Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

Unguarded words on the part of a younger person might lead to upset. If the words are directed at you, don't take them seriously. The person doesn't know any better. If the words are directed at someone else, don't be tempted to lash out at the person who said them. Correct him or her gently. Either way, keep it to yourself and then forget it. It isn't worth the stress.
There is some likelihood that the mood at home is fraught with tension, Aquarius. Did you dare to express some contrary intellectual opinion? In any case, it looks like your self-confidence is stronger than usual right now. Go ahead and express any complaints or opinions you may have been keeping to yourself. But try and do it gently, especially where your family is concerned.
Put your foot down today, Aquarius. Don't let others push you around. It could be that you're used to letting people have their way in order to keep the peace. The problem with this is that your dreams and goals may get lost in the shuffle. Don't lose sight of your true destination. There's much more to life than you might see on the surface. Dig deeper.
Get things taken care of in the morning so you can be carefree and laid back in the evening. It's important for you to square things away in your head so you can communicate important information to others later. Feel free to take an unconventional approach. It's important to march to the beat of your own drum and not anyone else's.
When the day is done, you will look back on it as an unusual one, Aquarius. Wild ideas sprouted in your head like mushrooms. You may have imagined leaving immediately for a trip around the world, or drawn up plans for a housekeeping invention, or visualized an entirely new opening in the online world. Don't dismiss these ideas as unrealistic. They are not.
You aren't the only one who can solve your problems, Aquarius. Trust that there are others who are capable of understanding. Those who want to help you are motivated only by love, with no ulterior motives. It's in your nature to be skeptical, but these people do exist. And guess what? You could communicate with one of them today!
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you, Aquarius. The problem with the energy today is that there may be some sticks and stones tossed in your direction. Be on the lookout for such objects. There are powerful forces operating that are charged with emotional aggression. War may break out if you aren't careful. Try to maintain the peace.
Your imagination might conjure stories or pictures that you want to memorialize through writing or painting, but a lack of self-confidence might discourage you. However, it's probably a good idea to do it anyway. These ideas come from deep inside you. Giving them shape could represent a release from old traumas. Keep your work hidden in a drawer if you don't like it.
You're going to be a valuable asset to others today because of your rational mind and ability to think things through clearly. The stubborn forces around you aren't going to bend, but you have the unique ability to do so. Do your best to avoid fights, even though it will be tempting for you and others to want to let off some steam.
Are you tired, Aquarius? It's no wonder. You're so eager to be useful that you've run yourself ragged over the past few weeks. As you may have noticed, the world is so apathetic now that every movement requires enormous effort on your part. Why not settle down and rest today? That would be the wisest and most reasonable thing to do. You will still be needed tomorrow.
The latest equipment might suddenly be available to you. It's likely to make life easier and more interesting. It could also open doors to make new friends and find new opportunities. Increased income is also a possibility. You could stumble on some surprising information, Aquarius, and this could set your mind going in a new direction. Today promises a lot of stimulation.
It seems that the new planetary lineup has just opened up some doors that had previously been shut. You revel in the confidence that people have in you. It isn't that your abilities have changed, just your attitude! People trust you because you exhibit more self-confidence. It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it? Hold on to it at all costs.
You can never be anyone other than who you are, Aquarius! That's the way it is, and you can't change it. Other members of your family may have dreamed of getting free of a duty or a moral lesson, but these dreams don't apply to you. Your dreams of being someone else are like phantoms that have come back to haunt you. Simply brush them away!
You may have had some emotional disappointments lately, but today will restore your faith in love. All you need to do is act. Your amazing lucidity and realism keep you from hoping for the impossible. You'd rather go to work to attain your goals than dilly-dally with illusions. Indeed, you're more likely to get results from yourself than from other people.
You may be feeling emotionally good, Aquarius, but unfortunately the people around you don't seem to share this feeling. Your first instinct may be to sacrifice yourself in order to make the path easier for the next guy. Remember that other people need to learn how to do things on their own. If someone is in a bad mood, let them be in a bad mood. You may be better off spending the day alone.
If you're feeling irritable and wrung out today, Aquarius, it may be a result of putting far too much pressure on yourself. It might be wise to take a look at the expectations you have of yourself. Consider if you would you place the same demands on those closest to you. If the answer is no, it's time to revamp your life to suit the one you're closest to - you.
Be tactful when speaking today, Aquarius. With this day's energy, it's important that you take the time to think about how your words affect the person you're talking to. It can be easier than usual to say the wrong thing, especially if you're in the position of telling someone something you think might not go over too well. Avoid comments that suggest criticism of the person rather than the deed.
Today you might feel inspired to help others less fortunate, Aquarius. The opportunity to do some volunteer work could come your way, perhaps for a church, charity, or other humanitarian organization. Or you could throw yourself into an artistic discipline. Either way, you're likely to enjoy yourself immensely and meet some interesting people in the process. Fundraising could be involved in some way.
Your intuition should be very high right now, Aquarius, as is your power of manifestation. Today you need to try to curb your thoughts and only think beautiful things, because you might find that whatever you think about seems to manifest! Some powerful dreams and visions can open up new lines of intellectual exploration for you that can have a potent effect on your immediate future. Go to it.
As a Aquarius, you have an innate gift for healing and calming other people in crisis situations. If this isn't what you do for a living, you should think about doing something with this natural talent. The positions of the planets today may be telling you to think about this in more concrete terms. If you're interested in herbal therapy, for example, this could be the perfect time to learn more.
Have fun with loved ones, Aquarius. Put your worries aside. Don't think of the possible negative consequences of having a good time. Focus on the fun and excitement of the moment. You have the ability to create fantastically strong bonds between you and your romantic partner. Love is in your favor, so act with confidence. There is no reason to feel bad or insecure in any way. Hold your head high.
Today you may be feeling a little surer of yourself than usual. You can be fairly shy and reserved. Today you should try and make people a little more aware of you, to take you seriously. It's time that people respected you more, especially the people around you. Try to think of yourself before you think of other people. You're worth it!
Obviously, you have an important role to play, Aquarius. The mood today may be somewhat frustrating, but the way you handle it will earn you rewards and recognition in your workplace or at school. Your strength, self-control, and stability made the difference between success and failure. You can and should be proud of yourself.
For the past several days, Aquarius, you've been fairly lucky in financial and material terms. But the day ahead will be an exception. If you're planning to make an investment, sign a contract, or purchase a major item, postpone it until another day. You may as well resign yourself to this fate and be grateful that you were spared the chance to make a mistake!
This day isn't likely to be the highlight of your week, Aquarius. You may be aware of constraints at work or home. You're quite likely to hanker for an appropriate reward for your labor. Any type of recognition would be nice at this point. This is a good day to define new personal and professional goals. They'll sustain you through your unending chores.
You may have been feeling more emotional lately, Aquarius. Today a fanciful energy could sweep you off your feet and into another realm entirely. Feel free to take off for at least a little while in order to gain a better perspective on the issues at hand. Strong, forceful powers are urging you to let someone else take the reins on a particular project.
You have a creative and artistic nature that you might want to put to good use today, Aquarius. You could have some good ideas for home improvements. Perhaps you need some bookcases to help you get organized, or maybe you want a complete redecoration. Whatever you do, Aquarius, it's bound to look beautiful. When it comes to artistic endeavors, you definitely have the touch.
Today, Aquarius, you can expect to be somewhat more enterprising in your relationships. You may find new friends or enjoy spending quality time with some old ones, if possible. Perhaps you will look forward to an intensification of your love life. With today's planetary configuration, you will surely find excellent resources for improving your emotional well-being.
You're entering a period of doubt, especially about your love life. You like your relationships and feelings to be clear. You may think a lot about your relationships over the next few days. Are you sure you've chosen the right person? Are his or her feelings sincere? Could you live without this person? The next two months will bring you the answers. Don't forget, no one is perfect.
Electrical or plumbing problems with your house might come up. Call a professional, Aquarius. Don't try to fix it yourself, because you could make it worse. Friends might want to visit but tell them to wait until another day. Discussions could quickly deteriorate into arguments today. This is a great day to work quietly alone on whatever interests you the most.

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