Aquarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Jan 20th - Feb 19th

Those born under the Aquarian are honest, artistic and loyal in their nature which makes them wonderful friends and family members. However stubborn and defensiveness are characterises attributed to Aquarians.

2024-10-18, Friday
You've had a strong propensity for war lately, Aquarius. Your drive toward getting things done has rallied and you're anxious to make progress. The problem is that you might have to hold back a bit today, since there is a great force at work encouraging to you to take a break from your current trajectory. Slow down and make a plan instead of just plowing blindly ahead toward the unknown.
You might want to escape the frenzy of the day by going shopping, Aquarius. Align yourself with partners and allies who share your views. Try to keep the disagreements to a minimum. There is enough tension and war raging in the world around you today that you don't need to add to the negative force by contributing disputes and ailments to the situation.
Answers may not be crystal clear today, Aquarius. They probably won't be laid out in a neat and organized manner. Get out in the open air and join friends for a long bike ride. Fly a kite or feel the wind blow through your hair on top of a mountain peak. The answer is flowing through the air around you. Stop looking down at the ground for the information you seek.
Don't be surprised if the old-fashioned, practical solution doesn't make the grade today, Aquarius. Probably the new devices and special electronic shortcuts will be the most impressive thing going. This is the classic case of the new, improved version replacing the old, slow one. You need to upgrade your system sooner or later, so you might as well do it now.
A friend could tell you about an exciting new person for whom you feel a very powerful physical attraction when you see their picture, Aquarius. Your first conversation could prove exciting but stay calm and remain objective. If your feelings are too obvious, he or she could well lose interest before anything has time to develop! Just be yourself, enjoy the discussion, and have fun. That's all you need do at this point.
There is some likelihood that the mood at home is fraught with tension. Did you have some intellectual disagreement? In any case, it looks as though your self-confidence is stronger than ever right now. Go ahead and express any complaints or opinions you may have been keeping to yourself, Aquarius. But try and do it gently, especially where family is concerned.
Career and financial success might have paved the way for you to fulfill some of your fondest dreams, Aquarius. Perhaps you've wanted to return to college and get an advanced degree, explore new cultures or try writing and publishing. Whatever it is, your schedule should be freer and more flexible than ever, so this is the time to go for it. Start planning today!
A book or movie about a foreign country could capture your imagination and make that country seem especially appealing, Aquarius. You might toy with the idea of taking a trip there in the future. If you're serious, it might be a good idea to start making your tentative plans. You're in a particularly practical frame of mind and have the enthusiasm to do it. Have fun browsing through travel brochures and maps.
A lot of paperwork might need attention today, Aquarius. You might throw a lot of your focus and energy into getting it all done. Stimulating conversations with colleagues could keep your mind occupied so you avoid boredom. You could take a walk at the end of the day since you're apt to encounter so much new information that you will want to clear your head in order to absorb it all.
Are things getting a little bit crazy, Aquarius? Too many tasks and too many people vying for your attention could have your nerves stretched as taut as violin strings. Try to get outside for a while. Treat yourself to a nice takeout lunch or do a little online shopping. Take a good long nap. Whatever seems so urgent isn't worth sacrificing your peace of mind. Try to stay focused!
You may feel like you desperately need something, Aquarius, yet you're unsure as to what it is exactly. Someone close to you may be trying to fit the missing puzzle piece into place, but this may be next to impossible if it's unclear which piece is actually missing. This difficult situation may lead to frustration if you aren't careful. Feel free to admit that you feel powerless. Don't be ashamed to say so.
You're likely now on the brink of completing a major move of some sort. Your first reaction may be to sit in solitary deliberation as you wrestle with the pros and cons of each piece of the situation. Try not to overload your head with too many details. Look at the overall picture. Perhaps you will find the answer you seek on a walk. During that time, you can clear your head of unnecessary clutter.
This is a fantastic time for you for love and romance, Aquarius, even if there's a bit of coolness between you and the person you care about. It's possible that there needs to be an element of distance now for you to really appreciate the good thing you have. If you aren't involved with someone now, you should find that you're in a good position to make a move toward someone you feel strongly about.
Be aware that love is likely to wear some sort of disguise today, Aquarius. There's something fanciful about the way in which this new romance will manifest, so get ready. Don't think that love always has to be planned and calculated. There is a strong sense of spontaneity associated with the delicious love interest of the day. Don't dismiss those who don't seem practical or levelheaded enough for you.
An unexpected package could arrive, possibly shipped from far away. The circumstances could be rather strange. Friends or relatives that you might not expect could suddenly call or text, and you could an hour or more catching up. This can be very gratifying, Aquarius, but don't wear yourself out. You’ll have a good time no matter what you talk about.
Get on the fast track and use your powerful words and creative mind to make quick decisions that are mindful yet spontaneous. If you get in a pinch today, Aquarius, don't worry about it. Simply relax, take a deep breath, and let your intuition guide you to the right path. Instead of wasting your energy thrashing helplessly in the water, call for help.
Don't get so stuck in your ways today that you insist on having the one true answer without really considering the options. You must be aware of a lot before you commit yourself one way or another. The people around you are apt to get annoyed with your narrow-mindedness, for this is how you will be viewed unless you stop and take a considered look at the whole picture.
Add spark to your life today, Aquarius. It could be that things are getting stale and boring. If so, consider the possibility that you simply aren't challenging yourself enough. Remember that you're responsible for lighting your own fire. You have the perfect opportunity to get something started today, so go for it. Feel free to get other people to help.

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