Virgo's Horoscopes |



Born between: August 23rd - Sep 22nd

Dedicated and accomplished are the best ways to describe a Virgo as they have profound morals and are often initiative. However those born under the Virgo star sign need to take extra care to control their temper and be patient.

Think before you act today, Virgo. Rash moves are likely to get you into trouble. An annoying interruption in your daily routine could throw you off guard. Sit down and think about the situation before you act too hastily. Bumps in the road are often messages from the universe that you're moving too quickly and carelessly. It's time to slow down.
You're a dreamer at heart, Virgo. You prefer not to think about material things. That explains why you tend to forget groceries or dry cleaning. You're happiest if things get done for you. But circumstances today will force you to handle some of these mundane chores. You'll feel better by day's end just knowing you can be self-sufficient even if you don't want to be.
Don't try to force anything or anyone right now, Virgo. You'll find that today's elements are just as stubborn as you are. Today's planetary configurations will force you to finally start to turn your dreams into reality, whether you want to or not. Face it - you've been planning for a long time without making much concrete progress. All that is about to change.
There's a great deal of fuel to keep your fire raging today, Virgo. Powerful situations are apt to come your way in which you're asked to take decisive action. Don't shy away from added responsibility. Your ego is very strong, which helps you take charge of any situation. Just make sure that you don't step on anyone's toes in the process.
Someone may be calling you on certain behaviors today, Virgo. It could be that your aggressive nature rubs someone the wrong way and they simply don't have thick enough skin to take it. You may not even be aware of how your warlike attitude affects those around you. This is a good day to see things from someone else's perspective in order to gain a bit more data on the situation.
Be yourself today - 100 percent you, Virgo. The world needs more individuality. Revel in your unique qualities and be generous about sharing them with the world. Feel free to adopt a new and unconventional way of doing something - anything. Beware, however, that there may be a strong, grounding force that's trying to tie you down to tradition. Don't feel pressured to give in to the social norm.
Let your love light shine today, Virgo. There's a great deal of passion in your heart that needs to be expressed. Let your romantic nature take the reins, and allow your creative nature to blossom. Be assertive with regard to the ones you love. Muster your courage and feel free to take the lead. Be loving and caring without being smothering and clingy. Give others room to breathe!
Your thinking is clear and sharp, Virgo, and your mental awareness keen. You should use it to head toward new, forward-thinking projects. Don't waste your time beating around the bush. Cut right to the heart of the issue. You'll easily outwit your opponents in a game of Scrabble or chess. Engage in activities that exercise your brain. There's no reason for you to doubt yourself today.
When it comes to issues that require real thinking, be careful of letting someone else take control. You might have a rather lazy attitude in this department, Virgo, and it could be tempting to simply let someone else do the thinking for you. This attitude is apt to lead you down the wrong path for you. Taking responsibility for yourself means thinking for yourself, so do it.
Stop wasting your energy on things that have no real relevance in your life, Virgo. This is a day to focus your attention on the tasks at hand and get things done. Don't get distracted by the blinking neon lights. Stay tuned to your own channel. It might not be a bad idea to adopt more of a critical tone so you don't get caught up in issues that don't pertain to you.
There are a few emotional surprises coming your way, Virgo. You might act a certain way under normal circumstances, but today you're apt to take a completely different route. Perhaps you don't know why you suddenly feel comfortable about a situation that you'd normally be quite skeptical about. Nevertheless, this feeling is possible. Don't bother questioning your emotions. Simply roll with whatever circumstances come your way. You'll open many doors for yourself.
Your heart has been active, Virgo, and you're probably feeling the need to take charge of a certain relationship. Instead of being too hasty in your pursuit of this romance, you should probably do more planning. Look at the situation from a long-term perspective and see if the partnership is heading the way you want it to, based on how things are moving now. It could be that you're jumping ahead of the game.
Be prepared to work diligently toward making your dreams a reality today, Virgo. Success is definitely on the way, though it may not be approaching quite as quickly as you might like. A lot of significant letters and phone calls could come your way, keeping you busy. Don't allow yourself to get too frazzled, though. Take time periodically throughout the day to sit quietly and recoup your energy.
Tension in your romantic life is apt to well up today, Virgo. More than likely, there are certain responsibilities that you feel you have to attend to that take you away from your intimate experience with another. Whether or not you're currently involved in a romantic partnership, the day's energy is likely to stir up issues regarding love and romance. Try to find a healthy balance between work and play.
Today you could find yourself seeking self-knowledge through relationships, Virgo, especially through assisting those you love. Someone is troubled and needs your help. It would be best for all if you gave it, because you're especially sensitive and insightful now. You're especially able to soothe others' anger and mediate arguments. Your optimism is very high, and you have what it takes to pass it on to others.
Today your mind is apt to be turning to discussions of money, Virgo. Conversations, perhaps job related, perhaps social encounters with friends, could turn to the subject of new income opportunities through modern technology. This is a good time to look into such matters, although you'll probably want to consider several before making a decision. Unless you absolutely know what you want, shop around!
Don't even try to understand what's happening today, Virgo, because you won't be able to fathom it. Collective currents of concern are imposing upon your life and you're powerless to stop them. Some soul searching may help. True, at the moment you do feel like you're just a grain of sand in a vast universe, but is that really so bad?
You're feeling especially healthy, energetic, and attractive today, Virgo, and some friends may suddenly see you in a new light. This could bring a valuable boost in self-confidence. New careers that pay more and offer more of a challenge are especially appealing to you now. Consider them seriously. Write down your ideas and research them to see if they're workable. This may be the start of a whole new life.
Your romantic side is flying high today, Virgo. The opposite sex in general and your own partner in particular are going to seem especially attractive to you. You could also see in an entirely different light someone you think of as a friend. An increasingly busy social life in the future is possible, so expect to hear rumblings about parties or other social events.
Today should be a gratifying day, Virgo, full of great news, pleasant surprises, and opening doors of opportunity on just about every level. Career breaks and chances to earn more money could come your way. New friends may be introduced to you, and future opportunities for education and travel also may arise. Whatever actually manifests out of all this is up to you. You might find decisions difficult.
Your mood should be quite good today, Virgo. Generally, you'll find that people will react to your tendency to take the lead. Keep in mind that this also indicates that they'll probably be more likely to fight back. You may have the tendency to lean toward the bizarre and unconventional. The route to take today is the one that fosters diversity and revolutionary thinking. Be a pioneer in every situation.
Virgo, don't be surprised if some of your fantasies and dreams are put on trial today by a harsh force that cuts right to the truth of the matter. People are apt to be extra passionate about things. Most aren't going to be impressed with Disney-esque plans. You can try your normal approach of simply ramming ahead with your plans, but a better approach might be to be more strategic.
Events involving the arts or spiritual studies could take place today. You might be put in contact with new people who share your interests. Love and romance could take on a fairytale aura, Virgo. You might view current and potential love partners through rose-colored glasses, seeing only their endearing traits. This is fine, and you should enjoy it as long as you don't get caught up in unrealistic expectations. They're human just like everyone else.
It's time for you to come out of hibernation, Virgo. Shake off the blues and come into the light. Today is a day to play and have fun. You'll find that the mood of the day is lighthearted and jovial, so be the first with a joke or silly story. Do what you can to make others laugh. Let the fire within you burn at its brightest.
Today you need to finish whatever you didn't get done yesterday, Virgo. Themes of the journey include discipline and paying attention to the sand slipping through the hourglass. The more you're able to accomplish, the better you'll feel about yourself. Stagnant energy in your life signals that it's time to get things moving. Don't waste another moment waiting for someone else to find the solution for you. Take the initiative.
It's important for you to get outside and feel the wind blowing, Virgo. Reconnect with nature and be aware of the four elements. Take deep breaths and fill your lungs with this energizing life force. Imagine yourself on a mountaintop looking over a vast ocean below. Expand your awareness so that nothing escapes your attention. Keep your head clear of clutter and be open to new adventures.
Someone has turned on the fan and papers are flying everywhere, Virgo. The pace of things is picking up and you're scrambling to pick up the pieces. Stay in close communication with others today. This will be your saving grace. You may require others' help to fetch the stack of important documents that has blown across the room. Keep a close eye on things so you don't lose your place in the game.
Today is your day to dream and dream big, Virgo. Think about what it is that you want most out of life. Aim your arrow to the stars and pull back your bow as far as possible. There's no limit to how far you can go. Your only limitation is your imagination. Don't worry if your plan doesn't seem to make any rational sense. Worry more about what you want and less about how you're going to get it.
It may seem like neither side of the bed is the right side to wake up on, Virgo. The only solution you might be able to come up with today is to go back to bed. Focus on your heart because it's trying to tell you that it needs some attention. Emotions may be running quite high, so be extra careful of how you treat yourself and others.
There is an extra blast of wind to fill your sails today, Virgo, so make sure you've got both hands on the steering wheel. Whichever way your rudder is pointed is the direction you'll go. Once you get on your course, it will be difficult for you to readjust your position, so make sure that your compass is properly set. Continue on with your journey full speed ahead.
The name of the game for you today is action, Virgo. The air seems to get clearer, and it feels as if a weight has been lifted off you. You might notice a sudden burst of physical energy urging you to get out and go for a long bike ride. Feel the wind blowing through your hair. Or release your pent-up emotions on the soccer field in a fast-paced game with your friends, if possible.

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