Images's Horoscopes |



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An inner voice is warning you to slow down, Cancer. It's probably best if you take a break and let someone else take the lead. Concentrate on matters at home and take care of issues that crop up among loved ones. It's quite possible that an argument is brewing. Whether you realize it or not, there are serious issues that need to be addressed.
A war could be brewing in your world today, Gemini. Emotionally charged arguments shoot back and forth with conviction. Try not to get discouraged. Don't burn any bridges either. Remember that your words may fall on extremely sensitive ears, so use them with care. There's a very active part of your psyche that needs to be heard. Feel free to say your peace openly and honestly.
Don't worry about not being on the right path, Taurus, because you are. You seem to always be in the right place at the right time. There's no need to feel regret or shame about things that have happened in the past. Turn negative experiences into lessons for a better future. Even though you may not be able to change a certain situation, you can at least change your reaction to it.
Have no fear today, Aries. You have the power and mental capacity to cut through just about anything. Don't let fear or regret hold you back. Clear the path and be strong in your approach to the new and different. Stay on target and be bold in your actions. You have the ability to conquer new literal and figurative lands. Release mental blocks that might hinder your success.
Think before you act today, Virgo. Rash moves are likely to get you into trouble. An annoying interruption in your daily routine could throw you off guard. Sit down and think about the situation before you act too hastily. Bumps in the road are often messages from the universe that you're moving too quickly and carelessly. It's time to slow down.
Today is a great day to act on things that have been brewing in your brain for quite some time, Libra. Perhaps you've been feeling unsure of yourself. It's OK to surrender and admit that you just don't have all the answers. Use this as an opportunity to restructure and rebuild. Embrace the unknown rather than fear or resist it. This is a great time to move toward it.
Be a bit more sensitive with your words today, Scorpio. Your mind is apt to be especially active and even a bit restless. This is more than likely a signal to get more of your opinions out into the world. As you do, make sure you consider the feelings of others. People might have quite a different reaction to the same situation. Respect opposing viewpoints.
Your mind is clear and your sensitivity focused, Sagittarius. Now is a good time to make a move. Don't let insecurity or fear keep you from pursuing your dreams. Realize that action you take today doesn't need to be a bold outward movement in order to be effective. In truth, quite the contrary is true. You can accomplish a great deal by turning thought and energy inward.
Cool your jets today, Capricorn. This is a good time to stop and focus on you. Make sure to give your body the respect it deserves. Make sure you're fostering the kind of character you wish to become. Base your self-image on something internal rather than an external craving for attention from others. Your true beauty lies within.
Your brain and warrior instincts agree today, Aquarius. Team up with others who share similar thoughts and desires. Conversations can be extremely rewarding. You're apt to learn a lot about yourself. Don't be afraid to share deep thoughts and emotions. Your willingness to express yourself demonstrates how comfortable you are with your actions and feelings.
Something or someone could confront you today, Pisces. Try not to assume things about the situation before you know all the facts. If a piece of the puzzle is still in question, face the issue right away. Your sensitivity is precious, whether you realize it or not. Small things can slowly eat away at your psyche until they're addressed and dealt with.
Today is a fantastic day to take action, Leo. Your eagerness to strike out for new territory is heightened by a drive to experience the unknown. Take an internal journey and see what kind of wonderful things you can discover. There's a tremendous strength inside you that doesn't always get to show itself. This is the perfect day to prove your courage to the world.
Your ego may be bruised by events from a few days back. Has it occurred to you that it's within your power to right the wrong you feel was done to you? It isn't a matter of confrontation but of conversation. The person in question is probably unaware of what they did or said. An expression of your dismay might elicit an apology. You'll both feel better for having cleared the air.
You're an individual, Pisces, but sometimes it's hard for you to suppress your uniqueness in order to get the job done. It may not be you. The problem may be your job. If you're feeling like you don't have enough fun in your life or you aren't using the full potential of your creativity, this might be a good time to make a change - a big change. You're ready to take on new challenges.
You seem to be filled with questions, Aquarius. Some of them are big, some trivial. All you know is that they preoccupy you, and the answers aren't readily apparent. Don't fret. All that will change by day's end. The planetary configurations are such that all the confusing events of recent days will begin to make sense. Your world will once again seem calm and orderly. Enjoy it.
Whether you acknowledge it or not, Capricorn, creation is the central theme of your life. If you aren't an artist or writer, you should be. There are plenty of creative ideas in your head clamoring to be expressed. Why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose, and you may be astonished by what you're able to produce. Your brain does have two sides. It's time to use both.
Separate the wheat from the chaff today. Look at your relationships and decide who your true friends are. You're loyal, which is to your credit, but why be loyal to people who don't return it? You've given these so-called friends plenty of chances to demonstrate their affection. It's time to let them fall by the wayside and free up time to spend with your real friends.
Finally, Scorpio, you'll be able to breathe a long overdue sigh of relief. It's likely that you've been worried about your finances for some time. Well, you need worry no longer. The events of today either put you back in the black or show you a clear path to get there. You've been working hard to resolve these financial matters. You can now start working smarter.
If you follow your instincts and dare to take some risks, Libra, you'll be handsomely rewarded. You have the capability to make a good project great. Do your best not to get distracted today. Keep your eye on the big picture rather than let yourself get bogged down in details. You'll find that when you take care of the big issues, the little ones take care of themselves.
You're a dreamer at heart, Virgo. You prefer not to think about material things. That explains why you tend to forget groceries or dry cleaning. You're happiest if things get done for you. But circumstances today will force you to handle some of these mundane chores. You'll feel better by day's end just knowing you can be self-sufficient even if you don't want to be.
There's tension in the air today, Leo. Even though it isn't your doing, you may want to keep a low profile, especially if you need to work. Try to avoid any discussions. Just because someone is confrontational doesn't mean you have to rise to the bait. It would be better if you didn't. Keep to yourself and all of this will blow over by tomorrow when it will be safe to mingle again.
This is a day of untold opportunity, Cancer. If you've been concerned that you haven't been using your full creative potential, you can put that concern to rest today. Your creativity is boundless and you'll finally realize it. Be on the lookout for any unusual opportunities. Someone or something you encounter could have meaningful ripple effects on you.
This is a day to be up front with your partner, Gemini. It's possible that your relationship has reached some sort of stalemate. It's up to you to get that fire burning brightly once again. How? You know the drill - romantic time alone is all it takes. A nice outfit, a reservation at the best restaurant, and you and your mate are back in business.
Today's planetary configurations are pushing you to get some perspective on your life and the lives of people closest to you, Taurus. You must admit that you've been rather selfish lately. You aren't the center of the universe, so why do you sometimes act like you are? This is a day to make amends with friends and loved ones. They'll welcome you back with open arms.
You're incredibly productive, with good business sense, Libra. However, lately you may have felt dissatisfied with where you are in life. As you look around, you might wish you had more possessions to show for all your hard work. Don't pursue this line of thought. Real value comes from relationships and the pride you get from doing a job well. A new car or fancy clothes may lift your spirits, but it's superficial.
Today it's important that you make your own decisions and stick with them, Pisces. Much as you prefer to depend on others, your judgment really is best. You'll be paralyzed if you think only of how others will react to your decisions. You do know what is best, and everyone will benefit when you act on your beliefs. This is no time to be wishy-washy. Just do it.
This is going to be a rather intense day, Aquarius. On the positive side, you'll accomplish a lot. On the less positive side, you may be exhausted by the end of the day. You're advised to try and pace yourself. Remain focused on what's truly important rather than let yourself get caught up in trivia. Keep the big picture in mind and the little things will take care of themselves.
You have a passionate nature, Capricorn. Sometimes it's difficult for you when other people don't share your exuberance. This is a good time to tone things down a notch. There's some tension in the air, and your enthusiasm only serves to annoy rather than charm, as it usually does. Don't pout. It's only temporary. Tomorrow you'll be the center of attention again and bestowing hugs and kisses to all.
This is the beginning of an exciting period in your love life, Sagittarius. Your relationship with a significant other may have been in a rut lately, but that's about to change. Both of you are ready for something big. Perhaps a move is in store or you could both decide commit to one another more permanently. Follow your instincts, because they'll lead you where you're meant to go.
You have a keen analytical mind that has served you well in business. Alas, Scorpio, this characteristic doesn't always serve you well in your personal life. It's likely that someone close has bristled from your lack of empathy. Take time to reflect upon the events of the past few weeks. Did you inadvertently send a wrong message? Correct any unintentional slights. A simple "I'm sorry," will do wonders.
Don't try to force anything or anyone right now, Virgo. You'll find that today's elements are just as stubborn as you are. Today's planetary configurations will force you to finally start to turn your dreams into reality, whether you want to or not. Face it - you've been planning for a long time without making much concrete progress. All that is about to change.
This isn't the most cheerful time, Leo, because important issues are rearing their heads again and forcing you to address them. You'd rather not, but you can't wish them away. The time has come to deal with them once and for all. It's especially important that you make an effort to make your home life more positive and upbeat. Your loved ones look to you to set the tone.
This is likely to be an intense day, Cancer. Family and friends may seem testy, so you're advised to stay out of their way. Don't worry - it isn't anything you've done. It's the planetary energy. If you can go someplace private and shut the door, do it. If someone tries to pick a fight, don't rise to the bait. Tomorrow the air will clear and good spirits will reign again.
You've made progress these past few weeks, especially where your temper is concerned, Gemini. It has taken some effort, but it does seem that you can overcome your tendency to speak before thinking. Don't lose the ground you've gained. There's one person whose mission seems to be to make you explode. Don't let him or her rankle you. Take a deep breath and rise above it.
Much has happened recently, Taurus. Have you allowed enough time to process it? It's likely that big changes are brewing at home or work. Stay focused on the job at hand rather than fret about events over which you have no control. You may feel as if you're on a roller-coaster ride, but everything will settle down in a few days. Blink to adjust your eyes to the strange new light.
You're a dreamer, Aries. Everyone loves you for it, but today the planetary aspects urge practicality. There are personal issues to resolve, and it does no good to have your head in the clouds. This is a time to focus on loved ones. Perhaps your partner or your children feel neglected. Do whatever is necessary to let your family know you're available and eager to give them what they need.
There's a great deal of fuel to keep your fire raging today, Virgo. Powerful situations are apt to come your way in which you're asked to take decisive action. Don't shy away from added responsibility. Your ego is very strong, which helps you take charge of any situation. Just make sure that you don't step on anyone's toes in the process.
You should always leave a loved one with loving words, Sagittarius. Each time you exit a room, consider that you're never going to enter that room again. Perhaps you'll never see those people again. Make sure you take care of the people you like. People might need extra attention today to feel appreciated and important to you. Cuddle up to the people who mean the most to you.
It's a long road to becoming exactly the person you want to be, Scorpio. You can't change who you are. Input from every person you know and lessons from every bump in the road contribute to who you are as a person. Be proud of yourself, but also realize that there's a great deal more internal development that needs to be done. Meditate or be alone for a little while.
There's a great deal of fun to be had today, Gemini. Money isn't always necessary to make this happen, however. In fact, money isn't a great way to keep score. Consider the sacrifices you make each time you strive to earn more cash. There's a dynamic feeling in the air today that's asking you to expand your mind in order to consider other ways to have fun.
Remember that the important thing isn't necessarily what you're doing but the people you're with, Cancer. There's a great deal of passion in the air today that you can latch onto and put to good use. Have fun and remember to smile. You can make a great deal of progress toward your goals as long as you stay motivated. Connect with others and feel the strength of shared resources.
You could learn a tough lesson today, Leo. More than likely, the harder the message hits you, the more important it was for you to hear. It's important that you accept failure gracefully. It could be that the one who kicks you when you're down will also be the one who helps you get up. There are strange twists to this day that you may not expect. Take things in stride.
Remember that one wrong move today could cause you to have a headache for a good long while, Libra. Don't take uncalculated risks. There's dynamism and confidence in the air, and even though you may be tempted to step off the ledge, think twice about doing so. Keep your parachute handy. Maintain your internal power by celebrating your uniqueness instead of your need to show off your daredevil spirit.
Consider the romantic relationships in your life right now, Aries. It's important to remember that regardless of how hot and steamy a partnership is at first, it's vitally important that there be something to replace that attraction once the initial romance wears off. Build your relationships from the ground up. Make sure that your romantic partner is also one of your very best friends.
There's an important lesson to learn today, Pisces, so don't shy away from the classroom. It's important to control your attitude now or it's likely to control you. It could be that your ego is a bit too inflated. You may end up turning people away if you aren't aware of how your actions affect them. Or it could be that you need to change your approach.
Regardless of how you feel today, Aquarius, it's important to own up to your mistakes. Keep in mind that you're responsible for your actions. No matter how much you might want to shrink away, it's important to stand up and admit your weaknesses. Take bold action today in which you command control of the situation and hold yourself responsible for the consequences.
Today is your day to become a hero, Taurus. You don't have to be dressed in fancy tights and a cape to make an important difference in someone's life. Step up to the plate even if it isn't your turn at bat. True heroes are the ones who are able to do what needs to be done when necessary, regardless of the circumstances.
Just when you think you have absolutely no energy left, you're able to kick into a higher gear. Push beyond your limits today, Capricorn. You'll find that you can achieve a great deal more than you thought. All you need to do is have confidence in yourself and try. You have a lot of dynamic power on your side. You will find that your strength is greater than ever.
You'll find that your brain is extra sharp today and you have a greater sense of clarity regarding your purpose in life. It could be that your nurturing instinct is high and your general self-esteem depends on how useful you can be to the people around you. It may seem as if you're everyone's parent or watchful older sibling. Give people the advice they need to grow and be wiser.
Many people conduct their lives without really making conscious decisions about their actions. People walk around like they're asleep. Don't fall into this trap, Pisces. This is a good day to dust off your thinking cap and take action. Don't let others make decisions for you. Take control of your destiny. To maintain the balance today, it's important that you swing toward the sensitive side of things.
Tune into the thoughts of others, Capricorn. Focusing only on yourself means you're missing the beauty and wisdom that come from other people. Respect their opinions the way you want them to respect yours. Your ego might get in the way of your brain until you embrace the lesson of sensitivity that it's trying to teach you. Take a back seat and let someone else do the talking.
Your mental clarity is astounding today, Sagittarius. You'll find that your pattern of thinking reflects exactly who you are at the core of your being. The moment you walk out the door this morning, you'll find that your brain wants to process everything. This action will give you greater assuredness and insight, making this a terrific day to stand up and speak your mind.
Your receptivity to new ideas is stronger than usual today, Scorpio. Listen to what people say and remember that you can learn from every person you meet. There's a lesson in every situation. Remember to keep your brain exercised, just like any other part of your body. To keep it working properly, you must make sure you give it the daily stimulus that it requires.
Your mind is thinking quite clearly today, Libra. You'll discover that you have a keen ability to tune into the subtle energies that are moving through your life right now. The good news is that your ego and brain are working together, and you may be able to strike a better balance between these two elements of your psyche much more easily than usual.
Someone may be calling you on certain behaviors today, Virgo. It could be that your aggressive nature rubs someone the wrong way and they simply don't have thick enough skin to take it. You may not even be aware of how your warlike attitude affects those around you. This is a good day to see things from someone else's perspective in order to gain a bit more data on the situation.
One of the important lessons of the day for you is to remember that emotions are powerful things to recognize and honor. Don't discount your feelings. In fact, it's most important that you embrace them with your whole being. Once you relax and settle into your true emotions, you'll find that your mind clears and you can make conscious, rational decisions about whatever issues come your way.
Your mental ability could be rather sluggish and lazy today. It could be that you aren't feeling as sharp as you'd like, Cancer. This is most likely a sign that you simply need to slow down and relax. Don't feel as if you always need to deliver the keynote address. Be more of an audience member today and take advice from the other people up on stage.
Be careful about being too critical today, Gemini. You're likely to turn people away if you aren't careful with how you express yourself. This is a good time to listen and receive as opposed to deliver information. Let things stew in your head for a while before you make any major decisions. You're likelier to find a greater balance in the situation if you slow down and back off a bit.
It's OK to be wrong, Taurus. If you know you've made a mistake, feel free to admit it. Don't let your ego stand in the way of progress. Others won't want to deal with you if you insist that what you're doing is right all the time when perhaps it isn't. Your mind may be a bit more fragile on a day like this, so try to be more sensitive and receptive than usual.
Your thinking is clear today and you'll find that it's right in sync with who you are, Aries. Find your strength in conversations in which you display your keen insight into the situation at hand. Your detective-like nature is especially active, and others will find it hard to pull the wool over your eyes now. Stay tuned in to what's going on around you.
Be yourself today - 100 percent you, Virgo. The world needs more individuality. Revel in your unique qualities and be generous about sharing them with the world. Feel free to adopt a new and unconventional way of doing something - anything. Beware, however, that there may be a strong, grounding force that's trying to tie you down to tradition. Don't feel pressured to give in to the social norm.
Today is a very expansive day in which you can make great progress in all of your endeavors, Libra. Be careful of deception by others. There may be a surreal cloud that covers up reality. You may need to do a little digging to locate the truth. Maintain a mellow attitude in order to stay safe. Sudden, extreme actions fueled by anger or fear are likely to get you into trouble.
Tune into your dreams today, Scorpio. Do you often feel intensely jealous thinking the people around you are living amazing lives while you're stuck in a dull, boring routine? The only person who can pull you out of this rut is you, so stop complaining and do it. Change is easier than it seems at first. Let your imagination take control and work toward manifesting your most fanciful goals.
There are extremely slow-moving, subtle energies coming into play today that may not be so easily felt, Sagittarius. What they provide is a key to manifesting your wildest dreams. Fantasy can become your reality, but it may only come one small, subtle step at a time. Don't give up. Focus on the unconventional way to get things done. You'll eventually achieve everything your heart desires as long as you truly believe you can.
There may be a great deal of conflict in your life today, Capricorn. Different people and situations seem to be pulling you in all directions. Your sanity is being put to the test. Try not to be too stubborn, because this will only cause more tension between you and the situation. You have the potential to stress out about the smallest things. Try to avoid this if you can.
You may need to adjust today in order to relate well to people and situations, Leo. Things are a bit off kilter, and you may find that the harder you try to fit in, the more liable you are to feel like an oddball. Try not to get caught up in others' battles. Maintain a balance between real life and fantasy. Don't get so caught up in someone else's world that you forget to deal with your own.
Don't gamble away your resources, Aries. Take the safest route. There's a great deal of energy out there encouraging you to act, but beware of adopting too stubborn of an attitude. This will only succeed in alienating you from the very people you rely on for support. Maintain a strong, healthy balance between old and new. Try to be more open to change and, by all means, adopt a more flexible attitude.
Today you should work to tune into the larger, slower-moving trends in your life, Aquarius. Consider making some long-term monetary and emotional investments. There is a great deal of prosperity available to you now, but beware of deception on the part of others. Watch out for fast talkers and people who promise everything yet deliver nothing. Have confidence that you can decipher what's real and what isn't.
Reap all the riches that a new day has to offer, Cancer. Every day brings new opportunities and the chance for rapid advancement. Grab the things offered to you. You have a great deal of potential, but potential is one of those things that does no good until you realize it and harness it. Today is one day in which you can take an important step toward manifesting your dreams.
Let your artistic nature loose today, Pisces. Add a touch of creativity to whatever project, situation, or person you encounter. Let your fantasy world extend to every aspect of your being and keep an open mind for new ideas and methods. Incorporate traditional values into new concepts. The new and the old methods may seem incompatible at first, but it's your challenge to make them work together.
Stick to the tried and true today, Gemini. Don't be afraid to make any last-minute changes of plan. Compliment others when they do something well, and show appreciation for their positive qualities. You'll gain their respect. Celebrate the small things in life and appreciate all that you have - physically as well as emotionally. Let other people share in your warm and generous spirit.
Get things out in the open today, Taurus. If someone seems to insult you, call them on it. Letting things fester inside only destroys your self-esteem. You'd also be in danger of losing the respect of others. This could very well be a situation in which everyone but you sees the truth. Try not to let this happen. Be bold and assertive, and don't let others pull the wool over your eyes.
Today is a very powerful day for you, Taurus. You may find yourself going to extremes in certain areas of your life, especially when it comes to your romantic nature. You could be pulled way over to one side and then to the other. At first you may give it your all and the next minute completely withdraw. Try to find a balance in this seesaw game.
Your love life is a kaleidoscope of shapes and colors today, Pisces, full of complicated patterns and ever-changing displays of beauty. A new perspective is revealed everywhere you turn, and you learn something new about yourself and the people you're involved with. Remain open to partnership on multiple levels in which you experience different types of commitment with different people. It takes every color to make a complete rainbow.
You might have to do a bit of adjusting today in order to experience a harmonious understanding with the people around you, Aquarius. Adopt a feistier and more aggressive attitude toward love and romance if you want to receive any attention in that area. Feel free to go for the gold. Sitting back and lying low will most likely get you nowhere. Take the initiative. Be brave and go out on a limb.
Things should flow extremely well for you today, Capricorn, especially when it comes to anything having to do with love and beauty. Throw a party, or at least invite some close friends over for dinner. A tremendous fire from within fuels your romantic and social nature. Your creativity is at a monthly peak, and you'll find that, in general, your relationships with others will go extremely well.
Today is one of those days in which if you want love, you need to go out and get it, Sagittarius. Don't waste your time sitting at home and sulking. Be adventuresome and take that first step. You're the only one who has the ability to pull yourself out of the rut, so do it. There is a great deal of passion behind your romantic intentions at this time, Cupid, so be careful where you point your arrow.
Consider going on a trip with a close loved one, Scorpio. A long-term break from the current reality may be just the thing needed to infuse a new blast of romance into your life. If you're unattached, you might find that going on an adventure to a foreign country results in meeting the love of your life. Broaden your horizons and look to new ways of thinking and believing.
People might be a bit argumentative when it comes to romantic issues today, Libra. Your instincts could be telling you to restrain yourself and hold back, while the prevailing winds are urging you to strike out for new ground. Realize that your heart may need a bit of freedom and detachment. Your sensitive nature could be causing you to read too much into the issues at hand.
Let your love light shine today, Virgo. There's a great deal of passion in your heart that needs to be expressed. Let your romantic nature take the reins, and allow your creative nature to blossom. Be assertive with regard to the ones you love. Muster your courage and feel free to take the lead. Be loving and caring without being smothering and clingy. Give others room to breathe!
There may be a great deal of charge in your battery today, Leo, but you could be unsure about where to put all this energy. Get up and do some exercise. Give your body the workout it needs. Remember what it's like to sweat. You'll feel much better about yourself afterward, and you'll be much more likely to continue on a healthy path if you push your body to its limits.
Get your broom out of the closet today, Cancer. Your job is to brush away the cobwebs from the corners of your emotional bedroom. Use the intense transformative energy of the day to say goodbye to stale and unsatisfactory relationships that have left a bad taste in your mouth. Ignite the fire of a new situation and consciously try to establish new habits so that old patterns don't continue to repeat themselves.
You may not understand what all the fuss is about today, Gemini. Suddenly there's a fire burning all around and you may be left questioning the motivations behind others' actions. You may not be able to make heads or tails of the situation, so don't waste your time trying to figure it all out. Let it be. Take a hint from others that you may need to add a bit of spark to your life to spice things up a bit.
Turn up your aggressive nature regarding your romantic life, Aries. You may find that a small spark is all that's needed to rekindle a smoldering fire. You may be going through a period of transformation right now when it comes to this area of your life. If so, consider all the options and don't shy away from a new way of relating. Your partner may have the very answer you seek.
An unexpected opportunity to take a short trip could present itself today, Taurus. Hop on that boat or train and see where it goes. If you have no real reason to travel, make one up. You don't need one anyway. The point is that it's time to get away from your current surroundings and explore other ways of living. If the time isn't right for you to get out and travel, at least make a plan now for a trip later.
If you aren't paying close attention today, Gemini, you might miss what's said. Important information is being relayed quickly, so don't miss out on the action. It may not be important for you to agree with everything you hear, but at least listen to it and seriously consider incorporating elements into your point of view. Don't dismiss other opinions just because they're new and different from your own.
Other people could have some seriously opposing opinions about how things should be done. Be prepared for battle, Pisces, because others are likely to have sharp tongues. Compromise is the key to finding solutions that will work for everyone. Realize that the best solution is probably one that neither party has thought of on his or her own. Work together to come up with the best situation for everyone involved.
Actively express your thoughts today, Cancer. You'll find that a great deal of information needs to be exchanged. You have the power to deliver a strong, thoughtful message to others, so don't give up this opportunity to exercise your acute mind. You may also find people to be rather argumentative, but don't let this keep you from expressing your true thoughts on the matter at hand.
Don't be so nosy about others' affairs today, Aquarius. If you were meant to be included in the conversation, you'd have been invited. Suspicion of other people's actions and motives will only cause them to lose their trust in you. Keep any abrasive and critical thoughts to yourself. Perfection is a hot topic in your mind. Realize that the only person you can control in that department is you.
Unexpected information may be coming at you today from out of the blue, Capricorn. You'll find that this information is extremely important, so make sure to keep all lines of communication open. You're apt to learn some important lessons regarding working harmoniously with groups to fulfill not just your own needs but also those of others. Let other people's viewpoints be heard.
Someone may challenge your mental capabilities today, Sagittarius. Your natural tendency might be to take the information, mull it over for a while, and come back with your decision or opinion at some later date. The truth of the matter is that things are moving quickly and decisions must be made quickly and efficiently. Stay on your toes and have confidence in your mental processes.
Today is a terrific day to express your thoughts, Scorpio. You'll find your mind especially clear and ready to tackle any mental issue that comes your way. Your tendency is toward free and unconventional ways of problem solving. Express the importance of being able to think for yourself. Write letters, make calls, and surprise someone with a personal visit. Connect with friends you haven't spoken with in a long time.
You may be feeling a little bit lost in the dust today, Leo. Somehow what you're thinking and feeling isn't exactly coordinating with the current conversation. Don't think you need to agree with the group just to feel like you fit in. Maintaining your own point of view is critical. You're better off rolling with the punches rather than trying to put up a fight.
You're apt to come up with some new, radical thoughts today, Libra, which you should feel free to share with others. There are opportunities around that you should grab hold of. Be aggressive about pushing ahead with your progressive thoughts. Communication with people who possess opposing viewpoints will prove quite valuable. Take a lesson from the bizarre and outlandish.
Your thinking is clear and sharp, Virgo, and your mental awareness keen. You should use it to head toward new, forward-thinking projects. Don't waste your time beating around the bush. Cut right to the heart of the issue. You'll easily outwit your opponents in a game of Scrabble or chess. Engage in activities that exercise your brain. There's no reason for you to doubt yourself today.
Information is apt to come in erratic bursts today, Aries. You'll find that a great deal of nonverbal communication is revealed and you should listen not only with your ears but also with your eyes and heart. Keep an open mind. Let others finish their thoughts before you make any judgments. You're probably better off not making any judgments at all. Let people say their peace.
It's possible that you've been so emotional about a certain issue that you've taken it way too far, Aries. Fortunately, your reasoning has finally caught up with your feelings. Now it's time for a reckoning. Give your brain a chance to sort things out and bring the situation back into equilibrium. Your first tendency may be to overreact and have things swing in the opposite direction. Do your best to resist this temptation.
Try not to get too wrapped up in the mental side of things, Pisces. Perhaps you're trying to work everything through in your mind. You'll find that there are strong forces outside your own trying their hardest to manipulate your thinking. It might be good to step away from the situation and do more processing with your heart. Go with your instincts rather than rely so much on your thoughts.
Your brain is likely to be working overtime, Aquarius. Things were going along just fine until you suddenly ran into an unexpected snag that kept you from where you want to be. It's as if the hamster wheel you've been running on suddenly jammed. Even though you're still working just as hard, the wheel simply won't turn. Perhaps it's time to step off and take a break. Get some perspective.
Once your brain gets hooked on something, Capricorn, you're likely to take it to the extreme. Be careful of overworking yourself in a certain issue that requires a more rational, temperate attitude. You may get into trouble if you insist on going off the deep end. Don't tackle issues you aren't ready to handle. Take things slowly and maintain a moderate, conservative viewpoint. If you go too far, back off and take a break.
Other people may try to wield their power even when it isn't their place. This is one time when people may try to show off their IQ by offering random facts that don't offer anything useful to the situation at hand but just serve to prove their knowledge of esoteric trivia. Try not to buy into other people's displays of power, Sagittarius. There's more than likely a great deal of hype and not much substance.
Don't second-guess yourself today, Scorpio. It could be that you're wavering so much about a decision that even after you make it, you hesitate to follow through with it. Once you make up your mind about something, stick with it. Have confidence in your own mental process. Once you begin to waver, it may be difficult to find the assurance that you need since you'll inevitably slide down the slippery slope of self-doubt.
There's likely to be a powerful force at work trying to manipulate the way you think about a certain situation, Libra. Be conscious of the source of your facts. It could be that someone is giving you tainted information so you'll act in a way that is favorable to his or her plan. Others may not be looking out for your best interests, so it's important that you are. Don't accept things blindly without question.
When it comes to issues that require real thinking, be careful of letting someone else take control. You might have a rather lazy attitude in this department, Virgo, and it could be tempting to simply let someone else do the thinking for you. This attitude is apt to lead you down the wrong path for you. Taking responsibility for yourself means thinking for yourself, so do it.
It's time to finally apply the knowledge you've accumulated and come to recognize the truth, Leo. Perhaps you've been sitting on the facts while contemplating their meaning. It's now time to get this information out into the open. There's no doubt that this action is likely to make waves, but that's OK. A key theme of the day is transformation, so feel free to contribute your part.
Someone might feel obligated to give you their two cents even if you didn't ask for it, Cancer. Be careful not to dismiss this information without giving it proper consideration. This knowledge comes to you for a reason, and it's possible that it's the very piece of information you need now in order to complete the puzzle. Don't disregard anything, regardless of how esoteric it seems.
You may be overwhelmed by an onslaught of communication from someone you didn't expect to hear from, Gemini. It could be that this person suddenly puts a monkey wrench in your plans. It's important to adapt and allow for the constant changes that are bound to come your way. Don't get so hung up on a certain way of doing things that you fail to see the wisdom in a new and different approach.
You may experience a transformation in your thinking. It's bound to affect every aspect of your life, Taurus. By always questioning, you work through difficult issues that require a constant reshuffling of viewpoints. Feel free to open yourself up to new ways of thinking as you dismiss old ways that no longer serve you. Now is a terrific time to consider a fresh wave of thought. You'll be exposed to a new way of truth.
Follow through on your promises today, Pisces. You may be generous with your words and advice, but you might fall a bit short when it comes to actually delivering the goods. This is a great time to prove to others that you mean what you say. Do the things that you said you would. You'll be able to accomplish quite a bit as long as you maintain a focused and positive mindset.
Things should be going your way right now, Aquarius. Feel confident about yourself and your decisions. Let your inner glow radiate outward and show people that you have a great deal of love to offer. Practice what you preach. You lose respect when you act contrary to the way in which you insist the people around you act. Feel your power from within as opposed to trying to get it from others.
Realize that you're the one responsible for cleaning up your own mess, Capricorn. If you've left your dirty clothes on the floor and the dishes unwashed, you will be the one who has to pay the consequences later on. Take responsibility for your actions. Today is an excellent day to do your laundry and clean the mess in the sink. You'll feel better about yourself and your immediate environment after you do.
Today is an excellent day in which you should be able to ground your emotions and find a greater amount of stability in your life. As you walk down the street, be conscious of the Earth below you. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and realize that you're a living part and product of this great planet. Don't separate yourself from Mother Nature - you are her child. Respect her.
Today isn't a great day for inspiring enthusiasm in others, Scorpio. You might find that there's a sober, conservative tone to the day that's stealing the fuel from your fire. Realize that this is just part of the natural cycle of things. Don't feel that you need to be up and active all the time. Give yourself a rest and focus your energy inward. Settle your nerves and get down to business.
Delight in all your projects today, Libra. You should enjoy a positive mood and pleasurable experiences with others. Let the good times roll. Your ego and emotions should be acting harmoniously. You have every reason to smile, so keep grinning from ear to ear. You're able to get a lot accomplished if you so choose. Adjust your compass, check the prevailing winds, and set sail.
Stop wasting your energy on things that have no real relevance in your life, Virgo. This is a day to focus your attention on the tasks at hand and get things done. Don't get distracted by the blinking neon lights. Stay tuned to your own channel. It might not be a bad idea to adopt more of a critical tone so you don't get caught up in issues that don't pertain to you.
It's obvious how much you like to dream, Leo. Certainly, this is an important part of your existence. Realize that there comes a time when you must face reality. This is one of those days when you need to bite the bullet and deal with your bills. Take care of annoying errands that you've been putting off. Send the letters that have piled up on your desk for days. Stop making excuses.
Today is a great day to gather data for a new project you're working on, Cancer. Put your nose to the grindstone and make some major progress on an important job. Find comfort in your work. Make sure, however, that the work you're engaged in is something that feeds your soul as opposed to just put money in your pocket. This is critical to maintaining a healthy mind and spirit.
Things should be flowing quite well for you today, Gemini. Take this opportunity and use the energy to its full potential. Center yourself and look at the weeks ahead. Where do you want to be in two months? Where do you want to be in two years? Now is the time to take stock of what you've got and plan for future growth. You have a great deal going for you, so don't waste your time on frivolity.
Don't get thrown off your path, Taurus. Focus inward and concentrate on the tasks at hand. This may not be the most lighthearted and jovial day, but one must always take the good with the bad. Use the sober, grounding tone of today's energy to get down to business and stay there. Work now, play later! Remember the story about the ant and the grasshopper. Now is the time to store provisions for the future.
Don't get discouraged by other people's failures today, Aries. There may be signs that warn you of potential roadblocks ahead, but this doesn't mean that you should turn your car around or give up on your goal. Perhaps you only need to slow down the pace or select a new route. Either way, you have the perseverance and inner drive to accomplish any task you undertake.
You're apt to need emotional freedom, Libra. Perhaps you sense that you're being coerced or manipulated into feeling a certain way and feel trapped in the situation. If you can distance yourself, you're likely to see that you're indeed getting caught up in someone else's drama. Right now it's imperative that you find an outlet where you can express yourself freely without feeling like you have to act a particular way.
Keep pen and paper close by, Aries, and have the number of the patent office on hand. You're apt to come up with some original ideas that could be revolutionary. You're likely be more intrigued by gadgets and electronic devices than usual. You have the power to make cunning observations about how things work. You may end up with a brilliant idea on how to improve the efficiency of an appliance in your house.
You may have endless ideas streaming through your head but little patience to see any of them through to the end, Taurus. Perhaps you're so busy jumping from one thought to the next that you don't take any of them far enough to know whether or not they're worth pursuing. Write thoughts down as they come to you, and go over them later when your mind is in a quieter state.
It's OK to change your opinion, Gemini. You may pride yourself on being the solid one who always has an answer or knows exactly where to go. You may look upon others as flaky, indecisive, or fickle. It's important that you not shut down your thinking after making a decision about something. Keep your mind open to changes that occur around you and maybe you'll have a change of heart.
You may feel a strong need to express your individuality, Cancer. You don't want to blend into the herd, unseen as you walk down the street. You want to be the sheep with the blue wool, the person skipping instead of walking. Find a place or group that lets you be yourself and not worry about what other people think about your style. Your originality is inspiring. Don't squelch it.
Going with the flow may not necessarily appeal to you today, Leo. This is one time when you may want to be the fish swimming upstream while the school heads downstream. Feel free to go your own way regardless of what others have to say about it. You may get pressured by your loved ones to act a certain way or go somewhere special. Don't do these things just to please them. Do what pleases you.
You could feel like a giant wrecking ball that's anxious to break down existing structures. Perhaps you're upset about a new development in your town, the country's political system, or the power structure within your home. Regardless of the exact reason, you're certain that change needs to happen in order to make progress. Often one must tear down an existing structure before a better one can be built.
You might surprise a few people with your words and actions, which could seem out of character for you, Aquarius. Don't be surprised if you don't think or act like your normal self. There is a streak of the oddball inside you that wants to have its day in the spotlight. Let that part of you shine through by wearing your plaid pants with a polka dot shirt and furry orange hat. Wear bright, expressive colors that show off your willingness to stand out in a crowd.
You may end up scaring people with your dramatic, emotional outbursts, Capricorn. Your behavior is likely to be erratic. The smallest things could set you off on a crazy tirade. The root of these issues probably has to do with a need to be loved, and you feel like others don't give you the attention you think you deserve. Try not to let your happiness depend so much on others' actions. The most important love is self-love.
You may feel smothered by certain individuals and loved ones who hang on you like barnacles on a rock, Sagittarius. You're a big part of their emotional support system and they rely on you for strength. Today, however, you could get frustrated by this extra weight. You'll more than likely want to rip those barnacles off in order to give you more breathing room. Freedom from others' emotional baggage is the key for today.
Take inventory of your habits and behaviors, Scorpio. Look to certain patterns and note the ones that do and don't work for you. You'll more than likely feel an urge to break free from repetition and create new paths that allow for other opportunities to come along. You may not even be consciously aware that in many ways you're beating a dead horse. Don't continue to waste your energy on paths that go nowhere.
There are a few emotional surprises coming your way, Virgo. You might act a certain way under normal circumstances, but today you're apt to take a completely different route. Perhaps you don't know why you suddenly feel comfortable about a situation that you'd normally be quite skeptical about. Nevertheless, this feeling is possible. Don't bother questioning your emotions. Simply roll with whatever circumstances come your way. You'll open many doors for yourself.
It may feel as if something or someone is trying to keep you from moving ahead with your ambitious goals and aggressive nature, Taurus. At first you may resent this ball and chain attached to your ankle, but on closer examination, you'll see that this hindrance is actually a help. For now it's serving as an important reminder to slow down and do more thinking and planning before taking action.
You may have that awful feeling that you really need to get down to work yet something seems to stand square in the way of progress. Perhaps you feel like you're at a four-way stop with three other cars. Everyone is anxious to go first. You can't all go at once, yet no one knows whose turn it is. Don't put the pedal to the metal. Instead, ease slowly into the intersection and clearly signal your intentions.
Here's a reminder that it's OK to be you. You may feel more centered than usual, which encourages you to stand up for yourself and say the things you must to people who need to hear them. There may have been recent arguments with a partner, but those should subside now, thanks to today's serene feelings. Perhaps you've gained greater insight into the cause of the tension. Share this with the person you've been arguing with.
Things may roll along nicely in love and romance and then suddenly run into a snag, Capricorn. Perhaps you failed to recognize an important birthday or anniversary. Perhaps you were expected to act a certain way or do something you failed to do. Approach the person you hurt honestly and apologetically. You write your own rules. Your way may differ from someone else's, but that doesn't make it better or worse.
Concentrate on nurturing your needs right now instead of trying to accommodate the needs of others, Sagittarius. There is a difficult tension that arises when you try to comfort someone who really doesn't want to be comforted. The best way to handle the situation is to leave the person alone and tend to your own emotions. If you're more stable and clear, you'll be better able to help others. Take this time to recharge your own batteries.
Your relationships are going well from an intellectual perspective, Scorpio, but from an emotional one, you might feel like they aren't as fulfilling as you'd like. Perhaps you're letting your brain do too much of the driving. It's time to let your heart take over and have its needs be tended to for a while. As your energy shifts, so will that of people around you. Let them react however they will. Try not to be upset by the changes that follow.
There is solid grounding to your emotions right now that is helping you stabilize your sensitive feelings, Libra. As you become more attuned to your internal needs, you may discover that recent actions in romance and love may not have been particularly appropriate. They could have seemed satisfying at the time, but on closer examination you may discover that you were compromising in order to make it seem like everything was working the way you wanted it to.
Your heart has been active, Virgo, and you're probably feeling the need to take charge of a certain relationship. Instead of being too hasty in your pursuit of this romance, you should probably do more planning. Look at the situation from a long-term perspective and see if the partnership is heading the way you want it to, based on how things are moving now. It could be that you're jumping ahead of the game.
Other people are likely to be anxious to get up and moving with their plans, Leo. It might be better for you to hang back a bit and see how things pan out before you take action. Let others go across the river first to learn the best way. Do you take a boat, wade, or look for a bridge? Let someone else be the guinea pig so you'll have all the information you need to make the most prudent decision on how to proceed.
You may be anxious to try an uncharted path that speaks to your sense of risk and adventure, Cancer. It's important to temper these actions with realistic planning. You're much more likely to get a flat tire when you don't carry a spare. Make sure you have the proper resources to pull yourself out of any jam along the way. The old way of doing things is practical, tested, and tried and true for a reason, so don't dismiss it altogether.
You're apt to feel more talkative than usual, Gemini. There are many times when you may shrink from a situation in disgust or perhaps boredom. You're usually anxious to move from one scene and get on with the next. Feel free to call the shots and speak your mind. Others are more likely to listen to what you have to say, so be honest when someone comes to you with a question or situation that he or she needs help with.
You're anxious to take action, Aries, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Be careful about acting too hastily. It's important that you and your loved one be on the same page first. You're probably ready to jump to the end of the book where everyone lives happily ever after. There's a whole story that has to play out first. Feel free to take aggressive action, but make sure that you temper it with a dash of common sense.
You could find it harder than usual to wake up this morning, Libra, as your energy may be flagging. Personal or professional pressures might stir feelings of futility, but don't fall into this trap. In spite of your momentary lethargy, everything on the horizon looks far better than it seems - primarily because of your own hard work. Retire early tonight and tomorrow you'll feel more energetic.
New opportunities to advance your professional standing may arise, Aquarius. The aspects bode well for business and money. Promising new projects may present themselves. Your tendency to serve and nurture others should strengthen your work relationships, so morale on the job takes a tangible upswing at this time. Warmth and affection for friends, children, romantic partners, and even casual acquaintances should increase and enhance relationships.
Today, Capricorn, matters surrounding business and finances need immediate attention, and this could prove a bit disheartening. Do you have a lot of unfinished tasks that have piled up? Gear up and get to them. They aren't going away, and you'll feel better about everything when they're out of the way. You might find that clearing up these old matters allows new opportunities to flow your way.
Be prepared to work diligently toward making your dreams a reality today, Virgo. Success is definitely on the way, though it may not be approaching quite as quickly as you might like. A lot of significant letters and phone calls could come your way, keeping you busy. Don't allow yourself to get too frazzled, though. Take time periodically throughout the day to sit quietly and recoup your energy.
Restlessness may plague you throughout the day, Pisces, because you could be brimming over with physical energy but have no outlet for it. You might have to stay in and wait for something important, which could prove frustrating. Put on an exercise video and do aerobics while you wait. This isn't a good day to start new projects. Limit your social interactions to exercising with others at the gym.
As a natural healer, you might find yourself experiencing a rush of transformative energy today, which you should put into practice. This is a great time to go for a massage or study natural healing modalities such as herbs or aromatherapy. Combine them with your innate healing abilities, Leo, and you might be happy with the results. Your mind is especially receptive right now. You'll retain more of what you learn than you usually would.
Business and financial matters look promising today, Sagittarius, but you could find yourself torn between the need to attend to these matters and the desire to relax at home. If you have to make a choice, it might be best to choose the former, because today's aspects promise opportunities that might not come around again for a while. The evening should be your own. Plan an intimate dinner with a lover. You'll like the results!
Your insight, creativity, and inventiveness are in full swing, Cancer, and new ideas come thick and fast. However, you might find yourself too caught up in boring, mundane tasks to do very much about it. Yet physical energy is plentiful, so you have it in you to take care of chores and then have time to do what you enjoy. You'll produce results if you remember to pace yourself. Work too hard and you'll be too tired!
This day bodes well for accomplishments in business and finance. Long-term investments of either time or funds may finally pay off. New opportunities could come your way. This is a better time to complete old projects than start new ones, Gemini, but if you must, new projects started now should be successful. Celebrate by treating yourself to new clothes. Wear them for a longtime friend or lover this evening.
Today your powers of persuasion are at an all-time high. This is a good day to ask for a raise or promote a new project. Your drive to gain recognition for your accomplishments may necessitate seeking the public eye, so if publicity is what you need, this is the day to go for it. Your observational skills are acute, as is your insight into others' feelings. This is definitely a good day to seek advancement.
Today it might suddenly hit you that you have a lot of unfinished tasks that need to be completed, and this might lead to a case of the blues. Take heart! The process appears more overwhelming than it is, Scorpio. A little planning and focused discipline should enable you to get through everything without stressing yourself out too much. In the evening, reward yourself with a meal out or a movie.
Though current business and money matters could well encounter obstacles, at this time you may find yourself reaping the rewards of past efforts. Your naturally persevering nature practically assures more success in the future, Aries, even though you might be blocked now. New insights as to how to continue to progress could come your way today. It might be a good idea to write them down so you'll be assured of having them at your fingertips later.
Tension in your romantic life is apt to well up today, Virgo. More than likely, there are certain responsibilities that you feel you have to attend to that take you away from your intimate experience with another. Whether or not you're currently involved in a romantic partnership, the day's energy is likely to stir up issues regarding love and romance. Try to find a healthy balance between work and play.
You may be feeling a bit reserved today, Aquarius, especially when it comes to issues involving love and romance. Follow your instincts and know that your hesitation isn't unfounded. Sometimes it's good to slow down and question the road you're on. Just don't doubt yourself to the point that you become too frustrated that you can't take the next big step forward.
Your incredible passion and creativity are taking center stage, Capricorn. It's also quite possible that there's a great restlessness within you egging you on to take things to the next level. Combine your powers of dedication with your flair for the dramatic to accomplish whatever it is your heart desires. You have the power within you to shine especially bright on a day like today.
The love and romance department should be going pretty well for you now, Sagittarius. This is the time to probe more deeply into your current affair with that person who catches your eye. There's a greater sensitivity to your emotions today, and you could find yourself holding back a bit more than usual. An air of mystery and intrigue will surround you, drawing others toward you like a moth to a candle.
Situations regarding love and romance are likely to get much heavier and more intense now, Scorpio. Are you ready to make a deeper commitment to the one you love? It may be quite hard for you to make a solid commitment because you could be wary of the freedom you'll lose. Now is the time to face the music and really dedicate yourself to the people who mean the most to you.
Be selective when it comes to expressing your passion today, Aries. Remember that less is more. You don't have to use a tremendous number of bells and whistles in order to get your point across. Let your actions be minimal but meaningful. You can say a great deal with few words. There's more to your glance than meets the eye. The unwary prey has no chance against your hypnotic stare.
When it comes to love and romance, you may find yourself in a bit of a pickle, Cancer. There's a request for greater commitment now. You may be unsure about how to respond. You may hesitate to give up the sense of freedom that you hold so dear. Recognize the importance of a close connection with one other person. Give yourself the opportunity to experience this kind of intense relationship on a more permanent basis.
Your romantic, sensitive nature comes alive today, Leo, and you may find yourself searching for the security of a close lover. You're apt to be pickier than usual - not just anyone will do anymore. There is a longing within you for the company of someone who shares your deep intuitive understanding of people, emotions, and life in general. Don't settle for anything less.
It's important for you not to overanalyze every little detail of your situation now, Gemini, especially when it comes to love and romance issues. You could be jumping to ridiculous conclusions based purely on circumstantial evidence. Don't lose sleep over things that you don't even know to be true. Release your stranglehold on certain issues and concentrate on simply rebuilding your own self-confidence.
In general, your spirit is upbeat, freedom loving, and adventurous, Taurus. Today, however, you might find that it's a bit more intense and possibly somber, especially when it comes to romantic issues. This approach to matters of the heart isn't exactly your normal style, but you're apt to find that it's appropriate for your situation now. Make sure you have the right tools for the job at hand.
Reclaim control of things that might be holding you back now, Pisces. You may find that there's an element of restriction to the day that's keeping you from getting where you want to be. Try the best you can to relax and stabilize your emotions. Interaction with people who are older and wiser is likely to shed some important perspective on things today. Heed advice from those who have been through similar situations.
You could be feeling the pressure of time now, Libra. At this point in your life you may be more aware than ever of your limited time left on this planet. Perhaps you're thinking more about love and romance and how much they mean to you. Consider the limitations of each, but don't dwell on them. The important thing is to embrace today and make the most of the time and love you have now.
Social responsibilities might appear to be hitting you all at once. Everyone you know seems to crave your company. As a naturally polite and socially astute person, you might feel obligated to accept any and all invitations. This isn't a good day to commit yourself. Wait a while until you're feeling a little more balanced, then send out your responses. Commit only to those events you would genuinely enjoy.
Capricorn, are you hoping to accomplish a goal that you've been working toward for a long time? Don't let delays cause you to fear that it will never happen. It could block your creative energy and cause you to lose faith in yourself. Fortunate changes are in the wind, but it's still going to take a little more effort to get where you want to be. Keep going. You'll get there!
Today you could find yourself seeking self-knowledge through relationships, Virgo, especially through assisting those you love. Someone is troubled and needs your help. It would be best for all if you gave it, because you're especially sensitive and insightful now. You're especially able to soothe others' anger and mediate arguments. Your optimism is very high, and you have what it takes to pass it on to others.
Do you have a romantic evening planned for tonight, Libra? If so, it's likely to turn out to be all you'd hoped for. You'll be especially attractive, and your naturally warm and loving nature will be very apparent. Even casual encounters with friends may bring about closer bonding, and new acquaintances are likely to become friends. Your communicative skills are good now, and people will likely respond to you. Go for it!
At some point during the day you might find yourself involved in a project that piques your interest far more than usual. You could throw yourself more deeply into it than is necessary now. Take care that it doesn't distract you from what needs to be done, Sagittarius. Your wisdom is especially sharp, and you can use your intuition to gain valuable practical knowledge. Spend the evening meditating.
You could feel restless and anxious to get out in the open for a while today, Scorpio, but mundane tasks could force you to postpone it. Someone you care about might ask for a favor, and while you may not want to help this person, you probably will. Don't let your irritation show - just get it done quickly and accept the person's thanks. In the evening, go for a long walk under the stars.
Today you're likely to be in just the right place at the right time to meet the right person. You're overdue for a lucky break and probably not expecting it. You may start the day in a restless and frustrated state of mind, Cancer, but whatever happens will catapult you out of it. Be prepared - this transition may involve vast changes in your life, in the long run if not immediately.
Ingenious techniques for growing your money could come your way today, Gemini. While you aren't one to jump into anything, you're certainly likely to give these ideas serious thought. Take care to only go for those that are totally up front, with no hidden sides. Your passion for delving into new professional fields is only surpassed by your romantic passions. Plan a seductive evening with a partner. Make it a night to remember!
Your sensual side is likely to show itself today, Taurus. You might find yourself viewing young folks in tight jeans more appreciatively than you usually do. Racy novels and movies might also suddenly seem appealing. Romantic encounters are intense and passionate, so make sure you allow plenty of time for them. Enjoy yourself!
Important communications regarding finances could come today, Aries, and it might be fortuitous if you follow up on them right away. Once that's done, you'll probably want to relax and delve into whatever interests you the most. It might be a good idea to read a book, since your mind is especially sharp. Take breaks in the fresh air. Ideas and insights should come quickly, so take notes.
You may be in an especially nurturing mood today, Aquarius. You might reach out to every living thing around you, from plants to pets to friends, children, and romantic partners. There's a danger of being too helpful and supportive, which some could find stifling. Your loved ones like to see you relaxed and happy, so channel some energy into indulging yourself. Go for a massage or other treat. Live a little!
You might wake up this morning, look in the mirror, and decide that you hate what you see even though you probably look fine. This is a good day to shop for new clothes or get a haircut. Perhaps you feel a little blue. Getting out and indulging yourself is more a necessity than luxury. Don't overindulge in food or drink now, Leo. You might not like the consequences tomorrow!
Letters, phone calls, or emails from afar could put you in touch with new, interesting people. These people could well bring some fascinating ideas your way, Scorpio. Shared knowledge can lead to mutual advancement on material and spiritual levels. This process just might turn a casual acquaintance into a firm friend. Expect a lot of contact with these people for a long time to come. Enjoy your day.
You tend to be rather intuitive, Leo, but today your psychic abilities could seem more focused than usual. You're better able to tune in to thoughts, feelings, and events. If you give readings, this is a good day for it, because you're apt to be more accurate than usual. Don't do too many or you could lose your focus and not do anyone else any good. Work steadily and pace yourself.
You tend to be adventurous at the calmest of times, Cancer. Today you could be feeling especially daring. You might be tempted to make some radical changes in your life, particularly where your profession is concerned. You could decide to make your living in an offbeat way, or possibly move to a place you've never considered before. Think about it for a few days. The impetus might pass. If it doesn't, then follow your heart.
Hard work on a particular enterprise for too long a time could finally lead to an increase in income, Gemini. Creativity or innovation could be involved. Don't be surprised if you find yourself on the receiving end of compliments. You'll be feeling proud and confident, and you certainly have good reason. Buy yourself a present. Take your partner out for a celebration. You deserve it.
Some enlightening conversations could occur today with a partner, Taurus, possibly romantic, possibly career-related. New methods of operation could come to your attention, perhaps involving modern technology that could speed up the process and increase your income. Bear in mind that some of what you hear may not be feasible for a while. Other ideas may never be practicable. Remember to remain objective and check out the facts.
Too much is on your mind right now, Aries, and so you could have trouble sleeping. When you do manage to drop off, you could experience bizarre dreams. This is the only downside to your present situation, however. Everything else should be going very well. It might help to take a walk at night before you go to bed. This clears your head, gets the endorphins going, and works off excess energy.
A long-term friendship could suddenly develop into something more now, Pisces. You could see this person in a new light and realize that this is a very attractive human being. It might come as a shock to you, however, and the idea could take a little time to get used to. Don't ignore it for that reason. Just approach with caution and see where it takes you. Go with the flow!
New communications equipment may make whatever work you do that much easier to do, Aquarius. You might have some doubts about your ability to use it, but don't worry. You'll be able to deal with it as well as anyone. You'll find that it will open up new doors for you, both with regard to compiling information and staying in contact with old and new friends. Go to it!
New opportunities, perhaps involving writing or speaking, could appear on the horizon along with the current planetary energy, Libra. You aren't one to take risks on the spur of the moment, so you might want to take all the information into consideration before committing to anything. It isn't a good idea to wait too long. Things could change! If what you hear appeals to you, look into it so you don't miss the boat.
A new opportunity could come your way today, Capricorn. It might seem like a dream come true, the chance you've been waiting for, but you'll still want to think about it a bit. The reason is that it could well disrupt your life, including your romantic circumstances. Before you commit to anything, check the facts carefully to make sure it's as good as it seems. Either way, you'll be glad you did.
The current aspects encourage cultivating your spirituality, Sagittarius. However advanced you are on your spiritual journey, there are revelations, awakenings, and new experiences waiting. Visit a church or a secluded spot in nature that speaks to you and soak up the energy. Indulge in some investigation. Check out some books on spirituality and symbols, and pay attention to your dreams.
Today your mind is apt to be turning to discussions of money, Virgo. Conversations, perhaps job related, perhaps social encounters with friends, could turn to the subject of new income opportunities through modern technology. This is a good time to look into such matters, although you'll probably want to consider several before making a decision. Unless you absolutely know what you want, shop around!
Today might be a bit difficult, Aquarius, because you aren't likely to be as productive as usual. You won't have much to say, and you'll feel sleepy and somewhat grumpy. In other words, it's the perfect day to go back to bed with that novel. Take a nap - or several naps - and follow your desire to do as little as possible. There will be plenty of time to catch up on work.
It will be as though you're in a new, hopeful world today, Aries. The people you meet will be cordial and caring, and the future will seem like a bright, attractive place to live. In other words, you feel as though you're living in a fabulous dream. Alas, the alarm clock is bound to wake you up soon. Enjoy the sweet reality of the day ahead while it lasts.
Because your tendency recently has been to brood over everything, Taurus, a day like this can't be anything but beneficial. It has been difficult for you to find material satisfaction of late, but today offers you a view into the world of the intangible and unreal. You may find it especially gratifying to participate in an artistic or religious activity.
There are days when you feel wonderful without being able to attribute the feeling to any real event. Of course, your rational mind will search for a reason for the happiness. If you count the number of times when you do things against your will or better judgment, it becomes obvious that logic and reason don't always apply to this world. Don't even try to understand, Gemini, just enjoy!
The day ahead should be excellent. You've been searching for meaning behind recent events. No doubt there have been a lot of changes both at work and at home. You're bursting with new ambition. Today, Cancer, you're likely to put all these experiences into the hopper, stir them up, and be grateful for the thrilling life you lead right now! You may not get a specific answer. Sometimes feeling grateful is an answer all its own.
You'll probably be perfectly in tune with the day ahead, Leo. Of course, there are days when it's tempting to run away from the reality of the moment and its hardships. At times like today, you're so compassionate that you find it easy to listen to others, and life is truly rewarding. People find your company soothing and pleasant, and they are likely to thank you for it.
Don't even try to understand what's happening today, Virgo, because you won't be able to fathom it. Collective currents of concern are imposing upon your life and you're powerless to stop them. Some soul searching may help. True, at the moment you do feel like you're just a grain of sand in a vast universe, but is that really so bad?
This kind of strange day doesn't occur often, Libra. You no longer seem to know what you want. Work or time off? Redecorate your house or live in a beach shack? It's hard to communicate because you feel it's pointless to try to explain your point of view, especially when you don't know what it is. The best thing to do may be to unplug from your usual activities and go for a walk. This confusion will pass.
Do countries abroad represent real opportunities for you, Scorpio? This is a question that you'll soon have to answer. The grass may be greener on the other side of the world, but have you considered the possibility that it isn't? Could it be that the dream of working abroad is a convenient explanation for the dissatisfaction you feel at work? It's important to solve this riddle, because you'll soon make some key decisions that depend on the answer.
Today won't be like most other days, Sagittarius. Look around and you'll see that people either have their heads in the clouds, are depressed, or seem to be trying to keep up a good front. The planetary atmosphere is such that a lot of people - and you in particular - feel frustrated by an inability to realize their dreams. This is a difficult situation to be sure. Know that it will pass.
If you were offered the opportunity to take a trip around the world, where you would see wonderful palaces and experience a timeless love affair, would you take it? The freedom would tempt you, without a doubt, but would it make you happy, Capricorn? Have you considered the possibility that you can create an environment here at home that gives you that same sense of freedom?
You certainly are in a strange mood today, Pisces. True, things have been going smoothly for the past few days, but be careful not to fool yourself. "Pride comes before a fall," as the expression goes. You should be wary of the way you treat your lover now. You're likely to be dismayed by your sweetie's attitude, yet you're the one who has strayed from reality.
Romance and marriage are very much on your mind today, Leo. A special conversation with a possible love partner could have you hankering for happily ever after. Books on attracting and maintaining relationships might be especially appealing as well as useful. Take care not to put too much stock in detailed analyses, however. Remember that such books are based on generalities. You're unique.
A male friend could put you in touch with people from foreign countries or people who have traveled a lot. They might have valuable information that you could use later. This information could also help you finish old projects that have been waiting to be done. Your eye for detail is especially acute, Gemini. Make notes of interesting facts even if they don't apply right now. You'll make good use of them later.
You're feeling especially healthy, energetic, and attractive today, Virgo, and some friends may suddenly see you in a new light. This could bring a valuable boost in self-confidence. New careers that pay more and offer more of a challenge are especially appealing to you now. Consider them seriously. Write down your ideas and research them to see if they're workable. This may be the start of a whole new life.
Your natural warmth and loving nature should be more apparent than usual today, Libra. You're likely to attract new people, both men and women, into your aura. Perhaps old friends you haven't seen for a while suddenly reappear on the scene. This is an excellent time to plan a social event or invite a friend to lunch, if possible. You might also want to fix yourself up and plan a romantic evening!
An appealing new face could appear on the scene today, Taurus. This might lead to a new friendship, although this person could be charming enough to bring out your insecurities. Put these aside - you're looking great. Since your efficiency is at an all-time high, plan on taking advantage of that by dealing with some errands you've been postponing for quite some time.
Friction with family members, particularly women, could prove irritating, especially since you're torn between their quirks and the love you have for them. This isn't the time to hold grudges, Scorpio. Let them go. You might feel the urge to do some home repairs, redecorate, or otherwise improve your home, or perhaps cook a great meal. Channel your energy into these activities instead of quarreling. You'll be glad you did.
Today should bring pleasant and profitable communications with women, possibly some new friends. A lot of people will want talk to you, although perhaps more than you can realistically handle. Be careful not to commit to too many things. You could end up spreading yourself too thin. Travel to faraway lands may seem tempting at this time, Sagittarius, but that might not be possible for some time. Relax and enjoy the company for now.
Although you might feel a bit inclined toward solitude today, Aries, don't indulge it. This is a great day to get out with friends and meet new people, if possible, particularly women. You can forge closer bonds at this time, and you might also make valuable business contacts that prove profitable in the future. Affectionate communication with a romantic partner can make your day. Take the evening to enjoy a tête-à-tête with someone close.
You're probably feeling especially sexy, Cancer, and you might want to take a lover out for a romantic dinner, if possible. You would especially enjoy going all out, experimenting with a new outfit, scent, or hairstyle. On a more mundane note, investments of either time or money should pay off today, as could hard work performed in the past. Have a great day!
New opportunities may give you a chance to increase your financial standing and expand yourself professionally. Innovations that you've produced in the past have attracted the attention of those in positions of authority, Capricorn, and the fruits of your labor may manifest now. Don't expect to be able to relax and enjoy them, however, as a lot of effort still lies ahead. Summon all your inner resources and charge ahead.
Relations with those you care about continue to be warm and supportive. Friends may want to pitch in and help you with a project, Aquarius, or you could lend a hand to someone else. Strong bonds with others could be forged at this time, which might lead to firm and lasting friendships in the future. This is also a good day to turn your attention to repairing, redecorating, or refurnishing your home.
A strong sense of inspiration that seems to come from the higher planes could boost your natural artistic abilities, Pisces. No matter how rushed you may be with other tasks, it's important to take time to note your ideas. They're definitely worth pursuing and you'll want to refer to them later. If you're thinking about a friend, give that person a call. He or she might have news for you.
With the current aspects at play, Gemini, you could find that the hard work you've done in the past finally brings financial rewards. This will make you very happy, but don't get carried away and go on a spending spree! Treat yourself a little. Celebrate with a friend, if possible. Take care to exercise a little good sense. You don't want to buy too much and have to take a lot of it back to the store.
Today you might find yourself more inclined than usual to actively explore your interests in the arts, Aries. You might want to look at an online art gallery or attend a virtual concert or play. Your interest could be in the motivations of the artists as much as the works themselves. Don't be surprised if you're especially drawn to the more tormented great artists like Beethoven or Van Gogh.
You should be happier than usual with what you see in the mirror, Pisces, because your inner beauty is more visible than usual. You could also feel especially sociable. Both old friends and new should find your company especially congenial. Romance blossoms, although there's a slight tendency today to see partners through rose-colored glasses. Hang onto your common sense, but not too tightly. Days like this don't come around that often!
Your financial affairs could look especially rosy now, Aquarius. Some benefits are definitely coming your way, although everything isn't quite as promising as it seems. You could well find yourself with less than you were hoping for. Think of whatever gain may be coming as something extra, but don't count on it. That way, whatever comes will be a welcome bonus rather than an irritating disappointment.
Today, Capricorn, you could receive an affectionate, supportive letter or phone call from someone close to you. Communications with others should go smoothly, and intelligent conversations could well take place. A favorite author, musician, or actor could release a new book, album, or movie that you'll want to jump on right away. Or you might want to try your hand at such enterprises yourself. You do have the talent.
You could wake up this morning, look around, and decide you want to spend as much time as possible working on your home, Sagittarius. You could be bored with the decor and want to make some changes. Spend the day coming up with ideas and then tonight try to analyze the situation and see what's feasible now. Most likely you'll be able to do some but not all of what you want.
Romantic feelings blossom today, Scorpio. You may suddenly appear more attractive than usual. Lovers and potential lovers may seem unusually attentive. You could also be feeling very creative, and you might want to try your hand at poetry or fiction. Reading romantic novels or seeing romantic movies could also be appealing. Surround yourself with candles, flowers, and music, and enjoy!
New people you meet today are likely to be favorably impressed by your manners, social skills, and, above all, excellent sense of humor. Don't be surprised if all of this brings you some new opportunities today! Your health is radiant, and you are probably looking great. This is an excellent time to plan an evening out with friends or, better yet, a romantic partner if possible.
Your romantic side is flying high today, Virgo. The opposite sex in general and your own partner in particular are going to seem especially attractive to you. You could also see in an entirely different light someone you think of as a friend. An increasingly busy social life in the future is possible, so expect to hear rumblings about parties or other social events.
A small sum of money could come your way today, Leo. It could be that someone pays you what's owed you, or you could win a small amount in a lottery. You might find a $20 bill lying in the street! Sex and romance are very much on your mind. If you can't get together with a partner this evening, you might curl up with a steamy novel or watch a romantic video.
Today, Cancer, you might find yourself thinking longingly of exotic lands and possibly traveling to them in the future. You could also wonder about the people who live in those countries. Romantic daydreams may distract you from your day-to-day business, so it's important to stay focused. Read travel books and rent travel videos. In the meantime, you still have to get through each day.
A female friend you haven't seen for a while could surprise you with a call. A lot of interesting news and useful information could be exchanged that benefits both of you. You may make a number of short journeys throughout the day, Taurus, as you have a lot that needs doing. A small increase in income could also be in the works. In the evening, rent a romantic video.
You may spend much of your day trying to sort out financial matters for yourself, your job, or perhaps for a friend or relative, Sagittarius. A lot of phone calls, and a lot of research, perhaps on the Internet, could be necessary in order to accomplish this. Whatever you decide to do, you'll attack it with determination and feel a great deal of satisfaction when you're done. Go to it!
Your financial situation looks particularly good right now. An increase in income could be coming your way, Aries. The downside could be that contracts might be involved, and you'll have to spend time perusing boring legal documents that need to be executed. A lot of people could reach out to you tonight, probably to exchange ideas and information. Don’t talk or text for too long. You'll want to get some sleep!
Recent developments have brought new interests into your life, Taurus. As a result, you might be seriously considering enrolling in a formal course of study in the future involving these subjects. If you really want to do this, it's definitely the right time to start planning. Others in your community might want to do the same, so a discussion on the subject might help. Books and magazines could also be useful.
Your mind is especially sharp, Gemini. You're logical and objective by nature. However, today you're likely to find that your thinking is more influenced by feeling than usual. This is a positive development. It demonstrates that your intuition is operating at a high level, so don't fight it. This is definitely the day to follow your heart rather than your head.
A group you're involved with may want to discuss a future trip of some kind, Cancer, perhaps to a convention. The drive to expand your horizons is very strong today. Therefore, trips like this or other opportunities to learn and grow can be especially appealing. You might come up with a few ideas of your own that you prefer to pursue alone. Give it some thought!
Your intuition is operating at a very high level today, Leo. You tend to follow your heart by nature, so you don't always go out of your way to be logical or objective. However, more than one event could occur during the day in which it's imperative that you go with your intuition even though it defies all logic. Have a little faith and go with your gut!
Today you might decide to participate in activities involving children, Pisces. Field trips either for pleasure or educational purposes may take place, if possible, and you could enjoy it as much as the kids. Letters and phone calls could bring good news from far away, which you'll almost certainly want to pass on to others. Tonight, curl up with the latest mystery. Intrigue should be especially appealing now.
Today should be a gratifying day, Virgo, full of great news, pleasant surprises, and opening doors of opportunity on just about every level. Career breaks and chances to earn more money could come your way. New friends may be introduced to you, and future opportunities for education and travel also may arise. Whatever actually manifests out of all this is up to you. You might find decisions difficult.
The possibility of some future houseguests might have you checking your home to see what needs to be done to make it presentable. It may need a few minor repairs, Aquarius, and you could do some online shopping to dress the place up a little. Books might give you some workable ideas. Your mind might be working more quickly than your body, however. Take care not to push yourself too hard.
Paperwork involving financial transactions may need to be handled today, Libra, but it won't be as tedious as you think. Whatever information is required is easily obtained. Most of what is presented to you should be clear and understandable, and the people involved helpful. It's important that you do get this done. If you wait, it might not go as smoothly. In the evening, schedule a romantic encounter, if possible. Your level of passion is rather high!
Today you might spend a lot of time with the special person in your life if that’s possible, Capricorn. Romance and affection are definitely a powerful factor in the course of your day, but much of what might bring you closer together is conversation. You're likely to exchange information that interests you both about specific subjects and yourselves and future plans. A short journey might also take place. Enjoy your day!
A friend could put you in touch with a lot of interesting people, some in fields such as law, education, or the ministry. Expect at some point to be treated to a monologue on social and ecological responsibilities, Scorpio! You'll have a lot of definite ideas on those subjects, but you'll be more likely to listen than talk for most of the day. Enjoy your day.
If people insist on having things their own way, let them, Aries. Fighting isn't going to do any good. This kind of reaction will only cause more tension between you and the other person involved. Approaching the situation with a hostile attitude will most likely result in a lose/lose situation. If arguments do occur, try not to take things personally. Try your hardest to stick with the facts.
Try to seek freedom and new experiences today, Pisces. This is an important time for you to spread your wings and explore. Keep in mind that something or someone may be working to restrain you emotionally. An opposing force is promoting war while you insist on keeping things peaceful. Perhaps there's an important lesson you need to learn. Be more assertive in your actions, and don't let people walk all over you.
Your slow and steady approach may need a sharp kick in the pants today, Aquarius. Don't withhold your opinions. This is a time to get it all out on the table, despite the tension that it may cause. Strong forces are at work, so don't be surprised if things get a bit more heated than you're used to. The fact is that incredible breakthroughs can be made through disagreements among different types of people.
The clouds have finally lifted, and you should be able to see clearly again, Capricorn. The fire is burning red hot and you'll find people likely to stick up for themselves more than usual. You should do the same. Arguments could be especially heated today, and interesting facts and revolutionary information will be passed from person to person. Make sure you have your facts straight before you open your mouth.
Interaction with others may not be especially satisfying for you today, Sagittarius. You could get the feeling that other people don't really care as much as you thought they did. Keep in mind that everyone is doing the best they can. Most people aren't as sensitive as you. They probably have no idea what sort of impact their words have on you. Give others the benefit of the doubt.
You may have the spark that wants to light things today, Scorpio. Indeed, there's a fast-paced tendency to the day that is right up your ally. You should be able to accomplish quite a bit under the prevailing trends. Just make sure you're constructive with criticism and be careful that you aren't too abrasive toward the people you deal with. In other words, be nice.
Be a little braver than usual today, Libra. Take some risks and show others that you have the strength to accomplish anything. There is a lively, anxious feeling to the day that could make you restless. This energy is encouraging you to get up and get going. Initiate something rather than wait for someone else to take the lead. Don't be afraid to fail. You'll never succeed if you don't try.
Your mood should be quite good today, Virgo. Generally, you'll find that people will react to your tendency to take the lead. Keep in mind that this also indicates that they'll probably be more likely to fight back. You may have the tendency to lean toward the bizarre and unconventional. The route to take today is the one that fosters diversity and revolutionary thinking. Be a pioneer in every situation.
It's time to implement the plans you fostered as a result of internal processes over the past few days, Leo. Hop in the driver's seat and take control. As you do, you may need to erect a bit of a mental barrier. People could be somewhat abrasive, and your sensitive nature is susceptible to harsh comments. Take things with a grain of salt. Remember that if people criticize you, it's because they love you.
Don't be surprised if unexpected actions from others give your heart a jolt today, Cancer. You could find that a strong force of erratic energy affects your emotions. It's working to stir things up quite a bit. Use your beliefs and morals as guideposts to help you navigate difficult waters. Stay true to yourself and don't let others make decisions for you. You have the power to make very significant breakthroughs.
You may be a bit daunted by the frenzy of energy present in the air today, Gemini. Try not to get thrown off balance by others who may be more abrasive than usual. Use this as a time of release for yourself. By letting others open up the cold, hard truth to you, you have the opportunity to let out your own truth as well. Unexpected events are likely to come on the scene.
Suddenly you've found your energy again. Your engine is oiled up and ready to go, Taurus. Put yourself in high gear and don't let anything stand in your way. If disagreements with others arise, try to keep focused on the lessons that come from the situation instead of dwelling on the negative aspects. Take things to a higher level and don't be afraid to suggest radical change.
You're likely to face conflicting reports today, Gemini. Information may be tainted with emotion, so be careful about going with the choice that shouts the loudest. You may be getting secretly pigeonholed into a place where you don't want to be. Heed the internal warnings you receive. This is a good day to do things passionately. Take care of any detective work that needs doing.
You may be seduced by fantastic promises that offer wonderful things and fanciful rewards. But beware of anything with lots of bells and whistles, Cancer. There may be a great deal of talk but not much to substantiate such wonderful claims. Don't be surprised if people with intense emotions are stepping up to put in their two cents about how you should run your life. Don't forget who is boss.
People are apt to be quite emotional when it comes to the appearance they wish to project today, Leo, so be careful where you step. It's your job to see through the trendy makeup and fashion that hide the true personalities of the people who insist on wearing these masks. The key is not to be fooled by those who hide behind a facade built more by society than by themselves.
You're apt to trend a bit more on the wild side today, Aries. There's a wave of powerful energy working to give strength to your ego and self-confidence. Use this boost to the best of your ability. You'll need it. There is a strong, fact-oriented force working to combat your aims. You'll find that it's equally powerful and stubborn. Cut through the fantasy and uncover the truth.
Virgo, don't be surprised if some of your fantasies and dreams are put on trial today by a harsh force that cuts right to the truth of the matter. People are apt to be extra passionate about things. Most aren't going to be impressed with Disney-esque plans. You can try your normal approach of simply ramming ahead with your plans, but a better approach might be to be more strategic.
A good tactic for you today would be to convert your fears into motivation for positive action. There's a great deal of energy at your disposal, Taurus, so don't waste it. Be aware that this is one of those times in which the smallest comment or insult could set off a huge chain reaction of misinformation or battles. People are quite emotionally charged, so be careful where you step.
You may get pushed around by two very powerful camps today, Pisces. Since you're the kind, diplomatic, and sensitive one, you make the perfect target for more abrasive and opinionated people. You may want to side with the cold, hard facts presented to you, although there's a great deal of emotional power stirring the pot. Things may not be as clear as they seem at first glance.
It may be difficult to stay grounded today with all the information flying around and the emotions roiling in your heart. Try not to take things too seriously, Aquarius. This is the key to maintaining a level head throughout the day. Do things with passion and take care of any detective work that needs to be done. There are important facts coming to you from unexpected sources.
The fantasy world that you've built for yourself is a pleasure to behold, Capricorn. People frolic in your world and have a grand time. Your presence delights people with pleasure. Today, however, this world may be threatened by harsh realities coming in the form of electronic information. This force is powerful and apt to be quite erratic and spontaneous. Be prepared to stand your ground.
You have the sensitivity to pick up on what's going on in every situation today, Sagittarius. What you're apt to find are powerful emotions coming into conflict with extremely strong opinions. Welcome to the battle between the head and the heart. On this day you may be more apt to side with the heart. Realize that this arena is quite heated and that the forces at work are extremely stubborn.
Be careful not to be too cavalier today, Scorpio. It would be wise to adopt a more serious tone than you normally would. You might be inclined to be careless with your words, but people are going to take you very literally. Make sure you say things that you actually mean. Your attention to fashion and pop culture may conflict with a force that's asking you to focus on things of deeper spiritual value.
You've reached an emotionally climactic point right now, Libra, and you could find some harsh opposition coming at you for no apparent reason. There is a stubborn, strong, oppressive force today, and you should be aware that the more rigid your viewpoint, the harder it will be for any resolution at all. Compromise is an essential virtue of the day.
Some intense dreams could visit you tonight. Keep a notebook and pen by your bedside, Leo. It's important you remember them. You'll want to visualize every single detail. In the morning, you might want to reflect on their possible meaning. They could give rise to new knowledge about yourself, a new spiritual revelation, or artistic inspiration. Books could be of particular assistance in understanding what your dreams are telling you.
Something is happening nearby, Capricorn, and you want to participate. You could feel like you have one foot in this world and one in another. The floodgates of intense communication could open between you and a close friend or love partner. A tight spiritual bond exists between you, and you'll really feel the effects of it now. It will almost be like you can read each other's minds!
Daydreams about your future could take up a lot of time today, Libra. Inspiration could give a real boost to projects you've been working on. These might involve artistic endeavors or perhaps some sprucing up that you want to do around the house and yard. Working together, if possible, might bring you closer to friends, family members, and possibly a love partner. Conversations with them could take an unexpected turn.
This is a great day to develop any latent talents you've wanted to explore, Aquarius, particularly those involving the arts. You might want to try working with friends who have the same talent. This could not only lead to some good advice but also bring you two closer. However, this isn't a good day to deal with practical paperwork, so let that sort of thing go for a little while.
You might find yourself daydreaming about faraway places, Scorpio, perhaps toying with the idea of taking a long vacation by air to a place you've always wanted to visit in the future. This isn't a good day to make definite plans. You aren't likely to be inclined to do that now anyway. Love matters may take an unexpected turn, as a spiritual bond seems to be forming between you and a potential romantic partner.
Events taking place at churches, meditation centers, and other places with a spiritual orientation could draw you near, Taurus. You might want to attend a service or program at one of them, if possible. Don't be surprised if some profound insights come to you that shed some light on a current situation you might be dealing with. Write them down or you might forget them later.
Today you might feel especially artistic, particularly regarding the visual arts. A lot of exalted ideas could come your way, Pisces, perhaps inspired by the masters of the past. This is a great day to pay attention to music and art. Friends who share your interest might want to explore these things with you, if possible. Take time to write down your thoughts since you'll want to remember them. Enjoy!
Today your intellect is likely to be more inclined than usual to explore fields that seem a bit speculative. Ancient spiritual rites, prehistory, or strange stories could be on your mind, Cancer. You might seek books on these subjects. Usually you tend to be skeptical about such things, but now you want to learn about them. Hang onto your logic and learn what you can! You'll enjoy yourself at the very least!
It's likely that the previous few days have been especially hectic, Gemini. Today you're apt to entertain a few daydreams about getting away from it all. Perhaps there's another field that you've wanted to pursue. You might actually think seriously about it now. Don't make any plans until you're back in the material world. You might feel too fanciful to be your usual practical self.
Events involving the arts or spiritual studies could take place today. You might be put in contact with new people who share your interests. Love and romance could take on a fairytale aura, Virgo. You might view current and potential love partners through rose-colored glasses, seeing only their endearing traits. This is fine, and you should enjoy it as long as you don't get caught up in unrealistic expectations. They're human just like everyone else.
You might look around your house and think of some new and exciting ways to spruce it up a little, Sagittarius. Perhaps some new paint, wallpaper, or carpet, or even a small art object could make a big difference. You may want to try it. A romantic partner could spend a lot of time working on this with you and it might well bring you closer together. Have fun!
You're a deep thinker by nature, Aries, and today your mind may not be in this world. Books on psychology and metaphysics could be appealing. Churches, meditation centers, and other places with a spiritual orientation could seem especially attractive. You might attend a program or workshop there, if possible, but mostly you'll just want to be alone with your thoughts. Write down any insights, as you'll want to remember them later.
The doldrums are over and its time to pick up the pace, Scorpio. Come out of your home in full regalia today and be proud of what you have to offer to the world. Be courageous in your dealings with others and take the time to express yourself fully in a creative manner. The bigger the smile you wear, the further you'll go in just about every situation you encounter.
It's time for you to come out of hibernation, Virgo. Shake off the blues and come into the light. Today is a day to play and have fun. You'll find that the mood of the day is lighthearted and jovial, so be the first with a joke or silly story. Do what you can to make others laugh. Let the fire within you burn at its brightest.
Put your aggressions away and laugh a little today, Aries. Transfer your intensity from a hard, caustic energy to a more lighthearted and fun-loving one. You'll find that this type of attitude will take you far. Little things may crop up that disrupt your daily routine, but you'll find that a warm smile is all you need to defuse the bomb.
Try to have a positive, optimistic outlook today, Leo. Adopt an attitude of gratitude and look to see the beauty in everything around you. This is a day to appreciate what you've got, especially the people who love you. Compliment others and let them know how much they mean to you. These words and deeds will have a rippling effect that will bring you a great deal of good fortune.
You might find that others are adopting a bit of a "me first" attitude that doesn't quite sit right with you, Cancer. You may need to knock on their door, wake them up, and say, "Hey, what about everybody else?" Try not to whine as you deliver this message. A desperate-sounding attitude will get you nowhere. Be friendly and jovial in your approach and the world will be at your feet.
Take time out from your work today and relax a little, Gemini. Let your romantic nature have some fun and don't feel guilty about not being as serious as you think you should be. The winner of the day is the one who can smile the most, so enter this contest with the intent of coming out on top. The rewards will last a long time. Those you encounter won't be able to help smiling back.
It's a terrific day for you, Taurus, one in which you'll find that your jovial approach to every situation is just what the doctor ordered. Spend time with children and enjoy their magical world. Spread your love and affection to the people around you. Make sure that the corners of people's mouths are turning up instead of down. A friendly attitude will take you far.
You have an incredibly strong influence on others just by virtue of the fact of your fun-loving, peaceful, and harmonious nature, Pisces. Your natural charm will take you any place you want to go today, so feel free to use it at will. Accentuate the positive and make sure you're walking on the sunny side of the street. Whistle as you walk down the sidewalk and get out into the light.
Come out of serious mode for a day and let yourself laugh, Aquarius. Sponsor a game night at your home and invite some good friends over to play cards and nibble on snacks until midnight, if possible. This is a day to have fun, so let loose and be free to express yourself in the best way you see fit. Realize how much power you have in your jovial nature.
Things should go extremely well for you today, Capricorn, so don't shy away from anything. In fact, take this opportunity to shine as brightly as you can. Crank up your battery and project yourself into the world. You'll find that your smile is contagious, so feel free to use it often. There's a great deal of power behind your self-confidence, enabling you to tackle just about every job with energy.
People are going to appreciate extra attention from you today, Sagittarius, so feel free to give it out like candy to everyone you come in contact with. A kind gesture and warm word won't be forgotten. Let your generous and kind spirit shine through. Open your heart extra wide and spread love to the world. It's the perfect day to love and laugh.
Other people's stubborn attitudes may be hindering your progress, Libra. Take this as a hint that you need to loosen your grip on a certain viewpoint that you're holding too tightly. There's a great deal of power behind your emotions today, and these emotions want to be heard. Feel free to jump up and take the podium. Speak your mind even though you may not necessarily agree with the group.
Find comfort in your work today, Cancer. Although it may sound ridiculous, you'll find that getting things checked off your list is the most rewarding activity of the day. Try not to be too critical of others. Focus on your own tasks at hand. Mountains that seem too daunting will continue to grow bigger until you take the first step. Your perseverance will be an inspiration to others.
Try not to be smothering today, Pisces. You may want to seek comfort in conversations with others but find that this only produces grouchiness on the part of all involved. Curb your tendency to find fault in loved ones. Your best bet is to focus your energy on tasks you've had on the back burner for some time. Tackle projects that need special attention and the most discipline.
You'll find little comfort in your emotions today, Aquarius. You may want to simply stick to business. Concentrate on getting things done in your regular routine. Create a plan and stick to it. This isn't a day to deviate from the norm, nor is it a time in which you'll find sympathy from others. Stick close to home and take care of your personal business. Time is precious - don't waste it.
Unfortunately, this isn't a day for fun and games, Capricorn. In fact, you might feel an annoying emotional weightiness, making you feel less energetic than usual. There's a sober tone that's asking you to take a hard-nosed look at reality and make some decisions regarding goals and plans. You could feel like the timer buzzer is about to go off. The minute hand is ticking away and there are many more adventures in store.
Maintain your psychic shield today, Sagittarius, because you'll need it. People's comments may seem harsh even if they mean well. Your best defense against the critical tone of the day is to use other people's criticisms as constructively as you can in order to build a stronger foundation from which to work. Process this energy in a positive frame of mind and use it to get things done.
People may be a bit critical of you today, Scorpio, and you would do well to hear what they have to say. Be receptive of feedback from others so that you may establish a healthy ego. It's important to keep your sense of humility in check. You might find that you're feeling rather critical as you see people moving like sloths compared to your lightning quick mind. Be patient with others.
Put aside frivolity for a day, Libra. This is an important time to prepare for the future. Don't take another step forward before you know you're on solid ground. This is a good time to secure your goals on a piece of paper. Writing them down in ink will help you manifest them in your life. Think about the long-term harvest. Security and grounding are key themes of the day.
Today you need to finish whatever you didn't get done yesterday, Virgo. Themes of the journey include discipline and paying attention to the sand slipping through the hourglass. The more you're able to accomplish, the better you'll feel about yourself. Stagnant energy in your life signals that it's time to get things moving. Don't waste another moment waiting for someone else to find the solution for you. Take the initiative.
Get your head out of the clouds, Leo. You'll find out that nitpicky details you failed to attend to earlier are now coming back to haunt you. Don't postpone your work any further. The time to take care of the job is now. Balance your checkbook and do your laundry. Clean your bathtub and go grocery shopping. The more you accomplish today, the better you'll feel about yourself tomorrow.
You may feel a sense of restriction to the day, but in truth, this is for your own good, Gemini. You'll find that your acute sense of discipline comes in handy today as you tackle work with incredible enthusiasm. Your goals aren't far from your grasp. Stay focused, and don't let the ticking clock pressure you. Hastiness will lead to careless mistakes. If you're going to do a job, do it right.
It could be hard for you to feel connected to anyone today, Taurus. You're probably better off keeping to yourself. If you're feeling sad or depressed, it's best to work through these feelings on your own. Other people aren't apt to be too sympathetic to your situation. You're better off sticking to your work in order to keep the demons out of your head.
There's a damper on your emotions today that could leave you feeling like a pot of simmering water, Aries. Just by knowing there's a lid on things you're likely to heat up more quickly than usual. Try to hold your temper. A furious rage will get you nowhere. Concentrate your energy on getting your material affairs in order. Deal with finances, investments, and long-term security planning.
Act on your instincts today, Aquarius, and you won't go wrong. You may need to give up a bit of control and put logical thinking aside for the day. Let the wind take you where it wants you to go. Explore your mind and its interactions with others. You'll find that it will be just about impossible to solidify any plans. You're better off exploring options and comparing notes with others. Don't pigeonhole yourself into one way of thinking.
Make practical use of the thoughts you have synthesized over the last few days, Libra. Stretch your boundaries and extend your wisdom to the people around you. This is a day to take action. Connect with your heart and move forward with your plans. We normally think of our hearts as being soft, tender, and vulnerable. Today think of your heart as being tough, strong, and adventurous.
It's important for you to get outside and feel the wind blowing, Virgo. Reconnect with nature and be aware of the four elements. Take deep breaths and fill your lungs with this energizing life force. Imagine yourself on a mountaintop looking over a vast ocean below. Expand your awareness so that nothing escapes your attention. Keep your head clear of clutter and be open to new adventures.
You might find yourself a bit unfocused and confused about which way to go, Leo. The baffled look on your face isn't helping anyone else figure out how to help you. Don't feel obliged to remain in an unhealthy situation. It may be time to let go and break some ties to things that no longer work for you. Feel good about extricating yourself from old habits that no longer serve you.
It's important for you to take action on a day like today, Cancer. Trust yourself and your instincts. Oftentimes you'll have the perfect advice for every situation and every other person except yourself. Remember that you might have to consult others in order to find the best counsel for yourself. Talk things out and take definitive action. Hesitation causes delay. You have all the facts you need.
If you're talking about another person today, Gemini, make sure you aren't saying anything that would be upsetting if they were standing right there. Gossip may be running rampant, but that's no excuse for you to contribute to it. Be aware that what you say has a strong impact on the people around you and is likely to reach many more ears than you may think.
You should be able to evaluate your emotions from a very neutral, detached perspective today, Taurus. Use this opportunity to take action based on what you feel. Make sure your actions aren't reactionary and that you aren't simply acting rashly in response to someone else's hasty maneuvers. Think before you make any sudden moves. You'll be amazed at what incredible things can develop if you simply use your head a bit first.
You may find that people want to do a great deal of talking but not a great deal of feeling today, Aries. Go ahead and put your emotions on the back burner and let your mind take over. Deal with facts and make sure your emotions don't interfere with the information you receive. Things can get clouded if you don't stay true to the communication that's taking place. Be conscious of your words.
You might come across strong opposition today from someone who seems to want to cut straight through to your heart, Capricorn. In reality, this is a message reminding you to think about things in terms of the collective - the oneness of us all. Be aware of a greater perspective in which you see more than just your side of the issue. Talk to people you trust before making any major decisions.
Today you'll find that you're the missing puzzle piece that people need in every situation, Pisces. Engage in light conversation in social arenas and feel free to turn your charm up full blast. You have the ability to make favorable impressions on just about everyone, so get the day off on the right foot. Get out of bed earlier than normal and get your blood pumping with a brisk walk or workout.
It could be hard for you to get a handle on things today, Sagittarius, as your focus seems to jump from one subject to the next without finding resolution for any. This isn't a day to find solutions. You're better off researching, asking questions, and gathering facts. Keep the channels of communication open, and don't try to pin anyone down for a solid answer. You'll accomplish a great deal by keeping things active and light.
This is an important day for you to make valuable connections with others, Scorpio. You'll find yourself engaged in fast-paced, witty conversations and debates from which you can learn a great deal. You're good at seeing both sides of an issue, but the problem is that this can lead to indecisiveness and an inability to commit to anything. Choose a path today and stick to it.
Feel free to speak up today, Leo. Perhaps no one has heard your point of view in a while. It's probably important for them to hear it. Just because people don't ask for your opinion, that doesn't mean it isn't valid. You have incredible intuitive insight that others fail to see. Don't assume they know what you're thinking - even though you probably know what they're thinking.
Someone has turned on the fan and papers are flying everywhere, Virgo. The pace of things is picking up and you're scrambling to pick up the pieces. Stay in close communication with others today. This will be your saving grace. You may require others' help to fetch the stack of important documents that has blown across the room. Keep a close eye on things so you don't lose your place in the game.
Listen closely to the wind, for the answers are blowing around right in front of you today, Scorpio. Contact people you haven't heard from in a while. You'll find that you can be quite productive where you least expect it. Ironically, the less you plan, the more you'll get done. Be spontaneous in your actions. Revelations will come to you like lightning.
You might find yourself sidestepping in order to avoid a commitment today, Sagittarius. Don't keep giving someone the runaround. Be strong and let people know your thoughts even if you think their feelings will be hurt. Your job is to protect your emotions. Other people can handle their own. Be aggressive if you have to be. Your own sanity depends on you being true to yourself.
Today is a terrific day for you, Pisces. You'll find that you can get quite a bit done using your quick mind and sharp wit. Information is flying fast and furious. Grab hold of what resonates with you and discard what doesn't. The more informed you are, the better equipped you'll be to handle the decisions of the day. Make sure you have all the facts before you proceed.
Your Florence Nightingale side might make an appearance today, Aquarius. Your default defense is to take care of yourself and others. That's fine, but make sure you do it in a way that doesn't deplete your vital life force. The key is to offer advice and then leave the situation. You aren't responsible for others' actions. Offer information but leave the final decision up to the person you're trying to help.
You're at a dramatic climax in your monthly emotional cycle today, Capricorn. It's possible that you'll erupt like a volcano. Don't be ashamed of releasing these emotions. Your feminine and masculine natures are quite connected and they're working harmoniously in order to express themselves to the fullest. Open the gates of communication and let the stampede charge through.
No one is going to be catering to your needs today, Libra, so get up and do things on your own. You'll find that there is little sympathy from others, and strong opinions are a dime a dozen. There's a great deal of gossip buzzing around that you may be tempted to join in on. Don't be an enabler of this sort of behavior. It's only going to alienate you from others in the long run.
Often, we ask ourselves, "Why me?" You might feel like you ask yourself this question more than anyone else, Aries. Your life probably seems at times like a roller-coaster ride that never ends. Deep down, you realize that you'd have it no other way. Take a break from things today if you can. Communicate your thoughts and feelings to others. By talking it out, you'll feel much better about the situation.
You may find your brain buzzing around like a bee today, Taurus. This is good. There's a great deal of information that you need to process now. Have you been thinking about buying some new electronic equipment or small appliances for your home? Now is a great time to do some research on this project before you pull out your wallet. Use this day to gather facts.
Don't automatically assume that you can work out all your problems by yourself, Gemini. Just the act of talking things over with others can help shed light on a situation that was baffling you earlier. Enlist the help of others in areas where you need help. Don't be ashamed to ask for assistance. We all have problems and issues to deal with. You aren't alone.
Get up early and get working, Cancer. You have a lot of emotional and physical energy that should help you accomplish whatever you need to do. The planetary energy is on your side. Take advantage of it to say what's on your mind and get closer to wherever you need to be. Your active and receptive sides are in agreement today. You should be able to find a healthy balance between giving and receiving.
Today is an excellent day for you, one in which you'll find a great deal of strength in your emotions, Sagittarius. Trust that your instincts are serving you well. You have nothing to lose by following your heart. This is an important time for you to rekindle the dreams that you've let smolder. Bring more of your fantasy world into your everyday life.
When faced with ten entrees on the menu, it might be hard for you to choose just one. Feel free to order two or more, Taurus. Don't let indecisiveness slow you down. At the same time, don't view it as something negative. The key for today is to go with the flow. Expand your dreams as far and wide as you wish. Have fun as long as you're willing to take full responsibility for your actions.
You'll find that things are slipping nicely into place for you today, Aries. Your persuasive manner and gentle nudges are just enough to get people where you want them. Control is all yours if you want it. Remember that you need to be willing to accept the blame for failure as well as praise for success. Any risks you take today, however, are likely to work out in your favor.
Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act on them, Gemini. No one else is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take matters into your own hands. Realize, however, that you can get there many different ways. The first step is to believe in yourself. Anything is possible. Today is a great day to let your imagination call the shots.
If people hassle you or give you a hard time about your appearance today, pay them no mind, Cancer. You have the right to live your life any way you want to. If that means you want to go around the house in a grubby T-shirt and tattered sweatpants that haven't been washed in months, then so be it. Feel free to be whoever you want to be.
Reach for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, Leo. It's closer than you think. Indeed, your dreams are completely within your reach, and there are huge forces at work helping you achieve your goals. You should find yourself in a favorable mood all day. People will be more sensitive than usual to your emotions. Let your fantasies lead the way.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think about what it is that you want most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to how far you can go. Your only limitation is your imagination. Don't worry if your plan doesn't seem to make any rational sense. Worry more about what you want and less about how you're going to get it.
Let yourself go into high creative mode and drift into a whole other world, Pisces. Escape your present reality and explore your fantasies through any sort of artistic endeavor. Dream as big as your mind allows. There's no limit to the things that can manifest on a day like today. Push your limits and test your boundaries. You may be able to soar much higher than you think.
Mix your reality with a bit of fantasy today, Aquarius. Allow your feet to come off the ground for a little while. Give yourself a rest. Take some time to meditate and clear your mind of your daily worries. Calming, relaxing activities are the best way to spend the day. Spend time communicating with friends and feel free to go deep into conversations regarding outlandish subjects. Allow yourself to dream.
Things might get a bit confusing for you today, Capricorn. Don't feel like you need to make sense of it all. In fact, this task may be impossible. Just be yourself. Let your creative nature shine through. Other people are quite malleable, and you should feel free to take the lead in just about any situation. Make sure, however, that you consider other people's needs.
Your mind may seem rather cloudy today, Scorpio, but don't let this hinder you. In fact, you'll find that you can use this feeling of fantasy to your advantage. Try to bring more magic into your life. You'll discover that the more you accept your bizarre feelings and ideas, the more things will fall into place. Don't think that everything in life has to be completely rational.
Expand your mind to its furthest reaches today, Libra. There's an incredible opportunity opening up for you in which you can make great strides in a creative realm. Follow the music. Pick up an instrument, browse an online music store, or listen to your favorite playlist. Let the artist within have room to play. Shoot for a goal and don't stop until you reach it.
If there's an issue that needs to be brought to the table now, feel free to do so, Pisces. Don't hold back just to maintain a relationship's equilibrium. Don't sacrifice your own peace of mind just to keep from rocking the boat. Contributing unhealthy lies to maintain a healthy facade doesn't do anyone any good. Be totally honest with yourself, your feelings, and the people around you.
You may have found yourself having some issues with food lately, Aquarius. It could be that your sense of self-worth isn't at its highest and you're trying to make up for it by sabotaging your relationship with your body. Food is healthy nourishment that you need to survive. Your body deserves respect. You need to always give it the proper fuel that it requires to be healthy.
Stop being an enabler to someone you care deeply about, Capricorn. It could be that you're helping to continue dangerous addictive behavior simply because you want to avoid a nasty confrontation. Realize that this is doing neither party any good. The more you perpetuate the lie, the more it will continue to hurt all parties involved. Be open and honest with your concerns.
Stop trying to feel everyone else's emotions and really feel your own, Leo. Being empathetic to others' needs is charitable, but you need to face the music and look at yourself. Make a clear distinction between your needs and those of others. Express your feelings to those around you. Ask for help if you need it. Other people aren't mind readers. They probably have no idea what you feel.
You could feel like you're being double-crossed by a loved one today, Libra. It could be that your own words are being used against you in a way that makes you look like the bad guy. When it comes time to make a rebuttal on your behalf, make sure you let the other person know that you're confronting their behavior and not attacking them as a person.
You may say one thing one minute and the opposite the next, Scorpio. Usually you can jump from one issue to another with no problem, but today people are likely going to call you on it. Think about what you really mean before you say it. Don't do all your thinking aloud where other people can hear. Your continuous thought process might be mistaken for a final analysis. Confusion could ensue.
The subtle tension in the air today might be just what you need to make you more aware of subconscious issues that affect your behavior, Sagittarius. You'll find that you need to get a lot off your chest. The more honest you can be about the pain people have caused you, the more loving words will be able to flow in the future. Open the channels of communication and let it flow.
It may seem like neither side of the bed is the right side to wake up on, Virgo. The only solution you might be able to come up with today is to go back to bed. Focus on your heart because it's trying to tell you that it needs some attention. Emotions may be running quite high, so be extra careful of how you treat yourself and others.
Don't run away from tension today, Gemini. Any sort of emotional stress you feel will be compounded tremendously if it isn't dealt with right away. Be in the moment while the moment is here. The more you face in the present, the less you'll regret in the future. Clear up any sticky situation that arises and move forward. People may not understand your needs and concerns until you verbalize them clearly.
Stop hiding behind the intellectual barrier that you may have put up, Cancer. Playing games will get you nowhere. True strength is being able to demonstrate that you have the courage to say what you feel in any situation, especially regarding a close loved one. If you need to say something, say it. Don't wait until the situation escalates to an unhealthy argument before you finally get your feelings out.
Give your loved ones the attention they need today, Taurus. Don't let another day go by without saying you love them. Life is short and getting shorter with each passing day. Feel free to be confrontational about a serious issue that needs to be addressed. You're responsible for your own feelings. Don't play the role of the victim. You'll only experience more pain and resentment later.
The intensity of the day is apt to bring opposition that you aren't necessarily expecting, Aries. Whether it's being verbalized or not, the confrontations are quite real. Don't underestimate a loved one's emotions. Stand up to these issues and be realistic about their solutions. No one expects you to have all the right answers, so don't pretend that you do. We're all human and we all make mistakes.
The day's energy is erratic and you're apt to jump all over the place, Libra. Don't worry about trying to firm up any plans at this time. You may feel like you're trying to grab a slippery fish with butter on your hands. If this is the case, don't worry about it. Let the fish swim away for now and relax. You can always catch another one later if need be.
Get up and get going today, Scorpio. You have no time to lose. Your quick mind will be busy working on many tasks, but this suits you just fine. You're well equipped to deal with the many frantic situations that are apt to crop up. There is a great deal of strength to your emotions that you can use to connect with others and communicate your thoughts in a healthy manner.
Your heart may experience some wild fluctuations today, Sagittarius. It may seem as if your emotions are on a runaway train with no track. If so, the best thing to do is sit by yourself and write. Compose a letter, song, or journal entry. You'll find that you're much less confused than you thought. When in doubt, consult someone you love and trust. Go with your instincts.
Suddenly things are coming to a head for you, Capricorn. The drama is escalating, and you aren't sure if you can remember all your lines. Take things one step at a time. Deal with the issues as they come. If you get ahead of yourself, you might be overwhelmed by what you fear will be a more daunting situation than you can handle. Don't sweat the small stuff.
A great deal of attention will center on your emotions today, Aquarius, although being centered in and of itself will be quite the challenge. You may feel like a yo-yo at the mercy of someone else's hand. Don't fall prey to victimization. Stand up for yourself even if it means that others are likely to get upset. You're responsible for your feelings and no one else's.
Today will be like playing a game on your home field, Taurus. You have fans out there supporting you and you know the territory. Take advantage of the little things that you have going for you. There is a dramatic force at work that may be erratic but extremely powerful as long as you can maintain control. Stay focused on your goals. True happiness is only a small step away!
Maintaining equilibrium might not be the easiest task today, but if anyone can do it, you can, Pisces. You may find that others' strong opinions are cropping up and challenging your ego. You have a great deal of ammunition in your arsenal. You'll find that you can learn quite a bit by accepting this challenge and engaging in a heated debate. Have faith in yourself.
Desire is the name of the game for you today, Aries. If you want it, you can get it, but it won't come easily. The prize will go to the person who desires it the most. Show the people around you how much you can accomplish. You'll impress others with your incredible drive and determination. Don't give in to the wasp that's likely to fly up and sting you.
Enlist the help of others today, Gemini. You'll find that information exchange is the key to putting the last few puzzle pieces into place. Doing things on your own is important and necessary. At some point you need to realize that the next major step requires a certain amount of input from others. Gather data and apply it to your situation. Don't become a leach or burden to others.
This is an excellent day for you, Cancer, so live it up! Your ego is strong, and beautiful things are flowing your way in general. You should enjoy a good mood that will attract favorable people and situations. There is virtually no limit to the expansiveness of this day. One thing to watch for, however, is that you don't get too arrogant. Be proud but not obnoxious.
Your emotions may be a bit erratic. It could be hard for you to focus on anything today, Leo. Things continue to shift from one topic to the next with little resolution of any. Others aren't apt to be very sympathetic to your feelings, so don't expect them to be. You'll only be setting yourself up for disappointment. It's a better day to focus on your head rather than your heart.
There is an extra blast of wind to fill your sails today, Virgo, so make sure you've got both hands on the steering wheel. Whichever way your rudder is pointed is the direction you'll go. Once you get on your course, it will be difficult for you to readjust your position, so make sure that your compass is properly set. Continue on with your journey full speed ahead.
There's no excuse for laziness today, Pisces! Make sure you get out of bed before the day ends. You'll find that the more action you take, the happier you'll be. Express your thoughts to the people around you. Get out in the open air and listen to what the wind has to say. Be active and flexible. People's emotions are more on the surface, so keep things light and energetic.
Take a break from the seriousness that has prevailed over the past couple days, Sagittarius. You'll find that upbeat conversations are the way to navigate through today's waters. You might notice that communication is more active and that words are especially effective. Talk and people will listen. Listen and people will talk. The exchange of ideas is critical on a day like this.
Jump back onstage and say your peace, Capricorn. Your active participation in the conversation of today is critical to maintaining a healthy energy flow. The things you say to others will have a profound effect, so choose your words carefully. Enjoy a physical activity that involves a group, if possible. Be an active participant in all the situations you encounter.
Take a break from your steady climb today and have a look at the world around you, Gemini. Enjoy a night out with friends, if possible, and take an active role in the conversation. You'll find that the more socializing you do (even if its remotely), the more you'll be able to release some of the tension that you might not even realize you have. Get the energy moving again. Take an active role in keeping up with the beat.
Your solid footing may become a bit unstable today, Aquarius, but don't worry about it. Be a little more flexible and release your tightfisted grip on the situation. Infuse a bit of laughter and playfulness into things. You'll find that the exchange of ideas is a critical part of the day. Get out of the house and enjoy lighthearted conversations whenever possible.
You might feel like you've come out of the dark and into the light today, Taurus. A weight has been lifted, but there's still a great deal of emotional drama that needs to work itself out. Go for a long walk this afternoon and increase your lung capacity. Get your heart rate up. You'll find that the more active you are, the better you'll be able to sort through your emotional trauma.
Don't let things stagnate, Aries. It's time to take action. In everything you do today, see how far you can go as opposed to how deep. Cover a wide range of topics. Take a break from your usual emotional intensity and simply enjoy the sunshine and light conversation with others. Keep things energetic and upbeat. Take action when you see that things are flagging.
Your physical stamina is apt to be quite strong today, Scorpio. You should consider working out to release some of that pent-up energy. Engage in a sport or something that involves strategy and good coordination. Pick up a tennis racquet or join a basketball game, if possible. You'll find that your high level of energy will be the key to coming out on top.
Take some of that knowledge you've picked up and processed over the past few weeks and spread it around, Libra. It's time to put your communication skills to work. You'll find that your emotions are strongly tied to your actions today, and that things will take on a much lighter tone than they have in the past few days. Take deep breaths and release that pent-up tension.
The name of the game for you today is action, Virgo. The air seems to get clearer, and it feels as if a weight has been lifted off you. You might notice a sudden burst of physical energy urging you to get out and go for a long bike ride. Feel the wind blowing through your hair. Or release your pent-up emotions on the soccer field in a fast-paced game with your friends, if possible.
Today is a great day to go out and get things done, Leo. You might find that you're a bit indecisive, but don't sweat it. Don't feel like you have to make any great commitments. You'll do fine jumping around from lily pad to lily pad. Get yourself into the open and express what's on your mind. Engage in some sort of physical activity that gets your circulation going.
Pay attention to the news today, Cancer. Be sure to check not just the mainstream news but also the offbeat independent publications and websites. Question what you hear and read. Take an active role in increasing your knowledge of the world. Take responsibility for your citizenship by keeping an eye on what's going on. Information is an important aspect of power.

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