69.
You strongly suspect that someone thinks they're on the road to sainthood today and wants everyone else to know it. For instance, they might do someone a favor and then tell everyone all about it. Do your best to avoid falling into the same trap of doing something for others and then convincing yourself that it shows what a wonderful person you are. Favorable colors are grapefruit and ivory. Lucky numbers are 3 and 14.
It seems you're lost in thought today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything that requires a clear head. What's more, you might be rather susceptible to the charms of a certain person right now, and disturbing thoughts may intrude whenever you try to focus on anything else. Enjoy the daydreaming, but don't confuse fantasy and wishful thinking with reality. Favorable colors are lemon and lime. Lucky numbers are 27 and 5.
Your thoughts are drifting today, making it difficult to concentrate on anything for long. This is not what you need if you're at work, so keep on top of things or you'll make mistakes. There could also be a misunderstanding with a loved one because neither of you is being clear about what you want from the other. Beneficial colors are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 11 and 14.
It's best not to believe everything you hear today, because someone could easily get their facts confused. There's also a chance that they may be carried away by the emotional power of what they're saying, and end up placing undue emphasis on some things, and ignoring others completely. A good attempt at propaganda -- try not to fall for it. Grounding colors are beige and hazelnut. Lucky numbers are 25 and 43.
It won't take much for you to be lost in a world of your own today, Aries. It's not easy to come back down to earth. Maybe you're retreating from unpleasant memories or perhaps you're finding your surroundings too harsh. Be careful when dealing with friends today, because someone is sending out confusing or misleading messages. Beneficial colors are aqua and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 40 and 28.
Are you in a wistful frame of mind? Something is making you reluctant to face facts or deal with harsh truths. Beware of a tendency to bury your head in the sand in the hope that anything nasty will soon go away. But it won't, of course, so tackle it another day when you're feeling more resilient and better able to cope. Beneficial colors are ginger and pure white. Lucky numbers are 32 and 55.
It's difficult to keep track of your feelings today, which could lead to confusion or mixed messages. You're often susceptible to what's going on around you, but don't be unduly influenced by the mood of whoever you talk to. Are you trying to pretend that certain problems don't exist? There's no point in convincing yourself that something is true when you know deep down that it's false. Empowering colors are apricot and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 20 and 69.
Of course you aren't a suspicious person by nature, but you can't help wondering what a certain someone is up to. Are they trying to pull a fast one or hoping to hoodwink you in some way? Right now, it's impossible to know whether you're imagining the whole thing, which means you can't reach any conclusive decisions, but you certainly need to keep your eyes open in the future. Insightful colors are pale blue and onyx. Lucky numbers are 17 and 57.
You may be lacking energy, with a strong desire to retreat from the world. Nothing unusual in that, dear Pisces! But if you're simply tired and could do with a break, perhaps something is weighing on your mind and draining your energy. Steer clear of any food or drink that doesn't always agree with you, because it will have a detrimental effect at the moment. Favorable colors are lilac and rose. Lucky numbers are 12 and 49.
If you are upset about what happened yesterday, this isn't the day to sort it out. Don't be too eager to see the other person's point of view and keep them sweet. There's no need to agree to almost anything if it will prevent a row, because that might mean the other person will take advantage of you in order to emerge the victor. Beneficial colors are sky blue and dusky pink. Lucky numbers are 28 and 15.
Double-check everything if you're filling in forms, writing important letters or doing anything else connected with red tape today. Your mind won't really be on the job and, as a result, you could make some silly mistakes. You'll kick yourself when you discover them later on. It won't help if someone is subtly trying to undermine you, either. A love letter may arrive out of the blue. Favorable colors are shining brass and shimmering blue. Lucky numbers are 16 and 46.
There will be times when you feel positively tongue-tied. Maybe the right words won't come or you'll be reluctant to say what you think. You'll also want to keep many things to yourself, making you seem rather private and self-contained. It may help to explain your current mood to anyone who's likely to be strongly affected by it, such as a family member, friend or associate. Fortunate colors are lemon and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 11 and 15.
Someone may want you to adjust your ideas to make them more appealing, or they might announce that they'll oppose you every step of the way. Find a solution that is acceptable to everyone who'll be affected by what you're suggesting. If you insist on imposing your plans on others at any cost, you'll be setting in motion a massive problem. Be careful! Fortunate colors are mother of pearl and passionfruit. Lucky numbers are 6 and 19.
If you're a typical Scorpio it's very important for you to have control over your life, and you're even more aware of that than usual today. But don't let this turn you into a bossy or domineering person who is determined to have the last word and the upper hand in your relationships. This could easily happen right now, especially if you're feeling threatened or jealous. Don't do it! Positive colors are bronze and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 15 and 46.
The next few days are perfect for giving your brain some enjoyable exercise. That could mean burying your nose in a succession of books and only coming out for food, or you might fancy your chances with competitions, puzzles and pub quizzes. It will be a great time for mixing with children, and you'll enjoy playing with them or going on an adventure together. Favorable colors are platinum and hazelnut. Lucky numbers are 36 and 62.
You could easily be drawn into a major personality clash today, involving some form of power struggle or battle of wills. It won't be pleasant, but you'll soon realize that you can't let this person walk all over you now - otherwise they'll do it again any time they want. However, you will have to know when to step back from making the situation completely intractable. Empowering colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 14 and 6.
It seems that you and a loved one are on a collision course about money or something else that you value. Unfortunately, neither of you is willing to back down or change your mind, so you'll soon lock horns. Be very wary about being drawn into power struggles today because they could get nasty, bringing out the worst in both of you. If you can't reach an agreement today, postpone the discussions until you're both feeling more amenable and flexible. Favorable colors are platinum and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 8 and 39.
You're in an expressive state and become even more voluble from today. This is a wonderful opportunity to get your point across but it's essential to fight any tendency to gab away without letting anyone else get a look in. If this happens you'll lose your audience, which would be a shame because you have many interesting things to say. Fortunate colors are cream and pale orange. Lucky numbers are 30 and 21.
Although your passions run high today, avoid power struggles or any sort of battle with others, because you don't know how they'll retaliate. Someone might unleash some very powerful guns on you or subject you to an unpleasant tirade. You should also be wary of offending anyone over their political or religious convictions, even if you don't agree with them. Keep your thoughts to yourself right now unless you want to provoke a big backlash. Positive colors are red and silver. Lucky numbers are 4 and 17.
Your finances haven't exactly been plain sailing recently, so from today you'd be well advised to turn your attention to this area of your life. Follow up any queries and get them sorted out, or go over your accounts with a fine toothed comb so you know exactly where you stand. It is also a good time to apply for a loan or to get some advice about an investment. Favorable colors are burgundy and cream. Lucky numbers are 32 and 6.
A certain person is in a wilful and self-centered state today, and will walk all over you given half a chance. It's difficult to know how to handle this for the best. If you stand your ground you could have quite a fight on your hands, but if you give in you'll be setting a damaging precedent. Either way, don't provoke an angry outburst unless it's inevitable because you might unleash something very powerful. Beneficial colors are persimmon and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 2 and 10.
You have a very enquiring mind as the Sun and Mercury combine. In fact, you'll take great pleasure in positively soaking up knowledge about whatever happens to interest you. This might even be the start of a long-running enthusiasm that will lead you in some fascinating directions. Favorable colors are shimmering blue and mango. Lucky numbers are 35 and 40.
Your relationship with a certain person grinds to a bad- tempered halt today, with both of you stubbornly sticking to your guns and refusing to acknowledge the other person's point of view. This situation will become even more critical if one of you sees it as a chance to assert your authority or even to crush the other one into submission. Don't do it, Pisces! Soothing colors are salmon pink and pastel blue. Lucky numbers are 19 and 38.
Your powers of attraction are Ace today, so turn them to your advantage. If you're hoping to ensnare a certain someone and convince them that you're the best thing since chocolate ice cream, give it your best shot right now. If they still resist you after you've turned on the charm like a waterfall, they don't deserve you and you're better off without them. Empowering colors are dark blue and peach. Lucky numbers are 7 and 29.
There are days when you're tongue-tied and days, like this one, when words flow from you in an almost effortless stream. You'll come up with all sorts of interesting things to say. However, don't prattle on just for the sake of it because you could make a big impact on a certain person, particularly if you want to leave them spellbound by your tremendous charm and wit. Ambitious colors are maroon and apple green. Lucky numbers are 33 and 70.
You're in a visionary mood today, and will enjoy discussing your plans with someone who feels equally enthusiastic about them. You might even be so inspired that you decide to map out a timetable of what to do when. Travel plans might also be on the cards today, in which case you'll fancy venturing far afield and possibly visiting somewhere rather exotic. Fortunate colors are dark grey and sienna. Lucky numbers are 16 and 70.
Keep an open mind today because you'll absorb a great deal of information and have lots of fun. For instance, you might meet someone whose background couldn't be more different from yours but who turns out to be a really interesting companion. If you haven't heard from a friend who lives abroad, give them a ring or send them an email to find out how they are. Favorable colors are persimmon and blueberry. Lucky numbers are 14 and 48.
Your relationships are running very smoothly today, because you're able to strike exactly the right note with other people and win them over. You'll get on well with virtually everyone you meet, whether they're total strangers or your best friends, and you'll certainly have a whale of a time if you're going out on the town or are being whisked off on a hot date. Fortunate colors are avocado and mango. Lucky numbers are 4 and 5.
Have a think about your hobbies today. Do you have lots of varied interests? If so, do you have time for them all? If the answer to either of these questions is no, then think about how you change the situation. It's very easy for a conscientious Virgo like you to devote too much of your time to work and duty, but right now you need to fit in plenty of recreation and relaxation as well. Beneficial colors are green jade and marmalade. Lucky numbers are 10 and 11.
You're feeling generous and could easily be persuaded to part with some cash if it's in aid of a good cause. Alternatively, you might decide that charity begins at home and that a loved one needs your help. If so, you'll have to offer your assistance in a way that doesn't make them feel patronized or as though the workhouse is only one step away. Be tactful! Beneficial colors are silvery blue and amber. Lucky numbers are 27 and 55.
Stick to your own devices as much as possible today. Chat to other people when necessary, but you'll be much happier if you can have some time to yourself as well. If you've got a full schedule, maybe you could fit in some solitude later on in the day, even if it means juggling your plans. It will be worth it. Beneficial colors are blackberry and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 9 and 11.
You're in nest-building mode today, and will really enjoy making your home look and feel more cosy. If you're going past the shops you could be drawn to items that will increase the comfort of your home or add to its appearance. It's also a nice day for simply pottering around your local supermarket and seeing what's on offer, then cooking a delicious meal for your nearest and dearest. Fortunate colors are terracotta and red ochre. Lucky numbers are 28 and 75.
Get on with whatever is top of your list of things to do. It may not be very exciting, and it might even be rather boring, but you'll like knowing that you've got it out of the way, and also that you did it to the best of your ability. Any form of teamwork will go well now, because you're happy to pull your weight and also to give credit where credit's due. Healing colors are teal blue and smoky pink. Lucky numbers are 27 and 42.
Come to grips with bureaucratic and financial matters today, especially if you want to sort them out once and for all. You shouldn't have too much trouble about this because you'll manage to speak to people who are helpful and intelligent. If you haven't talked to an older friend or relative recently, make contact with them now so you can find out how they are. Favorable colors are green and black. Lucky numbers are 14 and 67.
If you work from home, devote some time to thinking about how you can improve your working conditions. Maybe you could move some of the furniture round to make things more comfortable, or treat yourself to some equipment that will make life easier. If you suspect that the rest of the family thinks you're just indulging in a hobby rather than earning money from your home-based occupation, it will be surprisingly easy to set them right on that score. Creative colors are aubergine and mango. Lucky numbers are 14 and 49.
If you want to make the best of the day you should switch activities every now and then to prevent yourself getting bored. Once you get restless you won't be able to settle down to anything for long. Even if you are feeling blue, it's a terrific day for dreaming up travel plans, and you could have a very happy time looking through holiday brochures or gazing at the atlas. Adventurous colors are primrose and russet. Lucky numbers are 6 and 12.
This is a perfect day for brightening up your love life in some way. If you're fed up with your current situation, start thinking about how you can improve it. Maybe you could reorganize the pattern of your relationship, or if that isn't possible then perhaps you could be more spontaneous together. If you think you're stuck in a rut you'll soon want to get out of it. Fortunate colors are shimmering purple and blood read. Lucky numbers are 5 and 24.
Get ready to hear some surprising news today. Someone is likely to drop a mini bombshell or you could discover that a forthcoming social arrangement has to be rejigged. Rather than fret and fume about it, it's much simpler to take it in your stride and wait to see what happens next. If you think about it, you don't really have much choice, do you? Prosperous colors are lime and lemon. Lucky numbers are 11 and 38.
If you're feeling edgy, give yourself some light relief for a while. Get together with a friend or partner, or have a complete break from your usual routine. A career opportunity is due for you, and a last-minute invitation or change of plan could end up being the best thing that happens to you all day, even if that seems a rather dubious possibility at first. Wait and see! Favorable colors are avocado and aubergine. Lucky numbers are 21 and 37.
With the Moon dancing with your life-ruler, noble Jupiter, in your seventh house, the benefits of working together with a partner or significant other are excellent. Even if there is some ego-conflict, the cosmos is keen to show you some good fortune today. Good news from abroad may come to or via your spouse or partner. Legal matters should go well. Positive colors are apricot and ebony. Lucky numbers are 16 and 23.
If you're tempted by the thought of impulse buying today, be careful if you're supposed to be saving up. Do your best to hide your shopping by stashing it on top of your wardrobe or under your bed, then maybe no one will notice. If you're out and about you might have a surprise encounter with someone who always makes your knees go weak. Opportune colors are gold and silver. Lucky numbers are 27 and 72.
If a duty or obligation has been getting you down recently, this is a good day to think about how you might lighten the load or alter your attitude towards it. Try to approach the whole thing from a fresh angle and see if that makes a difference. There could also be a nice surprise when someone shows their appreciation of all your recent efforts and hard work. Fortunate colors are mother of pearl and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 15 and 3.
Your mind is running along inventive and clever lines today, particularly if you're trying to come up with some brainwaves connected with higher education, travel, or publicity. You might even surprise yourself! Don't be shy about airing your views when talking to a boss or colleague because you may be able to hit the nail on the head or come up with the perfect solution. Ideal colors are gunmetal grey and ice blue. Lucky numbers are 15 and 26.
Do something on the spur of the moment today Pisces! Maybe you should ring up a friend and fix up a last-minute outing, or rearrange existing plans so you can do something more exciting. There could also be an unexpected but enjoyable connection with a certain person, perhaps when you bump into them by accident or they ring you out of the blue. Bold colors are dark purple and bright red. Lucky numbers are 22 and 69.
Plans may not go the way you anticipate today, but it's nothing to worry about - unexpected events will turn out to be great fun. Someone might invite you to do something on the spur of the moment and it would be a shame if you had to turn them down. You might also make a new contact, in which case this person will be terrific company. Positive colors are lapis lazuli and golden yellow. Lucky numbers are 28 and 72.
If you're thinking of doing some shopping today, don't be surprised if you bring home all sorts of items that you weren't expecting to buy. If you're in the supermarket, you'll be attracted by some unusual food or alcohol. This could turn out to be a very happy discovery or a ghastly mistake, but at least you'll have satisfied your current craving for domestic adventure. Liberating colors are shell pink and shimmering grey. Lucky numbers are 13 and 57.
Get ready for some nice surprises today, especially if they involve financial connections with a loved one or some travel plans. It will do you good to be spontaneous, so be prepared to cast caution to the winds when necessary or to take some chances that you'd normally shy away from. Of course, you shouldn't do anything completely rash or foolish, but you're certainly in the mood for a mini adventure. Positive colors are tan and navy. Lucky numbers are 28 and 48.
Friends are great company today, even if you can only spare the time for a quick drink or a phone call. You'll enjoy chatting to them and you can always arrange to get together later in the week. If you're taking part in a group activity you'll welcome the chance to air your views while allowing others to have their say. Favourable colors are primrose and navy. Lucky numbers are 29 and 42.
Neither a lender nor a borrower be today, because it will only lead to trouble in the long run. There's a chance that parting with your possessions, or using someone else's, could lead to ill feeling and resentment, especially if something awful happens to them along the way. You should also make sure you don't brag or boast about anything because that won't go down well either. Expressive colors are amethyst and claret. Lucky numbers are 15 and 2.
You're blessed with mountains of confidence today, but don't let it go to your head, or you'll appear arrogant and conceited. This is especially likely if you're at work, because you want to make a big impression and may not know when to keep a low profile. Be very careful about volunteering for a task when you know deep down you aren't up to the job. Great colors are toffee and dark red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 33.
If you're worried about your health, do something about it now. Make an appointment with an expert who can help you, and don't let your imagination start to run riot about what might be wrong with you. No matter what the state of your health, you'll feel better now if you can relax and put your cares to one side for a short spell. Healing colors are aubergine and violet. Lucky numbers are 39 and 12.
Do you feel as though you're caught between the devil and the deep blue sea? On the one hand you have a lot of responsibilities waiting for you, and on the other you've a loved one who's complaining that they never see you. Somehow, you're going to have to juggle all these demands without cutting yourself in half. Is this possible or is someone being unreasonable? Intense colors are jet black and salmon pink. Lucky numbers are 39 and 62.
Someone is too big for their boots today -- busy boasting about their achievements or blowing their own trumpet. Although this may be rather irritating they don't mean any harm by it. Don't be drawn into a competitive conversation in which you vie with each other to see who's the most successful, or who has the most money. Fortunate colors are aqua and peach. Lucky numbers are 3 and 18.
It's one of those days when you've got to be strict with yourself about your spending, otherwise you could end up parting with more money than you bargained for. You know the sort of thing that can happen -- you see something you'd like to buy, then you can't decide which color to get and so you end up splashing out on one in every color you fancy. Not good news! Dynamic colors are green and basalt. Lucky numbers are 21 and 55.
Feeling chatty and outgoing today, particularly when talking to loved ones and partners? You may not get much work done, actually, because you'll be so busy nattering about whatever happens to pop into your head. This is certainly a fabulous day for exchanging the latest gossip, but not if this interferes with your workload or that of other people. Fortunate colors are charcoal grey and mustard yellow. Lucky numbers are 4 and 32.
You're feeling indulgent today and won't want to stint in any way. Your emotions are very much in evidence, and could raise your hopes about something dear to your heart. Now, it's one thing to have a positive attitude but it's quite another to have unrealistic expectations and then to be disappointed should they fail to materialize. Beneficial colors are navy and salmon. Lucky numbers are 17 and 48.
You're feeling bright and bubbly today, Gem. This is a wonderful chance to make contact with as many people as possible because you're in a charming and lively frame of mind. If you need to say something tactfully, do it now and you won't have any problems at all. Fortunate colors are silvery blue and primrose. Lucky numbers are 18 and 73.
Someone's in a gushy mood today. It may be rather sentimental or expansive, and it could also encourage making promises that can't be delivered. So try to bear this in mind if they start telling you things that seem too good to be true. You should also try your hardest not to fall into this embarrassing trap yourself. Auspicious colors are cinnamon and charcoal. Lucky numbers are 4 and 26.
Are you caught in the grip of powerful emotions today? If problems from the past have reappeared or you're embroiled in a highly- charged conflict with someone, tread carefully. You'll be tempted to behave in compulsive or obsessive ways that will only make the situation worse. Stand up for yourself if needs be, but do it fairly and without being manipulative. Fortunate colors are ruby red and snow white. Lucky numbers are 9 and 10.
As Venus swans into your third house, flattery, charm, and a sense of humor can be most persuasive. You should have little trouble gaining favors from others this month, Gem. Pleasant relations with neighbors and people in your neighborhood are favored. Even if you're feeling blue, it's darkest before the dawn. Healing colors are honey and smoky quartz. Lucky numbers are 21 and 26.
Your powers of attraction are always pretty good but they'll be even better throughout the rest of September. Venus is blessing your sign, so if you want to make yourself utterly irresistible, why not treat yourself to some new clothes or a different hairdo? Of course, this will really be gilding the lily. It will also mean that if you set your sights on someone they'll be powerless to resist your charms. Fortunate colors are charcoal and plum. Lucky numbers are 1 and 10.
Your life-ruler, Venus, enters Leo today, Bulls. During the next few weeks you'll enjoy putting your artistic talents to good use around your home. Maybe the place could do with a facelift, in which case you'll soon come up with some inspirational ideas. Or perhaps something less drastic is needed, such as rearranging the furniture, changing the ornaments or cleaning the curtains. Beneficial colors are amber and silver. Lucky numbers are 4 and 7.
Any hint of romance will make you go all weak at the knees between now and this time next month. If you rarely get the chance to display the sensitive and sentimental side of your personality, you'll be in your element now. All the same, watch out for a possible tendency to fall in love with love or to idealize your beloved in ways that can only lead to disappointment later on. Favourable colors are fawn and ivory. Lucky numbers are 10 and 12.
During the next few weeks, Venus encourages you to go out of your way to be co-operative and pleasant. Seek out peaceful solutions to problems rather than going in with guns blazing. Even so, there may be times when it would be better to stand up for yourself, even if you don't like doing it, than letting someone walk all over you. Indulgent colors are chocolate and strawberry. Lucky numbers are 7 and 37.
Between now and early October you'll enjoy forging greater links with people who are more influential or wiser than you. This could take a variety of different forms, such as spending a lot of time with a youthful relative or getting to know someone you've always considered to be an authority figure. It will be fun, and you'll enjoy finding some common ground. Excellent colors are strawberry and pale gold. Lucky numbers are 10 and 31.
Throughout the rest of the month you'll have to fight the tendency to spend money like water. Of course, there's nothing to worry about if you're feeling flush, but it won't be such good news if you're trying to behave yourself whenever you go near the shops. Nevertheless, this will be a great time to invest in items of beauty or antiquity. Favourable colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 38 and 29.
There's some good news in the wind, Cap. You may receive a windfall during the next few weeks. Don't get too excited; it may not be enough to make your fortune or mean you can retire to a tropical paradise. You might even be given a possession rather than a sum of money. Alternatively, a partner could strike it lucky and generously let you share in the spoils. Beneficial colors are lavender and platinum. Lucky numbers are 8 and 44.
Between now and early October you're in tremendous demand, with everyone clamoring for your attention. As sociable Venus heads into fun- loving Leo, you could be snowed under with invitations but don't let that stop you issuing a few of your own! You'll relish the chance to do some entertaining. Love will also brighten up your life, whether it's romantic or platonic. It's going to be a great month! Fortunate colors are sunflower yellow and peacock blue. Lucky numbers are 5 and 11.
Between now and early October, it's service with a smile at every opportunity. Venus sees that you take additional pride in your work, and also in your ability to get on well with colleagues and customers. There might even be some romantic activity with someone you meet through the course of your job or through some other everyday activity. Fortunate colors are fawn and dark red. Lucky numbers are 6 and 26.
Friends will gladden your heart during the rest of the month, thanks to your lovely life-ruler Venus, so arrange some social outings. You might even grow closer to a special friend over the next few weeks. However, bear in mind that you won't always want to be out gadding, so you must also allocate plenty of time in your schedule for some peace and quiet. Then you can have the best of both worlds. Auspicious colors are cinnamon and white. Lucky numbers are 36 and 74.
Romance, marriage, or any cooperative venture involving a foreign country or someone of another culture or race is stimulated, as Venus sweeps into Leo today. Issues connected with a second marriage, or a court decision may also arise, but you might also be thinking about travel, spiritual development and even a bit of self-promotion. Excellent colors are amethyst and champagne. Lucky numbers are 9 and 23.
Be careful, especially if you're at home, because you could easily turn accident-prone. This is especially likely if you're suffering from a lot of pent-up nervous energy, or if you have to cope with a series of unexpected events that throw you for a loop and leave you feeling jittery. Do your best to keep calm. Beneficial colors are oak and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 35 and 46.
Don't you have an artistic eye right now! Particularly when it comes to beautifying your home or garden. Even better, you don't have to spend a fortune in the process, because you'll enjoy coming up with economical ideas. Try not to spend all day working, because you need to relax at some point and admire your efforts. Creative colours are sable and fawn. Lucky numbers are 12 and 35.
It's difficult to handle older people with much grace because such strange things are going on between you. But today, you'll have to cope with someone who is a law unto themselves or is behaving erratically. Even though this may be unsettling and irritating, there's be much you can do about it, other than to grin and bear it. Is that really so hard? Favourable colors are fuschia and ebony. Lucky numbers are 37 and 45.
Someone dear to your heart is resistant to being told what to do today. The more determined you are to make them do what you want, the more determined they'll be to ignore you and do their own thing. If you both carry on like this there will be only one outcome -- a big fat stalemate. At least one of you needs to become more flexible, and quickly. Beneficial colors are lemon and bright orange. Lucky numbers are 38 and 67.
Someone could easily get their knickers in a twist today, making it hard to talk to them without getting drawn into a shouting match. Remarkably touchy, really, but it must be said that you aren't being completely rational either. No need to take comments too personally! You're too subjective about what happens now. Favourable colors are lemon and magenta. Lucky numbers are 17 and 6.
Someone is a real stickler for the facts and for doing things properly today. Before too long you'll decide that's a pain in the neck and too pedantic for words, and you'll probably say so. So don't be surprised if you become involved in a heated exchange, or the day degenerates into one of those tit-for-tat slanging matches. Fortunate colors are avocado and chocolate brown. Lucky numbers are 20 and 29.
People aren't always as accommodating and flexible as they are at the moment, so if you're wise you'll make the most of it. Do your best to butter up anyone who needs the soft-soap treatment. A little tact will go a long way now. How about inviting a neighbor round for a drink or making an effort to talk to them, even if they aren't exactly your favourite person. Beneficial colors are dark purple and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
Take things easy Libra, or you'll get frazzled in no time at all. You seem to be running on nervous energy right now, which will soon make you feel as though you're coming apart at the seams. It won't help if you're trying to do too much at once, or you keep being distracted or interrupted. A complete change of scene will help, as will some moderate exercise. Favourable colors are butterscotch and kiwifruit. Lucky numbers are 27 and 75.
It's a sociable time at the moment, but the astrological accent is about to change so cram in as much socializing as possible today! If you want to ask a favor of a friend, do it now while you stand a good chance of striking it lucky. Maybe you could give them a treat in return? Inspirational colors are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 34 and 56.
Loved ones make it obvious how much they care about you, and you'll be equally demonstrative and affectionate. It's also a favorable day for breaking the ice with someone you'd like to know better, even if you do it in a very subtle or tentative manner. You-know-who will probably respond in exactly the way you were hoping for. Beneficial colors are navy and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 31 and 10.
If you're having a get together, pull out all the stops to make sure they all have a good time. If that means spending more money than you'd intended on food and drink, it's all in a good cause. If you're doing the catering yourself, you might just provide enough food for an army. How generous! Dynamic colors are cornflower blue and sunflower yellow. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9.
Watch out if a sense of superiority steals over you today because it will make you unpopular. You may think you're giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom, but they may interpret it as a sign that you're too full of yourself. Be methodical if you're dealing with paperwork, otherwise you're likely to lose something. Favourable colors are crimson and royal purple. Lucky numbers are 4 and 20.
Make sure you do something energetic today, Aries. You'll enjoy being active, and if you're on a diet it will be good to know that you're burning up some calories. If you've never considered visiting the gym before, it should appeal to you now but find out how much it costs, and whether you can reasonably afford it. Positive colors are caramel and peach. Lucky numbers are 25 and 67.
A certain person is dynamic and lively today, and great to have around. Mind you, they might be a little too energetic or enthusiastic if you're hoping for a nice, quiet day, so you may have to limit the amount of time you spend with them. Things go well if you're taking part in a group activity and you'll have some interesting conversations. Opportune colors are amber and olive. Lucky numbers are 5 and 19.
You're in a lively mood so routine and duty go down like a lead balloon. Put this amazing energy to good use by going to the gym or beating a friend at competitive sport. If you get involved in a discussion about something you believe in, be ready to give it a spirited defense. Dynamic colors are dark purple and dark gold. Lucky numbers are 22 and 59.
You're fired up with energy and enthusiasm today, and want to get ahead with whatever is on your list of things to do. However, don't be so keen on getting these tasks out of the way so quickly that you end up doing them badly. It will be very frustrating to have to do something twice if you made a hash of it first time round. Ideal colors are aqua and peach. Lucky numbers are 1 and 55.
Take care, because you're easily distracted today and could get into a bit of a muddle. Your mind is on other things so you shy away from anything that seems to be too much trouble or very demanding. There could be a mix up with an older friend or relative who isn't clear about what they expect from you. Have you thought of asking them outright? Favourable colors are scarlet and treacle. Lucky numbers are 10 and 2.
It's a wonderful day, because you're blessed with abundant energy, helping you to cope with whatever comes your way. The cosmpos awakens a fiery and powerful mood, making you the center of attention for the best possible reasons. If you've been waiting for the right time to talk someone into seeing things your way, you stand an excellent chance of doing so today. Bold colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 24 and 77.
In a daring mood? Tempted to take some risks today? Play your cards right and things will go well, provided you don't do anything foolish or raise the stakes too high. It's a great day for being active and energetic, and you could be tempted to take part in a competitive sport or game. You won't be averse to making the odd bet or wager, either. Liberating colors are silvery green and azure. Lucky numbers are 14 and 72.
Keep track of your belongings today, or you could waste a lot of time hunting for them. For instance, you might lose your doorkeys and spend ages searching for them, only to discover that they were in your pocket all the time. You're feeling absent-minded and over- emotional, so there's plenty to distract you from your mundane activities. Beneficial colors are pale green and shimmering silver. Lucky numbers are 3 and 15.
Someone is desperate to create a good impression and make you think how wonderful they are. However, they're more likely to get on your nerves and to make you wonder what they're trying to cover up. You might also suspect they're behaving like a martyr or that they think they're the next Mother Theresa. Fortunate colors are silver and plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 24.
You're raring to go and keen to be as active as possible today. It's the sort of day when you're easily bored so you'll need plenty of distractions to keep you busy. It's great for doing something sporty or athletic, especially if you're being competitive in the process. Naturally, you'll want to win! Excellent colors are jet black and blood red. Lucky numbers are 13 and 12.
Whatever else you happen to be doing today be sure to set aside some time to think about your hopes and dreams for the future. You could have some brainwaves about them, even if all you can do at the moment is to jot them down in your diary. A conversation with a friend goes well, particularly if you want to talk about something specific. Lucky colors are peach and burgundy. Lucky numbers are 29 and 24.
If you're dreamy and less grounded than usual today, it's because you are very susceptible to the atmosphere around you. You'll suffer if you're with someone who's sending out difficult emotions because you'll act like a psychic sponge. You might also feel haunted by a powerful dream or by thoughts of the past, and it'll be hard to shrug off this mood. Bright colors are shimmering red and smoky purple. Lucky numbers are 7 and 35.
Don't you just feel on top of the world? It will help if you abandon your usual routine and do something much more exciting instead, particularly if this means taking off on a day trip or visiting somewhere that's steeped in atmosphere, culture or history. Positive colors are mango and smoky pink. Lucky numbers are 15 and 46.
You're in a gregarious mood, so enjoy it while it lasts. This is a great day for any form of socializing, whether for business or pleasure, because you've got the happy knack of being able to bring out the best in other people and make them feel that you're genuinely interested in them. Play your cards right and you could be a big hit with a certain someone now. Enjoyable colors are dark green and cherry blossom. Lucky numbers are 20 and 24.
If you're busy at work your efforts won't be in vain, because they'll come to the notice of someone influential. This is a good day for sorting out financial matters with the help of someone who knows what they're talking about. They'll soon put you on the right track and might also give you some valuable advice. Auspicious colors are mulberry and dark green. Lucky numbers are 8 and 72.
This is another day for making the most of your social skills while they're in such abundance. Once again you'll enjoy mixing with people you know well, but you might also get the chance to make some new acquaintances at some point. If you've been toying with the idea of enrolling in a club or society, you might decide to bite the bullet now and it's certainly a great opportunity to do so. Ideal colors are aqua and burnt . Lucky numbers are 8 and 6.
You're eager to be with friends and other people who share your outlook on life. If you've been hoping that you can turn a pal into a lover, this is a good day to work on it. You-know-who may not fall into your arms instantly but you'll be able to make a big impression, and you'll also get a better idea of whether you're wasting your time or they're as smitten with you as you are with them. Harmonious colors are silver and black. Lucky numbers are 7 and 78.
You're in an optimistic mood today, determined to look on the bright side. Opportunities are in the pipeline right now and all you've got to do is spot them when they appear. Some will be more than obvious while others will require a second glance or a lot of faith. Give them all a fair trial. Expressive colors are aubergine and pistachio. Lucky numbers are 6 and 13.
This is a great day for enjoyment and fun. A light-hearted mood is in the air and this will rub off on most of the people you meet. If you currently have high hopes that your relationship with you-know-who will develop into something wonderful, what happens now will have you jumping for joy. Favourable colors are silvery blue and ochre. Lucky numbers are 31 and 28.
It's a day for enjoying home comforts and not doing anything too strenuous. You might fancy doing a bit of gardening or tidying up around the house but you'll draw the line at slogging your guts out. If you know that a loved one needs a shoulder to cry on this is a very good day for drawing them to one side and encouraging them to confide in you. Prosperous colors are cherry blossom and amethyst. Lucky numbers are 8 and 22.
It's a terrific day for enjoying home comforts and for being with people you know inside out. You'll be much happier doing this than if you have to spend a lot of time in unfamiliar surroundings. While you're in this family-frame of mind, it's a good opportunity to discuss sticky, domestic topics with the people concerned. Harmonious colors are pastel pink and silvery blue. Lucky numbers are 34 and 20.
Close relationships blossom today because you're so keen to create a sense of intimacy and safety. This is just what you want if you've recently become involved with someone and you're still on your best behavior with one other, because some of the barriers between you will fall away now. It's also a lovely day for enjoying your own company. Excellent colors are sapphire blue and emerald green. Lucky numbers are 10 and 6.
The more you put into your daily activities today, the more you'll get out of them. If it's impossible to get anything out of your current schedule other than acute frustration, then this is another reminder that you need to find ways to change things for the better. If you're lucky there could be good news about a pay rise, bonus or perk on its way to you. Auspicious colors are dusky rose and ebony. Lucky numbers are 25 and 9.
This is one of those days when everything seems to go right. People are cooperative, colleagues are friendly and even bosses are considerate. There's plenty to smile about if you're participating in a discussion or meeting, because you'll find it easy to get your point across. You'll also do well if you're attending a job interview or salary review. Ambitious colors are gold and purple. Lucky numbers are 9 and 62.
The stars promise that this is one of the nicest days for Pisceans in the whole of September, especially if you can be with some of your nearest and dearest. You're feeling extremely sociable and outgoing, so you'll get on well with everyone you meet but you'll be happiest when you're with some of your favourite people. A close relationship will go wonderfully well, and you could hear something that's so sweet or loving that you'll be blushing for hours to come. Healing colors are lemon and tangerine. Lucky numbers are 13 and 76.
Communications haven't been easy recently so it will come as a great relief to you to know that they begin to get back on track from today, as the Moon's south node leaves your sign. Be decisive and put forward your ideas, provided you know what you're doing. Mercury's move to Virgo awakens real estate transactions, repairs or other matters related to your home. Family discussions and business transactions, and contact with relatives will be there in weeks ahead. Fortunate colors are ebony and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 24 and 36.
It's great for being with people who are on the same wavelength as you because you'll have even more in common with them now. A sense of progress to your friendships, boosts your hopes and wishes in a new phase thanks to the Moon's nodes. If you're planning a romantic interlude with you-know-who, you'll have a wonderful time together. Maybe you should do it more often? Dynamic colors are bright red and brilliant white. Lucky numbers are 15 and 30.
Things are going well for you today, especially if you're busy at work. You should get a big pat on the back from a superior or boss who's pleased with what you've achieved, and you could even get some special treatment from someone in a powerful position. A major new financial phase begins lasting for some 18 months. I hope you have plenty of money, because that's likely to be the big focus now. You may choose to keep what you are doing secret in weeks ahead. Lovely colors are violet and mother of pearl. Lucky numbers are 13 and 21.
In the mood to have some fun? It's a wonderful day for getting together with close friends and family, or for inviting some neighbors round to your place. The fact that you're currently oozing charm and warmth will stand you in good stead, and might even mean that you attract the notice of someone who boosts your ego in the most delectable ways. Sometimes life is almost too good to be true! Beneficial colors are mango and navy. Lucky numbers are 37 and 43.
During the past few days it hasn't been easy to get going on domestic arrangements and decisions, because so much has been hanging in the balance. Fate takes a hand, and you'll begin to make progress again as the Moon's node finishes its transition into Scorpio. Communication and plans for using your creative talent and imaginative powers spark up. Your capacity for enjoyment and the pursuit of pleasure, romance, and speculative venture increase too. Beautiful colors are claret and cream. Lucky numbers are 26 and 44.
You'll have something to celebrate when you hear good news about a future job prospect or a long-term ambition. Love could also be in the air between you and someone who's influential, highly regarded and possibly even rich. You are entering a period when you are likely to seek, or be given, a public forum of some kind in which to express your ideas or share your knowledge and skills. Favourable colors are caramel and blackberry. Lucky numbers are 21 and 23.
Personal communications return to normal today after an irritating phase in which they've led to confusion and mistakes. You can get back on track now that the nodes have changed sign, and it's a good idea to check that any important letters or emails you sent have reached their destination. If you've been toying with a decision, this is an excellent day for making up your mind and then acting on it. Your public image will receive an opportunity for growth in weeks ahead. Auspicious colors are lilac and jet black. Lucky numbers are 35 and 5.
This is a perfect day for enjoying yourself as the cosmos awakens your sign. You'll be really happy if you can get together with some kindred spirits, such as close friends. There might even be talk of a forthcoming holiday or visit to someone who lives abroad. Activities such as fund raising, membership drives, or newsletters may be on your agenda. Advantageous colors are dove grey and copper. Lucky numbers are 30 and 49.
Loved ones may have been leading you a merry dance over the past few days but they settle down again as the Moon's node finishes its move to Scorpio. And about time, too! It's definitely a day to celebrate, and you're eager to relax with some of your nearest and dearest. You might like to research a new diet, or exercise program to make the most of the possibilities. You never know what hotties are at the gym! Harmonious colors are platinum and raspberry. Lucky numbers are 2 and 78.
No matter what else you have on, try to fit in a little socializing as the nodes complete the move to Scorpio. You'll have a whale of a time and it will do you good to let your hair down. If you've been hoping that big things will happen between you and a friend, turn on the charm now as clever Mercury slips into your sign. Others may present some sort of written review of your personality or performance, or speak to you about aspects of your appearance and personality. Fortunate colors are bright purple and cornflower blue. Lucky numbers are 9 and 33.
Watch out world, you've got money to burn! Well, you may only have your credit card to burn in reality, but you'll do your best with whatever you've got. Of course, this could be bad news if you've promised yourself that you'll be sensible in your spending, but today it's almost impossible to resist temptation. But money will be on your mind, and the potential for career advancement is building. Expressive colors are burnt orange and oyster. Lucky numbers are 37 and 61.
A delightful sense of co-operation and camaraderie is in the air today, whether you experience it at work, with friends or with your other half. Everyone is happy to do whatever for everyone else, and is also prepared to give people the benefit of the doubt. If someone isn't very well, you'll be the first to mop their brow or tuck them up in bed. Auspicious colors are mulberry and silver. Lucky numbers are 17 and 45.
Do your utmost to ensure that everyone has a good time today. You're in a very considerate mood and want to put people at their ease. You'll be very charming, but take care not to give the wrong impression to anyone who might take advantage of it another time. For instance, you don't want to give the impression that you fancy someone if you don't really. Creative colors are pistachio and hazelnut brown. Lucky numbers are 1 and 56.
You're reluctant to stray too far from familiar faces and places today, because these make you feel safe and cosy. In a perfect world, you would stay at home with your feet up, doing as little as is humanly possible without feeling guilty about it. Unfortunately, reality may be rather different, so you'll have to grab those moments of relaxation whenever you can get them. But you still shouldn't feel guilty! Beneficial colors are crimson and snow white. Lucky numbers are 31 and 48.
No matter what else is on your agenda today, try to make time for friends. They'll instinctively know how you're feeling and you'll find it easy to talk to them. It's an especially good day for making amends if there's been a slight coolness between you recently, because you'll be keen to make the first move if necessary and will have no qualms about losing face by doing so. Fortunate colours are lavender and silver. Lucky numbers are 16 and 35.
You're in a generous mood today, especially if you suspect that someone is struggling to keep their head above water financially. You'll do what you can to help yet you'll never lose sight of their need to keep their dignity. If you're trying to unravel a financial problem of your own at the moment you'll make progress now by talking to someone in authority. Favourable colors are violet and turquoise. Lucky numbers are 4 and 29.
It's an easy-going and understanding mood today, so appreciate others as they really are rather than as the people you'd like them to be. In other words, take them at face value and accept that we all have our faults as well as our good points. This is a great attitude if you need to forgive someone for a recent transgression. Harmonious colors are marmalade and cream. Lucky numbers are 26 and 34.
Beautiful Aquarius you have a kind word for everyone you meet today, whether you already know them or they're complete strangers. Do your best to be helpful, considerate and polite, and also to give others the benefit of the doubt where necessary. Enjoy relaxing with close relatives or neighbors who feel more like friends. Harmonious colors are champagne and rose. Lucky numbers are 38 and 32.
Make an effort to get on well with older friends and relatives today, especially if they can sometimes be slightly tricky. You shouldn't have any problems with them right now, particularly if you go out of your way to understand their point of view and listen to what they're saying. If you offer to do them a favor or help them out in some way, then so much the better. Beneficial colors are smoky quartz and smouldering purple. Lucky numbers are 20 and 27.
Do yourself a favor and devote some time to activities that make your world go round. Why not get busy with a favourite occupation or make a point of seeing one of the most important people in your life. This is definitely a day for pampering yourself, even if all you can do is buy yourself a bar of chocolate or have a long soak in the bath. It's quality rather than quantity that counts now! Indulgent colors are shell pink and deep purple. Lucky numbers are 39 and 58.
Are you eager to show a certain person you're on side right now, especially if you think they're being treated unfairly for some reason. You might want to give your emotional support or encourage them yet again to tell you all about it. They'll appreciate knowing that they have your backing. Beneficial colors are smoky quartz and dark pink. Lucky numbers are 29 and 66.
You're feeling very sympathetic towards the plight of others today and will do your best to help anyone who's going through a bad time. You may even know that someone is in trouble without them having to tell you because somehow you'll pick it up through their mood or body language. But you must remember that while you can sympathize, you may not be able to wave a magic wand and make everything better. Positive colors are amber and white. Lucky numbers are 9 and 30.
Are you gripped by wishful thinking today? In a reflective and wistful mood, you might spend a lot of time thinking about the past, even leafing through some precious keepsakes. However, it's important that you come down to earth when dealing with anything practical to avoid making a wrong decision or convincing yourself that a fantasy is actually true. Auspicious colors are lavender and dark red. Lucky numbers are 19 and 43.

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