Born between: August 23rd - Sep 22nd
Dedicated and accomplished are the best ways to describe a Virgo as they have profound morals and are often initiative. However those born under the Virgo star sign need to take extra care to control their temper and be patient.
Take a step back today, Virgo, and sink into a light and dreamy fantasy world that is pleasing to you. You will find that beautiful objects and sweet fragrances catch your attention. Go shopping or indulge in a gourmet meal. The time is right to keep things open and social. Have fun and focus on your partnerships with others instead of your tendency to lead or dominate.
You may feel a bit lazy and unmotivated today, Virgo. It could be hard to drag yourself out of bed. In terms of love and romance, there's apt to be some tension, as one part of you wants to make plans while another part is feeling up in the air and in the clouds. These two different viewpoints might make it difficult to make a move in any one direction.
There's a need for decisive action today, Virgo, and you're the one fit for the job. Strong wills and forceful opinions will win out. Others aren't likely to be easily manipulated. Everyone has a voice, and they won't be afraid to use it. Make sure that you speak up on your behalf or your best interests may be lost. Stand up for yourself. It's now or never.
The planetary aspects are going to have a big impact on you today, Virgo. This isn't the time to fear the future. Rather, it's a time to make it happen. The action you take right now will be instrumental in your future. Will there be enough of us walking toward the future? Virgo will be at the head of the pack in any case, as always.
It's time to take some time out of your busy day for your personal life, Virgo. One of your family members or friends may need to talk to you, and you need to listen attentively to what they have to say. You need to use all your wonderful energy to get down to the heart of the matter. Who knows? You may discover some hidden treasures along the way.
You tend to think of yourself as a lone warrior, Virgo. Today your efforts over the last few weeks pay off. You've found your place in a group of people. You may even call it a family. You now have a place to come home to, whether it's to celebrate your victories or lick your wounds. If you could just open up to other people, you'd soon find that you have more than one safe haven.
There's a lethargic pace to the day that might leave you frustrated, Virgo. It may seem as if things aren't progressing as quickly as you'd like. Don't be seduced by the idea that everything needs to get done sooner. Faster isn't necessarily better. Focus on quality and efficiency. Examine what could be considered wasteful action. Streamline your daily routine.
Now isn't the time to prove to people that you're the boss, Virgo. They would surely become defensive. You're much better off taking a sensitive, nurturing approach on a day like today. Focus your fire internally and use it to drive your own engine. Don't run over anyone else in the process or try to run their engine for them.
Get excited because this is going to be one great day! Everything will go your way. It will seem as if you simply can't lose. At work, team members look to you as the leader. At home, family members express gratitude and affection. You may be tempted to try this luck at the casino, but don't be impulsive. You're already a winner. You've earned this shining moment.
There's a carefree, almost childlike atmosphere to today that suits you just fine, Virgo. You've been working extraordinarily hard lately and need to relax and unwind a bit. This is a day for doing cartwheels across an open field. You aren't the only one who feels this way - it's positively contagious. Make the most of this wonderful feeling. This is a day for play not work.
You may feel a bit sluggish today, Virgo. Your warrior spirit would rather stay home on the couch than get up and fight. This is fine. You may simply need a break from your quest for world domination. Remember that a good leader also takes the time to sit back and reflect on recent events in order to make better plans for the future.
Listen to what other people say to you today, Virgo. There are valuable experiences waiting around the corner. The important thing to do now is recognize opportunities when they arise. The road to success isn't always well marked. Take a chance on the road with no signs at all. You have the courage and pioneering spirit to pursue the adventurous route, so go for it.
Today you will be able to explore the power of your emotions. Don't try and fight what you call your "oversensitivity." A force from childhood will permeate you and help you to find out what your real needs are. Shouldn't you think about staying away from people who influence you a little too much? Think about it and go with your emotions.
Today's planetary positions urge you to assert yourself, Virgo, but take care not to take this encouragement too far. You tend to go a bit overboard when making a point. There are times (and this is one) when subtlety is more powerful. Try being low key and open rather than uptight and defensive. You have a warm personality, so why not let others experience it?
You can't spend all your time running from one activity to the next, Virgo. You need to take a break from time to time. You have all the energy you need, but you should think about relaxing yourself as a whole. Your body may need its batteries recharged. Pretty soon you will be in the thick of the action and you will need all the energy you can get.
Things should flow extremely well for you, Virgo. Load your engine with extra fuel, because you will be burning red hot. Don't let anything stand in your way. By all means, fight for what you need. There's a great deal of power behind your emotions, and you will find that the intensity of your feelings is real and courageous whether you're laughing or crying.
Give it a rest today, Virgo. Recharge your batteries. Stick close to home and take a load off your feet. Convince someone to give you a massage, or better yet, go to a professional. You deserve a break. Once you're restored, consider all the ramifications of whatever actions you take before you start. Plan your moves carefully. Be strong and decisive not rash and frantic.
The earlier portion of the day is apt to flow much more smoothly than the later part, Virgo. You should get things solidified right off the bat, if possible. Things will be a bit more relaxed and free flowing in the morning, but become a bit more restrictive as the evening sets in. Don't go to bed without making a plan for what you want to accomplish over the next few days.
Try not to be too arrogant today, Virgo, even when you're utterly sure you're right about the given situation. More than likely, you have the correct answers, but it isn't necessary to be strident about it. Unexpected events are coming your way, and you may find that someone is toying with your emotions. Be on guard for people who may want to ruffle your feathers.
There's apt to be tension between your heart and your general mood, Virgo. Your romantic nature will incline you to adopt a selfish, impatient attitude, while the prevailing tone of the day calls for peace and balance. Try to maintain an equal amount of give and take. There's enough love to go around. Don't feel like you need to be possessive in order to maintain others' loyalty.
The weightiness of the past few days seems to be lifting. You will find a slight breeze building that will help fuel your fire, Virgo. By building a solid foundation, you've created a reliable launching pad from which to take off. Communicate what you've learned with others. Allow your opinion to be heard. A great deal of useful information will be exchanged.
Calm down and get centered, Virgo. This is an extremely sensual day that's likely to pique your emotions. You're apt to receive input from each one of your senses, so keep these channels open and available for new information that's trying to break through. Don't be hasty. You're better off taking a reserved, receptive approach today.
A sudden, irritating interruption in your routine could come your way today, Virgo. A friend may need some advice, and you could feel obliged to give it, which would put your own projects on hold for a while. Don't be too irritated with this person, however. You might regret it later. You might also have some troubles with computers, cell phones, or other forms of technology.
A new friend could arrive today, Virgo. You're probably going to like this person very much. He or she probably shares many of your interests. You could become close friends. The downside is that you aren't likely to see anyone as they really are, only an idealized picture. When you meet this person, try to see the real person behind the mask and accept them as they are.
Someone you think of as a friend may prove less than trustworthy today, Virgo. There are indications of deception all around you. Perhaps someone is keeping something from you or telling outright lies. Don't be too suspicious of anyone but check the facts of a situation before you take someone's word for anything. It's always best to do that anyway.
Virgo, no one has ever accused you of being overly diplomatic. In fact, since you have no compunction about saying what you think, your mouth regularly gets you into trouble. It's true that your verbal outbursts often relieve tension in tight situations, but there are times when kind words are a more effective way to get a point across. Why not try it?
Don't try to control what happens today, Virgo, because you won't be able to fathom what's going on. How could it be otherwise when collective currents are interfering with your life? You may do some soul-searching because you may feel that you're only a grain of sand in a vast universe. Don't spend too much time staring at your belly button. Look around you for some of the answers.
You will find that the more peaceful and understanding you are today, Virgo, the better off you will be in general. Doors will open and people will welcome you with great fanfare. Be the diplomat instead of the warrior. Focus on the positive aspects of the equation instead of the negative. Luck and prosperity will come your way when you have this attitude wherever you go.
You will find that discipline, organization, and a bit of a dramatic flair are exactly the things needed to be successful today, Virgo. Just because you have to be practical doesn't mean that you have to be stern and grumpy. Remember that taking care of serious matters can actually be fun as long as you maintain a positive attitude about the situation. A smile goes a long way.
Latch on to the expansiveness that comes when you connect with others in the social arena, Virgo. Communication is a key part of the day. You will find that if you go with the flow, you will land exactly where you need to be. Take the adventurous route and feel free to skip around from one thing to another. There's no need to pin yourself down to only one way of doing something.
You're apt to be in a romantic mood today, Virgo. Your whole being may revolve around love and romance. You will find that your romanticism is heightened. This is a terrific day to snuggle up to a loved one and share intimate moments and passionate kisses. Pamper yourself with a hot bath and try to make someone else happy.