Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

Your brain and warrior instincts agree today, Aquarius. Team up with others who share similar thoughts and desires. Conversations can be extremely rewarding. You're apt to learn a lot about yourself. Don't be afraid to share deep thoughts and emotions. Your willingness to express yourself demonstrates how comfortable you are with your actions and feelings.
You seem to be filled with questions, Aquarius. Some of them are big, some trivial. All you know is that they preoccupy you, and the answers aren't readily apparent. Don't fret. All that will change by day's end. The planetary configurations are such that all the confusing events of recent days will begin to make sense. Your world will once again seem calm and orderly. Enjoy it.
This is going to be a rather intense day, Aquarius. On the positive side, you'll accomplish a lot. On the less positive side, you may be exhausted by the end of the day. You're advised to try and pace yourself. Remain focused on what's truly important rather than let yourself get caught up in trivia. Keep the big picture in mind and the little things will take care of themselves.
Regardless of how you feel today, Aquarius, it's important to own up to your mistakes. Keep in mind that you're responsible for your actions. No matter how much you might want to shrink away, it's important to stand up and admit your weaknesses. Take bold action today in which you command control of the situation and hold yourself responsible for the consequences.
You'll find that your brain is extra sharp today and you have a greater sense of clarity regarding your purpose in life. It could be that your nurturing instinct is high and your general self-esteem depends on how useful you can be to the people around you. It may seem as if you're everyone's parent or watchful older sibling. Give people the advice they need to grow and be wiser.
Today you should work to tune into the larger, slower-moving trends in your life, Aquarius. Consider making some long-term monetary and emotional investments. There is a great deal of prosperity available to you now, but beware of deception on the part of others. Watch out for fast talkers and people who promise everything yet deliver nothing. Have confidence that you can decipher what's real and what isn't.
You might have to do a bit of adjusting today in order to experience a harmonious understanding with the people around you, Aquarius. Adopt a feistier and more aggressive attitude toward love and romance if you want to receive any attention in that area. Feel free to go for the gold. Sitting back and lying low will most likely get you nowhere. Take the initiative. Be brave and go out on a limb.
Don't be so nosy about others' affairs today, Aquarius. If you were meant to be included in the conversation, you'd have been invited. Suspicion of other people's actions and motives will only cause them to lose their trust in you. Keep any abrasive and critical thoughts to yourself. Perfection is a hot topic in your mind. Realize that the only person you can control in that department is you.
Your brain is likely to be working overtime, Aquarius. Things were going along just fine until you suddenly ran into an unexpected snag that kept you from where you want to be. It's as if the hamster wheel you've been running on suddenly jammed. Even though you're still working just as hard, the wheel simply won't turn. Perhaps it's time to step off and take a break. Get some perspective.
Things should be going your way right now, Aquarius. Feel confident about yourself and your decisions. Let your inner glow radiate outward and show people that you have a great deal of love to offer. Practice what you preach. You lose respect when you act contrary to the way in which you insist the people around you act. Feel your power from within as opposed to trying to get it from others.
You might surprise a few people with your words and actions, which could seem out of character for you, Aquarius. Don't be surprised if you don't think or act like your normal self. There is a streak of the oddball inside you that wants to have its day in the spotlight. Let that part of you shine through by wearing your plaid pants with a polka dot shirt and furry orange hat. Wear bright, expressive colors that show off your willingness to stand out in a crowd.
Here's a reminder that it's OK to be you. You may feel more centered than usual, which encourages you to stand up for yourself and say the things you must to people who need to hear them. There may have been recent arguments with a partner, but those should subside now, thanks to today's serene feelings. Perhaps you've gained greater insight into the cause of the tension. Share this with the person you've been arguing with.
New opportunities to advance your professional standing may arise, Aquarius. The aspects bode well for business and money. Promising new projects may present themselves. Your tendency to serve and nurture others should strengthen your work relationships, so morale on the job takes a tangible upswing at this time. Warmth and affection for friends, children, romantic partners, and even casual acquaintances should increase and enhance relationships.
You may be feeling a bit reserved today, Aquarius, especially when it comes to issues involving love and romance. Follow your instincts and know that your hesitation isn't unfounded. Sometimes it's good to slow down and question the road you're on. Just don't doubt yourself to the point that you become too frustrated that you can't take the next big step forward.
You may be in an especially nurturing mood today, Aquarius. You might reach out to every living thing around you, from plants to pets to friends, children, and romantic partners. There's a danger of being too helpful and supportive, which some could find stifling. Your loved ones like to see you relaxed and happy, so channel some energy into indulging yourself. Go for a massage or other treat. Live a little!
New communications equipment may make whatever work you do that much easier to do, Aquarius. You might have some doubts about your ability to use it, but don't worry. You'll be able to deal with it as well as anyone. You'll find that it will open up new doors for you, both with regard to compiling information and staying in contact with old and new friends. Go to it!
Today might be a bit difficult, Aquarius, because you aren't likely to be as productive as usual. You won't have much to say, and you'll feel sleepy and somewhat grumpy. In other words, it's the perfect day to go back to bed with that novel. Take a nap - or several naps - and follow your desire to do as little as possible. There will be plenty of time to catch up on work.
Relations with those you care about continue to be warm and supportive. Friends may want to pitch in and help you with a project, Aquarius, or you could lend a hand to someone else. Strong bonds with others could be forged at this time, which might lead to firm and lasting friendships in the future. This is also a good day to turn your attention to repairing, redecorating, or refurnishing your home.
Your financial affairs could look especially rosy now, Aquarius. Some benefits are definitely coming your way, although everything isn't quite as promising as it seems. You could well find yourself with less than you were hoping for. Think of whatever gain may be coming as something extra, but don't count on it. That way, whatever comes will be a welcome bonus rather than an irritating disappointment.
The possibility of some future houseguests might have you checking your home to see what needs to be done to make it presentable. It may need a few minor repairs, Aquarius, and you could do some online shopping to dress the place up a little. Books might give you some workable ideas. Your mind might be working more quickly than your body, however. Take care not to push yourself too hard.
Your slow and steady approach may need a sharp kick in the pants today, Aquarius. Don't withhold your opinions. This is a time to get it all out on the table, despite the tension that it may cause. Strong forces are at work, so don't be surprised if things get a bit more heated than you're used to. The fact is that incredible breakthroughs can be made through disagreements among different types of people.
It may be difficult to stay grounded today with all the information flying around and the emotions roiling in your heart. Try not to take things too seriously, Aquarius. This is the key to maintaining a level head throughout the day. Do things with passion and take care of any detective work that needs to be done. There are important facts coming to you from unexpected sources.
This is a great day to develop any latent talents you've wanted to explore, Aquarius, particularly those involving the arts. You might want to try working with friends who have the same talent. This could not only lead to some good advice but also bring you two closer. However, this isn't a good day to deal with practical paperwork, so let that sort of thing go for a little while.
Come out of serious mode for a day and let yourself laugh, Aquarius. Sponsor a game night at your home and invite some good friends over to play cards and nibble on snacks until midnight, if possible. This is a day to have fun, so let loose and be free to express yourself in the best way you see fit. Realize how much power you have in your jovial nature.
You'll find little comfort in your emotions today, Aquarius. You may want to simply stick to business. Concentrate on getting things done in your regular routine. Create a plan and stick to it. This isn't a day to deviate from the norm, nor is it a time in which you'll find sympathy from others. Stick close to home and take care of your personal business. Time is precious - don't waste it.
Act on your instincts today, Aquarius, and you won't go wrong. You may need to give up a bit of control and put logical thinking aside for the day. Let the wind take you where it wants you to go. Explore your mind and its interactions with others. You'll find that it will be just about impossible to solidify any plans. You're better off exploring options and comparing notes with others. Don't pigeonhole yourself into one way of thinking.
Your Florence Nightingale side might make an appearance today, Aquarius. Your default defense is to take care of yourself and others. That's fine, but make sure you do it in a way that doesn't deplete your vital life force. The key is to offer advice and then leave the situation. You aren't responsible for others' actions. Offer information but leave the final decision up to the person you're trying to help.
Mix your reality with a bit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allow your feet to come off the ground for a little while. Give yourself a rest. Take some time to meditate and clear your mind of your daily worries. Calming, relaxing activities are the best way to spend the day. Spend time communicating with friends and feel free to go deep into conversations regarding outlandish subjects. Allow yourself to dream.
You may have found yourself having some issues with food lately, Aquarius. It could be that your sense of self-worth isn't at its highest and you're trying to make up for it by sabotaging your relationship with your body. Food is healthy nourishment that you need to survive. Your body deserves respect. You need to always give it the proper fuel that it requires to be healthy.
A great deal of attention will center on your emotions today, Aquarius, although being centered in and of itself will be quite the challenge. You may feel like a yo-yo at the mercy of someone else's hand. Don't fall prey to victimization. Stand up for yourself even if it means that others are likely to get upset. You're responsible for your feelings and no one else's.
Your solid footing may become a bit unstable today, Aquarius, but don't worry about it. Be a little more flexible and release your tightfisted grip on the situation. Infuse a bit of laughter and playfulness into things. You'll find that the exchange of ideas is a critical part of the day. Get out of the house and enjoy lighthearted conversations whenever possible.

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