Gemini's Horoscopes |



Born between: May 21st - June 20th

Adaptability is a Gemini's greatest strength which has positives for the workplace. Whilst their affection and imagination provides more great qualities; the negative of a Gemini is that they can be pessimism however they thrive on others optimistic nature.

A war could be brewing in your world today, Gemini. Emotionally charged arguments shoot back and forth with conviction. Try not to get discouraged. Don't burn any bridges either. Remember that your words may fall on extremely sensitive ears, so use them with care. There's a very active part of your psyche that needs to be heard. Feel free to say your peace openly and honestly.
This is a day to be up front with your partner, Gemini. It's possible that your relationship has reached some sort of stalemate. It's up to you to get that fire burning brightly once again. How? You know the drill - romantic time alone is all it takes. A nice outfit, a reservation at the best restaurant, and you and your mate are back in business.
You've made progress these past few weeks, especially where your temper is concerned, Gemini. It has taken some effort, but it does seem that you can overcome your tendency to speak before thinking. Don't lose the ground you've gained. There's one person whose mission seems to be to make you explode. Don't let him or her rankle you. Take a deep breath and rise above it.
There's a great deal of fun to be had today, Gemini. Money isn't always necessary to make this happen, however. In fact, money isn't a great way to keep score. Consider the sacrifices you make each time you strive to earn more cash. There's a dynamic feeling in the air today that's asking you to expand your mind in order to consider other ways to have fun.
Be careful about being too critical today, Gemini. You're likely to turn people away if you aren't careful with how you express yourself. This is a good time to listen and receive as opposed to deliver information. Let things stew in your head for a while before you make any major decisions. You're likelier to find a greater balance in the situation if you slow down and back off a bit.
Stick to the tried and true today, Gemini. Don't be afraid to make any last-minute changes of plan. Compliment others when they do something well, and show appreciation for their positive qualities. You'll gain their respect. Celebrate the small things in life and appreciate all that you have - physically as well as emotionally. Let other people share in your warm and generous spirit.
You may not understand what all the fuss is about today, Gemini. Suddenly there's a fire burning all around and you may be left questioning the motivations behind others' actions. You may not be able to make heads or tails of the situation, so don't waste your time trying to figure it all out. Let it be. Take a hint from others that you may need to add a bit of spark to your life to spice things up a bit.
If you aren't paying close attention today, Gemini, you might miss what's said. Important information is being relayed quickly, so don't miss out on the action. It may not be important for you to agree with everything you hear, but at least listen to it and seriously consider incorporating elements into your point of view. Don't dismiss other opinions just because they're new and different from your own.
You may be overwhelmed by an onslaught of communication from someone you didn't expect to hear from, Gemini. It could be that this person suddenly puts a monkey wrench in your plans. It's important to adapt and allow for the constant changes that are bound to come your way. Don't get so hung up on a certain way of doing things that you fail to see the wisdom in a new and different approach.
Things should be flowing quite well for you today, Gemini. Take this opportunity and use the energy to its full potential. Center yourself and look at the weeks ahead. Where do you want to be in two months? Where do you want to be in two years? Now is the time to take stock of what you've got and plan for future growth. You have a great deal going for you, so don't waste your time on frivolity.
It's OK to change your opinion, Gemini. You may pride yourself on being the solid one who always has an answer or knows exactly where to go. You may look upon others as flaky, indecisive, or fickle. It's important that you not shut down your thinking after making a decision about something. Keep your mind open to changes that occur around you and maybe you'll have a change of heart.
You're apt to feel more talkative than usual, Gemini. There are many times when you may shrink from a situation in disgust or perhaps boredom. You're usually anxious to move from one scene and get on with the next. Feel free to call the shots and speak your mind. Others are more likely to listen to what you have to say, so be honest when someone comes to you with a question or situation that he or she needs help with.
This day bodes well for accomplishments in business and finance. Long-term investments of either time or funds may finally pay off. New opportunities could come your way. This is a better time to complete old projects than start new ones, Gemini, but if you must, new projects started now should be successful. Celebrate by treating yourself to new clothes. Wear them for a longtime friend or lover this evening.
It's important for you not to overanalyze every little detail of your situation now, Gemini, especially when it comes to love and romance issues. You could be jumping to ridiculous conclusions based purely on circumstantial evidence. Don't lose sleep over things that you don't even know to be true. Release your stranglehold on certain issues and concentrate on simply rebuilding your own self-confidence.
Ingenious techniques for growing your money could come your way today, Gemini. While you aren't one to jump into anything, you're certainly likely to give these ideas serious thought. Take care to only go for those that are totally up front, with no hidden sides. Your passion for delving into new professional fields is only surpassed by your romantic passions. Plan a seductive evening with a partner. Make it a night to remember!
Hard work on a particular enterprise for too long a time could finally lead to an increase in income, Gemini. Creativity or innovation could be involved. Don't be surprised if you find yourself on the receiving end of compliments. You'll be feeling proud and confident, and you certainly have good reason. Buy yourself a present. Take your partner out for a celebration. You deserve it.
There are days when you feel wonderful without being able to attribute the feeling to any real event. Of course, your rational mind will search for a reason for the happiness. If you count the number of times when you do things against your will or better judgment, it becomes obvious that logic and reason don't always apply to this world. Don't even try to understand, Gemini, just enjoy!
A male friend could put you in touch with people from foreign countries or people who have traveled a lot. They might have valuable information that you could use later. This information could also help you finish old projects that have been waiting to be done. Your eye for detail is especially acute, Gemini. Make notes of interesting facts even if they don't apply right now. You'll make good use of them later.
With the current aspects at play, Gemini, you could find that the hard work you've done in the past finally brings financial rewards. This will make you very happy, but don't get carried away and go on a spending spree! Treat yourself a little. Celebrate with a friend, if possible. Take care to exercise a little good sense. You don't want to buy too much and have to take a lot of it back to the store.
Your mind is especially sharp, Gemini. You're logical and objective by nature. However, today you're likely to find that your thinking is more influenced by feeling than usual. This is a positive development. It demonstrates that your intuition is operating at a high level, so don't fight it. This is definitely the day to follow your heart rather than your head.
You may be a bit daunted by the frenzy of energy present in the air today, Gemini. Try not to get thrown off balance by others who may be more abrasive than usual. Use this as a time of release for yourself. By letting others open up the cold, hard truth to you, you have the opportunity to let out your own truth as well. Unexpected events are likely to come on the scene.
You're likely to face conflicting reports today, Gemini. Information may be tainted with emotion, so be careful about going with the choice that shouts the loudest. You may be getting secretly pigeonholed into a place where you don't want to be. Heed the internal warnings you receive. This is a good day to do things passionately. Take care of any detective work that needs doing.
It's likely that the previous few days have been especially hectic, Gemini. Today you're apt to entertain a few daydreams about getting away from it all. Perhaps there's another field that you've wanted to pursue. You might actually think seriously about it now. Don't make any plans until you're back in the material world. You might feel too fanciful to be your usual practical self.
Take time out from your work today and relax a little, Gemini. Let your romantic nature have some fun and don't feel guilty about not being as serious as you think you should be. The winner of the day is the one who can smile the most, so enter this contest with the intent of coming out on top. The rewards will last a long time. Those you encounter won't be able to help smiling back.
You may feel a sense of restriction to the day, but in truth, this is for your own good, Gemini. You'll find that your acute sense of discipline comes in handy today as you tackle work with incredible enthusiasm. Your goals aren't far from your grasp. Stay focused, and don't let the ticking clock pressure you. Hastiness will lead to careless mistakes. If you're going to do a job, do it right.
If you're talking about another person today, Gemini, make sure you aren't saying anything that would be upsetting if they were standing right there. Gossip may be running rampant, but that's no excuse for you to contribute to it. Be aware that what you say has a strong impact on the people around you and is likely to reach many more ears than you may think.
Don't automatically assume that you can work out all your problems by yourself, Gemini. Just the act of talking things over with others can help shed light on a situation that was baffling you earlier. Enlist the help of others in areas where you need help. Don't be ashamed to ask for assistance. We all have problems and issues to deal with. You aren't alone.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act on them, Gemini. No one else is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take matters into your own hands. Realize, however, that you can get there many different ways. The first step is to believe in yourself. Anything is possible. Today is a great day to let your imagination call the shots.
Don't run away from tension today, Gemini. Any sort of emotional stress you feel will be compounded tremendously if it isn't dealt with right away. Be in the moment while the moment is here. The more you face in the present, the less you'll regret in the future. Clear up any sticky situation that arises and move forward. People may not understand your needs and concerns until you verbalize them clearly.
Enlist the help of others today, Gemini. You'll find that information exchange is the key to putting the last few puzzle pieces into place. Doing things on your own is important and necessary. At some point you need to realize that the next major step requires a certain amount of input from others. Gather data and apply it to your situation. Don't become a leach or burden to others.
Take a break from your steady climb today and have a look at the world around you, Gemini. Enjoy a night out with friends, if possible, and take an active role in the conversation. You'll find that the more socializing you do (even if its remotely), the more you'll be able to release some of the tension that you might not even realize you have. Get the energy moving again. Take an active role in keeping up with the beat.

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